Casserole for a nursing mother recipe in the oven. Cottage cheese casserole for breastfeeding: hypoallergenic recipes. Stewed pike perch with cheese sauce

The birth of a child is a happy, but at the same time exciting moment in the life of every woman. Following a diet during lactation is the key to the health of the mother and baby. In the article we will look at the features of the menu for a nursing mother in the first and subsequent months, as well as recipes healthy food on every day.

Why do you need a diet?

Many women don’t think about why they should eat right while breastfeeding. There is a widespread belief that one should refuse certain dishes only to prevent colic in infants and to exclude allergies. But in reality the goals proper nutrition a lot more. These include:

  • maximum extension breastfeeding;
  • prevention of hypogalactia (insufficient milk production mammary glands);
  • assistance in recovery after childbirth by saturating the body with all essential vitamins and minerals;
  • exclusion of constipation and the development of hemorrhoids after childbirth;
  • prevention of the development of diathesis in a newborn, allergies, dysbacteriosis and excessive gas formation.

In some cases, proper nutrition is necessary for a young mother to lose weight. After all, during pregnancy, weight often goes beyond normal limits.

Why the first month of breastfeeding is the most important

In the first days after the birth of a baby, a woman’s body works in an unspecified manner, and certain malfunctions often occur. During this period it is very important to support him with help special diet, which will help develop a clear scheme for the formation and allocation breast milk.

The diet in the first month of feeding should be balanced. There should be no extremes, such as, for example, “I feed, so I need to eat for two” or “you can’t eat anything so as not to harm the child’s body.”

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The first thing you need to know is that any new recipes on the menu should be introduced gradually, in small portions. It is advisable to keep a list or diary that will help you understand which product caused a particular reaction.

Secondly, you cannot give up sweets or high-calorie, fatty foods. Everything should be in moderation. A woman’s table should include dishes that include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities.

Thirdly, it is important to remember that when producing milk, it is advisable to eat foods that stimulate lactation and drink a lot.

What dishes are allowed

Doctors unanimously say that if the newborn and the mother are completely healthy and do not suffer from flatulence or constipation, a strict diet is not needed. In this case, only a slight nutritional correction is required. Let's look at what you can eat during this period:

  • soups containing pale-colored vegetables;
  • porridge from any cereal with milk or water;
  • boiled meat;
  • vegetable or butter no more than 10 - 15 g per day;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • dried white or Rye bread;
  • boiled or baked potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • biscuits, crackers;
  • steam omelettes (no more than 2 eggs per week);
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • baked or stewed, boiled vegetables;
  • fruits other than red and orange.

It's just sample list products allowed in postpartum period. Besides, Special attention should be given to fruits. After all, they help saturate not only the mother’s body with vitamins, but also the baby’s.

As already mentioned, a woman’s food should not provoke a deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients. Get necessary components Various fruits help. But in order not to harm the newborn, some of them should be abandoned.

What fruits should you not eat:

  • red and orange fruits. The fact is that the substance that colors them can cause an allergic reaction and dermatitis in a child;
  • group of citrus fruits. They contain a large number of vitamin C, which often entails a strong allergic effect;
  • causing excessive gas formation and fermentation in the stomach (grapes, plums, some varieties of pears). They can cause gas and constipation in a newborn, which is extremely undesirable.

You are allowed to add a small slice of lemon or a slice of orange to your tea. You can include white and yellow cherries, bananas, green apples, persimmons, peaches, and nectarines in the menu. Watermelons, melons, apricots, kiwi, and pineapple will be useful.

If grapes and plums are well tolerated and do not cause gas formation, they can be introduced into the diet very slowly, carefully monitoring the state of the child’s digestion.

Features of the drinking regime

During breastfeeding, every young mother should remember the importance of proper drinking regimen. Lack of fluid in the body or consumption harmful drinks may cause milk to burn out and serious problems with the baby's health.

A woman should drink one and a half liters of water per day, provided there is no urolithiasis. kidney disease and other contraindications. Also recommended are diluted juices, dried fruit compotes, herbal teas, milk and fermented milk drinks. You should avoid strong tea, coffee, carbonated water, concentrated juices containing citruses and red fruits and berries. Alcohol, even in small quantities, is under no circumstances allowed.

What not to eat

Despite the fact that during lactation food should be complete, and experts recommend saturating the body with all vitamins and minerals, you will still have to give up many foods.

The list of prohibited foods includes the following:

  • fried meat, especially pork, duck, any smoked products - sausages, sausages, ham;
  • mushrooms, eggs in large quantities, nuts;
  • sweet pastries, baked goods;
  • citrus fruits, red fruits and berries;
  • rich meat broths, mayonnaise, marinades, ketchups;
  • preserved food, garlic, red pepper;
  • legumes, all types of cabbage, radishes, radishes;
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol, kvass, strong tea, coffee.

Avoiding this food helps prevent many Negative consequences and harm to the baby's health. In addition, it will be possible to lose weight and return the woman to her former shape.

General principles of diet in the first month after childbirth

The choice of diet must be approached with full responsibility. Dishes must have natural composition, under no circumstances should you use expired products. Healthy diet will help a woman recover faster after childbirth and avoid many digestive problems in the baby.

  • It's better to eat in certain time, portions should be small. It is very important not to overeat, because this can not only make you gain weight, but also harm your child;
  • Of the cooking methods, it is better to give preference to boiling, stewing, and baking. It is recommended to avoid marinating, frying and smoking;
  • the main part of the diet should be cereals, vegetables, fruits;
  • During breastfeeding, it is better to exclude exotic fruits. Especially if they were not previously a common part of the menu;
  • It is imperative to saturate the blood with iron, since this component is important for the production of hemoglobin. It is known that pregnant and nursing mothers often suffer from anemia.

And, of course, we must not forget about the correct drinking regime. Drinks and teas should be consumed before or after meals, 40 to 60 minutes later.

Features of nutrition after Caesarean section

After surgery, it is very important for a young mother to maintain proper nutrition. This will help maintain lactation, quickly restore the body’s strength, and fully care for the newborn.

On the first day, the mother should refuse to eat, but already on the second day, easily digestible foods should be introduced into the diet. During this period, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

  • there should be only food on the table that is easily digestible;
  • food - mushy or liquid;
  • steamed or water-based dishes are prepared;
  • throughout the day - 5 - 7 meals, in small portions;
  • the size of one serving is no more than 100 – 150 mg.

In the table you can see the approximate amount of nutrients per day.

Gradually, the woman in labor should switch to her usual diet, increasing the portion daily. After approximately 7–10 days, it is allowed to introduce new products to the menu.

When a child has colic

What should a mother do when her baby often has a tummy ache and is there an anti-colic diet? After all, refusing to breastfeed a newborn is not an option. To prevent this condition, the following principles should be followed:

  • include vegetables in your diet. Of course, you should avoid tomatoes, raw carrots and white cabbage, as they cause flatulence. Allowed fruits contribute to the improvement of all physiological processes and saturation with vitamins;
  • eat enough meat. Preference should be given to chicken, turkey, and rabbit. Cook it better way boiling or baking, frying meat is strictly not recommended;
  • It is better to avoid whole milk; kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt are suitable for preventing colic;
  • important condition- There should be porridge and rye baked goods on the table every day.

Vegetable and animal fats during breastfeeding should be limited, but not completely excluded from the menu. You can add a small amount to the porridge butter, vegetable is suitable for soup.

An anti-colic diet involves avoiding gas-forming foods and foods that cause fermentation.

Products to enhance lactation

Some women suffer from insufficient milk production, which can be caused by anemia and other diseases. To stimulate lactation, it is recommended to introduce drinks and foods into the diet that stimulate milk production. These include:

  • warm soups and broths;
  • boiled porridge;
  • herbal teas (chamomile, thyme, rosehip);
  • lettuce and other greens;
  • non-sour borscht;
  • peaches, persimmons and other juicy fruits and berries. Good for lactation healthy watermelon. Thanks to the large amount of liquid, it helps to increase milk production;
  • dried fruit compotes, tea with milk, weak cocoa.

You can make herbal teas yourself or buy them at the pharmacy. When cooking, you need to do it correctly, you shouldn’t think about what more grass brew, the more benefits there will be. Typically, 500 ml of water requires a teaspoon of raw material. You can add sugar if desired. It is not recommended to use honey; it is a strong allergen.

Another helpful advice– drink about 1.5 – 2 liters of warm water. This will increase milk production and release. Of course, you should definitely consult your doctor before doing this.

How to create your own diet

There are many diets that can be followed while breastfeeding. For example, the Dukan table, lactose-free diet. They all include specific goals and are guided by the principle of “do no harm.”

With simple knowledge, you can create a diet yourself. It is important to remember these tips:

  • During the day you can’t either overeat or go hungry. The first one threatens with digestive problems, extra centimeters at the waist. The second can provoke exhaustion, lack of milk;
  • must prevail plant food, animal fats should be included in limited quantities;
  • fermented milk products are a mandatory component;
  • You can’t eat a lot of sweets, sweets, chocolate, cakes;
  • you need to drink a lot, especially in the summer, if there are no contraindications. This promotes milk production.

When creating a menu, do not forget to listen to own feelings and the child’s well-being. If a particular dish causes problems, it is better to avoid it.

Sample menu for the week

Every young mother knows about the importance of proper nutrition in the first and subsequent months after the birth of a baby. In the table you can find a meal plan for the week.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dinner
1st day Rice porridge with milk, apple, chamomile infusion Green tea with biscuits Boiled veal, side dish of bell pepper and boiled carrots, juice Pasta with a small piece butter, cheese sandwich, compote
2nd day Oatmeal with apples, rosehip decoction Tea with a dried piece of biscuit Steamed fish cutlet, baked potatoes, dried fruit compote Steam omelette with chicken and cheese, kefir
3rd day On the third day you can eat buckwheat porridge with milk or butter, sandwich with unsalted cheese, tea Lenten pie, glass of yogurt Zucchini puree, stewed eggplant with onions, a small slice of bread, green tea Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and sugar, fermented baked milk
4th day Barley porridge, chicken dumplings, chamomile infusion Pancakes, cocoa with milk Noodle and chicken soup, juice Curd dumplings, compote
5th day Cheesecakes with sour cream, green tea Steamed chicken cutlet, cucumber salad with olive oil, diluted milk Buckwheat soup, vegetable stew, cocoa Carrot pancakes, rye bread, low-fat kefir
6th day Protein omelet, green tea Apple and pumpkin puree, apricots with yogurt Cheese sandwich, diluted juice Vegetable cutlets with a side dish of rice, yogurt
7th day Wheat porridge, apple compote, crackers Chicken casserole and cream sauce, thyme decoction Pudding, fruit jelly, compote Pilaf with rabbit, low-fat yogurt

The menu during the first month of breastfeeding should not cause negative emotions in a young mother. Sometimes you should be allowed to treat yourself to goodies. Even during any events festive table for a woman it can include a lot of dishes that will not harm the baby.

What can you eat in the coming months?

Doctors recommend maintaining lactation until the child is at least one year old. At that time children's body becomes stronger, the “colic” period ends, he is ready for the introduction of complementary foods. One year old baby, unlike menstruation, is happy to try new introductions, adapts to adult life.

From the second to the twelfth month, a woman can eat almost anything, but in in moderation. No less important at this time remains drinking regime. Gradually it is allowed to add red berries and fruits, nuts, honey, and whole milk to the daily menu. Slow introduction of foods in small portions will reduce the risk of developing negative reactions on the part of the infant's digestion.

The diet should be enriched with vitamins, minerals, and not just healthy, but also tasty dishes.

We include vitamins

Vitamins should be an integral part of the diet, especially when it comes to lactation. If their intake into the body is insufficient, all organs and systems suffer. Every mother who is on a diet must include everything in the menu essential minerals and microelements.

What products are allowed:

  • A – cottage cheese, fish, spinach, milk, carrots, eggs;
  • B1 – wheat germ, milk, beef liver;
  • AT 2 - cereals, cottage cheese, fish;
  • WITH - cauliflower, green pea, yellow bell pepper, rose hips;
  • D – beef, fish, vegetable oil;
  • E – vegetable oil, wheat sprouts, lettuce;
  • F – dried fruits, olive oil;
  • N – milk, beef liver, oatmeal;
  • K – spinach, seaweed, green tea.

It is clear from the list that the list of dishes allowed during lactation is quite large. By including them in your daily diet, you can avoid vitamin deficiency and other complications.

Menu for the month

Compose monthly ration Just. Starting from the second week you can include sea fish low-fat varieties. During the third seven days, new fruits and vegetables are gradually introduced. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, radishes and cabbage are still prohibited. You can treat yourself to a small amount of sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows). In the fourth week, feel free to include potatoes and beets. Turkey, rabbit, beef, veal are suitable for cooking. It is not recommended to eat pork.

Keeping a special diary will help to assess the baby’s reaction to a particular product, in which mothers need to record when and what dishes she ate.

Hypoallergenic diet

A diet against allergies is called hypoallergenic. It consists of avoiding foods that can cause a negative immune response of the body to certain dishes.

To prevent undesirable consequences, it is important to refuse:

  • citrus fruits;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • exotic fruits;
  • red fruits and berries;

Food should be nutritious, but at the same time simple, easily absorbed by the body.

Recipes for nursing mothers for every day with photos

For many, the word diet sounds like a sentence, because it means that you will need to limit yourself in everything, eat tasteless and Lenten food. To diversify a woman’s diet during lactation, we offer delicious and very healthy recipes.


  • turkey fillet;
  • onion;
  • low fat cream;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

To prepare the dish, cut the meat into small pieces and boil until cooked. Cut the onion into cubes, saute over low heat until softened, pour in 50 ml of cream, add salt. Add the prepared fillet to the boiling sauce and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.


  • chicken fillet;
  • round rice;
  • protein;
  • salt.

Boil the rice until half cooked. Prepare minced meat. Mix the ingredients, add salt, add protein, form cutlets. Steam them and serve with herbs.


  • carrot;
  • semolina;
  • egg;
  • olive oil;
  • vinegar, soda;
  • salt.

Peel the carrots, boil them, pass through a blender or meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with an egg and a tablespoon of flour. Quench a quarter spoon of baking soda with vinegar and knead the dough. Lightly fry the pancakes, then steam them. Serve with low-fat sour cream or cream.


Boil the pumpkin until tender. Peel the apple, grate it on a fine grater or chop it in a blender. Mix the products, add a few tablespoons of cream, add salt. Cook over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. You can add croutons before serving.


  • chicken fillet;
  • sour cream;
  • gelatin;
  • salt.

Very simple and delicious recipe. Grind the fillet into minced meat, add salt. IN warm water Dissolve a teaspoon of gelatin and leave to swell. After this, mix the minced meat with gelatin and sour cream, form sausages, wrap in foil, and place in the oven for an hour at 100 degrees. Serve the finished sausages warm or cooled.

The first thing a mother should do is to mentally prepare for a difficult month. Even the strictest diet will not help relieve your baby of gas and diarrhea. And that’s all, because the baby adapts to the outside world, in particular, to receiving food through the stomach, and not through the umbilical cord. There is no need to be afraid of this at all. After a short amount of time, the baby will begin to get used to the new conditions, and the mother will be able to introduce new foods into her diet.
Most best option– keep a special diary in which you need to record the baby’s reaction to each product eaten by the mother. This will allow you to track the occurrence of allergies and discomfort from eating food.


Generally, short list permitted products looks like this:

  1. You can and should eat vegetables They just need to be thoroughly cooked. By at least, in the first couple of months, it is better to boil, stew and bake them, but under no circumstances eat them raw. Only after the baby is three months old can you begin to gradually introduce raw vegetables into your usual diet.
  2. When eating fruits, you should be careful after all, they are often the cause of the development of allergies in a newborn.

    You can also eat baked apples without fear. When the child turns 1 month old, you can start drinking freshly squeezed juices, and after he reaches the age of three months, it is recommended to eat one new fruit every 2 days. At the same time, you should carefully monitor his reaction.

  3. You can use any porridge, they all help improve digestion and nourish the body useful microelements. The only thing you should give up during breastfeeding is instant cereal.
  4. A young mother can consume all soups, provided they are cooked in vegetable broth.
  5. Eating meat is allowed, but only separately from other products. Try to choose dietary varieties.
  6. You can eat absolutely any cheese.
  7. You can eat poultry meat.
  8. Smooth a week later After the birth of your baby, you can treat yourself to a variety of fermented milk products, for example, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese or yogurt.
  9. Mom can eat fish, but only on the condition that it is boiled or baked.
  10. Eggs are allowed, however, it is worth monitoring the newborn’s reaction; after all, it is a strong allergen.
  11. Best consumed during this period whole wheat bread with various additives.
  12. Better for the entire period give up sweets. The best option is to eat a small amount of dried fruits, bagels or biscuits.
  13. To a young mother All oils can be used.
  14. More sweets the use of crackers, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows is allowed, provided that none of these desserts are supplemented with chocolate.
  15. Drinks you can consume weak teas and coffee, any Herb tea and a variety of fruit drinks.
  16. After the baby turns 1 month old, you can safely eat sour cream, a variety of nuts and jam.

It is worth highlighting prohibited products separately. They must be either completely excluded from the diet or their consumption reduced to a minimum:

  1. Products that stand out immediately may cause severe allergies. These include:
    • crab;
    • chocolate;
    • coffee.
  2. Varied Exotic fruits and citrus fruits. And any fruit with bright pigmentation, since they are the strongest allergens.
  3. Products, containing a large amount of preservatives, For example:
    • peas;
    • beans;
    • grape.
  4. For the first time, you should refuse mayonnaise and milk.
  5. Strictly prohibited drink alcohol, as this affects the development of the child.
  6. It is forbidden to eat fat meat, in particular, lard.
  7. Quantity consumed Sahara It is also necessary to keep it to a minimum, literally a couple of teaspoons per day.

Sample menu by month

Particular attention should be paid to a woman’s nutrition at 1 month, because it is during this time that the child develops immunity.

So, in the first 3 months, the mother should eat as follows.

On day 1, it is best to fast a little to rid the body of various toxins. There is no need to worry about your baby - the small amount of milk that his mother can give him in the first days after birth will be enough for him. Starting from the second day, you need to eat well to enable your child to get all the substances and minerals he needs.

  • On breakfast It is best to eat porridge, which must be cooked in water. It is best to drink green tea, this will allow you to get extra energy, with a small piece of bread and butter.
  • Lunch best with vegetable soup and a small portion of mashed potatoes with vegetables or steamed cutlets. You need to wash it all down with freshly brewed dried fruit compote.
  • On dinner It is recommended not to overeat; the best option is to eat a baked apple and a little cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream.
  • To avoid feeling hungry, night It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

The menu from 3 to 6 months is practically no different from the previous one.

  • On breakfast you can start using pearl barley porridge, which is somewhat more nutritious than regular oatmeal.
  • IN dinner You can replace steamed food with boiled food. It is also recommended to introduce borscht into your diet, but cook it in vegetable broth.
  • Eat up on dinner not recommended, you can eat a small amount of cottage cheese or steamed vegetables and wash it all down with herbal tea with honey.

After six months, more and more foods are added to the mother’s diet.

  • On breakfast you can eat any porridge. In addition, it is recommended to eat one fruit every two days to monitor the child’s reaction to the appearance of allergies. You can drink weak coffee or tea, herbal teas or fruit drinks.
  • On dinner can be eaten vegetable soup and seafood, always boiled or well stewed.
  • On dinner You can eat potatoes with legumes.

Diet according to Komarovsky

Choosing a nutrition program for yourself breastfeeding, a young mother should pay attention to the now quite popular Komarovsky diet.

The essence of this diet is to avoid any sour, spicy or salty foods. And also from any products that contain preservatives or dyes.

Of course, everything should be completely excluded from the diet strong allergens, precisely for this reason, it is forbidden to eat sweets and citrus fruits. Moreover, this must be done until the child completely refuses breast milk.

According to the Komarovsky diet, a young mother can, in her daily diet adhere to the following rules:

  1. Drink green teas, a variety of compotes made from dried fruits, apple and carrot juices. You can drink milk with extreme caution, but always baked milk and in small quantities.
  2. A woman can consume foods as she wishes, but limit her intake of fat. Of course, you should not think that a large amount of sour cream eaten will immediately end up in the milk and it will become harmful to the baby. Most likely, all the sour cream will end up on the sides of the mother, who will already have to cope with her figure during this difficult period.
  3. To improve lactation and fully provide the baby with all the nutrition he needs, you need to consume nuts and yeast, but only in small quantities. In addition, the attending physician may recommend that the young mother purchase any additional medications at the pharmacy.

The Komarovsky diet has existed for quite a long period of time. During this time, she collected a huge number of positive reviews.


There are entire books of recipes for nursing mothers, but most of them take big gap time for your preparation. And during such a period of time, as a rule, free minutes rarely appear.
Let's look at a few simple recipes familiar dishes that can be prepared on a quick fix.

Real reviews

Angelica, 23 years old. Thank you very much for the list of allowed products. Honestly, after visiting the pediatrician, I actually doubted whether I could eat anything; he listed too many forbidden foods for me. Thanks to you, I don’t collapse from hunger, and I have enough strength to look after my little one.

Lyudmila, 26 years old. I was terrified of harming my baby, so I was sure that after giving birth I wouldn’t even be able to touch any food in case it made him sick. But after reading about your diet, I realized how important it is for him that his mother eats a balanced diet.

Veronica, pediatrician. The diet is undoubtedly very good, but I would advise excluding green tea from your diet. It promotes stagnation of milk, which means the baby may not get enough to eat. But black tea and milk interact perfectly with each other. In addition, this combination has a very beneficial effect on lactation.

Miroslava, pediatrician. Very balanced menu, which I recommend to all my patients. The listed products not only help the mother recover quickly after childbirth, but also allow the child to receive all the vitamins and microelements he needs.

In chapter Diet for a nursing mother presents the characteristics of the diet, chemical composition, diet, recommended and excluded foods and dishes in the diet for a nursing mother, as well as recipes for a variety of dishes recommended by nutritionists for a diet for a nursing mother.

Characteristics of a diet for a nursing mother

The diet for a nursing mother should be full ( balanced diet) and reinforced .

Enhanced nutrition is considered to be one in which the amount of nutrients is increased by 1/3 compared to the norm.

Chemical composition of diet for a nursing mother.

1.proteins - 130g.

2.fat - 130g.

3. carbohydrates - 500g.

4.calorie content - 4000cal.

Enhanced nutrition is necessary in the diet for a nursing mother to produce milk in an amount that meets all food needs infant in the first months of life. So, a mother should provide a two-month-old baby weighing about 4 kg with breast milk per day, containing 15 g of protein, 30 g of fat, 50 g of carbohydrates, and a calorie content of 500 kcal. In addition, the process of milk formation itself requires energy expenditure from the mother’s body.

Proteins in a diet for a nursing mother

The main role in the diet for a nursing mother belongs to proteins.

The food of a nursing mother should contain 2 g of protein per 1 kg of a woman’s weight, and first of all this is the protein of milk and dairy products, which provides the nursing mother’s body with the amino acids necessary for the formation of milk. Also dairy products are valuable source fat Dairy products should not be limited in the diet of a nursing woman, even if she tends to be overweight. If there is a tendency towards obesity in the diet for a nursing mother, it is recommended to sharply reduce or completely eliminate lard, and to a large extent butter, replacing them vegetable oil.

Carbohydrates in a diet for a nursing mother

Limiting carbohydrates is crucial in preventing obesity in a nursing mother. But it is necessary to limit carbohydrates and fats only when a woman’s weight progressively increases.

Fats in the diet for a nursing mother

Nursing mothers should avoid excess fat intake (more than 150g per day), as fat impairs the baby’s absorption of calcium.

Diet for a nursing mother, diet

Diet plays a big role in the fight against weight gain.

Food should be consumed in small portions 6 times a day.

Vitamins in the diet for a nursing mother

The diet for a nursing mother also includes increased amount vitamins Numerous studies have shown that with normal nutrition, especially in winter and spring period, breast milk does not contain enough vitamins.

In order to increase the number vitamin C It is necessary to include decoctions of rose hips or dry black currants, fruits, and berries in the diet for a nursing mother. Grapes and grape juice, which can cause bloating in a child, are not recommended.

Entry into the body vitamins A, D provides fish fat, carrots, peppers, sea ​​buckthorn oil, large liver cattle.

Other vitamins a woman receives with increased nutrition and an increase in its quantity.

Minerals in the diet for a nursing mother

A nursing mother's need for mineral salts is very significant. Therefore, the diet for a nursing mother must include an increased amount mineral salts, primarily salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Foods containing a lot of calcium salts:

Pork of medium fatness,

Liver, herring

Cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, hard cheese

Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat

Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, celery, green salad



Foods rich in phosphorus salts:

Beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken.

Liver, tongue

Eggs, hard cheese, cottage cheese, butter

Rice, buckwheat, millet, nuts, spinach, Brussels sprouts.

Foods rich in magnesium salts:

Raisins, figs

Hard cheese

Rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal

Hazelnuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, rose hips.

Foods containing a lot of iron salts:

Liver, blood sausage, salted herring

Hard cheese, cottage cheese, cream, sour cream

Buckwheat, millet, semolina, oatmeal

Hazelnuts, hazelnuts, groundnuts

Oat flour, pasta

Kohlrabi, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts

Bananas, raisins, figs.

Among microelements, the diet of a nursing mother should include products containingiodine, since if there is a lack of iodine in the body of a nursing woman, the amount of milk may decrease. They are rich in iodine sea ​​fish, seafood (shrimp, mussels, seaweed and others). Animal meat and freshwater fish contain little iodine.

Liquid in the diet for a nursing mother

Also, a nursing mother needs significant amount liquids. In addition to 4 meals a day, you must add 2 meals in the form of milk before feeding.

*dairy products, cottage cheese, mild cheese,

*meat and fish,

*liver, boiled tongue,

*various cereals, especially buckwheat, oatmeal,

*vegetables - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts (nutritionists believe that excluding white cabbage not necessary, as it can cause flatulence in the mother, but not in the child), zucchini, pumpkin, dill, green peas, tomatoes, green salad, eggplant, potatoes, spinach, boiled sorrel or better yet, stewed sorrel,

*fruits and berries - raspberries, black and red currants, cherries, cherries, rose hips, apples, peaches, cranberries, pears, fruit and berry juices,

*vegetable oil and butter.

The following should be excluded from the diet for a nursing mother:

1.Products that may cause allergic reactions The child has: strawberries, oranges, tangerines, chocolate, cocoa, fatty fish, black and red caviar, food additives (dyes, preservatives), eggs and honey, if the child already has allergies.

2.Products that can cause poisoning for mother and child: cakes, pastries, ice cream, halva, waffles.

3.Products that may contain pathogenic bacteria : sushi, raw seafood (clams, oysters), raw and undercooked eggs, unpasteurized milk, pates, mayonnaise, undercooked meat and fish, whipped cream with raw eggs.

4.Products that worsen the taste of milk, as a result of which the baby may refuse breast milk: pepper, garlic, green and onions, radishes, horseradish, fragrant and hot spices.

5.Foods that reduce milk production: smoked, pickled and overly salted foods.

6.Refractory fats: pork, beef, lamb y.

7.Alcoholic drinks, strong tea, coffee.

8.Products, causing bloating tummy in a child (grapes and grape juice) and dyspepsia (melon):

Limit in the diet for a nursing mother:

1.Fried foods that contain harmful substances.

2.Walnuts, since they increase the fat content of milk and can cause dyspepsia in the child. Besides increased content fat impairs the child’s body’s absorption of calcium.

3.Foods that can cause loose stools in a child: plums, cucumbers, apricots, dried apricots, prunes, figs.

In the first months after the birth of the child, the mother must observe strict diet, since everything she eats can negatively affect the child’s health. At the same time, the diet needs to be varied in order to get the maximum useful substances. Recipes for casseroles for a nursing mother will help add variety to the menu.

A casserole for a nursing mother can be made from potatoes or cottage cheese

  • Number of servings: 3
  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Cottage cheese casserole for a nursing mother

Cottage cheese and dishes based on it are safe for mother and baby. Let's look at a simple cottage cheese casserole that you can whip up.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with flour.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar. It is not necessary to whip until foamy. Just beat lightly with a fork.
  3. Combine the curd and egg mass.
  4. Place the dough in a greased pan and spread sour cream on top. Bake for 40 minutes. in a hot oven.

Instead of flour, you can use semolina. This will help slightly reduce the calorie content of the dish. Dried apricots and raisins are also not harmful to a newborn, so a nursing mother can add some of these dried fruits to her casserole.

Potato casserole for a nursing mother

For a hearty lunch for a nursing mother, a delicious potato casserole. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 600 g potatoes (about 6 large potatoes);
  • 500 g of lean meat - beef or veal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • some milk;
  • a piece of butter;
  • salt to taste.

Before you start cooking, you need to make minced meat. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Boil the potatoes until tender, mash them until pureed. Add milk and butter to make the puree more tender.
  2. Finely chop the onion, mix it with minced meat.
  3. Cut the carrots into thin rings.
  4. Grease a baking dish with butter or vegetable oil. Place half of the mashed potatoes in it. Next, add all the minced meat and onions. Then carrot rings. At the very end, put the remaining puree into the mold and smooth it out.
  5. Bake the dish at 160°C until done.

Additionally, you can add other seasonal vegetables that are allowed in your diet to this casserole.

Please note that the sweet casserole does not contain cinnamon or vanillin, and the salty casserole does not contain any spices, including black or red pepper. All of these additives are best avoided while breastfeeding. Don't worry, over time you will learn to enjoy the pure taste of dishes without spices.

How should a young mother who feeds and plans eat? long time breastfeed your baby? Immediately after giving birth, in the first few days, she will be offered dietary dishes in the maternity hospital canteens: ground vegetable soup, meat soufflé, porridge and compote. This type of nutrition is the most optimal in the first days, but gradually a woman can significantly expand her menu, including any dishes, with the exception of those that are clearly harmful (alcohol, fast food, low-quality or spoiled food).

Main principle The diet that a breastfeeding mother should use all the time is a little of everything and gradually. That is, you should first try a new dish, and, if all is well, calmly include it in your diet. Everything else is an individual matter. Some mothers have to go on diets for a long time, limiting themselves in everything, through childhood colic, intolerance and diathesis. From the first day of breastfeeding, other mothers allow themselves chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy foods and sweets without any problems for themselves and the baby.

Dish recipes

Today we offer you some delicious, although... dietary dishes, suitable for the first months of your breastfeeding.

  • 500 gr. minced meat from lean meats (beef or veal fits better Total)
  • 700 gr. potatoes
  • 250 gr. Luke
  • 250 gr. carrots
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs

(4 liters per pan)

Mix the minced meat with salt and breadcrumbs. Make small meatballs out of it (you can make larger ones and freeze them in the refrigerator for later). Place diced potatoes, onions and carrots into the water. Boil. Add meatballs. Cook for 15-20 minutes until done. IN ready dish you can add finely chopped greens. You can also add buckwheat to the water during the cooking process.

  • 600 gr. potatoes (6 large pieces)
  • 500 gr. lean minced meat (beef or veal)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • salt, pepper, milk, butter

Boil the potatoes and mash them with milk and butter. Mix minced meat with onion and salt. Place half of the puree in a mold that you have previously greased with butter. Place the minced meat in a second layer. Place carrots cut into slices on top of the minced meat. The last layer is mashed potatoes. Bake until done at 160C.


Boil the fillet, then cut into 1 cm strips. Set aside. In a frying pan, sauté the onion and pepper in pieces. Then add flour, fry the vegetables with flour a little. Add chicken, pour in sour cream, simmer until done. You can make fricassee with any vegetables you like. Serve fricassee with mashed potatoes or porridge.

  • 150 gr. hard cheese
  • 2 green apples
  • 200 gr. celery (root or stalks)
  • 50 gr. walnuts
  • grapes or raisins
  • sour cream - about 3 tbsp. spoons

Cut the cheese and apples into small cubes and place in a salad bowl. Break the nuts and add to the cottage cheese. Wash the grapes, if you take raisins, they must be steamed in boiling water. Add to cottage cheese and apples. Cut the celery into cubes or thin strips and add it too. Season the salad with sour cream. You can sprinkle coriander balls on top of the salad.

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2-3 apples

Beat the eggs, add sugar and beat again. Gradually add flour to this mixture, mix with a spoon or using a mixer. Peel the apples and cut into slices. Place the apples in a circle, sprinkled with a little flour. Pour the dough on top of the apples; it should be liquid. Bake until done, about 20-30 minutes. This biscuit is best suited not very fresh, on the second day.

good old tradition with raisins

Ingredients: medium fat cottage cheese or curd mass - 400 gr., 1 tbsp. l. flour and semolina, 3 yolks, 20 gr. raisins, 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar.
Cooking time: 45 minutes.
Cooking method: Mix sugar and beaten yolks, cheese, flour, semolina, salt to taste, stir. Pour boiling water over 5 raisins, wait 1 minute, rinse, add to the casserole preparation. Place in a mold sprinkled with semolina and bake until done.

light healthy breakfast reminiscent of summer at grandma's in the village

Ingredients: parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach leaves, pepper, olive oil.
Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Cooking method: Chop the greens (tear the salad with your hands), add a little bell pepper, onion, pour a little olive oil, add salt (and if you can, it’s better without it), pepper.

If you really want, you can add finely chopped salted green olives to this salad (precisely salted ones, sold in large jars by weight - they are preserved only with salt. Olives in iron jars are not suitable)

French delicacy for mom

Ingredients: 300 gr. liver (chicken or rabbit + chicken will do), Bay leaf, allspice, black pepper (peas), 1 carrot, 1 onion, 50 gr. butter, salt.
Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Boil the liver, drain the water. Separately boil a large carrot and onion; you can add bay leaf, allspice, black pepper (peas) to this water. Finely grind the boiled liver and vegetables in a blender or meat grinder, add a small piece of soft butter, salt and pepper.

You can add a little vegetable broth to the pate - this will soften the dish. For an appetizing appearance, the finished pate can be ground again in a blender and left in the refrigerator before use.

a game that follows the rules and is fun

Ingredients: potatoes, boiled in their jackets, meat (boiled or baked), 1 clove of garlic, carrots, cabbage, onions, herbs, hard cheese, eggs, sour cream.
Cooking time: 45 minutes.
Cooking method: Finely chop the cabbage and pour boiling water over it. Peel the potatoes in their jackets, cut them and place them on the bottom high shape for baking. The next layer is grated carrots. Next, cut the meat, you can add a little garlic to it. Drain the cabbage, squeeze and place in a fourth layer. The next layer is chopped onion. Lastly - chopped greens. Salt each layer to your taste. But a little.

Pour sauce over all this (2-3 eggs and 1 tbsp. Mix sour cream in a blender).

5-10 minutes before the pie is ready, sprinkle with grated cheese.

simple delicacy

Ingredients: 500 gr. pumpkin (take butternut squash), 50 gr. olive oil, 3-4 cloves of garlic, rosemary sprig, fennel, peppercorns, thyme, salt.
Cooking time: 65 minutes
Cooking method: Cut the pumpkin into 5-7 cm cubes and place on foil. Make the sauce: in a blender, mix garlic, olive oil, a branch of rosemary, fennel (it perfectly eliminates gases in mother and baby), thyme, pepper, salt. Pour the sauce over the pumpkin, cover with foil and bake at medium temperature.

You should always treat yourself to delicious good food. Even when, at first glance, it seems impossible;) Bon appetit!

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