Asterisk in liquid form for treatment. Golden star balm - official instructions for use

The Golden Star or Star balm from the Vietnamese company Danafa has been known for decades, and even if someone hasn’t used it, everyone knows the look and smell. The balm is available in various forms, in the form of ointment, pencil and liquid solution. This balm helps against many diseases as it contains natural oils. It is used in official and folk medicine. The star is valued for the fact that it helps relieve inflammation and pain.

How to use Zvezdochka balm

Composition of the Sprocket

The basis of this balm essential oils and extracts medicinal herbs, This:

  • camphor laurel oil,
  • cinnamon stems and shoots,
  • eucalyptus,
  • carnation flowers,
  • peppermint And
  • menthol.

In addition, the composition contains: paraffin, anhydrous lanolin, petroleum jelly and Vaseline oil, beeswax, crystal menthol.

All types of Star are manufactured using special technology, which guarantees good penetration through the skin into the body and speeds up the healing process. In any form, the composition of the balm does not change.

  • Camphor laurel oil has an antiseptic effect, disinfects and fights viruses in the body.
  • The oil of cinnamon stems and shoots helps stimulate blood circulation, which is important for colds and neuralgia; it also irritates the skin, relieves pain in joints and muscles, warms, helps with chills, and relieves intoxication.
  • Clove flower oil is natural antiseptic.
  • Peppermint oil has an antiseptic and analgesic effect on the body, softens painful condition for flu, colds, runny nose, problems with respiratory tract, with weakness, nausea, headache.
  • Eucalyptus oil has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating effect. nerve endings and receptors of mucous membranes, helps with runny nose and headaches.
  • Menthol helps with a runny nose, cough, headache and pharyngitis.
  • To enhance the effect of the balm, formic acid is added to its composition, which acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent, and stimulates natural immunity, warms.

In what form is it released?

The balm in any form is characterized by red packaging with a red star.

Balm Zvezdochka is available in the form of an ointment, an inhalation pencil, and a liquid solution. At home of this release miracle cure“Zvezdochka” is produced in the form of a cosmetic cooling patch, nasal drops, cold powders, and syrup.

In the form of an ointment, Zvezdochka is available in a tin jar, 4 grams each. medicinal product. The ointment has a solid yellow structure that melts when it comes into contact with the skin.

The inhalation pencil is available in a plastic tube with a cap, weighing 1.3 grams of the drug. Balm (in liquid form) for external use is available in a bottle weighing 5 milliliters.

The bottle is placed in a cardboard package. Must be included with any form detailed instructions.

The shelf life of the ointment and balm is 4 years. In pencil form the term is 5 years. Any of the drugs should be stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature up to +25 degrees.

Useful properties, for which diseases to use

Most often this balm is used for runny nose, colds, sore throat, cough, headache and seasickness, various inflammatory processes.

The asterisk helps with toothache, headaches, radiculitis, insect bites, increased fatigue, pain in the joints, with corns on the feet.

When a cold or flu occurs, Zvezdochka eases the course of the disease. It can be used to prevent these diseases.

For diseases of the joints, spine, muscles after sprains, injuries, the balm easily relieves pain from the problem area.

In case of burns in contact with poisonous plants, jellyfish, insect bites, Zvezdochka relieves inflammation, pain and accelerates the healing process.

The balm is used in the form of hot inhalations for colds, runny nose, throat diseases, and dry cough. An inhalation pencil helps against runny nose and colds.

For allergic reactions, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood up to 2 years and for inflammation of the skin, the drug cannot be used.

After using the balm, be sure to wash your hands, as if it gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, it causes irritation.

The balm can be applied over upper lip, on the chin, on the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, temples, back of the head, brow ridges, back, stomach, chest, legs and feet.

When you inhale a pencil, ointment, or liquid solution, breathing becomes easier and mucus is removed.

The balm should not be applied into the nasal passages!


The balm is not used in case of allergic reactions to its constituent components. If a person experiences irritation, tearing, or inflammation, the drug should be discontinued.

There is no need to apply a large amount of balm, as this can lead to tissue burns. When burning and severe redness the problem area is washed with water.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, this drug is used only after a doctor's prescription and with extreme caution.

In children under 2 years of age, the balm should not be used; under 5 years of age, it should be used with caution. If there is any inflammation on the skin, this drug should not be used.

At wet cough, bronchopneumonia, atelectasis, the balm cannot be used.

How to open the balm

Many lovers of this medicine were simply exhausted when opening the jar, but with skill they found several effective ways.

You need to pinch the bottom of the jar with your fingers, with the other hand the lid moves back and forth and gently lifts.

The lid of the ointment can be pryed off with a thin knife blade.

You can also roll the balm on the table; the lid opens automatically as you roll it. In any case, you need to be patient, since this action does not happen quickly.

Use for diseases

Before applying the balm, the problem area should be washed and only then applied medicinal drug. When applying the drug to individual acupuncture points, the effect is enhanced.

The balm is applied and massaged clockwise until slight redness forms. The balm can be used several times a day.

Hot inhalations can be done with severe runny nose and dry cough. At wet cough inhalation is not done, as it can be harmful. In addition, inhalation helps people working in hazardous industries. During this procedure, the bronchi are cleared of heavy metals and toxic substances.

The pencil allows you to avoid the use of nasal drops and does not cause dry mucous membranes, which is inevitable when using almost any drops. It even makes it easier chronic rhinitis and when used 10 times a day helps to cure this disease completely.

When you have a runny nose or cough, apply balm to your feet, rub your back, rear end neck and chest. After rubbing, you need to put on warm clothes and lie down in bed under a blanket for an hour.

For headaches, rub into the temples, back of the head, bridge of the nose, and behind the ears. Relief comes after 7 minutes.

For toothache, the medicine is rubbed into the cheek near the sore tooth or earlobes.

For various pains and sprains, rub the balm on the sore spot. The heated area is wrapped in a towel or sheet.

For burns and bites, the ointment is applied directly to the affected area.

Open wounds cannot be treated with this drug!

For calluses and swelling on the feet, apply the balm to warm skin after taking a bath.

When tired and depressed state You can simply breathe in the balm (you can use an aroma lamp). At the same time, the nerves will relax and calm down.

For seasickness or other manifestations of nausea, the asterisk is applied to the temples and the back of the head.

How to carry out inhalation?

Inhalation with the help of balm allows you to speed up the process of treating diseases such as colds, runny nose, cough, and sore throat.

Inhalation can be done in several ways, these are: hot inhalation, steam inhaler and inhalation using an aroma lamp.

For inhalation the balm is taken:

  • capacity,
  • liter of boiling water,
  • towel,
  • spoon of sea salt.

Pours into a bowl hot water, pour in salt, add a small piece of pencil in the shape of a pea or a little ointment, a few drops of liquid balm.

The face is bent over the container, the head is covered with a towel. You need to breathe for about 15 minutes. When inhaled, steam should not burn, as this will cause more harm than good.

Another way. A little balm is placed in a saucer, a little soda is added, and this mixture is poured with boiling water. You need to breathe over the saucer.

If you have eucalyptus leaves, you can take 10 pieces, brew them, and after boiling add balm. The saucepan is removed from the heat and you can breathe, covering your head with a cloth or towel.

With this inhalation, the bronchi are well cleaned and a runny nose goes away.

For a cold, you can take a spoonful of eucalyptus, coltsfoot, chamomile, thyme, linden, sage, boil for three minutes and leave. The decoction is filtered and used instead of tea, and the herbs are poured with boiling water (1 liter), boiled for 2 minutes, a little balm is added and you can breathe.

Instead of this method, you can use a steam inhaler. The solution is created similarly to the previous method, only by reducing the dosage. Inhalations by any method are done twice a day. They can alternate with a massage using a balm.

Instead of inhalation, you can use an aroma lamp and liquid solution Stars. This aroma lamp can be used before bed. A liquid solution is poured into the lamp and the candle is lit. If you have a pencil, you can also use that. To do this, take a pea of ​​the drug with the addition of any essential oil, for example, calendula or chamomile.

Video about the benefits and use of Vietnamese Asterisk

Balm Zvezdochka has been saving people from many diseases for many years. With some precautions, it can help a lot of people who are being treated and traditional methods and with standard medications.

Balm Zvezdochka (ointment) - detailed instructions for use, what it helps with, composition, analogues and reviews

According to official WHO statistics, about 7 billion people on planet Earth suffer from at least 2 colds every year. The usual diagnosis of ARVI actually hides about 280 viruses, and therefore the corresponding infections remain poorly studied even in the realities of the 21st century.

It turns out that Zvezdochka balm is still relevant today. The peculiarities of the action of this medication, indications for its use, instructions for use, as well as possible side effects will be discussed further.

Description of the drug

The once forgotten medicine is again in demand among mass buyers. Our parents and grandparents remember this product well with its distinct characteristic odor. Today, people are more interested than ever in purchasing medicines at natural basis, to which the Golden Star balm belongs.

Inexperienced people have a logical question: where to put the asterisk. Doctors recommend treating the area with balm maxillary sinuses and mucous membranes of the nose, temples and back of the head.

It's about good things antiseptic. Asterisk – effective drug for symptomatic therapy various ailments. The medicine contains a wide range of beneficial essential oils and natural ingredients.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The pharmaceutical agent in question is a representative of locally irritating drugs intended to combat ARVI and ease breathing. The undeniable advantage of this product is the naturalness of the components used. The medication is suitable for both treatment and prevention of the above-mentioned diseases.

pharmachologic effect

The annotation for the Zvezdochka balm states that the medicine quickly overcomes the epithelial layer and penetrates into deep structures dermis. Mechanism pharmacological action, despite its simplicity, is very effective.

Benefits of ointment:

Before using the composition, it is important to consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the underlying ailment.

Release form and composition

The product in question is sold in characteristic secondary packaging made of durable red cardboard. Liniment is in a small metal jar with a volume of 4 grams. The ointment has a uniform homogeneous consistency yellow color. Once applied to the surface of the skin, it melts.

There are other forms of medicine on the market:

Liquid balm is available in 5 ml bottles. Each metal bottle is placed in a cardboard box with an insert.

Composition of balm Zvezdochka:

  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus twig extract;
  • essence of carnation flowers;
  • camphor;
  • Chinese cinnamon;
  • racementol.

The listed ingredients are supplemented with paraffin, beeswax, anhydrous lanolin and medical petroleum jelly. Minor components increase the intensity of drug absorption, increase its thickness and plasticity.

Storage conditions and periods

According to the official instructions, it is recommended to store Zvezdochka gel at temperatures up to +25 °C and a relative humidity in the room of no more than 75%. In sealed packaging, the product is stored for up to 48 months. It is recommended to store inhalation pencils under the same conditions, but not longer than 60 months. If the pronounced smell, texture, consistency or shade changes, use of the medication is strictly prohibited.

Instructions for use

The medication in question is a universal drug. To achieve maximum therapeutic effectiveness, doctors recommend applying the medicine to acupuncture points.

Instructions for using Zvezdochka balm:

  1. It is necessary to rub not a large number of balm into the surface of the epithelial layer.
  2. The medicine is rubbed into the problem area with gentle massaging movements until characteristic redness dermis.
  3. The dosage is determined in individually for every patient.
  4. Frequency of treatment – ​​up to 3 times a day.

It is strictly forbidden to treat painful areas with large amounts of medication, as this may cause burns. If the patient feels strong burning sensation After applying the medicine, it is washed off with plenty of cold water.

Indications and contraindications

The key purpose of the liniment in question is the prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI, colds and associated complications. However, the matter does not end there.

Indications for use of Zvezdochka balm:

Experts say that the drug is suitable for the treatment of rhinitis and the prevention of influenza. It is important to consult with your doctor before using the medicine.

Contraindications for use:

To eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions, it is important to first apply a small amount of medication to the problem area. If no side effects occur, you can safely use the medication.

Directions for use and doses

Depending on the nature, location and severity of the disease process, Zvezdochka balm is applied in a certain way. Let's take a closer look at common methods of applying pharmaceuticals.

Methods of using the ointment:

  1. For headaches, the composition helps if the thick consistency is gently rubbed into the area behind the ears, the bridge of the nose, the back of the head and temples. Improvement in well-being is recorded after 7-10 minutes.
  2. To treat a cough and runny nose, it is recommended to rub the balm on the back, legs (especially feet), chest and posterior region neck. After completing the procedure, wrap the treated area with a warm blanket or blanket. The product makes the patient feel better after 40-60 minutes.
  3. Get rid of toothache in a simple way: 1-2 g of the composition is rubbed into the earlobes and outside cheeks near the problem area.
  4. Stretch area and muscle pain also treated with a small amount of ointment. The heated area must be covered with a sheet or warm terry towel.

It is safest to consult a doctor before treating a problem area. It is likely that the pain is only a symptom of a more serious illness.

Side effects and special instructions

Despite natural composition Zvezdochka balm, in some patients it can provoke the development or manifestation of side effects. In 95% of cases we are talking about rapid reactions of allergic etiology:

  • local itching;
  • local irritation;
  • epithelial peeling;
  • erythema;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • hives.

Before using the medicine for children, it is important to consult with a pediatrician and find out at what age it is safe to smear the nose with Zvezdochka. This medication may cause breathing problems in children.

Special instructions:

  1. It is important to avoid contact of the medication with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, oral cavity, and open wounds on the skin.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to rub a pharmaceutical agent into the epithelial layer, especially when it comes to children.

In case of adverse reactions, you must stop using the medication.

Pregnancy and lactation

Vietnamese (as well as its Chinese analogue) Zvezdochka balm is prohibited from being used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The components of the drug penetrate the tissue and can enter the main bloodstream, which can be dangerous for the fetus in the womb.

Use in childhood

The medication in question is prohibited from treating problem areas in children under 36 months of age. Patients at this age are at high risk of developing breathing problems. There is still a possibility of developing allergic reactions. Consultation with a pediatrician is required. Zvezdochka ointment is contraindicated for children.

Prices and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Vietnamese balm “Golden Star” is sold in pharmacies freely, without a prescription. This is not surprising, since we are talking about a well-known and very popular medicine. Public availability also affected the cost of the medicine. The cost of a small metal jar in Moscow varies from 93 to 150 rubles.


Some pharmacy chains do not stock the medication in question. In this case, you should take a closer look at analogues of Zvezdochka balm. The following drugs deserve special attention:

Almost all of the above analogues are available to the average buyer, and their cost does not exceed 250 rubles (with the exception of Irikar).


Among all the products that my parents used, I remember the “Zvezdochka” ointment for its rather specific smell and excellent effectiveness. As soon as I coughed or sneezed, my mother immediately smeared this drug on my nose. I have never suffered from inflammation of the nasopharynx, and I can quickly get rid of headaches with the help of the balm. My medicine cabinet has always had a place for this wonderful medicine since childhood.

Star balm - secrets of use


B alsam asterisk is a medicine that everyone remembers from childhood. Initially it was very popular, but gradually its popularity began to subside, mainly because all its capabilities were not sufficiently explored. Currently, Vietnamese star balm has become popular again because all its possibilities have been revealed. Asterisk balm has a fairly wide range of uses; it can be used for a variety of diseases, from influenza to osteochondrosis, the main thing is to do it correctly. In order to receive maximum benefit Before using the balm, you need to read the instructions for use of the star balm.

Composition of star balm:

Clove flower oil

Cinnamon oil

Brown oil

Peppermint oil

Eucalyptus oil

Depending on the release form, the balm also contains additional ingredients, as petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly, paraffin, anhydrous lanolin, camphor. Forms of release of Vietnamese star balm: ointment, liquid balm, pencil for inhalation. Therapeutic effect achieved due to the substances contained in essential oils. The main properties of the balm: analgesic, local irritant, antiseptic, local vasodilation. Thanks to these properties, the balm has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, relaxing and calming effect on the body.

Star balm is used in combination therapy taking into account contraindications and side effects. Basic side effects This is the likelihood of allergic reactions. In case of allergic reaction the skin must be cleansed of the drug using warm water. It is not recommended to use the balm for hypersensitivity, skin diseases and damage. skin, it is also unacceptable for the balm to come into contact with the mucous membrane. Apply the balm, applying it in a thin layer and lightly rubbing into the skin. The area to apply the balm depends on the specific ailment for which it is used.

Diseases for which Vietnamese star balm is used:

Inhalations with star balm are very simple. You can take a little balm and dissolve it in 0.5 warm water, and then inhale the steam. One drop of balm or a grain of ointment the size of a pin's head is enough. Can be done massotherapy using star balm, a massage that has a warming and relaxing effect. Massage with star balm has a beneficial effect on nervous system, useful for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. Using the balm for massage while playing sports helps speed up recovery after exercise.

Vietnamese star balm and treatment for children

The balm is not recommended for use by children under two years of age. Accordingly, some sources do not recommend using the balm for children under 5 years of age. In any case, it is important to use the balm with special care when treating children, since children have more sensitive skin, also high content essential oils can be harmful to health.

Use Vietnamese star balm correctly and enjoy its benefits! Health to you!

The famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health. Without health there is no happiness! Only complete physical and mental well-being determine human health, help us successfully cope with illnesses, adversities, and be active. social life, reproduce offspring, achieve your goals. Human health is the key to a happy full life. Only a person who is healthy in all respects can be truly happy and capable ofto fully experience the fullness and diversity of life, to experience the joy of communicating with the world.

They talk about cholesterol so unflatteringly that they are just right to scare children. Do not think that this is a poison that only does what destroys the body. Of course, it can be harmful and even dangerous to health. However, in some cases, cholesterol turns out to be extremely necessary for our body.

The legendary balm “star” appeared in Soviet pharmacies in the 70s of the last century. It was in many ways an irreplaceable, effective and affordable drug. “Star” tried to treat everything in the world: acute respiratory infections, insect bites, and pain of various origins.

Language is important organ a person who not only can talk incessantly, but can talk about a lot without saying anything. And I have something to tell him, especially about health.Despite its small size, the tongue performs a number of vital functions.

Over the past few decades, the prevalence allergic diseases(AZ) received epidemic status. According to the latest data, more than 600 million people worldwide suffer from allergic rhinitis(AR), approximately 25% of them are in Europe.

For many people, there is an equal sign between a bathhouse and a sauna. And very few of those who realize that the difference exists can clearly explain what this difference is. Having examined this issue in more detail, we can say that there is a significant difference between these pairs.

Late autumn, early spring, periods of thaw in winter are a period of frequent colds for both adults and children. From year to year the situation repeats itself: one family member falls ill and, like a chain, respiratory disease follows. viral infection they endure everything.

In some popular medical weeklies you can read odes to lard. It turns out that it has the same properties as olive oil, and therefore you can use it without any reservations. At the same time, many argue that you can help the body “cleanse” only by fasting.

In the 21st century, thanks to vaccination, the prevalence infectious diseases. According to WHO, vaccination prevents two to three million deaths per year! But, despite the obvious benefits, immunization is shrouded in many myths, which are actively discussed in the media and in society in general.

Zvezdochka balm is one of the most popular medical products since the times of the USSR. It first appeared in pharmacies back in 1982 and immediately gained a high level of popularity. This fact is determined by the effectiveness and sufficient versatility of the medical product.

general description

Asterisk is a famous balm originally from Vietnam. Experienced and even novice Vietnamese doctors use this medical product in the treatment of numerous diseases. However, one of the basic principles is to apply the balm only to active points of the human body, called acupuncture points. For each disease there are various combinations points.

The sprocket is ideal for symptomatic treatment various diseases. This is facilitated by a natural composition that includes various beneficial oils.

Can it be given to children?

The balm can be used for children after 2 - 3 years of age. It is advisable to consult a doctor and clarify the advisability of using the medication, since children are initially more vulnerable to the active components of various drugs.

Indications for use

Asterisk balm is considered a symptomatic remedy. In most cases it is used for the following complaints:

  • Flu.
  • Dizziness.
  • Colds.
  • Severe runny nose.
  • Consequences of insect bites.

In addition, the manufacturer has provided the possibility of using a special pencil for inhalation.

In this case, the drug has antiseptic properties, making it an ideal complement complex therapy, recommended for rhinitis. Effectiveness observed with initial presence discomfort, which are evidence of the development of a cold or acute respiratory infection.

Forms of release of the drug

Currently, Zvezdochka is available in three forms:

  • Ointment.
  • Pencil for inhalation.
  • Medicinal solution.

The most popular drug is Zvezdochka, produced in the form natural ointment. This remedy Sold in small aluminum cans weighing 4 - 5 grams. The balm has a solid structure, yellowish color, but upon contact with skin, the melting process begins. The drug has a specific smell that not everyone likes.

Instructions for use

The treatment regimen with Zvezdochka is carried out according to the same scheme, since the balm is designed only for external use. The only difference in the treatment of children and adults is the frequency of use, which is also determined by the specific course of the disease.

For this reason, it is advisable to have an individual consultation with a doctor and decide on the optimal treatment regimen. Particular caution is recommended when treating children.

The balm is applied to certain areas taking into account the existing complaint:

  • Headache – temples and back of head.
  • Colds – back and chest.
  • Runny nose - wings of the nose.
  • Insect bite – affected area.

The ointment may only be applied in a thin layer.

It is also possible to use a medicinal pencil for inhalation. The procedure is carried out 10 - 15 times a day. At one time, you are allowed to take only a couple of breaths, which is determined by high level effectiveness of the drug Zvezdochka.


Composition includes herbal ingredients, therefore the remedy is considered completely natural.

  1. Camphor oil. A particularly beneficial effect is observed in the treatment of pimples and pustules. In this regard, the drug Zvezdochka is often recommended for those with oily and porous skin.
  2. Eucalyptus oil guarantees effective treatment acne, herpes, furunculosis.
  3. Peppermint oil helps improve skin turgor, thereby eliminating allergy symptoms. Also, the vapors of this component reduce nausea and dizziness.
  4. Clove oil has a specific aroma that repels insects.
  5. Cinnamon oil exhibits an antimycotic effect that promotes effective fight with fungi on the skin.

In addition to the above components, one can note the presence of petroleum jelly, beeswax, and menthol. Such substances help to enhance positive properties Asterisks, providing a local cooling and analgesic effect.

Side effects

In children younger age are noted increased risks when treating with Zvezdochka, as a result of which additional caution is recommended. There is a risk of developing apnea and collapse when applying the ointment to the wings of the nose. At the same time, camphor content can lead to headaches, dizziness and convulsions.

In adults, the greatest risk is associated with bronchospastic reactions and allergies.


Despite its natural composition, Zvezdochka balm still has its contraindications. This is due to potential sensitivity to the active components.

Main contraindications:

  • Age up to 2 – 3 years, depending on the characteristics of the child’s body.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Presence of individual intolerance to components.

Ideally, a consultation with a specialist is provided to determine the need to use the Asterisk for medicinal purposes.


Nowadays, the following analogues of Zvezdochka balm are found:

  • Eagle (colds and insect bites).
  • Iricar (skin inflammation, eczema, neurodermatitis).
  • Menovazan and Menovazin (arthralgia, dermatoses, neuralgia).

Analogs can only be prescribed by a doctor as a replacement for Zvezdochka.

Essential oils are actively used to treat colds. Their successful combination is the Vietnamese balm “Golden Star”, which in everyday life is simply called “star” for colds. Consumers have long been familiar with round tin containers with a volume of 4 g - the ointment is offered in this form. Now the balm is also available as a pencil for inhalation and in liquid form.

What causes the effect?

As part of the "Golden Star":

  1. Essential oils of Chinese cinnamon, mint, eucalyptus.
  2. Clove oil.
  3. Beeswax.
  4. Camphor.
  5. Lanolin.
  6. Crystalline menthol.
  7. Petrolatum.
  8. Vaseline oil.

Active components plant origin Zvezdochka balm is safe for health.

Camphor and menthol are well-known antiseptics, effective due to their irritating and analgesic effects. Clove, cinnamon and eucalyptus oils are also good antiseptics. Eucalyptus oil is also antibacterial and antiviral effect. Peppermint essential oil dilates capillaries, slightly reduces arterial pressure, relieves inflammation. Find out why a sore in the nose does not go away for a long time.

The combination of substances has an irritating effect, plus a distracting effect. A drug good antiseptic, with an antibacterial and even slightly anti-inflammatory effect.

Star balm is used externally only!

In what form is the balm available?

“Star” is available in the following forms: ointment, pencil and liquid balm. In composition, they differ in the concentration of oils and the content of excipients.

The ointment is recognized by many by its small round tin jars. The product is quite dense and solid in structure, but quickly melts on the skin or when heated.

Forms of release of the drug.

The composition of the inhalation pencil is slightly different from the ointment: it also contains menthol, camphor, essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, cloves, and cinnamon. And only one auxiliary element is liquid paraffin.

Liquid balm contains the same components as the product in other forms, only liquid paraffin ( auxiliary element) it contains several times less.

Are there any signs of a cold? Use the balm!

A cold is always accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and sore throat. The Vietnamese “star” fights well against these manifestations. Most often, consumers use ointment and pencil. This is justified by the ease of storage and use. We recommend that you read about what to do if your ear is blocked due to a runny nose.

We treat with a Vietnamese remedy

A small amount of the contents of the jar should be applied to the area chest, lightly massaging the skin. It is also effective to rub it a little (until a feeling of warmth) on your back between the shoulder blades and at the base of the neck.

The balm has a warming effect, like a compress: this will liquefy the mucus and make it easier to expectorate.

After a couple of minutes, the patient will feel warmth and even a slight burning sensation at the application sites. When essential oils evaporate, they make breathing easier. The procedure will be effective if you lie down in bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket.

The balm is also suitable for aroma lamps. Inhaling essential incense - effective prevention respiratory diseases.

“Star” for a runny nose (the place where/where you need to smear/smear it)

For rhinitis, the “star” should be applied to the wings of the nose and between the eyebrows. But you can use the product in this way only 2 times a day to avoid skin irritation, dryness, peeling, and itching.

Do not apply the “star” to the mucous membranes of the nose, it can cause burns!

An inhalation pencil is effective and convenient for a runny nose. It can be used up to 15 times a day. Application is simple: insert a pencil into the nasal passage (one at a time) and calmly inhale 1-2 times.

Treatment/use of ointment for headaches

A cold is often accompanied by a headache. And here, too, an invariable assistant is the “star” balm.

You can treat with inhalations

For colds, inhalations with an asterisk - effective method how to treat: in boiling water (1 liter), stir 1 tablespoon of salt and throw in a little Thai balm (enough amount - about the size of cherry pit). Lean over the steam, covering your head with a towel, close your eyes and breathe for 10 minutes.

The procedure is not performed if you have a strong cough!

When should the balm/medicine not be used?


  1. Allergy to any of the constituent components.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Individual intolerance.
  5. Damage to the skin (rash, irritation, wounds, inflamed acne) should also be avoided and should not be applied to them.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Bronchial asthma.

In addition, do not apply to moles, birthmarks. Do not use in children under 2 years of age. Not recommended for nursing women.

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Pregnancy is also among the contraindications. But many doctors recommend that pregnant women use balm for colds. But you need to use it very carefully, to the expectant mother you need to listen to your feelings and not overdo it! Pregnant women may have increased sensitivity to essential oils.

It is especially important for pregnant women to conduct an allergy test before use. An allergy may appear, although before the “statement” there was no bad reaction to the balm! Apply a little of the product to your wrist and make sure it does not cause itching or redness.

Side effects from the drug, it is important to apply/use/apply/use/smear correctly

The Vietnamese “star” is completely safe only when correct use, it is important to be treated correctly! Side effects extremely rare, but can happen:

  • in case of overdose, peeling and itching will appear on the skin;
  • in case of contact with mucous membranes, there may be swelling of the membrane;
  • If you apply too much balm to your skin, it may cause a burn.

The average cost of the drug in a round “puck” weighing 4 grams is 100 rubles.

The golden star or simply the asterisk for a runny nose has been used for a long time, but in last years this medicine has become undeservedly forgotten.

But it is highly safe and effective, which makes the drug an excellent assistant in the fight against rhinitis, sinusitis and other similar diseases.

Description of the drug: medicinal properties and action

Gold Star is registered medicine, this means that it has undergone many tests and has proven its effectiveness and safety. The drug is available in four dosage forms:

  1. ointment (balm) - a creamy product packaged in small flat tin jars;
  2. liquid balm;
  3. spray.

Therefore, you can choose a product that will be convenient to use in every special case. But whatever the form of release, healing effect the medicine is due to the presence of essential oils in it:

  • carnation flowers;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • laurel;
  • leaves, shoots and stems of Chinese cinnamon.

These oils are widely used in medicine as they have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Also, depending on its form, the composition of the product may include auxiliary substances such as petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly, beeswax, lanolin or paraffin.

But levomenthol and camphor give the medicine a specific, incomparable smell. Their presence determines the main effect of the drug, that is, local irritation. This explains his high efficiency against nasal congestion.

Indications for use: when is the medicine prescribed?

Traditionally, the Vietnamese Asterisk is used for colds, that is, for any respiratory diseases and flu. But it is only a remedy that eliminates symptoms and does not affect the course of the disease.

For severe infections, especially bacterial ones, rely on full recovery It’s not worth it just by using a balm.

In addition to acute respiratory infections, the drug can be used for:

  1. headaches;
  2. dizziness;
  3. insect bites.

But the medicine can be used not only in therapeutic purposes, but also for prevention. For example, you can gently lubricate the area above your upper lip during the day and your chest at night.

Essential oils, evaporating, will rise to the top and enter the nose, providing a slight antiseptic effect.
Source: website


Since the drug is based on natural essential oils, individual intolerance to any of its components may be a contraindication to its use. It is also not used to treat children under 2 years of age or in the presence of skin diseases.

It is extremely important to avoid contact with mucous membranes, especially the nose and eyes, as well as open wounds.
Its use should be stopped immediately if, after application, signs of an allergic reaction appear on the treated area of ​​skin, that is:

  1. redness;
  2. swelling, etc.

To avoid the development of allergies, it is worth testing the tolerability of the drug before the first use.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the inner bend of the elbow and evaluate the reaction immediately and after half an hour. If there are no visible changes, you can continue to use the balm.

Balm Zvezdochka for a runny nose: instructions for use

There are several ways to treat a runny nose with Asterisk:

Steam inhalations. The Golden Star liquid balm for the nose is optimal for the procedure. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of boiling water. l. salt and 2-4 drops of medicine. The patient bends over a container with liquid and covers himself with a towel.

You should breathe in the same way as always, avoiding deep breaths. The duration of one inhalation is 15–20 minutes, and they are carried out in the morning and evening.

If there is a need to inhale children, for example, for a cold,

This will minimize the risk of burns, but in this case it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations on how to use a specific device.

Important to remember

Any inhalations, including those containing balm, are contraindicated at fever.

Rubbing. Manipulation is usually performed using ointment. It can be applied to the back, feet or chest. It is important not only to rub the skin well with the product, but also to keep it warm for at least an hour.

Therefore, after the procedure, be sure to put woolen socks on your feet and go to bed under a warm blanket. That is, it is better to carry out rubbing at night.

At the same time, massaging your legs, you should Special attention devote thumbs, since they contain a large amount of biologically active points responsible for the functioning of the nose. Spot application. Ointment is best suited for the procedure. And in order to recover as quickly as possible, the instructions recommend combining it with steam inhalations. Aromatherapy. Essential oils evaporate easily when heated. Once in the air, they neutralize the viruses and bacteria contained in it, thereby reducing the risk of infecting other people.

But the patient himself inhales air rich in healing vapors, which has a beneficial effect on his condition and helps him recover. A drop of liquid balm is usually added to the aroma lamp.

Since the medicine is based on highly volatile essential oils, it must be packaged in tightly sealed jars. This, accordingly, causes difficulties when opening them.

It is worth noting

To remove the cover from tin can you can try rolling it edgewise on the table, twist it left and right, but the easiest way is to pry it off with a knife with a thin blade.

Where and how to apply Zvezdochka for a runny nose

Acupressure is the easiest way to use Zvezdochka ointment. To do this you need:

  1. apply the product to active points;
  2. lightly press on the skin;
  3. rub the ointment in a circular motion for 1–3 minutes.
Where to apply the balm depends on the location of the inflammation, that is, on the type of disease that has arisen. Standard application points are:
  • wings of the nose;
  • whiskey;
  • earlobes;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • chin;
  • dimple above the upper lip.

Pay special attention to where to apply the product, since Zvezdochka medicine is not injected directly into the nose against a runny nose. Contact with mucous membranes can cause irritation and even tissue burns.

If everything is done correctly and regularly, the disease will quickly recede and normal nasal breathing will recover within a few days.

However, if self-medication does not give positive results for a week or longer to avoid complications.

Asterisk during pregnancy from a runny nose

In general, the medicine is highly safe and theoretically cannot harm a pregnant woman if she is not allergic to the components of the product, bronchial asthma and other severe pathologies.

But it’s worth deciding whether pregnant women can use it to fight rhinitis together with a therapist, since there are studies on the safety of using the Golden Star by expectant mothers

At breastfeeding You can use the balm. The main thing is to wash your hands thoroughly after application so that it does not get on the baby’s skin. After all, in babies it is very delicate, so even a small amount of the product can provoke severe irritation and burn.

Asterisk nasal spray and drops: how to use?

The active ingredient of Asterisk NOZ is xylometazoline hydrochloride, which is a vasoconstrictor. Therefore, this spray is a complete analogue of such popular drugs as:

  • Eucazoline;
  • Xylobene;
  • Otrivin;
  • Tizin Xylo;
  • Nazik;
  • etc.

The drug can be used for various diseases accompanied by nasal congestion, in particular, rhinitis, otitis and sinusitis of any origin.

Because it provokes a constriction of the vessels of the mucous membrane and thereby eliminates swelling and congestion provoked by it. It is administered into each nasal passage 1-2 injections three times a day.

You can only be treated with this medication for 5–7 days.

If this period is exceeded addiction may develop And drug-induced rhinitis, that is blood vessels will stop contracting on their own and to eliminate the swelling will require the introduction of new, constantly increasing doses of xylometazoline.


The instructions prohibit the use of Zvezdochka spray or drops during pregnancy, lactation and children under 6 years of age.

It is also recommended to stop using the product if an allergic reaction occurs and develops, manifested by lacrimation, burning in the nose, sneezing attacks, etc.

Sometimes the use of the medicine is accompanied by the development of side effects:

  • tachycardia;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • visual impairment.

Asterisk for sinusitis: how effective? Instructions

With sinusitis there is a pronounced inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinuses nose (sinuses).

Since they are located close meninges, treatment of the pathology must be carried out by an otolaryngologist, especially if a child requires it.


Self-medication can provoke the progression of the disease and the development of complications, such as brain abscess, meningitis, etc.

The balm, like the Zvezdochka spray, can be used to combat this disease. The method of their use is the same as described above. Rubbing the chest at night helps especially well with sinusitis.

This helps to facilitate nasal breathing during sleep, normalize the outflow of contents from inflamed sinuses and eliminate headaches.

But if rubbing is allowed without prior consultation with an ENT specialist, whether it is possible to smear the nose with an asterisk must be discussed with a doctor, since this procedure is one of the warming ones.

In acute purulent process local heat can cause sharp deterioration conditions and progression of the disease.

Sometimes you can find recommendations to apply a thin layer of balm to the mucous membranes of the nose. This is strictly forbidden, as this will lead to tissue burns and will bring absolutely no benefit.
It is also impossible to use Zvezdochka NOZ spray for sinusitis for more than 5–7 days, despite the traditionally long course of the pathology.

But in any case, treatment of sinusitis should be carried out only in strict accordance with the instructions of the treating ENT specialist.

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