The English Setter is an excellent hunter and a true friend. British quartet of pointers - setter dog: description and characteristics of breed types English setter main measurements of dogs

The English Setter is a hunting breed of dog that is distinguished by its obedience, elegance and perky disposition, which is why animal lovers willingly keep it as a pet.

In Great Britain, the Setter or Laverack is considered the dog of the lords. In Russia, the breed became popular among hunters in the 20s of the last century.

Description and breed standards

The English Setter is a pointing dog of medium height, good build, and elegant in movement and appearance. TO standards breeds include:

Males with a height of 65 to 68 cm centimeters must weigh no less than 25 and no more than 36 kilograms. Bitches weigh from 20 to 32 kilograms, and their height is from 61 to 65 centimeters.

Setters have graceful, free movements that naturally carry their heads high. The dog is different endurance and is capable of developing good speed, pushing off with powerful hind limbs to do this.

Color and coat type

Luxurious fur coat english spaniel acquires only by the age of two or three years. An adult pet is decorated with wavy long hair, which is located on the keel, tail, ears and along the groin line. Grooming of dogs of this breed is prohibited.

You can only smooth the fur between the toes so that the brush looks neat.

Color wool should be:

  • black and speckled;
  • brown speckled;
  • yellow-speckled;
  • brown speckled with tan;
  • black and speckled with tan.

Character of the English Setter

An intelligent and balanced Setter dog is patient and sociable. The pet will love all family members and happily wag its tail even when meeting a stranger.

Laveracs have a stormy temperament, so they seem to be disobedient. In fact, this is obedient dogs with a sensitive and gentle character who easily obey commands. True, while raising a puppy you will have to be patient.

English Setters love small children and can play with them for hours. But you should not leave your baby alone with a pet, which, due to its violent temperament, can accidentally harm the child.

Laveracs will not bite under any circumstances, so you don’t need to put a muzzle on them during walks. They can be easily taken to long trips, during which there will be no problems with the dog. The pet will behave calmly both in the car and on public transport.

English Setters bark very rarely and almost always friendly greet guests. They can sit on the sofa next to the guest and allow themselves to be petted. The dog almost never shows aggression towards the guest.

At the cops hunter's sense, which allows them to perfectly capture odors. Therefore, during a picnic in nature, you need to be prepared for the fact that your pet may steal some tasty piece from the table.

Laveraki Great get along with other pets and play with them willingly. However, in relation to rodents and birds, they may develop a hunting interest.

Since English Setters are hunting dogs, you need to be as careful with them as possible. more often walk in nature. The pet will be happy to run after small birds in the field or forest. At this time, it is very interesting to watch the cops, because during the hunt they literally transform. Laveracs are not afraid of water and whenever possible they run into a body of water, where they dive with great pleasure.

Setter dogs have excellent search skills, high performance and graceful, smooth movements that resemble those of a cat. Loving and sociable pets do not require special socialization.

English Setter training

Pointers are hunting dogs, so to train a puppy for hunting, it is better to turn to experienced dog handlers. But since setters are easy to train, you can try to cope on your own.

To do this, from the age of ten months the pet is engaged in setting up a search.

Training is carried out in three stages:

  1. The first stage is the formulation and development of the search. In windy weather, the pet is taught to explore the area for the presence of game, walk “shuttle” and not lose the smell of future prey.
  2. The second stage is getting to know the game. The setter must smell the birds and make a stand at the required distance. In this case, the pet moves against the wind and does not pursue game.
  3. The third stage is getting used to shooting. The cop should be taught to calmly deal with harsh and loud sounds, which are heard when shooting.

You can teach English Setter hunting skills up to three year old age. And before the age of ten months, the dog should know the most common commands: “Come to me!”, “Place!”, “Nearby!”, “Lie down!”, “Sit!”.

Raising setters

When teaching your pet hunting skills, you should not forget about his education, which should be done as soon as the puppy gets to its new home.

First of all, the baby needs to be accustomed to his place. It should be comfortable, convenient and protected. It is not recommended to set aside a place for the puppy in the kitchen or in the hallway; it is best to place a bedding for it in the room. The puppy should rest where there are no drafts and dry air, so a place in the passage, opposite the doors and near heating devices won't do.

In order for the baby to get used to his place, you should first take him there and wait until he falls asleep. You cannot force a puppy to go to its bedding by shouting or force. The pet will quickly get used to it and get used to it if you accustom it with affection.

Getting used to his place, puppy simultaneously must learn to respond to his nickname, become accustomed to cleanliness and correct behavior while eating.

Dogs get used to the nickname quickly. And in order to accustom a small English setter to cleanliness, it is enough to take him outside on time. Puppies go to the toilet a few minutes after eating and sleeping.

It will be a little more difficult to teach your baby not to grab food without permission. He should start eating on command. It is also necessary to make him understand that the owner can always take away the bowl of food and the dog should not snap at the same time.

Despite the fact that English Setters are easy to educate and train, in order to grow up well well-mannered dog, you will need patience. The desired result can only be achieved through methodical daily implementation of behavioral models.

Features of caring for a setter dog

Since the breed has long, wavy, beautiful fur, you will need to get a special comb and brush. The coat will need to be combed and brushed every day, otherwise tangles will begin to form on it.

To make combing easier, you can buy it at a pet store. special rubber glove - brush. The combed dog is wiped with a damp cloth. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after walking.

You can bathe your pet no more than twice a month or as needed. Shampoos or detergents It is better not to use or use special shampoos for dogs.

It is not recommended to trim the coat, but for better structure in the area of ​​the belly and neck, you can slightly reduce the length of the feathering and dewlap. On the limbs and lower part of the body, the hair is cut during the hot summer months.

The breed differs in one more way good quality– setters shed rarely. Therefore, there will be no wool flying around the apartment, which causes frequent cleaning.

Ear care involves regular cleansing them from sulfur. For this purpose it is used boric alcohol, in which it is wetted cotton swab. It should be cleaned thoroughly, but carefully so as not to damage the eardrum.

You can tell that your pet has an ear problem by his actions. Dog scratching sore ear and tilts her head towards him. Self-medication is not recommended. You should immediately contact a veterinarian. An advanced disease can lead to serious inflammation and complications such as deafness.


English setters for food unpretentious, so you can feed them with both ready-made dry food and natural food. Ready-made feed you should choose high-quality ones, with compositions that are suitable specifically for this breed.

A diet of natural products should be balanced and fortified. As a source of protein, you can give your dog:

  • turkey and chicken meat;
  • lean fresh beef;
  • boiled eggs;
  • a small amount of lean fish.

Suitable carbohydrates for the setter:

Fish oil or vegetable oil will be a source useful fat For good digestion pets are fed yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir or cottage cheese. Don't forget about the vitamins and minerals that you can buy at the pet store. You can reward your dog during training in small pieces cheese.

It is best to keep the English Setter in a private home, since these movable dogs love to walk and explore the surroundings. They will happily run around the yard and catch flying birds. But since the breed is unpretentious, it can be kept in an apartment, but it will require long walks, which many owners cannot afford.

The breed improvement program was developed by the British Eduard Laverack, who spent about 50 years of his life on it. Then there were several more breeders. As a result, by the 90s of the last century, the setter had practically lost its hunting instincts. As a result, the breed split into two lines - show class and workhorses. In addition, the breed has several standards.

In the mid 90s english setter began mass distribution throughout Russia. Thanks to its unpretentious character, many people liked the dog.

English Setter one of the most ancient hunting dog breeds

She is friendly and very loyal to her owner, she easily finds mutual language with all family members and pets. The novel by Gavriil Troepolsky “White Bim” was written about the devotion of the English setter. Black Ear».

Due to their youth, dogs are passionate about games, rarely listen to their owners, and if they start chasing prey, they will not give up on their plans. Until the dog has completely learned to control its urge to go to the toilet, it should only be walked in nature.

Dogs are different intellectual abilities, and therefore lend themselves well to training. Simplifies the learning process and good memory. But due to its natural characteristics, the dog requires a lot of attention. Therefore, people who disappear for months at work should not start it.

Breed standard

English Setter in the photo It looks elegant, the lines of the body are well defined, everything looks perfectly balanced. carries his long and dry head high. She has a well-developed occipital protuberance, and her skull is rounded between the ears.

The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined, the nasal lobe is either black or brown, and the nostrils are wide. The muzzle visually resembles a square, strong jaws have a regular scissor bite.

The dog looks at those around him with a soft, expressive gaze of clear oval eyes. Their color is variable, both nutty and dark brown tones are possible, and the darker the better.

The medium ears are low set and hang close to the cheeks. The ends are velvety, and the top is covered with wavy fur. The long, muscular, dry neck widens toward the shoulders. The medium body with a short straight back ends in a wide, slightly convex loin. The chest is deep and wide, the ribs are convex.

The tail is set almost at the level of the spine. Him average length, it is not twisted, slightly curved, covered with wool underneath. The coat is silky to the touch, long and shiny. The breed standard allows for several colors.

For example, in black, orange, lemon and brown colors there is mottling. There are three-colored setters, as well as black and speckled and tan ones. The height of males reaches 68 cm, the height of females is 65 cm.

Fearfulness and aggression, as well as various physical abnormalities, are considered disqualifying defects. Males should have two well-developed testes, which are lowered into the scrotum.

Popular colors of English Setters

Care and maintenance

English Setter breed It is considered difficult to care for due to its beautiful long and wavy fur. When neglected, the fur coat falls into tangles, especially on the paws and belly, where there is fringe.

Therefore, you should arm yourself with a brush and comb and accustom your dog to daily procedures from a young age. If the dog is used as a gun dog, its care must be even more thorough.

Bath procedures are recommended no more than two or three times within six months. Worth using special means for caring for the coat of this breed. After bathing, the dog should be blotted with a terry towel and the coat should be dried with a hairdryer.

Nails should be trimmed from time to time. During the summer months, it is also recommended to trim your dog's fur on his lower body and limbs. You can entrust the entire care complex to groomers.

Long floppy ears also require painstaking care. Dirt and sulfur accumulate in them, and warm time year, the amount of dirt increases significantly.

If you ignore cleaning, otitis is most likely inevitable, and in in some cases may even become chronic. Prevention of the disease will be daily procedures using boric acid tampon.

He feels quite comfortable both in a city apartment and outside the city. But due to its hunting instincts, the setter needs long walks with good physical activity. The best option, if the owner is fond of hunting and from time to time he can take the pet with him to track down game.


Representatives of this breed rarely complain of appetite. And therefore the most important rule For the owner, there should be a lack of biting in the animal’s life.

Like most hunting dogs, the setter adopts a characteristic posture

It is important to ensure that your dog does not overeat. Obesity can be avoided if you feed your dog high-quality natural products. In the case of dry food, it is important to follow the correct portion dosage.

English setter puppies eat frequently and in smaller doses, up to 5-6 times a day. Adult dogs eat up to two times a day. Proteins predominate in the diet - low-fat varieties meat and sea or ocean fish.

Eggs are allowed twice a week. It's better if it's yolks. Proteins are almost not absorbed by the dog’s body. Setters can be fed porridge. Buckwheat and rice cereals should predominate.

You can add a little to vegetables vegetable oil. In addition to natural nutrition you need vitamin supplements. Any products should be administered in small doses to monitor possible allergic reactions dogs.

As is the case with other breeds, setters are not recommended for baking, sweets, chocolate is especially dangerous, and tubular bones. In general, bones are best given when teething, as a toy. In other cases, they are practically useless.

Possible diseases

Among the ailments that accompany dog breeds english setter, The leading place is occupied by allergies, not only to food, but to plant pollen.

The dog inherits this disease genetically, as well as the tendency to blindness. The eyes need special care, at the slightest suspicion of problems with eyeball or retina, you should sound the alarm and seek an appointment with a veterinarian.

In addition, the breed is plagued by musculoskeletal disorders, in particular different types dysplasia of joints - elbow and hip. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to take calcium-containing medications, as well as fermented milk products and herbs if the dog eats natural food.

Some representatives of setters have problems with swallowing - their esophagus muscles spasm. Volvulus of the stomach and intestines often occurs. This dangerous conditions requiring prompt hospitalization. Here, the best antidote is a half-hour rest after eating.

English setter puppy

In other cases, a well-formulated diet, as well as high-quality dog ​​care and caring for your own pet will help to avoid diseases. Preventative visits to the veterinarian, at least once every six months, won’t hurt either.


Average english setter price in Russia is about 25-30 thousand rubles. But this cost is very conditional. Those who are more or less familiar with the world of dogs, their classes, and the subtleties of other differences know that many factors influence the cost.

For example, the place where the dog was purchased is one of the decisive factors. If this is a market, it costs an order of magnitude cheaper than from a breeder. In the nursery, the animal is valued even more expensive.

English Setter puppies have a congenital hunting instinct

And this is not surprising - here the future owner will be provided Required documents, including confirmation of pedigree, as well as a veterinary passport with evidence of vaccination and treatment against worms. If we are talking about an elite show class dog, then prices can reach 70-80 thousand per puppy.

The popularity of the breed began in the mid-90s and continues to this day, so there should be no problems with choosing a kennel. But before buy an English setter, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the parameters that contribute to the selection of the best representative.

The English Setter is a medium-sized hunting dog breed with a perky disposition, external elegance and responsiveness to training. Thanks to its qualities, this breed, bred in England, quickly gained popularity throughout the world.

The origin of the English Setter, unlike many other dog breeds, is known for certain. The exact date of birth of the breed is January 28, 1859. On this day, an exemplary representative of hunting dogs was presented at the exhibition, which subsequently received universal recognition. E. Laverack worked on the creation of the breed for 30 years.

The ancestors of the setter are old European breeds dogs, which were used for hunting game back in the Middle Ages. The original purpose of the Bala breed was to hunt game birds using nets. With the spread of gun hunting in the 17th and 18th centuries, the hunting roots of the English Setter were forgotten, and it began to be used as a show dog. Over time, breeders remembered the dog's hunting roots and began to develop the breed as a gundog. The setter began to acquire new skills, his stance became more beautiful, and his movement became faster. It was these qualities that were developed in the dog by the author of the breed, E. Laverack.

Participation in exhibitions contributed to the popularization of the breed in America and Europe. Show dogs began to differ more and more from the original hunting dogs. Their fur lengthened and their hunting instincts began to be lost. Over time, the English Setter lost popularity to other hunting breeds, but the population remained fairly stable.

The first representatives of the breed appeared in Russia in 1880. Best representatives English Setters were developed at the end of the 20th century.

Description of the appearance of the English Setter with photographs

The English Setter is an above-average-sized breed, harmoniously built and elegant in its movements. The dog's height is 53 - 64 centimeters. Weight – about 30 kilograms.

English Setter in the photo

The breed has the following parameters:
  • The body is lean, muscular, squat, elongated. The back is narrow and straight.
  • The tail continues the back and is saber-shaped.
  • The coat is straight, long, silky.
  • The color of the coat is speckled: specks of varying sizes, sometimes the size of a pea, are applied on the main colored background. Specks can merge into continuous spots. Basic tones: black, brown, yellow-orange, black and tan. White color is rare.
  • The muzzle is long and rectangular.
  • The eyes are elongated, brown or hazel.
  • Lips are thin. The top one slightly covers the bottom one.
  • The neck is strong, long, with clearly defined muscles.
  • The ears are drooping and oblong.
  • Legs are muscular and strong. The paws are oval, the toes are closed.

Character of the breed and training features

The English Setter is a hunting dog breed.

The English Setter is one of the most polite, balanced, and truly intelligent breeds. Setters are affectionate, kind dogs, devoted to their owners. They become attached to their owner quite quickly. All commands are remembered after several training sessions, and everything is done with pleasure. But the best results can be achieved by changing activities, otherwise the setter will quickly become bored.

The breed has an unsurpassed sense of smell. He is durable, agile and very fast. All these qualities will manifest themselves if the dog constantly feels the attention and love of its owner.

The question of the dog's owner must be resolved immediately when purchasing a puppy. One person must feed, raise and care for the puppy. Requirements must be consistent and firm. Being touched by a puppy's pranks can ruin his character. Moreover, the requirements to follow the rules must be the same on the part of all family members. If the owner scolds the puppy for some actions, and one of the household members encourages them, it will be impossible to accustom the pet to order.

The setter loves communicating with people and loves having guests in the house. At the same time, he can perform the functions of a watchman if enough attention is paid to cultivating this quality. The setter loves children and enjoys playing with them.

A certain degree of stubbornness has been built into the breed by selection., so it's worth taking this into account. You cannot shout at a dog, express dissatisfaction if it does not understand something, much less beat it. A dog in puppyhood will be constantly distracted, and it needs to be returned to its original activities gently and unobtrusively, like a small child.

The English Setter has some stubbornness, this must be taken into account when training.

The English Setter loves to run, catch the ball, and fetch objects that the owner throws. The dog swims beautifully and loves water procedures. If a setter is kept in a country house, it will constantly dig the ground, as if looking for treasure. This feature can also be used to organize leisure time.

The English Setter should not be left alone for long periods of time. Separation from the owner will definitely affect the dog’s health; out of sadness, he will stop eating and will be in a state of stress. For this breed, even a change in the usual environment or living conditions is a test. If an adult dog is moved to another home or family, it may even die.

Important. WITH early age The English Setter should prevent the habit of taking treats from strangers or stealing food from the table.

This breed of dog is loyal to other animals living in the house.

When organizing the proper physical activity The breed can be kept by both hunters and dog lovers. The setter can be kept in an apartment or country house, but not on the street. Lack of time for walks is not a problem for the setter; short trips outside 2 times a day are enough for him.

These dogs are loyal to other animals in the house. Although, due to instinct and without special training, they can behave unpredictably with birds and small rodents, perceiving them as a hunting trophy.

In the fenced area of ​​a country house, an English setter can easily walk on its own. When kept in a city apartment, the setter needs active walks for 1-2 hours at least twice a day.

The main step in caring for a dog is keeping the animal's coat clean and tidy. You need to brush your dog every day and wash it when it gets dirty. For washing, a special shampoo for long-haired dogs is used, and then a rinse with lanolin, which gives the coat a special shine and prevents it from tangling. long time. After walks, the wool is cleaned with a natural bristle brush.

Show dogs require special care; they need a haircut. It is better to entrust this procedure to professionals. Grooming lasts at least three hours, so the setter should be accustomed to the procedure from a very early age.

The paws of the English Setter require special attention. To prevent the wool on them from getting dirty, it is carefully cut off, freeing the pads. The claws are trimmed and sharpened. To prevent cracking of the skin on the pads, they are lubricated with rich cream or vegetable oil.

Pay special attention to the paws of these dogs.

The setter's ears are regularly wiped with a damp swab and checked for ticks. Ear mites and accumulated sulfur can cause otitis media. The dog's eyes are wiped with a swab moistened with strongly brewed tea. The animal's teeth are cleaned with a special toothbrush placed on a finger. To clean your teeth, you can purchase special-purpose bones.

In the house, the English Setter needs to allocate a corner away from drafts and provide him with a soft bed. A children's orthopedic mattress is suitable.

Diet, how to feed your dog properly

English Setters are not prone to obesity, as they have a natural ability to limit themselves in food. A setter will never eat out of greed, so it is easy to determine the portion size by observing whether the pet eats the portion offered to it. If the dog has eaten everything and continues to lick the bowl, it means the portion is small.

English Setters are not prone to obesity, so he will not eat more than he needs.

For the English Setter, options with natural nutrition and dry food. For dry food, you need to choose premium or super-premium brands made using natural ingredients. Experts recommend brands of feed Belcando, Brit Premium, Hills. They do not contain preservatives or dyes, vegetable protein. These brands come in a variety of flavors, so the owner can easily select specific options based on the pet’s preferences.

Important. When feeding dry food, you need to be especially careful to ensure that your dog has access to clean water.

The basis natural diet The setter should consist of proteins: meat (veal, beef, chicken), sea ​​fish boneless (preferably frozen fillet). You need to give them to your dog raw, you can scald them with boiling water and cool them. Meat must be combined with buckwheat and rice porridge, vegetables and fruits. Also added to the diet dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese. They should be given to the setter in the morning.

It is forbidden to give the dog sugar, salt, potatoes, white bread and pastries, sausages, sausages, fried and smoked foods. You should not give your setter milk; it is only suitable for feeding puppies up to 4 months old.

Diseases and life expectancy of the English Setter

These dogs live on average 12 years.

English Setters have enough good health, but some diseases, mostly hereditary, are characteristic of them:

  • congenital deafness;
  • eversion of the eyelid;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • hip dysplasia,
  • otitis;
  • food allergy.

English setters live on average 10-13 years.

Choosing a puppy, which kennel to buy from and what is the price for an English setter

To purchase a purebred English Setter puppy, you should contact trusted breeders or special nurseries. When buying a puppy secondhand, you can be completely disappointed, since even titled parents presented to the buyer are not a guarantee of the quality of the litter. The puppy may end up with deviations from the standards or even incurable hereditary diseases.

By purchasing a puppy from a breeding kennel, a dog breeder receives a guarantee of breed compliance and health.

You can buy an English Setter puppy in the following nurseries:

  • Moscow (, - priced from $400.
  • St. Petersburg ( – at a price from $600.

Choosing a puppy should begin with an assessment of its parents and an analysis of the entire litter. An important criterion is the number of defective specimens in the litter (deaf, with uncharacteristic eye color, defects in coloration). It is advisable to view photos of grown puppies from the previous litter.

After analyzing this information, you can begin to evaluate the proposed puppies. Choosing the most suitable puppies in terms of gender, color and compliance with the standard, you need to observe them for at least an hour. You need to evaluate the child’s behavior in the game, his eating style. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the puppy’s gait.

The English Setter is a medium-sized pointing dog. These are gentle, but sometimes willful, mischievous hunting dogs, bred for long searches. They are used to hunt game such as quail, pheasant, and black grouse.

  • The English Setter is a good-natured dog with no aggression towards humans or malice.
  • They love children very much and become best friends with them.
  • Intelligent, they can be stubborn and not subservient.
  • They often vocalize and this can become a problem when kept in an apartment.
  • However, they are so-so suitable for an apartment, especially work lines.

History of the breed

Despite the fact that the breed is more ancient, its history can be traced back to the 15th century, when the first mentions of the English Setter appeared.

They are believed to be descended from spaniels, one of the oldest subgroup of hunting dogs. Spaniels were extremely common in Western Europe during the Renaissance.

There were many different types, each specialized in a particular hunt and it is believed that they were divided into water spaniels (for hunting in wetlands) and field spaniels, those that hunted only on land. One of them became known as the setting spaniel, due to unique method hunting.

Most spaniels hunt by lifting the bird into the air, forcing the hunter to hit it in flight.

The setting spaniel would find prey, sneak up and take a stance. It was probably later crossed with other hunting breeds, which led to an increase in size. However, there is no clarity here to this day, as there are no reliable sources.

In 1872, E. Laverack, one of the largest English breeders, described the English Setter as an "improved spaniel." Another classic book, Reverend Pierce, published in 1872, states that the setting spaniel was the first setter.

Most experts believe that the Setting Spaniel was crossed with other hunting dogs to increase its strength and size. But with which ones is a mystery. The Spanish, Bloodhound, extinct Talbot Hound and others are mentioned most often.

Although exact date The creation of the breed is unknown, but these dogs appear in paintings and books about 400 years ago. At that time, firearms were not yet common as hunting weapons.

Instead, the hunters used a net that they threw over the birds. The dog's task was to find the bird and point it out to the owner. At first they just lay on the ground, and that’s where it went Russian word a pointer, but then they started doing a stance.

For several hundred years, dogs were kept solely for their working qualities, focusing only on their qualities and character. Because of this, the first dogs were extremely varied in appearance. Colors, sizes, body structure - all this was quite diverse.

Standardization of the breed began with the English Foxhound, when breeders created the first stud books. But, to XVIII century the fashion for it also reached other English dogs.

The man who first began to standardize the English Setter was Edward Laverack (1800-1877). It was for him modern dogs owe their exterior. In this work he was assisted by another Englishman, R. Purcell Llewellin (1840-1925).

Lewellyn's setters were extremely different high quality and its lines have survived to this day. Within the breed, these lines were divided and there are even such names in English as: Llewellin Setters and Laverack Setter, but these are all English setters, and not separate breeds.

The first appearance of the breed at a dog show occurred in 1859 in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne. As they appeared on the show, their popularity grew. Gradually they became very common in Great Britain and came to America.

In just a few decades, the English Setter has become the most popular gun dog in the United States. American hunters are especially fond of the Lavellin line.

Since the breeders were at the origins of the creation of the American Kennel Club (AKC), they did not delay in recognizing the breed and by 1884 they officially registered it. When the United Kennel Club (UKC) split from this club, again, the breed was recognized as one of the first.

Despite the fact that dog shows played a big role in popularizing the breed, they also led to the appearance of dogs not adapted to work. Over the decades, show dogs have become significantly different from working dogs.

They have longer fur, and their hunting instinct is dulled and less pronounced. While both types make excellent companion dogs, most families find it easier to keep a show dog as it requires less activity and work.

Over time, he lost the palm to other hunting breeds, especially. They are significantly slower and work at a short distance from the hunter, losing to other breeds.

This led to them being ranked 101st in popularity in the United States in 2010. Although its popularity has decreased, the population is fairly stable.

Description of the breed

In general, the English Setter is similar to other setters, but is somewhat smaller and has a different color. Working and show dogs often differ significantly.

It's pretty large dogs, males at the withers reach 69 cm, females 61 cm. They weigh 30-36 kg. There is no specific standard for work lines, but they are usually 25% smaller and weigh up to 30 kg.

Both varieties are quite muscular and athletic. These are strong dogs, but they cannot be called fat. Show class dogs are usually heavier compared to the light and graceful working dogs. The tail is straight, without bending, set in line with the back.

One of the features of the English Setter that sets him apart from other Setters is his coat. It is straight, not silky, quite long in both variations, but in show dogs it is significantly longer. They come in a variety of colors, but are known for their unique, so-called Belton.

These are speckled colors, the size of the spots is sometimes no larger than a pea. Some spots may merge to form larger ones, but this is not desirable. Common colors: black and speckled (blue belton), orange and speckled (orange belton), yellow and speckled (lemon belton), brown and speckled (liver belton) or tri-color, that is, black and speckled with tan or brown speckled with tan . Some organizations allow pure black or white color, but such dogs are very rare.


Both types differ slightly in character, but this concerns energy and work ability. A highly people-oriented breed. There is nothing more important to him than to be close to his owner.

They love to get in the way and follow their owner around the house. In addition, they suffer seriously from loneliness if they are left alone for a long time.

But this is the friendliest of all setters. Although they prefer the company of familiar people, they consider strangers as potential friends. They are friendly themselves, but some can be very friendly.

It is important to control this moment, as they can jump on your chest and try to lick your face, which not everyone likes.

They may not be guard dogs, because they do not experience aggression towards humans. This makes the English Setter great family dog, especially gentle with children. Most dogs adore children because they pay attention to them and are always ready to play.

Puppies can be somewhat rambunctious and energetic, do not calculate their strength when playing, and even the youngest children can be accidentally pushed. Families who are willing to provide their setter with sufficient attention and care will receive an exceptional companion in return.

Aggression towards other dogs is also unknown to setters. They have no dominance, territoriality, or jealousy. Moreover, most prefer the company of their own kind, especially if they match their temperament and energy.

Although socialization has great importance, most are friendly and polite towards other dogs. Some, especially working lines, are not suitable for keeping with lazy dogs who will be horrified by this ball of energy.

Despite the fact that this hunting dog, they have few problems with other animals. The instinct remains, but this is a cop and its task is not to pursue the animal, only to find and point it out.

Like other dogs, they can attack small animals, especially if they are not socialized. However, with proper upbringing, they are quite calm towards cats, rabbits, etc. Only small animals, such as rodents, are in danger. Some may stress out cats by trying to play with them.

These are quite trainable dogs, but often not without difficulties. They are smart and can learn most commands very quickly. English setters successfully perform in obedience and agility; they have an innate hunting instinct.

However, although they are eager to please, they are not a subservient breed and will not stand up to hind legs at the slightest nod. If you have had or similar breed, then training will seem difficult to you.

At the same time, they can be quite stubborn; if the setter has decided that he will not do something, then it is difficult to force him. Many will think that they cannot complete the task well enough and will not do it at all, which upsets the owner. They are more than smart and are able to understand what will work for them and what will not.

They behave accordingly. But they cannot be called self-willed, just as they cannot be called disobedient. You cannot use roughness and force when training, as this will have the opposite effect. They only listen to those they respect and treat with kind words will help you earn that respect.

The main difference between show and working dogs is their activity and exercise requirements. Both varieties are very energetic and need a lot of activity.

Only the work lines are more active, which is logical. They are capable of working and playing for long hours.

If for exhibition lines a daily long walk and the opportunity to run freely are enough, then working dog It is better to keep it in a private home, with the opportunity to run freely around the yard.

It is almost impossible to keep a working dog in an apartment, and the larger the yard, the better. Active owners will be able to maintain without any problems show dogs, but workers can push even experienced athletes to death.

But, if you do not meet their demands for loads, then the excess energy will result in behavioral problems. These dogs can be very destructive and hyperactive, nervous. If they have found an outlet for energy, then the houses are relaxed and quiet. Moreover, most turn into couch potatoes and spend most of the day on the couch.


Significant, especially behind the exhibition lines. They need daily brushing, otherwise mats will appear in their fur. The wool needs to be trimmed quite regularly, but it is better to contact a specialist.

Show lines are trimmed every 5-6 weeks, while production lines are trimmed more often. They shed profusely and the fur covers carpets, sofas, and furniture. The coat is especially noticeable as it is long and white. If your family members suffer from allergies or do not like dog hair, then this is definitely not the breed for you.

Particular attention should be paid to the ears, as their shape contributes to the accumulation of dirt, fat, and this can cause inflammation. To avoid problems, ears are regularly cleaned and examined after a walk.


The English Setter is considered a healthy breed. Breeders try to select the strongest dogs and remove dogs with hereditary diseases from breeding. They have a fairly long lifespan for a dog of their size, ranging from 10 to 12 years, although they can live up to 15 years.

The most common disease in the breed is deafness. Deafness is common in animals with white coat color. Setters suffer from both complete and partial deafness.

In 2010, Louisiana State University conducted a study of 701 dogs and found that 12.4% were deaf. Despite the fact that this is considered normal for the breed, breeders try to get rid of such dogs and prevent them from being bred.

Meet this one hunting breed dogs like the English Setter, take a look at his photo and description. Details of dog care.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

Origin of the English Setter

Opinions about the origin of the English Setter are very contradictory. According to some evidence, dogs of this breed took part in the hunting raids of the Earl of Leicester back in the 16th century. Some authors attribute Spanish origin to the setter, while others directly derive it from the spaniel. In a word, it is not easy to determine the true roots of the setter. It is only known that the setter, as such, is purely English breed, regardless of the homeland of their ancestors.

Many people are mistakenly convinced that the creator of the breed was Sir Edward Lavrack. However, this gentleman, who lived in the 19th century, did not create the English Setter breed, but only significantly improved its quality. Specimens bred by Lavrack were highly prized among English hunters, as well as in Scotland.

Thus, it can be argued that Lavrek’s activities played a decisive role in the transition ancient history setter to modern. The setter came to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Setter character

The setter is a balanced and clever dog, with a great willingness to train, tolerant of other dogs and very sociable with people. Living in the house, she proves herself to be a devoted friend and very... Many people think that the setter is quite disobedient - nothing like that. He just has a violent temperament that needs to be contained. Naturally, to raise him, you should stock up on a little patience and not resort to traumatic methods.

Caring for an English Setter

The Setter's coat is relatively long and wavy, and as a result it tends to become ruffled and tangled, especially on the fringed areas, chest and ears, so it is necessary to brush the dog regularly, especially when returning from a hunt. After this procedure, the coat becomes shiny and soft again.

It is equally important to clean your dog's ears regularly. Dirt and wax accumulating in the ears often leads to otitis media, which can become chronic. To carry out this procedure, a cotton swab soaked in boric acid or another drying and cleaning substance that does not cause irritation is sufficient.

Your eyes also need regular washing. In this case, use a cotton swab soaked in cold water. If the eyes are watery, it is necessary to examine them by lifting the eyelids and, if foreign particles are found there, rinse the eyes with copious amounts of water.

Now let's talk about habits adult dog. The practice of worker education first arose in England. Their purpose is to test pointers and setters. Unfortunately, over time, these tests turned into clean water competitions. Dogs are judged on their suitability for one category or another rather than on their actual hunting ability.

Now let’s take a break from the past and talk about the setter’s gait. First of all, it is worth emphasizing that in contrast to, whose gait resembles the running of a thoroughbred English stallion. The setter's gait is more like that of a cat. He runs at a fast, smooth and very careful gallop. The last of these qualities allows him to hunt in the forest, where his silky coat dampens the rustle of the branches that he pushes aside in his path and makes him almost silent. Another characteristic that distinguishes a setter from a pointer is its way of standing in front of game. The setter in the stance position slows down and begins to lead the game. At the same time, he moves on half-bent legs, almost touching the ground with his chest, but holding his head high so as not to lose the scent and leads until he catches the game, thus performing a maneuver that hunters call cat-like. Watching this dog at work, one cannot help but admire this true masterpiece of hunting art.

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