Vitamin F daily value in mg. Vitamin F, what foods contain vitamin F, the role and importance of biotin, deficiency and excess of vitamin F

Nowadays, everyone is aware that nature has endowed humans with vital elements – vitamins. Many people know that valuable compounds belong to certain groups, each of which is responsible for normalizing the functioning of certain internal organs. However, when faced with the term “vitamin F,” people usually shrug their shoulders in bewilderment. In order to understand why it is useful, it is enough to delve a little into the theory.

What is “vitamin F”?

The name “vitamin F” refers to a combination of fat-soluble substances. These include acids such as:

  • linoleic;
  • arachidonic;
  • linolenic;
  • docosahexaenoic acid;
  • eicosapentaenoic.

It is known that these elements are not synthesized by the human body. In addition, many may be interested in how polyunsaturated fatty acids can be part of a vitamin. To answer this question, it is enough to look at its discovery history.

When did you open it?

For the first time, people started talking about unknown substances, then combined into the vitamin F group, in 1923. At that time, scientists discovered two families of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which were classified as fats already in 1930. However, given the fact that they still needed a name that would characterize them both from a biochemical point of view and from a pharmacological one. Scientists also noticed that these substances have both paravitamin and parahormonal effects. For this reason, the name “vitamin F” still refers to polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How is it useful?

The beneficial effects of vitamin compounds on the body of adults and children are:

  • normalization of the process of absorption of fat cells;
  • reducing the amount of cholesterol deposits;
  • reducing the risk of unwanted deposits in blood vessels;
  • strengthening the hematopoietic system;
  • accelerating the process of burning extra pounds;
  • improvement of the skin of the face and the whole body;
  • normalization of reproductive function;
  • eliminating foci of inflammation;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • supply of additional energy to muscle and muscular tissues;
  • providing anti-allergenic effects;
  • preventing the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, osteochondrosis, diabetes, and cancer.

It is also known that this group of acids is indispensable for nursing women. It is widely used in cosmetology. Women who want to “shed” a few years are recommended to use masks with oil bases. They are useful not only for facial skin, but also for hair. Moreover, their quality should be oils obtained from plants. These include:

  • olive;
  • peach;
  • corn;
  • sunflower.

Men need to enrich their body with vitamin F every day, as it has a beneficial effect on erectile function and promotes the formation of motile, healthy sperm. Biological role elements are also important for children, as they contribute to normal physical and mental development fragile organisms.

Daily requirement

The daily requirement of a vitamin for a person is determined by its age category, occupation, gender. The human body's need for fats is presented in the table.

In order to understand whether an additional source of valuable substances is needed, it is enough to listen to your own body. In addition, do not forget that daily norm vitamin levels increase almost 10 times for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • prostatitis.

Also, the need for valuable substances increases in people who have recently undergone an internal organ transplant.

How is vitamin F deficiency expressed?

Lack of nutritional acids manifests itself in:

  • the occurrence of skin diseases;
  • development of allergic reactions;
  • deterioration of the structure of curls;
  • increased fragility of nail plates;
  • increased cholesterol deposits;
  • cracks that appear in the anus;
  • the occurrence of seborrhea.

In children, the lack of a component is indicated by symptomatic manifestations such as:

  • urinary disorders;
  • increased irritability;
  • moodiness;
  • skin infections;
  • increased fluid intake, in particular water;
  • dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea);
  • growth slowdown.

If you have these symptoms in adults and children, you should immediately consult a doctor. May be required liquid vitamin in capsules or preparations, where it is one of the main components.

What are the dangers of excess substances?

Hypervitaminosis F is extremely rare. It is usually talked about in the presence of conditions such as:

  • frequent bleeding (for example, coming from the nose);
  • an allergy that has developed into an asthmatic disease of the respiratory tract;
  • obesity;
  • arthritis.

As you can see, thoughtless adjustments to the diet or taking synthetic products containing the substance can lead to serious complications. That is why it is extremely important to consult a doctor before taking any steps to enrich the body with nutritional components.

Natural sources of acids

The most vitamin F is found in oils such as:

  • corn;
  • sunflower;
  • linen;
  • nutty;
  • soy;
  • peanut.

Sufficient amounts of vitamin compounds include fish fat. It is also found in products such as:

  • rice that has not undergone a cleaning procedure;
  • black currant;
  • avocado;
  • cereals;
  • fruits that have undergone a drying procedure.

Don't pass by marine varieties fish. Many valuable acids are contained in:

  • herring;
  • trout;
  • salmon;
  • tuna;
  • sardines.

Enriching your diet with these products will allow a person to forget about vitamin F deficiency. However, there are times when correcting it is not enough. Then it is better to consult a doctor and purchase drugs containing it at the pharmacy.

How to store?

It is known that the vitamin group is easily influenced high temperatures, or more simply put, it is destroyed when heat treatment. For this reason, when choosing oils, you should give preference to those that have been cold pressed. In addition, to preserve vitamin F in foods, it is important not to store them in direct sunlight.

Pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamin F

Among pharmacy complexes containing the described substance, the best are considered:

  • "Essentiale";
  • "Linetol";
  • "Vitamin F99";
  • "Lipostabil".

The main indication for the use of these drugs is a lack of vitamin substances in the human body. In addition, with the help of a specialist, you can choose multivitamins like “,” which also contain nutritional compounds. It is important not to organize the independent use of these products, since they all have contraindications and side effects.

How does the substance work with other vitamins?

When starting to enrich the body with vitamin compounds, a person should know some facts about them. For example:

  • vitamins E, B6, C contribute to the retention of vitamin F in the body;
  • zinc ions take care of the stability of the nutritional component;
  • Vitamin F improves the absorption of vitamins A, B, E, D.

Vitamin F is really necessary for the human body for the reason that it normalizes the course of many processes associated with the activity of internal organs and their systems. Do not underestimate the state of hypovitaminosis F, as well as the state of hypervitaminosis. Compliance only proper diet nutrition, timely observation by specialists will allow a person not to worry about the lack of certain valuable substances in his body.

Greetings, my dear readers. I propose to continue acquaintance with vital biological active substances. And I want to dedicate today’s article to a special element. This is vitamin F. I’ll tell you a lot of interesting things - how it’s useful and which products contain the most of it.

I'll tell you a secret - in fact, this vitamin does not fit into standard definition. It is classified as fat. Our body does not synthesize it itself. This means that this element must enter the body from the outside.

Well, what’s even more surprising is that even Wikipedia doesn’t have the concept of vitamin F. It refers to essential fatty acids (EFA). It is represented by two fatty acids. These are linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). Both play a key role in the formation of tissues in our body. They also help with metabolism and wound healing. They are very important for skin, hair growth and reproductive health.

This vitamin is indispensable in skin care. It is known for its ability to heal, moisturize and nourish the skin. Below I have selected several cream options for different types skin.

What is it useful for?

As I already said, there are two types of ELC. These are alpha-linolenic acid (related to omega-3) and linoleic acid (related to). They are considered essential because they cannot be synthesized in the human body. The word "linoleic" is derived from the Greek word "linone". It translates as “relating to or derived from oil.”

Essential fatty acids are essential for the normal growth and function of healthy cells. These form the lipid component cell membranes in organism.

These characteristics make EFAs important for skin and hair health. Vitamin helps maintain hair shine and strength

In skin care, linoleic acid has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing effects. It also helps fight acne and softens the skin. Essential fatty acids help facilitate the penetration of active ingredients into the deep cells of the epidermis. For example, such as antioxidants. This is due to their ability to penetrate the skin barrier.

In addition, vitamin F has the following functions:

  • provides an antihistamine effect;
  • protects skin from premature aging;
  • normalizes blood pressure and normalizes pulse;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • serves prophylactic from diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma and cancer diseases.

EFA deficiency can lead to dry hair and skin, alopecia. And the lack of this element leads to poor healing wounds and decreased cell regeneration. In addition, increased brittleness of nails may occur. In addition, a deficiency of this element provokes the appearance of dandruff. And with a long-term lack of vitamin F, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases.

What products contain

The daily requirement of vitamin F has not yet been determined. Essential fatty acids should be taken at a level of 1% of total calories consumed. There are no toxic side effects from excessive consumption.

This item is in various products. Below are the best natural sources:

  • Oils- soybean, safflower, corn, nut, grape seeds and sunflower, hemp and others.
  • Nuts- cedar, pecan, Brazilian, walnut and almond. They contain large amounts of alpha-linoleic acid.
  • Egg yolks.
  • Some types of fish- anchovies, halibut, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna. Every week you need to eat 2 servings of this fatty fish.
  • Seeds– sunflower, flax, chia and hemp.
  • Breast milk and infant formula contain large amounts of LA and ALA. They provide the main source of energy in a child's diet. Mother's milk contains 55% healthy fats, and formula milk is 49% fat.
  • Plants and products prepared from them - soy milk, tofu and soy nuts.

Essential fatty acids are ideal for post-care after treatments such as heavy peels. Because they have anti-inflammatory properties, allow you to recover faster, reduce scarring and relieve pain.

Vitamin F is sensitive to heat and light. Products containing it must be protected from sun rays. It is also better to use them in fresh or freshly prepared. As for vegetable oils, vitamin F is found only in cold-pressed products.

How to choose cosmetics with vitamin F

Today, many brands produce cosmetic products containing this component. This element is used in products that help cope with the following problems:

  • acne;
  • increased dryness of the skin, accompanied by peeling of the epidermis;
  • skin aging;
  • sunburn;
  • severe hair loss;
  • seborrhea, etc.

Below are six cosmetics containing vitamin F. If you already use this product, write a review about it in the comments. Did the remedy work for you, what did it help you get rid of?

Cream F99

This creamy product is sold at the pharmacy. Its main purpose is to eliminate skin problems, as well as care for sensitive epidermis. This is a universal product that can be used by both adults and children.

This cream is available in two types: bold and semi-bold. The first one has a greasy consistency. The rich cream eliminates skin irritations. In addition, this product has an exfoliating effect. A semi-bold cream with vitamin F is created for sensitive type skin. In addition, it perfectly tightens weeping eczema.

Their prices are low. And judging by the reviews, they earn their money :) There is also a video review, be sure to watch it:

Intra intimate gel

The advantage of this tool is its versatility. The gel is designed so that it can be used by both men and women. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

U intimate gel light gel texture. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and increases its barrier properties. According to the manufacturers of the product, this gel remarkably relieves puffiness.

Librederm fatty cream vitamin F

Contains vitamin F, camelina oil, glycerin, beeswax, sea buckthorn oil. The cream is quite thick. It wonderfully softens the skin, soothes it, nourishes and restores it. After using it, it looks much healthier, becoming softer and more tender.

This cream is especially good for facial skin in winter time. Absorbs quickly without leaving behind any stickiness, excess grease or filmy feeling. As those who have tried it write, the product is a good base for foundation. It is consumed quite economically, so the volume of 50 ml will last you for a long time.

Its additional advantage is that it is practically odorless. Just don’t apply it “from the heart”, a small pea is better. If you need it, add more. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

Shampoo vitamin F

In addition to the vitamin itself, this skincare product also contains additional components. This is babassu oil, D-panthenol, hemp oil, lemon acid etc.

Thanks to such a rich composition, this shampoo has an amazing effect. It gently cleanses hair, gives it strength, elasticity, shine, and thickens it. This treatment also helps to cope with flaking of the scalp. The product is recommended for the care of hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends. The consistency of the shampoo is medium thick. It is transparent, without a pronounced aroma. Comes in tandem with a nourishing balm from the same series.

Cream "Lux" from the Svoboda factory

I decided to tell you about myself budgetary funds. A classic metal tube, just nostalgic for some reason long forgotten :) After water, the composition contains vegetable oil, lanolin, beeswax. There are also palm oil, linoleic acid and parabens.

According to the manufacturers, this cream was created to protect the skin from premature aging by restoring the water-lipid cellular balance. The texture of the cream is very thick, dense, and spreads tightly. Afterwards you need to blot your face with a napkin; you feel a heaviness on your face.

Many people don't like it Strong smell and are more used for caring for hands. I think a lot of people praise it because of the price.

Aftershave cream from Svoboda factory

Judging by the reviews, girls really like this product. Does not dry out, softens and soothes the skin, heals wounds. Refreshing, may sting a little. The smell is not so great - strong and very persistent. It is absorbed quickly at first glance, but actually leaves light film. Of course, among the first ingredients are glycerin and vegetable oil. My dad uses this after shaving. This cream has not changed for many years.

Well, now can you show off your knowledge to your friends about the importance of vitamin F in their lives? Or just send them a link and let them enlighten themselves. Yes, and don't forget. There are still so many surprises prepared for you ahead. And that’s all for today: bye-bye.

Gogen and Ganter in 1928 named the unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidic - vitamin F.


Linoleic, linolenic and arachidic acids are colorless oils.

Vitamin F is soluble in fats and in solvents of fatty substances, insoluble in water, and is easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.

Vitamin F is obtained from vegetable oils, which are saponified for this purpose.

Linolenic acid is inactive and its main role is to activate linoleic acid. Linoleic acid found in large quantities in food products.

Arachidic acid in the body can be synthesized from linolenic acid with the participation of pyridoxine.

Arachidic acid is 2-3 times more biologically active than linoleic and linolenic acids; There is little of it in food products.

It was assumed that unsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized in the body. However, in the work of B.I. Kadykova and her colleagues showed that increased content vitamin B 1 in the absence of fat in the diet can provide good growth and development of animals, their survival and, therefore, protects animals from F-vitamin deficiency due to the endogenous synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids. Other B vitamins - (B 2, B 6, B 12) did not have this property.

Determination of vitamin F activity is carried out biological method by the degree of change in the function of the skin of the rat's tail (Schaefer-Lin method).

Linoleic and linolenic acids have been synthesized.


Vitamin F is necessary for the normal growth of the animal, it promotes the absorption of fats by the body, and is involved in fat metabolism skin, important for normal course processes of reproduction and lactation. It prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, helping to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Unsaturated fatty acids facilitate the removal of cholesterol from the body by converting it from esters of insoluble fatty acids into soluble compounds. Cholesterolemia, therefore, decreases not so much as a result of reducing the amount of fat in the diet, but by replacing fats of animal origin vegetable fats, rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Vitamin F increases wall resistance blood vessels. Vitamin F appears to be a constituent of some enzymes and thus participates in enzymatic processes. It is believed that it is an antagonist of some sex hormones (esterones and progesterones), which determines its regulatory effect on the function of the reproductive system. However, the importance of vitamin F in this process is obviously limited.

Vitamin F is deposited in the liver, spleen and adrenal glands.

Requirement for vitamin F and its content in food products

Determining your vitamin F requirement is difficult. It is assumed that a person needs to receive 1-2 g of unsaturated fatty acids per day. More were offered high standards needs (4-8 g). The presence of hydrogenated fats in the diet increases the need for vitamin F.

To meet the human need for vitamin F, the diet should include vegetable fats along with fats of animal origin.

Linoleic and linolenic acids are found in large quantities in flaxseed oil, arachidic - in oil obtained from ground nuts (peanuts), as well as in animal fat. Sources of unsaturated fatty acids can include oils obtained from corn, sunflower, maize, soybean, sea buckthorn, cotton, poppy, fish oil and seal oil, and also, to a lesser extent, butter And lard(Table 1). Oils that contain vitamin F oxidize easily.


Linoleic acid is very large doses causes various toxic effects: paralysis hind limbs, muscular dystrophy, testicular atrophy, sometimes mild endocrine disorders. It is assumed that vitamin F is to some extent an antagonist of vitamin E. Thus, disorders observed when an animal’s body receives excess vitamin F can be eliminated by administering vitamin E.


In 1929, T. Barr and M. Barr showed that rats fed a diet low in fat, containing all essential vitamins, got sick; the animals exhibited weight loss, growth retardation, dryness, flaking of the skin, particularly in the tail area, desquamation and hair loss on the hind legs, tail tip necrosis, hematuria, kidney stones and bladder. The reproductive disorder manifested itself in the form of abortion, sperm degeneration, atrophy of the uterine mucosa, and ovulation disorders; Disturbances in water metabolism occurred (increased water absorption without increased diuresis), leading animals to death if unsaturated fatty acids were not introduced into the diet. Similar results were obtained by Hansen and Wiese1 in 1943 in dogs (hair loss, dry skin, thickening and severe desquamation of the skin). With F-vitaminosis, a shortening of the excitation time of peripheral motor nerves and an extension of the time of muscle excitation were also observed.

In humans, the symptoms of F-vitaminosis are unknown.


  • For skin diseases.

    The effectiveness of vitamin F treatment for eczema was studied (with different forms and stages of the disease); positive results were especially convincing in cases where the disease was associated with a deficiency in this vitamin.

    In the domestic literature there is a report about successful treatment patients with true and seborrheic eczema vitamin F; 2 and 5% emulsions of this vitamin were applied topically (A.S. Gusarova, V.I. Leibman). Esters of linoleic and lpnolenic acids isolated from flaxseed oil were used as a vitamin F preparation.

    Of the 56 patients who underwent treatment, 26 experienced clinical recovery, 15 showed improvement, and 15 patients had treatment without results.

    Vitamin F preparations - linol and linolene - were tested by G. F. Nevskaya in the treatment of patients with radioepidermitis. The author believes that these drugs are effective and significantly reduce the time for epithelization of the affected skin. For dry, rough and desquamated skin, vitamin F helps healing effect in the event that the cause of the disorder was vitamin F deficiency.

    Studying local application vitamin F during treatment ulcerative lesions skin (E.M. Sokolova) showed that vitamin F has a positive effect on the healing of trophic and pyococcal ulcers. With significant trophic changes (with gross changes in the edges of ulcers, deep lesions of the underlying tissues, even bone changes), the effectiveness of vitamin F is insignificant and does not provide scarring and epithelization of ulcers.

  • For atherosclerosis

    The use of vitamin F as an anti-sclerotic factor is essential. This question is still under study, and the available observations are still few.

    Convincing results were obtained in a study conducted by P. E. Lukomsky and his colleagues, when studying the effectiveness of the use of linetol (see below) in patients with coronary atherosclerosis. They noted favorable changes in lipid and protein metabolism: a decrease in serum cholesterol levels, an increase in the phospholipids/cholesterol ratio, a decrease in β-globulin and β-lipoprotein fractions, and an increase in albumin.

    The observations confirm that it is unsaturated fatty acids that determine the beneficial effect of vegetable oils on lipid and protein metabolism. The authors consider it possible on this basis to use linetol for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in patients with coronary atherosclerosis.

Vitamin F is an unsaturated fatty acid that our body does not produce on its own. This substance is considered an anticholesterol and is found in certain products. Pharmacology identifies it in a separate group and calls it biological active means, which has parahormonal and paravitamin properties. Research conducted by scientists did not immediately provide an answer regarding the functions of vitamin F, which is why this substance was discovered a little later than other vitamins.

Importance for the body

The vitamin is recognized as essential for the human body. It helps get rid of waste and toxins, as a result of which not only improves general health, but also the condition of our skin. Doctors say that the appearance acne and other dermatological problems are directly related to deficiency of this substance. That is, when the body is not able to cope with an excess of harmful elements, it begins to “throw out” them through skin. Vitamin F helps relieve inflammatory processes, relieves hyperemia and pain syndrome. It eliminates swelling and promotes timely blood flow from inflamed organs.

In addition, the influence of vitamin F has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism - this biologically active compound normalizes the blood formula and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Thanks to this substance, strengthening occurs immune system, and when working together with vitamin D, the condition improves bone tissue. The wounds begin to heal, and cell regeneration occurs much faster.

Vitamin F helps in the process of fat synthesis and spermatogenesis. By nourishing the tissues of our body, it prevents diseases such as arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Vitamin F is incredibly beneficial for our skin, hair and nails. It stimulates metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the condition of the integument. Moreover, thanks to him:

  • melanin production returns to normal;
  • skin pigmentation improves;
  • there is a strengthening hair follicles, and the curls themselves become elastic;
  • the nail plate receives additional nutrition, brittleness goes away and delamination is prevented.

How is it absorbed?

Getting into small intestine, vitamin F is absorbed. Afterwards, the acids obtained with its help are supplied to all organs and systems. Cells use substances to further construct lipids. With an optimal amount of linoleic acid, which is part of vitamin F, other polyunsaturated acids are synthesized.

However, you should pay attention to the fact that with an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, the need for this biological active connection is rapidly increasing. The accumulation of vitamin F occurs both in the blood and in the muscles, and in internal organs. An adult needs about 1000 mg of this substance per day, which is approximately 25 g of vegetable oil.

To enhance the effect of vitamin F, it should be consumed together with sources of zinc, ascorbic acid and B6. It is also advisable to include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet. This condition must be observed due to the fact that vitamin F is characterized by sensitivity to light, as a result of which free radicals are formed. The same thing happens when it is heated and in contact with oxygen.

Substance deficiency: symptoms

Vitamin F deficiency is most often observed in childhood, which is associated with the presence infectious diseases, work disruptions digestive tract(in particular, poor absorption), and with insufficient sources of this substance in the diet. Symptoms in this case may be as follows:

  • weight loss;
  • the skin begins to peel off;
  • the epidermis thickens;
  • unformed stool is noted - often liquid;
  • growth retardation occurs;
  • Fluid intake increases as urination frequency decreases.

When deficient in adults, it is suppressed reproductive function, heart and vascular diseases develop. Skin, hair and nails suffer, and eczema may develop. Indications for the use of sources of this substance are allergic and autoimmune diseases, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders.

Excess substance: symptoms

Vitamin F is not toxic, but an overdose may cause weight gain. This substance reduces the thickness of the blood; its abuse can lead to bleeding.

They will tell you about excess vitamin F in the body:

  • stomach pain;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • an allergy that manifests itself in the form of a rash.

In addition, if an overdose occurs polyunsaturated acids Omega-6, then this will disrupt normal work Omega-3 acids, which can provoke the development of arthritis and even asthma.

Food sources

Any nutritionist will tell you which foods contain vitamin F. First on this list is fresh vegetable oil, and not necessarily olive oil. It can be sunflower, flax, corn, peanut, wheat and soybeans. And remember, there are more polyunsaturated acids in the product for which the raw materials were grown in the northern regions.

Of particular benefit will be those oils in which the smell has been preserved, that is, those that have not undergone filtration or treatment with dry hot steam. Those. These are first cold pressed products. Vitamin F is found in large quantities in rapeseed, linseed oils, and they are the ones who have the most beneficial effect on our skin. But peanut and soy, although they are rich in composition, contain much less vitamin F.

Besides, natural sources substances are nuts and almonds. You should also include corn and oatmeal in your diet. Avocado and brown rice will help fill the deficit.

Consuming 18 pecans per day or 12 small spoons sunflower seeds, you will provide for your body optimal quantity vitamin F.

An optimal vitamin balance is important for the healthy functioning of organs and systems of the human body, especially their quantitative ratio. Maintaining this level makes it possible to prevent the development of many pathological disorders in organism. In this article, the Eco-life website will look at vitamin F from all sides, its effect on human body, the unpleasant consequences of its deficiency, as well as a list of products that contain it.

The peculiarity of vitamin F is that it contains a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which play an irreplaceable role in many processes occurring in our body. These acids are divided into two groups - omega-3 and omega-6.

As for the effect of vitamin F on our body, it:

  • Stimulates immune function protection, preventing the activation of inflammatory processes of various natures.
  • Breaks down complex edible fats, facilitating their subsequent cellular absorption. This process allows you to normalize their ratio within the body, between the deposition of fats in reserve and use as energy. Vitamin F controls balance and promotes regulation metabolic processes.
  • Participates in the utilization of cholesterol from the vascular network, stopping its possible accumulation on the walls of blood vessels with the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Activates metabolism, stimulating the reactions of removing decay products in the liver tissues through the bloodstream, which helps reduce signs of intoxication in the body. Vitamin F prevents the development of pathological disorders in the form of purulent and allergic manifestations, neoplasms, joint damage, etc.;
  • Streamlines the activity of the endocrine glands, ensuring consistency in the quantitative ratio of synthesized hormones necessary for a healthy state of the body.
  • Reduces the manifestation of signs of toxicosis in any period of gestation.
  • Shows a rejuvenating effect on the skin and hair, normalizing metabolic processes in tissues, leading to rapid renewal of the cellular composition of the epidermis.
  • Helps reduce blood density, ensuring normal activity of the heart and vascular network, eliminating possible development acute pathology.

Vitamin F is often included in various series of skin care products, determining the effectiveness in the process of inhibiting the aging of the skin and providing improvement in its structure and external qualities. For this purpose, the component is added to various creams and lotions, as well as shampoos and restorative hair masks.

What foods contain vitamin F

Except dosage forms preparations containing a certain dosage of vitamin F, it is provided by the following food products, the use of which in appropriate quantities allows you to replenish vitamin losses:

  • legumes and cereals;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • seafood: fish, shrimp;
  • black currant;
  • walnut, etc.

The body's daily requirement for vitamin F is not specifically determined, so the sufficiency of its replenishment through food is taken into account. For example, a glass of seeds or 8-9 kernels of nuts, a portioned piece of cooked sea ​​fish or a few spoons vegetable oil added to the salad.

Consequences of vitamin F deficiency

In the case of the development of vitamin deficiency, expressed in a lack of vitamin F, the following disturbances in the activity of internal systems may appear:

  1. weight gain;
  2. activation age-related changes from the side of the skin;
  3. change of abbreviations muscle fibers heart rate, in the form of acceleration, slowdown or change in rhythm;
  4. disturbance of metabolic processes in liver tissues;
  5. development of localized inflammatory processes.

But you should also take into account maintaining the optimal balance of the necessary need for vitamin F, since its excess amount can also cause Negative consequences as skin rash, dyspeptic manifestations, etc. The development of hypervitaminosis is easily corrected by limiting the diet in foods that provide vitamin F content.

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