Chicken egg - beneficial properties, treatment. Chicken egg treatment using the cabbage method

Treatment with raw eggs has been used in medicine since ancient times.

Because of great content vitamins, minerals and others necessary substances they can help against many diseases.

Raw eggs are especially beneficial.

Raw egg helps with burns. To do this, the whole egg or its white is beaten and spread in several layers on the burn. In this case, each layer is allowed to dry a little. Raw egg whites can be beaten with an equal amount of sea buckthorn, olive or, at worst, any vegetable oil and lubricate the burned area.

To purulent pimple or the boil has opened, prepare a cake from 2 raw yolks mixed with 20 g of honey, 3 g of salt and flour. The cake should be applied to the area to be picked. This will speed up the breakthrough of the abscess and cleansing of the wound.

If you are overcome cough, nausea or indigestion, then eggnog made from fresh yolks, beaten with sugar until the volume doubles, can help. It is best to take this mixture on an empty stomach with black bread. You can also add a spoonful of cognac to it.

At exacerbation of ulcers and the appearance stomach bleeding on an empty stomach, no earlier than an hour and a half before meals, drink two raw egg whites in the morning and evening. Continue treatment with raw eggs for 7 days.

Mixing the yolks of two raw eggs with 5 g of green tea, crushed into powder, you can prepare the so-called Japanese tea. You need to drink this tea once a day. This therapy helps cleanse blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

For restoration of immunity raw treatment will help. You need to drink 3 pieces in the morning and evening for 40 days.

For reduction high temperature you should mix five raw quail eggs with 100 grams of vodka and a tablespoon of sugar and drink at night. Thanks to this recipe, the temperature will return to normal by morning.

At asthma and allergies You should mix a raw quail egg with honey and take it 3 hours before meals. Amount for treatment: one in the morning and two in the evening. Duration of admission: 40 days, break of two weeks, 40 days.

Treatment with raw eggs in the form of drinking them on an empty stomach helps with flatulence, heartburn and sore throat.

A mixture of raw protein and a glass of cold boiled water helps for burns of the larynx and poisoning.

At uterine bleeding you need to mix 6 fresh proteins with 15 g lemon juice, take on an empty stomach.

At bronchitis three raw yolks, 15 g of honey, 10 g of flour, a tablespoon of radish juice, drink one teaspoon at a time throughout the day.

At male infertility 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, take orally a mixture of 3 raw yolks, 3 lemons, a glass of honey and a glass of cognac.

At diarrhea You can mix the white of a raw egg with 3-4 drops of iodine and take it orally.

For pain in the bones of the legs need to make it rich saline solution from half a liter hot water and half a pack of salt. When the solution becomes warm, anoint the seeds and wipe dry with a towel. Apply a bandage with a mixture of vinegar, raw egg and turpentine. Wrap in parchment paper and put on a sock. Leave until morning.

Eggs- This unique product, which combines a huge amount of valuable for human body nutrients and microelements.

The most common and most popular among people are chicken eggs.

You can always find them on supermarket shelves and make simple scrambled eggs from them.

Is it possible to drink raw eggs: features of the product composition

Fresh eggs are distinguished by their special composition. It should first be noted that from shell colors the degree of usefulness of eggs does not depend. An essential factor that plays a major role is the freshness of the product.

One egg contains 14% daily requirement adult human body in protein. It also contains vitamins A, E, D, B3 and B12, trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, choline and folic acid.

Vitamin A has positive influence on kidney function, improves functioning respiratory tract, vision, increases the body's defenses, has a positive effect on the condition immune system and genitourinary.

Vitamin B3 or a nicotinic acid can lower the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Acid improves blood circulation in the brain and takes part in oxidative processes at the cellular level.

Vitamin B12 helps improve performance nervous system and the brain in particular. When there is a lack of it in the body, it appears nervous tic, the body's defenses decrease, a person begins to suffer from insomnia, and depression visits him. Another one useful feature vitamin B12 – normalization of weight and prevention of fatty liver.

Vitamin E has positive impact on the condition of hair, skin and nails. Vitamin E is considered the “beauty” vitamin. It is able to rejuvenate cells, protecting the body from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Vitamin D strengthens tissues skeletal system and performs prophylactic rickets in children.

Raw eggs are useful because all of the ingredients useful elements are also stored in pure form enter the body. Boiled eggs lose some of their healing qualities and are less easily absorbed by the body.

Is it possible to drink raw eggs, what are the benefits of such nutrition?

So, why do nutritionists advise eating eggs in their pure form?

1. Raw eggs not only have a general strengthening effect on the body, they saturate it with vitamins, useful microelements and nourish.

2. The protein found in eggs is the fastest digestible dietary protein.

3. Many athletes and bodybuilders often prefer to eat eggnog or freshly beaten eggs. They do this because this product is rich in nutritious protein. It promotes the formation and growth muscle mass. Natural protein is very well absorbed in the body.

4. Raw eggs have a positive effect on the stomach. They're lowering in this body human body acidity level. Their effect on the body brings more effectiveness than medicines. Wherein side effects Raw eggs have no effect on the body, unlike medications.

5. Active use found raw eggs in folk medicine. They are included in many recipes for treatment various diseases. As an ingredient in mixtures, raw eggs can be used to treat coughs, tuberculosis, and lung disease.

6. Raw eggs have a beneficial effect on the condition vocal cords. However, this property has not been scientifically proven. Exists known fact that many stars drink eggnog made from fresh chicken eggs before their concerts.

7. The benefits of raw eggs appear in external use. Using whipped protein foam, you can make masks for aging facial skin. Fresh egg yolk tones and moisturizes the dermis. Egg mixtures help fight hair loss, dandruff, and they also restore lost beauty to your hair.

Previously, raw eggs were fed to weak children who suffered from consumption, tuberculosis, anorexia, or went hungry for a long time. And to this day, healers, according to a long-standing opinion, believe that raw eggs should be consumed by weakened people, as well as those who have suffered severe infectious diseases or overdid it with weight loss methods. Eating eggs is considered a restorative procedure.

Is it possible to drink raw eggs, or how safe are they for health?

One of the most commonly eaten foods is eggs. But along with their consumption, there is also a risk of infection of the body with salmonellosis bacteria. Despite the fact that products undergo sanitary and epidemiological control before hitting store shelves, no one will remain completely immune from the disease. The recommended condition for those who like to drink raw eggs is to process it before consumption. warm water with soap.

It is recommended to store the product in a cool place; a refrigerator or pantry is suitable. It is advisable to lay the eggs with the blunt edges facing up. Before eating a raw egg, you should check how fresh it is. Immerse it in cool water. If the egg begins to float on the surface and does not sink, then you should not risk eating it raw, because it is not very fresh. If the egg shell is damaged, you should not drink it raw either.

Many people wonder which eggs are healthier and less harmful: homemade or store-bought. Experts may be skeptical that store-bought products are much safer, because homemade products do not pass sanitary treatments. But in general they are considered the safest quail eggs, and it is better to consume them raw.

If a raw egg doesn’t seem very appetizing to you when you eat it, then make a cocktail out of it. A protein shake based on fruit juice, preferably freshly squeezed, and several quail eggs is best friend the body in obtaining vitamin A in fairly significant quantities.

Is it possible to drink raw eggs: contraindications

Before moving on to contraindications, you should draw a clear line between store-bought and homemade eggs. You should still give preference to the latter, especially if you know exactly in what conditions the chickens hatch them.

1. The first disadvantage should be attributed to store-bought eggs, since poultry farms often give antibiotics to birds to prevent salmonellosis in chickens. They can also feed chickens with other unknown drugs, which in any case will end up in the eggs and end up in human food. This is unlikely to happen with domestic eggs.

2. People with an individual intolerance or allergy to this product will not be able to consume eggs in any form. Most often, allergies occur in children and go away over time.

3. Eggs – enough high-calorie product. If you often take them in food in any form, then the likelihood of gaining a few extra pounds increases.

4. Eating raw eggs is also contraindicated for people with organ problems gastrointestinal tract and the disease pancreatitis.

Despite the many useful properties and unique healing composition eggs, not every person should eat this product.

Treatment and prevention of exacerbations of gastritis are based, first of all, on correct, dietary nutrition, which is capable of maintaining a calm course of the disease.

A product such as raw eggs has been consumed by humanity for many centuries. They provide the body with active saturation healthy protein, as well as essential vitamins, minerals and macroelements. Due to the absence of fats in its composition, this product has long been recognized as dietary. It will fit perfectly into special food, in the presence of acute diseases.

For gastritis, raw chicken eggs can be consumed, but this should be done with minor restrictions.

If this disease is accompanied by a person having a level increased acidity- raw eggs can be consumed without fear.

If the secretion gastric juice in your body, on the contrary, is reduced, then it is better to refuse to eat raw eggs, or do it quite rarely, no more than 1-2 times every 2 weeks. The reason for these restrictions is that raw egg yolk can quickly and quite strongly reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

In addition, during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to completely avoid eating raw eggs. It would be more useful to soft-boil them. But hard-boiled eggs should not be consumed at all if you have stomach diseases.

Beat 1 fresh chicken egg white, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of refined vegetable oil (olive or corn) into a single mass. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. The portion is enough for 4 days. Keep refrigerated. After just two servings it gets much better, and raw eggs should be homemade.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 2 raw eggs 2 hours before meals and in the evening 2 more eggs 2 hours after dinner.

Stomach ulcers can be cured with this folk remedy: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 2 raw eggs with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of honey, then drink goat milk. After 2, everything should heal - undergo a re-examination in the hospital. You will forget about the ulcer.

On the pages of our resource we published an interview with Svetlana Vladimirovna Ovchinnikova, in which she talked about how important it is to return to the original Russian traditions of treatment. Today Svetlana Vladimirovna will share her experience of treatment using chicken eggs.

- Svetlana Vladimirovna, the treatment according to the scheme is quite logical. There are a number of symptoms, based on which a diagnosis is made. Based on the diagnosis, certain treatment regimens have been developed. What don't you like about this?

Yes, it’s easy to treat according to the schemes! And most importantly, no one is responsible when the treatment regimen does not help. And then medicine throws up its hands: “We did everything we could.” And leaves a person alone with his illness. And I know that quite often a person can be helped by moving away from a dead, largely formal scheme that does not take much into account.

- What exactly does the scheme not take into account?

— Firstly, the scheme does not take into account the “human factor”. It assumes the patient as a passive figure. The doctor is treating him. If true doctor-patient cooperation emerges, then completely different possibilities open up. And first of all, the body’s colossal reserve capabilities. This is when “miraculous” healings occur.

Secondly, existing schemes do not take into account the opportunities that open up non-traditional (or more correctly, in my opinion, traditional) methods of traditional medicine.

Third, current practice has little regard for the individual and does not take into account the context of the situation. You can still hear from a doctor about the need to take certain medications to relieve symptoms when there is no need for this. Yes, just in case. But often it is taking these drugs “just in case” or according to a regimen that leads to serious deterioration general condition and transfers the disease to a more serious stage.

Treatment should be lively, sensitive to the situation “here and now.”

- What is your main interest in your practice now?

I am now doing “live treatment”. Yes Yes. This is a treatment with the living substance of a chicken egg. I am using existing experience in applying this method in our country, but there is very little information. Naturally, in the process of work, unique results appear. Especially if you involve others in the work natural methods health improvement, your medical experience.

- How did your interest in this topic begin?

It all started with I. Filippova’s book “Healing the Doomed” and the chapter in it called “The Egg is a Panacea.” Experience of use is described there this method village doctor G. Kapustin.

- Information about the treatment of chicken eggs with living substances appeared a long time ago. Why are you doing this now?

Perhaps my interest in this method would have remained just interest for a long time if... On one of the appointment days, a woman came to me for a consultation and placed in front of me an article from the newspaper “Injections from the Egg.” “I need this, I’ve already done everything else,” she said.

Yes, you can call it whatever you want - a coincidence, an accident, etc. But then I understood a simple truth: the patient found his doctor, and the doctor found his patient. They were both ready for this treatment and believed in it.

This patient's deep gastric ulcer healed after the 10th injection of a solution of living chicken egg substance.

The second patient was my daughter. She suddenly fell ill with furunculosis. Treated her traditional methods, but there was no improvement. On the contrary, the condition became worse and worse. And then I took only the laid egg from domestic chicken, dissolved it in saline solution and injected it intramuscularly. My daughter and I witnessed a truly miraculous healing process. The body itself eliminated the cause of the disease. Just 8 injections and the disease disappeared.

After this, patients with gastrointestinal tract diseases began to turn to me for help ( peptic ulcer, liver diseases, pancreas), gynecological diseases(cycle disorders, infertility, fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome), diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, arthrosis knee joints, obesity, and diseases thyroid gland and skin problems.

In all these cases, complete or partial healing was observed. Some patients are now undergoing their 2nd or 3rd course of treatment.

- What is the history of this method?

In the middle of the last century, a sensational discovery was made about the living substance of a chicken egg, which is absolutely compatible with human tissue. The method itself was approved for use in the 1950s. Hundreds of patients were cured with the living substance of a chicken egg! They were injected intramuscularly with a solution of a protein-yolk mixture with physiological solution.

Now in Russia this method has been forgotten (not counting single doctors who work at their own peril and risk). But in Japan " live treatment» Patented and successfully used in official medicine.

- Why does the egg have such wonderful qualities?

The egg is a symbol of life. Remember this Latin saying - “AB ovo” - from the egg. The earth, the sun, and the metagalaxy have the shape of a chicken egg. Among ancient peoples, the egg symbolized the universe. He was credited with magical properties. One of the methods for removing malicious external influence, which is popularly called “spoilage”, is “rolling out” an egg.

- You can relate to the views of our ancestors in any way you like. Once I myself saw how a healer “rolled” a fresh, just laid egg over the body of a sick person. When she broke it, it smelled terrible. That is, the egg is rotten. And the person felt better. Skeptics will say that the egg was changed, the person’s self-hypnosis worked. Don't know. May be.

I don't think so. The “Living Egg” has a bioinformational effect on humans. It transmits positive bioinformation and removes (absorbs) negative, pathogenic energy for humans. Here is the answer why the egg went rotten when it was “rolled out”, but the person felt better.

It is not without reason that they say that the new is the well-forgotten old. There is no need to invent a miracle if it already exists. It’s time to just agree that if there is a disease in nature, there is also a remedy in nature to heal it. And this power is magical healing power eggs!

An egg is an ideal example of a harmonious relationship of all living energy-intensive substances, balanced by nature. “The hen laid not an ordinary egg, but a golden one,” - here it is, wisdom for everyone famous fairy tale. An egg is a treasure of human necessities minerals, vitamins (A, D, E, group B, PP, etc.), essential amino acids, immunoglobulin, fatty acids, lecithin - a substance that is part of the protective cell membrane, regulates fat metabolism, etc.

- That is, “live treatment” will heal us from any ailments?

- Of course not. An egg is not a panacea for all ills. But perhaps with its help we can touch the treasures folk wisdom and get out vicious circle modern dangerous problems. And maybe we will finally gain faith in real, living healing. We'll find a way to true health, because this is the most expensive thing we have.

- What is the most important thing in treating a chicken egg with a living substance?

I made the following conclusions for myself. The main thing in protein therapy (treatment with the living substance of a chicken egg) is that the egg must be fertilized, from a domestic chicken that was fed only natural food. It should be very fresh, demolished a maximum of a day ago. Important individual approach: choice of dose and number of injections per course; preparatory therapy is necessary: ​​cleansing the body.

Egg mixture

Honey - 300 g, eggs - 5-6 pcs. (from domestic chicken), goat milk.

Preparation: Stage 1 - add honey, eggs and goat milk into a 3-liter jar. Cover with gauze and place in a warm place. Stage 2 - when the eggs float to the surface, strain the contents of the jar into an enamel pan (including the contents of the eggs): once through a colander, a second time through B layers of gauze.

Let the liquid drain. Store the finished mixture in the refrigerator. Shake before use. Take 50 ml per day.

- What would you like to say to our readers?

First of all, I want to wish everyone health. And for those who are sick, find their own path to healing.

Secondly, I would like to appeal to those who are familiar with this method of the rural doctor G. A. Kapustin, who have experienced it on themselves or their loved ones. I ask doctors - those who practice this method - to respond.

Now the baton of protein therapy has been successfully picked up by doctor V. Krivonos from Romny (Sumy region, Ukraine). And there are probably many such doctors already. Passing from mouth to mouth, observing, gaining experience - this is the most important thing when we want to preserve something. I would like to believe that this method will return to our medicine, because it is real, time-tested.

The conversation was conducted by Vera Gracheva

A lot of unflattering words have been written about chicken eggs, but it still remains one of the main products on our table. And this is no coincidence. Since ancient times in Rus', eggs have been used not only for nutrition, but also for the treatment of many ailments. As they say, time-tested.

At severe cough and in general to strengthen weak lungs It is useful to take a dessert spoon of the following mixture several times a day: two teaspoons ground together butter, two raw yolks, one dessert spoon of flour or starch and one dessert spoon of honey. In addition, the well-known “mogol-mogol” - the yolk of a chicken egg mashed and shaken with sugar - is also a good remedy for mitigating a cough.

In traditional Russian medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis a remedy called calcium tincture or calceumite was used. To prepare it, take 10 lemons, 6 fresh eggs, 400 g of linden honey and three-quarters of a glass of cognac. Lemons are squeezed and their juice is poured into unbroken eggs. The container is closed with gauze, wrapped in thick paper and kept in a cool, dry and dark place 5-8 days until the eggshells are completely dissolved.

After that, you need to slightly heat the honey until it flows, but not higher than 60 degrees, and add it to the mixture, then pour in the cognac. The finished tincture is poured into a bottle, which is stored in the refrigerator. Take it 1 dessert spoon after meals. But since calceumite spoils 2 weeks after preparation, it is better to cook it in small portions.

Raw eggs were also used to treat dysentery in Rus'.. In the first two days, the patient had to eat 12 eggs daily - 2 eggs every 2 hours. On the third and fourth days - 8 eggs per day, that is, 2 eggs every 3 hours. On the fifth and sixth days - 4 eggs - 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. It is advisable to have fresh eggs, preferably laid the day before.

Such treatment becomes more successful if it is supported by taking cherry tincture and diet. The tincture is prepared as follows: 100 g fresh berries Cherries are poured into 300 ml of red fortified wine, left in the sun for 2 days and filtered. The dose for an adult is 1 glass per dose, for children - 1 thimble. Drink the tincture three times a day.

At severe irritation stomach and intestines prepare so-called protein water by dissolving the white of a fresh egg in a glass of cold boiled water. You can sweeten the water and drink it in small sips. This water is a good enveloping agent.

Raw chicken egg white can also be used for rapid decline acidity of gastric juice. Crude protein in this sense is much more active than pharmaceutical products and has practically no side effects. Slightly salted protein is also good as a medicine for digestive disorders.

Chicken eggs - full product nutrition, in which many are well balanced useful material. Chemical composition eggs depend to some extent on the breed of chickens, on the diet they receive, and even on the time of year. For example, there is approximately four times more vitamin A in an egg laid in the summer than in an egg laid by the same chicken in the winter. Cholesterol in the white of a raw chicken egg is about 53%, and in the white of a boiled egg it is 43%. To boil a soft-boiled egg, it is enough to soak it for 3.5 minutes in boiling salted water; boil the egg “in a bag” for 5 minutes and hard-boiled for 10 minutes. In any case, you should not boil the egg for more than 10 minutes.

It is often believed that it is better to eat an egg raw. However, the white of a raw egg contains antitryptase, which inhibits the breakdown of duodenum and this egg white itself, and the proteins of other products eaten with it. The yolk of a raw egg is also less digestible than boiled eggs.

A boiled egg, unlike a raw egg, is less conducive to excessive accumulation and retention of free cholesterol in the blood. But on the other hand, raw egg white reduces the acidity of gastric contents more effectively than some products intended for this purpose pharmaceutical products, for example, tablets of Vi-Casol, Phospholugel. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to eat the white of a raw, benign egg for those who are bothered by heartburn and pain. Raw yolk is considered an active stimulant of bile secretion, and sometimes it acts so strongly that it causes a spasm of the outlet section of the gallbladder.

Raw eggs are digested within an hour to an hour and a half, and hard-boiled eggs in four hours, and the benefits of raw eggs in comparison with a heat-treated product are obvious. And the harm is the danger of infection with salmonellosis, and the concentration of salmonella in an infected egg is higher, the longer it is stored. By the way, for information, quail eggs never contain salmonella.

Treatment with raw eggs

Treatment with raw eggs has been used in medicine since ancient times.

Due to their high content of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances, eggs can help against many diseases.

Raw eggs are especially useful for treating diseases.

Raw egg helps with burns. To do this, a whole egg or the white of a raw egg is beaten and spread in several layers on the burn. In this case, each layer is allowed to dry a little. Raw whites can be beaten with an equal amount of sea buckthorn, olive or, at worst, any vegetable oil and lubricate the burned area.

So that a purulent pimple or boil opens, prepare a cake from 2 raw yolks mixed with 20 g of honey, 3 g of salt and flour. The cake should be applied to the area to be picked. This will speed up the breakthrough of the abscess and cleansing of the wound.

If you are overcome cough, nausea or indigestion, then eggnog made from fresh yolks, beaten with sugar until the volume doubles, can help. It is best to take this mixture on an empty stomach with black bread. You can also add a spoonful of cognac to the eggnog.

At exacerbation of ulcers and the appearance of gastric bleeding on an empty stomach, no earlier than an hour and a half before meals, drink two raw egg whites in the morning and evening. Continue treatment with raw eggs for 7 days.

By mixing the yolks of two raw eggs with 5 g of green tea, crushed into powder, you can prepare the so-called Japanese tea. You need to drink this tea once a day. Treatment with raw eggs and tea helps cleanse blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

For restoration of immunity Treatment with raw quail eggs will help. You need to drink 3 raw eggs in the morning and evening for 40 days.

For reduce high temperature You should mix five raw quail eggs with 100 grams of vodka and a tablespoon of sugar and drink it at night. With this treatment with raw quail eggs, the temperature will return to normal by the morning.

For treatment asthma and allergies You should mix a raw quail egg with honey and take it 3 hours before meals. Number of quail eggs during treatment: one in the morning and two in the evening. Duration of treatment with raw eggs: 40 days, break of two weeks, 40 days.

Treatment with raw eggs in the form of drinking them on an empty stomach helps with flatulence, heartburn and sore throat.

A mixture of raw protein and a glass of cold boiled water helps for burns of the larynx and poisoning.

At uterine bleeding you need to mix 6 fresh proteins with 15 g of lemon juice, take on an empty stomach.

At bronchitis three raw yolks, 15 g of honey, 10 g of flour, a tablespoon of radish juice, drink one teaspoon at a time throughout the day.

At male infertility Treatment with raw eggs will also help. 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, take orally a mixture of 3 raw yolks, 3 lemons, a glass of honey and a glass of cognac.

At diarrhea You can mix the white of a raw egg with 3-4 drops of iodine and take it orally.

For pain in the bones of the legs you need to make a saturated saline solution from half a liter of hot water and half a pack of salt. When the solution becomes warm, anoint the seeds and wipe dry with a towel. Apply a bandage with a mixture of vinegar, raw egg and turpentine. Wrap in parchment paper and put on a sock. Leave until morning.

Eggs are one of the first foods that humans began to eat.

Even ancient people collected and ate eggs of birds and turtles. Modern man uses mainly eggs from chickens, quails, ducks, geese, with a clear preference for chicken eggs.
Chicken eggs contain all the substances necessary for life, balanced in the best possible way. They contain 12.5% ​​protein and 12% fat.
The most valuable egg yolk contains 33% fat. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, including essential ones, it contains a lot of lecithin and 6 times less cholesterol, contains phosphorus and other mineral elements.
The egg white consists of 85% water, the rest is whites, the yolk is 65% fat, the rest is whites. Almost all major biological active substances are in the yolk.
The egg contains many minerals, but most of all iron, as well as vitamins A, B2, D and E. Present in egg yolk and sulfur, which is clearly felt when the egg spoils and a sharp bad smell- smell of hydrogen sulfide.
For food and biological value Goose and duck eggs differ little from chicken eggs.
Quail eggs contain on average 1.5 times more microelements than chicken eggs.
Eggs are well digestible, and soft-boiled eggs are better than raw ones. To a healthy person It is recommended to eat an average of 1 egg per day.
With atherosclerosis, eggs, especially yolks, are limited to 2-3 pieces per week.
Egg white helps tighten pores, and the yolk nourishes the skin.
Since ancient times, eggs have been used in folk medicine not only as internal medicine, but also as an external remedy.

Especially in our time, I think it is more appropriate to use medicinal purposes homemade chicken and quail eggs.
Drink fresh raw protein.
Mix 2 tablespoons of butter. 2 raw yolks, 1 dessert spoon of flour and 2 dessert spoons of honey. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture several times throughout the day.
Grind 5 raw yolks of a fresh homemade chicken egg to a paste. 3-5 (for 20 kg of the entire patient take one clove) clove of garlic, two tablespoons of wormwood seeds and 50 grams of pumpkin seeds and three tablespoons of honey. Dilute the mixture with 400 grams of cool boiled milk. Drink, dividing into two parts in the morning and evening two hours before meals to expel worms. Every other day, take 10-25 grams of magnesium sulfate or another saline laxative. The course of treatment is until the worms are completely expelled according to laboratory tests.

Heartburn: Drink the raw white of a fresh chicken egg.
Uterine bleeding: Take 6 fresh egg whites, add 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice, stir well and drink on an empty stomach
Flatulence: Drink raw eggs on an empty stomach.
Male infertility: Mix 5 fresh yolks, juice of 2 lemons, 200 g of honey, 200 grams of cognac, 50 grams of freshly dried alfalfa seed powder. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
Bronchitis: Mix 5 fresh yolks, two tablespoons of honey, 25 grams each of rosehip, licorice, marshmallow and plantain syrup. Take 1 teaspoon every 8 hours with 100 grams of elecampane decoction.
Laryngeal burn: If there is a burn to the larynx or mouth, drink sea buckthorn oil or plantain juice mixed with raw egg white in small sips.

Stomach poisoning and intestinal disorder: Dissolve 1 protein in 1 glass of cold boiled water, sweeten with licorice syrup and drink in sips.
Diarrhea: To the raw white of 1 egg, add 2 drops of Lugol's solution, hydrogen peroxide and drink.
Decreased appetite: Beat a fresh egg thoroughly, add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, pour the resulting mixture into 200 grams of broth corn silk. Drink on an empty stomach.
Painful bones on the feet
: Dissolve 250 grams in 0.5 liters of hot water sea ​​salt. Separately, take 2 tablespoons of vinegar and turpentine and beat 5 raw eggs. Soak the bandage in the solution, spread the egg mixture on the bone, wrap it with a bandage, tie it with parchment paper and an adhesive plaster, put a sock on top, and keep the compress until the morning.
Lower back pain: Tie a warm fried egg to the patient's lower back.
B ronhit: Fry 2 eggs in melted butter, add salt. When the eggs have cooled, place them on the chest of someone suffering from bronchitis and leave them overnight.
Joint dislocation: Take 1 raw protein. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 25 grams of alcohol and apply to the damaged joint, bandage tightly.
Neuralgia: Boil an egg hard, cut in half and apply while still hot to the sore spot.
Burn: Beat 6 egg yolks and 6 teaspoons butter until thick and creamy. Apply the mixture to a gauze bandage and tie it to the burn site. Immediately, as soon as a person is burned, pour on the burn cold water and quickly attach to it a film from the shells of raw eggs with whites.

Bedsores: Boil 1 cup of vegetable oil and pour 3 egg whites into it, beat. Lubricate bedsores 3 times a day.
Erysipelas: Apply at night erysipelas egg white, put a cloth on top and bandage it. Do not remove the bandage during the night.

Eczema: Mix 1 raw yolk with 1 tablespoon of honey, lubricate the affected areas with the resulting mixture.

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