Aconite cure for cancer recipe. Examples from the practice of traditional healers. Useful poison or medicine

The plant fighter (monkshood) also has other names: king-grass, wolf-killer, lumbago-grass. All its types (about 50) contain toxic substances in high concentration. But thanks healing properties these plants are used in small doses in pharmacology and folk medicine. Preparations, decoctions and infusions based on the fighter are used for dermatitis, kidney pathologies and infectious diseases. There are contraindications.

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    Botanical description

    There are many legends associated with aconite. Since ancient times, the plant has been enveloped in a magical aura. The Greeks and Chinese dipped the tips of arrows in the juice of the wrestler and used the plant to scare away wolves. Since then it has been nicknamed wolf root. The plant is completely poisonous. The degree of concentration of poison in the plant depends on the age and location of growth. In the south, aconite is poisonous, in the northern parts it can be fed to livestock. Wild species of the wrestler plant are often found in the mountainous regions of Europe, the Caucasus, and central Russia. IN Russian Federation Some species of aconite have been cultivated. Wild bushes are found in wastelands, abandoned villages and landfills.

    In appearance, it is a beautiful flowering perennial, the height of which reaches 2 m. The stems are erect, slightly branched. The leaves of aconite are dark green, velvety, palmate. The leaves are lobe-shaped and attached to the stem using petioles. Leaf veins are clearly visible. The flowers of the plant have irregular shape, look like inverted bells, vaguely reminiscent of lupine. They are collected in inflorescences, but there are single specimens. The calyx is corolla-shaped and has 5 petals. The color of the petals varies from pale to deep purple. Flowering is abundant and long lasting (about 2 months). The rhizome is developed, mainly in the form of tubers.

    The plant bears fruit. The fruits are multi-leafed. When growing a plant at home, after 5–7 years of growth, aconite becomes non-toxic.

    Chemical composition

    IN chemical composition Aconite contains two types of alkaloids:

    • aconitine (poisonous alkaloids);
    • atizine (volatile poisonous alkaloids).

    Other components in the plant:

    • Sahara;
    • pseudoacotinine;
    • daucosterol;
    • saponins;
    • mesoisonidol;
    • resins;
    • coumarins;
    • flavonoids;
    • starch;
    • inositol;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • tannins.

    Types of aconite

    Aconite has several subspecies. The most famous of them are presented in the table:

    Name Description Photo
    Dzungarian (Altai)Grows in the northern regions. It is considered one of the most poisonous varieties of fighter. Used for preventive and therapeutic purposes, in minimal doses
    CurlyIt has flowers of various colors: red, white or light purple. Grown in gardens
    FisherOften found in forests and meadows of Kamchatka. The maximum concentration of poison is observed in the rhizome. Used in homeopathy
    Bearded (wolf)Grass with long root, ornamental garden plant. Widely used in folk medicine
    ArcuateThanks to the climbing stem of aconite arcuate, gardeners build hedges. Grows in the shade, not poisonous

    Collection and procurement of raw materials

    The plant produces toxic substances to the air. Poisonous vapors of aconite easily penetrate the body through skin covering. Its collection and preparation must be carried out with gloves, and the face must be covered with a mask. All parts of the plant are collected: aboveground and underground.

    Harvesting roots begins at the end of summer and ends in mid-autumn. It is recommended to dig up the rhizomes, clear them of soil and wash them thoroughly. It is necessary to dry aconite roots in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 65–70 degrees. The finished raw materials must be placed in linen bags. It should be stored in a well-ventilated room to avoid poisoning.

    The collection of borer leaves begins before flowering, in mid-summer. It is during this period that the maximum concentration is observed useful substances in the plant. It is necessary to select whole, undamaged inflorescences and leaves. Weeds and parts of other herbs should be thrown away. It is recommended to completely dry the leaves in the shade, package them in glass containers and store for no more than 2 years.

    Medicinal properties and indications for use

    A decoction of the root of the wrestler is an effective painkiller that is used for headaches and toothaches, rheumatism, sciatica, gout, and neuralgia.

    Homeopathic tinctures based on the plant have an anti-inflammatory effect and help reduce fever during colds.

    Preparations containing aconite stimulate work of cardio-vascular system, improve blood circulation, reduce arterial pressure, regulate breathing rate.

    Alcohol tinctures and ointments based on wrestler are used for the speedy healing of wounds and ulcers, and the treatment of furunculosis.

    The plant extract is used in gynecology, as well as for:

    • laryngitis;
    • pharyngitis;
    • measles;
    • cystitis;
    • scarlet fever;
    • hypertension;
    • cardiac neurosis;
    • angina pectoris;
    • arrhythmias;
    • tachycardia;
    • furunculosis.

    In addition, aconite extract is used in the composition complex therapy for a number of oncological pathologies. Indications for use of the plant for cancer:

    • stomach tumors;
    • pulmonary neoplasms;
    • skin cancer;
    • thyroid tumor;
    • neoplasms in the spine;
    • prostate cancer;
    • cervical cancer.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Preparations based on aconite have a number of contraindications. These include:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • hypertension;
    • age restrictions (up to 18 years).
    • menthol;
    • citric and raspberry acids;
    • alcohol;
    • caffeine;
    • nicotine;
    • glucose.

    In case of overdose, the following side effects may occur:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • rapid pulse;
    • dizziness;
    • fainting.

    Children and teenagers medications and tinctures based on aconite are contraindicated due to incompletely formed immunity.

    Pharmacy drugs

    Pharmacological enterprises use aconite extract to produce medicines. The following drugs are available in pharmacies:

    Name Description Photo
    Aconite-plusHomeopathic remedy in granules. Used for colds
    OncolanAlcohol tincture based on aconite root. Used to prevent the growth of malignant tumors
    Djungarian aconitaLiquid biostimulator, used for cancer of any degree
    Wolfsbane FighterSolution used in treatment oncological diseases
    SandraHomeopathic sublingual tablets have a strengthening and anti-cold effect
    Oncolan (ointment)Anti-tumor ointment, anti-cancer agent, used to treat thyroid diseases

    Pharmacy drugs are not medicines, they are considered auxiliary homeopathic medicines, relieving symptoms associated with the disease. They should be used strictly according to the instructions.

    Medicinal properties plants allow pharmaceutical drugs relieve pain from cancer. Taking medications for children is strictly prohibited.

    Fighter in folk medicine

    Traditional medicine does not recognize aconite as medicine, it is used as auxiliary component. However, the plant has found its use in folk medicine. Recipes based on wrestler:

    1. 1. Alcohol tincture for ulcers. No more than 2.5 g of dried, pre-crushed root of the wrestler plant should be poured with 100 ml of vodka, put in a cool place dark place and let it brew for 14 days. The product is used externally. Soak a cotton swab in the alcohol tincture and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin.
    2. 2. Water tincture for dental, headache, neuralgic pain. 10 g of dry ground roots must be poured into 1.5 liters boiled water and simmer the liquid for 2 hours over low heat. Allow the tincture to cool, strain and take no more than 5-7 drops 2 times a day.
    3. 3. Ointment for radiculitis. Pour the crushed root of the plant (5 g) into a container with 200 ml olive oil. Mix thoroughly and heat in a water bath for no more than 30 minutes. Directions for use: Apply a small amount of cooled ointment to the affected areas and rub in with light circular movements.

    After external use of fighter-based products, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap, it is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

REVIEWS: 20 Category: ,

Who was able to cure cancer with tincture of hemlock or Djungarian aconite? How did you tolerate the treatment, what regimens did you use? Who used Tishchenko’s technique to treat cancer with hemlock? How often were plant poisons changed in the treatment of oncology?

Read reviews from recovered and sick people, but before using recipes, discuss them with your doctor!

20 comments on “Forum: Aconite and hemlock in the treatment of cancer”

    I have soft tissue sarcoma, metastases to the lungs. I drink hemlock, and as the dose of hemlock tincture increases, the hemoptysis intensifies

    I also have soft tissue sarcoma, I was operated on twice, I underwent radiation and chemotherapy, I tried treatment using the Shevchenko method, but it didn’t help either. Now I drink hemlock, 3 times a day, 50 drops. It relieves pain very well, thank God.

    The tumor was first discovered when I was 30 years old after giving birth, infection, and breast mastopathy, and then worse. At the oncology center they insisted on an operation immediately, she took chemotherapy, but without results, I came across an article “hemlock for cancer from 1-40-1”, insisted on flower umbrellas and, while relaxing in a sanatorium, asked until 16 and back, after the examination there was simply no deterioration, I drank it after a month full course. The doctor said there is no need for surgery
    For several years I took two courses a year. Then there was an ovarian cyst, fibromyoma. 10 years old, 8 beads were found on the fast-growing thyroid gland. I drank hemlocks, they didn't grow. Stopped, three years without changes. Now I’m having problems with the liver and intestines and I’m starting to drink hemlock tincture again. I’m 60. One note, I try to drink during fasting, when I eat. herbal products, maybe this is not so important...

    I've read a lot about aconite treating cancer. About 50 species of aconite grow in our country, and all of them are poisonous, and varying degrees toxicity. Djungarian aconite is often used to treat cancer. It grows in Central Asia. Aconite (northern) is also harvested in Altai, but reviews of the results of treating cancer with Djungarian aconite are more impressive. The dry root of this plant is used for treatment. Aconite tincture is made at 2%: 20 g of root per 1000 ml of 40% alcohol.
    Hemlock is many times less poisonous than aconite. But it is easier to assemble, easier to make a tincture, and easier to control its strength. Hemlock grows everywhere, you just need to know it. For tincture, the above-ground part is used. fresh. Fill the jar loosely with small leaves and flowers to the top and fill it with alcohol. The most poisonous tincture is prepared from unripe seed pods. They immediately go to the collection site with a can of alcohol and immediately throw the collected boxes there. All healing essential oils and the poisons remain completely in the tincture. This tincture is much more effective than tincture from leaves.
    When you buy a ready-made hemlock tincture to treat cancer, you cannot know what part of the plant it is made from and how poisonous and healing it is. Therefore, Tishchenko’s method of treating cancer with hemlock is very general; you need to select your dose.

    How to take Djungarian aconite to treat cancer, since it is so poisonous? Should the dose be less than hemlock? How many drops of tincture at a time and how many times a day?

    Hemlock is usually taken at " royal scheme" It is often confused with the Tishchenko method. But Tishchenko’s method is not only taking hemlock tincture, there are also other herbs to support the body, diet... I read that those who were treated for cancer in the last stages under the leadership of Tishchenko had a 50% recovery.
    Usually start with 1 drop, dropping it into 100 ml of water. Take once a day, always at the same time. Every day the dose is increased by 1 drop. This way they reach 40 drops. Then every day the dose is reduced to 1 drop. You don’t have to take a break, but immediately start a new course.
    If, during the process of increasing the dose, signs of severe poisoning appear, the dose is reduced by 3 drops and kept constant for 3-5 days, then they begin to increase again.
    And Djungarian aconite is 40 times more poisonous than hemlock. Therefore even traditional healers It is recommended to treat cancer with aconite only under the supervision of a doctor.

    And for what types of cancer does hemlock tincture work best?

    It is believed that hemlock tincture is best used for cancer of the mammary glands, brain, stomach, and lungs.

    The man had stomach cancer; after five months of treatment with hemlock tincture, his condition improved and he leads a normal life. Before use folk remedies For cancer treatment, it is very desirable to cleanse the intestines, liver, blood, blood vessels, and the body as a whole of toxins (Review from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2003, No. 9, p. 16).

    A woman has been sick with stomach cancer for seven years; at the very beginning of her illness she underwent surgery - gastrectomy. After the operation, I decided to use hemlock in the treatment of cancer. I started drinking 5 drops 3 times a day. It became bad, I reduced the dose to 4 drops. And she drank like that for several days. Then I added it drop by drop and reached 40, then went down to one drop. I drank hydrogen peroxide for a year, then switched back to hemlock. She is still alive and feels well (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 4, p. 24).

    my father-in-law was refused treatment and discharged home. He had stage 4 cancer. He began taking hemlock according to the scheme “from 1 drop to 40, and back to 13.” I couldn't get out of bed for six months. A year passed, he recovered, began to walk, and lead a normal life. Then I relaxed and didn’t drink the tincture for a year. The cancerous tumor began to grow again, and the condition worsened. They offer surgery

    My husband was found small cell carcinoma lung My friends brought me a copy of a healthy lifestyle. I settled on Dr. Tsvetkov’s method, described in Healthy Lifestyle 2001 No. 12. Convinced her husband to undergo treatment with help the strictest diet and herbs aconite. And since July 22, 2005, we have been treating with herbs under the supervision of Sergei Ivanovich Tsvetkov. Significant improvements occurred, metastases disappeared, the tumor sharply decreased and then completely disappeared. Our oncologists say that this is a unique case in their practice. We are happy, but we understand that we cannot relax, because we must continue treatment for the rest of our lives. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 5, p. 24).

    If you drink hemlock according to Tishchenko’s method “1-40-1-40-1...,” then the body can adapt and not react to poisons after 3-4 courses. In addition, for each person, the dose of aconite or hemlock tincture for the treatment of cancer must be selected individually. One person can easily tolerate 80 drops, while another will be poisoned by 20 drops. And we must also remember that tincture is different from tincture. Unlike tablets and injections, it cannot be predicted how much poison is actually there. It depends on what time the raw materials were collected, what parts were used, what soil the plant grew on, and in what region. The newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” contained a lot of materials on the treatment of cancer with plant poisons from the general practitioner S.I. Tsvetkov. He is in Lately moved away from official medicine and treats his patients only with herbs. And these are mostly cancer patients. Very interesting articles. And now Tsvetkov claims that the dose can be increased not to 40 drops, but to 240 drops. You need to find your maximum daily dose of poison and under no circumstances reduce it. Tsvetkov’s methods for treating cancer were published in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” in 2001, No. 12, 2002, No. 3, 2003, No. 3 and No. 24. I advise you to read the source before getting treatment.

    This is what Tsvetkov writes in Healthy Lifestyle about the treatment of cancer with hemlock and aconite.
    The human immune system is able to effectively fight foreign cells only until a tumor occurs. The resulting cancer cells are always stronger than healthy ones, and our immunity can no longer cope with them. Taking hemlock in small doses (up to 40 drops per day) stimulates immune system, the body's condition improves, but the cancerous tumor may continue to grow. But in order to influence the tumor and stop it, it is necessary to take larger doses of poison. From these doses, the patient’s immunity will drop, and the patient’s condition will worsen, and signs of poisoning will appear. But there is no other way - cancer cells absorb poison more actively than healthy ones, and adapt less well to increased levels of poison. This is the whole difficulty of treating cancer with hemlock and aconite - the patient has to constantly balance on the verge of poisoning.
    How to determine the critical dose of poison? First of all, for my well-being. And even more precisely, according to a blood test - at the first signs of poisoning, you need to donate blood for analysis. And if the platelet count
    below 150,000 per cubic meter ml. This can happen at 60 drops or at 80. Then start reducing the drops by 1 per day, but not to 0, as in Tishchenko’s method, but to 20-25.
    When treated with poisons in sufficient quantities, the tumor does not metastasize, new cancer cells are quickly destroyed, and the old tumor is fenced off from the body by dead cells and continues to exist on its own. Under conditions favorable for cancer - reducing the dose of poison, stress, improving blood supply, the cancerous tumor can begin to actively grow again. Therefore, it is necessary to consume plant poisons for quite a long time

    Doctors and healers believe that the dose proposed by Tsvetkov is unacceptable and threatens to destroy not only cancerous tumor, but also the organism itself. If you decide to consume more than 40 drops of poison per day, then do it under the supervision of a doctor, with constant blood test checking

    There are numerous reviews on the Internet about successful treatment cancer with aconite and hemlock. But don’t follow their lead, don’t refuse official treatment in medical institutions, if it is offered to you. But if this is not affordable for you or the doctors have turned their backs on you, then you can resort to plant poisons. If you can't find hemlock, you can make a tincture of fly agaric or tobacco. For many, this helped cure cancer. 50% of success is the desire to live and faith in recovery.

    What is it official treatment? Chemotherapy? The same treatment with poisons, only chemical poisons are easier to control and dose than plant poisons. And hemlock was officially considered a medicine for 50 years in the last century. Hemlock tincture is an excellent pain reliever, especially in cancer patients.

    My aunt had lung cancer with metastases to the spine. The doctors sent her home in a bedridden state. She was already last stage lungs, and treatment was prescribed only symptomatic. The pain in her back was severe and was not relieved by painkillers. She began treating cancer using Tishchenko’s method with hemlock. The pain decreased almost immediately. Soon I had an appetite, and then the strength to get up. I began to slowly do small chores around the house. Well, she’s alive now, I don’t know the details, but five years have already passed since she was discharged from the hospital to die.

    Still need to pay Special attention nutrition in the treatment of cancer with hemlock and other poisons. You cannot drink or eat sour things - the acid neutralizes the effect of the poison. Therefore, herbalists recommend that if there are signs of poisoning by plant poisons, drink sour fruit drink or juice, do a gastric lavage, and drink 15 tablets activated carbon, stop taking hemlock for 3 days and then reduce the dose.
    You can't eat sweets - it's best food For cancer cells, you can’t even eat honey and pollen. Starch also turns into sugar, so limit bread, potatoes, and cereals.
    Basic food -dairy products, fish, lean meat, fresh vegetables, fruits and local berries. Moreover, vegetables, fruits and berries cannot be stored for more than 1 week after harvest, otherwise their harm will outweigh their benefits.

Djungarian aconite is an herbal perennial, which belongs to the ranunculaceae family. This plant has a horizontal rhizome, and the aconite tubers are large, cone-shaped and fused. Djungarian aconite has a straight, strong and simple stem, its height varies between 70–130 cm, and it can be bare or pubescent. The stem has petiolate leaves, and the lower leaves die off during the flowering period of the plant. The inflorescence is a terminal raceme bearing large zygomorphic flowers, and the calyx consists of five purple leaves. The pedicels of Djungarian aconite have two narrow-linear bracts, and towards the end they thicken. The sepal, located at the very top of the aconite, is bent in the form of an arc, similar to a helmet with long nose, in which there are two nectarine petals.

The fruit of aconite is called a trefoil, although sometimes only one leaflet ripens. The leaflets have many seeds and curved spouts. The seeds of this plant have transverse wing-shaped wrinkles.

Flowering of Djungarian aconite lasts from July to September, and ripening occurs from August to October.

Aconite can be seen on moist and grassy mountain slopes, and it also grows on the banks of rivers and streams located near the mountains. The plant reproduces vegetatively and using seeds.

Djungarian aconite is also called “fighter”; the plant owes this name to Scandinavian mythology. The wrestler grew up in the place where the god Thor died, who defeated the poisonous snake, but died from its bites. Then the Germans said that Thor fought the wolf with the help of aconite, hence the name of aconite - “wolf-killer”, or “wrestler”.

“Tsar Grass” is another name for Djungarian aconite. It received this name because of the strong poison in its composition. Even in ancient times, aconite was not considered medicinal plant, but on the contrary, they called it poisonous. It was used as an ointment on arrow and spear tips and even on sword blades.

Collection and preparation of Djungarian aconite

The medicinal raw materials of Dzhugar aconite are tubers and leaves. wild plant. This is due to the fact that aconite, which is cultivated, ceases to be poisonous after a couple of years. When collecting aconite, you must wear gloves or mittens on your hands; this is necessary to prevent the poison, which is contained in the stems and tubers of the plant, from entering the human body through the skin of the hand. When collecting aconite, do not touch your eyes, and after harvesting you need to wash your hands using soap.

Tuberous roots are harvested from mid-August to October 1, and it is during this period that they are the most poisonous. The tubers need to be dug out of the ground, the soil removed from them, washed cold water. Next, without stopping for a second, you need to dry them in a dryer, where the temperature is not lower than 60 degrees Celsius.

Aconite leaves are collected before and during the flowering of the plant, because during this period they are very poisonous. The leaves need to be collected and dried in the sun. After drying, they are dried under a canopy. If the raw material after drying becomes dark green- this means that the drying was correct.

Raw aconite cannot be stored together with non-poisonous plants. It must be packaged in a sealed package and labeled “Poison”! This raw material is stored for a year.

Medicinal properties and uses of Djungarian aconite

Djungarian aconite has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, narcotic and analgesic effects on the body. Preparations made from aconite tubers are used as an analgesic for colds, joint pain and trigeminal neuralgia.

Due to the fact that aconite is toxic, traditional medicine it is not used, but traditional medicine, on the contrary, has found worthy use for this plant. In folk medicine, aconite is used for the following diseases:
– osteochondrosis;
– arthritis;
– gout;
– epilepsy;
– external bruises;
– external sciatica;
– convulsions;
– depression and nervous disorder;
excessive tearfulness;
– disorders nervous system;
– migraines and headaches;
– paralysis;
– sore throat and acute respiratory infections and many other diseases.

Aconite can be used as a diaphoretic. Aconite is also used by people who have urine retention in the body or blood flowing from the nose. Aconite acts on hair growth.

Chemical composition of Djungarian aconite

The chemical composition of this plant has not yet been fully studied. But all scientists claim that all parts of Djungarian aconite contain an alkanoid - aconitine. The tubers contain mesoaconitine, hypoaconitine, benzoilaconine, neopellin, sasaaconitine and sparteine, flavones and saponins and resins, as well as starch and traces of ephedrine.

In addition to these substances, myristic, stearic, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids were found in aconite.

The stems and leaves of the plant contain the alkaloid aconitine, inositol, ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids and trace elements in an amount of more than 20 items.

Recipes from Djungarian aconite

For oncological diseases, tincture of Djungarian aconite is used. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of powder from the roots of aconite, pour 500 ml of vodka over it and leave for 14 days in a dark room, but shake it daily. After infusion, it is necessary to strain the tincture through double gauze.

Half an hour before meals, take 1 drop of tincture mixed with 50 ml of water, 3 times daily. Every day, add 1 drop per dose, and when you reach 10 drops, you need to drink this amount for 10 days in a row, and then you need to reduce it by 1 drop per dose every day - this way you will reach one drop 3 times a day.

Stop taking the tincture for 1 month. And then continue the treatment again, and so it is necessary to undergo 7 courses of treatment.

The tincture can also help with migraines, toothache, rheumatism, and neuralgia. In order to prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of roots and pour 500 ml of vodka into them, all this must be left to brew for a week. The tincture should have the color of brewed tea. If a person has rheumatism, then he needs to rub this tincture into the problem area at night, and then wrap himself in a flannel cloth.

For neuralgia and migraine, the tincture should be drunk, starting with 1 teaspoon and increasing the dose every day until the dose per dose is 1 tbsp. spoon. Treatment should be carried out for 1 month. If a person is tormented toothache, then aconite tincture will help him here too. In this case, you need to drop 1 drop of the prepared tincture into the hollow of the tooth, and rub 1 tbsp into the cheek where the tooth hurts. spoon of tincture.

Contraindications to the use of Djungarian aconite

Djungarian aconite is a very poisonous plant, so it must be handled skillfully. Do not increase your dosage under any circumstances! Aconite should not be given to children - accordingly, it must be stored where children cannot reach it. Label the container in which you will store aconite: “Poison.” If you grow Djungarian aconite yourself, and you have a hive with bees nearby, then place the aconite plantings at a great distance from the hive, otherwise the bees will collect poisonous honey.

Information about whether cancer can be cured with aconite is very contradictory. The use of Djungarian aconite for the treatment of cancer was recorded in the medical works of Ancient Tibet. Let's start with the fact that there are different shapes and localization of this disease. Cases recorded therapeutic effects alcohol tincture of aconite on separate forms cancer and benign neoplasms.

History of the use of aconite in medicine

In the mid-19th century, the first mentions of the use of aconite for the treatment of cancer appeared (Lancet magazine, England). At the same time, homeopathic doses were selected. In the 20th century, tincture of aconite was used by oncologists in a number of countries.

Aconite tincture is traditionally used in folk medicine and homeopathy to fight cancer. It is also considered as aid, and as the main thing. There are references to positive results use of aconite extract in complex therapy of melanoma and other oncological lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

Since aconite is very poisonous, only microdoses of its tincture can be taken orally. The treatment regimen is selected individually by the homeopath. It is important to constantly monitor the body’s reaction and well-being. With pronounced negative reaction body, the drug is immediately canceled.

Interesting facts:

  1. Solzhenitsyn mentions that aconite was successfully used to treat cancer (“Cancer Corps”). He writes that it was the Issyk-Kul root (monkshood) that saved him from cancer.
  2. Along with aconite, hemlock is used to treat cancer. A pattern has been noticed - hemlock can support the fight against colon cancer, genitourinary organs, and the fighter – against cancer of all organs located above the waist. At the same time, aconite is considered the most poisonous and dangerous. He will not cope with cancer on his own, but it is possible that he will play a role in complex treatment.
  3. In oncology, aconite is advisable to use to reduce pain and heal damaged tissues, as well as to slow tumor growth and fight metastases.

In homeopathy, wrestler tincture is used for different types cancer, including those with metastases. Aconitine is able to penetrate deeply into tissues and negatively affect tumor cells. It is also indicated for benign neoplasms.

In order for the tincture to be beneficial, it is important to prepare it correctly and choose the optimal dose. However, in homeopathy this remedy is widely used in the comprehensive fight against cancer. If you decide to use Djungarian aconite in the treatment of cancer, an experienced homeopath or herbalist can tell you how to take it. IN official medicine this plant is not currently used.

Useful poison or medicine

Aconite is classified as poisonous plants. It contains alkaloids - aconitines, which are lethal dose can cause respiratory arrest. Back in Ancient Tibet, it began to be used from therapeutic purpose, including for the treatment of cancer.

Aconitines can easily penetrate the skin! No need to prepare the product yourself. You can buy tincture of Djungarian aconite in homeopathic shops or order it online. The last method is more risky, since there is no guarantee that they will send you a quality drug and not a fake.

Very aggressive substances are always used to treat cancer. They have many side effects. Alcohol tincture of Djungarian aconite can negatively affect cancer cells, but it also has the same effect on healthy tissue.

The effects of drugs that are officially approved to fight cancer can be monitored. They act selectively. Using aconite tincture is quite risky. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect, you will need to increase the dose step by step.

Tincture of Djungarian aconite is used in homeopathy to treat a number of diseases, including the fight against cancer. At the same time, homeopaths emphasize that it is necessary to achieve a concentration of the drug in the blood that would reach the maximum permissible threshold. It varies from patient to patient. Therefore, the dosage must be selected very carefully. If you decide to take Djungarian aconite to treat cancer, you should start with microscopic doses.

Djungarian aconite, whose treatment is not approved by WHO, is not included in traditional cancer treatment regimens. It is not used at all in official medicine.

In Bulgaria, China, and India, aconite tincture is officially approved for use. In the USSR, the drug was also used for complex cancer treatment.

Oncologist surgeon T.V. Zakaurtseva conducted thorough research and developed her own method for the treatment of oncological diseases. Before removing the tumor, she was treated with aconite tincture. The operation was carried out after aconitine slowed the growth and activity of the tumor. The course of treatment with aconitine was repeated after the operation. It was observed that aconitine inhibits cancer growth and eliminates metastases.

Features of cancer treatment with aconite

Since aconite is not used in official medicine, the oncologist will not take responsibility for such treatment.

In the complex treatment of cancer with aconite, positive dynamics are sometimes observed:

  • metastases slow down, their number decreases;
  • if you use the product correctly, almost no irreversible processes develop in tissues and organs;
  • at correct dosage there are minimal side effects;
  • aconitine can slow down the development of the tumor and even slightly reduce it;
  • depression, pain, intoxication decreases.

Schemes for the use of aconite in alternative oncology

Most often the drug is used in homeopathy. A 10% alcohol extract from tubers, turnip or red aconite leaves is used. These are the most toxic species. To achieve maximum dosage accuracy, it is better to use insulin syringe. It contains 1 ml, which corresponds to 40 drops.

Do not use a pipette for dosing. It gives a high error, which can cause an overdose.

It is better to take the tincture on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after meals. The drops are diluted in a quarter glass of chilled boiled water. Daily dose gradually increase. If at first it is 1 drop, then on the 20th day it will be 60 drops. Then the number of drops is reduced using the reverse order. The treatment cycle will be 39 days. This is an example diagram. It needs to be selected individually.

Standard treatment is three courses. Between each there is a break of two weeks. If a stable positive effect is achieved, treatment is stopped. In case of relapse, therapy can be repeated.

If a slightly poisonous plant species is used to prepare the tincture, the dose will be measured in ml, not in drops.

“Royal” method of treating tumors with aconite

It was developed by practicing homeopath V.V. Tishchenko. This method also uses a tincture, but it is recommended to drink only one drop of the drug per day. It is diluted in 100 ml of water. Every day you need to drink a drop of the drug only once, on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is until recovery.

Do not take aconite tincture with herbal decoctions!

Risks of use

If you use aconite tincture, it is important to remember the signs of poisoning by this plant:

  • urge to vomit;
  • the tongue, cheeks, lips, fingertips become numb;
  • there is a feeling that goosebumps are running all over the body;
  • thirst appears;
  • temperature fluctuates;
  • at severe poisoning the muscles of the legs, arms, and face twitch, vision deteriorates, and breathing is difficult.

As you can see, Djungarian aconite can only be used informally in the treatment of cancer. It is important to take into account the type of tumor, its size, location, presence of metastases, and dynamics of treatment. Of course, you can’t use just the tincture. Treatment must be comprehensive. It is carefully selected by the oncologist. Ask your doctor if you can supplement complex treatment tincture of aconite.

We need to fight cancer - video

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