During the illness, the sense of smell and taste disappeared. Loss of taste and smell due to a runny nose: how to restore? Polyps and chronic runny nose. How to treat

What should you do if your sense of smell and taste has disappeared and your nose cannot smell?

In cases where this disease, which is not even considered by many as such, is accompanied by a deterioration in the perception of aromas or even taste, people begin to sound the alarm and look for ways to restore them.

The causes and treatment of this disorder will be discussed in this article.

Reasons or why the sense of smell and taste disappeared?

It may seem that the inability to distinguish odors is a trifle, without which it is not difficult to live.

But when a person loses one of his basic feelings, he understands its real value.

After all, deprived of the opportunity to experience fragrances and “unpleasant odors,” he is partially deprived of the pleasure of eating, and may also expose himself to the risk of eating a spoiled product.

Wherein the world no longer seems as colorful as before. Therefore, it is extremely important to think about how to restore the sense of smell and taste during pregnancy.

The inability to distinguish odors is most often observed against the background of colds accompanied by nasal discharge (rhinitis). Depending on the degree of deterioration of the olfactory function, there are:

  • hyposmia (partial decrease in sense of smell);
  • anosmia (complete lack of sensitivity to aromatic substances).

The most common cause for hyposmia or even anosmia is. It develops due to the fall of both local and general immunity and activation of microorganisms that always live on the mucous membranes of absolutely healthy people.

Since the body loses the ability to prevent their reproduction, microorganisms infect tissues and provoke the onset of the inflammatory process.

This is accompanied by the appearance of swelling and drying of the mucous membrane. Subsequently, it is moistened by serous effusion (a special fluid that occurs when tissue is inflamed).

The amount of mucus gradually increases, the effusion partially accumulates under top layer mucous membrane, forming bubbles, as a result of which it can peel off and provoke the formation of erosions.

During all these processes, receptors sensitive to aromatic compounds and located in upper section nasal cavity may become blocked by mucus or damaged.

Therefore, they are unable to respond to stimuli and, therefore, transmit a signal to the brain. This explains the fact that after a runny nose, the sense of smell disappeared.

But deterioration in the ability to smell various substances, is not the only one possible consequence rhinitis There is often a simultaneous loss of taste and smell.

The reason for this lies in the fact that very often a person involuntarily confuses taste and aroma. True taste sensations occur in response to salty, sour or sweet substances entering the tongue, since special receptors localized in different parts of the tongue are responsible for their perception.

Therefore, even the most cold person always distinguishes basic tastes to a greater or lesser extent. Problems arise with the differentiation of complex taste combinations, characteristic, for example, of fruits and berries, soups, original main courses, etc.

For their full perception, the simultaneous participation of taste analyzers and olfactory receptors is required. Therefore, what a person is accustomed to consider as the taste of a dish can easily turn out to be its aroma.

Attention! If the patient has ceased to smell and there is no nasal discharge, it is necessary to consult a neurologist to rule out brain pathologies and other serious diseases.

If your sense of smell is lost: what to do in this case?

Have you really lost your sense of smell and taste? It often happens that the patient says: “I don’t smell ..”, “I don’t feel the taste or smell of food,” but in fact it turns out that this is not so.

To accurately verify the presence of hyposmia, in medicine even There is a special test - olfactometry.

Its essence consists of alternately inhaling the vapors of 4–6 odorous substances contained in labeled bottles.

The patient closes one of the nostrils with a finger, and a vessel with a substance is brought to the other at a distance of one centimeter. The patient should take one breath and answer what he feels. Traditionally used:

  • 0.5% acetic acid solution;
  • pure wine alcohol;
  • Valerian tincture;
  • ammonia.

These substances are listed in order of aroma intensification, so the degree of impairment of the olfactory function can be judged by which of them a person can smell.

A similar test can be carried out at home, even without special solutions on hand; ordinary household items and products will do.

The test consists of several stages, the transition from one to another is carried out only after successful completion of the previous one. The patient is asked to smell:

  1. Alcohol (vodka), valerian and soap.
  2. Salt and sugar.
  3. Perfume, onion, chocolate, solvent (nail polish remover), instant coffee, extinguished match.

If any of them could not be recognized, this is a clear sign a decrease in olfactory function, and a reason to contact an ENT specialist to figure out how to restore the sense of smell and taste with a runny nose.

If your sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose or after a cold

Patients often complain that they have lost taste and smell due to a runny nose. Such symptoms may occur when:


  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • allergic.
acute and chronic inflammation paranasal sinuses:
  • sinusitis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • frontite;
Much less often, the reasons for deteriorating sense of smell are:
  • ozena;
  • scleroma;
  • polyposis

Thus, most often the perception of aromas is distorted during a cold. , influenza and other acute respiratory infections.

Nevertheless, such common diseases accompanied by a runny nose as sinusitis and others can also precede this.

And since they often develop against the background of a deviated nasal septum, patients are often prescribed septoplasty.

This operation, the purpose of which is to straighten the septum and normalize breathing, is necessary to eliminate the prerequisites for the persistence of inflammatory processes in paranasal sinuses and, consequently, impaired sense of smell.

But, unfortunately, septoplaty does not guarantee the restoration of the ability to normally distinguish odors, since after it it is possible degenerative changes mucous membrane and the development of hyposmia or even anosmia.

Although the curvature of the septum itself in no way affects a person’s ability to perceive all kinds of aromas. Source: website

Also, degenerative changes in the mucosa can occur not only as a result of septoplaty, but also after accidental damage by foreign bodies.

In such situations, they talk about the development of traumatic rhinitis. The cause of its occurrence can be not only macro objects, but also small solid particles, for example, coal, dust, metal, contained in:

  • smoke;
  • aerosols;
  • various industrial emissions, etc.

It has also been noted that the acuity of smell and taste perception deteriorate with age. These changes can be called physiological, since they are caused by the “weakening” of the corresponding receptors.

But usually older people notice that their sense of smell has worsened precisely after a cold. This may be due to damage to the receptors due to the active course of the inflammatory process, which then are no longer fully restored. Therefore, after recovery, older people may complain of hyposmia.

How to restore your sense of smell?

Of course, only a specialist can give an accurate answer to this question.

A qualified doctor will be able to find the true causes of violations and quickly eliminate them.

Any self-medication can only aggravate the problem and delay the return to normal.

Therefore, although there are different folk remedies, helping to cope with the problem, before you start using them, you should ask your otolaryngologist whether they can be used.

Depending on the reasons for the deterioration of olfactory function, the doctor may prescribe a number of medications to help restore it , including:

  • Naphazoline ( Naphthyzin);
  • Xylometazoline ( Galazolin);
  • Oxymetazoline ( Nazol);
  • Tramazolin ( Lazolvan Rino) and so on.

These drugs are classified as vasoconstrictors. Their action is based on mechanisms that eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. But using them for more than 5–7 days is not recommended, as they become addictive and lose effectiveness.

In the worst case, drug-induced rhinitis develops, accompanied by constant runny nose, which is many times more difficult to deal with than, for example, acute.

If hyposmia is the result allergic rhinitis, patients are prescribed antihistamines, and in more severe cases local corticosteroids:

  • Chloropyramine ( Suprastin);
  • Loratadine (Claritin);
  • Erius ( Eden);
  • Telfast;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Nasonex;
  • Flixonase;
  • Beclomethasone, etc.

When sinusitis becomes the cause of hyposmia, treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of an ENT specialist. Any self-medication in such cases can lead to tragic consequences, since inflammation in the sinuses can provoke the development of sepsis, meningitis and other life-threatening pathologies.

Therefore, in such cases, any measures that contribute to how to restore the sense of smell and taste with a runny nose , must be agreed upon with an otolaryngologist.

Main article:

You can increase the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by your doctor by first softening the accumulated mucus. Steam baths are ideal for this. They are done no more than 3 times a day for 20 minutes.

It would not be superfluous to add to hot water various medicinal herbs, For example:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • succession grass;
  • linden flowers, etc.

For the same purpose, you can rinse your nose with saline solutions. They can be easily purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home yourself. In the first case, you need to ask the pharmacist:

  • Humer;
  • Aqua Maris;
  • Marimer;
  • Quicks;
  • Aqualor;
  • No-salt;
  • Salin;
  • saline solution, etc.

If you decide to prepare a saline solution at home, then you will need salt, preferably sea salt without flavorings, and purified water. 2 g of salt are thoroughly dissolved in a glass of warm, pre-boiled water. The procedure is carried out with a large amount of the resulting liquid, following simple rules:

  1. The patient lies on his side.
  2. Liquid is injected into the nostril on top from a special dispenser or using a syringe without a needle in a sufficiently large amount so that it flows out of the lower nostril.
  3. Repeat the procedure, turning over to the opposite side.

Sometimes doctors advise patients to supplement their treatment with:

Many people, having a cold, continue to smoke. Of course, talking about how to restore your sense of smell without giving up this sense of smell at least for a while addiction not worth it.

How to treat loss of smell with folk remedies?

Here are popular ways to restore the ability to perceive odors:

Inhalations with lemon and essential oil mint or lavender. For cooking medicinal mixture a glass of boiling water is poured into a wide container, 10 drops are added lemon juice and a couple of drops of the chosen oil.

Breathe over this mixture for 4-5 minutes, trying to take quick breaths, but being careful, since such forced breathing can lead to dizziness. You can substitute mint if desired. alcohol solution menthol. Usually 5 procedures are enough to restore your sense of smell and taste. They are carried out once a day.

Inhalations with essential oil of fir and/or eucalyptus. The manipulation is carried out by analogy with the previous one. If only one of the oils is used, add 2 drops of it to boiling water; if both, then 1 drop of each.

Steam inhalation.
The most common way to carry out such procedures is to inhale the vapors from freshly boiled potatoes.

Perhaps 90% of people have experienced this method at least once in their lives.

Its essence is that a person bends over a saucepan with boiled root vegetables, covers his head with a large towel and breathes in the steam until the potatoes cool down.

Inhalations with sage, nettle, calendula, mint and garlic. Such manipulations will help remove accumulated mucus and unblock the olfactory receptors. They are carried out according to the same principle as with potatoes, but only in the absence of temperature.

Oil drops. Menthol and camphor oil mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is instilled 3 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day. Place a napkin or gauze moistened with a few drops of basil essential oil on the pillow next to the patient. You can also apply it to your nose and inhale the fragrant vapors.

The causes of loss of smell for this disease are very varied, but very serious. The medical term for loss of smell is anosmia. Anosmia can be a completely harmless symptom, but it can also be deadly.

Loss of smell causes, types, diagnosis:

Types of smell:

Hyposmia– decreased sense of smell.

Anosmia– completely lost sense of smell. Gustatory pleasure from food sharply decreases due to the incorporation of olfactory processes into the senses of taste. Interest in food is lost, exhaustion of the body appears, depression, vitamin deficiency.

A person has difficulty communicating with people and becomes weakened sexual desire(choosing a partner is difficult due to the lack of smell). Sexual attraction gradually disappears.

Hyperosmia– increased perception of odors. Irritability appears, olfactory hallucinations with a feeling of non-existence unpleasant odors. Observed in obesity, nausea, starvation.

Dysosmia(parosmia, cacosmia) – perverted acceptance of odors by the body. If the aroma is pleasant, it seems that the smell is disgusting and vice versa. With cacosmia, a tumor is found along the entire olfactory pathway: from the nasal cavity to the centers nervous system

Dysosmia and hyperosmia are observed very rarely.

How does a person smell:

Why do we smell, how? Why is it so bad when you can’t smell?

Our olfactory system:

  1. It all starts with receptors - sensitive cells located in the mucous membrane of the upper parts of the nose. They are located very close to the areas of the skull, where their processes even penetrate.
  2. When we inhale, all the odors of odorous substances rush to our nasal cavity.
  3. Once on the tissues of the receptors, they pass from the vapor into the secretion, irritation of the receptors occurs.
  4. Then the receptors begin to perceive odors along the olfactory nerves. Information is transmitted to special areas of our brain.
  5. In the olfactory bulbs of the subcortical and then cortical centers, the information about the incoming smell is determined and then deciphered.
  6. If there is any obstacle on this path, a disorder of smell occurs. Depending on the type of disorder, treatment is prescribed to correct it.
  7. It has been proven that our brain can distinguish and remember up to 10,000 aromas. Women have a more acute sense of smell than our stronger sex - men. It worsens even more in women during pregnancy and ovulation.
  8. The sense of smell becomes dull at the beginning of a woman’s menstruation, as the body ages due to atrophy of the olfactory fibers.

Diagnosis of loss of smell:

An otolaryngologist will help you make the correct diagnosis. He will examine the nasopharynx and ask you about the peculiarities of the onset of the disease.

Explores your sense of smell with a selection of strong-smelling products. Smells reach us faster than pain.

In ancient times, the sense of smell greatly helped doctors in determining correct diagnosis.

When the diagnosis is confirmed:

  • I will have to undergo a rhinoscopy due to a runny nose.
  • Ultrasound of the sinuses.
  • X-ray examination of them.
  • Computed tomography (CT) of the nasal cavity, brain, paranasal sinuses.
  • Consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon.


  • Take a piece of toilet soap.
  • Smell it.
  • At healthy sense of smell smells should be clearly felt.
  • If you can't smell it, you have anosmia. The symptom is very serious.
  • When defining only strong odors, they talk about hyposmia. They usually smell vinegar and valerian.

Loss of smell causes and role in life:

They guide us on an unconscious level. All odors change the operation of any of the systems. For example, we produce saliva in response to the smell of food.

  • Unpleasant odors increase blood pressure, heart rate increases (smells of ammonia).
  • Pleasant ones lower blood pressure, the heart rate slows down, and the person calms down.
  • All odors affect the human nervous system, brain function, and breathing rate.
  • Affects the functioning of the brain, which is responsible for hunger.
  • Has an impact on aggressive behavior, sexual emotions.
  • In a person’s life, particularly memorable events are necessarily associated with smells that are etched in the memory forever. If he encounters them again in life, he experiences strong emotions. The sense of smell is also called the sense of memory.
  • For some it is the smell of the sea, for others the aroma of hay.
  • Very often, the sense of smell saves our lives, for example, when there is a gas leak, the smell of smoke, or spoiled food.
  • Others earn their living from their sense of smell (cooks, perfumers, winemakers, tasters).

Anosmia happens:

  • Temporal.
  • Constant in time.
  • Irreversible for various reasons.

Decreased sense of smell occurs:

  • One-sided.
  • Double-sided.

May apply to all odors or only some of them.

Causes of loss of smell:

  • Availability chronic sinusitis, frontitis, or atrophic rhinitis(mandatory, thorough treatment of these diseases).
  • Allergic reactions (removal of the allergen or medications help). The smell simply cannot reach the inside of the nasal cavity due to swelling of the nasal membrane.
  • Nasal polyps (requires surgical removal).
  • Long-term use of certain medications (naphthyzine, reserpine, estrogen, naphazoline, phenothiazine), causing swelling nasal mucosa.
  • Do not use cold medications (vasoconstrictors) for more than four days.
  • Loss of smell is caused by diseases of the ears, teeth, and eyes.
  • Decreased sense of smell (hyposmia) occurs due to illnesses suffered in childhood: mumps, scarlet fever, measles.
  • Even zinc deficiency in the body is to blame.

These causes are reversible; with proper treatment, the sense of smell can be restored.

Unfavorable prognosis for the causes of loss of smell:

  1. Viral diseases or influenza, infections, especially poorly cured in childhood.
  2. At organic lesions central nervous system (very often - impaired cerebral circulation, tumors, meningitis already suffered, arachnoiditis, traumatic brain injury.
  3. Common diseases: diabetes, hypothyroidism, Alzheimer's disease, liver cirrhosis, kidney failure.
  4. Trauma to the nasopharyngeal cavity (domestic or surgical). Damage to the nasal mucosa during radiation therapy is quite persistent.
  5. Burns (thermal or chemical).
  6. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa with age.
  7. Damage to the olfactory nerves when inhaling toxic substances (tobacco, paint, any acids).
  8. Deviated nasal septum, adenoids, nasal tumors, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates.
  9. Congenital anomalies of the olfactory pathways.

Loss of smell causes and prevention:

  1. To prevent loss of smell, you need to treat your colds, .
  2. Rinse your nose constantly with warm salted water or herbal infusions (chamomile, sage, peppermint, calendula). They will help relieve inflammation in the nose and provide antiseptic treatment for the sinuses.
  3. Forget about smoking, nicotine damages the tissues responsible for taste and smell.
  4. Get rid of allergens, this will help avoid swelling of the nasal mucosa, which means a runny nose.
  5. Constantly work on strengthening your immune system. Follow the rules of nutrition: every person can eat more fruits, greens, and vegetables. Strong, healthy immunity– exclusion of infections means a healthy sense of smell.
  6. When working with chemicals and pesticides, protect your body. Wear respirators or any protective masks. Spend less time contacting them.
  7. Avoid any head injuries (belt up in a car, wear a helmet on a bicycle, motorcycle, moped).

Only temporary anosmia can be cured without surgery at home.

Essential oils:

  • Pour only a glass of water into an enamel bowl and bring it to a boil.
  • Add two drops of natural essential oil: mint or lavender.
  • Freshly squeezed 12 drops of lemon juice.
  • Breathe alternately through each nostril for three minutes over this steam.
  • Take vigorous breaths.
  • Up to 10 procedures every other day will be required. Daily treatment is allowed.
  • You can simply use rosemary or eucalyptus essential oils without lemon juice, two drops of any of them per glass of boiling water.

Basil oil:

  • For quick disposal Basil essential oil will help with a runny nose.
  • Take a napkin and place three drops of oil on it.
  • Hold it in front of you and inhale it or carry it in your chest pocket.

Dry wormwood:

  • Smoke is cured by inhaling the burnt dry herb wormwood through the nose.
  • Twice a day for five minutes is enough.
  • You can inhale the smells of smoke from burning garlic or onion peels.
  • Breathing in the smell of coffee beans or Vishnevsky ointment will help.

Propolis with oil:

  • Take 50 grams of butter, unsalted butter.
  • One teaspoon of propolis.
  • Grind well together.
  • Keep in a water bath for two hours.
  • We insert turundas from the medicine into the nostrils in the morning and evening.
  • It is enough to keep it for half an hour.

Menthol oil:

  • Dropping menthol oil into your nose will help, 3 drops in each nostril is enough.
  • You can lubricate your temples, forehead and entire nose with it.
  • A mixture of equal parts camphor and menthol oil will also help.
  • The method of application is identical.

Balm “Golden Star”:

  • Keep the jar of balm in the sun for three hours.
  • Then rub it into the wings of the nose, under the nose, and the middle of the forehead.
  • A week is enough for treatment.

Shilajit treatment:

  • Dissolve the mumiyo pea in a teaspoon of lamb fat.
  • Place turundas from the resulting product into your nose.
  • Apply in the morning, then in the evening for half an hour.


  • Pour a teaspoon of ginger powder into 50 grams of boiling milk.
  • Cool and strain.
  • We rinse the nose with the medicine three times a day.
  • The sense of smell is restored.

Hand baths:

  • Hand baths will help restore your sense of smell.
  • The temperature should gradually increase.
  • Start with a temperature of 35 degrees.
  • We gradually increase it to 42 degrees.
  • Just ten minutes is enough.


  • Sage infusion restores the sense of smell well.
  • Pour a tablespoon of herb into 500 grams of boiling water.
  • We insist for one hour.
  • Strain, drink half a glass three times a day.


  • Just take four peas of cloves into your mouth and chew them.
  • Do not swallow.
  • Perform the procedure up to six times a day.


  • For treatment you will need tar water.
  • We carry out the procedure in the evening: to do this, pour 100 grams of birch tar with 500 grams of boiled, cooled water.
  • In the morning, add 100 grams of freshly squeezed beet juice to this mixture.
  • Then add a teaspoon of castor oil.
  • Mix everything well and heat it up a little.
  • Fold gauze into six layers.
  • Soak it in the mixture.
  • Place the squeezed mixture on your forehead for an hour and a half.
  • Then the same should be done for the nose, the area under the eyes, and the maxillary sinuses.
  • The mixture should not get into your eyes.
  • Place the prepared turundas soaked in the medicine into the nose itself.
  • Insulate your structure with a warm compress.

Herbal powder:

Take herbs in equal parts:

  • Lily of the valley flowers.
  • Cumin seeds.
  • Peppermint.
  • Chamomile flowers.
  • Dry marjoram leaves.

Grind it into powder and just sniff it several times/day.

More serious reasons loss of smell is treated surgical methods. Sometimes it is necessary to seriously treat diseases, the symptoms of which are loss of smell.

This topic is very necessary for any person; every sufferer should know the reasons for the loss of smell.

There is a chance to correct the disease in time. I wish you a speedy recovery. Let there be no smells in your life that you “cannot stand.”

Stop by more often, read my articles, I look forward to visiting you, visit the site.

Watch a video about loss of smell:

With colds, a person almost always develops rhinitis, which often results in loss of taste and smell. Patients’ complaints about loss of smell are understandable, since they cannot live fully and enjoy the smells around them. Why does the sense of taste and smell disappear after rhinitis?

The nasal cavity contains the olfactory region. In its structure, it differs from the entire nasal mucosa. Moreover, the size of this area is different for each person. In this area there are olfactory cells that perceive incoming odors, and then they are transmitted to the brain, where they are analyzed.

The brain also processes information about taste qualities product, which first reaches the papillae of the tongue. Some products or ready meals are assessed by humans only with the assistance of two mechanisms: gustatory and olfactory. With rhinitis, the patient may either partially lose the sense of smell or completely.

Reasons for the appearance of a sense of smell during a runny nose

This unpleasant phenomenon, like loss of smell, appears as a result of colds, especially if a runny nose is not treated. At the time of illness, the nasal mucosa due to heavy discharge swells. There are other reasons that influence the loss of taste from smell. These are a fracture or curvature of the nasal septum, polyps in the nasal cavity, and various tumors. In these cases, severe swelling The nasal mucosa does not allow the smell to reach the area of ​​the olfactory cells, so information about it does not enter the brain. Also, sometimes there are cases of congenital lack of sense of smell. In this case, the disease practically cannot be treated.

In a standard situation, when the sense of smell disappears after a runny nose, there is no need to worry. Within a week after recovery, the sense of smell and taste is usually restored.

If there are no odors, you must complain to your doctor, who will determine the cause of your illness and prescribe correct treatment. If the cause of loss of taste or smell is allergic edema in the nasal cavity, the doctor prescribes complex treatment using medications.

If the sense of smell has disappeared due to the presence of polyps in the nose, surgical intervention can help.

With a chronic runny nose, the sense of smell can be restored if the inflammatory process is in the first stage of development. But the disease in neglected form can lead to irreversible processes in the nasal mucosa. As a result, the sense of smell may not return or will require very long and expensive treatment.

How to restore your sense of smell at home?

An effective method for treating colds, as well as for restoring taste and smell, is the use of saline solution. To prepare this solution, dilute 2 g of salt in a glass of warm boiled water. We draw salted water first into one nostril and then into the other so that the solution penetrates to the larynx. Sometimes a couple of drops of iodine are added to this solution.

To restore your sense of smell yourself, use the following procedure: pour 200 g of water, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 drops of mint oil (lavender can be used) into a saucepan and boil everything. You need to breathe in the warm mixture through your nose, alternately closing one nostril and then the other. This treatment must be repeated daily for 10-14 days.

To restore taste and smell, propolis is an excellent folk remedy. Let's prepare a composition of propolis, butter and vegetable oil. The composition is prepared in a ratio of 1:3:3. Mix everything well until smooth and soft. Soak cotton swabs in this mixture and place them in both nostrils at once for 15 minutes. Try to carry out this procedure in the morning and evening.

Some people who have lost their sense of smell after a runny nose benefit from a procedure using vinegar. Pour 5-6 tablespoons into a very hot frying pan table vinegar. As soon as the vinegar begins to evaporate, you need to lean over the frying pan and carefully inhale the hot fumes. At the same time, make sure that the vinegar vapor does not get into your eyes.

You can restore your sense of smell yourself with the help of a powder made from herbs: mint, chamomile, lily of the valley, marjoram and caraway. First, dry these plants well and then chop them well. The resulting remedy must be inhaled alternately into one nostril, then into the other. This collection can also be used for inhalation.

The following exercise for the nose has long been used to restore the sense of smell: first tense the wings of the nose, and then relax. Moreover, the time of tension should last longer than the time of relaxation. This exercise should be done daily up to 6 times a day until improvement occurs.

Also, to restore smell and taste after a runny nose, use a mixture of honey and beet juice. A few drops of this solution are instilled into each nostril for one week.

Loss of smell with a runny nose

Why does the sense of taste and smell disappear after rhinitis?

enjoy the surrounding smells

The nasal cavity contains the olfactory region. In its structure, it differs from the entire nasal mucosa. Moreover, the size of this area is different for each person. In this area there are olfactory cells that perceive incoming odors, and then they are transmitted to the brain, where they are analyzed.

The brain also processes data about the taste of the product, which first reaches the papillae of the tongue. Some products or prepared dishes are evaluated by a person only with the assistance of two mechanisms: gustatory and olfactory. With rhinitis, the patient may either partially lose the sense of smell or completely.

data on the taste of the product

Reasons for the appearance of a sense of smell during a runny nose

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as loss of smell appears as a result of colds, especially if a runny nose is not treated. At the time of illness, the nasal mucosa swells due to strong secretions. There are other reasons that influence the loss of taste from smell. These are a fracture or curvature of the nasal septum, polyps in the nasal cavity, and various tumors. In these cases, severe swelling of the nasal mucosa does not allow the smell to reach the area of ​​the olfactory cells, so information about it does not reach the brain. Also, sometimes there are cases of congenital lack of sense of smell. In this case, the disease practically cannot be treated.

In a standard situation, when the sense of smell disappears after a runny nose, there is no need to worry. Within a week after recovery, the sense of smell and taste is usually restored.

If there are no odors, you should complain to your doctor, who will determine the cause of your illness and prescribe the correct treatment. If the cause of loss of taste or smell is allergic swelling in the nasal cavity, the doctor prescribes complex treatment using medications.

If the sense of smell has disappeared due to the presence of polyps in the nose, surgical intervention can help.

With a chronic runny nose, the sense of smell can be restored if the inflammatory process is in the first stage of development. But an advanced disease can lead to irreversible processes in the nasal mucosa. As a result, the sense of smell may not return or will require very long and expensive treatment.

No odors

How to restore your sense of smell at home?

An effective method for treating colds, as well as for restoring taste and smell, is the use of saline solution. To prepare this solution, dilute 2 g of salt in a glass of warm boiled water. We draw salted water first into one nostril and then into the other so that the solution penetrates to the larynx. Sometimes a couple of drops of iodine are added to this solution.

To restore your sense of smell yourself, use the following procedure: pour 200 g of water, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 drops of mint oil (lavender can be used) into a saucepan and boil everything. You need to breathe in the warm mixture through your nose, alternately closing one nostril and then the other. This treatment must be repeated daily for days.

To restore taste and smell, propolis is an excellent folk remedy. Let's prepare a composition of propolis, butter and vegetable oil. The composition is prepared in a ratio of 1:3:3. Mix everything well until smooth and soft. Soak cotton swabs in this mixture and place them in both nostrils at once for 15 minutes. Try to carry out this procedure in the morning and evening.

To restore taste and smell

Some people who have lost their sense of smell after a runny nose benefit from a procedure using vinegar. Pour 5-6 tablespoons of table vinegar into a very hot frying pan. As soon as the vinegar begins to evaporate, you need to lean over the frying pan and carefully inhale the hot fumes. At the same time, make sure that the vinegar vapor does not get into your eyes.

You can restore your sense of smell yourself with the help of a powder made from herbs: mint, chamomile, lily of the valley, marjoram and caraway. First, dry these plants well and then chop them well. The resulting remedy must be inhaled alternately into one nostril, then into the other. This collection can also be used for inhalation.

The following exercise for the nose has long been used to restore the sense of smell: first tense the wings of the nose, and then relax. Moreover, the time of tension should last longer than the time of relaxation. This exercise should be done daily up to 6 times a day until improvement occurs.

Also, to restore smell and taste after a runny nose, use a mixture of honey and beet juice. A few drops of this solution are instilled into each nostril for one week.

Loss of smell with a runny nose

I have experienced these discomfort, and all because I delayed the treatment. Now, if there is any hint of a runny nose, then I immediately start rinsing my nose, rinsing it with morenasal spray. It contains calcined sea ​​salt, it rinses well and cleanses the mucous membrane of various bacteria. And its dispenser is very convenient, nothing leaks out.

left by Dasha, date0 13:23:52

My sense of smell and taste have been impaired for several weeks now(((. It’s terrible! You feel that you are eating salty, sweet, sour, but you simply don’t feel such subtleties as vanilla in a cake, garlic in cutlets, cumin in cabbage. With odors also a problem. It’s as if you’re constantly walking around wearing a bad respirator - there are smells somewhere, but very distantly. And about a month ago I had an acute respiratory viral infection, but I didn’t have a strong runny nose. Before that, I had a runny nose in the morning for about a year, apparently allergic. It didn’t bother me, I didn’t even treat it. Now I’ll have to save the quality of my life, since there really aren’t enough scents(((.

left by Elena, date9 19:13:03

I read your article and was simply shocked by your recommendations, as well as by the errors in the text. I recommend that you try your recommendation with vinegar yourself. I'm shocked.

left by Vmktoriya, date2 14:41:28

I have a similar situation, even life seems uninteresting, but I really want to breathe in and feel my favorite aroma of perfume, favorite dishes, etc. ,

left by Galina, date1 06:30:38

Comrades, I sympathize with you all, this is a disgusting topic, and cooking becomes boring.

Rinse your nose (I personally gargle and try to get as much of the insides of the nose as possible by tilting my head, into the sinuses and other bone alleys there)

left by Dima, date8 23:41:41

What to do - the sense of smell and taste has disappeared: medicinal, surgical and alternative treatment

Types of disease

  • formations of various types in the brain
  • disseminated encephalomyelitis
  • pathology of the circulatory system
  • injuries and damage to arteries
  • meningitis
  • traumatic brain injury
  • flu
  • allergic oinitis
  • acute respiratory diseases
  • nervousness


  • computed tomography - this procedure allows you to identify the presence of tumors of various types and fractures of the nasal cavity
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

Treatment options for anosmia

  1. reception medicines antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action
  2. prescription of anti-inflammatory and systemic drugs
  3. use of topical antiallergic drugs
  1. taking antihistamines
  2. prescribing corticosteroid hormones, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the body

Traditional treatment

  1. Well proven menthol oil, a few drops of which can be placed in the nose and lubricated on the temples.
  2. Propolis, which is used to prepare a special medicine, can speed up the restoration of the sense of smell. To do this, mix 5 grams of propolis, 15 ml of vegetable oil and 15 grams of butter in a small container. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which can subsequently be used to soak cotton swabs. It is recommended to place tampons soaked in this solution into the nostrils for minutes at least 2 times a day.
  3. Affordable and effective means traditional medicine It is considered to wash the nasal cavity with a solution of salt water. To prepare it you need in a glass warm water Mix 5 grams of salt thoroughly and the resulting solution can be used to rinse the nose. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of iodine to the prepared salt water solution.

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What to do if you have lost your sense of smell and taste with a runny nose?

The sense of smell plays a big role in our lives: thanks to it, we can not only enjoy pleasant aromas, but also perceive food as more appetizing. Remember how tasteless a dish seems when your nose is stuffy and you can’t distinguish smells.

What is the mechanism for the development of the loss of this sense, what to do if the sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose, and how to restore the taste to your favorite dishes: let's figure it out.

A little physiology

Partial or complete loss of smell has a scientific term - anosmia. Deterioration in the perception of taste is called ageusia. To understand the reasons for the formation of these symptoms, let’s touch on physiology.

The olfactory region is located in the mucous membrane of the upper part of the nasal cavity. It is represented by special sensitive cells that are able to perceive odors and transmit them along the olfactory nerve to the brain, where they are processed.

The perception of taste is also carried out in the brain, at the level of the taste analyzer. Nerve impulses coming from cells located on the papillae of the tongue are analyzed by the central nervous system and are recognized by the person.

Because nerve fibers olfactory and gustatory analyzers intersect, the perception of taste and smell of many dishes is inextricably linked.

Causes of loss of smell and taste

One of the most common reasons the occurrence of anosmia and augesia - a common cold. Infectious agents (viruses, bacteria or fungi) invade the nasal mucosa, causing inflammation - rhinitis.

Swelling and accumulated mucus interfere with sensitive cells to perceive information, and the person almost does not smell. Against this background, all dishes become bland and tasteless. In addition to a runny nose, doctors identify several other reasons why the sense of smell may disappear:

  • Peripheral action (problem in the nasal cavity):
    • Long-term use of nasal vasoconstrictor drops;
    • Contact with harmful substances;
    • Deviation of the nasal septum;
    • Polyps and other neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • Central action (problem at the brain level):
    • Consequences of traumatic brain injury;
    • Damage to the olfactory nerve;
    • Polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus;
    • Age-related changes.

What should you do if, after a runny nose, your sense of smell has disappeared, and all food seems tasteless and unappetizing? The solution to this problem must be comprehensive and include several steps.

Step 1. Eliminate the cause of the disease

Most often, a runny nose is a consequence of an infection that has “settled” in the body. It is important to consult a doctor to identify the causative agent of rhinitis and adequate therapy:

Occurs in 50-60% of cases, is treated symptomatically (warm drinks, infusions saline solution) or the prescription of antiviral drugs (Remantadine, Relenza).

Requires antibiotics. The main groups of drugs are penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides.

If the runny nose is allergic in nature.

Doctors prescribe antihistamines(Suprastin, Zyrtec, Claritin).

Note! Vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which have probably saved those who have had a stuffy nose and lost their sense of smell at least once in their lives, do not cure a runny nose, but only eliminate its unpleasant symptoms. Since these drugs are quickly addictive and have a lot of side effects, doctors recommend using them no more than three times a day and no more than five days in a row.

Step 2. Clear the nasal cavity of mucus

You can restore your sense of smell and taste with a runny nose by rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution. The simplest saline solution can be made at home by dissolving 1 tsp. without a slide of salt in a glass of boiled water. You can also use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations:

The procedure is simple:

  • Draw saline solution into a syringe;
  • Lean over the sink with your head turned to the side;
  • Insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril;
  • Gently press the bulb to irrigate the nasal cavity. The liquid should bend around nasal septum and flow out of the other nostril.

Step 3. Ease your breathing

Simple, but at the same time in effective ways ease nasal breathing and restore the sense of smell with a runny nose are:

Hot shower before bed.

Water vapor will moisturize and clear the nasal passages of mucus, and breathing and smelling will become much easier. It is important to avoid hypothermia after water procedures.

Maintaining optimal (60-65%) indoor humidity.

This indicator can be achieved using a humidifier or wet towels hung around the apartment.

Drink plenty of warm drinks.

Drink more hot tea with lemon or raspberry jam, low-fat chicken broth.

Step 4. Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine suggests using garlic to restore the sense of smell and taste during a runny nose. How to quickly deal with unpleasant symptoms using garlic water?

  • Prepare a decoction of garlic by adding 4 cloves of peeled and chopped garlic to 200 ml of boiling water;
  • Cook for 2-3 minutes and add a pinch of salt at the end of cooking;
  • Drink the mixture hot;
  • Taking this remedy after lunch for three days will help you fully experience tastes and smells again.

Before using garlic infusion, consult your doctor. The product has contraindications (individual intolerance, diseases of the stomach, intestines, etc.).

How to eliminate a runny nose at home

How to warm your nose with a runny nose without causing harm

What and how to rinse your nose: 3 types of cleansing solutions

Acupressure for a runny nose

Propolis for the common cold: basic methods of preparation

Loss of taste and smell treatment

What should you do if your sense of smell and taste has disappeared and your nose cannot smell?

In cases where this disease, which is not even considered by many as such, is accompanied by a deterioration in the perception of aromas or even taste, people begin to sound the alarm and look for ways to restore them.

The causes and treatment of this disorder will be discussed in this article.

Reasons or why the sense of smell and taste disappeared?

It may seem that the inability to distinguish odors is a trifle, without which it is not difficult to live.

But when a person loses one of his basic feelings, he understands its real value.

After all, deprived of the opportunity to experience fragrances and “unpleasant odors,” he is partially deprived of the pleasure of eating, and may also expose himself to the risk of eating a spoiled product.

At the same time, the world around us no longer seems as colorful as before. Therefore, it is extremely important to think about how to restore your sense of smell and taste when you have a runny nose.

The inability to distinguish odors is most often observed against the background of colds accompanied by nasal discharge (rhinitis). Depending on the degree of deterioration of the olfactory function, there are:

hyposmia (partial decrease in sense of smell); anosmia (complete lack of sensitivity to aromatic substances).

The most common cause of hyposmia or even anosmia is acute rhinitis. It develops due to a drop in both local and general immunity and the activation of microorganisms that always live on the mucous membranes of absolutely healthy people.

Since the body loses the ability to prevent their reproduction, microorganisms infect tissues and provoke the onset of the inflammatory process.

This is accompanied by the appearance of swelling and drying of the mucous membrane. Subsequently, it is moistened by serous effusion (a special fluid that occurs when tissue is inflamed).

The amount of mucus gradually increases, the effusion partially accumulates under the upper layer of the mucosa, forming bubbles, as a result of which it can peel off and provoke the formation of erosions.

During all of these processes, the aroma receptors located in the upper nasal cavity can become blocked by mucus or damaged.

Therefore, they are unable to respond to stimuli and, therefore, transmit a signal to the brain. This explains the fact that after a runny nose, the sense of smell disappeared.

But a deterioration in the ability to smell different substances is not the only possible consequence of rhinitis. There is often a simultaneous loss of taste and smell.

The reason for this lies in the fact that very often a person involuntarily confuses taste and aroma. True taste sensations arise in response to salty, sour or sweet substances entering the tongue, since special receptors localized in different parts of the tongue are responsible for their perception.

Therefore, even the most cold person always distinguishes basic tastes to a greater or lesser extent. Problems arise with the differentiation of complex taste combinations, characteristic, for example, of fruits and berries, soups, original main courses, etc.

For their full perception, the simultaneous participation of taste analyzers and olfactory receptors is required. Therefore, what a person is accustomed to consider as the taste of a dish can easily turn out to be its aroma.

Attention! If the patient has ceased to smell and there is no nasal discharge, it is necessary to consult a neurologist to rule out brain pathologies and other serious diseases.

If your sense of smell is lost: what to do in this case?

Have you really lost your sense of smell and taste? It often happens that the patient says: “I don’t smell ..”, “I don’t feel the taste or smell of food,” but in fact it turns out that this is not so.

To accurately verify the presence of hyposmia, there is even a special test in medicine - olfactometry.

Its essence consists of alternately inhaling the vapors of 4–6 odorous substances contained in labeled bottles.

The patient closes one of the nostrils with a finger, and a vessel with a substance is brought to the other at a distance of one centimeter. The patient should take one breath and answer what he feels. Traditionally used:

0.5% acetic acid solution; pure wine alcohol; Valerian tincture; ammonia.

These substances are listed in order of aroma intensification, so the degree of impairment of the olfactory function can be judged by which of them a person can smell.

A similar test can be carried out at home, even without special solutions on hand; ordinary household items and products will do.

The test consists of several stages, the transition from one to another is carried out only after successful completion of the previous one. The patient is asked to smell:

Alcohol (vodka), valerian and soap. Salt and sugar. Perfume, onion, chocolate, solvent (nail polish remover), instant coffee, extinguished match.

If any of them could not be recognized, this is a clear sign of a decrease in olfactory function, and a reason to contact an ENT specialist to figure out how to restore the sense of smell and taste with a runny nose.

If your sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose or after a cold

Patients often complain that they have lost taste and smell due to a runny nose. Such symptoms may occur when:

rhinitis: acute; chronic; allergic. acute and chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses: sinusitis; ethmoiditis; frontite; sphenoiditis. Much less often, the reasons for deteriorating sense of smell are: ozena; scleroma; polyposis

Thus, most often the perception of aromas is distorted during colds and other acute respiratory infections.

Nevertheless, such common diseases accompanied by a runny nose as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others can also precede this.

And since they often develop against the background of a deviated nasal septum, patients are often prescribed septoplasty.

This operation, the purpose of which is to straighten the septum and normalize breathing, is necessary to eliminate the prerequisites for the persistence of inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and, consequently, impaired sense of smell.

But, unfortunately, septoplaty does not guarantee the restoration of the ability to normally distinguish odors, since after it degenerative changes in the mucous membrane and the development of hyposmia or even anosmia are possible.

Although the curvature of the septum itself in no way affects a person’s ability to perceive all kinds of aromas.

Also, degenerative changes in the mucosa can occur not only as a result of septoplaty, but also after accidental damage by foreign bodies.

In such situations, they talk about the development of traumatic rhinitis. The cause of its occurrence can be not only macro objects, but also small solid particles, for example, coal, dust, metal, contained in:

smoke; aerosols; various industrial emissions, etc.

It has also been noted that the acuity of smell and taste perception deteriorate with age. These changes can be called physiological, since they are caused by the “weakening” of the corresponding receptors.

But usually older people notice that their sense of smell has worsened precisely after a cold. This may be due to damage to the receptors due to the active course of the inflammatory process, which then are no longer fully restored. Therefore, after recovery, older people may complain of hyposmia.

How to restore your sense of smell?

Of course, only a specialist can give an accurate answer to this question.

A qualified doctor will be able to find the true causes of violations and quickly eliminate them.

Any self-medication can only aggravate the problem and delay the return to normal.

Therefore, despite the fact that there are various folk remedies that help cope with the problem, before you start using them, you should ask your otolaryngologist whether they can be used.

Depending on the reasons for the deterioration of olfactory function, the doctor may prescribe a number of medications to help restore it, including:

Naphazolin (Naphthyzin); Xylometazoline (Galazolin); Oxymetazoline (Nazol); Tramazolin (Lazolvan Rino), etc.

These drugs are classified as vasoconstrictors. Their action is based on mechanisms that eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. But using them for more than 5–7 days is not recommended, as they become addictive and lose effectiveness.

In the worst case, medicinal rhinitis develops, accompanied by a constant runny nose, which is much more difficult to cope with than, for example, acute rhinitis.

If hyposmia is the result of allergic rhinitis, patients are prescribed antihistamines, and in more severe cases, local corticosteroids:

Chloropyramine (Suprastin); Loratadine (Claritin); Erius (Eden); Telfast; Ketotifen; Nasonex; Flixonase; Beclomethasone, etc.

When sinusitis becomes the cause of hyposmia, treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of an ENT specialist. Any self-medication in such cases can lead to tragic consequences, since inflammation in the sinuses can provoke the development of sepsis, meningitis and other life-threatening pathologies.

Therefore, in such cases, any measures to help restore the sense of smell and taste during a runny nose must be agreed upon with an otolaryngologist.

You can increase the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by your doctor by first softening the accumulated mucus. Steam baths are ideal for this. They are done no more than 3 times a day for 20 minutes.

It would be a good idea to add a variety of medicinal herbs to hot water, for example:

chamomile flowers; succession grass; linden flowers, etc.

For the same purpose, you can rinse your nose with saline solutions. They can be easily purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home yourself. In the first case, you need to ask the pharmacist:

Humer; Aqua Maris; Marimer; Quicks; Aqualor; No-salt; Salin; saline solution, etc.

If you decide to prepare a saline solution at home, then you will need salt, preferably sea salt without flavorings, and purified water. 2 g of salt are thoroughly dissolved in a glass of warm, pre-boiled water. The procedure is carried out with a large amount of the resulting liquid, following simple rules:

The patient lies on his side. Liquid is injected into the nostril on top from a special dispenser or using a syringe without a needle in a sufficiently large amount so that it flows out of the lower nostril. Repeat the procedure, turning over to the opposite side.

Sometimes doctors advise patients to supplement their treatment with:

light massage; breathing exercises; magnetotherapy; Ural Federal District; laser therapy, etc.

Many people, having a cold, continue to smoke. Of course, it’s not worth talking about how to restore your sense of smell without giving up this bad habit at least temporarily.

How to treat loss of smell with folk remedies?

Here are popular ways to restore the ability to perceive odors:

Inhalations with lemon and essential oil of mint or lavender. To prepare the medicinal mixture, pour a glass of boiling water into a wide container, add 10 drops of lemon juice and a couple of drops of the selected oil.

Breathe over this mixture for 4-5 minutes, trying to take quick breaths, but being careful, since such forced breathing can lead to dizziness. If desired, mint can be replaced with an alcohol solution of menthol. Usually 5 procedures are enough to restore your sense of smell and taste. They are carried out once a day.

Inhalations with essential oil of fir and/or eucalyptus. The manipulation is carried out by analogy with the previous one. If only one of the oils is used, add 2 drops of it to boiling water; if both, then 1 drop of each.

The most common way to carry out such procedures is to inhale the vapors from freshly boiled potatoes.

Perhaps 90% of people have experienced this method at least once in their lives.

Its essence is that a person bends over a saucepan with boiled root vegetables, covers his head with a large towel and breathes in the steam until the potatoes cool down.

Inhalations with sage, nettle, calendula, mint and garlic. Such manipulations will help remove accumulated mucus and unblock the olfactory receptors. They are carried out according to the same principle as with potatoes, but only in the absence of temperature.

Oil drops. Menthol and camphor oil are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is instilled 3 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day. Place a napkin or gauze moistened with a few drops of basil essential oil on the pillow next to the patient. You can also apply it to your nose and inhale the fragrant vapors.

Applications with propolis. Beekeeping products are famous for their bactericidal properties, so their use is also justified to combat inflammatory processes and their consequences.

A cotton swab soaked in a mixture of propolis, butter and vegetable oil is inserted into each nasal passage. To prepare it, you need to mix equal amounts of oils with three times less volume of propolis. Tampons are left in the nose for a quarter of an hour. The manipulation is carried out twice a day.

Drops with honey and beet juice. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:3 and a few drops are instilled into each nasal passage for a week.

Drops with mumiyo. A 10% solution is prepared from peach oil (10 g) and mumiyo (1 g). It is instilled 5 drops 4 times a day into each nostril.

You can also cook similar remedy from 5 ml oil solution camphor and 1 g mummy. In addition, you can soak cotton swabs in the prepared mixtures and insert them into the nasal passages for half an hour twice a day.

Vinegar inhalations. Sometimes you can come across a recommendation to breathe in vinegar vapor. This should not be done under any circumstances, as the result similar procedure may become serious chemical burn eyes or nasal mucosa.

Warming up with a blue or regular lamp

Any thermal effect can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, as it can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition if breathing problems are caused by sinusitis or other sinusitis.

However, in most cases, restoration of the sense of smell and the ability to distinguish odors occurs independently within a few weeks after suffering an infectious disease.

If desired, this process can be accelerated using the above methods, but deciding how to restore the sense of smell and taste during a runny nose should only be done together with a doctor.

How to restore your sense of smell and taste with a runny nose: video

It is not so often that patients are diagnosed with diseases that are accompanied by loss of taste and smell. Many people have a strong opinion that such diseases do not pose a threat to life, so it is completely unnecessary to treat them. In fact, a disorder of smell and taste can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, and also indicate the development of a dangerous disease in the body. That is why it is important to know how to behave if the sense of smell and taste is lost, and what to do to eliminate the pathology.

Anosmia: symptoms and causes

Features of the development of pathology

Most often, with a disorder of taste and smell, the patient experiences a disturbance in the ability to perceive odors, and this pathology is called anosmia. A person’s ability to distinguish taste sensations relies on the sense of smell, therefore, with the development of anosmia, a decrease in smell is observed.

Typically, the cause of the development of anosmia in a patient is a pathological condition of the receptors of the olfactory organs and pathways. This pathological condition develops mainly with the progression of various types of diseases in the human body.

Most often, a violation of the sense of smell and, accordingly, taste is observed:

for acute infectious diseases for encephalitis for neuritis of the auditory system for malignant brain tumors for injuries of various types to the nose

In addition, anosmia can occur if the body is poisoned with substances such as:

If a patient is diagnosed with a persistent impairment of smell, then in this case we can talk about the presence of polyps, tumors or deviated nasal septum in the body. When bright pronounced violation In the process of smell, experts talk about the development of a disease such as hyperosmia.

When such a thing develops in the human body pathological process it is important to make a correct diagnosis, since anosmia and hyperosmia develop for completely different reasons and affect different organs and fabrics.

To make a diagnosis, a thorough examination of the patient is prescribed, since anosmia in the human body can develop for various reasons. In some cases, a decrease in the sense of smell may signal the development of a fatal dangerous illness, as well as being a harmless nuisance.

Anosmia often develops after a cold, polyps, or pathological condition nasal septum. In this case, a violation of the sense of smell occurs due to the formation of a mechanical obstacle, which causes a disruption in the flow of aroma into the olfactory area.

Types of disease

Medical practice shows that such a disease in the human body can occur in two forms. Congenital pathology develops if there is underdevelopment of the olfactory pathways or their complete absence. In addition, such anosmia most often develops together with concomitant developmental defects.

The congenital form of the pathology most often develops in the presence of nasal deformities innate nature and problems in the development of the facial skeleton. This pathology can be of either peripheral or central origin.

Anosmia of central origin develops as a result of damage to the central nervous system organic character, among which the most frequently identified are:

formations of various types in the brain, scattered encephalomyelitis, pathology of the circulatory system, injuries and damage to arteries, meningitis, traumatic brain injury

With this type of illness, the patient’s ability to perceive odors is not impaired, but he is unable to distinguish them. This pathological condition cannot be cured, however, it can recover on its own after some time, when the cause of such a disorder is found out.

The only type of olfactory pathology that can be subsequently cured is peripheral anosmia.

Can disappear on its own after a certain time functional impairment sense of smell, which usually develops after:

influenzaoinitis of an allergic natureacute respiratory diseasesnervousness

Anosmia, accompanied by a violation of the process of smell and, accordingly, taste, is a disease that may require special treatment, or may disappear on its own. It is for this reason that if signs of this disease appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist about your condition and the need for treatment.


To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy, it is important for a specialist to conduct diagnostics that will help identify the cause of this pathological condition of the body. In order to identify the patient’s ability to detect smells and tastes, the specialist offers him aromatic products or substances, as well as something that has a pronounced taste.

If the reason for the decrease in taste and smell is unknown, then a thorough examination of the nasal cavity is usually prescribed for the presence of various diseases and injuries.

In addition, the specialist will prescribe a study of the nerves of the cranial region and the upper respiratory tract.

In severe cases, the following diagnostic methods are used to examine the patient:

computed tomography - this procedure allows to detect the presence of tumors of various types and fractures of the nasal cavity; magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

If the cause is identified that caused the patient’s decreased sense of smell and taste, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Features of eliminating pathology

Treatment options for anosmia

It is necessary to begin treatment for disturbances of smell and taste only after identifying the cause that caused such a pathological condition of the human body. The purpose of this or that therapy is determined by the type of disease that caused the development of anosmia, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

In the event that a violation of the sense of smell and taste developed as a result of the progression of rhinitis in the patient’s body bacterial origin or sinusitis, the pathology is treated using the following methods:

taking medications with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, prescribing anti-inflammatory and systemic drugs, using local antiallergic drugs

The use of antiallergic drugs helps reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore breathing.

In the event that the development of anosmia in the human body is provoked by rhinitis allergic origin, then in this case the specialist prescribes the following therapy:

taking antihistamines and prescribing corticosteroid hormones, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the body

Often, pathologies of the sense of smell develop as a result of the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity, and the only effective method of eliminating the pathology in this case is surgical intervention. This method of treatment is also used if anosmia develops as a result of the appearance of malignant tumors in the nasal cavity.

More information about anosmia can be found in the video.

In this case, only surgical intervention may not be enough, and the specialist prescribes the patient to undergo such additional procedures, How:

However, with progression oncological diseases conduction in the human body radical treatment does not always give positive results, so only symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Unfortunately, at an advanced stage of the disease, it is almost impossible to restore the sense of smell.

If the process of smell is disrupted due to a curvature of the nasal septum, treatment involves surgical intervention, during which a specialist straightens it. Many doctors claim that good effect in the treatment of anosmia, zinc and vitamin A preparations are given. Insufficient levels of these drugs in the body can cause deterioration and impairment of the sense of smell, as well as degeneration of the epithelium.

Traditional treatment

Treatment of anosmia using traditional methods

Often patients refuse to treat anosmia using medications and prefer traditional medicine recipes. For achievement positive result Such treatment must be carried out after consultation with a specialist and it is best to combine it with the therapy prescribed by the specialist.

There are some traditional medicine recipes, the use of which can speed up the process of restoring the sense of smell and taste:

Menthol oil has proven itself well, a few drops of which can be dropped into the nose and lubricated with it on the temples. Propolis, which is used to prepare a special medicine, can speed up the restoration of the sense of smell. To do this, mix 5 grams of propolis, 15 ml of vegetable oil and 15 grams of butter in a small container. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which can subsequently be used to soak cotton swabs. It is recommended to place tampons soaked in such a solution into the nostrils for minutes at least 2 times a day. An affordable and effective means of traditional medicine is considered to be rinsing the nasal cavity with a solution of salt water. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly stir 5 grams of salt in a glass of warm water and the resulting solution can be used to rinse your nose. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of iodine to the prepared salt water solution.

Loss of smell does not pose a serious threat to the patient’s life, however, this does not mean that attention should not be paid to it. If such a pathology develops, you should consult a specialist who will help you find out the cause of this pathological condition and select effective therapy if necessary.

Such a problem as loss of smell after a runny nose is very relevant today and is occurring in practice more and more often. This question is often asked by people who have had a cold and cannot fully recover. Loss of smell is unpleasant feeling, which may indicate the development of rhinitis. But as practice shows, such changes in the body can be quickly dealt with if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist. But in this case, self-medication is not recommended.

For a person, the natural state is when he can distinguish and smell, otherwise he experiences discomfort.

Impaired sense of smell is due to the fact that the norm has gone beyond the limits due to the development of pathology. It is worth noting that if you stop feeling at least one smell, then some kind of problem is developing in your body, which you need to notice in time and try to eliminate.

What are the symptoms of a runny nose?

In order to restore your sense of smell, you first need to identify what kind of disorder you have. And only after this can you begin to be treated. Today, two types of disorders are known: this is, first of all, anosmia, when the sense of smell is completely lost with a runny nose, and hyposmia, when the ability to smell only decreases.

But nevertheless these are two serious illness, which can cause a lot of trouble and discomfort in the body. After all, a person, without feeling any smells, cannot fully live and perceive the world as it is.

The most important thing when you lose your sense of smell is not to panic and take the whole situation calmly and try to find the reason why this problem arose. If the loss of smell is associated with a disease, then no measures need to be taken when the disease will pass, everything will return to its place.

In order to regain your ability to smell, you need to inhale with menthol and lemon.

Often after five treatments a person begins to smell again. But if you are sure that your disease is not related to a cold, then you need to contact a neurologist so that the doctor can conduct computed tomography brain, which will show why the sense of smell has disappeared.

Causes of loss of smell

A runny nose is a disease when a person does not smell; it is often accompanied by malaise and fever. The main reason that a person loses their sense of smell is that the nasal mucosa swells. And if an incorrect diagnosis is made, then the effectiveness of combating this disease can be minimized.

When a person loses their sense of smell during a runny nose, the cause of this phenomenon may be the following factors:

  • colds, type ORZ;
  • chronic diseases associated with the nasal mucosa;
  • viral infections, such as acute respiratory viral infections or simple flu;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes in the sinuses.

It may be noted that the loss of a runny nose often accompanies the occurrence of rhinitis. But such a development of the disease is not always observed. And in order to make a correct diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. But if the sense of smell disappears after a runny nose, then it is restored in a maximum of a week. If it does not return within seven days, then this indicates a more serious illness.

The ability to smell can also decrease due to age. In older people, the sense of smell deteriorates. But there are reasons for this, for example, this phenomenon can be observed due to the fact that taste perception is deteriorating. To prevent this from happening, people are advised to eat as many fragrant foods as possible, such as ginger, dill, loop, cinnamon, vinegar, garlic, pepper, lemon.

How can you restore your sense of smell?

In order to restore your sense of smell, you need to carry out several simple procedures. First you need to soften the mucus using steam baths. Also, thanks to this procedure, you can cleanse the lungs and bronchi. This procedure should be carried out no more than three times a day for 20 minutes.

If you have dry skin, then before the procedure you need to lubricate your skin with cream. In order for the steam to become more effective, you need to add herbs to it. You need to inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Half an hour after the procedure, you need to take a shower, just do not get your hair wet. After a shower, you need to stretch your body to improve blood circulation.

In order for a person to be able to feel all the smells again, it is necessary to carry out several procedures to restore the function of the mucous membrane, and only a doctor can do this. You can restore your sense of smell both with the help of medications and with the help of traditional medicine, i.e. according to grandma's recipes.

But it is worth remembering that treatment must be prescribed by a doctor; it often consists of the following drugs:

  • naphazoline;
  • naphthyzine;
  • reserpine.

Of course, other drugs can be prescribed, it all depends on the disease and individual characteristics patient. All of the above medications are vasoconstrictors that have an effective effect on the runny nose. But if you use these drugs too often, the runny nose may only get worse, as there will be swelling of the mucous membrane.

When the sense of smell is lost, you need to use traditional medicine in order to return it. Traditional methods The good thing is that they cannot harm the human body, which is not the case with medications. Very often, with the help of grandmothers’ advice, people managed to recover much faster than after using medications.

One of the common methods of treating a runny nose is inhalation. Inhalations are carried out using oils and solutions based on boiling water and natural ingredients. Inhalation of dry steam from boiled potatoes is very effective and common. Probably, many people do not have the best childhood memories associated with this procedure.

There are also several recipes with which you can make nasal drops at home. To do this, you will need camphor and menthol oils in equal proportions. Three drops should be dropped into each nasal passage three times a day.

An excellent test to test your sense of smell.

People often think that they have lost their sense of smell, but in reality this is not always the case. That is why if you cannot understand whether your sense of smell has disappeared or not, you need to conduct a test, which will be discussed below. You need to take turns sniffing items such as alcohol, valerian and soap. If you can distinguish all the smells well, then your sense of smell is fine.

But that's not all, in the next step of this test you need to try to distinguish between the smell of sugar and salt. When this test is over, then it’s time to move on to the next one. You need to put perfume, onions, instant coffee, chocolate, an extinguished match and solvent in front of you. Then you need to close your eyes and ask someone to give you objects one by one. If you were able to recognize each of the smells without errors, then everything is in order with your sense of smell.

If you have not passed any of the levels of this test, then you probably have something wrong with your sense of smell and you need to consult a doctor.

I lost my sense of smell due to a cold, please tell me how to get it back?



Simple prevention - frequent ventilation of the apartment, consumption of multivitamins, bee products (honey, propolis, beebread, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, taking dietary supplements, frequent walks fresh air, general hardening - both you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - it has been tested on your family and all your relatives and friends.
If you have a sore throat, simply gargle with a solution - 1 teaspoon of salt and soda per glass of warm boiled water, and 1 teaspoon of propolis or calendula tincture (what you have at home). Rinse frequently - 5-8 times a day.
For a runny nose - Balm "Revival" - anoint the nasal passages with it, dilute red beet juice 1:2 with warm boiled water and put 3-5 drops in each nostril, you can do garlic oil- crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour unrefined garlic over them sunflower oil and let stand in a closed container for at least 15-20 minutes, then strain this oil and bury it in your nose - 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-4 times a day. There are many more such recipes - but here I have given the most effective and tested both on myself and on my loved ones.


That's when runny nose will go away, and the sense of smell will return on its own. Is this really the first time this has happened to you? ! Every time I have a cold


do inhalations with onions, it helped me


Urgently see a doctor!! ! Forgot about the flu?


This is a temporary phenomenon. Restore your immunity and everything will pass.


get treatment) and everything will come back) for many it’s like that

Maria Level

it will pass, it happened to me... I didn’t even smell the acetone... it turns out to be so cool, but strange)) but it all came back later

Lyudmila Falko

rinse your nose!

How to restore your sense of smell when you have a runny nose?

How to restore your sense of smell with a runny nose? This is a question asked by many people who have suffered acute respiratory viral diseases. Probably every person has experienced this condition throughout his life. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. It should be noted that there are two forms of loss of smell: congenital, practically incurable, and acquired - a consequence of injuries, tumors, which can be gotten rid of, but will require long-term treatment. The third form is short-term. It occurs due to infection entering the body and is manifested by the reaction of the nasal mucosa - copious discharge secretion. Therefore, the receptors become less receptive, and the sense of smell becomes dull.

You can return your sense of smell different ways: doctors recommend using medications, healers recommend traditional medicine recipes. But in both cases, you should definitely consult a doctor, since some components medications and “home remedies” can cause severe allergies. Therefore, in order not to cause more more harm body, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Drug treatment for loss of smell

If the sense of smell has disappeared after the flu, ARVI, then certain medications will be needed for treatment. If the cause of the illness is more than serious problems, then you should never self-medicate. It is better to visit the hospital and ask the doctor to prescribe medications and dosage for therapy.

To restore your sense of smell, which has been lost temporarily, you can use the following medications:

  • “Naphthyzin”;
  • “Naphazoline”;
  • "Reserpine";
  • “Aqua Maris”;
  • "Euphorbium";
  • "Furacilin".

The first three are vasoconstrictors, which reduces the secretion of secretions, thereby causing a runny nose it will pass faster, and your sense of smell will be restored. But these medications become quickly addictive, so after 5 days their use should be discontinued.

Other medications are more gentle, but they are much more expensive. But the effect from them is really very good. The runny nose disappears in a matter of days and your sense of smell is immediately restored.

The main task of medications is to remove swelling in the nasal cavity and reduce secretion, then the sense of smell will quickly be restored.

The drug “Aqua Maris” is known to almost everyone. It can be used regardless of age. It rinses the sinuses well, helps destroy viruses and bacteria that have entered the nasal mucosa and caused irritation. This remedy can also be used as a preventative during the “quarantine period,” that is, in autumn and spring. It is enough to spray the spray into your nose 2 times a day and not worry about a runny nose and loss of smell.

How to restore your sense of smell after a runny nose using folk remedies?

All folk recipes, of course, are effective, but in order to double the effect, it is better to use them in parallel with drug treatment. Then your sense of smell will return much faster.

Healers claim that from the simplest means at hand you can make excellent drops that will help restore the sense of smell to a person who has suffered an infectious disease.

Camphor and menthol essential oil in equal quantities. The mixture should be instilled into each nostril, 2 drops 4 times a day. From essential oils can be used tea tree, sea buckthorn.

Chamomile is the most famous flora antioxidant. Chamomile decoction in combination with mint and sage gives good results. A runny nose quickly disappears, and the sense of smell returns after 12 hours of using the drops. The composition is instilled into the nostrils 7-8 times a day.

When the sense of smell disappears, salted water is a good help - an analogue of the drug “Aqua Maris”. Only such a solution, prepared at home, will cost much less. To do this you will need 150 ml of water at room temperature and 1 tsp. salt, it is better if it contains iodine. The product does not need to be instilled; salt water must be inhaled so that it reaches the larynx. Perform the procedure very carefully, without haste, so as not to choke on the composition. Perform the manipulation 5-6 times a day. You should not make a solution that is too salty, it can burn the mucous membrane and then the sense of smell will have to be restored using more radical methods.

One of the plants that is found in almost every home is aloe. This is truly a storehouse of vitamins. You can restore your sense of smell with aloe juice. To do this, the leaves of a three-year-old or older plant need to be cut off, placed in a cold place (freezer) for 5 hours, then crushed and squeezed out the juice. Instill the product into the nose 4 times a day for 3 days. Already on the second day the result will be visible.

Lemon and cyclamen juices are mixed in equal quantities. The composition is drawn into the nostrils.

Propolis, known to everyone for its miraculous properties, will also help you quickly get rid of a runny nose and restore your sense of smell. It must be mixed with vegetable and butter in a ratio of 1:3:3. All components are thoroughly mixed, the composition is applied to cotton swabs, which are inserted into the nostrils for 30 minutes in the morning and evening.

A decoction of beet leaves with the addition of honey will help relieve swelling, reduce secretion and restore the sense of smell during a runny nose. Castings (150 g) should be washed, pour 300 ml of water, and boil over low heat for 3 minutes. After the solution has cooled, add 1 tbsp. l. honey Under no circumstances should honey be added to hot mixtures, as it will begin to release poison. The composition should be instilled into the nose 5-6 times a day, a drop into each nostril.

According to healers, it helps a lot with a runny nose and is in a great way restore the sense of smell with celandine juice. But in this case you should be very careful, because if it gets on the mucous membrane, the concentrated juice can cause a burn. Therefore, it should only be used diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1 drop of juice per 1 tsp. water. This composition should be dripped no more than 3 times a day.

Cabbage juice has anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

Many people use onion juice at home. But here too it is necessary to take precautions. It is the wrong dosage that often leads to burns. Onion juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 drop per 1 tbsp. l. water.

The easiest way to deal with a condition where the sense of smell has disappeared is a boiled egg. They need to warm up their sinuses through a scarf for 7 minutes 5-7 times a day.

Aroma lamps will help restore your sense of smell when you have a runny nose.

Essential oils restore the functioning of receptors, so using them in combination with an aroma lamp also gives good results both in treating a runny nose and restoring the sense of smell. Thanks to rapid evaporation and inhalation of vapors, the sense of smell appears already on the second day.

For aroma lamps, you can use eucalyptus and menthol oil. But such procedures can be carried out only if the person does not have an allergic reaction to the components of the oils. Therefore, before using these products, consultation with a doctor is required.

What other means can be used to restore the sense of smell?

As mentioned above, the main goal of any procedure is to reduce swelling and secretion. In this case, warming up with a table lamp helps very well. If ultraviolet light is present, the effect is achieved twice as fast. To perform the procedure, you need to sit at a distance of 25 cm from the lamp, direct the light to the nose area, and keep your eyes closed. The procedure must be carried out at least 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. After three days of using the manipulation, your sense of smell will return.

A good remedy not only to restore the sense of smell during a runny nose, but also to get rid of a cold - inhalation. For them, you can use a decoction of potatoes, sage, and chamomile.

Loss of smell with a runny nose is a fairly common phenomenon that can be cured in a matter of days. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures and mandatory consultation with a specialist.

The ability of the nose to perceive various odors is explained by the presence of olfactory receptors in it, which transmit all information to the brain. But frequent colds can reduce or lead to a decreased sense of smell. complete absence- anosmia. And this happens due to accumulation in the upper respiratory tract large quantity mucus, which, filling the sinuses, becomes thick over time and turns into “stone”.

In most cases, the accumulation of mucus occurs unnoticed, since it does not have characteristic features. And besides due to frequent colds, it also forms from poor nutrition when the diet is dominated by thermally processed and starchy foods. Therefore, begin restoring your sense of smell by adjusting your daily menu, and during the treatment period, switch to vegetarian food or eat lean meat. Eliminate all types of baked goods and confectionery, sugar, fatty and fried foods. Limit your consumption of potatoes and milk.

To successfully restore your sense of smell, follow a certain sequence. First, use steam baths to soften the mucus. Besides this goal this procedure useful for cleansing the bronchi and lungs, as well as the pores on the facial skin. Do it no more than three times for 15-20 minutes. For dry skin, before a steam bath, lubricate your face with cream or vegetable oil. To make steam more effective, use herbs - sage, mint, nettle or a spoonful of ground dill. Cover your head with a towel over the steam bath. Breathe through your nose, exhale through your mouth. After 15-20 minutes, take a warm shower, but do not wet your head. And after the shower, to increase blood circulation, stretch your body (several circular movements with your arms, legs, torso and head.

To further dissolve the mucus, prepare 150 g of horseradish and the juice of 2-3 lemons. Pounded and mixed, take half a teaspoon 2 times a day on an empty stomach. For nasal drops, prepare a mixture of mint, snuff and eucalyptus. Pour the collection into a liter jar (¼ of its volume), fill olive oil so that it covers the herbs and let it brew until a homogeneous mass is formed. In the morning and evening, place 20 drops in each nostril, then do not lower your head for several minutes. Store the mixture in a dark place.

After the mucus has liquefied, begin removing it from the nose. To do this, use a saline solution or a decoction of pine needles. To rinse, prepare half a liter of liquid for each nostril and use a syringe or a special kettle to rinse your nose by injecting the solution into it. To quickly clear mucus from the nose, it is better to suck the solution through your nose, alternately with each nostril (while closing the opposite one) and spit it out through your mouth.

Clearing the nose of mucus can be done without liquefying it - just by rinsing. But it will take a little longer. To prevent the accumulation of mucus, gargle (tonsils) several times every morning and evening, after brushing your teeth. This method is no less effective in cleansing the nasopharynx. Moreover, rinsing activates brain activity, which is important at the beginning of the working day. Continue to eat healthy. Limit your intake mucus-forming products- milk, potatoes, bread and sugar.

How to restore taste and smell that were lost due to a cold?



When you are cured, beet juice will help you regain your hug and taste, 3 times a day, 3 drops in each nostril. Tested more than once.

Ekaterina Zvereva

This is sinusitis. Pay attention to this.

RoMashka RoMashka

most likely this is really sinusitis and you can’t do without antibiotics, start a course of treatment and in a couple of days your sense of smell and taste will return


It helped me when I cleared my nose thoroughly, albeit for a while, but seriously, it will return only after recovery...

Schwarzes Blut

Until you are cured, you will not return it. The only thing I can confidently advise is to use less vasoconstrictor nasal drops, especially the common Galazolin and the like. strong drops. They seriously lose your sense of smell.


it takes time and everything will be restored)))

Dima Tarov

Here's how to restore your sense of smell and taste when you have a runny nose using garlic: Chop four cloves of garlic and add to a cup of boiling water. Cook for two minutes, add a pinch of salt and drink the mixture while it is hot. Drink it twice a day, and your senses of smell and taste will soon be restored.

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