Vitamin B2 is found in more places. Simple foods with vitamin B2 (full list)

Riboflavin is responsible for many important processes in the human body, for example, the condition of cardio-vascular system And normal exchange substances, it helps convert fats and carbohydrates into energy, ensures muscle growth and protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. And this vitamin is simply necessary for beautiful skin and normal vision, protects the retina from negative impact UV rays. It is used up by the body much faster than other vitamins, especially during times of stress, so it is important to include foods rich in riboflavin in your diet every day.

The most vitamin B2 is found in brewer's yeast. Per 100 g of this product there is 5.5 mg of riboflavin, which is twice as much necessary for a person daily amount. It is no coincidence that the Red Cross Society distributed such a product among people during an epidemic of pellagra, one of the types of vitamin deficiency. Bread yeast contains twice as much less vitamin AT 2.

Pine nuts are extremely rich in riboflavin. Just 50 g of this product will provide the human body with a two-day supply of vitamin B2. Next on the list is the liver, with beef containing about 4 mg of riboflavin, and chicken and pork a little less.

By the way, B2 is one of the few vitamins that are best absorbed from cooked foods. That is why it is better to eat not only liver, but also other offal and vegetables containing this substance boiled or baked. However, heat treatment should be minimal and covered, as riboflavin is destroyed by light.

About 0.80 mg of vitamin B2 is contained in 100 g of wheat germ, approximately 0.65 mg in almonds. Next on the list of riboflavin-rich foods are turnips and mushrooms. After them - chicken eggs, melted, fatty and salty cheese. In these products, the amount of vitamin B2 varies from 0.4 to 0.44 mg. Slightly less riboflavin is found in mackerel, bran, boletus, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles, rose hips, cottage cheese, spinach and goose meat.

In amounts from 0.28 to 0.2 mg, vitamin B2 is present in products such as dried peas, lamb, cauliflower boiled cabbage, Rye flour, fresh parsley, fatty herring, boiled or baked asparagus, veal, dry lentils and dark chocolate.

Well, very little riboflavin is found in fresh green peas, figs, peanuts, corn, watercress, walnuts and cashews, dried peaches, cream and sour cream. A certain amount of vitamin B2 is also present in dried dates, chicken, black and rye bread.

Everyone is aware of the benefits of vitamins, but rarely does anyone eat properly and balanced. A large number of people of different age categories experience a lack of B vitamins. This article will tell you which foods contain vitamin B2 and what ways you can maintain its balance in the human body.

Benefits of vitamin

B2 (vitamin, which is also known as riboflavin), is actively involved in vital processes in the human body. It is required for the full formation of certain hormonal substances and blood cells of red blood cells.

B2 is a vitamin that helps the visual organs adapt to darkness. He is the guarantor good vision a person, makes him sharper, enhancing color and light perception.

Riboflavin is involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and is integral part large quantity enzymes. According to experts, without this vitamin, normal growth and constant tissue renewal are impossible.

B2 is a vitamin that has a positive effect on the health of the liver, skin and nervous system person.

Signs of riboflavin deficiency

The main symptom of vitamin B2 deficiency is the presence of peeling on the mucous membranes, wings of the nose and ears. Sign of this disease It is also considered that there are cracks in the corners of the mouth that cause pain.

With riboflavin deficiency, patients may experience discomfort In eyes. They begin to experience itching, tearing and redness of the organs of vision. A red tongue is also a symptom of riboflavin deficiency.

It is important to know that heat treatment reduces the amount of this vitamin in foods. Riboflavin is not able to be absorbed and processed by the human body if combined with alkalis. Vitamin B2 in foods is also negatively affected by sunlight.

Vitamin B2 norm

The daily intake of riboflavin directly depends on the characteristics of the human body and his gender. There are groups of people who need an increased amount of this vitamin. These include the fair sex, expecting a baby or breastfeeding a child, and people who drink alcoholic beverages.

The body intensively requires vitamin B2 when eating foods saturated with fats and carbohydrates, when using certain contraceptives, as well as sharp changes temperature conditions.

If you have symptoms indicating riboflavin deficiency, you should seek help from a specialist. They will help identify real reasons of this violation and recommend remedies to eliminate it.

The role of a balanced diet in the fight against vitamin B2 deficiency

In order to prevent and combat riboflavin deficiency, initial stages It is recommended to adjust your diet. Having an idea of ​​what foods contain vitamin B2 in sufficient quantities, you can, without resorting to help special means, replenish the supply of this vitamin in the human body

50 grams of products containing a record amount of riboflavin can saturate the body daily dose this vitamin. In this article we will try to answer the question of which foods contain vitamin B2? the greatest number, because it is mandatory to receive it with food.

Foods rich in riboflavin

There is an opinion that a lot of vitamin B2 is found in vegetables and fruits. However, they do not top the list of products with a record content of this vitamin. This list looks like this:

  1. Yeast (the amount of riboflavin depends on the form of its preparation).
  2. Liver (a large amount of the vitamin is found in the liver of elk, walrus, fur seals, and also in lamb liver).
  3. Purified hemp seed.
  4. Dried spirulina.
  5. Beef kidneys.

The kidneys and liver of a large number of animals play the role of a kind of vitamin warehouse. They are richest sources riboflavin. People living in the North eat mainly meat and offal, and this saves them from vitamin deficiency.

Certain food concentrates are also rich in vitamin B2, but they are not considered the main sources of this vitamin. It’s hard to even imagine that it’s realistic to include 100 grams of these concentrates in your diet.

This also applies to the liver and kidneys of various exotic animals. Eating elk or walrus liver every day is just as problematic as spirulina, especially since vitamin B2 is found in foods that are easier to purchase and prepare.

Vitamin B2 (which foods contain it)

It is believed that people who eat the following foods do not experience vitamin B2 deficiency:

  • Meat products and offal, as well as products made from them.
  • Dairy products.
  • Slightly processed cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • Mushrooms.
  • Bread products with bran.

It is important to know that B2 is a vitamin that cannot accumulate in the human body. Excessive consumption of foods containing riboflavin does not guarantee the formation of a reserve of this vitamin for the following days. Vitamin B2 leaves the body with urine.

A deficiency of this vitamin may be side effect ill-considered, strict diets. Vegetarians who do not rely on plant sources of this vitamin are also susceptible to it. They are advised to eat almonds, mushrooms and berries or replenish vitamin B2 with tablets.

Pregnant women, in order for the child to develop well and be born healthy, should saturate their body with the necessary amount of riboflavin. Representatives of the fair sex are recommended to introduce the vitamin into the body with food, and not with the help of expensive medications.

Vitamin B2 tablets

Experts advise using “Riboflavin” in tablet form:

  • For the prevention and treatment of vitamin B2 deficiency.
  • For dermatological diseases.
  • In the treatment of radiation sickness.
  • As a remedy for healing wounds and scratches.
  • With a lack of iron in the body.
  • In case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract that occur due to a lack of riboflavin.
  • For liver diseases: in combination with other drugs.
  • For the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

"Riboflavin" tablets should be consumed as prescribed by doctors. The daily dosage of drugs directly depends on age category patients.

Vitamin B2 tablets have almost no contraindications for use. It is not recommended to take it if the patient has an individual intolerance. Riboflavin tablets should be taken two hours before meals with plenty of water.

Vitamin B2 is one of the essential vitamins essential for the human body. For supporting wellness important has control over daily intake into the body daily norm of this vitamin.

B2 is a vitamin that saturates the body not only with health, but also with beauty. To have skin, attracting attention with their youth, smoothness and elasticity, it is recommended to include in the diet foods that serve as sources of this vitamin.

To avoid many problems caused by its deficiency, you need to know where vitamin B2 is found and in what foods. But first, let’s figure out what the role of this vitamin is in the body.

Why is vitamin B2 needed?
  1. In our body, this vitamin, as a rule, is “responsible” for the youth of our skin, making it smooth, fresh, and elastic. With his participation, it acquires a healthy color and velvety texture.
  2. Serious influence It helps strengthen the immune system and maintain good vision.
  3. The absence or deficiency of vitamin B2 in the body leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, stress, etc.
  4. It also plays an important role in normal activities. digestive tract.
  5. In combination with other substances included in the products, it helps get rid of excess weight without putting the body into a stressful state.
What foods contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin)?

Vitamin B2 is found in foods of animal origin:

  • in fatty pork, veal, beef, lamb;
  • V fermented milk products, in particular in yogurt, cottage cheese, and also in rennet cheeses;
  • Not everyone likes offal, but it is worth remembering that they are rich in riboflavin, in particular the liver and kidneys.

However, not only products of animal origin contain it. Vitamin B2 is found in foods intended for those struggling with excess weight. It can be found in sprouted grain bread and also made from wholemeal flour with unrefined grains. Riboflavin can be found in both green leafy crops and grains; the largest amount is found in buckwheat and oatmeal.

All types of nuts contain riboflavin, but almonds and peanuts are especially rich in it.

The source of vitamin B2 is baker's and brewer's yeast, both fresh and dry, as well as wheat and rye flour. Riboflavin is found in cauliflower, green peas, spinach, and potatoes.

Vitamin B2 is important for the body, so it is important to know what other foods contain it. Nutritionists say that the vitamin necessary for the body can be found in chicken eggs, as well as in dry and fresh milk.

How not to lose vitamin B2?

As you can see, the B vitamin we need can be found in many products, but it is not always possible to preserve it, especially when it comes to their heat treatment or improper storage:

  1. Fresh milk left open in daylight can lose half of its vitamin supply in just two hours.
  2. It is worth remembering that when legumes are cooked, almost the entire supply of riboflavin goes into the broth, therefore, by completely draining the water after cooking, we get a product that no longer contains this vitamin. This means that it is not enough to know which foods contain vitamin B2; you need to understand how to preserve it.

With a lack of vitamin B2 there is premature aging body, accompanied by the appearance of fine wrinkles and cracking of the lips. Often there may be a burning sensation in the eyes, which is not associated with working at the computer. Patches of flaky skin may appear, especially on the forehead, on and around the nose, and on the ears. In addition, loss or lack of vitamin B2 in the body will lead to long-term non-healing wounds, if they exist at that moment.

Translated from Latin language the word "vitamin" is translated as "life" and "protein". And letters were assigned to vitamins as they were discovered. The names of some of them have not only a letter designation, but also a verbal designation. For example, B2 is riboflavin, vitamin A is retinol, B12 is cyanocobalamin. Despite the fact that we need these elements in small doses, their consumption should be daily. In some cases, the need for them increases: for example, during pregnancy, with certain diseases, with increased physical or mental stress.

Ways to get vitamins into the body

  • Exogenous. In this case, vitamins enter our body from the outside - with food or with dietary supplements. Most the best option of course there will be natural products. Firstly, they are better absorbed by humans. Secondly, nature provides a combination different groups vitamins that enhance each other's effects.
  • Endogenous, or internal. Vitamins come from the synthesis of bacteria in the intestines. Weak sides this path - a small volume of production, possible disruptions due to diseases of the digestive tract, as well as insufficient absorption of vitamins from the colon as a result of taking antibiotics.

Causes of insufficient intake of vitamins from food

  • Unsatisfactory quality of products. After all, the habitat and ecology have changed, and as a result, crops do not receive all the necessary nutrients in full. Pollutants further deplete already modest reserves. The human diet is becoming increasingly scarce. As a result, it is not always possible to create your menu in such a way as to fully provide the body with the substances it needs.
  • Vitamins disappear when heat treatment products.
  • Impaired digestive functions do not allow the body to absorb necessary substances.
  • Insufficient or unbalanced intake of vitamins.
  • Seasonality factor: by autumn the body accumulates vitamins, and by spring their deficiency is detected. Vitamin intake should be regular. Please note that before you start taking multivitamins, you should consult a specialist.

Riboflavin: description

Vitamin B2, or growth vitamin, is essential to the human body For normal functioning cells, metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, tissue respiration. Riboflavin is a water-soluble substance. In combination with vitamin A, it helps ensure the integrity of the mucous membranes. In addition, this element is involved in the absorption of vitamin B6 and iron from food, helps relieve eye fatigue, and prevent cataracts. Preparations containing vitamin B2 are used in the treatment of skin diseases, poorly healing wounds, anemia, diabetes, eye diseases, intestinal pathologies, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Main functions of vitamin B2

  • Participation in the absorption of iron by the body;
  • Participation in all metabolic processes, including in the synthesis of ATP;
  • Hemoglobin synthesis;
  • Maintaining the normal functioning of the visual organs;
  • Ensuring normal operation of the function thyroid gland;
  • Maintaining healthy skin, nails and hair.

What does riboflavin contain?

Vitamin B2 is found in foods such as milk, cereals, greens, liver, kidneys, vegetables, yeast, almonds, and mushrooms. It does not accumulate in the human body, so its reserves should be replenished daily. The average daily requirement for this vitamin is on average 1.3 mg. In pregnant women, this norm increases to 1.6 mg. It must be remembered that light destroys vitamin B2 in food. This must be taken into account when preparing food and storing food. It is not advisable to boil pasteurized milk, since heat treatment can completely destroy the riboflavin contained in milk.

Why does the body lack riboflavin?

The main causes of vitamin B2 deficiency in the body are the following: unbalanced diet, lack of this vitamin in incoming food, improper storage or preparation of foods rich in riboflavin. Another reason may be a malabsorption in the intestine, an increase in the need for this vitamin with an increase in physical activity or, for example, pregnancy. Chronic diarrhea, liver disease, alcoholism can also cause vitamin B2 deficiency.

Symptoms of B2 deficiency

A manifestation of riboflavin deficiency may be seborrheic dermatitis(rough, scaly skin, especially on the face), angular stomatitis, which is characterized by cracks in the corners of the mouth. Possible nervous disorders, muscle weakness, leg pain. In general, vitamin B2 deficiency without complications is rare. More often it is combined with malnutrition and changes in biochemical parameters. A lack of this vitamin has an extremely negative effect on children's body. Thus, children with riboflavin deficiency lag behind their peers in development, their memory deteriorates and inattention and absent-mindedness appear. If vitamin B2 deficiency is suspected, a blood test is prescribed.

Vitamins in ampoules

To compensate for the deficiency of riboflavin, a course of administration is often prescribed for 1 - 1.5 months. B2 combines well with vitamin B6, enhancing its effectiveness. Combining riboflavin with zinc supplements will also be useful. This combination will improve the absorption of zinc, making it more bioavailable. Riboflavin is incompatible with vitamins C and B1.

Necessity for pregnant women

Vitamins B1 and B2 are required by pregnant women in significantly larger quantities than ordinary people. Daily requirement in thiamine in women in an “interesting” position is 10-20 mg per day. Taking vitamins prevents early manifestation toxicosis, weakness labor activity, stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves appetite. With a deficiency of these elements, digestive disorders occur, muscle weakness, pain in the heart area occurs, and fetal development and growth are impaired. Vitamin B2 also prevents cracked nipples.

B vitamins

The entire B complex of vitamins provides healthy work nervous system and is responsible for energy metabolism. Also, the functioning of the system largely depends on these elements. immune system and cell growth efficiency. To modern man experiencing mental and emotional stress, susceptible to stress, chronic diseases, B vitamins are essential in significant quantities. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 are contained in brewer's yeast. Pyridoxine is necessary for the body to absorb amino acids and takes part in fats and carbohydrates. B12 can be obtained by consumption beef liver. Cyanocobalamin is needed for normal hematopoiesis, ensures normalization fat metabolism in the liver, helps reduce blood cholesterol and improve memory.

Vitamins B1, B2, B12 are the basis for the normal functioning of any organism among mammals. As a rule, when there is a deficiency of these substances, minor symptoms first appear, which people usually do not pay attention to. However, they subsequently lead to irreversible changes. Thus, the content of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium in the body decreases. This, in turn, is expressed by tooth decay, physical exhaustion, loss of appetite, and as a result, anorexia, deterioration of vision.

Vitamins B6, B2, B1, B12 are water soluble, so they need to be consumed daily with food. You can also purchase riboflavin in ampoules at the pharmacy. But this should only be done if there is a vitamin deficiency. long time, and only after consulting with your doctor. The complex action of B vitamins is much more effective than each element separately. An unbalanced diet most often leads to a deficiency of a number of vitamins, so they must also be taken in combination.

Important information about vitamins

These substances are destroyed during heat treatment. Vitamin B2 is light sensitive and water soluble. It is impossible to get an excess of these microelements from food. The excess is excreted by the body with excretory products. B vitamins must enter our body daily, as they do not accumulate. These substances are destroyed by alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, tannins, and refined sugar. They can also be eliminated from the body by consuming antibiotics. To avoid such risks, during a particular treatment, your doctor may prescribe vitamin B2 in ampoules. During stress, the rate of metabolic processes increases, so in such cases the body's need for vitamins increases. For gastritis and peptic ulcer there is a violation of the synthesis of vitamin B by the microflora of the body.

Food and vitamins

Foods of animal origin are rich in vitamin B2: milk and dairy products, yoghurts, ice cream, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese, liver, yeast. The body can also be enriched with this microelement by nuts, cereals, mushrooms, and green vegetables - broccoli, spinach, avocado. To obtain the daily requirement of riboflavin, half a teaspoon of unshelled, unroasted pine nuts will be enough. If included in daily diet buckwheat, rice and rolled oats, then you don’t have to worry about a lack of vitamin B2 in the body. Fruit lovers should know that apricots contain the most riboflavin.

Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is often called the most important substance for beauty - the quality of the epidermis depends on its content in the body. The connection has therapeutic effect in the treatment of many disorders of almost all body systems.

Physical properties of vitamin B2

The vitamin is known as food component E101. According to its properties, it is a water-soluble crystalline compound. bright yellow color. Presented in the form of needle-shaped crystals with a bitter taste. Like many B vitamins, riboflavin is stable in acidic solution and unstable in alkaline solution. In addition, the substance is resistant to temperature. It is undesirable to expose the vitamin to light for a long time. The vitamin partially dissolves in alcohol solutions. The properties of the compound are biologically active.

Products with significant B2 content

There are several ways to obtain vitamin B2. Part of the vitamin is synthesized in the body's intestines. To the most nutrient-rich foods plant origin include peanuts, almonds, cereals, wheat sprouts, cabbage and tomatoes, animals - (fermented) dairy products, liver, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, fish and meat. Among synthetic analogues note vitamins B2 in tablets and in the composition vitamin complexes, injection solutions and eye drops.

The largest amount of substance is contained in pine nut kernels weighing up to 90 mg per 100 g. product. Also, significant vitamin content per tenth of a kilogram is observed in liver and kidneys (4 mg), yeast (brewer’s and baker’s, 3.5 mg), almonds (0.8 mg), eggs and cottage cheese (0.35 mg), meat (0.27 mg), cereals and milk (0.18 mg).

Daily requirement for riboflavin

Allowed daily consumption vitamin varies depending on age, gender and physical condition person. Average daily dose riboflavin is:

Status and gender Person's age Daily intake (mg)
Babies up to six months 0,4-0,5
up to a year 0,8-0,9
Children up to 2 years 0,9-1,0
up to 8 years 1,1-1,2
up to 10 years 1,5-1,6
up to 15 years 1,6-1,7
Teenagers up to 18 years old 1,7-1,8
Men 19-59 years old 1,5-1,6
60-74 years old 1,7-1,8
from 76 years old 1,6-1,8
Girls 15-18 years old 1,5-1,6
Women 19-59 years old 1,2-1,3
60-75 years 1,5-1,6
from 76 years old 1,4-1,5
Pregnant 2,0-2,2
Nursing 2,2-2,3

Half a liter of fermented milk products and 100-150 gr. cottage cheese or hard cheese can completely cover an adult’s need for the substance.

Therapeutic properties of riboflavin

The vitamin is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of immune antibodies, supports reproductive system human, normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland and regulates the growth of the body in childhood and adolescence. By increasing the absorption of oxygen by cells, the vitamin improves the condition of the epidermis and its derivatives - nails and hair.

Riboflavin reduces the harmful effects of toxins and poisons on the body, especially on the respiratory system, takes part in the formation of hormonal substances, and normalizes the course of pregnancy.

Effective for joint diseases, leukemia, Addinson's disease and radiation injuries.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of vitamin

The most significant functions of vitamin B2 include:

  • participation in the body's metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the body's protective functions and strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of dermatitis;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration.

From the nervous system:

  • treatment of most vision diseases;
  • treatment of epilepsy and stress susceptibility;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • normalization of metabolic nervous processes;
  • relieving eye fatigue.

From the circulatory system;

  • preventing thrombosis;
  • easing symptoms of hypertension;
  • synthesis of blood and immune cells;
  • normalization of cardiac activity.

From the digestive system:

  • normalization of bile outflow;
  • maintaining normal condition mucous membranes and organ cavities;
  • influence on glycogen synthesis;
  • increasing the absorption of iron and its preparations.

The presence of vitamin B2 and protein compounds in the diet significantly accelerates the healing of skin wounds.

Negative properties of vitamin B2

A contraindication to the use of the substance is increased sensitivity. A negative manifestation associated with irregular consumption of riboflavin is the possibility of fatty liver. That is why it is better not to abuse vitamin supplements with riboflavin.

Vitamin B2 absorption

In general, the substance is absorbed quite easily from food. Dietary supplements with vitamin B2 are best taken after meals - the compound is less absorbed on an empty stomach. It is highly undesirable to combine the vitamin with taking medications based on boric acid, since orthoborates block the absorption of riboflavin. B2 is also incompatible with drugs used in psychiatric therapy.

Insufficient riboflavin content in the body

Vitamin deficiency has certain symptoms. The deficiency is manifested by the appearance of cracks and snags on the lips, and seborrheic dermatitis on the nasolabial fold and wings of the nose. Swelling of the tongue, conjunctivitis, and in in some cases cataracts, anemia and muscle pain. Also signs of a substance deficiency include:

  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • photophobia;
  • fat content of the epidermis;
  • hair loss;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • pellagra.

It is known that if pregnant women do not consume enough riboflavin, abnormal development of the fetal brain may occur. Therefore, it is important for mothers to avoid a deficiency of the substance in the diet.

If a deficiency of the compound occurs (especially if the symptom is cracked lips), it is advisable to include almonds (about 140 g) and brewer's yeast (120 g) in the diet for 7 days to replenish the reserves of the substance.

It is also worth consuming more foods containing beta-carotene - pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, apricots, persimmons.

How to maintain sufficient B2 content in products

During any processing, despite the stability of riboflavin, part of it is inevitably lost - heating takes away a fifth total number, drying - a tenth, frying - a quarter, and boiling - half. The vitamin is not lost during deep freezing.

As is known, high content compounds noted in cottage cheese. It is advisable to choose a product of soft consistency with a large amount of whey - the more liquid in the cottage cheese, the higher the level of riboflavin.

A peculiarity of the behavior of the substance is that a greater amount of riboflavin can be obtained from thermally processed vegetables than from raw ones. Moreover, if food preparation is carried out in open container followed by draining the boiled solution (especially potato and pea), the loss of riboflavin will be significant. To minimize the disappearance of the vitamin, it is rational to use a double boiler for cooking.

Long-term storage of food in the refrigerator destroys the vitamin - this is why it is advisable not to make large stocks of vegetables.

When preparing milk porridges, cereals are first boiled in aqueous solution, and then milk is added to the resulting dish. The fact is that when pasteurized milk is heated to boiling point, complete destruction riboflavin in the composition. A similar situation is observed when storing milk in a transparent container in the light - half of the vitamin is lost in a couple of hours.

The natural substance is destroyed (with a loss of up to 25%) during prolonged defrosting in the light; it can be preserved by defrosting the product in boiling water, in an oven under foil, or in a cold, dark room.

Excessive levels of riboflavin in the body

The substance does not accumulate in the body - being water-soluble, riboflavin is excreted without overdose. With an excess of vitamin, urine turns a rich light yellow color. Part of the compound is excreted in sweat, bile, and breast milk.

Excessive amounts of vitamin may affect the absorption of iron supplements. In some cases the following are noted:

  • dizziness;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • numbness;
  • changes in tendon reflexes;
  • increase in pressure.

The influence of other substances on the action of vitamin B2

IN bone marrow production blood cells in the process of hematopoiesis occurs with the joint participation of riboflavin and folic acid. In combination with thiamine, the substance maintains the required iron level in the blood. Enhances the effect of pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9) and phylloquinone (vitamin K).

Taking the vitamin is completely incompatible with the use of sodium bicarbonate solutions, drugs containing sulfanilamine and alcoholic beverages.

Riboflavin– one of the most significant substances for the health of the body. The vitamin is a coenzyme of many metabolic and biological processes, affects almost everything internal systems body, maintains the health and beauty of skin, hair and nails.

The substance is effective in the treatment of neuralgic disorders, normalization of pregnancy and the treatment of eye diseases. That is why it is advisable to ensure sufficient intake of the compound in the body through food or in the form of supplements.

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