Stiffened spinal nerve symptoms treatment. How to determine if you have a cold in your back. What to do if you have a cold back: treatment of myositis

There is no such person who does not experience back pain different strengths and localization. A third of the adult population experiences such discomfort regularly. This symptom may hide many diseases, ranging from osteochondrosis to diseases of the kidneys, organs of the female reproductive system, tumors and their metastases in the spine.

Pain in the back muscles significantly interferes with movement and even being at rest. And most often their cause is myositis - inflammation of the muscles in the back. People simply say it was blowing or draughty.


The main factor leading to the development of an inflammatory response in the muscles is cold. “Warm” or even “hot” muscles after physical activity encounter low temperatures and immediately cool down. The body reacts to this during the first two days with inflammation, contraction of fibers and pain in the neck or throughout the back.

A person may not notice how he sits in a small draft or suddenly cools down when entering a cold room from a warm one. Symptoms most often appear in the summer after:

  • being under a running air conditioner;
  • general hypothermia (as a factor - drinking cold drinks, quickly eating ice cream);
  • draft - opening windows in the car, at home, at work;
  • freezing in the evening, when a person is dressed for summer;
  • physical exercise on the street. When a person moves actively, he sweats, and winter time or in chilly weather then becomes hypothermic after finishing physical activity. Because does not have time to change into dry clothes in time;
  • long-term swimming in cool bodies of water - pools, rivers, lakes, sea;
  • Quite often a person’s home can feel drier after taking a shower or bath. This is possible because a steamed person does not feel a draft, he is hot. After a hot shower or bath, you should dress in a warm robe, do not wear open window, quickly dry your hair.
  • the back hurts after it has been blown, and in frosty times: if you dress inappropriately for the weather in winter, sit on cold benches, run or play some kind of sport.

Often muscle spasms occur primarily when long stay in an awkward position, increased anxiety. This pain syndrome has a good prognosis and is well treated with medications. Damage to the back muscles may be secondary. With spinal pathology, they become tense, creating a kind of “protective corset” that holds the spinal column.

But from DC voltage the back muscles become a source of discomfort in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, lower back, and sides of the back. Secondary muscle damage is also caused by systemic diseases (fibromyalgia, polymyalgia rheumatica), in which there is a feeling of stiffness in movements, especially in the morning.

These factors, combined with cold exposure, create even greater preconditions for the development of symptoms.

Use a deflector screen for your air conditioner so that the cold air can be controlled.

Symptoms when you have a cold back

Unpleasant sensations in the back area will not occur immediately, but 12-48 hours after the fact of hypothermia. Their onset may coincide with an increase in body temperature and general malaise of the body. The duration of an episode of pain is usually 2 weeks, and in some patients residual effects can last up to 1 month or longer. As the inflammatory process the pain intensifies.

By their nature they will:

  • Constant moderate or pronounced strength.
  • With movements of a different nature, they intensify; from aching they turn into sharp, “piercing” ones.
  • A person seems to “freeze” during sudden movements and stands in a forced position.
  • When the affected area is touched, the sensations intensify; you can notice dense formations in the form of cords or nodules (inflamed muscle fibers).
  • After rest, aching, pulling sensations don't stop.
  • The process is asymmetrical; swelling, redness of the skin, increased temperature, and a burning sensation in the back may appear in one part of the back.
  • When compressed by a muscle located nearby nerve structures sharp shooting pains appear in the buttock or leg.
  • Possible discomfort in the abdomen, frequent urination, in women - pain as during menstruation, menstrual irregularities.
  • The pain intensifies if the person does sudden movements, turns, bends, laughs, hiccups.

It is difficult for a person to take care of himself in everyday life, to walk, get dressed, get out of bed or up the stairs, or sleep peacefully in any position. With acute myositis of the back muscles, a person experiences muscle weakness and general malaise. At severe course, incorrect or untimely treatment Chronic myositis may develop. It occurs with periods of remission and exacerbations, is complicated by muscle atrophy, and the person experiences constant muscle weakness.

If to existing inflammation the effect of microorganisms has increased:

  • develops purulent process with muscle tightness and tension
  • a sharp rise in general temperature,
  • chills,
  • pronounced weakness.

Do not underestimate the developed symptoms: if left untreated, they can remain forever and aggravate the course of other back diseases (osteochondrosis, consequences of trauma to the spine and ribs, intervertebral hernia, displacement of the vertebrae in relation to each other, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.).


Due to the fact that after blowing your back the symptoms are very easy to confuse with other diseases, you should seek medical help. medical care. A neurologist, rheumatologist, or physiotherapist can help.

First you need to see a therapist, who will then initial examination establishes a preliminary diagnosis. The required diagnostic scope, if in the near future the patient has a strong wind, and then pain in the back appears, includes:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Biochemical blood test (determine glucose levels, C-reactive protein– to find differences from inflammatory diseases spine and systemic diseases muscles).
  • Electromyography (determining the state of the nerves that regulate the functioning of the affected back muscles).
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computed tomography).
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (genitourinary system).
  • Gynecologist examination for women.

The list of tests and procedures can be expanded by the doctor if the patient has concomitant diseases any of the organ systems. For example, if a person suffers from characteristic pain and has previously had his back and lumbar region blown, an ultrasound of the kidneys and urine culture are indicated, because it may be acute pyelonephritis.

You need rest in the first days and warming procedures.

If your back is not too cold, treatment at home includes the following methods: traditional methods, drug treatment, exercise, physiotherapy (muscle warming procedures).

What to do if you have a cold back?

  • For 3-4 days should be observed bed rest, especially on the first day. The bed should not be too soft, sagging under the weight of the body. A special orthopedic mattress is ideal. The lying position will help the muscle fibers relax, stretch a little, and “calm down.”
  • Use warming ointments and creams. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions and take into account contraindications. Ointments have worse penetrating ability, so it is better to use gels. As soon as the gel is applied to the back muscles, you should wear a warming belt or wrap a warm scarf.
  • Limit yourself from taking in excess fluid and salt, which lead to muscle swelling and subcutaneous tissue. Adding salt to food is completely eliminated.
  • Diet varied with foods rich in B vitamins: all types of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, etc.), liver, sea buckthorn, beans, peas, garlic, buckwheat, barley grits, oatmeal, millet, tuna, mackerel, egg, cottage cheese, cheese.

Drug therapy

If you have a cold back, the main medications that can be treated at home are:

Warming ointments

As irritants that distract from pain with a burning sensation at the site of application. These drugs are available in ointments and gels:

Almost all warming ointments cannot be used by pregnant women at any stage. Also, you should not apply these gels and ointments to the kidney area.

It is necessary to provide warmth for the affected area: a blanket, a scarf, a blanket, a woolen belt, a heating pad of moderate warmth (after placing a cloth).

NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These drugs relieve pain and reduce the inflammatory response. They can be used both topically and orally:

Local forms that can be applied to the skin of the affected area of ​​the back. These remedies are suitable if the pain is not very intense:

  • Ketoprofen (50 r.), Artrosilene gel (200 r.), Bystrum gel (150 r.), Ketonal (200 r.), Fastum gel (200 r.), Flexen (150 r.), Febrofid gel (200 r.).
  • Nise and Nimulid (120 rubles).
  • Diclofenac, Diclovit (80 rub.) and Voltaren (250 rub.), Diclak (180 rub.), Diclogen (40 rub.), Dicloran (100 rub.), Diclofenacol cream (40 rub.), Ortofen (40 rub.).
  • Piroxicam Verte (90 rubles) Finalgel (360-420 rubles).
  • Ibuprofen (30 rubles), Dolgit (100-220 rubles), Nurofen gel (140 rubles)
  • Butadion (120 rubles)

Systemic - in the form of tablets or injections. They have a stronger effect because they immediately enter the bloodstream:

  • Diclofenac 40 rub. (Voltaren 200 rub., Ortofen 20 rub., Diklak 100 rub.)
  • Ketolorac 60 rub. (Ketanov, Ketarol)
  • Nimesulid (Nise 140 r. Nimulid, Nimika)
  • Ketoprofen (ketoprofen 150 rubles, Bysrumkaps 270 rubles, Flexen 170 rubles), injections: Arthrosilene (6 pcs. 180 rubles) Ketonal (10 pcs. 200 rubles) Flamax (5 pcs. 100 rubles). Flexen (6 pcs. 270 RUR)
    Meloxicam 40 RUR, Movalis 250 RUR. Amelotex (amp. 280 RUR) Arthrozan (amp. 190 RUR).
  • 20 rub. (Nurofen 110 rub., Faspik 100 rub., Burana 80 rub.)

Nimesulide and Meloxicam are safer for the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract: they are less likely to cause damage in the form of erosions and ulcers. In any case, such drugs should be taken under the guise of their analogues (Omez, Gastrozol, Ultop, Ortenol, etc.).

Muscle relaxants

As a supplement, muscle relaxants are suitable - medications that relax muscles, not just the back. These include:

  • Tolperisone (400 rub.), Tolperisone 200 rub.
  • Tizanidine 200 rubles, Sirdalud 300 rubles, Tizalud 140 rubles.

B vitamins

You can give injections as prescribed by your doctor. combination drugs, containing vitamins B1, B6, B12. They have a moderate analgesic effect (especially vitamin B12). And positive influence on processes in nervous system, on metabolism, participate in the transmission of excitation, in the metabolism of mediators, and contribute to the restoration of damaged nerves. These include:

  • Milgamma (5 amp 280 RUR)
  • Combilipen (5 amp. 160 RUR)
  • Neurobion (without icecaine 3 amp. 270 RUR)
  • Compligamv (160 rub.)

Novocaine blockades

In severe cases with severe back pain, the doctor may prescribe novocaine blockades, if the patient has no contraindications to use hormonal drugs. Novocaine with a corticosteroid drug is injected into the inflamed back muscles.

Traditional methods of treatment

In addition to ointments for the back muscles, you can use time-tested folk recipes:

  • You can apply a pepper patch.
  • Make compresses from alcohol or vodka.

Cabbage compresses with honey

After washing the sheets white cabbage, apply honey to the entire surface and place on the skin over the area pain. The sheets need to be secured with a gauze bandage, and insulated on top with the same scarf. To achieve maximum effect, add horseradish, mustard, and pepper to honey. In this case, do not forget to evaluate the condition of the skin from time to time: is there any major redness or blistering (chemical burn).

Fir balsam

Buy ready-made balm at the pharmacy or make it yourself (equal parts fir oil and rendered fat). Before going to bed, apply a compress for an hour, then rinse and warm up. Repeat the procedure for up to 2 weeks. You can rub this balm in a circular motion throughout the day, and then wrap your back. Take into account the absence of allergies to the components of the product by applying a drop of fir oil to the skin of your back for 15 minutes (there should be no prolonged “redness”).

Dandelion flower tincture

Products from dog hair very helpful. Knitted belts are a lifesaver in such situations.

Place dandelion flowers in half a liter glass jar and fill the remaining volume with alcohol. Let the mixture brew in a dark cabinet, then pass through cheesecloth. The tincture is suitable for long-term use, including for preventive purposes: rub the sore spot with it three times a day.

Boiled potatoes

Boil the potatoes in their skins and mash until pureed. Place a cotton cloth on the painful area and warm potatoes on it. Place another layer of cotton and a warming item (plaid, scarf or blanket) on top. As the puree cools, remove the top layers of cloth one by one. Finally, rub your back with alcohol or cologne. alcohol based, warm yourself up again. Such compresses are suitable for use before bedtime.

Badyagi powder

Mix a quarter teaspoon of badyagi powder with a teaspoon butter. This mixture is something that can be smeared once a week on the affected areas, warming them afterwards.

Lard with horsetail

Butter or lard in a 4:1 ratio, add herb powder horsetail. Rub this homemade ointment back muscles 3 times a day and wrap with a warm scarf.

Dry compresses with salt

Heat table salt in a frying pan, pour it into a bag, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the area of ​​pain. It is believed that dry heat more effective in in this case.

Everyone's effectiveness folk recipe not proven, but helps many. In some mild cases, it is safer and faster to treat the back when it is cold, using folk remedies.

Physical exercise

Physical activity helps relieve muscle spasm, warms them up, and eliminates compression of the nerves of the back and, as a result, pain. At the first manifestations, you can limit yourself to three exercises, which will then serve as preventive measures:

  1. We rest our knees and palmar surface brushes to the floor Slowly and carefully bend your head and back, holding the position for about 10 seconds. Next, just as carefully, we straighten up to the maximum and hold for 10 seconds. One approach takes a minute.
  2. We lie on our stomach, bend our arms at the elbows at the level of the pelvis, and connect our legs into a single line. By stretching our arms forward, we imagine that we are reaching for some object. We repeat several times.
  3. Lie on your back and carefully slowly pull it to your stomach with your hands bent leg. Hold the position for 20 seconds and straighten up. We repeat the same with the second leg. The approach lasts the same minute.

In the future, perform the exercises in accordance with the video tutorial (see below).


Once the “acute” period has passed and the pain has subsided, physiotherapy is applicable - a method using natural factors V medicinal purposes. It has a lot of advantages: it does not cause allergies, enhances metabolism and renewal in tissues, improves blood flow and the body’s immune response. You can go through the following procedures:

  • Massage( general through movements such as rubbing, vibration and stroking, as well as local pressure on specific points of the body).
  • Myostimulation(“training” muscles with electrical impulses).
  • Reflexology:
    • Transcutaneous electrical stimulation (electrical impulses block pain signals from nerves).
    • Acupuncture (treatment of an organ by needle stimulation of points on the body).
    • Electroacupuncture (the principle is the same as described above, but the effect of current is added).
  • Phonophoresis(delivery of drugs into the body using ultrasound).
  • Electrophoresis(penetration of anti-inflammatory drugs into tissues using small electrical impulses from the device).

Myositis of the back muscles, as a rule, responds quickly to treatment and chronic stage rarely occurs. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, full course therapy and do not make mistakes when treating at home, there will be no complications.


To prevent inflammation in the back muscles, sudden changes in temperature should be avoided. environment, water and food, dress according to the season, strengthen your back muscle “corset” with regular physical exercise. When you first experience minor back pain, contact your GP to find out possible reasons until it develops into a full-fledged disease.

Some believe that the nerve in the back may be frozen, so the pain can be severe. In fact, this is not entirely true, pain (in the early stages) indicates irritation nerve endings. If inflammation of the nerve itself occurs (), then the symptoms will be different and the matter will not be limited to pain.


There is also a pain syndrome called myalgia. In this case, back pain appears as a result of the development of an inflammatory process. But such inflammation often occurs after hypothermia. Particularly at risk of encountering this pain syndrome those people who (due to official duties or for other reasons) are forced to spend a long time in the cold, in a draft or under a running air conditioner. When inflammation occurs, muscle fibers begin to put pressure on nerve endings, resulting in pain.

In this case, if a person has a cold in his back, the symptoms will be the most common - back pain, most often in the lower back. However, the pain may be different strength, intensity and character. But it is worth especially noting the fact that if the pain becomes unbearable, and various neurological symptoms(numbness, decreased sensitivity, etc.), then you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if your back muscles are cold?

Of course, the most natural human reaction in this case is to take a painkiller. But in fact, a person simply does not understand that analgesics in this situation only mask the pain without eliminating its cause. As a result, inflammation can develop further, and over time the pain will become so severe that no painkiller can cope with it. And the consequences for the spine may not be the best. So don’t rush into it; first, you should use other, old and proven methods. Let's figure out what to do if you have a cold back.


One of the oldest, and, at the same time, effective methods in such situations, when it comes to the fact that the back hurts as a result of hypothermia. Fortunately, now there is no need to turn to the old complex recipes, which are now difficult to collect and sell - in pharmacies there are more than enough different rubs, gels and creams with a variety of effects. In this case, you should pay attention to drugs that have not only an analgesic, but also a warming effect. There is no point in providing a list of drugs, since they need to be selected individually, because there is always a risk allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug. In addition, you must always remember that similar drugs Always apply only in accordance with the instructions and only on whole (without scratches, cuts or inflammation) skin. Otherwise, you risk getting an inflammatory reaction and burn instead of a warming effect.

Heat treatment

The natural reaction to hypothermia is to warm up cold muscles. This is, in principle, correct, since heat helps to quickly restore damaged tissue. It is heat that allows you to relax cramped muscles, reduce swelling and relieve inflammation, thereby restoring blood circulation and reducing pain. For similar procedures You can use a heating pad (electric or regular). A good option is also the use of a special pepper patch. Special belts, somewhat reminiscent of a bandage, also give an excellent effect - inside they are lined with insulation made from sheep or, therefore, they warm perfectly.

But in case of severe pain, such active methods rewarming should be handled with caution. If the cause of the pain turns out to be, then warming will only do harm. So in this case, it would not be a bad idea to consult a doctor.

P.S. In the video below you can see which heating pad, rubber or salt, warms your back better:

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free books: "TOP-7 harmful exercises morning exercises you should avoid" | “6 Rules for Effective and Safe Stretching”
  • Rehabilitation of knee and hip joints for arthrosis- free video recording of the webinar conducted by a physical therapy doctor and sports medicine- Alexandra Bonina
  • Free lessons on treating low back pain from a certified physical therapy doctor. This doctor developed unique system restoration of all parts of the spine and has already helped more than 2000 clients With various problems with your back and neck!
  • Do you want to know how to treat pinching? sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 necessary components nutrition for a healthy spine- in this report you will find out what it should be like daily diet so that you and your spine are always in healthy body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods treatment of lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

There is no medical term for “cold back”. But it is used with pleasure by the people to refer to any pain in the back muscles. The symptoms that are hidden under the harmless “cold” are very diverse - the pain is localized in different parts of the back, can be intense or not very intense, and can negatively affect motor functions.

Let's look at the main causes of back pain associated with staying in a draft and find out what to do to get rid of the discomfort.

Let's list the main situations that can make your back “cold”:

  1. Draft.
  2. Staying outside for long periods of time in wet weather.
  3. Active sweating when working in hot weather and sudden cooling (shower, wind) after exercise;
  4. Hardening procedures (dousing) without prior preparation.
  5. Sleep or long work under the air conditioner.
  6. Swimming in open water and swimming in the pool without time limits.

Even if a person has excellent health, drafts or hypothermia are just as undesirable for him as for sluggish and inactive people. However, there is a difference: if a healthy person has a cold in his back muscles, then he will recover much faster than a frail and sick person.

What does the symptom tell you?

If a patient has a “cold back”, the symptoms manifest themselves equally in men and women. They do not appear immediately, but after a night's sleep. Characterized by sharp pain in the thoracic region when turning the body, bending, it becomes difficult to breathe.

You should be very careful when providing first aid. If the patient is elderly or has a chronic heart or vascular disease, difficulty breathing may indicate an incipient angina attack. This is important to know in order to correctly differentiate the condition. If you have even the slightest doubt and don’t know what to do, seek help from a doctor.

Signs of back pain directly depend on which part of the nerve in the back the person has chilled. The expression, again, is not very accurate for medicine, but it reflects the essence of the pain mechanism. If the thoracic region has been exposed to stress and hypothermia, the pain will be girdling, spreading to the upper limbs.

When the nerve roots innervating the upper third of the thoracic region become inflamed, pain can radiate to the neck and back of the head, causing dizziness and other neurological symptoms.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

In cases where the main load falls on the lower back, the pain will prevent bending and free movement. In case of trouble lumbar region It is difficult for a person to go up or down stairs, put on shoes, or bend over. Lower back pain may not be strictly localized, but widespread throughout sacral region. In this case, even sitting on a chair is uncomfortable.

First aid must be competent

  • Sometimes lying on the floor is very effective. You need to lie on your back, relax, and try to “stretch” your spine as much as possible. The patient may need your help to get down and then get up from the floor. You need to lie down for at least 15 minutes. During this time, the muscles will have time to relax well, and the pain will begin to subside.
  • If home traction does not bring results, try to provide the patient with peace and a comfortable position. This is not necessarily strict bed rest, but it is not sitting at the computer either. You need to choose a position in such a way as to minimize the pain attack. The optimal position is a semi-lying position on a medium-hard surface. Sometimes it is more convenient for the patient to lie on his side, with his legs tucked under him - this is observed when the lumbar region becomes tense.
  • Warming. Any warmth can relieve spasms and relax muscles. The easiest way is to use one of the external medicinal preparations - capsicam, finalgon, viprosal. Be careful with these ointments - they cause quite strong burning sensation, so follow the recommended dosages. Apply the ointment in a thin layer, do not be too zealous with rubbing, as it can cause burns. To protect your own hands, use the applicator. And remember that after applying the ointment you should not visit a bathhouse or sauna; it will be impossible to stay there due to severe burning of the skin.

  • A bathhouse or sauna will help if you go there immediately after being in a draft. However, do not be a hero with temperature changes - you should not pour cold water on steamed skin, as men often like to do, since such manipulations can also contribute to pinching of nerve roots in the presence of osteochondrosis or other pathologies of the spine.

Use of medications

Any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor, this is an axiom. But if the symptoms are not pronounced, you are unlikely to go to the doctor. It is not popular in our society to go to the clinic for minor ailments. We won’t talk about mentality, but we’ll tell you how to treat cold back muscles.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

You can use the following medications on your own:

  • NSAIDs. These include movalis, diclofenac, ketorolac, indomethacin, ibuprofen. It is better to choose long-acting tablets that are taken once a day, since all non-steroids are highly irritating gastrointestinal tract. For example, for meloxicam maximum dose is 15 mg per dose, for diclofenac tablets it is 100 mg. Take them once and strictly after meals.
  • Painkillers. Classic analgin, baralgin copes well with painful attacks, however, they do not have such a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect as non-steroids.
  • Antispasmodics. No-spa, papaverine are used as complementary therapy if spasmodic pain is present.
  • Muscle relaxants. It is better not to take baclofen, sirdalud without a prescription. Firstly, a short-term course for these drugs is not considered; a specific regimen with increasing doses is required. And side unwanted effects enough.

We are not supporters of taking medications without a prescription. And we remind you once again that unreasonable and thoughtless taking of medications at your own discretion is fraught with complications. For example, non-steroids in the presence of a stomach ulcer can provoke bleeding, and allergies to drugs are also important. Be extremely careful with medications.

About what you don't know

A cold back is not always a temporary phenomenon. Often symptoms arise against the background of existing chronic diseases spine that you may not be aware of.

Here is a list of pathologies that can worsen after hypothermia:
  1. Osteochondrosis;
  2. Osteoarthritis;
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis;
  4. Spondyloarthrosis;
  5. Disc protrusion and herniation;
  6. Pathological kyphosis, lordosis and many other diseases.

Be attentive to yourself, do not stoically endure unnecessary stress, and always think before taking any pill. If a “cold back” bothers you not for the first time, and the pain does not go away within a day, go neurological examination and be treated correctly, that is, as prescribed by the doctor.

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant sensations of having a cold back. This condition causes severe discomfort, which significantly worsens the quality of life. You can fight it at home, but you need to take action right away - an advanced disease provokes complications.

Most often the culprit is sharp drop temperatures This usually happens in the summer, when people avoid the heat in every possible way. Physical activity on the street, a draft, running air conditioning, hypothermia - all this contributes to myositis - muscle inflammation. And in the cold season, the culprit is most often light clothing that does not cover the body well.

Blown lower back: symptoms

The main symptom is pain. It is provoked by muscle spasm and inflammation. This symptom has the following characteristics:

  • the pain is constant, aggravated by body movement (turning, stretching, bending, inhaling/exhaling, coughing, laughing, etc.);
  • may appear suddenly when moving. Then the patient takes a forced position, because it hurts him to return to his original position (for example, straightening up after bending);
  • does not go away after rest;
  • the character is aching, pulling, annoying, when moving - piercing;
  • usually not symmetrical;
  • increases with palpation. When palpated, nodules/dense cords and swelling are detected in the muscles.

Other symptoms of a cold back:

  1. Redness, itching, burning – sometimes appear in a sore spot;
  2. Increase in temperature - sometimes;
  3. Symptoms spread to the buttock and even to the entire leg on the affected side. This occurs with simultaneous inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine. In women, the uterine appendages may hurt on one side;
  4. Sometimes the stomach hurts, especially when urinating. The urge may also become more frequent. This happens when the inflammatory process spreads to organs. genitourinary system. It is worth noting that they are very sensitive to temperature changes. In women, the ovaries may become inflamed, as evidenced by pain in the lower abdomen.

In acute myositis there is muscle weakness, general malaise, increased fatigue. The patient has difficulty getting up, dressing, and walking. IN severe case, When physical activity very low, muscle atrophy occurs.

If you do not treat the disease, do not complete the course or choose it incorrectly, then there is a high probability of its transition to chronic form. The latter, as is known, occurs in periods of exacerbation and remission. Chronic course accompanied by constant weakness muscles and their atrophy.

It happens that acute myositis becomes purulent. This happens when a bacterial infection occurs.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • significant increase in temperature;
  • increasing pain intensity;
  • seal sore muscles;
  • constant muscle tension.

How to determine what has blown your back: diagnostics

The symptoms listed above are also common to many other diseases. Therefore, diagnosis should include several studies:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • antibody tests;
  • muscle biopsy;
  • electromyography;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.

The doctor determines necessary research individually, based on medical history and examination results.

How to treat when you have a cold back

Usually the disease can be cured at home. First of all, you need to visit a doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

  1. During the first days, ensure complete rest for your back and keep it warm;
  2. For the first 3 days, bed rest (on a hard surface) is recommended;
  3. Taking NSAIDs (eg “Dicloberl”, “Diclofenac”, “Revmoxicam”, “Indomethacin”, “Movalis”);
  4. You can quickly get rid of severe pain by taking painkillers (eg. “Spazmalgon”, “Analgin”, “Baralgin”, “Ketorol”);
  5. Apply warming creams and gels to the sore lower back (eg. “Capsicam”, “Voltaren”, “Slonz”, “Analgos”, “Finalgon”, “Apizartron”, “Nicoflex”). When choosing what to apply to your lower back, you need to read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. Doctors recommend using gels rather than ointments if the muscles of the lower back and thoracic back are affected. After treatment, wrap yourself in a scarf or put on a warming belt;
  6. Apply dry heat: bags of warm salt/sand, heating pads, wear a belt made of sheep/dog wool;
  7. If there are no contraindications, you can use pepper patch;
  8. Apply compresses from diluted alcohol/vodka;
  9. Do exercises to relax sore muscles (selected by your doctor);
  10. If you need to leave the house, dress strictly for the weather.

Attention! When doing warming procedures, you need to avoid the kidney area - they cannot be heated.

The doctor may recommend physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • reflexology;
  • massotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation of muscles.

Physiotherapy is prescribed only when the patient’s condition improves and he can visit the hospital.

For severe pain, novocaine blockades are prescribed - a mixture of novocaine and corticosteroid hormone is injected into the lower back.

Cold back during pregnancy: folk recipes

Herbal remedies can be used not only during pregnancy, but also supplemented with them drug treatment. In mild cases, you can get by with only these.

Dry salt compress

Best to use sea ​​salt without additives. It is heated in a frying pan and poured into a canvas bag. The latter should also be wrapped in cloth so as not to burn the skin. As the bag cools, the fabric is unwound.

Dry compresses increase blood flow and warm up well. After the compress you can do light massage sore area of ​​the back.

Warming up is best done if your back is cold thoracic region. Then the compress is placed between the shoulder blades.

Cabbage leaves

This plant effectively relieves pain and inflammation, therefore it is often used among people to treat a wide variety of ailments..

  1. You can apply a whole sheet, secure it with a bandage and leave it overnight. This method is safe even for women during pregnancy;
  2. Also, mixtures for rubbing are made from cabbage, for example, with horseradish, mustard and honey, but during the gestation period it is better to exclude them;
  3. During pregnancy, you can rub only with honey - the mixture is smeared on the affected area every evening, wrapped warmly and left overnight;
  4. You can simply coat a cabbage leaf with honey and apply it.

Pepper patch

This product warms up very effectively and improves blood flow. It can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. Modern patches contain painkillers, making their use more pleasant. Many patches have perforations, so they do not cause discomfort.

During pregnancy, when the lower back is blown, you need to be careful with the pepper plaster. Pregnant women should only use it in this area under the supervision of a doctor.

It appears unbearable strong pain, because of which it is impossible to straighten up, everything can end in serious complications. A person does not immediately suspect that pain in the back area occurs due to hypothermia. Most often this happens in the hot season.

Causes of back hypothermia

1. When a person for a long time works in the heat, the muscles warm up greatly, blood circulation improves, functionality in the muscles increases, metabolic processes accelerate.

2. Even with a small draft, cold air negatively affects the back, resulting in vascular spasm.

3. A person may become sharply worse after cold water, because of it my back gets cold.

4. Often a person blows his back in a room with air conditioning.

5. Back problems arise after a person leaves the heat for fresh air.

6. The main cause of hypothermia in the back is increased activity in muscles, increased blood circulation.

Symptoms after hypothermia of the back

When the back is exposed to cold air, a person experiences the following symptoms:

1. Unbearable pain when a person bends and straightens his back.

2. The person takes a certain pose.

3. There is a strong burning sensation in the lumbar area and itching may occur.

4. The skin takes on a bluish tint.

5. Pain in the buttocks and legs.

7. A woman’s menstrual cycle is disrupted.

May be observed individual symptoms or all at once, a person suddenly becomes worse, it all depends on the pathological condition.

First aid after a blown back

If the pathological process is mild, the pathology can be treated at home. In this situation, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Adhere to strict bed rest for several days.

2. Apply warming ointment Fastum-gel, Finalgon to the lumbar area for about a month.

3. Before going outside, you need to dress warmly in cold weather.

4. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use analgesics; they are prescribed by the attending doctor.

5. Cannot be taken hot bath, because of it the pain may become stronger.

6. It becomes easier to feel better after lubricating the lower back with anti-inflammatory ointment, it has an analgesic effect - Finalgon.

In some situations, severe muscle spasm may occur, which cannot be removed with anti-inflammatory drugs or ointment. In this situation it is necessary:

1. Apply warming ointment to the affected skin.

2. Go to bed and cover yourself warmly.

3. To improve blood circulation, a compress with alcohol is applied to the lumbar area, a bag of salt is applied, and the area is pre-warmed.

4. When you walk, be sure to wear a wool belt.

If all this does not help within a week, your doctor may prescribe an injection of muscle relaxants, which can help get rid of muscle spasms. Not all people can use these drugs; they can greatly reduce blood pressure.

Traditional methods of treatment for back pain

You can get rid of lower back pain using the following methods:

1. Make a warming one alcohol compress, it will help improve blood circulation, the tissues will begin to receive nutrients, which are necessary to relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

2. You need to apply a bandage with salt and mustard plasters to the painful area, the inflammatory focus will immediately resolve, this way you can get rid of the hematoma and swelling.

3. A combined compress containing horseradish, salt, honey, and mustard helps a lot; it has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. It must be used with extreme caution; the skin may be irritated and a serious allergy may occur.

4. When the skin is severely damaged and cracked, it is recommended to use bandages with antiseptics - Furacilin, Streptocide, and tie a warm scarf on top.

5. After the pain will go away, it is advised to perform a special set of exercises; in this situation, you need to pay attention to the condition of your back. If there is no pain, you can sign up for the pool. Swimming can improve the condition of the back muscles; regular physical activity will help protect against.

At home it is recommended to perform the complex therapeutic exercises, this is how you can get rid of back pain:

1. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet on the floor.

2. Bend your knees in different directions.

3. Press your back firmly to the floor.

4. The exercise is repeated about 35 times.

5. After classes you need to take cold and hot shower, do a little back massage.

It is forbidden to perform exercises if your back is cold and severe pain occurs. In case of muscle spasm, it takes time to recover. If self-treatment does not bring results, be sure to contact your doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications, will help you find out the cause of myalgia.

After you have a cold in your back, spinal diseases may occur along the way - osteochondrosis, hernia; in this situation, warming your back is contraindicated.

When a woman gets a cold in her lower back, this does not always mean pathological processes in back. Most likely, the disease could worsen reproductive organs- uterus, ovaries.

It is important to consult with your doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear. This way you will save yourself from complications that appear due to hypothermia.

So, if you have a nagging feeling, sharp pain in the dorsal region, which is constant, you cannot straighten your back, this indicates that you have been blown away. It is necessary to begin treatment immediately so that the process does not worsen. Use a warming ointment - Viprosal, Apizartron, Finalgon, with its help you can warm up the muscles and get rid of spasms. Be sure to make sure you are dressed appropriately for the weather and purchase a warming belt. If all of the above does not help, consult your doctor.

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