Vegetovascular paroxysms. Vegetative paroxysms (crises)

They tortured you, ruined your life, you can’t work, you can’t communicate with friends, your thoughts are about one thing: now there will be an attack again. Fear has paralyzed your mind...

Common situation. My relative, a young and successful man, always busy with business, suffered from panic attacks.

At first, the attacks were rare, lasting only a few seconds, my breath was taken away, my heart was pounding wildly, I was seized by wild panic and fear, my body was trembling from tension.

Several years later, the attacks were repeated several times every day, even at night while sleeping. They lasted 1-2 minutes and caught people by surprise both on the street and in the office. Complicated by short-term memory loss and whole body convulsions. As a relative put it, he was “stuck.”

I once witnessed such an attack.

I must say, the spectacle was not for the faint of heart.

A comprehensive medical examination was carried out, which did not reveal organic lesions, confirmed the diagnosis – vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

That's all today more people on the planet suffers from such symptoms. Doctors say that this is not fatal, thus the body is rebooted, since due to the accelerated rhythm of life and mental overload, it cannot do this naturally.

I quote here one of my letters to a relative whom I tried very hard to help.

give him credit for being able to overcome his illness on his own.

Help yourself if you have attacks of VSD every day! Believe me - it's possible!

"Hello my dear! Now you realize that you are completely healthy. This was confirmed by the results of the survey. Your panic attacks are a reaction from your sympathetic nervous system on your lifestyle and way of thinking.

By nature you are choleric, and hence the predominance of the functions of the sympathetic nervous system over the function of the parasympathetic.

The doctor told you that you shouldn’t put too much stress on yourself and that you need to relax more often to relax your muscles and free your brain from thoughts for a while.

I hope you understand that no one can help you but yourself?!

Uthere are two ways to get rid of youof your attacks:

  1. Change your thinking, and as a result, your behavior, your usual way of life.
  2. Choose a good psychotherapist, communicate with him periodically, and follow his recommendations.

You are great for being ready to work on yourself. However, to completely restore mental and physical health It’s very difficult to do it on your own without the help of doctors.

Only you yourself can understand what once provoked the onset of your attacks: chance, emotions, someone’s actions, etc. Once you understand this, it will be easier to get rid of panic attacks. Their reason is somewhere deep in your subconscious, you didn’t want to admit it or discuss it, but it is there.

To discover the cause of the attacks and support your body, tired of passions, you need spiritual work to release stress and fears, forgive bad people or situations, changing your mindset to a positive one.

I offer you personal recovery system. This doesn't mean I'm forcing it on you. This is my vision of your way out of this situation. And you read, choose the points that are acceptable to you, highlight them in bold or in a different color and often, very often, re-read them, think about it and act.

The personal recovery system offered to you consists of three, inseparable, interconnected parts, which must be developed simultaneously, patiently, with love and hope. This is the trinity of spiritual work, awareness of faith in our creator (the Almighty, God, Supreme Intelligence, Universe, as you like) and restoration of physical health

Such systems approach to the problem attacks of VSD every day, will allow you to cope with your illness.

(You will find more information about the personal recovery system in the article “”).

The help of a psychotherapist, in my opinion, is also needed. The psychotherapist will help you find the problem that caused the onset of the attacks and prescribe medications, for example, sedatives.

Your panic attacks, which lead to spasms of muscles, blood vessels and breathing, firstly, have been going on for a long time, several years. Secondly, they get worse with age, when all processes in the body slow down, plus bad habits: smoking, lack of sleep, haste, anxiety about not being in time, about letting someone down, etc.

The first path is very difficult and requires long period constant internal work above oneself. Of course, you are trying, but, as you can see, it is not enough yet.

The second way is to see a psychotherapist; you don’t accept it.

Why are you trying to be kind to everyone?

You are kind to everyone, but to your own detriment. When a person thinks only about others, he forgets about himself. And you care for everyone: loved ones, distant ones, for the whole country, the whole world. And the body screams to you: “Remember me!” Don't be too good for everyone and forget about yourself! God creates man so that everyone improves himself throughout his life, and does not strive to change someone.

A particle cannot change the whole.

You are a particle of nature, of the Universe, where certain laws apply. But a particle cannot change the whole! She can and should, having learned general patterns, extract something useful for yourself.

Don’t strain yourself, don’t rush, don’t beat yourself up – everything has its time. Do not criticize yourself or others, but calmly take a closer look at what you can learn for your own good from the actions or mistakes of your own and others.

You need to learn to accept any person as he is, with his shortcomings and thoughts that differ from your thoughts. In order to calmly accept each interlocutor, you must mentally forgive him for the fact that he is not the same as you would like him to be.

Forgive everyone, love yourself the way you areOuchyou are!

And you are smart, kind (your family characterizes you as kind and caring). You are decent, reliable, energetic, proactive, and constantly improve yourself.

Accept yourself as such and praise yourself even for small successes, and leave other people alone. Don't prove anything to them and don't criticize them. You can't change them!

You are unique, and they are also unique, and cannot think and act like you, because the Almighty created them differently, not similar to each other. Everyone has their own path in this world and their own life lessons.

Forgive your parents!

You need to forgive your parents, and then you will be able to forgive yourself for mistakes (they are also life lessons) and you will look at others calmly, without being indignant at their stupidity or misunderstanding, and you will not be “wedged.”

Parents make a lot of mistakes in their lives, they hurt their children, and this “hurt” lives in the depths of the soul of a grown child.

Mothers can be forgiven for being too frightened by their children’s illnesses and fostering fear in the child’s soul, which haunts a person into adulthood.

If you can forgive your parents, it will be easier to forgive yourself and others.

Learn to look fear in the eyes!

If you’re scared, think about what will happen if your fears come true.

Are you afraid of another attack? Imagine that it has arrived. And what?! As it comes, it will go away, because you won’t die from it. But your mental anticipation of an attack will definitely cause it. As soon as you feel the warning signs of a panic attack, relax, sit down so as not to fall, and wait.

Are you afraid that your attack will surprise someone? "Do not mind it"! It's their problem, not yours. What will they think of you? Let them think what they want. This will not humiliate you in their eyes if they are adequate people.

If you’re late somewhere, it’s no big deal, you’ll apologize, so don’t strain yourself and run headlong. This is harmful to your health. I forgot to do something, sorry! (you have the right to make mistakes). There are a lot of things to do, you’re afraid you won’t have time: relax and choose the highest priority things. Transfer the rest to another time and place. And calmly begin to act.

Most great fear for a person - fear of death. Here everything is in the power of the Almighty and oneself.

You need to pray every day and in difficult situations, pray soulfully and with faith (but without fanaticism). When a person relaxes during prayer and trusts in God, his energy
communicates with the energy of the Universe - God's energy, and comes to understand one's illness or situation.

In a relaxed state, you hear a thought sent from above. And you begin to act according to the received signal (intuition). And when you are constantly tense from stress, fear or haste, God cannot help, since the energy of your cells is squeezed and cannot freely flow and be enriched by the energy of the Universe.

Illness is given to us to understand our spiritual change. The body cannot speak. It speaks in pain or attacks.

Learn to let go of the attack, pain, fear!

We must learn to let go of any pain or attack or fear with gratitude, because pain or attack teaches us to move to another level of spiritual development. And until we learn the lesson, God will provide us with the same lessons - pain, mistakes, attacks until we think about it, What must change on a spiritual level.

In my opinion, your panic attacks will go away if you can change your negative thinking to positive. You will stop evaluating and criticizing the actions and statements of others. Take care of yourself: think about yourself, always praise yourself for your successes, forgive yourself for mistakes and mistakes, have personal space, make time for yourself every day (15-20 minutes) for solitude and relaxation, get enough rest and sleep, don’t rush to do everything and Now, don’t rush to everyone’s aid at breakneck speed.

Try to look inside yourself, try to understand what caused the attacks, what events, emotions or conversations.

And at the same time, talk to a good psychotherapist, because to a stranger You can post everything you think about your surroundings and your fears. By speaking out, you relieve the tension that sits in you and leads to spasms.

Learn to love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses!

Life and God will give you everything you dream of. Remember that your family loves you for who you are.

Live slowly, thank God for what you have, and you will get what you want only when you are ready to accept it. These are the laws of the Universe, the Lord God.

I wish you the best of luck in developing a positive mindset and recovery! With love N.S.”

So, my relative had his first attack when his one-year-old daughter fell and was injured. His fear for the child was genetic on a subconscious level, and then in the process of upbringing it was reinforced by a very anxious mother.

One day, his panic attacks suddenly disappeared forever. This was the result of his spiritual work for six months.

Remember that your attacks are a reboot of the body, if this is confirmed by the results medical examination, this is a hint from above - something is wrong with you on a spiritual level.

Read, think, act, intentionally wait for attacks! You will definitely be able to free yourself from them!

— Vladimir Levi “Taming Fears”;

John Kehoe “The subconscious can do anything!”;

Napoleon Hill "Keys to positive thinking. 10 steps to health, wealth and success";

Kate Mason "Thoughts that heal and thoughts that cripple."

Attacks of VSD every day– not a sentence, but a signal for self-improvement!

Good luck to everyone in overcoming the attacks!

Autonomic disorders are observed in 80% of people; in a third, the symptoms of VSD manifest themselves so strongly that they need the help of a neurologist.

In youth, in adolescence, the first attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia may appear, but serious violations make themselves felt after 25 years.

The disease occurs 3 times more often in women than in men, which is due to differences in emotional perception. No one is immune from the disease, so you need to know what attacks of VSD are characterized by, how to get rid of them, and even better, prevent them.

Doctors define VSD as functional disease resulting from a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Like most diseases, dystonia can occur almost unnoticed, from time to time giving out acute crises. Often vegetative paroxysm or attack is detected in young people.

For the first time, the disease can make itself known to a teenager with an episodic deterioration of the condition, and then return after 18 years. At risk are people who abuse alcohol, who experience stress for a long time, as well as patients during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, after traumatic brain injury.

Types of crises

With VSD, attacks appear suddenly and end suddenly. This course of crisis is called paroxysmal. Symptoms will depend on the predominance of one of the parts of the nervous system; taking this into account, a vegetative-vascular crisis of the sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular, and mixed types is distinguished.

A sympathoadrenal attack of VSD indicates that the imbalance in the functioning of the nervous system has shifted to the side sympathetic division, vagoinsular occurs when the parasympathetic department is activated and predominates. A mixed crisis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by signs of activity of both parts of the nervous system - parasympathetic and sympathetic.

In addition to the above classification, vegetative crises differentiated by severity. Taking into account how long the attack lasts, there are 3 degrees of severity - severe, moderate and mild.

An attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by the shortest duration mild degree, it ends in about 15 minutes, and the symptoms are mild. After the end of the attack, the patient’s condition practically does not differ from normal.

A moderately severe attack of VSD lasts about an hour, the symptoms are clearly expressed. After the end of the crisis, the patient’s well-being can be restored to normal in about a day; during this period, echoes of the disease, weakness and fatigue are felt. The most unfavorable crisis in VSD is severe, in which paroxysms last longer than an hour, and for restoration normal condition it takes a few days.

Manifestations of VSD attacks

Crises are provoked after overwork of a physical or psycho-emotional nature, poisoning or a disruption in the usual course of life. A crisis or attack is a panic attack - a condition in which the symptoms of VSD are most pronounced and last from 15 minutes to an hour or longer.

If we consider the chemical nature of crises, they are caused by excessive accumulation of active biological substances (concentrations of steroids, adrenaline, acetylcholine have been detected in the body). Taking into account which substance is in excess at the moment, the manifestation of the crisis and the prescribed treatment depend. According to the flow, the following attacks are distinguished:

  • sympathetic-adrenaline is characterized by restlessness, agitation, a sudden feeling of anxiety, turning into strong fear. The patient feels strange and discomfort in the head and heart, the pulse quickens, the pressure rises. The extremities may become cold, and the person may feel chills, regardless of the temperature in the room;
  • hyperventilation is manifested by a lack of air, as a result of which the respiratory rate increases, against the background of this tachycardia appears, increases arterial pressure, lower legs, feet and hands become tense;
  • vagoinsular begins to manifest itself as weakness throughout the body, dizziness, nausea and lack of air. The patient's heart rate slows down, blood pressure drops, heavy sweat. If you endure a crisis lying down, the symptoms are less pronounced. Sometimes there is a urge to vomit;
  • vegetative-vestibular is characterized by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. The pressure may fluctuate. Such a crisis often begins after a sharp change in body position or turn of the head.

In a mild degree of manifestation, the crisis lasts 10-60 minutes, crises moderate severity last up to 4 hours, and severe ones - from 6 hours to a couple of days. Regardless of the severity, you need to know how to deal with this condition and undergo treatment on time.

It is not possible to independently identify a panic attack when experiencing an attack for the first time. It is necessary to call emergency help so that doctors can assess the condition and rule out severe damage to the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to correctly prescribe treatment for VSD and recommend measures to help against attacks, the doctor must make sure that this is really vegetative dystonia. This is difficult because exact symptoms and there are no criteria to determine the condition as a disease.

Doctors use a method to exclude pathologies with similar symptoms - ischemia, intestinal and stomach diseases, hypertension. Diagnostics involves tests, examination, ECG, ultrasound EEG, and, if necessary, CT and MRI.

Despite the fact that a crisis with VSD resembles a heart attack, stroke or seizure hypertension, hospital treatment and emergency help not required here. The main thing a person needs is peace. To help your nervous system, you can take Valocardine, Corvalol. You need to go to bed and, if desired, fall asleep. The doctor must first rule out the presence of serious pathologies.

During a crisis, the patient himself must understand what he is struggling with and how best to do it. It is important to be calm about the presence of VSD and be prepared that from time to time dystonia may manifest itself in this way.

Fear will be unnecessary; it will only intensify the manifestations of dystonia. Therefore, you need to stop panicking and do everything possible to normalize the state of the nervous system - open the window and breathe, take a horizontal position and raise your legs above your head, cover your arms and legs so as not to freeze.

If the techniques listed above do not bring relief to the condition, you need to place your legs in a pelvis with warm water and take a medicine that calms the nervous system. If the condition is too severe, then you can stop the panic attack with a tranquilizer prescribed by the doctor (diazepam, alprazolam and analogues). Drugs of this type are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription, and should not be abused - the doctor will explain how to use them correctly to alleviate your condition and not harm the body.

Measures that can be taken to relieve attacks of VSD are listed above. You also need to know what measures will not help, or more precisely, what not to do with dystonia:

  • mentally die with each attack - this will make the nervous system even more tense with fear;
  • engage in risky sports that cause an influx of adrenaline;
  • refuse food (starvation diets);
  • drink alcohol and smoke;
  • drink coffee and drinks that invigorate the nervous system;
  • sitting indoors without walking in the fresh air;
  • sitting for a long time in front of a computer monitor - its flickering negatively affects the nervous system.

Nutrition in patients with VSD should be balanced. If you are missing any items, you can purchase pharmacy complex and replenish their supply in the body. Need to get into a daily routine physical activity– sign up for yoga, swimming or running, or other sports. Physical therapy can also strengthen the nervous system.

The most common procedure is electrophoresis with mesatone, magnesium, aminophylline (the medicine is selected depending on the VSD type). The doctor may prescribe a tincture of motherwort or valerian. If you have headaches, take piracetam.

When a patient exhibits apathy and depressed mood, antidepressants are prescribed. Drugs that normalize the level of seratonin in the blood have shown themselves to be effective. For example, escitalopram is not addictive, can be taken for a long time, and is prescribed by a doctor.

You need to start the course with small doses, gradually coming to the one recommended by the doctor. Treatment with antidepressants should also be stopped gradually so as not to cause withdrawal symptoms. At the same time, the doctor may prescribe vitamins for the nervous system and pills to normalize sleep.

A mandatory recommendation is to alternate between work and rest, quit smoking and bring your lifestyle closer to a healthy one. You need to avoid negative emotions, stress and irritation, learn to manage anger and find positivity in any situation.


Prevention of crises will include a healthy lifestyle, frequent walks in the fresh air, normalization of mood, and a balanced diet.

You need to understand that autonomic dystonia is not specific diseases, it only reflects a malfunction in the nervous system.

This means that you need to take all measures to regulate the functioning of your body and no longer experience discomfort from attacks of VSD and other diseases.

Perhaps vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the most mysterious syndromes that trouble the human body. Especially if a person has an attack. Most doctors do not consider VSD a serious disease; it is considered rather a complex of symptoms of heart disease. vascular system that disrupt the functions of the autonomic nervous system. That is, in fact, this is a violation of the normal, full-fledged activity of our vegetative-nervous system, which in turn can lead to very serious consequences.

The fact is that the autonomic nervous system performs two functions in our body essential functions:

  • it maintains the constancy of body temperature, blood pressure, respiratory rate, metabolic rate and others important indicators internal environment body.
  • thanks to it, the body systems are mobilized in a timely manner, which adapt and adapt the body to constantly changing environmental conditions.

So, breaking normal work VNS, vegetative-vascular dystonia can literally destroy a person’s life, significantly reduce the quality of his life, even make him incapacitated, since attacks of VSD have an extremely negative impact on performance.

Autonomic disorders are considered one of the most common disorders in the body. It is believed that 80% of the population has some rudiments of the disease, but in only a third, the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are so serious that treatment by a neurologist is necessary. Vegetative-vascular dystonia can begin to manifest itself in childhood or adolescence, But pronounced violations become visible only at 20-40 years of age. It is noteworthy that VSD occurs approximately three times more often in women than in men.

Reasons for appearance

Speaking more in simple language, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a violation of vascular tone. In a healthy body, blood vessels expand and contract without problems, depending on what a person needs - to run or go to bed, concentrate on something or relax. The tone of these vessels is controlled by two parts of the autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic, which commands the vessels to constrict, and the parasympathetic, which dilates the vessels. Accordingly, the whole point of VSD is that the vessels are not able to do their job and respond normally to the body’s loads. As an example, a person bends down to pick up a fallen thing, and his vision begins to darken.

Two regulatory mechanisms can regulate the tone:

  • Neurogenic. It consists of influencing vascular tone using impulses from the autonomic nervous system. We cannot control the ANS; it works independently of our consciousness. For example, if we suddenly plunge into cold water, the capillaries will automatically narrow to block the flow of blood and avoid frostbite.
  • Humoral. Its essence is the injection into the blood of certain chemical substances, which can influence vascular tone. For example, during stress, adrenaline is produced from the adrenal glands, as a result of this release, the blood vessels are compressed, and blood pressure rises.

What can cause symptoms of VSD? The main factors include:

  1. genetic and hereditary predisposition, birth injuries
  2. hormonal changes in the body, for example, during puberty in adolescents
  3. diseases thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads
  4. everyday stress and emotional tension
  5. brain damage, trauma, strokes, tumors.
  6. spinal injuries

It is often difficult to establish the exact cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia: as a rule, there are several causes, they are all interrelated with each other, and thanks to them symptoms appear.

How to recognize dystonia, symptoms

Most often, the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are similar to the manifestation of several diseases at once. The manifestations of this complex syndrome are often varied and may be mistakenly considered symptoms of other diseases. The most terrible manifestation for a person is an attack (or crisis). Quite often, doctors diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia, when at first glance it is no longer visible serious problems in the functioning of the body. This is a very bad practice, since there is a high chance of overlooking a more serious disease. So it is extremely unprofessional for health workers to do this.

Indeed, vegetative-vascular dystonia turns out to be a very “convenient” diagnosis when the doctor is unclear or does not want to deal with what is happening to the patient. So behind the symptoms of VSD there can be very serious things hidden: hypertension, tumors, multiple sclerosis, even cancer! Therefore, based on symptoms alone, even if there is an attack, it is impossible to judge that you have vegetative-vascular dystonia; it is necessary to do a comprehensive examination.

Symptoms of VSD:

  • fluctuations in blood pressure, which include hypertension and hypotension, tachycardia, painful sensations on the left side of the chest
  • feeling of lack of air, sudden shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, forced breathing
  • nausea, heartburn, belching, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea
  • chills, increased sweating
  • non-systemic dizziness, fainting and presyncope, darkening of the eyes
  • frequent urination, discomfort in the genital area - for example, itching and pain
  • emotional disorders: fast fatiguability, causeless anxiety, panic attacks, systemic anxiety, increased irritability, decreased performance, sudden mood swings, tearfulness, sleep and appetite disorders, various fears and phobias

You should contact a neurologist if the above symptoms affect your life, forcing you to give up your usual lifestyle, if there are too many unpleasant sensations, if panic attacks, fainting, or seizures occur.

Crises of vegetative-vascular dystonia

A crisis with vegetative-vascular dysfunction can occur as a result of emotional and physical overload, disruption of the usual rhythm of life, or poisoning. In principle, a crisis and an attack are the same thing. Essentially, these are panic attacks, which are the most striking manifestations of all symptoms. The basis of crises is excessive concentration biologically active substances in the body - for example, adrenaline, steroid hormones, acetylcholine. Depending on which active substance is overrepresented, as well as on individual characteristics the human body depends on the manifestation of the crisis. VSD attacks are different.

  • Sympathetic-adrenaline crisis. There is anxiety, incomprehensible excitement, a sudden feeling of anxiety that turns into fear, as well as unpleasant sensations in the heart and head, rapid pulse, high blood pressure. You may experience chills and cold extremities.
  • Vagoinsular crisis. Such an attack begins with general weakness. Then dizziness comes, nausea begins, lack of air. The pulse becomes slower, blood pressure decreases, and the person begins to sweat profusely. The condition gets better with horizontal position bodies. Sometimes the attack is accompanied by vomiting.
  • Hyperventilation crisis. Feeling of lack of air. The breathing rate increases, tachycardia occurs, blood pressure rises, and the muscles of the forearms, feet, legs, and hands tense up during VSD.
  • Vegetative-vestibular crisis. Dizziness, nausea and vomiting suddenly occur. At the peak of an attack, there may be significant fluctuations in blood pressure. This attack most often occurs when sharp turn head or when changing body position.

A vegetative-vascular crisis lasts in mild cases from 5-10 minutes to an hour, in moderate cases - 2-4 hours, in severe cases up to 6-8 hours, but sometimes an attack can take several days. In any case, you should immediately try to relieve all symptoms.

How to cope with an attack

The first rule is to try to be calm about your condition and adequately perceive each crisis of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Because fear will only make the attack worse. You need to open the window and breathe fresh air– this should calm the body. Then you need to lie down with your legs thrown up - this will provide blood access to the brain. Covering yourself and warming your hands and feet if you have an attack is also something you should do right away.

If these manipulations do not bring relief, you need to immerse your feet ankle-deep in warm water and take sedative medicine. For example, 20 drops of Valocordin or Corvalol diluted in water. If things get really bad and a crisis overcomes you, you can relieve the symptoms with half a gidazepam tablet, placing it under your tongue.

But here is a list of what you absolutely cannot do during an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • lying down, feeling sorry for yourself and “dying” - this will only worsen the attack
  • engage in extreme sports, they shock the body
  • torment the body with sports, go on a hunger strike, refuse food
  • carry a lot of pills with you, mentally preparing yourself for an attack
  • smoking and drinking alcohol increases the likelihood that you will have a crisis
  • drink coffee and energy drinks
  • watch films containing scenes of violence
  • sit at the computer for a long time, as the frequency of screen flickering affects the nervous system, do not go outside

It is worth considering that self-medication for VSD is not always justified. Often, those who take sedatives haphazardly become addicted, and the proper effect of the medicine never occurs. Treatment of VSD should be monitored by a good experienced doctor, then a positive outcome is practically guaranteed, and words such as “crisis”, “attack”, “vegetative-vascular dystonia” will disappear from your vocabulary.

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Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a very popular diagnosis of our time. According to some data, it affects about 80% of the population, but it causes serious inconvenience to only a third of them. The symptoms of this disease overlap with other very dangerous diseases and therefore in questions diagnostics of VSD(vegetative-vascular dystonia), especially when there is an exacerbation of the disease, you should rely on the results comprehensive examination. Doctors believe that VSD should be considered as a complex of symptoms of cardiovascular disorders that affect the autonomic nervous system.

The control of the autonomic nervous system is not subject to human consciousness and functions independently. The importance of her work cannot be overestimated. It regulates homeostasis (balance) of the internal environment of the body.

There are two important functions that this system performs:

  • maintains the stability of blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature and other significant data of the internal environment of the body;
  • promotes adaptation to conditions environment, because activates body systems in time for an adequate response.

The autonomic nervous system also controls the activity of the cardiovascular system. Depending on the activity of the body, blood vessels expand and contract. This occurs due to the interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. With VSD, there is a breakdown in the interaction of these systems and there are often cases when, instead of an adequate response to external changes, unpredictable reactions occur. For example, darkening of the eyes when bending over. Women are three times more likely to suffer from this disease.

Attack of VSD

A sudden failure in the autonomic nervous system, resulting in disharmony in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body, is an attack of VSD. Symptoms of an attack negatively affect general condition person.

Causes of VSD

The causes of exacerbation of VSD are not much different from the causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Let's list the main ones:

  • stress and excessive emotional stress;
  • injuries spinal column;
  • strokes, brain injuries, tumors;
  • endocrine diseases(thyroid gland, gonads, adrenal glands);
  • heredity, birth trauma;
  • hormonal changes in the body.

In most cases, there is a combination of several reasons. Given their interconnectedness, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the specific cause of the disease.

Symptoms of an attack

The manifestations of a crisis depend on its severity. For some people, some symptoms are more pronounced than others. Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are poorly expressed in persons with concomitant vascular diseases. The symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia have much in common with the symptoms of other more serious illnesses. Therefore, some doctors often make mistakes in making a diagnosis, which can have a bad effect on the future health of patients.

Pain. Localization pain usually occurs in the subscapular region, left hand and forearm. The nature of the pain varies from dull, squeezing to tingling. The attack is supported by the fact that the pain passes quickly and that earlier, during the examination, no heart problems were found. Heart pain during an attack indicates physical and emotional overload.

The headache may appear more than once a day for several months. It happens that after a six-month break the pain returns again. The first ten minutes of pain during an attack are characterized by the following external signs:

  • increased sweating;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the face.

This condition is observed in males aged 20 to 30 years, with bad habits.

In hot weather, attacks are especially difficult. To higher listed symptoms may include the following: nausea, weakness, dizziness, decreased or increased blood pressure, palpitations, lack of air, nausea, weakness, fainting, decreased hearing and vision. This condition can easily develop into a panic attack.

A panic attack is characterized by lightning speed of development, lasting a couple of hours, and an increasing feeling of fear, turning into panic. To the listed symptoms are added: panic, fever, fear of death, sleep disorder, fatigue.

VSD crises

The most noticeable manifestation of VSD is panic attack syndrome. The cause of an attack of VSD may be physical, emotional overload, poisoning, or disruption of the usual daily routine. The mechanism of the occurrence of the VSD crisis is explained by the increased concentration in the body of biologically active substances: steroid hormones, adrenaline, acetylcholine. Depending on the substance contained in excess and the specific characteristics of each organism, the manifestations of the crisis may be different.

Name of the crisis



Characterized by unpleasant sensations in the head and heart, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, cold extremities, and chills may occur. The patient experiences excitement, anxiety, anxiety, developing into fear.


An increase in pressure is observed, the breathing rate increases, the patient feels a lack of air, tension in the muscles of the hands, feet, legs, and forearms. Tachycardia occurs.


Distinctive feature The onset of the attack is general weakness, after which nausea, lack of air, and dizziness appear. External manifestations: low blood pressure, sweating, sometimes vomiting. Relief occurs when the patient assumes a horizontal position.


Such an attack of VSD usually occurs with a sudden change in the position of the body or head. Characteristic abrupt start accompanied by vomiting, nausea and dizziness. IN acute period blood pressure fluctuates greatly during an attack

Depending on the severity of the case, the duration of the attack will vary. So, in mild cases it lasts from several minutes to an hour, medium degree severity - from 2 to 4 hours, in severe cases - up to 6-8 hours. In some cases, the duration of the attack can be several days. If a crisis occurs, first aid should be aimed at relieving symptoms.

Rules for overcoming an attack

  • Psychological peace. During an attack, it is first of all recommended to calm down and not panic, because otherwise the crisis will worsen.
  • Physical peace. It is necessary to lie down with your legs elevated, thus ensuring blood flow to the brain. It is necessary to provide fresh air access to the room.
  • Medicines. You can take 20 drops of Corvalol or Valocordin dissolved in water. If the condition worsens, you should resort to more strong remedy- gidazepam, placing half the tablet under the tongue.
  • Warm foot bath. Put your feet in warm water ankle-deep.

Poorly provided first aid can cause a new, more protracted crisis.


An attack of VSD is a disease that must be treated in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions. First aid involves the use of drugs that have a calming and stimulating effect. These remedies include: valocordin, tinctures of valerian, motherwort, eleutherococcus, peony, and Schisandra chinensis. Any of these tinctures should be used as follows: 50 gr. tinctures are dissolved in half a glass of water. Light pressure on eyeballs Within a minute they will help calm down a strong heartbeat. A warm shower and bath will help lower blood pressure and relieve stress.

Interesting video about simple ways combating the VSD crisis

During a panic attack, the main thing is not to give in to anxiety. You can drink a sedative. Doctors recommend lying down and distracting yourself from unpleasant thoughts.


To prevent a recurrence of the crisis, the following requirements must be followed:

  • Not to be for a long time in the sun during the hot season, even with a hat. In summer, always have water and a hat with you;
  • Have with you a sedative (valerian, motherwort), which should be used at the very beginning of an attack;
  • Rational combination of work and rest. Duration of sleep - at least 8 hours;
  • Moderate exercise;
  • Proper nutrition (avoid fried, pickled);
  • Massage the head, back and collar area.

Treatment of VSD should be carried out by an experienced doctor, because unsystematic self-medication sedatives It is addictive and may poorly relieve the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

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Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a fairly common syndrome, the development of which leads to a violation heart rate, seizures, neurosis, hypertensive crisis. An attack of VSD is characterized by excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, pain in the chest area, headaches, leads to loss of consciousness. VSD is not an independent disease, but in the absence of proper treatment, attacks become more frequent, which becomes the cause of pathological processes in organism. What happens during attack of VSD How to relieve the symptoms, how long the attack lasts and what treatment is needed - later in this article.

The main cause of attacks lies in pathologies of the central nervous system and a previously received concussion. But a crisis can also be caused by:

  • Hormonal imbalance caused by natural changes (for example, pregnancy).
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Diseases of the autonomic nervous system. As a rule, they occur with osteochondrosis, as a consequence infectious processes or tumor formation.

Factors that provoke a crisis are usually stressful situations, intense physical exercise, exposure to certain medications. Also, attacks can occur against the background of severe fatigue, in people who have recently undergone surgery or general anesthesia.

After the first crisis, negative changes occur at the psycho-emotional level. Thus, a person begins to be bothered by a feeling of fear and anxiety before repeated attacks. These feelings are enhanced by ignorance of what to do during an attack of VSD and what consequences to expect. Against the background of these experiences, an unfavorable emotional environment is created, which leads to stress, which provokes repeated “fits”.


Symptoms of an attack of VSD are always expressed differently. Each sign depends on the type of pathological process developing.

The most common manifestations characteristic of attacks include:

  • Excessive sweating.
  • Dizziness, headaches.
  • . May be accompanied by both hypotonic and hypertensive signs, tachycardia, painful sensations in the chest area.
  • Choking, which is characterized by feelings of lack of air, sometimes convulsions.
  • Shortness of breath, cough.
  • Fever.
  • Panic, anxiety, fear.
  • Tremor (finger shaking).

Emotional instability is usually accompanied by constant worry, panic attacks, sudden changes mood, sleep problems, gastrointestinal disorders.

Symptoms of a hypotensive type VSD crisis manifest themselves as sharp jumps hell (it often rises to one hundred and eighty millimeters of mercury), high temperature body, rapid heartbeat, pronounced headaches. The skin of the face becomes red, the person is overcome by a strong feeling of weakness and fatigue.

Symptoms of an attack vegetative-vascular dystonia of the cardiac type make themselves felt in the form of intense pain in the chest area and heart rhythm disturbances. During an attack, the feeling of fear of death increases greatly.

A crisis of the hypotensive type manifests itself in sharp decline blood pressure, the person lacks air, he may lose consciousness. There is a feeling of nausea, vomiting, and the skin becomes pale. The vegetative-vestibular type is characterized by pronounced manifestations: vomiting, dizziness. The pressure rises and falls sharply.

A mild crisis lasts no more than seven minutes. In severe variations, the attack can last for several hours. Afterwards, the person experiences general weakness, a feeling of powerlessness that lasts three to four days.

How to cope with an attack on your own

How to relieve an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia? Doctors recommend not only visiting a psychologist who will help overcome part of the problem, but also making independent efforts to adequately respond to each subsequent attack of dystonia. Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, panic and a feeling of powerlessness only make each attack more frequent and worse.

If the crisis began at home, you need to do everything possible to ease its manifestation. First of all, it is recommended to open the window, filling the room with fresh air. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the entire body as a whole.

To ensure uninterrupted blood circulation, you should take a lying position and raise your legs. Once the attack has begun, care must also be taken to keep the entire body and especially the limbs completely warm.

If these measures do not bring the expected effect, it is recommended to pour it into a small container hot water and put your feet there. The water should cover your ankles. Sedatives can help suppress symptoms medicines. Corvalol or Valocordin are considered fast-acting under such circumstances (only twenty drops diluted with a small amount of water are enough). An alternative is to use half a Gidazepam tablet, which is placed under the tongue.

What is forbidden to do during attacks

During attacks, a person is strictly prohibited from:

  • Do things that put the body in a state of shock. For example, extreme sports, jumping from heights in the pool.
  • Practice fasting.
  • Drink drinks containing caffeine.
  • Engage in intense physical activity.
  • View photographs, films or videos that negatively affect the psyche.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol. It should be taken into account that in many cases a hangover is a common factor that provokes a crisis.

Actions to take during an attack at night

Often, attacks of anxiety with panic attacks can occur at night. This is the time when the body is in its most vulnerable state. As a rule, crises are a consequence of the negative impact of stress that a person experienced during the day.

The attacks usually begin around three o'clock. The patient wakes up, feels fever, acute lack of air, and is tormented by severe headache, panic fear, anxiety. Irregularities in the functioning of the heart and sudden jumps in blood pressure are often observed.

Despite the fact that attacks at night have less negative effects on physical state body, their symptoms are greatly aggravated due to fear. Ultimately, this has a bad effect on psycho-emotional health. Since such attacks violate natural process sleep, in daytime people often feel tired and weak.

If you don't start timely treatment, a person is increasingly afraid to fall asleep, as a result of which insomnia develops chronic form. This factor only makes attacks more frequent, which can lead to depression.

Take off unpleasant symptoms and minimize Negative consequences Proper first aid will help. First you need to do everything to calm down and occupy yourself as much as possible. vertical position. Lead cardiovascular system will help you get back to normal sedatives. Valerian extract or Novopassit is well suited for this purpose.

As soon as the first signs subside a little, you need to do a few simple breathing exercises. In a sitting position with eyes closed must be completed deep breaths and exhales. They will have a calming effect and help you fall asleep again (provided that the attack is mild).

Call " ambulance“It is necessary if painful sensations appear in the chest area, the pressure drops sharply or increases. Under such circumstances, doctors who arrived on call will give the patient a drug that will reduce the activity of the sympathoadrenal system (for example, Verapamil, Relanium). It is not recommended to self-medicate with such means, since if misidentified, there is a risk of further aggravating the situation.

Treatment and prevention

Will help you get rid of the disease completely complex therapy. Initially, the patient is referred for examination to a neurologist, who will determine the root cause. The drug course of treatment often includes taking medications that regulate blood pressure and thyroid function.

To defeat the VSD as quickly as possible, minimizing negative impact on the condition of blood vessels, heart and other systems, the patient may be recommended physical therapy, treatment in sanitary resort conditions, and special gymnastic exercises, consultations with a psychologist.

The main preventive measures include following the rules healthy image life, good rest, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity. Prolonged exposure should also be avoided sun rays, eliminate all bad habits, follow the doctor’s recommendations and take medications according to purpose.

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