Nuclear psychopathy external signs. Tags: types of psychopathy, classification of psychopathy, schizoid psychopathy, hysterical psychopathy, asthenic psychopathy

Psychopathy represents painful personality changes, with disturbances in the emotional sphere, volitional disorders, pathological experiences and attacks of inappropriate behavior. People suffering from these types of disorders may retain intellectual abilities, but often lose them. The development of psychopathy gradually leads to the fact that patients develop inappropriate behavior in society and lose the ability to normal social adaptation. Psychopathic manifestations are especially difficult if painful changes begin with childhood.

A representative of the German school of psychiatry, K. Schneider, argued that the personality of a psychopath exposes both himself and the people around him to suffering. Psychopathic manifestations can undergo dynamic changes with a person's age and development. Especially clinical symptoms increase in adolescence and in old people.

Table of contents:

Causes of psychopathy

provoking factors of development pathological changes I can be serious illnesses internal organs, strong stressful situations. According to official data, up to 5% of the population suffers from psychopathy.

Despite the prevalence of this pathology, its causative factors have not been sufficiently studied. Scientists disagree on some issues of classification and on the mechanisms of development of painful changes.

In a separate large group The causes of psychopathy have been identified as brain lesions that are caused by:

  • environmental pollution;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • traumatic head injuries;
  • poisoning;
  • elevated.

The listed groups of harmful effects lead to painful changes in the brain and nervous system, and as a result, severe changes occur in the psyche.

Also, social factors are of great importance in the development of pathology: the atmosphere in the family, school, work groups, etc. These conditions especially play a role in childhood.

The hereditary nature of the transmission of psychopathy is of no small importance.

Basic classifications of psychopathy

The problem of psychopathy has interested many world-class scientists. This led to the creation of many classifications. We will look at the most common ones, those most often used in clinical medicine.

According to the main groups (O.V. Kebrikov) the following are distinguished:

  • nuclear psychopathy(depending on the constitutional type of a person, in which the main role is played by heredity);
  • marginal psychopathy(arising due to problems of a biological nature and social reasons);
  • organic psychopathy(caused by organic lesions brain, and manifest themselves at the stage of personality development, at the age of 6-10 years).

An additional role in the development of psychopathic traits is played by:

  • separation of the child from his parents and family;
  • overprotection, developing painful self-esteem;
  • deficiency or complete absence attention to your children;
  • “Cinderella” syndrome – relegation to the background of an adopted child, or the formation of a complex in children as a result of parental intense attention paid to one child at the expense of others;
  • the “idol” phenomenon is a painful perception of caring for other children by a child who is the “favorite” of family society.

Note:existing psychopathic character traits can clearly manifest themselves due to defects in upbringing and give painful emotional reactions and pathological behavior.

Main medical classification psychopathy divides the disease according to the leading psychopathological syndrome.

IN practical medicine psychopathy is distinguished:

  • asthenic;
  • psychasthenic;
  • schizoid"
  • hysterical;
  • epileptoid;
  • paranoid;
  • excitable;
  • affective;
  • heboids;
  • with sexual disorders and perversions

Symptoms of the main clinical forms of psychopathy

The main manifestations of psychopathy depend on the developing type of disease

Symptoms of asthenic psychopathy

This form is characteristic of people of a weak psychophysical type, prone to increased vulnerability, hyper-sensitivity, quickly exhausted with strong nervous and physical activity. They are characterized by excessive anxiety (fearfulness), cowardly actions, and frequent indecisiveness when necessary to take responsibility.

Deep and prolonged experiences lead to a constantly depressed mood. Over time, an excessive tendency to worry about one’s health appears and develops.

An asthenic psychopath is constantly tired, wellness for him it is an extreme rarity. Character traits are dominated by excessive pedantry and bile, there is a certain life algorithm, the boundaries of which are very difficult for the patient to go beyond.

This form is also characteristic of a weak type of nervous system. The main feature of patients is the predominance of the second signaling system. Characteristic of people of the mental type. The behavior of these psychopaths is dominated by corrosiveness and excessive analysis of events and actions, especially their own. The patient is concerned about abstract, unimportant issues. For example, the color of the shirt you should wear when going out. Reasoning about whether it is worth going in these clothes right now can lead a person to a dead end, and he will not go to the place he needs at all. Among the main symptoms of psychasthenic psychopathy are painful doubts (“mental chewing gum”) that arise for any, even the most insignificant, reason. Psychasthenics are characterized by pettiness and pedantry, which to an extreme degree reach the level of obsessive states.

Psychasthenics constantly engage in self-reexamination. Obsessive thoughts distract patients from real life. The insufficiency of the first signaling system makes patients emotionally narrowed, “flat” and indifferent.

Patients with this form of the disease look withdrawn, avoid people and communication, and are prone to self-absorption (pronounced introverts) . The thoughts and ideas of patients are poorly understood by others and are very unique. Appearance, hobbies are unusual. There is a disconnection from the interests of the outside world.

They say about such people that they are “not of this world,” eccentric and indifferent to themselves and others. They often have developed intellectual abilities . According to the classification of I.V. Shakhmatova is distinguished: sthenic type of schizoid psychopathy (with symptoms of isolation, emotional dullness, rigidity and coldness) and asthenic type (closeness is noticeable, accompanied by daydreaming, anxiety and combined with strange hobbies - “cranks”).

Typology of a person with a predominance of the first signaling system. Characteristic of the artistic type of nervous activity. Vivid emotions come first in life for this category of patients. , which are prone to rapid polar changes . This leads to mood swings and unstable behavior.

Patients suffering from this form are very proud, self-centered, with a characteristic feature of being constantly in the center of attention (demonstrative behavior). These patients are characterized by inventing stories, a tendency to fantasize and embellish facts, sometimes they get so “deluded” that they themselves begin to believe in their own writings. Symptoms often develop in this form of psychopathy .

People suffering from this type of mental disorder have viscous thinking, fixation on details, and extreme pedantry. Their thinking is slow and “swings” heavily. Among the main symptoms are pettiness, scrupulousness and excessive prudence. .

In behavior there are sharp changes in attitude towards people: from sugary servility to outbursts of anger and intransigence. One of the characteristics of the type is the inability and unwillingness to forgive. Epileptoid psychopaths can harbor anger and resentment all their lives, and at the slightest opportunity resort to revenge. Outbursts of anger are strong and prolonged. Patients with this form of the disease often exhibit sadistic tendencies.

Patients in this group are prone to one-sided and fixated thinking, and are susceptible to the formation of overvalued ideas that can completely take over their volitional and emotional sphere. The most common manifestation of this painful quality is suspicion.

A paranoid psychopath can find in each of his acquaintances the traits of an attacker watching him. Often, patients attribute envy towards themselves to the people around them. It seems to the patient that everyone wants to harm him, even doctors. Painful symptoms paranoid psychopathy often manifests itself in ideas of jealousy, fanatical thoughts, and constant complaints. It is quite natural that this category of psychopaths has conflictual relationships with other people.

This group of patients is more prone than others to uncontrolled outbursts of anger, inappropriate actions, and attacks of unmotivated and pronounced aggression. Psychopaths are overly demanding of other people, too touchy and selfish. They have little interest in the opinions of outsiders.

At the same time, patients with excitable psychopathy may show symptoms depressive states, despair. The most often excitable type is characteristic of alcoholics, drug addicts, and socially pathological individuals (thieves, bandits). Among them, the largest percentage of offenders and persons included in forensic examinations.

Mental disorder of this type proceeds in the form hyperthymia– a condition in which patients are characterized by a constantly elevated mood with a feeling of carelessness and activity. This type of patient tends to take on all kinds of things in a row, but is not able to complete any of them. There is frivolity, increased talkativeness, importunity and leadership tendencies. Affective psychopaths quickly find a common language with everyone and no less quickly get bored with their “stickiness.” They have a tendency to find themselves in difficult, conflict situations.

The second type of disorder is hypothymia, is the opposite of hyperthymia. Patients diagnosed with affective psychopathy are in a depressed state. They tend to see the negative sides in everything, express dissatisfaction with themselves and others, and often have hypochondriacal symptoms, extreme degrees of pessimism are observed. They are withdrawn and feel guilty before everyone; they consider themselves guilty of everything that happens. At the same time, hypothymic people are sensitive. Any word can deeply hurt the patient.

Type this pathological process contains deviations in the sphere of concepts of duty, honor, conscience. Patients of a cruel disposition, merciless and selfish, with an atrophied concept of shame. Universal human norms do not exist for them. This type of psychopathy always occurs in severe form. Heboid psychopaths are characterized by sadism and indifference to the suffering of other people.

Symptoms of psychopathy with sexual perversions and disorders

The clinical picture of these disorders occurs in combination with other types of psychopathy. Sexual perversions include pedophilia, sadomasochism, bestiality, transvestism and transsexualism. The forms of these deviations are constantly reviewed by specialists to determine the line between the symptoms of the disease and the behavior within the mental norm.

Psychopathy occurs cyclically. Periods of improvement are followed by exacerbations of the disease process. Psychopathy must be distinguished from personality accentuations (extreme degrees of character manifestation).

Note:accentuations are not a pathology, although their manifestations may resemble psychopathy. Only a qualified psychiatrist can distinguish psychopathy from accentuation.

Treatment of psychopathy

Therapy for psychopathy begins with eliminating the cause that served as the trigger for development clinical manifestations(infectious diseases, injuries, stress, diseases of internal organs, etc.)

Drug treatment includes:

  • restoratives: vitamins, antioxidants, immunomodulators;
  • sedatives (calming for mild forms of pathology);
  • tranquilizers (to stabilize the emotional background during constant overexcitation);
  • neuroleptics (for affective forms);
  • antidepressants (in cases of depression);
  • sleeping pills (for stabilization in excitable forms of the disease);
  • symptomatic (for problems with the heart, liver, kidneys).

Treatment of psychopathy must necessarily be accompanied by psychotherapy (hypnosis, waking suggestion, rational psychotherapy). Acupuncture, physiotherapeutic procedures, especially electrosleep are widely used.

Prevention of psychopathy

Prevention of this group of diseases is possible only with large-scale measures at the state level, including the solution of socio-economic issues, early detection abnormal types of behavior in children and creating favorable conditions for their development, with gradual adaptation in society.

The task of medicine is to effectively treat somatic diseases.

Educational institutions must instill in children healthy image life, improve cultural and educational levels.

You will receive more detailed information about the course of psychopathy, methods of their diagnosis and treatment by watching this video review:

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Psychopathy is psychiatric term, denoting changes that have occurred in a person’s character due to a number of circumstances. At the same time, the person is in a state that does not allow him to live a normal life in society: it causes trouble not only for those around him, but also for those who suffer from psychopathy, that is, a disorder. This condition can be characteristic of both men and women, but we will pay attention to representatives of the fairer sex, since they have a more subtle nervous and emotional organization.

Types of psychopathy

Psychopathy has certain signs that have their own manifestations in women:

  1. With paranoid psychopathy, women are characterized by a selfish, willful character. If they set themselves any goal, then in order to achieve it they are ready to “walk over corpses.” They are vindictive, jealous and vindictive.
  2. Signs of a schizoid psychopathic woman are closedness, immersion in her own inner world, lack of desire to communicate, and coquetry.
  3. The main signs of asthenic type psychopathy in women are manifested by a mass of complexes and fears, constant self-examination and self-flagellation, as well as a painful attitude even to friendly criticism. At the same time, such a woman will feel comfortable at home if a man takes the reins and solves all family problems himself. She willingly cedes her place of leadership in the family to her husband.
  4. Hysterical psychopathy, the signs of which appear in women, can look like a constant performance by one actor, or rather, an actress. The whole life of such a woman is built on emotional “ideas”, the main objective whose goal is to become the center of attention of others at any cost. They are armed with wide range manipulations: from feigned tears and promises to commit suicide, to dramatic changes in image and demeanor. Common sense is unfamiliar to them, their main driving force – .

Main signs of psychopathy

There are 3 known signs of a psychopath:

  • Psychopathy traits can manifest themselves anywhere and in any situation;
  • acquired or congenital features of pathology persist throughout life;
  • Psychopaths practically do not adapt to society.

In addition, psychopathy has manifestations in the asthenic, excitable and unstable type. Signs of psychopathy in women leave an imprint on their behavior:

  1. Asthenic women- weak, defenseless creatures for whom everything always falls out of their hands, so they are not suitable for any work. They get tired quickly, regardless of whether they engage in mental or physical labor. They are subject to the influence of others and never have their own opinions. They often become the object of manipulation in other people's games.
  2. Excitable psychopath– the antipode of an asthenic woman: she is stubborn and intractable, she can argue until she is hoarse, defending her opinion. They are often scandalous and intractable. At the same time, they are good workers, not devoid of creativity and responsibility for the assigned work.
  3. Unstable type characterized by a desire for adventure, beautiful life, extraordinary actions, shocking behavior. Women of this type are looking for men with whom relationships will be a bright adventure, but their plans, as a rule, do not include long-term relationships, marriage, or the birth of children.

Signs of a female psychopath are characterized by differences in behavior, which are colored by emotional experiences and unique ideas about society and one’s place in it. Their main difference is their immersion in their own world and personal experiences. They are often prone to inappropriate actions and emotional assessments of events.

Psychopathy is a psychological term denoting abnormal deviations in the activity of the nervous system, which manifest themselves in personality disharmony and lead to mental inferiority.

The behavior of a subject susceptible to this disorder is characterized by increased eccentricity, severe impulsiveness, aggression towards others and immoral acts. The disease is characterized by the individual's inability to control his emotional experiences. Such a pathology in character can later become the cause of melancholy and depressive states.

Statistical data

The study of the characteristics of psychopathy in women and girls and data on the statistics of crimes committed by them do not reveal percentage men and women among those susceptible to mental disorders.

But using the PCL R technique, which diagnoses signs of psychopathy in the population for research purposes, in 1997 it was found that 15.5% of criminals serving time in prisons and correctional colonies are female. The rate for men is significantly higher and varies from 25% to 30%.

Another study, a year later, showed the following results: 12.9% of the 78 female representatives of the population in prison with whom work was carried out using the PCL-R method could qualify as psychopaths. And according to statistics conducted by Smith, Brinkley and Newman (in press), out of 528 female prisoners, one in nine is at risk mental disorder and has characteristic symptoms.

It is generally accepted that psychopathy is a disorder in which to a greater extent males are susceptible. This is why there is such a small amount of work and research done on female psychopathy. But those that exist have established the fact of differences in behavior between male and female psychopaths: female part The population with mental disabilities is less aggressive and cruel than men, and they have a significantly lower rate of repetition of criminal acts committed by them.


This pathology develops due to prolonged exposure to unfavorable social factors that shape the individual’s personality. According to experts, this mental disorder is not a disease, but merely reflects pathological deviations in character that can be caused by the following reasons:

  • congenital defect of the nervous system;
  • injuries received during childbirth or during embryonic development;
  • physical damage to the head that affects brain activity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • alcoholism of family members;
  • consequences of previous diseases;
  • systematic exposure of an individual to psychological pressure from society.

Psychopathy arises due to a person’s distorted worldview, as a result of pathological upbringing, and the wrong values ​​​​inculcated into the consciousness and propagated in the family. There are 4 options for upbringing that have a detrimental effect on personality development:

  1. Hyperprotection, expressed by excessive care for the child and reaching the point of manic dependence. The child is deprived of the opportunity to make decisions and overcome life’s difficulties because he has no idea how to do it correctly.
  2. Neglect or free upbringing. In this case, the child does not receive the necessary attention and is forced to early years independently adapt to the surrounding world.
  3. Permissiveness. Parents satisfy all the requests of their child and do not deny him anything. In the future, such children turn out to be capricious and spoiled individuals, suffering from an exaggerated sense of importance and inflated self-esteem.
  4. Despotic or authoritarian form of education. This option applies to families in which children do not receive the care, love and support they need. Any wrong action of such a child leads to immediate punishment. The personality of such children, formed by the fear of doing something wrong, will be characterized in the future as weak and unsure of themselves.

Manifestations of psychopathy

Psychology identifies several manifesting types of psychopathy.

Paranoid woman

Women of this type have pronounced egoism, inflated demands on others and a high degree of emotionality. They know what they want from life and clearly follow their goals, even if other people may suffer. The disorder in question in the paranoid type of people is expressed in social maladaptation and inability to build relationships in the family. Therefore, they are most often lonely and unsettled in their personal lives, which they deny in every possible way.

Subject to mental disorders, they impose their only true opinion on others and, if it is not accepted, they are ready to defend their truth to the last. Extremely vindictive and vindictive. In relation to a man who has accepted the responsibility of walking with such a woman through life, they are jealous and suspicious. Manic moods haunt them throughout their lives.

Hysterical psychopathy

Hysterics of this type are endowed by nature with acting skills and talent, which they do not hesitate to use in any situation. Like paranoid women, unable to control their emotions, they first take actions, and only then the thought process starts in their minds. They need constant attention and admiration and must always be at the center of any events. Infantile and capricious. They skillfully manipulate others, for this they can resort to false suicide attempts. They love drama, intrigue and outbursts of passion that should rage around their persons.

The life partner of such a woman must be ready for everyday theatrical performances, with her beloved in the leading role. He's definitely not in danger of dying from boredom.

Manifestations of schizoid psychopathy

Representatives of this form of the disorder differ from other types in their isolation and immersion in their own world. They are indifferent to what is happening, apathetic and prefer not to share their experiences, but to keep them to themselves.
The peculiarity of melancholic women is that they are not characterized by traits that are characteristic of the female sex in general. And this sets them apart from other types of women in psychopathy.

Psychasthenic woman

Indecisive, insecure psychasthenics are complex and perceive criticism addressed to them extremely painfully. They are unable to defend their position and do not have their own point of view. They are highly valued by management at work, as they are unable to say “no” and refuse additional workloads.

Asthenic psychopathy

Distinctive signs of this type of psychopathy are commitment to family and loved ones, sensitivity to other people's experiences, altruism and complete dedication, without demands to receive anything in return. The other negative side is suggestibility, painful attachment to the object of one’s love, and dependence on other people’s opinions. This type of woman is characterized by low ability to work and reluctance to bother going to work every day.

Timid and shy, such women in the future make ideal wives, ready to unquestioningly obey their man and follow him even into exile.

Manifestations of excitable psychopathy

The excitable form of pathology is accompanied by short temper, increased aggression, and an unstable emotional background. Symptoms of the disorder include abnormal behavior and the need to conflict with others. This makes it difficult to create family relationships, work and social adaptation. But among women of this type there are those who get along well with the team, arrange their personal lives and raise children.

Unstable psychopathy

Emotional lability of this variety mental disorder harmoniously combines with lack of will and inability to control one’s behavior. Women with an unstable form of psychopathy exhibit antisocial and immoral behavior, sexual liberation, criminal tendencies and substance abuse. Men are ready to be carried away by such a lady and have a couple of adventures, but they prefer to bind themselves with obligations and give their hand and heart to mentally balanced representatives of the fair half of humanity.


This disease can be diagnosed if the patient has three or more of the following signs:

  • indifference and apathy towards others, inability to experience and sympathize, callousness;
  • non-acceptance of social attitudes and norms and unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions;
  • signs social maladjustment, expressed in the inability to build relationships with people;
  • life to please one’s desires, for the fulfillment of which the patient is ready to show aggression, cruelty and violence;
  • lack of feelings of guilt or shame for the actions committed;
  • increased degree of conflict and the need to blame others for everything;

Symptoms of a psychopathic disorder can manifest themselves in the actions and actions of an individual:

  • frequent offenses that may result in arrest or prison time;
  • lying for personal gain, hypocritical behavior, lack of morality;
  • outbursts of aggression, impulsiveness, insults and bullying of people, which can lead to fights;
  • lack of self-preservation instinct, desire to feel adrenaline and put one’s life and the lives of others at risk;
  • irresponsibility, financial debts, negligent attitude to work, misappropriation of other people's property.


Prevention of symptoms is, first of all, aimed at changing the social components of the individual: carrying out educational measures in the family, in educational institutions, assistance in establishing strong connections with people, employment that corresponds to intellectual and mental level patient.

The pathology diagnosed by a specialist, in addition to social influence, also includes psychotherapeutic methods of treatment: hypnosis, family therapy, group therapy, auto-training. Medicinal forms of treatment are also actively used, in which patients are prescribed psychotropic drugs and antidepressants.

The prescriber takes into account individual characteristics each patient, the degree and type of mental disorder.

Psychopathy is not a disease in the usual understanding, but this does not mean that this form mental disorder does not require medical supervision and intervention. Therefore, you should refuse self-medication and entrust your mental health to a psychiatrist certified in your field.

Psychopathy(from the Greek psyche - soul and pathos - suffering) - a congenital or developed in the early years a personality anomaly, an anomaly of higher nervous activity, causing mental inferiority.

Personal behavior is modified depending on the form of psychopathy, becoming abnormal for certain groups of stimuli. In the development and course of psychopathy, there are different stages of exacerbation of psychopathic traits and phases of decompensation.

Causes of psychopathy

Psychopathic personality type arises on the basis of the interaction of congenital or early acquired biological inferiority of the nervous system with acutely negative environmental conditions. A characteristic feature of a psychopathic personality is the disharmony of its emotional-volitional sphere with the relative preservation of intelligence. Psychopathic personality traits complicate social adaptation, and under traumatic circumstances lead to maladaptive behavioral acts.

Psychopaths do not have irreversible personality defects. Under favorable environmental conditions, their mental anomalies are smoothed out. However, in all mentally difficult conditions for them, a breakdown reaction and behavioral disadaptation are inevitable. Among persons who commit violent crimes, psychopaths occupy a leading place. Psychopaths are characterized by mental immaturity, manifested in increased suggestibility, a tendency to exaggerate, and unfounded suspiciousness.

The leading factor in personality psychopathization in some cases is congenital constitutional features(so-called nuclear psychopathy), in others - psychogenic effects environment(“pathocharacteristic development of the individual”).

Long-term exposure to unfavorable social factors may be the main cause of psychopathic personality development, its distorted mental formation.

Personality, emerging in conditions constant gross suppression, humiliation, begins to show timidity, depression, uncertainty or, conversely, increased excitability, aggressiveness, confrontation. An environment of universal adoration and admiration, unquestioning fulfillment of all the child’s whims can lead to the formation of a hysterical personality type, the development of egocentrism, narcissism (narcissism). Along with this, traits of explosiveness (explosiveness, impulsiveness) develop. In continued conditions of excessive guardianship, asthenicity, lack of initiative, helplessness, and external behavioral orientation (blaming one’s failures on external circumstances) are formed. Since the pathocharacteristic development of personality is predominantly determined by the social factor, it is possible to stop this process under favorable social conditions.

Classification of psychopathy

The classification of psychopathy is still controversial.

Basic types of psychopathy:

  • psychasthenic;
  • excitable (explosive);
  • hysterical;
  • paranoid;
  • schizoid psychopathy.

Psychoasthenic psychopathy

Psychasthenic psychopaths They are characterized by an increased level of anxiety, fearfulness, lack of self-confidence, extremely increased sensitivity to traumatic circumstances, and maladjustment in mentally stressful situations. Their intellectual constructs life plans cut off from the real conditions of life, they are prone to morbid philosophizing (“intellectual chewing gum”), stagnant soul-searching (they like to “saw sawdust”), and obsessions. Psychasthenics are characterized by a functional predominance of the second signaling system and weakness of the subcortical systems, which is manifested in the general energetic weakening of their higher nervous activity, the weakness of the most fragile inhibitory process. Their motivational sphere is characterized by stagnant, obsessive impulses.

Excitable psychopathy

Excitable (explosive) psychopaths They are characterized by increased irritability, a constant state of mental tension, explosive emotional reactivity, reaching the point of inadequate attacks of rage. They are characterized by increased demands on others, extreme egoism and selfishness, distrust and suspicion. They often fall into a state dysphoria- evil melancholy. They are stubborn, quarrelsome, conflict-ridden, petty-picky and domineering. They are rude, and when angry they are extremely aggressive, capable of inflicting severe beatings, and do not even hesitate to kill. Their affective behavior occurs against the background of a narrowed consciousness. In some cases, malice and explosiveness (explosiveness) will be mixed in the direction of stagnant drives (drunkenness, vagrancy, gambling, sexual excesses and perversions).

Istic psychopathy

Hysterical psychopaths They differ mainly in their thirst for recognition. They strive for external manifestation their significance, demonstrating their own superiority, they are prone to theatricality and panache, posing and external showiness. Their desire for exaggeration often borders on deceit, and delights and disappointments are manifested violently and expressively (theatrical gestures, wringing of hands, loud, prolonged laughter and sobs, enthusiastic hugs and grievances “for life”). Their life strategy is to be the center of attention by any means necessary: ​​unbridled fantasizing, constant lies (pathological liars and mythomaniacs). In pursuit of recognition, they do not even stop at self-incrimination. The psyche of these people is immature and infantile. In neurophysiological terms, they are dominated by the first signaling system, the activity of the right hemisphere. Their immediate impressions are so vivid that they suppress criticism.

Paranoid psychopathy

Paranoid psychopaths (paranoids) are characterized by an increased propensity for “overvalued ideas.” This is due to the extreme narrowness of their thinking, unidirectional interests, increased self-esteem, egocentrism, and suspicion of other people. Low plasticity of the psyche makes their behavior conflicting; they are constantly in a fight with imaginary enemies. Their main focus is “invention” and “reformism”. Non-recognition of their merits leads to constant clashes with the environment, litigiousness, anonymous denunciations, etc.

Schizoid psychopathy

Schizoid psychopaths highly sensitive, vulnerable, but emotionally limited (“cold aristocrats”), despotic, prone to reasoning. Their psychomotor skills are defective - clumsy. They are pedantic and autistic—alienated. Their social identification is severely impaired - hostility to the social environment. Psychopaths of the schizoid type lack emotional resonance to the experiences of other people. Their social contacts are difficult. They are cold, cruel and unceremonious; their internal motivations are poorly understood and are often determined by orientations that are extremely valuable to them.

Psychopathic individuals are extremely sensitive to certain psycho-traumatic influences, touchy and suspicious. Their mood is subject to periodic disorders - dysphoria. Tides of angry melancholy, fear, and depression cause them to become increasingly picky about others.

Psychopathic personality traits

Psychopathic personality traits are formed due to extremes in educational methods - oppression, suppression, belittlement form a depressed, inhibitory personality type. Systematic rudeness and violence contribute to the formation of an aggressive personality type. The hysterical personality type is formed in an atmosphere of full adoration and admiration, fulfillment of all the whims and whims of a psychopathic individual.

Psychopaths of the excitable and hysterical type are especially prone to sexual perversions - homosexuality (sexual desire to persons of the same sex), gerontophilia(for elderly people), pedophilia(to children). Other behavioral perversions of an erotic nature are also possible - scopophilia(secretly spying on other people's intimate acts), erotic fetishism(transfer of erotic feelings to things), transvestism(the desire to experience sexual satisfaction when dressing in clothes of the opposite sex), exhibitionism(sexual satisfaction when exposing your body in the presence of people of the other sex), sadism(erotic tyranny), masochism(autosadism).

All sexual perversions are signs of mental disorders.

Psychopathy - signs in men and women, treatment of psychopathy

Psychopathy is a characterological pathology that is not characteristic of healthy individuals. Psychopathy is regional pathology, located on the border of healthy mental functioning and pathological. It is easy for these people to assert themselves in the aspect of their profession. But in interpersonal relationships they are despotic, it is not easy to live with them, because they are often unbearable. Many people have psychopathological tendencies that do not fully manifest themselves as full-blown psychopathy.

It is impossible for psychopathic individuals to take root in human society; they manifest their own negativity to the extent to which they are allowed, depending on the environment. These individuals often commit crimes, which often pits them against forensic psychologists. Psychopaths skillfully pretend to be innocent, willingly using their illness.

What is psychopathy?

In the scientific psyche, psychopathy is a relatively new phenomenon. However, it has always been there, it’s just that medicine has never attempted to define it before. These were simply people with bad character. But medicine is developing and moving forward. Psychopaths were first discovered in forensics in the 19th century, when the patient behaved in such a way that she could not be identified. It was then that the term psychopathy appeared. The behavior of a psychopath is contrary to generally accepted normative laws. This is a borderline norm, while they are unsafe, capable of any profitable offer.

It has been proven that the human brain is programmed for empathy, because it contributes to survival. But psychopaths are non-empathetic individuals; for some congenital or acquired reasons they have lost the character traits that are responsible for this. At the same time, they still have cruelty. Characteristic traits should be expressed evenly, ideally, but with psychopathy some, mostly unpleasant, exaggerated ones, but good ones are only in embryo, if they exist.

Psychopaths, like accentuants, are people with an atypical psychometric diagnosis. They are not in the ICD10, as well as in the American psychic model. But at the same time, they are regulars at psychiatric hospitals, as they often commit suicide or some kind of crime bordering on the norm. The study of this problem is relevant in the context of crime, because psychopaths are quite common in a criminogenic society, and they are skilled liars, can decide to cause serious harm and are capable of talking to anyone.

A very common prototype of a psychopath is some kind of maniac who is very dangerous to society, and also cunning. But they often prove themselves to be quite successful, due to their cunning and lack of morality. These are good businessmen or actors, but higher feelings are absolutely closed to them. If primary emotions, which did not evolve from animals, are inherent in them, then the higher ones, responsible for care and love, are completely absent. The fascinating fact is that if a psychopath is raised in the right environment, quite strictly and in the context of the right manners, then his psychopathy will not manifest itself. But only for a moment, until everything in his life is relatively safe. With psychopathy, behavioral and emotional maladaptation is expressed, so a person cannot change his behavior or act correctly. Thus, when he finds himself in a bad environment, his inclinations manifest themselves with impressive force.

At the same time, these people’s intelligence is very developed, and they also think very unconventionally. Their vision of the world is unusual. Unfortunately, their bad character is not always able to allow them to open up. Sometimes it's upsetting to think about why unconventional talent always has some flaws. But in general, humanity is still unable to form only one type of behavior, and this is good. After all, our evolution is possible only with our maximum diversity and distribution. Therefore, at this stage it is important to study different people, understand the reasons and what can be useful from this, and only then judge. Psychopathy is special shape thinking that stays with a person forever.

Causes of psychopathy

Psychopathy has not been studied enough to say exactly which cause is the most determining. The formation of psychopathy is influenced by many factors, but one of them is always the trigger, influencing to a greater extent. If psychopathy accompanies a child from birth, then this is its constitutional form. This form is genetically determined, it is a nuclear form. At the same time, by correctly influencing the child, parents are able to prevent this trait from germinating. That is, genetic influence in this form is a key factor, but external attitudes can aggravate the situation or, conversely, increase successful person. In this case, biological reasons are decisive. There is even a constitutional division for this type of psychopathy. If parents are alcoholics and the nervous system is underdeveloped, this problem can also manifest itself.

Psychopathy due to organic causes is trauma that can come from childhood. These reasons include intrauterine diseases, birth injuries and early injuries before the age of three. A separate subgroup distinguished in organic pathology is brain damage by various environmental pollutants, severe infectious diseases that have the clinical manifestations of encephalitis and meningitis. Increased background radiation and serious poisoning also affect the brain. All these factors lead to brain changes, which provoke mental changes. But if external factors are added to these reasons, then the pathology takes on a different course and this form is already called mosaic. With it, the more clearly the organic causes manifest themselves, the weaker the external factors will manifest themselves.

Another type of psychopathy is regional. In this case, the role of organic pathology is absent, and all pathology develops due to the environment in which the child grows and is formed. In this case, the environment of its development most influences psychopathy.

Often serious illnesses may be the root cause or severe stress. Psychopathy in children often manifests itself in pathological relationships in the family and society, because children are very vulnerable. Psychopathy in adolescents occurs with the incorrect development of certain characterological traits, volitional traits, or with pathology of emotions.

Often, psychopathy can be hereditary, but this is a controversial issue. After all, a person suffering from psychopathy with a problem in the manifestation of higher emotional characteristics will have difficulty raising someone who is not a psychopath. Therefore, it is not worth talking unequivocally about genetic inheritance.

Personal psychopathy from the psychoanalytic side may be due to irrational family upbringing. With improper upbringing from childhood, psychopathological traits develop very quickly. There are four types of upbringing that contribute to the subsequent formation of psychopathy, these include overprotection, while parents constantly impose their position on the child, he cannot develop, and is not capable of independent actions. With hypoprotection, parents absolutely do not care about their child; they are not interested in his upbringing and achievements. When raised as an “idol in the family,” the child is overpraised, he does nothing, and cannot adapt to society. “Cinderellas,” according to their characters, feel unloved. They are constantly compared to other children and humiliated. Without knowing affection, a person subsequently shapes his behavior in this way.

Psychopathy: signs in men

Psychopathy is a personality-abnormal register-syndrome. Such men have a pathology of the higher nervous system. These individuals are unbalanced and exhibit emotional lability. Their behavior is demonstrative and inappropriate. Such men are absolutely unpleasant. Depending on the form of psychopathy, their behavior may differ, but all have emotional instability. A person has unstable volitional instincts, while intellectually - without pathology. Because of this, men develop behavioral disorders, even antisocial.

The causes of psychopathy in men are similar to common common causes. Male psychopaths are terrible liars; when you try to find out something, you cannot get a word of truth out of him. They pretend all the time, and when necessary, this is a very masterful pretense. Moreover, they are hypocrites. Due to the fact that they do not feel higher emotions, but have a little psychological sense, they have learned to very skillfully manipulate others, in particular their relatives. They do this by pretending. They feign pity, love, tenderness, sympathy, while they are absolutely “parallel” to them, even to those closest to them. They show coldness emotionally and are quite immoral. If they have any serious relationship, then only so as not to catch the eye and not significantly separate from society.

The family of a psychopath suffers greatly; their companions may be subject to chronic family violence. Marriage to a psychopath creates deep, incurable personal traumas. And such relationships will only lead to pain, and even often involve them in lawlessness.

Psychopathy in children, particularly boys, manifests itself very early, and they have disharmonious behavior. Psychopathy in adolescents, particularly young men, is already germinating and taking root in antisocial behavior. They often end up in colonies and do not leave penitentiary institutions for a long time.

Very often they fail either educationally or professionally. But this is not a pattern; with the right parental control and influence, psychopaths can adapt perfectly. Such men are excellent businessmen, managers or organizers, the main thing is that sadistic tendencies do not manifest themselves, otherwise the staff will have a hard time.

For men, psychopathy is not a death sentence; these individuals can be very useful to society. It is important to choose the right levers of influence. A psychopath will not break the law or any rules if he knows that he will get what he deserves for doing so. Thus, it is very important to put them within strict bounding boxes. With such a strong influence, these individuals are very respectable members of society.

Psychopathy: signs in women

Many sexists love to “verb” that every existing woman is a psychopathic person. And, who knows, maybe they met only psychopaths along the way. But in the general population count, there are fewer psychopathic women than men. Undoubtedly, there is a possibility that women are less examined from this perspective. Because male psychopaths are a common contingent in prisons or during psychological examinations at some jobs, when joining the police, law enforcement agencies. But women are more prone to slightly different manifestations of psychopathy. In principle, they are examined less for such problems.

Such women are disharmonious. They express themselves in egocentrism. They are very hot-tempered. At the same time, they can act immorally. They have poor emotional control. This may subsequently lead to various forms depression. Female psychopaths are generally very melancholic and often feel sad.

Psychopathic women are also residents of the penitentiary system, but less violent. It is easier to rehabilitate them, and the percentage of crimes they commit is lower.

For women, the reasons do not vary much, but in general they are more susceptible to the external environment. A family of alcoholics, as well as organic pathology, is dangerous for them. Upbringing can also leave its unpleasant imprint.

Such women great actresses, can thus be perfectly manipulated. In general, the psychopath is indifferent to her family and is quite callous. These women do not agree to put up with the rules of the public. Their irresponsibility reaches the extreme; they live only to please their own person. They often conflict with everyone and like to impose their own conditions.

Depending on the type of psychopathy, they are either great actresses who can act out any performance, or they are also selfish people who don’t care about anything. But there are also closed, apathetic psychopaths who cannot be understood at all. Severe inhibition or severe dependence is also considered a form of psychopathy. Such women impartially influence the upbringing of their children, which leads to the formation of psychopathic children.

Psychopathy in adolescents has a number of age-related crises, for example, puberty, while in girls it is very pronounced, and in older age it may undergo compensation. Psychopaths in puberty often wander and try to leave home. Antisocial behavior usually appears after the first ten years of life. Such women often attract psychopathic men and often become alcoholics, especially in comparison with the fair sex who are relatively free of mental disorders.

A characteristic feature is also the hypersexuality of psychopaths, while they have no remorse or shame, thus they are not repulsed by practically any perversions. But there is a note: everything again depends on upbringing, because within strict limits, they may not show this.

Symptoms of psychopathy

No matter what type of psychopathy a person suffers from, there are always common symptoms. Thus, there is a violation of personal harmony, which disrupts behavior. In turn, pathological behavior affects personality adaptation. Psychopathy is formed in kindergarten, but compensation can occur over time. This is a very positive outcome, in which the individual will prove to be absolutely healthy in the future. But, if decompensation of psychopathic personality traits occurs, then psychopathy will manifest itself, fully revealing itself.

A psychopath is not socially adapted as a professional; he also cannot occupy a suitable niche. To diagnose psychopathy, you need to talk with the person and his family. Personality psychopathy can be assumed if three of the above symptoms are identified.

To clarify the cause and diagnose regional, mosaic or organic psychopathy, it is necessary to exclude injuries and infections. Ask relatives of the alleged psychopath about his upbringing. But, if these are the parents themselves, you need to be as correct as possible. You should definitely clarify how the pregnancy progressed and whether any illnesses or difficulties arose.

From instrumental examinations, it is necessary to do electroencephalography in order to exclude the presence of organic matter. The brain during life is best examined on an MRI, because it is known that psychopaths have pockets of less involved cortex in their brains than healthy individuals.

From laboratory methods research, it would not be superfluous to do blood tests and tests to detect viruses. After all, infection also leads to the development of psychopathy.

The first psychopathic signs appear in kindergarten. Since childhood, such a child does not show sympathy, even to his relatives. They are often cruel to other children and animals. If a child is naughty, then he does not repent, like most children, he has no conscience.

IN adolescence these individuals cannot enter society. They act antisocially, often stealing and drinking. Thus, psychopaths are registered with the police from a young age. Such children violate parental prohibitions, commit thefts, wander, never ask for forgiveness, and are not tormented by their conscience. They absolutely do not worry about school grades for any reason. Regardless of the consequences, they never draw conclusions or change their line of behavior. At the same time, they strive for dangerous actions without fear of punishment. These children are manipulators and strive to destroy their personality. Often asking parents, you can hear about a difficult character. It makes sense to ask in more detail, because... this is the possible origin of psychopathy.

To identify this pathology, consultation with a psychologist using tests to identify psychopathological characterological characteristics and accentuations will help.

Types, forms and types of psychopathy

Psychopathy, according to the classification, has 3 degrees of severity:

Severe psychopathy, third degree. Compensation is very weakened if it occurs, and often its partial only aggravates the situation. Compensatory intervals are always not fully expressed and are very short. Even minor reasons provoke complete decompensation, and sometimes there is no need for a reason. Sometimes the line between psychosis and psychopathy is impossible to determine, a person is so angry and depressed. It may even manifest itself as twilight states. These individuals are completely incapable of having normal family relationships, they often turn into a stalemate addiction. There is no self-criticism.

Severe psychopathy, second degree. Compensation mechanisms are unstable, which leads to short-term compensation. Decompensations form for the slightest reasons. They are not fully adapted either to society or to the family. They often change their attitude towards any employment. They have unfulfilled abilities and have strong conflicts with relatives.

Moderate psychopathy, first degree. The compensation is quite impressive. Breakdowns only occur in certain situations, and how they manifest and for how long depends on the hurt or trauma caused. When the traits of a psychopath become more acute and adaptation with others and family is impaired, one can think about decompensation. Bad behavior, however, often does not go to extremes. Social adaptation unstable, but in a certain circle of interests of a psychopath, productive work is absolutely possible. Family relationships are not harmonious, since the personality is completely different from each family member. With some types of psychopathy, criticism remains and the person is able to evaluate his character, although sometimes selectively.

The types of psychopathy are as follows:

Asthenic psychopathy is characterized by severe shyness, shyness, and indecisiveness. These individuals have been very impressionable since childhood. They adapt very poorly to a different atmosphere. Imagination and sensitivity manifest themselves not only with mental stimuli, but also with the slightest force load. They are strongly focused on personal well-being. Quite painful, sensitive to the weather, weather sensitive.

Psychasthenic psychopathy is expressed in constant indecision and doubt. Such individuals are shy. They are very vulnerable, timid, but their level of pride is simply off the charts. They are quite strict with themselves, engage in introspection, and are self-critical. This is an area where close contact between psychopathy and neuroses is inevitable. The fears of a psychasthenic are always addressed to the future. They come up with rituals that will save them from upcoming troubles. They cannot tolerate any changes. Often, as another form of defense, pedantry and diligence arise.

Schizoid psychopathy, when manifested expressively, can lead a person to lack jurisdiction. Deprivation of intuition and inability to worry cause the coldness of schizoids. They do not have the ability to persuade with their own judgments. The inner world of schizoids is hidden from any external interference. Only a select few are privileged to learn a little about the schizoid. The inner consciousness of schizoid individuals is filled with hobbies and various fantasy images. At the same time, the wealth of the inner world depends on intellectual characteristics and talent. Schizoid psychopathy can lead a person to self-sacrifice.

Paranoid psychopathy is characterized by stubbornness, straightforwardness, and a narrow range of hobbies. Such individuals harbor extremely valuable ideas. Such individuals often write complaints and report. The craving in the battle for justice is transformed into a very unpleasant form with conflict. They believe that their opinion is the most important. They closely monitor their health.

Excitable psychopathy is manifested by extreme irritability. At the same time, such people are quick-witted, but do not draw conclusions. They are deceitful, vindictive, and at the same time flatterers and sycophants. There may often be disturbances of instincts, especially intimate ones, and drives; they wander. Murderers and perverts are identified among them.

Hysterical psychopathy occurs from an early age. These little ones do not tolerate praise from others. They willingly demonstrate their talents and love praise. These individuals have suicidal demonstrative tendencies. Their habits are demonstrative and theatrical. They embellish any incident in life, talk about themselves painfully, and are very self-centered. They love to participate in gossip and be the center of attention.

Affective psychopathy manifests itself in constant changes in mood, or a person has a pathological mood. Hypothymic psychopaths are always sad and dissatisfied with everything. Life does not make them happy, which often leads them to search for easy pleasures. And cyclothymic psychopathy is manifested by invariably elevated mood. These individuals are sociable, make friends easily, and can carry on a conversation. They are efficient, but irresponsible and not picky about sexual intercourse.

Unstable psychopathy manifests itself high level obedience to the individual. These individuals are easy to inspire, no matter what. They are susceptible to external factors. They agree with everything and please, but at the same time they do not fulfill their words. Such people do not have a strong-willed core, and everything in their life depends on their environment.

Personality psychopathy also has a mixed form. In this case, several types of psychopathy are combined in a varied manner.

Treatment of psychopathy

For correct selection medicines, the advice of a psychiatrist is important. Important role on a psychopath has a surrounding background. With the right upbringing and social influence, psychopathic traits are softened. It is important for a psychopath to find a job, because social significance always refrains from impartial actions. Psychotherapy has a very good effect on psychopaths. It will help the psychopath understand himself, decide on life goals and cast aside many defects in your character. Also, such individuals are affected by transactional analysis, which helps the individual determine his ego state.

If without drug treatment cannot be avoided, it is applied depending on the type psychopathic personality. Triftazin 2.5-5 mg/day, Aminazine 0.3-0.6 g/day for hysterical reactions, preferably in minimally effective dosages for hysterical manifestations. If the patient is angry, then Haloperidol 0.5-2 mg/day and Tizercin 0.025-0.1 g/day. In case of inappropriate behavior, Sonapax helps well - 25 mg/day.

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