Harmful sweeteners: why sweeteners are harmful to humans. Sweeteners - harm or benefit, which is better

Those who want to lose weight switch to sugar substitutes excess weight, but cannot live without sweets, and those for whom sugar is contraindicated for health reasons are diabetics. All types of this food additive are divided into natural and synthetic. Not all of them are “harmless,” but you can understand whether you should trust them by understanding the harm and benefits of sugar substitutes.


This is a natural sugar substitute. Contained in fruits, vegetable purees, which mothers feed their young children, since these products, as well as honey, flower nectar and the seeds of some plants, are sources of fructose. The substance is 1.7 times sweeter than granulated sugar and 30% less caloric than sucrose. Fructose is slowly absorbed, has almost no effect on changes in blood sugar, and is therefore allowed for diabetics.

The benefit of this sweetener also lies in the fact that it does not provoke the appearance of caries, improves the quality of baked goods, and is an excellent preservative, therefore it is often used for making preserves, jellies, etc. It looks like a white powder, highly soluble in liquids. The daily intake of fructose is no more than 40 g, due to an increased risk of heart disease. May provoke side effects- flatulence, bloating.


This natural sweetener obtained from corn cobs and cotton seed husks. The sweetness of xylitol is the same as sugar, and the number of calories is 30% less. Benefits of the substitute:

  • has a positive effect on tooth enamel, prevents caries, therefore it is often present in chewing gum and toothpastes;
  • stimulates secretion gastric juice, bile;
  • Slowly absorbed, does not affect sugar levels.

Among the harmful qualities, they include the ability to act as a laxative, provoke the development of cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, but only if consumed in uncontrolled doses. Safe daily norm xylitol – up to 40-50 g.


This sweetener natural origin present in apricots, apples, rowan and other stone fruits. Synthesized by the oxidation of glucose, it looks like a crystallized transparent powder. It is approved for diabetics and is 3 times less sweet than sugar. Sorbitol can be a good preservative, so it is often used in Food Industry. The safe daily intake of the substance is 30-40 g. Positive and negative sides substitute:


Belongs to the artificial group of sweeteners and is not absorbed at all human body, 300-400 times sweeter than sucrose. Safe daily dose is 2 mg.

The advantages include resistance to acidic environments, high temperatures, and lack of calories.

The disadvantages of the substitute are:

  • the presence of a metallic taste;
  • presence of carcinogenic components;
  • the ability to aggravate cholelithiasis, provoke serious illnesses intestines.


There are two types - calcium and sodium. It is one of the components of other sweeteners, 30-50 times sweeter than granulated sugar. Maximum permissible daily dose is 0.8 g. Pros and cons of cyclamate:


It comes in powder form and tablet form, consists of two amino acids, and is 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Often used in the production of baked goods, sweet drinks, medicines. Aspartame replaces up to 8 kg of sugar, but does not contain calories. The daily dosage is 3.5 g. One of the disadvantages of the substance is its thermal instability.

When heated strongly, the substitute breaks down into toxic, carcinogenic components.

Harmful qualities also include the ability to cause nausea, dizziness, indigestion, insomnia, and headaches (with frequent use). Aspartame is prohibited for pregnant women and children.

Acesulfame potassium

Synthetic sugar substitute, 200 times sweeter than sucrose. It is not absorbed by the human body and is quickly eliminated. The maximum allowed daily dose is 1 g. Acesulfame potassium has its advantages and disadvantages, like other sweeteners:


Synthetic sweetener, derivative of sucrose. Available in the form of tablets containing, in addition to sucrasite, water and an acidity regulator. The maximum permissible daily intake is 7 mg. The benefits and harms of this type of sugar substitutes:

Positive sides

Negative sides

Giving preference to various sweeteners, many people are in no hurry to understand the question of why a sweetener is harmful. First of all, this is due to the mass propaganda of many media in favor of abandoning the use of traditional sugar (beet and cane).

However, before you completely switch to sweeteners and sweeteners, you need to weigh the pros and cons of these products. The benefits and harms of sweeteners require maximum assessment.

Sweeteners - benefit or harm?

History of origin

The first sweet substance to be discovered was saccharin in 1879 by chemist Konstantin Fahlberg, and quite by accident. After laboratory work with sulfaminebenzoic acid, the scientist sat down to lunch without washing his hands. Biting into the bread, he felt a sweet taste and was surprised by it.

Having asked his wife why the bread was sweet, the scientist received the answer that the woman did not feel any sweetness. Fahlberg realized that after laboratory experiments, a substance remained on his fingers that gave such a taste. Soon, the resulting compound was put into production.

Types of sweeteners

You can find it on sale different kinds sweeteners

Substitutes can be divided into the following types:

  1. Natural - substances that raise blood sugar, but to a lesser extent than glucose or regular granulated sugar, and also contain calories. These include: fructose, maltose, xylitol, sorbitol and others.
  2. Artificial sweeteners are substances without calories, however, the intensity of the sweet taste is several times greater than the effect of sugar. Contains a tiny amount of carbohydrates. This group includes: aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate and others.

The first group is made from natural ingredients, such as fruits, berries or honey. The second group is produced synthetically.

The confectionery, food production, and medical industries actively use sweeteners in their fields. Cakes, desserts, drinks and medicines are produced with their addition. You can also buy your own sugar substitute in tablets and dragees. So is a sweetener harmful to healthy person? Below is an overview of sweeteners, their characteristics and effects on the body.


Fructose is called natural granulated sugar. It is found in honey, dates, berries and fruits. Perhaps it is for this reason that fructose was believed to be very beneficial. And even people with diabetes mellitus it was recommended for use. However, fructose, contained in the rich fiber of fruits, and refined ones have different actions on the human body.

When a person eats an apple, the fructose in it is absorbed slowly and processed by the liver into glucose. According to some scientists, in its refined form, fructose does not have time to be completely converted into glucose. As a result, it is stored in fat. It follows that such a product is contraindicated in patients with diabetes.

Also, excessive consumption of fructose can cause heart and vascular diseases. Daily norm should not exceed more than 40 grams.

Classification of sugar substitutes

Sorbitol (E420)

Sorbitol is a natural substitute for granulated sugar. Contained in rowan, apples and apricots. Sorbitol is a very good preservative, so I found wide application in the food industry. It has choleretic properties and normalizes microflora in the digestive tract.

Along with useful properties, it has a number of significant disadvantages. The product is three times less sweet than sugar. Therefore, to achieve a sweet taste you will need a large amount of sorbitol. This sweetener is high in calories. Also, taking large amounts of sorbitol can cause laxative effect or upset stomach. The daily intake of the product is no more than 40 grams.

Xylitol (E967)

The most common sweetener is xylitol. The product is obtained as a result of processing such natural ingredients such as cotton husks, corn cobs and other components.

The calorie content and sweetness of xylitol are almost the same as regular sugar. Xylitol prevents the development of caries, as it contains substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria oral cavity.

However, a large dose of sweetener can cause bloating, flatulence and subsequently diarrhea. Therefore, the product should not be used in large dosages. The recommended dose is no more than 50 grams per day.

What are sweeteners used for?

Saccharin (E954)

Saccharin or sodium saccharinate is a sweetener that is 350 times sweeter than sugar. Low-calorie saccharin is resistant to temperatures and acids, and is practically not absorbed by the body.

The disadvantages of the E954 sweetener include: metallic taste, content of carcinogenic substances in its composition. Consumption of saccharin can cause harm to the body in the form of gallstone disease.

Cyclamate (E952)

The sweetener cyclamate is cyclamic acid and its salts - sodium and potassium. Sweetener is 30 times sweeter than regular sugar. It is considered a low-calorie product. It is highly soluble in water and resistant to temperatures. Does not increase blood glucose levels, therefore recommended for diabetics.

During research by American scientists in 1969, the side effects of cyclamate on laboratory rats were identified in the form of the formation of cancerous tumors. Along with this, it was noticed that bacteria gastrointestinal tract As a result of the reaction with cyclamate, metabolites are formed that negatively affect the embryo.

Therefore, sodium cyclamate is contraindicated in pregnant women. A nursing mother should also avoid using sweetener. Maximum daily dosage for an adult’s body - no more than 0.8 grams.

The dangers of consuming sweeteners

Aspartame (E951)

A sweetener like aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar, but it is low in calories. It is a compound of methyl ester and amino acids: asparagine and phenylalanine. Does not have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Aspartame is available in powder or tablet form. Added to lemonade and baked goods. No more than 3.5 grams per day can be used without health risks.

Sucralose (E955)

The sweetener is registered as a food additive. Sucralose is made from sugar. In its structure, several molecules of oxygen and hydrogen are replaced with chlorine molecules. It is due to the addition of chlorine molecules that sucralose is 600 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Being a completely inert sweetener and not participating in the body's metabolism, sucralose is completely safe for health. Therefore, you can use this sweetener for diet and diabetes.


The sweetener steviazit is obtained from the stevia plant. It has low calorie content and has a hypoglycemic effect. This sweetener is also 25 times sweeter than sugar.

The benefits and harms of sweeteners

Stevia provides positive influence on the human body:

  1. Contains many useful vitamins.
  2. Reduces blood glucose levels.
  3. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Reduces the risk of cancer formation.
  5. Used for beneficial influence on mental and physical activity.
  6. Prevents allergies in children.
  7. Promotes have a good rest and sleep.

The sweetener has a pleasant taste and dissolves well in water. When used by people, stevia did not have any side effects on the body.

Sweeteners for weight loss

In the course of research, it turned out that people who preferred sweeteners had big problems with overweight than those who consumed regular sweets.

It is worth considering that there are different substitutes, high-calorie or non-calorie. Most substitutes do not increase blood glucose levels, and therefore do not lead a person to a state of saturation. As a result, a person may eat more. Not only does a person not lose weight, his body is harmed by sweeteners.

Sweeteners during pregnancy

To be born healthy child During pregnancy, a woman is advised to be attentive to her diet and take various medications, including supplements. On the question of whether sweeteners are harmful during pregnancy, doctors have differing opinions.

Some believe that sweeteners are safe, while others strongly discourage them. Therefore, it is better not for a nursing mother to take a sweetener during pregnancy, as well as in the future. If you become pregnant, you should stop taking supplements.

Sweeteners are contraindicated during pregnancy

Is a sweetener harmful or beneficial for children?

Can children have a sweetener? If sweeteners are not recommended for adults, what about children? Under 3 years old, definitely not. This means that a nursing mother should not use substitutes, because the supplements are transferred to the baby with milk. Children are not worth the risk.

As a result, everyone decides for themselves whether to consume sugar or a sweetener. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before offering sweeteners to children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers.


After watching this video, you will learn a lot of shocking truths about side effects sweeteners.

Are sweeteners harmful to a person’s poor health, in what cases are they useful, and when do they cause irreparable damage. Let’s look at the benefits and harms of sweeteners, which is called “bone by bone”.

I will try to give detailed answers to all questions that interest us.

What are sweeteners anyway?

Medicine says - organic plant compounds. They taste from 10 to 500 times sweeter than the sugar we are used to.

They are produced in the form of powders, tablets, or just liquids.

Any drinks can be sweetened:

  1. Tea.
  2. Compotes.
  3. Add to jam.
  4. Bake cookies.
  5. Make any desserts.

Why do we need sweeteners at all?

We began to consume too much sugar and foods filled with it. Result - began to lose shape. It would be nice if the sides and weight grew.

After all, when it was discovered en masse, it became uncontrollable. Sweeteners contain very few calories. The taste remains. By using them you can make a significant difference.

Don't forget, these are still chemicals. Better pull yourself together and give up sweets.

What are sweeteners made from:

For the production of sweeteners use:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Gribov.
  3. Starch.
  4. Wood.
  5. Vegetables.

The taste is very similar to sugar, in normal doses it can replace it. One gram of sweetener contains 4 calories. They are completely absorbed by the body, if you count calories, do not forget to count them too.

You have to understand that there are simply sweeteners, and there are sweeteners. What is the difference?

  1. Sweeteners - synthetic chemical compounds.
  2. Sweeteners - organic plant compounds.

Big difference.

What sweeteners are generally produced:

List of the most famous names:

Product name

Sweeter than sugar (how many times)


1,2 times


1,1 once


0,8 once


0,7 once


0,6 once


A little less than 0.5 times


0,5 once

The most common sweeteners are:

    Saccharin:(instantly dissolves in boiling or hot water).

    Aspartame:(the taste of sugar is preserved, one tablet corresponds to a dose of a teaspoon of sugar). You cannot heat liquids using it; it cannot withstand high temperatures. Contraindicated in phenylketonuria. Although the disease is rare, it does occur.

    Acesulfame:(withstands high temperatures, which means you can cook with it. 200 times sweeter than sugar).

    Cyclamates:(sweets taste 10 or 30 times better than sugar. With increasing dose, the taste of food will have a bitter aftertaste).

Fructose does not raise blood insulin levels as quickly as sugar.

Are sweeteners harmful, why should they not be consumed thoughtlessly:

Since the last century, the use of cyclamates has been banned in America. Then the ban extended to saccharin. Research has shown that consuming them increases the risk of getting cancer.

Then there were doubts about the results obtained. One thing is certain, they contribute to the development of cancer. Therefore, if you do not suffer from diabetes, it is not worth the risk. Lead healthy image life - sweeteners will not be needed.

Safe doses of sweeteners:

Healthcare took care of our health by publishing acceptable doses of sugar substitutes.

Daily doses:

Saccharin: at a dose of 2.5 mg per kilogram of human weight.

Cyclamate: dose 12.34 mg per kilogram of human weight. If you weigh 80 kg, you can take a little more than 20 tablets. Or 1 - 2 tablets taken once in coffee or tea.

If you have diabetes, completely deprive yourself of sucrose or glucose (grape sugar). Small doses are better than complete replacement. Your doctor will calculate the maximum allowable dose for you, taking into account your blood glucose levels.

Please note that if you experience diarrhea while consuming sweeteners, the dose should be reduced.

Unpleasant symptoms when taking sweeteners:


  1. Bloating, which is doubly unpleasant.
  2. Disruption of intestinal function, even complications may occur.

If you are, choosing food designed for diabetics is a bad option. Proven - harm to health.

How to properly consume sugar without harm:

Remember, almost all products contain sugar. This is already enough for us. Can you imagine what happens in our body when we drink to excess? sweet tea, compotes.

  • We eat bread, cookies, candy, pasta, porridge. The doses are off the charts.
  • The more we eat such foods, the more we want to eat. It seems to us that we are constantly hungry. To get enough, eat a piece of fish, chicken breast or cottage cheese.
  • Such food contains proteins, takes a long time to digest, and blood glucose does not rise sharply. The weight will stop gaining. Of course, unless you eat half a loaf of bread for company. This is already a carbohydrate.
  • It is better to use honey, it is a natural product, there will be more benefits. Moderate doses (2 - 3 teaspoons).
  • Don't reward children with candy, teach them fruit. Health and habits are formed from childhood.
  • You can say goodbye to it forever; your microbes in your mouth will not have a chance to survive.
  • Sugar is absorbed by the body instantly, after 30 minutes it is no longer in the body, you are hungry again. Sugar consumption - a useless exercise for the body.
  • Sugar - short-term source of energy.
  • It is better to replace it with dried fruits if you find it difficult without sweets.

  1. Xylitol.
  2. Sorbitol.


Made from corn stalks. At first it is in the form of alcohol, which means that it will not be able to increase.

Products containing sorbitol cause loose stool, having a choleretic effect. It was first obtained from rowan berries.

It is used in food production very actively as a preservative. Pathogenic organisms when used, they cannot reproduce.

But sorbitol tastes less sweet than sugar. If you put more of it - Badly. It is one and a half times higher in calories than sugar. Another bad thing is that it causes diarrhea when the dose is increased.


It is best known for preventing the development of caries. Bacteria are afraid of him. When the dose is increased, it causes flatulence and diarrhea. It should be consumed in doses recommended by your doctor.

If you decide to lose weight, find out whether sweeteners are harmful:

Yes, taking sweeteners, better than natural ones, will help reduce the total calorie content of food. At first, it is always difficult to wean yourself off your usual diet.

In two weeks the exchange will be restructured, you will notice it yourself. Gradually reduce their intake. It's better to let it be fruit. Still, you need pectin, fiber and vitamins.

Sweetener fructose:

Counts useful product, for its production it is extracted from berries and fruits. Diabetics have been consuming fructose for many years.

But it turned out that fructose in fruits and that sold in stores and pharmacies - products are different. Fructose, found, for example, in an apple, is absorbed slowly. Why? Apple - not only fructose, but also pectin and fiber.

If we add fructose as a drug, it simply does not have time to be processed into glucose in the liver. Most of it is deposited as fat on our sides.

Fructose is contraindicated for all patients with diabetes. If you didn't know about this, take note.


At 200 - 300 times sweeter to taste than sugar. Is not synthetic drug, feel free to use products containing it.


Synthetic product, but safe for health. Selected by chemical treatment sucrose. Much sweeter than sugar (500 times).

Data on any toxicity of this product as of today no. I recommend using it. Widely used in sports nutrition.

But sucralose is an expensive product and not everyone can afford it. Rarely used for industrial purposes, it greatly increases the cost of products.

Registered as a food additive E - 955. Absolutely safe product. This product is almost not absorbed by the body, leaving only a sweet taste.


Almost no different from the taste of sugar. You can heat and cook with it. Contained in mushrooms, fruits, vegetables. Included soy sauce, wine.

Produced from starchy raw materials through fermentation with certain types of yeast. Harmless, non-toxic substance for humans.

This is a completely natural product. Has no calories. Can be used for weight loss. Blood sugar does not increase.

Prevents the formation of caries and tartar. 1 gram of erythritol replaces 0.7 grams of sugar.


An ideal product as a sugar substitute. Can be heated and used in cooking. Does not increase blood sugar, can be used by patients with diabetes.

Good for those people who actively want to lose weight. Natural product produced from stevia. This is the name of the plant, also affectionately called honey grass.

Natural components:

An excellent sugar substitute. It is widely used for weight loss; diabetic patients use it without fear. 10 times sweeter than sugar.

Are synthetic sweeteners harmful?

Saccharin cyclamate:

Saccharin is excluded from the list of substances for active consumption by diabetics.

If you sprinkle saccharin sour berries or fruits, begins to release a group of substances with a clear, pronounced carcinogenic effect.

Saccharin is not resistant to acidic environments. You cannot heat or cook jam from it.


A synthetic product, it is usually mixed with saccharin 10:1. Sold in tablet form.

As I wrote above, one tablet will replace a teaspoon of regular sugar. In our intestines, cyclamate forms toxic compounds under the influence of bacteria.

These carcinogenic compounds in gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract with microflora disturbances can lead to intestinal cancer.

There are very few people healthy in this regard now; it is better to refrain from using it. This is my advice.

Acesulfame potassium:

It is also a synthetic product. It is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar. Most often used in industrial production. The taste is very different from the taste of sugar (sucrose).

The synthetic sugar substitutes described above are not completely safe for your health. I do not recommend it for consumption.


Ice cream, sweets, and cookies are made from it. It is contained in licorice. Dozens of times sweeter than sugar. Due to the licorice flavor, it is not widely used.


Included in most Lait drinks. Proven great harm uses of aspartame for health. Why it is still used in the food industry is a big question.

Aspartame is not a stable product. Decays at sunlight, heating above 40 degrees. Breaks down into very toxic compounds.

Their action has a pronounced, immediate effect. The most serious thing is release of methyl alcohol. It can make you blind and deaf pretty quickly.

Do not drink carbonated drinks of dubious storage, you will be healthier. Aspartame should not be heated.

I hope this has clarified the situation a little about whether sweeteners are harmful. Always weigh the pros and cons and consider the effect of the product on your health. I wish you good health.

Sincerely, Tatyana Nikolaevna, author.

Hello my dear readers and lovers sweet life! Today I decided to devote this article to such a popular and troubling issue for many as. People who monitor their health and nutrition have recently become increasingly interested in: Sweeteners - are they harmful or beneficial?? What sweeteners and sweeteners can you use?, and which ones don’t? And is it true that all sweeteners do not affect blood sugar levels and are insulin-independent? I will answer all these and many other questions in this article. Get ready, it will be interesting.


Well, to make the picture complete, I’ll say a few words about why people love sweets so much and can’t completely give it up! And those who finally decide begin to use sakhzams as an alternative to simple sugar.

First of all, this is due to great love To . And this love is instilled in us in childhood by our own mothers when they feed us milk. The fact is that any milk (both cow's and mother's) contains about 4% lactose - milk sugar, so we associate the sweet taste with something good and positive. Feels like this infant when his mother feeds him with her breast. This is why we have a craving for sweets throughout our lives...

But if lactose ( milk sugar) is absolutely harmless to infant, then things will be completely different with regular sugar:

- it changes the pH environment in the oral cavity, which causes the formation of caries;

— it binds vitamin C, preventing it from being absorbed in the body.

! If you like to eat jam or sprinkle sugar on fruits, then remember that everything useful that is in them is eaten by the sugar ITSELF.

- Sugar removes calcium from the body.

- sugar causes excess weight gain, obesity, the development of atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

This is only a small part of what sugar does in our body, but I think this is quite enough to understand that sugar is an absolute unnecessary and harmful thing for us!!! His absence will not affect our mental capacity(as our parents tell us), since glucose can be easily synthesized in our body from amino acids!

I hope we have sorted out the sugar issue, now let’s move on to the essence of this article: sweeteners and sweeteners, - they are the ones that interest us today to a greater extent.

Sweeteners: harm or benefit

When we talk about sakhzams, we need to distinguish between them, which are different concepts.

The sweetness of sweeteners approaches the sweetness of sugar very closely, and they have, albeit small, calorie content. While the sweetness of sweeteners is several hundred, or even thousands!!! times higher than the sweetness of sugar, and often they have either very low calorie content or no calorie content at all (which is why they are actually popular among girls and guys who watch their figures).

But I will not go into details and divide our “object under study” into sweeteners and sweeteners separately. My main task is to tell you about the most commonly used sahzams and their properties, as well as how they affect our body.

To begin with, I will highlight two main groups of sweeteners - safe (natural and synthetic) and dangerous (synthetic). And I’ll tell you briefly about them.


Safe sweeteners– these are those that do not cause any pathologies, diseases, disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems, and are also not carcinogenic or toxic.

Natural sweeteners

Steviazid (stevia)- This natural sweetener, which is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar and has very low calorie content. It is extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant, which is considered to be native to Northern Paraguay and Brazil. According to numerous human studies, stevia is considered an absolutely safe and even healthy sweetener. Find out if this is true further.

Not widely used:

Neogrispedinnatural but VERY expensive sweetener, the sweetness of which is 3000 times sweeter than sugar.

Grycerizin (licorice)- good natural sweetener, but has a very sharp and unpleasant licorice taste.

Thaumatin– extracted from a South African fruit. Its production is VERY expensive, so its use in industry is practically never found.

Sorbitolnatural sweetener, but at higher doses causes a laxative effect.

Synthetic sweeteners

Sucralose– is a synthetic sweetener, but absolutely safe, it is 500 times sweeter than sugar and has no calorie content, for which athletes and manufacturers of quality products love it. sports nutrition. BUT the most important thing "But" why only the best brands of sports nutrition and the most use sucralose best manufacturers The only thing about sweet products is that, like stevia, they are incredibly expensive. Its price for 1 kg costs about 80 dollars!!! So you can imagine how unprofitable it is for manufacturers to use such expensive substitutes Sahara. They simply raise the cost of the product very much, which makes it uncompetitive in the market.


Dangerous sweeteners- these are the ones that cause various diseases organs and systems (up to cancerous formations and tumors), and also have a toxic and carcinogenic effect on the body.

Tops this list ASPARTAME.

Aspartame(aka “Nutra Sweet”, “Neosvit”, “Sladex”!!!) – is VERY HARMFUL AND TOXIC sweetener!

Aspartame is extremely unstable to temperature changes. When heated above 40 degrees, it breaks down into toxic compounds, one of which methyl alcohol , I hope about dangerous properties Everyone remembers methyl alcohol from chemistry lessons, if not, I remind you: it can cause deafness, blindness, headaches, neurological disorders in the form of insomnia, depression and causeless anxiety, as well as others no less dire consequences up to and including death. If you add products that contain aspartame (for example, your favorite protein) to a hot drink above 40 degrees (coffee, tea, milk) or add it to your pp-baked goods, then you risk becoming a victim of the action of methyl alcohol... So be careful read the composition of the product/sports nutrition, especially if you are going to expose it to any heat.

Also, be careful when consuming Coca-Cola and other sweet drinks in hot sunny weather, as leaving a bottle of Cola in 40-degree sun can cause serious poisoning, and even worse, death for the person who decides to drink it...

Aspartame is the cheapest synthetic sweetener, which makes it attractive to manufacturers.

Saccharin(sweet sugar, Milford Zus, Sukrazit, Sladis) – another one synthetic sweetener, which is not very stable when temperature changes and in an acidic environment, it becomes toxic! In an acidic environment (this can be compote, uzvar, juice, etc.), imido-guppa (this is a toxic compound), which has a carcinogenic effect, is split off from it.

Cyclamate(cyclamic acid, sodium cyclamate) – 30 times sweeter than sugar. It has been proven through many years of experiments on humans that cyclamate in our intestines forms toxic compounds cyclohexane, which leads to intestinal cancer and also causes the development of kidney failure.

Acesulfame potassiumsynthetic sweetener, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is mainly used in industry. Abbreviations and names that manufacturers use when they indicate this sweetener in the composition:

  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Acesulfame K
  • Acesulfame Potassium
  • Otisone
  • Acesulfame K
  • Sunet
  • E-950
  • Sunett
  • E-950

So, if you see one of the above names on a product, it is better to put it back on the shelf and avoid it.

This is briefly what concerns harmful and harmless sweeteners and sweeteners. Now it's time to dispel the myths about how sahzams are USEFUL for weight loss. Read on.

Sweeteners and weight loss. Debunking myths

The most common opinion, which all lovers of sweeteners refer to, is that, unlike sugar, they have very low or even zero calorie content, this is the first, and the second is that sugar substitutes are insulin resistant (insensitive to biological effect insulin). So now I'll probably upset most girls and guys who think the same thing, because ALL SWEETENERS AND SWEETENERS still lead to the production of insulin with a subsequent decrease in blood sugar. « “How can this be,” you ask, “after all, it is a well-known fact that all sweeteners are insulin-independent...!!!” Yes, this is true, no one is going to argue with this, but scientific research says this:

"So what? - you ask again, “how does this affect weight loss?”. The fact is that when you drink tea or coffee with a sweetener, nothing bad really happens at first glance, but this is only at first glance. Let's see what's happening in our bodies at this time.

The pancreas produces insulin, blood sugar levels drop, but due to the fact that no carbohydrates have entered the body, it has nothing to break down into glucose and transport into fat (this is good). But for the next half hour, your feeling of hunger worsens due to the fact that sugar has jumped up again, and your brain demands to eat something carbohydrate again (this is bad). It turns out that sweeteners deceive our body, and in the future, when you eat carbohydrates, the body will convert them into fats with increased intensity, afraid of feeling a carbohydrate deficiency again... That's it.

Now let's figure out why the pancreas reacts to the sweetener? After all, it shouldn’t, in theory...

Insulin is produced due to the fact that we have receptors in our mouth that, detecting the sweet taste of food, instantly give a signal to the brain, and it, in turn, to the pancreas, which begins to produce insulin. So it turns out that insulin independence of sweeteners does not excite our receptors in any way, and in practice everything is a little different than in theory.

Now let's look at another situation where we add sweeteners or sweeteners into your favorite oatmeal (slow carbohydrate). The same thing happens here as with tea: insulin is released, but now the body has received not just water, but carbohydrates. And despite the fact that carbohydrates are complex, and the blood sugar level should rise slowly and for a long time, now the sweetener plays the main role. This is what makes our oatmeal no longer a slow carbohydrate, but a fast one due to the fact that insulin reacts to the sweetener much faster than to our oatmeal. So it turns out that by adding a sweetener to oatmeal and thinking that we are doing the right thing by giving up sugar, essentially nothing changes; without realizing it, we are turning our slow carbohydrates in fast ones, which indicates the pointlessness of using sweeteners and sweeteners when losing weight...

But how can this be? After all, I advise many athletes and coaches to use sakhzams instead of sugar, don’t they really know this? Some people really don't know this and use sweeteners in large quantities(1), some know and therefore use sweeteners in moderation (2), and some know and therefore do not use them at all (3). Personally, I consider myself somewhere in the middle with the second and third.

Personally, I don’t drink tea and coffee with sweeteners, as it tastes better to me without them. And in baked goods I can put 2-3 tablets of stevia instead of sugar, no more. This is where my use of sahzam ends.


This applies to absolutely everything: healthy fruits from your personal garden; organic poultry meat raised by your grandmother in the village; natural coffee, which is a good natural pre-workout and fat burner, etc. EVERYTHING should be consumed in moderation and not cross the permitted line.

This also applies to sweeteners and sweeteners(safe, of course). If you use them wisely and without fanaticism, without throwing them everywhere you can, then their use will be harmless to both health and figure. If you add 2 drops of stevia or 2-3 tablets of sucralose to your favorite cottage cheese and oatmeal casserole or coffee, then nothing bad will happen. The sugar level will not rise to the skies from such an amount of sweetener, but if you put in 6,7,8, or even 10 tablets of this same sahzam (special lovers of the sweet life), then believe me, you will simply nullify all your efforts to protect yourself from the immediate release of insulin and further consequences.

But regarding the use of sweeteners in baby food, then here I am categorically against it!!! Children's body reacts to sweeteners completely differently, and it is better not to give them to children at all!!!

So, to summarize all of the above, I want to say: if you have already decided to remove sugar from your life and switch to natural sweeteners, such as stevia or sucralose, then you need to do it wisely! Don't think that sweeteners and sweeteners This is a panacea for all your troubles! As you now know, they also have their pitfalls. So remember: harm and benefit of sweeteners(or it would be more accurate to say harm and harmlessness)depend not only on its origin (natural or synthetic), but also on common sense when using it...

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

P.S. Take care of yourself and STOP EATING SAKZAM WITH SPOONS!

Modern fashion and life itself dictate one rule - a person must be fit and slim.

Many of us make unimaginable sacrifices in the desire to lose weight: we exhaust ourselves with physical exercises, change our usual rhythm and lifestyle, go on all kinds of diets that exclude sweet foods and sugar from our diet.

But, since unsweetened tea or morning coffee is so unusual, it is not easy to resist eating sweet foods, especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth.

Many see an alternative and switch to sugar substitutes, motivating their choice by the fact that they replace sugar, are not as high in calories, and do not differ in taste. But is this the right choice and are we not harming our body?

Today we will talk about sweeteners, why exactly they can be dangerous to our health.


It is important to immediately understand that the market for sugar substitutes is NOT an honest market! A lot of information about the dangers of certain substances is hidden from the average consumer - from you and me! It has been proven for certain that many sugar substitutes allowed for consumption cause a very dangerous disease - cancer!

The purpose of this article is to provide our readers with up-to-date and truthful information. It may be tough and not too rosy, but, without a doubt, we all need it to maintain our health and save lives!

I really hope that this article will become a good helper for you, serve you well and protect you from harm.

Sweeteners - what is the danger to human health?

Let's look at the questions in detail:

  • Safe sweeteners - do they really exist?
  • Are sweeteners harmful or beneficial when losing weight?

A little about the dangers of consuming sugar

We all know that eating white sugar is quite harmful. Here are just a few very compelling arguments that may make you think about the advisability of consuming this sweet product:

  1. Sugar provokes liver disorders, due to which it increases in size and accumulates excess fat, and this causes liver steatosis, and subsequently can lead to cirrhosis or even cancer!
  2. One of the reasons for education malignant tumors is excessive consumption of sugar.
  3. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances in organism.
  4. Eating a sweet product provokes dangerous disease Alzheimer's.
  5. Causes migraines and headaches, makes our tendons brittle.
  6. Provokes kidney disease, causes stones and disrupts normal work adrenal glands
  7. Sugar can cause frequent digestive disorders, since when consumed it slows down the rate of food absorption and destroys digestive enzymes.
  8. Excessive use sugar can cause gallbladder cancer.
  9. Sugar is a drug of its own, as it is addictive, like alcohol, and this product is also toxic!


It is worth adding that the American Heart Association recently announced that the generally accepted “norm” of sugar consumption, which existed previously, has now been halved!!!

There's a lot to think about, isn't there?

A very big danger is that almost all the foods we eat contain sugar. It's pretty impressive list products of our diet: bread, sausages, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), confectionery, any alcohol.

People are not even aware of how much sugar they eat in one day, thinking that it is nothing at all or very little!

Well, just think, a spoonful of sugar in your tea, a couple in your coffee, or you can afford a piece of cake, and that’s about it. But it turns out that this is not all! It turns out that it is precisely the “hidden” consumption of sugar that is the biggest threat to our health.

Is it realistic for you, friends, to consume 10-16 cubes of refined sugar at one time? No?

How about drinking a half-liter bottle of Coca-Cola at one time? Yes?

But half a liter of Coca-Cola contains exactly that amount of sugar!!!

This is a simple example of what “hidden” sugar consumption means and why it is dangerous, because we don’t even know or see visually what and how much we eat, and therefore we think that it doesn’t seem to exist.

More well-read people, those who know about this, are quicker to switch to sweeteners. And if they see on the packaging that the product does not contain sugar, they do not worry and remain quite satisfied with their choice, believing that nothing threatens their health.

Sweeteners - what are they?

Sugar substitutes are, in fact, chemical substances, special compounds that taste quite sweet, but do not contain glucose, that is, carbohydrates.

At their core, these are real “deceiver substances” that can deceive taste buds person, and at the same time do not contain any useful substances and energy for the body.

It is precisely this property – the absence of carbohydrates, and therefore calories (energy) – that manufacturers use to successfully advertise their chemical sweeteners.

After all, if there are no carbohydrates, then there are no calories either, right, isn’t it?

Therefore, everyone who wants to lose weight, very willingly, purchases various food products, which contain sweeteners in their composition. The goal is the same - not to eat a lot of extra calories.

After all, everything is great, right? You can eat all kinds of sweets to your heart’s content, and at the same time not get excess calories, which means you won’t gain weight!

However, not everything here is as rosy and wonderful as it might seem to us at first glance.

What is the “trick” of sugar substitutes, and do sweeteners bring benefit or harm when losing weight?

American scientists conducted a fairly serious study that lasted a long time and in which they involved many people. According to the published results of this study, it turns out that absolutely ALL sweeteners have a very clever effect on metabolism in the human body.

As a result of this impact, the general metabolism of the body is disrupted, and desire eat more and more!


It has been proven that in many people, sugar substitutes provoke a strong appetite, just a real “glutton”, which, for some time, a person is able to keep under control. However, when the strength to fight increased appetite becomes insufficient, and the desire to eat is unbearably strong, then a person, in this situation, begins to eat everything.

It turns out that as a result of this gluttony, you still gain extra calories, and the unfortunate excess weight that you managed to lose with such difficulty returns.

If only all those “who are always losing weight” and those with a sweet tooth knew what a cruel and unhealthy test they are subjecting their body and psyche to by so blindly trusting all these sweeteners!

We can definitely conclude that sugar substitutes are very dangerous for human health!


The article is about CHEMICAL sweeteners, and not about natural, natural “analogues” that can replace sweets - these are dried fruits, honey, stevia!!! All this sweet splendor is created by nature and brings only benefits to humans!

If sugar itself is dangerous to health and very harmful to the body, then sweeteners are real poison!

Moreover, the poison is very SLOW... a “quiet” and unnoticeable “poison”.

But this “quietness” does not make it any less dangerous and poisonous!

They give our favorite foods and drinks a sweet taste, and are often presented by manufacturers as completely low-calorie (although this is often NOT the case!).

Moreover, manufacturers, almost at the official level, declared them as completely harmless to human health, but this, as a rule, is a lie!

Large food companies have been adding chemical sweeteners to their products instead of sugar for a long time! And consumers regard this as “good.” Well, it's not harmful sugar! So, everything is fine, so we think, and how wrong we are!

In fact, there are many dozens of varieties. We, friends, will introduce you, in this article, to the most common sugar substitutes, so that you can recognize them and identify them when you read the ingredients on the packages.

Aspartame (E 951)

This substance is approximately 200 times sweeter than regular white sugar. Aspartame is currently the most popular and... at the same time, the most dangerous sweetener!

Its composition is simple: phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Absolutely all manufacturers claim that aspartame, if consumed in moderation, does not cause any harm.

However, if we are talking about poisonous chemical substance, then what kind of measure, in general, can we talk about?

The normal “dose” or “measure” is when the person did not die, right? If he didn’t die, it means he used this very “measure”...

But how toxic and harmful it is to the body is a secondary question, right?

And this is just one moment.

But the second thing is that we may not even suspect exactly how much of this supposedly harmless aspartame we eat per day!

And all because it is now being added everywhere.

After all, it is very cheap and you need very, very little of it. What else do manufacturers need to make a good profit?

The biggest danger with aspartame is that when it is heated to 30 degrees Celsius, it produces phenylalanine and methanol. And methanol is then converted into the most dangerous carcinogen, formaldehyde - this is a real poison!

The kidneys are the first to suffer and react to this harmful substance. This is where swelling of the body appears, although “I haven’t eaten anything THAT harmful!”, is this a familiar situation?

The dangers of aspartame are eloquently demonstrated by the results of one experiment. It’s unpleasant to talk about this, and it’s a pity for innocent animals, but facts are facts and they are reliable.

For several months, aspartame was gradually added to the animals' feed. As a result of such feeding, after a fairly short time, absolutely ALL the animals on which this experiment was carried out developed brain cancer!

As they say, further comments are unnecessary!

Neotame (E 961)

It is a “relative” of aspartame and has an identical composition to it.

It is currently the sweetest known sweetener because it is TEN THOUSAND times sweeter than regular white sugar!

Acesulfame potassium (E 950)

This sugar substitute was declared "NOT lethal" and officially "approved" in 1988.

It has a highly stimulating effect on the human psyche.

This sweetener is quite actively and widely used in almost all food production and also in pharmaceuticals.

Note! In England, Canada and many countries of the world, acesulfame potassium is prohibited for use at the legislative level!

Saccharin (E954)

It was obtained back in the 19th century to alleviate the suffering of people with diabetes. We can say that this is one of the very first artificial sweeteners.

Saccharin was used quite widely during the First World War, due to the inaccessibility and high cost of sugar.

This substance is 400 times sweeter than regular sugar and is therefore very beneficial to food manufacturers.

There is reliable data scientific research, which indicate that saccharin has high level carcinogenicity, and this can lead to the formation and development of malignant tumors in the body!

Most often, it is added to almost all known confectionery products: candies, creams, ice cream, jelly, sweet carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, etc.

Can you imagine what kind of poison you can buy for your children in the store? Therefore, carefully study the ingredients of the products you purchase if hazardous substances are present, it is better to abandon them. Remember that health is more expensive and cannot be bought!

Cyclamate (E952)

About 35 times sweeter than regular sugar. It withstands high temperatures well and dissolves well in water. These features make it possible to use this substance in the food industry in cooking.

Cyclamate is the most common sugar substitute in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.


In the USA and Western European countries, this substance has been prohibited since 1969! Reason - Negative influence on the kidneys, up to COMPLETE inhibition of work functions! Strictly prohibited for use by: children, pregnant women and nursing mothers!

But here it is allowed, please eat poison! No comments.

Check out the table of harmful food additives that can cause serious health problems.

Xylitol (E967)

It is extracted from the shell of cotton seeds, corn cobs, and some types of fruits and vegetables. This is a pentahydric alcohol, which is completely identical to regular sugar in terms of calories and sweetness. That is why it is completely unprofitable for industrial production.

Xylitol destroys tooth enamel much less than other sweeteners, so it is added to many toothpastes and chewing gums.

The permissible dose of xylitol is 50 grams per day. If it is exceeded, then intestinal upset (diarrhea) will begin almost immediately. We see that there is a clear suppression of the intestinal microflora and all the negative consequences associated with this.

Maltodextrin (maltodextrose)

This substance has a very high glycemic index, therefore sharply increasing blood sugar levels. This sweetener is a real poison for diabetics.

Maltodextrin is absorbed very quickly and enters the bloodstream, just like sugar. If a person leads sedentary lifestyle life, then this harmful substance will accumulate and be deposited in the tissues of the body in the form of fat!

  1. Almost all studies have proven that maltodextrin is able to change the composition of intestinal bacteria, increases the growth of “harmful” microorganisms and suppresses the growth of beneficial ones.
  2. Another study has shown that consuming maltodextrin can lead to Crohn's disease.
  3. It promotes the survival of dangerous salmonella, and this leads to very frequent inflammatory diseases.
  4. Conducted in 2012 laboratory test, showed that maltodextrin can increase the persistence of e.coli bacteria in intestinal cells, and this causes autoimmune disorders!
  5. A 2013 study showed that if you consume maltodextrin, you can earn serious problems from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, bloating, gases).
  6. A research center in Boston (USA) is also conducting a study that showed that the substance maltodextrin greatly weakens the antibacterial reactions of cells. Suppresses natural defense mechanisms in the intestines, and this leads to serious inflammatory processes and diseases in the intestines!

Some participants in these experiments showed significant allergic reactions, itching and skin irritation, all of this was caused by the use of this sugar substitute.

Maltodextrin is most often made from wheat, so it contains gluten, which cannot be removed during the production process. And for those people who cannot tolerate gluten, maltodextrin is a very big hidden danger!

Sucralose (E955)

Another food additive that is used as a sweetener in food production, as well as to enhance smell and taste. It is 600 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Sucralose is made from regular white sugar. This is done using chlorine treatment! The purpose of this manipulation is to reduce the calorie content of the product that is received.

The result is that “we treat one thing, and cripple the other”

This is just a small amount of the most popular sweeteners that manufacturers love to use, thereby exposing us all to mortal danger! I think you have every right to know about this.

A logical and interesting question arises: if sugar substitutes are so harmful to human health, then why are they not banned, but rather used?

  1. The fact is that sweeteners are tens and even hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. For example, just one kilogram of aspartame can replace 250 kilograms of white sugar. And one kilogram of neotame can replace 10,000 kilograms of sugar.
  2. Sweeteners are several times cheaper than regular sugar, and this is a good saving and net profit For the company! And these substances - substitutes - are cheap, for the reason that they are the most real, pure “chemistry”.
  3. Following normal business logic, we can easily understand that the pharmaceutical industry benefits from and even needs our diseases. It's sad to realize this, but these are the facts.

It’s sad to realize this, but nothing can be done, this is our harsh reality.

It is also worth saying that as soon as the first information articles began to appear about the dangers of sweeteners for human health, then immediately, many manufacturers who use this chemical stopped mentioning their content on product packaging!

At the same time, without hesitation, manufacturers write “sugar”, but in fact there is a substitute for it, and the most clean water chemistry!

Where else can sweeteners be found?

These substances that replace sugar, in addition to the food products described above, are almost ALWAYS contained:

  • V pharmacy vitamins, tinctures, vitamin-mineral complexes, any tablets and mixtures, in a word - in all pharmaceutical products;
  • in products recommended for sports nutrition: gainers, proteins, amino acids and various complexes;
  • Dietary supplements (dietary supplements), as well as any other products from companies that specialize in selling “health” products.


Now that you know how dangerous sweeteners are for our health, we can draw the following conclusions.

Be sure to carefully study and read the ingredients on packages in stores before making purchases. Try to refrain from purchasing products that contain chemical components.

Give up harmful products nutrition and confectionery, which contain sugar substitutes!

I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants In my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

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