Vitamins for memory and brain function that adults need. Vitamins for memory, brain function and nervous system of an adult

Modern realities are such that we constantly need to keep a huge amount of information in our heads. These are numbers and events, phone numbers, access codes, passwords and much more. But it’s not enough to just remember information; you also need to maintain a clear mind, the ability to analyze and synthesize, and all this under fairly high loads. This is why depression and mental disorders are a scourge modern society. But there is a way out: by taking vitamins for the brain and memory, you can significantly improve the quality of thought processes, maintain a clear mind in the most difficult situations and endure the most high loads.

Age-related changes

Most often, in youth, the body’s resources are enough to ensure that all thought processes proceed as efficiently as possible. But with age, their quality deteriorates, memory and attention suffer, and their quality gradually deteriorates. The accelerating pace of life has led to the fact that degenerative diseases have become noticeably younger; today they are observed even in schoolchildren. Stress, metabolic disorders caused by poor nutrition, fatigue - all this leads to such changes. In such conditions, vitamins for the brain and memory become simply necessary.

Major memory disorders

Higher nervous activity and thinking are such complex processes that there are a great many different disorders, so we will dwell only on a brief listing of memory disorders. Hypomnesia, which is characterized by a weakening of higher mental functions, is common among them. It arises from alcohol intoxication, injuries, lack of sleep, stress and malnutrition. In this case, vitamins for the brain and memory are an ideal option. Complexes such as Neuromultivit and Milgamma have proven themselves very well. Reviews from neurologists, as well as patients who tested their effect on themselves, indicate that such a disorder is completely cured after a full course of taking the drug.

The opposite option is hypermnesia; this is quite rare, but very unpleasant condition when a person cannot forget information, remembering the smallest details. Finally, the third group is paramnesia. A person begins to remember something that never happened, or his memories are very different from reality. The last two groups of disorders are quite difficult to treat, using special medications. Vitamins serve only as a supplement to basic therapy.

The most important vitamins for the brain and memory

This, of course, is the entire group B. They are the ones who activate memory and thinking; a person cannot do without them, especially if he wants to maintain clarity and sharpness of mind. Their unique feature is to comprehensively support the central nervous system. In the absence of the proper amount of vitamins of this group, a person experiences not only difficulty concentrating, but also various problems with the spine, chondrosis becomes a frequent companion.

Being the most important antioxidants, B vitamins serve as good protection for the brain from overload and early aging, and take part in enriching brain cells with oxygen. What happens if they do not enter the body in sufficient quantities? In this case, the synthesis of amino acids becomes difficult. They, in turn, form a transport network, because they are neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses between neurons. If their production deteriorates, then memory suffers first.

All Group B

What vitamins are included in this group? This is primarily B1 - thiamine. It is responsible for cognitive functions, so vitamins for brains and memory must include it in sufficient quantities. The deficiency of this element leads to the accumulation uric acid, which leads to weakening of brain function. B2 and B3 (nicotinic acid) stimulate brain activity, under their influence energy is produced in nerve cells. Microelements such as B5 and B6 affect active work brain They are also the most important antioxidants, protecting the brain from the effects of alcohol and nicotine poisoning. Vitamins B9 and B12 have auxiliary functions. Which complexes contain the entire set of these essential elements? This is primarily “Milgamma”. Reviews about it are very good, it contains vitamins in a therapeutic dose and allows you to quickly improve brain function even with severe brain damage. Just for the prevention or improvement of memory, doctors recommend inexpensive and effective “Vito plus” and “Pentovit”.

Additional items

Vitamins for brains and memory include not only group B. Thought processes are very complex, which means they require large amounts various substances. This ascorbic acid, which enters the body from a huge number of foods and is a very strong antioxidant that protects against mental and physical stress. In addition, do not forget that the absorption of one microelement depends on the presence of another in the body. Thus, not only the absorption, but also the stability of B vitamins depends on vitamin C.

When considering vitamins for memory and brain function, we must not forget about ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol (group D). These “sunshine” vitamins protect brain cells from premature aging and destruction, and help improve attention and memory. Vitamin E, an important antioxidant, rids brain tissue of toxins and the effects of free radicals, improves memory and perception of new information, and regulates mood swings. We must not forget about the health of the capillaries. They are responsible for feeding the brain structures. Vitamin P takes care of the health of brain capillaries, reduces their permeability and fragility, and helps improve concentration.

These are all vitamins for memory and brain function. As you can see, B vitamins, despite the fact that they play a leading role, will not work as productively without the whole team.

Useful material

There are other substances that are needed for higher nervous activity. We have listed vitamins for memory and brain function, but there is also a microelement called coenzyme Q10. This is a real energy drink for the brain, the most powerful of all known today. With its help, the ability to concentrate and short-term memory improves, and the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Another substance that is not essential, but has a beneficial effect on brain function, is ginkgo biloba plant extract. It is widely used by neurologists, recommending it to patients as a remedy that restores brain cells and improves short-term memory. All complexes containing vitamins to improve memory and brain function include these beneficial substances.

Sources of essential microelements

If you feel that during the working day a feeling of fatigue comes over you, your eyes are stuck together, and your head is completely foggy, then you clearly do not have enough useful microelements. The body cannot cope with the load, and the brain suffers first. Vitamins come to the rescue to improve memory and brain function. However, you don’t have to go to the pharmacy right away; you can adjust your diet and your performance will always be at its best. Every day you need to eat brewer's yeast and nuts, unrefined grains, milk and legumes. Don’t forget about potatoes and cabbage, cereals and eggs; an indispensable source of thiamine is green buckwheat. Biotin and other B vitamins are found in large quantities in beef liver, rice, fruits and soy products. Sources of ascorbic acid are citrus fruits and black currants, cabbage and apples, peppers, tomatoes and rose hips. Adults should take these vitamins for memory and brain function regularly, as they are water-soluble and do not accumulate in the body.

Vitamin complexes for adults

Today, shelves in pharmacies are filled with the most different products from domestic and imported manufacturers. At the same time, do not forget that vitamins for memory and brain function should be prescribed to adults by a neurologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Judging by the reviews of doctors, one of the best is the Vitrum Memory complex. It is perfectly balanced and at the same time affordable. An excellent general action drug for good memory. If you have problems not only with memory, but also need to further activate your brain, then “Refer” will be an excellent solution. For those who suffer from constant stress that has a negative impact on mental activity, the “Active Day” complex is suitable. Finally, the last drug is Phosphatide Complex. Judging by the reviews, this is an excellent, balanced dietary supplement that normalizes the nutrition of brain cells. All these vitamins for the brain and memory for adults are sold at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Vitamin deficiency in children

Today, teachers are sounding the alarm; the level of knowledge among children is falling. This may be due to the fact that, due to the great availability of information, the memory of the younger generation is untrained, and children have difficulty withstanding high loads. That is why children should be given vitamins for the brain and memory not only during exams, but constantly. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency include restlessness, inability to assimilate educational material, and inability to concentrate.

Vitamin complexes for schoolchildren

Judging by the reviews of pediatricians, not all complexes are of high quality and meet all the needs of a growing body. Russian doctors agree that the best vitamins for the brain and memory for schoolchildren are Pikovit. What makes him different is affordable price and high reliability. The Vitrum, Multitabs, Jungle and Complivit complexes have also proven themselves well. Any of these, when taken regularly, can significantly improve your child's learning.


So, a balanced diet is very important for every person. However, it is difficult for a modern person to maintain an optimal menu every day, so doctors recommend taking vitamins for the brain and memory. Reviews from neurologists and people themselves who constantly take supplements note their very good effectiveness. Efficiency increases significantly, less time is required for sleep and recuperation, stress at work or school is easier to bear, and the number of mistakes and conflicts due to forgetfulness is reduced. Based on this, we can conclude that everyone needs to take vitamins, every day, all year round.

It is the most important body in the human body. It regulates all major vital functions and is the “engine” that allows us to achieve our goals and objectives. When we don't consume enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our brain needs, we often experience decreased energy and productivity, fatigue, irritation... Would you like to know what foods your brain needs to function at full capacity? In this article, we will tell you about nine brain vitamins, what their benefits are for your body, and what foods you can find them in.

Do we know which vitamins we should consume daily for better functioning of our brain? Do we buy those foods that contain the most vitamins that improve and stimulate our brain function? Do we realize that by taking certain vitamins with food we can improve our memory and levels? Some studies claim that good diet may even protect the brain from diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

By making small changes in our diet, we can achieve amazing results. Are you interested? We will share with you recommendations on what vitamins should be consumed to improve our brain function, and in what foods they can be found. Also find out which ones are for your table.

“If we don't eat well, the medicine doesn't work; if we eat well, we will not need medicine.” - a saying of followers of Ayurveda.

The foods and vitamins that we consume have a direct impact (both positive and negative) on the functioning of the entire body, and especially on the functioning of our brain. Brain function can be affected by time and other factors such as genetics, diet, or even our daily habits.

Beta-carotene is a red pigment that turns into vitamin A when we eat it. Its main functions include preventing cognitive degeneration and protecting memory. It has been found that a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to serious violations health, for example, to vision problems and even cause permanent blindness. And also its deficiency can negatively affect the growth and development of children.

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin A or beta-carotene? This vitamin is found in foods such as melon, papaya, mango, pumpkin and carrots.

2. Vitamin B1

Among the most important functions This vitamin for the brain is distinguished as follows: prevention of memory impairment, a powerful “drug” for combating depression and improving mental well-being in general, as well as good way slowing down the aging process of the brain. In the group of vitamins B, you can find Various types, including vitamin B6, B9 and B12. These three types of vitamins, among other effects, have one general function. They promote the formation of red blood cells, due to this, blood circulation improves and the process of oxygen delivery to cells is accelerated.

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Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. It is present in abundance in brain tissue and. Among the most important functions of this vitamin are the following: promotes the transformation of food into energy and the preservation of this energy in our body; takes part in the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system; necessary in the process of glucose absorption in the nervous system, affects vision and eye health.

According to various studies, a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to (Korsakoff's psychosis; this syndrome is especially common in chronic alcoholics or people with AIDS, or after brain injuries).

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin B1? We can find vitamin B1 or thiamine in most types of meat, such as chicken, beef or pork. And also its source is fish, nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables.

3. Vitamin B6

This brain vitamin promotes the formation of substances such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acetylcholine (responsible for transmitting signals that occur between neurons). Dopamine associated with the reward circuits of the brain. Adrenalin(or epinephrine) among other things regulates heart rate. Norepinephrine(or norepinephrine) provides “warnings” for nervous system V stressful situations. GABA reduces the level of and, and also helps us relax the brain and. Acetylcholine participates in the processes of encoding information for the purpose of its consolidation and memorization. In addition, vitamin B6 regulates homocysteine ​​levels(an amino acid that, at elevated levels, provokes the appearance of vascular disorders), enhances the absorption of vitamin B12 and is very an important component for our .

Vitamin B6 helps convert tryptophan into, or in more practical terms, prevents depression and. Very important avoid shortages vitamin B6 in the body because this can lead to memory loss, confusion, fatigue, depression, and premature aging of the brain. To summarize, vitamin B6 plays an important role in the process of optimal brain development.

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Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin B6? Vitamin B6 must be consumed daily. There are many foods that contain this vitamin such as eggs, milk and dairy products, wheat germ, brown rice, potatoes, turkey, beef, chicken, lamb, pork, seafood, lentils, peppers, lentils, wholemeal bread, peanuts, hazelnuts, nuts, spinach, carrots, broccoli , salmon, trout, tuna.

4. Vitamin B9

folic acid . It plays an important role in maintaining brain health and ensuring its full functioning. Even before a person is born, folic acid is necessary for proper and timely brain development baby who is in the womb. It participates in the development of the neural tube of the fetus, from which the head and spinal cord. Folic acid helps cells reproduce and promotes the formation of new tissue.

Vitamin B9 takes part in education of some brain, such as dopamine, serotonin and epinephrine (adrenaline). It is important to maintain normal and adequate levels of vitamin B9 because a decrease in its level leads to an increase in homocysteine ​​levels(amino acids; in such cases there is a risk of arterial damage and blood clots). Thus, vitamin B9 deficiency can lead to. Vitamin B9 deficiency in children can cause developmental problems.

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin B9? Vitamin B9 (or folic acid) is found in the following foods: fruits (bananas, oranges, melon, avocado) and others food products (legumes and grains, spinach, asparagus, brown rice, oats...). That is, we can find vitamin B9 primarily in vegetables, cereals and peanuts.

5. Vitamin B12

This brain vitamin is associated with the formation of the myelin sheath some neurons (the layer that covers the axons of neurons, which helps transmit nerve impulses faster) and the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for delivering oxygen to all cells of the body.

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for proper functioning of the brain. He is involved in development of cells and fatty acids, and is important for synthesis of proteins, red blood cells and neurotransmitters. This vitamin is closely related to our short-term memory and quick thinking.

If our vitamin B12 levels are below normal, this can cause the following problems: absent-mindedness and memory loss, frequent mood swings, noticeable slowing of thinking processes, up to increased risk early development Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin B12? The following foods are rich in vitamin B12: meat ( chicken, turkey, beef, offal...), red fish and seafood ( salmon, trout, mussels...), and other products such as eggs, grains, dairy products, including cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese...

Some people experience complications due to the fact that they are unable to absorb vitamin B12 only from the food they eat. In this case, it is recommended to contact your doctor and ask him to select the optimal vitamin complex or nutritional supplement.

6. Vitamin C

This brain vitamin is also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is very important antioxidant that protects the brain from oxidative stress and degeneration associated with age. Vitamin C, combined with vitamin E, prevents diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. It also prevents the appearance colds, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases. According to various studies, vitamin C has been found to reduce the risk of developing brain cancer, especially in children.

In addition, vitamin C helps you properly absorb iron from other foods, such as legumes. Iron, in its turn, necessary for the body to improve cognitive functions, attention and memory. Therefore, we recommend that you use a simple trick: to better absorb iron in the body, try combining a dish of legumes (lots of iron) with a glass of orange juice ( high content vitamin C).

Vitamin C is very important for the brain, and some people consider it “ natural antidepressant", because it increases the level of serotonin (the neurotransmitter that helps us “feel happy”), and therefore and raises. According to Jean Carpenter (author of “Your Amazing Brain”), taking vitamin C can improve memory and cognitive function, and thereby improve IQ test scores. It is recommended to consume vitamin C daily because it affects our memory, learning ability, etc.

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin C? Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits), melons, pineapple, strawberries and other berries, as well as vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, spinach, cauliflower and broccoli…. That is, this vitamin is mainly found in citrus fruits and green vegetables.

7. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial if we want our brain to function normally and correctly. Among the most important functions of vitamin D are improving memory, it has a positive effect on our mood and motivation, and increases our ability to solve problems.

According to some studies, a lack of vitamin D in the body can cause cognitive impairment. According to various studies, it has been found that vitamin D can improve the condition of people with multiple sclerosis(MS), or suffering from certain mental disorders, for example, in the case of seasonal affective disorder (certain type depression associated with seasonal changes).

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin D? Vitamin D depends largely on sunlight and energy (therefore, it is recommended for everyone to sunbathe, regardless of age, but at the same time taking precautions). You shouldn’t get too carried away with tanning, and vitamin D can also be found in the following foods: some types of fish ( sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel...) or other products such as Champignon or some types of dairy products.

8. Vitamin K

Among the most important beneficial properties of this vitamin for the brain are the following: increases brain speed, improves learning ability and memory, serves to develop cognitive abilities generally. People suffering from Alzheimer's disease usually show a deficiency of vitamin K in the body. Therefore, scientists concluded that consuming this vitamin may be beneficial for them. Subject to balanced diet and eating foods rich in vitamin K can help prevent premature aging brain and Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting and calcium absorption.

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find vitamin K? Rich in this vitamin Brussels sprouts, asparagus, parsley, celery green leafy vegetables and fermented foods (fermented dairy products). However, ideal source vitamin K is rightfully considered broccoli, this vegetable is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.

9. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, which our body cannot produce. Among the beneficial properties of this substance are increased brain performance. Eating a diet that includes foods rich in omega-3s protects the brain from cognitive decline and helps improve brain plasticity, concentration and memory.

Omega-3 fatty acids are directly linked to memory processes and a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Thus, eating foods containing Omega-3 prevents degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, and helps improve our memory. Of course, now the phrase that we have all heard since childhood: “Eat fish, it's good for your brain” begins to make sense!

Vitamins for the brain: In what foods can we find Omega-3 fatty acids? Fish- This best source these substances. Include in your diet sardines, anchovies, salmon, swordfish, tuna etc.

Unfortunately, there is no food that contains all the vitamins our brain needs. That's why it's so important to learn how to eat right and make sure that the levels of all vitamins in the body are normal. That is, try to avoid deficiencies or excesses in vitamins. And as neuroscientist Fernando Gómez-Pinilla says: “ There are many healthy foods, but if you exceed the norm of consuming one of them, it will negatively affect your health. Best recommendation- is to maintain a balance between healthy products, which successfully complement each other”.

It is recommended to always eat fresh and as natural foods as possible. Pay special attention to vegetables and fruits, include fish, legumes, grains and dairy products in your diet. In addition, it is necessary to comply daily norm water consumption. Let's not forget that 85% of the weight of our brain consists of water! In addition, water gives us energy and has many beneficial properties, which is why it is so important to always provide the brain with water. Eating style is directly affected by normal functioning our brain. Therefore, if we want to keep our brain healthy, we should eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and be mentally stimulated daily. CogniFit's scientifically proven personal brain training can help you do just that.

Do you want to improve memory, attention and other cognitive functions? Train your brain's core abilities with ! The program automatically identifies the most weakened cognitive functions and suggests a training regimen that suits you! Exercise regularly 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes, and within a few months you will be able to notice improvements. If the child is already preschool or school age, then of course parents have a question about restoring cognitive functions. When treating apnea, the restoration of cognitive functions, as well as the disappearance ADHD symptoms, perhaps in full. Great importance at the same time, however, it has the level of cognitive functions before the development of apnea, as well as social level the child’s family and the completeness of the rehabilitation measures carried out.

If you want to expand your knowledge about this topic and become an expert in the field healthy eating, we recommend that you read the following books: “Neuronutrition. Your Mood Diet” by Sandi Krstinic, “Your Amazing Brain” by Jean Carpenter, “ Plant based diet” Lindsay Nixon, “Vitamania” Katherine Price, “Brain Nutrition” Neal Barnard.

“Nutrition is a necessity, but eating wisely is an art.” (La Rochefoucauld)

Thank you for reading this article. Do you know other vitamins to improve brain function? Share with us in the comments below! And also leave your questions and suggestions :)

Translation by Alexandra Dyuzheva

Psicóloga especializada en psicología clínica infanto-juvenil. En continua formación para ser psicóloga sanitaria y neuropsicóloga clínica. Apasionada de la neurociencia e investigación del cerebro humano. Miembro activo de diferentes asociaciones e interesada en labores humanitarias y emergencias. A Mairena le encanta escribir artículos que puedan ayudar o inspirar.
“Magia es creer en ti mismo.”

Brain performance depends on the quality of nutrition. But not every person can afford to eat a nutritious and varied diet. Some people do not have enough money for quality food, others do not grow fruits and vegetables in their region of residence, and still others have contraindications to taking certain foods. It happens that human body does not digest dairy products or is allergic to certain plant foods. In this situation you have to use synthetic vitamins for the brain and memory.

Most human brain needs B vitamins. Other benefits include rutin, which prevents hemorrhagic strokes, tocopherol, which prevents toxic compounds from entering the brain, and calciferol, which inhibits the development of malignant tumors.

Vitamins to support active brain function

There is a list of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on memory, mental activity, and blood circulation in the brain. After taking these vitamins, a person becomes more balanced, calm, his performance increases, and his concentration improves. After blood circulation is restored, the brain begins to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for its stable and active activity.

B vitamins

These vitamins are especially necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Without them, the brain cannot perform basic functions: maintain memory, control mental activity. Vitamins of this group normalize work nerve fibers, obstruct early aging the body, help cope with stress, mental and mental overload. With vitamin deficiency, a person has problems with memory and nervous disorders, there is a decrease in brain performance.

  1. Vitamin B 1 or thiamine. Gives energy to the body, eliminates fatigue, and maintains a feeling of vigor for a long time. It also strengthens memory, helps fight insomnia, depression, and the effects of stress. Controls the delivery of glucose to the brain. With thiamine deficiency, a person experiences pathologies of the cardiovascular system, depression, sleep disturbances, nervousness, problems with memory and coordination of movements.
  2. Vitamin B 2 or riboflavin. Supplies the body with energy and stimulates brain function. Participates in the formation of nerve fibers. Helps you not get tired for a long time during intense activities physical activity. A lack of riboflavin in the body is indicated by headaches, rapid weight loss, lethargy, awkward movements, and drowsiness.
  3. Vitamin B 3 or niacin. One of essential substances in the human body, involved in the formation of enzymes. The vitamin controls the breakdown of food and the extraction of energy from it, and activates brain function. When the substance is deficient, a person experiences fatigue and depression, is unable to concentrate, and becomes depressed.
  4. Vitamin B 5 or pantothenic acid. Controls long-term memory, participates in the transmission of impulses between nerve endings. Regulates the synthesis of antibodies that destroy toxins entering the body with cigarette smoke and alcohol. Headaches indicate a lack of vitamins, bad memory, insomnia, muscle aches.
  5. Vitamin B 6 or pyridoxine. Improves mental abilities, stimulates thinking processes. In healthy and well-nourished people, it is synthesized independently in the body. With a deficiency of the substance, panic attacks, short temper, depression, nervousness, insomnia, and mental retardation are noted.
  6. Vitamin B 9 or folic acid. Increases body tone, strengthens memory, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin deficiency is observed mainly in smokers and drinkers. When there is a lack of the substance, a person loses memory, sleeps poorly, worries for no reason, gets tired quickly, feels overwhelmed and lost.
  7. Vitamin B 12 or cyanocobalamin. Controls the change in phases of sleep and wakefulness in the brain. If there is a deficiency of the substance, it is difficult for a person to wake up in the morning, maintain a daily routine, and get used to time zones. A lack of vitamin in the body is indicated by dizziness, depression, short temper, low intelligence, slow thoughts, and poor memory.

Ascorbic acid

It is a powerful antioxidant, helps B vitamins to be absorbed, and supports mental and physical performance. Regulates the functioning of brain neurotransmitters. With a lack of vitamin C, a person looks apathetic, depressed, tired, and irritable.


Protects the body from exposure negative factors, strengthens blood vessels, significantly reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease. It is a strong antioxidant, removes toxic compounds and breakdown products from the body. With a lack of vitamin E, a person becomes hot-tempered, aggressive, explosive, and loses the ability to think adequately.

Controls oxidation-reduction processes in the body. Reduces the risk of developing brain cancer, supports in good condition heart and blood vessels. With a deficiency of vitamin D, vision deteriorates, skin pathologies occur, apathy develops, sleep is disturbed, and appetite is lost.

Prevents brain bleeding, restores strength and elasticity blood vessels. It is an antioxidant and normalizes redox reactions in the body. With a deficiency of vitamin P, a person often has nosebleeds, gums bleed, and hematomas form on the body. The person is constantly lethargic and apathetic.

The best vitamin complexes for adults

Listed below are vitamin complexes to stimulate mental activity, improve memory, restore the nervous system, suitable for adults and adolescents.

The best vitamin complexes for schoolchildren and students

Students and school-age children do not always eat well, so their body suffers from a lack of vitamins and nutrients. Students and schoolchildren must take vitamins and mineral preparations to improve memory, maintain the mind and concentration, activate the brain, normalize the state of the nervous system. The best vitamins for memory and brain activity, suitable for child school age and adolescent are listed below.

The best vitamin complexes for young children

Actively growing and developing children's body needed in optimal quantity vitamins and nutrients. Young children should definitely be given vitamin complexes that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and promote development. intellectual abilities. The use of vitamin-containing preparations is necessary for a first-grader who is faced with unusual mental overload during his studies. The highest quality and most popular vitamin complexes for children and primary schoolchildren are given below.

What foods are rich in vitamins for the brain and memory?

To preserve memory and maintain brain function, quality nutrition is important. People engaged in intellectual work should adhere to special diet. The following foods are helpful for stimulating your brain.

  1. Whole wheat bread. Rich in B vitamins.
  2. Nuts. Useful as a source of tocopherol. They are high protein foods and provide Good work brain.
  3. Fish fatty varieties. It is recommended to eat it to saturate the body with omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, selenium and other trace elements.
  4. Shrimps. Rich in vitamin D.
  5. Pumpkin seeds. Inexpensive and tasty sources of zinc and other brain-healthy substances.
  6. Eggplant. The peel contains anthocyanins - pigments from the group of flavonoids, strong protectors of the brain from pathological changes.
  7. Blueberry. It contains substances that prevent memory loss.
  8. Chicken. Rich in riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin.
  9. Black chocolate. It contains substances that activate the brain. But you shouldn’t get carried away with sweet foods.

The best prevention of memory loss and decreased brain performance are sound sleep, quality nutrition, physical activity, and constant mental training. If you lead healthy image life, regularly take vitamins, the brain will remain active and highly efficient until old age.

In our age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the avalanche of information that flows at us every day. Already in the elementary grades, schools require daily retelling of long paragraphs of text, and then comes college and work, where you have to memorize and memorize even more. It is not surprising that in old age, and sometimes even earlier, the brain wears out and begins to fail us more and more often. To troubleshoot problems in its functioning, nootropic drugs were created, with the help of which the brain begins to actively function. Below is a selection of drugs from this group and their brief characteristics.

5 Over-the-Counter Memory Enhancers

1. Noopept

A new generation drug developed by a group of Russian scientists with a dual action mechanism.

Firstly, it improves memory and learning ability, acting like the natural “memory peptide” of the brain, and has a pronounced stimulating effect on all three phases of memory - input and primary processing information, consolidation and reproduction of information.

This feature makes it possible to significantly facilitate the processes of memorization and thinking, for a long time retain the necessary fragments in memory.

Secondly, Noopept has a complex neuroprotective effect: it not only protects brain neurons from damage and helps restore their functions, but also improves their blood supply and microcirculation.

Noopept also improves concentration, which is especially important when used in older people, whose brains cannot work as quickly as before, and in people whose profession requires increased concentration, for example, drivers. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, during breastfeeding and in children under 18. Patients with hypersensitivity may experience allergies, and those suffering from severe hypertension may experience an increase in blood pressure.

2. Bilobil

The drug is based on ginkgo biloba extract. Its action is associated with improved blood circulation in peripheral vessels and cerebral vessels, strengthening blood vessels, antioxidant effect.

Effective for disorders of memory, attention, sleep patterns caused by serious illnesses and injuries, circulatory disorders in the peripheral vessels, dizziness.

Not recommended for children under 18, patients with hypersensitivity, those who have had myocardial infarction, gastritis accompanied by the appearance of erosions on the gastric mucosa, peptic ulcer stomach in the acute stage. From side effects emit headache, dizziness, allergies, nausea, vomiting.

Created on the basis of aminoacetic acid, which has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, which causes sedative effect(drowsiness). Thanks to active component metabolism in brain tissue improves. Glycine is used for symptoms of nervous tension, excitability, decreased mental activity, sleep disorders. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and among side effects Allergic reactions can be identified. But Glycine has a mild effect on the body, so it is not always effective for serious brain disorders.

4. Aminalon

A drug containing gamma-aminobutyric acid, which improves metabolism in brain tissue and stimulates memory and psyche. Reduces blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, has an anticonvulsant, hypotensive effect. Among the indications for the use of Aminalon are residual effects of TBI, stroke, encephalopathy of various origins; alcoholic ponyneurapotia, cerebral palsy, consequences birth trauma in children. The drug is recommended for use in children who lag behind their peers in intellectual development. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to components, children under 1 year of age, acute renal failure, and side effects may include changes in blood pressure, dyspeptic, allergic phenomena, nausea, vomiting, insomnia.

5. Intellan

The drug is created on the basis of plant extracts containing flavonoids, amino acids, and vitamins. Improves blood circulation in brain tissue and metabolism. It has a neurostimulating effect, thanks to which it can be used not only for circulatory disorders in the cerebral vessels, but also for depression, anxiety states. Contraindications to taking Intellan are severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and hypersensitivity. Sometimes, while taking Intellan, allergies, sleep disorders, dyspeptic disorders, and increased blood pressure are possible.

5 Prescription Memory Enhancers

1. Cerebrolysin

Available in ampoules, it contains a concentrate of a peptide drug obtained from pig brain. Improves the condition of nerve cells, prevents exposure harmful factors on them. Indicated for Alzheimer's disease, complications developed after a stroke, brain injuries and their consequences, delayed mental and mental development in children. Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity, epilepsy, severe diseases kidney IN in rare cases can cause loss of appetite, depression, changes in blood pressure, weakness.

2. Picamilon

A nootropic drug containing as a main component a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid. Improves blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain, is effective in the fight against migraines, asthenic, depressive states in elderly people, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug should be taken with caution by persons with severe renal impairment. May cause headache, rash, nausea, nervous irritability.

3. Encephabol

Its effect is due to pyritinol, which is able to normalize metabolic processes in the brain and has antioxidant properties. Indicated for atherosclerosis, consequences of head injury and serious illnesses brain, encephalitis. Used in children to treat encephalopathy and mental retardation. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, and those suffering from serious renal impairment and autoimmune diseases should be careful when taking it. May cause dyspeptic disorders, loss of appetite, increased fatigue, and allergies. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A large number of side effects when taking Encephabol make it difficult to use in the wide practice of therapists and neurologists. When prescribing Encephabol, the doctor must also perform additional laboratory research, which is economically disadvantageous for the patient.

4. Nootropil

A drug based on piracetam accelerates metabolism in the brain, learning and memory processes. It is used for Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches, impaired cognitive function, memory, and asthenodepressive syndrome. Contraindicated in psychomotor agitation at the time of prescription of the drug, Huntington's chorea, acute disorder cerebral circulation(hemorrhagic stroke, pronounced violations renal function, hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, with extensive surgical interventions, heavy bleeding, impaired hemostasis. May cause difficulty concentrating, dyspeptic symptoms, anxiety, appetite disorders.

5. Cavinton

The active component of the drug, vinpocetine, improves the metabolic processes of the brain and the rheological properties of the blood. Effective for worsening stroke, atherosclerosis, encephalopathy that develops after injury. Contraindicated in severe arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, lactation and pregnancy (no safety data available). May cause rapid heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, increased arrhythmia, dry mouth, dyspepsia, migraine.

To make your brain work productively, you can memorize a short passage of a poem or other text every day, comprehending what you read. Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, chess and checkers are great for training your memory and thinking. In your diet you need to include foods rich in vitamins B, E and C (meat, fish, currants, cheese, milk, oranges, nuts, various cereals), iron and iodine. It is useful to move a lot, develop fine motor skills(embroidery, bead weaving), maintain a sleep schedule and avoid stress.

Conclusions about the unequivocal superiority of Noopept.

All drugs have their advantages and disadvantages, but the very promising innovative drug Noopept definitely deserves attention. It is not only effective for many conditions, but also safe. Noopept is not approved for use in children under 18 years of age, because There is not yet enough clinical data on the safety of the drug. But perhaps in the near future the drug will be approved for use in pediatric practice.

You may notice that some people keep good memory and a clear mind until old age, while others already at the age of 40 complain of absent-mindedness and inability to remember simple information. Genetics plays an important role here. Education and professional memory training help prolong brain activity and preserve it in old age. In turn, factors contributing to the reduction mental abilities, are deteriorating health, stress, lack of useful substances in nutrition. Taking vitamins can help support normal work brain


The role of vitamins and minerals in improving brain activity

With age, brain tissue, like all other organs, ages. Throughout life, nerve cells are exposed to various destructive factors. However, their constant regeneration occurs, and it has been proven that this process continues until death. In young people, regeneration (neurogenesis) occurs faster; in older people, it gradually slows down due to deterioration of metabolism in the body. Vitamin deficiency is manifested by a decrease in the ability to perceive and remember new information, deterioration of attention and intelligence, forgetfulness, and the inability to recall past events.

Vitamins perform the following roles in the body:

  1. Participate in the production of collagen, strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Thus, they help improve blood supply and nutrition to brain tissue.
  2. They accelerate the redox processes occurring in the body, helping to improve metabolism and release energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Thanks to their antioxidant capacity, they protect cells from destruction by free radicals, harmful byproducts of biochemical reactions.

It is necessary to replenish the supply of vitamins that improve brain function. This will help proper nutrition and taking medications containing a variety of beneficial components for the body.

What vitamins are especially needed for the brain?

A person perceives information most actively in early childhood. An adult has to constantly make efforts to learn new skills and memorize various useful information.

There are substances that are especially necessary to improve a person’s mental abilities and memory. The reason for their deficiency may be disruption of the digestive organs, thyroid gland, improper metabolism, stress and loads that require increased energy expenditure by the body.

B vitamins

Each of them is important in its own way.

B1 (thiamine). The significance of this substance is that without it, normal absorption of carbohydrates, accumulation of energy necessary for the functioning of the brain, and renewal of nerve cells are impossible. With a lack of thiamine, work is disrupted digestive system, that is, the assimilation of others useful elements. The substance does not accumulate in the body; it requires daily replenishment.

B2 (riboflavin). This substance is absorbed in the stomach only in the presence of food. It should be taken with or after meals. With the participation of this substance, the functioning of the part of the brain that is responsible for visual acuity and normal color perception improves. These factors have a direct impact on remembering information.

Riboflavin is found in yeast, liver, eggs, cheese, milk, meat, fish, and mushrooms.

B3 (nicotinic acid). It has antioxidant properties. Participates in the production of enzymes that regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system. This substance promotes vasodilation, therefore it is used to treat atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular accidents. With a lack of vitamin, brain function is disrupted. Headaches, apathy, and absent-mindedness occur.

Most of the vitamin is found in nuts, liver, milk, fish, chicken meat, egg yolks, buckwheat, green vegetables.

B5 (pantothenic acid). Directly involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, through which signals are transmitted nerve centers brain. A deficiency of this substance leads to sclerosis, lethargy, premature appearance of external signs of aging, and disruption of the central nervous system.

The substance is found in sunflower seeds, nuts, offal, eggs, and brewer's yeast.

B6 (pyridoxine). Without this vitamin, the production of hormones is impossible, including those responsible for mood and memory. Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, enzymes without which the breakdown of proteins and the creation of new cells is impossible. The adult body's need for pyridoxine increases during sports, mental and emotional stress. The functioning of the nervous system and brain depends on its effects. Abuse of protein foods contributes to a decrease in the concentration of this substance in the blood.

To replenish the body with this vitamin, you need to eat eggs, milk, meat, fish, cheese, and cereals.

B9 (folic acid). The substance is contained in plant foods. It is synthesized in small quantities in the intestines, so its deficiency may occur due to disruption of the digestive system. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of new cells. The effect of the substance is manifested with the participation of vitamin B12. In order for the regeneration of brain cells to be successful and memory to be preserved for a long time, these vitamins must be taken at the same time. They prevent the formation of homocysteine, a substance from which atherosclerotic plaques are formed in the blood vessels of the brain.

The vitamin content is especially high in spinach, lettuce, carrots, bananas, avocados, onions, cauliflower, beans, as well as in liver, kidneys, and egg yolks.

B12 (cyanocobalamin). It enters the body mainly with food of animal origin. The vitamin is involved in the functioning of the hematopoietic system and fat metabolism, improves the condition of blood vessels by reducing cholesterol levels. It is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids and DNA, the creation of new brain cells necessary to maintain the mental abilities of an adult.

Contained in meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, fish.

Note: Vitamin B12 is not produced in plants. Therefore, vegetarians must take it additionally in order not to develop anemia or provoke the early onset of sclerosis.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant, protects brain cells from destruction, and slows down age-related aging. Used together with vitamin E in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other disorders brain activity(dementia). This substance promotes the absorption of iron, the formation of hemoglobin and the supply of oxygen to the brain. Thanks to this, brain activity increases, attention and memory improve.

The substance is rich in fruits (especially citrus fruits), berries, as well as tomatoes and green vegetables.

Vitamin D

Calciferol promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus - elements that are part of brain cells. The content of useful substances especially decreases after 50 years, so without the vitamin, the functioning of the brain and memory is impossible. Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. It is found in fish (especially liver and fat), as well as mushrooms and milk.

Vitamin K

In the body it is responsible for the functioning of blood vessels and blood clotting. A deficiency of this substance leads to disorders such as blockage of cerebral vessels, cerebrovascular accident, and senile amnesia. Eating foods containing this vitamin (spinach, parsley, cabbage, meat, milk, eggs) will help avoid early sclerosis.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is the main antioxidant among vitamins, slows down brain aging, and prevents blockage of its blood vessels. Contained in leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn, cherries, vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, as well as in meat, milk, eggs.

What other substances are necessary for an adult?

In order for memory not to suffer and to preserve active brain, it is also necessary to replenish the reserves of some mineral components:

  1. Iodine (improves metabolism, thyroid function, production of hormones that stimulate brain activity). Found mainly in seafood.
  2. Selenium (has an antioxidant effect, stimulates the development of brain cells). Contained in meat, nuts, seafood.
  3. Zinc (this element is directly included in the composition of brain cells). Its content is high in meat, sprouted wheat, seafood and yeast.
  4. Iron (part of blood hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the brain). Meat, buckwheat, beans, and apples are rich in iron.

The most important substance that stimulates the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular, and nervous systems is Omega-3, which is a mixture of organic fatty acids involved in metabolism. It is especially abundant in fatty fish.

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Review of vitamin and mineral complexes

To nourish the brain and improve the ability to perceive and remember information, adults are recommended to consume vitamins and minerals in the form of special combination preparations.

Memory Forte. Helps improve memory and get rid of absent-mindedness. Dose – 2 capsules per day. Take with food.

Phezam. Improves the ability to remember material. Helps cope with absent-mindedness. For adults, it is enough to take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Intellan– drug for plant based. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains soothing substances. Improves brain activity and helps improve mood. Take twice a day after meals for a month.

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