Choleretic herbs: list, application features, properties and reviews. About the benefits of herbal teas and herbal infusions: choleretic tea

Stagnation of bile ( cholestasis ) pathological condition, in which the secretion of bile or its movement along the biliary tract is disrupted. Cholestasis occurs due to various reasons: poor nutrition(abuse of fatty, high-calorie foods), frequent use alcoholic drinks, sedentary lifestyle life, etc. In the absence of treatment, problems arise in the functioning of the liver, and liver failure develops. Osteoporosis and fragility may develop bone tissue and frequent bleeding.

Treatment of cholestasis with herbal remedies can be aimed at four main actions:

  1. Relaxation of the muscles of the biliary tract;
  2. Changes in the composition of bile;
  3. Toning the gallbladder muscles;
  4. Increased fluid flow into the intestines.

All plants for decoction of choleretic tea can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. It should be understood that choleretic tea cannot be the main treatment, but is used only as a aid to the main therapy.

Popular choleretic herbs

Sandy immortelle

The plant contains a large number of vitamins, essential oils, fatty acids, mineral salts and flavonoid glycosides.

Sandy immortelle is a natural remedy for any inflammation.

Preparation: Pour 15 grams of raw material with water (250 ml). Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat, stirring, for 20 - 40 minutes. Close the lid and leave for half an hour. Take 2 times a day before the first meal and the last.

Common barberry

Preparation: 15 gr. Pour dry leaves cold water(200 ml), bring to a boil and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes. Leave for about one hour, then pass through a sieve. Apply 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.


Used in folk medicine corn silk. Their composition is rich essential oil, saponins, chlorophylls, vitamins and ascorbic acid. The decoction is used for urolithiasis, hepatitis. For the treatment of bile stagnation, corn is the best herbal medicine.
Preparation: pour 20 grams of raw material with water, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour. Then strain the broth and cool. Take 1/4 cup 3 hours before meals.

Birch buds

Preparation: Pour 1 teaspoon of dry buds with boiling water (a glass), leave for 1 - 2 hours, strain. Divide the resulting decoction into 3 equal parts and consume one before meals throughout the day. The course lasts 1.5 months.


  • Lingonberry leaf – 1 tablespoon.
  • Chamomile – 1 tablespoon.
  • Immortelle – 2 tablespoons.
  • Knotweed – 2 tablespoons.

Mix all ingredients, pour boiling water (0.5 l.), leave for a couple of hours and drink ½ glass 2 times a day before breakfast and dinner.

Symptoms of bile stagnation:

  • Skin itching.
  • Discoloration of stool.
  • The urine becomes dark.
  • Intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea).
  • Pain in the area of ​​the right ribs.
  • Heartburn, dry mouth.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness and general weakness.
  • Bitter taste in mouth in the morning.

For bile stagnation, herbal medicine is safe natural method treatment. Use can significantly speed up the healing process.

Before using any herbal medicines, it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor and undergo ultrasound examination and make sure there are no stones in gallbladder!

Pharmacy ready-made choleretic agents

Phytohepatol— herbal tea in filter bags. Used in the treatment of digestive organs (diseases of the liver and gallbladder). Phytohepatol No. 2 and No. 3 They differ slightly in composition, but the effect on the body is almost the same. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial agent, stimulates work immune system and prevents gallbladder diseases. It is recommended by specialists for slagging in the body, promotes the removal of bile, acts as an antispasmodic, has a beneficial effect on digestion and normalizes appetite. The active ingredients of phytohepatol are absolutely natural, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. Use according to instructions.

Phytocollection 2

The collection is made from coriander, yarrow, mint and immortelle. Tones the muscles of the biliary tract, relieves inflammation.

Phytocollection 3

Ingredients include chamomile, tansy, peppermint leaves and calendula. The action is similar to the previous ones.


  • Pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Individual intolerance to certain herbs.
  • Pregnancy (only on the recommendations of a specialist).

More more information in this video:

Instructions for use:

Choleretic collection is a collection of plants that help with diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder.

pharmachologic effect

Choleretic herbal collection promotes the removal of bile, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms, restores intestinal motility and improves appetite. There are three collections of different compositions, which include plants with similar effects.

Collection No. 1 includes mint and trifoliate leaves, coriander fruits, and immortelle flowers.

Mint is known for its sedative effect, but the herb is also effective for cholelithiasis– it helps remove stones. It is also known that the bitterness of mint stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

Trefoil trefoil is also called water trefoil; it stimulates digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Coriander seeds have a choleretic and analgesic effect.

Immortelle is traditionally used for pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. The flowers of the plant relieve inflammation and spasms, relieve pain, increase the tone of the gallbladder, liver, affect the viscosity of bile and its chemical composition, reduce cholesterol and bilirubin levels.

The composition of choleretic collection No. 2 includes yarrow herb, mint, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers (on the packaging of the collection it is often indicated as sandy cumin).

Yarrow ethnoscience traditionally recommends use for gallbladder diseases. The herb helps reduce inflammation, relieves spasms and improves bile excretion.

Collection for removing bile No. 3 includes tansy, calendula and chamomile flowers, mint leaves, and yarrow herb.

Tansy is included in the collection because has a choleretic, antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation. Chamomile also promotes the removal of bile, relieves spasms, and has a sedative effect.

Release form

Choleretic mixtures No. 1, 2, 3 are produced in the form of crushed plant materials in cardboard packages and in filter bags for one-time use.

Indications for use

The preparations are prescribed to be taken for chronic reactive hepatitis; chronic cholecystitisacute inflammation gallbladder; at poor appetite and digestive disorders; biliary dyskinesia; cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts infectious nature; attacks of nausea; postcholecystectomy syndrome - a condition in which the sphincter of Oddi is disrupted and, as a result, the patency of bile and pancreatic juice deteriorates.

Mode of application

Collection No. 1 is brewed as follows: 1 tablespoon of chopped medicinal raw materials poured hot water(200 ml), heat for 15 minutes, leave for at least 45 minutes. Before use, it is advisable to strain the broth and then bring it to boiled water up to 200 ml. Take the collection 300 ml per day in 3 divided doses half an hour before meals. Therapy, judging by the reviews of choleretic collection No. 1, is recommended to continue for 2-4 weeks to obtain an effect.

It is advisable to shake the broth before use; it is not recommended to store it for more than two days.

Collection No. 2 is brewed in the same way as collection No. 1. Adults are recommended to drink it in 3 doses half an hour before meals - only 1.5 glasses per day. Children are recommended to give no more than 150 ml per day, in three divided doses.

Two filter bags with choleretic collection contain 200 ml of boiling water: pour them in and leave for 15 minutes. Take the decoction in the same way as the one prepared from medicinal raw materials.

For cooking herbal decoction from collection No. 3, one or two disposable bags are filled with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take the product 1.5-3 glasses. It is also not recommended to store ready-made decoctions from collections No. 2 and 3 for longer than two days.

In most cases, herbal collections No. 2, 3 for removing bile are also recommended to be taken for 2-4 weeks, but consultation with a doctor is required.

Side effects

There are reviews of choleretic preparations indicating that they can cause heartburn and allergies.


Not recommended for use choleretic fees with allergies to plants that are part of them and with cholelithiasis - a disease in which there are stones in the bile ducts and bladder that prevent the flow of bile into the intestines.

Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed bile removal fees in exceptional cases.

Since ancient times, people with any ailments turned to Mother Nature, to her healing power, using herbal teas that have wonderful effects on our body. Herbal remedies, help a person strengthen immunity, normalize blood pressure, get rid of belching, heartburn. Often, for diseases of the biliary tract (cholecystitis, dyskinesia, cholelithiasis), special herbal teas are used that help restore motility biliary tract and gallbladder, cleanse the liver, prevent the risk of obesity. These are the so-called herbal choleretic teas.

Chinese sages claim that such infusions support our vital energy, increase performance. They also cleanse the body of unnecessary “junk”, and at the same time saturate useful components. IN Lately herbal teas are becoming very popular, and therefore their range has become much more diverse. And now they can be found not only in pharmacies, but also in stores. Meanwhile, do not think that they are as harmless as we think at first glance! Therefore, when you are prescribed a herbal infusion, you should not confuse it with regular drinks. Each of them has both medicinal positive properties, as well as contraindications and even side effects.

The list of choleretic herbs from which choleretic teas are usually prepared includes: dandelion, cetraria, barberry, chamomile, burdock, yarrow, immortelle flowers, tansy, calendula; dog-rose fruit; currant leaves and fruits, chicory roots.

The roots and rhizomes of angelica officinalis increase the secretion of bile; corn silk, which not only increases the secretion of bile, but also reduces its viscosity; peppermint is used to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the bile ducts; in chronic cholecystitis, cumin has a tonic effect.

Depending on the form and stage of the disease, the composition of the herbal tea collection depends. With absence inflammatory signs, for frequent pain in the right hypochondrium, we can recommend the following recipes.

1. For cholelithiasis

To calculate, take a tablespoon. It is necessary to grind and mix three spoons of cumin flowers, two spoons of rhubarb (root), 5 spoons of yarrow. Take one spoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (one glass), leave, cool, filter and drink.

2. For cholecystitis

For this drink, we need to crush and mix thoroughly: 3 tsp. trefoil (water), 4 tsp. immortelle (flowers), 1 tsp. coriander (fruit), 2 tsp. peppermint. Pour half a liter of boiling water over 45 grams. healing collection. It should be boiled for 10-15 minutes and strained. Take 0.5 tbsp. spoons, 15-20 minutes before lunch, 3 times a day.

3. Choleretic tea

Brew in a faience teapot, 100 ml. water - 10 gr. corn silks, 15 gr. toadflax grass, sandy immortelle flowers. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Tea is ready.

4. Tea with St. John's wort

To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort (flowers) and buckthorn (bark), 3 tbsp. spoons of knotweed, 4 tbsp. spoons of immortelle, 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile. Everything needs to be ground into cereal powder and then mixed well. Take a tablespoon (with top), pour in 100 ml of water, leave to brew for 10-11 hours, then boil for another 4 minutes. Take one hour after meals. Half a glass for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

5. Menthol

Collection: take 2 tsp. mint leaves, coriander fruits, add 4 tsp. immortelle and 3 tsp. tripoli leaves. From the herb collection, crushed and mixed together, take 2 tsp. and pour 200 gr. boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Take 3 times before meals, 1/3 cup each.

6. Tonic, choleretic and diuretic th

We combine 4 parts of mint and rose hips, 2 parts of birch leaves, 1 part of kidney tea herb. The collection should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, left for 5 hours, and boiled over fire for 5 minutes. We accept healing tea three times a day, before meals, 100 mg.

On a note

1. Herbal teas, sweetened with sugar, jam, honey to preserve its healing qualities.
2. Herbal tea can be drunk with jam, fruit, candied fruits, dried fruits.
3. A single dose should not exceed 150-200 grams, a daily dose should not exceed 0.5 liters, it should be taken no more than 3-4 times a day.

Since choleretic teas improve digestion processes and thereby normalize work gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically use them as a preventive measure.

The editors of the website and I want to warn you against becoming too keen on herbal teas, so as not to harm your health. Although they belong to the category of tea, they are still medicinal! And this is not the same as tea for daily drinking... As you know, any medicine must be used after consultation with a doctor. You need to take it in courses and in moderate doses!

The main function of the gallbladder is to secrete bile. However, when it is not produced in sufficient quantities or cannot be excreted digestive system, need to be accepted choleretic herbs. An experienced doctor should make the appointment, because different herbal preparations are selected for each disease.

What herbs are choleretic?

Many medicinal herbs have a corresponding effect. There is no exact list, but for convenience they are grouped according to the principle of action on the body:

  1. Increased tone. The muscles of the gallbladder and liver contract under the influence of the herbal mixture, and bile is evacuated into the intestines. Such formulations are not suitable for patients with gallstones - there is a risk of blockage.
  2. Liquefaction. Herbs promote the accumulation of water in the body, can dilute bile, help it exit naturally.
  3. Improving the composition of bile. This collection simultaneously improves the composition of bile and ensures production and timely outflow. It contains useful acids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins. As a result, the gallbladder and liver begin to function fully.
  4. Antispasmodic property. A decoction of herbs has an analgesic effect, the muscles of the organ relax, and the volume of bile excreted through the intestines increases.

For each group there is choleretic drugs plant origin which help produce bile. Some of the products have contraindications for use, so it is recommended to undergo examination before taking them. This will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis, determine additional methods therapy and choose a collection of choleretic herbs to treat the disease.

Choleretic herbs - list

Many herbs used as folk choleretic agents, are well known to everyone. They grow in all regions of our country. Here is a list of choleretic herbs:

  • mountain arnica;
  • sand immortelle;
  • elecampane tall;
  • calamus root;
  • Potentilla gossamer;
  • stinging nettle;
  • corn silk;
  • common dandelion;
  • milk thistle;
  • tansy;
  • greater celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • peppermint;
  • yarrow.

Leaves and fruits of some trees and shrubs - birch, barberry, rose hips - have a similar effect. The availability of plants allows you to buy choleretic preparations in a pharmacy or make them at home. Each has its own period, but generally they can be collected from the beginning of June to the end of August. Dry on flat surface in the shade, avoiding sun rays.

Choleretic fees

Plants are used individually for treatment, but cholekinetic compositions consisting of several components are more often used. They are selected based on many years of research. Popular choleretic herbs (or phytohepatols) include:

  • No. 1. Contains: immortelle - 4 parts, peppermint, coriander seeds, trifoliate - 2 parts each. Suitable for the treatment of cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis.
  • No. 2. Contains: immortelle – 40%, mint, yarrow, dandelion – 20% each. Used to stimulate the outflow of bile after gall bladder surgery.
  • No. 3. The drug contains: tansy – 8%, calendula, mint, yarrow – 23% each. Prescribed when chronic cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.

Use 2-3 times/day, ½ cup of infusion 20-30 minutes before meals. Advantage pharmaceutical drugs is that they are inexpensive, sold in bags, have instructions with detailed description composition and contraindications. At home, herbs are measured by eye. To prepare, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. collect 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour.

Choleretic herbs for bile stagnation

If the outflow of bile is poor, it cannot enter the ducts, the person feels pain in the right side near the ribs, and a bitter taste in the mouth. If treatment is not started in time, gallstones will form. There are known choleretic herbs that are excellent for helping with bile stagnation:

  1. Common dandelion. Provides anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Use a decoction of the roots. Contraindicated for: large gallstones, colitis, gastritis and hemorrhoids.
  2. Corn silk. Help prevent stagnation of bile at the very beginning of the disease. Cannot be used in the presence of stones, varicose veins veins, pregnancy, thrombosis.
  3. Birch leaves. Helps gently relieve spasms, inflammation, and relax the bile ducts. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy.

Choleretic herbs for gallstones

Once calculi or stones are detected, treatment should be chosen more carefully. You should not take diuretics, which will provoke the movement of formations along the biliary tract and damage them. The doctor will tell you which collections of choleretic herbs are suitable for gallstones. Infusions that are more effective than others are:

  1. Calamus marsh. Combines with immortelle and St. John's wort. Contraindicated in pregnant women suffering from nosebleeds.
  2. Wormwood. A decoction and alcohol tincture of wormwood will do. Can be used with horsetail. It is forbidden to use in patients with thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers, and excess weight.
  3. Peppermint. Helps reduce the size of the stone or dissolve it. Added to mixtures with lemon balm and chamomile. Contraindications: hypertension, breastfeeding, allergy to the plant.

Choleretic herbs after gallbladder removal

Surgery to remove the gallbladder, or cholecystectomy, is performed when the organ does not respond to medication. After the procedure, the patient must follow diet No. 5. To prevent stagnation of bile in the ducts, it is recommended to take the following choleretic herbs when the gallbladder is removed:

  1. Corn silk.
  2. knotweed or bird knotweed. Prevents recurrent stone formation, acts as a strong antiseptic. Do not use during pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, illnesses Bladder and kidneys.
  3. Milk thistle improves liver function. Diseases for which it should not be used: liver, renal colic, diarrhea, pancreatitis, individual intolerance.

Choleretic herbs for cholecystitis

Suitable infusions of the same plants that are used for stagnation of bile and pharmaceutical preparations number one and three. In addition, other choleretic herbs will help with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder): immortelle, calendula, sage, wormwood, chamomile, oats. The main condition when choosing plants for medicinal composition– their antispasmodic and antiseptic effects.

Choleretic herbs for biliary dyskinesia

During this disease, the motor function gallbladder and ducts. The doctor prescribes choleretic herbs for biliary dyskinesia:

  1. Horseradish. Use alcohol tincture fresh leaves.
  2. Angelica officinalis. Brings quick results together with mint leaves, sage, caraway fruits.
  3. Choleretic tea. Take 1 part lemon balm, 2 parts mint, buckthorn bark, immortelle flowers, 5-6 parts rose hips. Take with 1 tsp. honey

Choleretic herbs for inflected gallbladder

The bending of the gallbladder occurs as a result of inflammation. The bile can no longer be discharged as before. Therefore, you need to take the following choleretic herbs when the gallbladder is bent:

  • fennel;
  • chamomile;
  • gentian;
  • phytohepatol No. 3.

Choleretic for children

For diseases associated with the excretion of bile in a child, a different strategy is used. Children's body reacts more sharply to incorrect treatment, so you need to select the drug together with your pediatrician. Contraindication for use is age under 12 years. The dosage is chosen to be half that of an adult. Recommended choleretic herbs for children:

  • knotweed;
  • dandelion;
  • juniper fruits;
  • pharmaceutical camomile.

Herbal choleretic tablets

All types of herbal choleretic tablets combine the combined action of a choleretic agent, which helps stimulate the formation of bile, and a cholekinetic agent, which promotes its excretion. More often than others, doctors prescribe natural remedies:

  • Allohol;
  • Flamin;
  • Tanacehol;
  • Choleritin.

Video: herbs for the liver and gallbladder


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Herbal medicine how healing method widely used in many areas of medicine. Application medicinal herbs often included in the general therapeutic complex for treatment various diseases. Choleretic tea is no exception.

Choleretic tea contains medicinal herbs, active substances which help normalize the activity of the gallbladder and liver

What is choleretic tea?

Choleretic tea is a drink that has a healing effect on the gallbladder and liver. This is a decoction or infusion based on medicinal herbs containing special biological active compounds, purposefully acting on these organs.

It has the following properties:

  • increases the flow of bile;
  • increases appetite;
  • prevents stagnation and the formation of stones;
  • improves the functional activity of organs;
  • normalizes digestive processes;
  • helps restore intestinal motility;
  • eliminates spasms;
  • reduces inflammatory reactions.

Moreover, some of the plants that are components of choleretic tea have an antibacterial effect, anthelmintic and others. It can be taken both for treatment, strictly according to the regimen, and periodically as a prophylactic agent.

In order for the drink to really have the desired effect, you should follow simple rules:

  • In parallel with drinking tea, you must adhere to therapeutic diet No. 5, which involves the complete exclusion of fast food, fatty and smoked foods, baked goods, sauces, alcohol and others;
  • a single dosage of the drink is no more than 200 ml, and the daily volume is no more than 500 ml;
  • the daily dosage should be divided into 3-4 times;
  • choleretic tea is taken half an hour before meals;
  • before taking the drink, shake it;
  • You can store the prepared decoction (infusion) for no more than two days in the refrigerator.

Attention! You should drink choleretic tea after prior consultation with a specialist.

Pharmacy fees to improve gallbladder function

At the pharmacy you can buy choleretic preparations, released under numbers 1, 2 and 3. They differ slightly in composition and effect. These teas are produced in disposable bags, as well as in weight form in cardboard packages. Collection number one includes: immortelle, mint, coriander, trefoil. Composition No. 2 includes: immortelle, mint, coriander, yarrow. Tea number three consists of the following components: mint, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, tansy.

Properties of plants - components of pharmaceutical tea

It is on the properties of the medicinal ingredients of each collection that their effect on the body depends.

The familiar mint plant not only has a sedative effect, but also activates the activity of the gallbladder.

  • Mint. Helps eliminate congestion in the bladder. Activates the activity of the liver.
  • Three-leaf watch. Stimulates the digestive process of the entire gastrointestinal tract, activating the secretion of bile, gastric juice and enzymes. Effectively eliminates inflammation.
  • Coriander. Activates the secretion of bile. Has an analgesic effect.
  • Immortelle. Restores organ activity and activates digestion. Helps with colitis and difficulties with bowel movements. Reduces the viscosity of bile, tones the muscular wall of the gallbladder.
  • Yarrow. Stops inflammatory process, activates the outflow of bile. Eliminates spasms.
  • Tansy. Has choleretic and antimicrobial effect. Increases the acidity of gastric juice. Eliminates the inflammatory process.
  • Chamomile. Eliminates spasms and has a choleretic effect. Has sedative properties.

What do they help with?

Choleretic pharmaceutical preparations No. 1, 2 and 3 have the following indications for use:

  • acute and chronic cholecystitis;
  • infectious inflammatory process in the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi;
  • nausea;
  • reactive hepatitis in chronic form;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • digestive disorders and others.

Choleretic preparations are also indicated for the prevention of liver and gallbladder disorders.

How to use

Regimen for choleretic drugs pharmacy fees almost the same. For a glass of boiling water, take one or two tablespoons of raw materials or 1-2 sachets. After the herbs are poured, they are heated for about a quarter of an hour and then infused for 45-60 minutes. The resulting infusion must be filtered, add more water to a volume of 200 ml. Take according to doctor's instructions.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that the preparations contain “herbs”, this is medicine, which has its own contraindications and side effects. The first include cholelithiasis and allergies to tea components. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in childhood You can drink choleretic drinks only with the permission of your doctor.

Important! If you decide to take choleretic tea for prevention, be sure to do a preliminary ultrasound. If there are stones in the gallbladder and its ducts, the outflow of bile will become impossible, which can lead to serious consequences.

Among side effects Reactions from the gastrointestinal tract or allergic manifestations are possible.

Is it possible to prepare choleretic tea yourself?

At home, you can also make a collection, which you can use as needed as a choleretic tea. You can buy herbs for it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The composition should be selected very carefully, since medicinal plants, affecting the gallbladder, are divided into two groups.

When independently selecting components for choleretic tea, you need to take into account that not all plants have the same effect on the gallbladder

The first group is choleretics. These herbs help increase bile secretion. They cannot be used for gallstones, as well as for weak duct patency. The use of choleretics is justified, for example, for cholecystitis and constipation. These include:

  • immortelle;
  • tansy;
  • elecampane;
  • corn silk;
  • centaury;
  • yarrow;
  • mint;
  • dandelion.

The second group of medicinal herbs is represented by cholekinetics. Their active compounds promote contraction of the gallbladder walls, which leads to the release of bile. They are also contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis, gastritis with increased acidity and liver diseases in acute form. This:

  • calendula;
  • Melissa;
  • smoker;
  • rose hip;
  • hawthorn;
  • caraway and dill;
  • chicory;
  • barberry;
  • cornflower.

Therefore, when making your own herbal infusions for choleretic tea, pay attention to the properties of plants in relation to the gallbladder.

Below are several drink options for gallbladder congestion.

Warning! The information presented in this article is not a guide to action. Before using it, consult your doctor.

  • The collection includes in equal proportions: fireweed, chamomile, watch, celandine. To prepare tea, you need to pour boiling water (0.2 l) into a tablespoon of the mixture. Leave for an hour. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • To prepare this collection you will need 4 parts of immortelle, two parts each of coriander (flowers) and mint and one part fireweed. For brewing 1 tbsp. l. the mixture needs 400 ml of boiling water. Take it before meals, half a glass three times a day.
  • Take corn silk, immortelle and flaxseed in a ratio of 2:3:3, brew in 0.5 cups of boiling water. Insist. Drink before meals.
  • For this collection, you need to take St. John's wort, buckthorn, knotweed, chamomile, and immortelle in the ratio 1:1:3:2:4. Leave a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water for 2-3 hours. You need to drink tea after meals, half a glass three times a day.

Important! When using such fees, be sure to consider accompanying illnesses and individual sensitivity, especially if the plant is not familiar to you.

For diseases of the gallbladder and liver, choleretic tea is taken for a long time, in courses. The duration of one course can be up to 3 months or more. In the vast majority of cases, patients note a significant improvement in their well-being, and doctors note positive changes in the dynamics of the disease. However, this is only possible with a competent approach to herbal treatment.

You can learn more recipes for choleretic tea from the video:

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