Big bruise. The largest bruise in the world How long does a black eye last?

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is asked by many lovers of these animals. However, it is known that large breeds are distinguished by their friendliness. They get along well with children and love to cuddle and play outside. Rarely a passerby will not pay attention to the shaggy animal.

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is asked by many lovers of these animals.

The concept of "most large breed dogs" cannot mean one type of these animals. The fact is that the size of a person’s tailed friends is determined by the combination of height at the withers and weight. Often, some individuals violate the standards of their breed, competing in size with those who theoretically should be larger. Therefore, giant dogs are often included in ratings. Below you will find information about which breed resembles a horse and is the leader in the number of large representatives.

Nanny dogs

The Newfoundland has thick, dark-colored fur; unlike other dogs, it is absolutely not afraid of transport. This majestic dog swims well, carries heavy loads, and thanks to his calm disposition he can look after children. The breed originates in one of the provinces of Canada. The average height of a Newfoundland reaches 70 cm, and weight - 68 kg. However, there was a real record holder in this family, he weighed 126 kg, and his height when standing on his hind legs was 198 cm. This is the largest dog in Great Britain, named Samson.

The Newfoundland has thick, dark-colored fur; unlike other dogs, it is absolutely not afraid of transport.

Large dogs include the Scottish Deerhound, also called the Deerhound. She reaches 50 kg in weight and 76 cm in height. It is these elongated, muscular beauties that have constantly accompanied hunters since the Middle Ages. And for good reason: this type dogs have a subtle sense of smell and amazing reactions. Therefore, previously animals belonged only to influential families who considered hunting the best entertainment. Today, the Deerhound is a comfort for the home. They capture the mood of their owners, are attentive to children, but they are bad guards: they rarely bark and are almost indifferent to strangers.

Large dogs include the Scottish Deerhound

Another bright, powerful and impressively sized breed is the Leonberger. Its name comes from the German town of the same name, the symbol of which is considered this dog. It is the result of crossing several large breeds, and therefore itself has an impressive size. On average, Leonbergers weigh 75-76 kg. Can be an ideal guide, sociable, obedient, and kind to children. That's why this shaggy fellow is called the "family dog."

Another bright, powerful and impressively sized breed is the Leonberger.

The most gigantic dogs in the world (video)

Gallery: the largest dogs in the world (25 photos)

Guard dogs

Among the shaggy giants, and occupies a special place. This is a service breed, which was developed by crossing several breeds in the second half of the 20th century in the USSR. The height of the male dog at the withers is 72-76 cm and weighs 60 kg. This large, fluffy dog ​​is self-confident and, if necessary, immediately takes a defensive position, but can quickly return to a calm state. She is unpretentious, smart and friendly.

Among the furry giants, the Russian Black Terrier also occupies a special place.

The next representative of large dogs is the Russian greyhound. It has been known since the 17th century. It was popular at court and was considered a worthy gift for important guests. This giant dog is designed to hunt wolves. The height of a male dog at the withers according to standards is 82 cm, but the weight rarely exceeds 50 kg.

Russian greyhound

Among the huge dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). This breed is more than 4 thousand years old, it contains blood oldest dogs Asia and dogs of shepherds of nomadic tribes. Such shepherds were subjected to serious natural selection, the best were used to guard livestock and the houses of their owners, and to escort caravans. Being in constant battle with predators, these shaggy animals became stronger, more resilient, and stopped feeling fear. The height of the dog at the withers is from 70 cm, weight is from 40 to 80 kg. The largest Central Asian Shepherd is a dog named Bulldozer. He weighs more than 125 kg and is 2 meters tall. This strong guy lives in the Stavropol region, for several years he was listed as the most big dog in the CIS.

Among the huge dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Record dogs

One of man's longest-legged friends is the Irish Wolfhound. Growing up to 80 cm, it has a strong, muscular body. The first written mention of this breed dates back to 391 AD. e. In the Middle Ages, wolfhounds were present in every kingdom to protect livestock from attacks by wolves. Today these dogs are of great interest as living evidence of Irish culture and a legacy of the Celtic past.

One of man's longest-legged friends is the Irish Wolfhound.

Saint Bernard looks very defiant. This is the heaviest dog in the world. She can weigh 120 kg, which makes her incredibly strong and resilient. A striking example This is the record recorded in 1978. Then an adult dog moved a load weighing 3000 kg in a minute and a half. This breed is characterized by stubbornness, kindness and playfulness, but obedience must be trained.

Saint Bernard looks very defiant

George, Zeus and Major

Great Dane is the most tall dog in the world. Refers to giant size breeds. Males grow to 80 cm or more and weigh between 55 and 90 kg, which is why this breed is called a horse-sized dog. Representatives of this species are friendly, balanced, love to watch others and play. This is dangerous for people, because animals are not aware of their size and can easily knock a person to the ground. At proper education Great Danes grow up not only as reliable protectors, but also as true friends of the entire family.

Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world

For a long time, the title of world giant belonged to Great Dane George. By the fourth year of his life, this huge dog had grown to 110 cm, and when he climbed hind legs— exceeded a 2-meter tree. In 2010, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records named him the most huge dog in the world, in 2013 he began to bear this title German dog Zeus, who walked around George by only 1 cm. He was so strong that, if he accidentally touched someone’s hand, he could leave a bruise on it. Funny photographs of Zeus with his owners spread all over the world. Against his background, they looked like kids from the story about Gulliver. Now another representative of this breed, a Briton named Major, is vying for the title of “The Largest Dog on Earth.” When he stands on his hind legs, his height is 213 cm. This giant lives in South Wales. His diet consists mainly of chicken and rice, and his schedule includes games and long sleep. Neapolitan Mastiff

- descendants of those who participated in battles and performed in arenas Ancient Rome. This is the best guard dog in the world. He has good reactions and powerful muscles. It reaches 75 cm in size and weighs 70 kg. Its constitution makes it easy to scare unwanted guests, but with familiar people the mastiff is sociable and friendly. At the same time, he has developed strong feeling affection, so other pets can make him jealous.

Of greatest interest to dog handlers is Tibetan mastiff. This is a dog that looks like a lion. Incredible strength, power, intelligence - these are his main features. The neck and shoulders are covered with long, thick hair that resembles a mane. Even Aristotle wrote about the Tibetan mastiff, which indicates the antiquity of the breed. According to legend, such a furry friend belonged to the Buddha himself. Previously, these animals guarded the monasteries of Tibet and helped nomads; today they are rightfully considered the most beautiful in the world. The price for a puppy varies from 2 thousand dollars to 10 thousand euros. If we talk about size, then most often representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff breed grow up to 85 cm with a weight of 80 kg. However, among them there is a real giant - he weighed 120 kg.

The Tibetan Mastiff is of greatest interest to dog handlers.

The English Mastiff is the most large dog in the world. Grows up to almost 80 cm at maximum weight at 100 kg. Among this variety, Aikama Zorba is recognized as the largest, weighing up to 155 kg. This is a large animal with a strong body. Despite his formidable appearance, such dogs are quite docile and friendly.

Those who want to get such a pet need to know that giant dogs are a huge responsibility. Due to their physique, they need dietary nutrition. Often the left side of animals swells, which indicates problems with the stomach. Therefore, large breeds more often than others need to be examined by specialists. The most big dogs in the world, although they are friendly, they love freedom both in care and in lifestyle. Therefore, you cannot keep them in an apartment: they will feel cramped and uncomfortable there.

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Sometimes photographers amaze us with their art, their ability to reflect in a unique way the world and make you look at it from a different angle. And sometimes they do something completely disgusting or so ordinary that it is impossible to understand why the work is recognized as a masterpiece. One way or another, these photographs were sold for millions of dollars.
1. Rhine II (1999). Author - Andreas Gursky. Price - $4,338,500.

Andreas Gursky is a famous German photographer; he has many photographs that were later sold for incredible amounts of money. In 1999, he took the photograph "Rhine II", which shows the Rhine River between two dams under a majestic overcast sky. In total, Gursky created six images of the Rhine, and "Rhine II" is the largest photograph in the series.
The most amazing thing about the photo is that it was made using Photoshop: initially the background was “spoilt” by a power plant, port facilities and a passerby walking his dog - all of this was removed by Gursky, leaving only the Rhine itself and the dams.
Gursky commented on his actions: "Paradoxically, this view of the Rhine could not be obtained in situ; modification was necessary to provide an accurate image of the modern river."
After finalization, the photographer printed a photograph measuring 185.4 x 363.5 cm, mounted it on acrylic glass and placed it in a frame. The photograph was sold at Christie's in New York for $4,338,500 in 2011 - the buyer was the Monika Sprüth gallery in Cologne, and the photograph was subsequently resold to an unknown collector.

2. Untitled (1981). Author - Cindy Sherman. Price - $3,890,500.

American photographer Cindy Sherman works in the technique of staged photographs. Her work is widely known among the arts community, and she is ranked seventh on ArtReview's 2011 list of the 100 Most Influential People in the Art World. Sherman herself calls herself a performance artist and categorically refuses to recognize herself as a photographer.
One of her most famous and expensive works is photograph #96, taken in 1981: the picture shows a girl, freckled, with red hair and wearing bright orange clothes, lying on her back and looking into the distance. According to Sherman, the photograph carries a deep meaning - a teenage girl, at the same time seductive and innocent, holds in her hand a piece of newspaper with dating advertisements, which means that the still fragile female essence is looking for a way to break out.
The photograph was purchased at a Christie’s auction in 2011 by an unknown collector.

3. For Her Majesty, a collage of photographs (1973). Authors: Gilbert Prosch and George Passmore. Price - $3,765,276.

British artists Gilbert Prosch and George Passmore work in the genre of performance photography. Their works in which they acted as living sculptures brought them worldwide fame.
Their collage of photographs, taken back in 1973, was sold for a lot of money at auction in 2008: black and white photographs depict men in expensive suits combined with interior items. Buyer unknown.

4. “Dead Warriors Speak” (1992). Author - Jeff Wall. Price - $3,666,500.

Canadian photographer Jeff Wall is known for his large format photographs: " business card The artist’s work is the technique he developed for printing photographs on a transparent basis.
His most famous work, “Dead Warriors Speak,” was created under the influence of the war in Afghanistan. Despite the realism, this is a staged photograph: all the people in the picture are guest actors. When working on it, Wall used makeup and costumes, and the photo itself was taken in a photo studio and later processed on a computer.
The finished image, measuring 229x417 cm, was printed on a transparent base and placed in a plastic box.

5. Untitled (Cowboy) (2001–2002). Author - Richard Prince. Price - $3,401,000.

Richard Prince is considered one of the most famous American artists of his generation. The main themes of his works are stylization for the period of so-called “American antiquity” and modern world consumption. Three photographs brought him world fame, including “Cowboy”.
The photograph was created specifically for advertising campaign“Marlboro”: the cowboy in the picture, according to the artist, appears not as a typical standard of American courage, glorified in Westerns, but as some kind of illusory sex symbol, an unattainable ideal of a real man.
The painting was sold in 2007 at Christie’s auction.

6. 99 Cents II, Diptych (2001). Author - Andreas Gursky. Price - $3,346,456.

The aforementioned “Rhine II” is not Gursky’s only million-selling photograph: his two-photo work “99 Cents II” sold for less, but still brought in several million more dollars for its creator.
The photographs show a supermarket where consumer goods are displayed. In general, the two photographs are strikingly similar and differ only in angles. Of course, Gursky resorted to computer processing to remove unnecessary details from the photographs - buyers, low-hanging lamps and wires.
The photograph was purchased in 2007 by Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk. The high cost of the photographs is due, first of all, to the name of the author, which by the time of sale had already acquired enormous fame.

7. Los Angeles (1998). Author - Andreas Gursky. Price - $2,941,755.

Another photograph by Gursky depicts the night landscape of Los Angeles - the city from a bird's eye view looks like a field of distant artificial lights. Photography symbolizes the modern world and man’s place in it. According to the artist’s idea, man is the main character of this photograph: everyone lives in a huge world of universal globalization, where he takes the place of just one of millions of the same inhabitants.

8. Lake in moonlight (1904). Author - Edward Steichen. Price - $2,928,000.

Impressionist artist Edward Steichen worked in the first half of the 20th century: he created a famous series of portraits of Hollywood celebrities, and later took up documentary filmmaking, for which he received several Oscars.
His most famous photographic work, “Lake in the Moonlight,” is an autochrome photograph: originally a black and white photograph, “Lake” acquired color thanks to Steichen’s use of light-sensitive jelly. No one had used this technology before, so the picture can be considered the world's first color photograph.
In 2006, “Lake in the Moonlight” was sold at Sotheby’s for a huge amount of money. The price can be considered reasonable - the photograph is more than a century old, and it is an excellent preserved illustration of the history of photography.

9. Untitled No. 153 (1985). Author - Cindy Sherman. Price - $2,770,500.

Another example of Cindy Sherman's work is untitled photograph No. 153. It depicts a dead, mud-stained woman with bluish-gray hair, glassy eyes looking up at the sky, her mouth half-open, and a bruise visible on her cheek. The photo leaves behind an eerie feeling, but, nevertheless, it was sold at auction for a seven-figure sum.

10. Billy the Kid (1879–80) Author unknown. Price - $2,300,000.

Billy the Kid was an American criminal accused of killing 21 people. The governor of one of the states of the Wild West offered a large reward for his capture, and Kid was killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett, who then wrote a biography of the thug.
The uniqueness of this photograph is that it is the only image of Billy the Kid; no other photographs exist. It was sold in 2011 at the 22nd annual Brian Lebel's Old West Show & Auction in Denver. Collector William Koch bought it for more than $2 million, although the organizers initially did not expect to receive more than $400 thousand for the photo.
The authorship is attributed to Kid's friend Dan Dedrick, but it is no longer possible to determine exactly who took the photo. The photograph was taken using the ambrotype method, using a metal plate, and the image on it is reflected in a mirror.

It's almost inevitable that you'll bruise from time to time, but if you get them often enough that you can't figure out why...

How bruises appear

Any type traumatic injuries , for example, a fall can cause capillaries (small blood vessels) to rupture, and from which red blood cells leak under the surface of the skin. This leads to the appearance of purple or “blue-black” bruises on the skin.

Technically, they are called "bruises" or "bruises"; they can be caused by almost any injury to the blood vessels in the skin. As the body begins to heal and metabolize blood cells, the bruise will typically turn green, yellow, or brown until it disappears completely.

Bruising from time to time is almost inevitable, but, if you have them quite often, and you cannot understand where they come from, then there must be a reason for this. You might just hit your hand or foot and forget about it, but it could just as easily be something else entirely.

1. Age

With age, the skin loses part of the protective fat layer, which, like a pillow, protects against bumps and falls. In addition, the skin thins as collagen production slows. This means that it usually takes much less force to form a bruise than when you were younger.

2. Purpuric dermatitis

This vascular disease, more common in older people, results in thousands of tiny bruises, most often on the shins - from a distance they look like they've been sprinkled with red pepper. Bruises are the result of blood leaking from small capillaries.

3. Blood disorders

Blood disorders such as hemophilia and leukemia can cause unexplained bruising, usually because the blood does not clot properly. If you frequently experience severe and unexplained bruising, it is best to see your doctor to rule out such disorders, especially if they appear suddenly.

4. Diabetes

People with diabetes may experience dark dark spots, often in places where the skin comes into contact with other parts of the body. These spots can be mistaken for bruises, but they are actually caused by insulin resistance.

5. Excessive stress during training

Excessive muscle tension, such as from lifting heavy objects, can cause blood vessels to rupture and cause bruising. Bruises can also cause microscopic tears in muscle tissue. Also, if you play sports or vigorous exercise, you may experience bumps and minor injuries that cause bruising, but you may not remember them.

6. Certain medications

Medicines such as aspirin, anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs reduce blood clotting and increase the likelihood of bruising. And medications such as aspirin, prednisone, prednisolone, oral contraceptives and others can also weaken blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of bruising.

7. Heredity

If you have close relatives who bruise easily, then you may well be prone to it too (though there are usually steps you can take to avoid this potential genetic tendency).

8. Pale skin

Pale skin doesn't mean it's more prone to bruising - it just makes any bruising more visible than on people with darker skin.

9. Sun Damage

Although the body needs in exposure to the sun to produce vitamin D (and gain additional benefits), excessive sun exposure, especially when it results in sunburn, can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and resilience. This, in turn, makes bruising easier and more noticeable.

Diet can be the most important factor appearance of bruises

The reason people bruise is due to the increased fragility of the capillaries, which break easily. One of the best ways ensure the strength and flexibility of capillaries - try to get flavonoids in your diet.

To the beautiful food sources flavonoids include dark berries, dark leafy greens, garlic and onions.

Usually, a complete diet with plenty of organic vegetables and fruits there will be more than enough to provide you with all the micronutrients and micronutrients that are needed to prevent bruises, unless of course they are the result of severe injuries.

But if you bruise easily, the following are especially important for you: nutrients , and if you don’t get enough of them in your diet, then supplements with them will help you:


Rutin is a bioflavonoid that is known to strengthen blood vessels. For this reason, it is often used to treat varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids and bruises. In fact, a lack of flavonoids makes blood vessels rupture more easily, so if you bruise easily, you may benefit from taking rutin.

In one study of patients with progressive purpura pigmentosa, skin lesions completely cleared up after four weeks of treatment with a rutin supplement (50 mg twice daily) and vitamin C.


This bioflavonoid, which is found in citrus peels, is also known for its ability to strengthen capillaries. In another study, menopausal women who took daily hesperidin and vitamin C supplements experienced reduced bruising.

Vitamin C

It was found that people with low level Vitamin C increased it helped reduce bruising. Taking vitamin C along with flavonoids such as rutin or hesperidin increases its effectiveness and absorption. As reported by the University of Michigan Health System:

“Even minor deficiencies in vitamin C, and possibly flavonoids, can increase bruising. People who bruise easily may benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables, traditional sources of vitamin C and flavonoids.

... Taking at least 400 mg of vitamin C daily in combination with 400 mg of flavonoids, such as hesperidin or rutin, will help reduce the tendency to bruise.”

10 natural remedies to speed up the healing of bruises

The key to avoiding bruising is regular use fresh vegetables and fruits. But, if a bruise has already appeared, there are many simple natural ways, which will help him quickly disappear. These include:

Arnica oil: Arnica flowers and roots have been used for centuries as medicinal herbs. It has anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates the flow of white blood cells, which treat blood clots and help disperse stagnant fluid from joints, muscles and bruises. Arnica oil is recommended only for local application and in diluted form, since pure it is very powerful and can cause serious side effects.

Cabbage leaves: For bruises on the face, take the large outer leaves white cabbage, break the thickenings into them and lower them into very hot water. Then apply it to the bruise (just make sure they cool a little so you don't get burned).

Cold compress: Apply a cold compress to the bruise to help reduce swelling and pain. The sooner you apply a compress after an injury, the better.

Aloe vera: Fresh gel from the leaves of the aloe vera plant can help speed up the healing of wounds and skin irritations.

Calendula (marigold): To make a balm, boil 30 grams of dried calendula flowers or leaves (or 1/4 teaspoon fresh juice herbs) with 30 grams of lard. Once the mixture has cooled, apply it to the bruise. This mixture is great for sprains, pulled muscles, cracks and abscesses.

Fenugreek: To prepare hot poultices, place 15 grams of crushed fenugreek seeds in a small linen bag and boil in water for a few minutes. Take out the bag and apply this "tea water" to sore spot. Let it be as hot as you can stand (as long as you don't get burned).

Common thyme: Place the green parts of the plant in water and boil for three to four minutes. Cover the pan and leave for two to three minutes. Strain and add the infusion to your bath water. Take a bath as usual.

Onion: Apply it directly to the bruise.

St. John's wort: Add 10-15 drops of St. John's wort oil to water and apply to the sore spot.

Apple vinegar : Apply hot or cold apple cider vinegar to the bruise.

Vitamin K: Vitamin K topically will help reduce bruising.

Healthy skin starts on the inside

In addition to the above recommendations, to prevent bruising, It is beneficial to consume foods that are especially effective in maintaining beautiful, clean and healthy skin:

    Omega-3 fats of animal origin:

    Vegetables: ideally fresh, organic, locally produced. Fresh vegetable juice wonder how beneficial it is for the skin, as are the carotenoids that give red, orange and yellow fruits, and are also present in green vegetables. Studies have shown that consuming richly colored foods makes your face look healthier than a tanned one.

    A fermented vegetables even better because they are the same vegetables, but transformed by bacteria into superfoods that promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, helping to create balance immune system and digestion.

    Astaxanthin- a powerful antioxidant - has been found to daily use provides effective protection from sun damage. Some sunscreens are already starting to use astaxanthin as an ingredient to protect the skin from damage. published

© Dr. Joseph Mercola

To the question How to quickly remove big bruise?? given by the author Natalia the best answer is I know that as soon as you bump, you need to rub the area of ​​impact with dry soap (any soap, only dry)
Tested on myself.

Answer from chevron[expert]
add raw meat.

Answer from DAISY[guru]
There is a cream called Bruise-off)) Try it.

Answer from Insufficient salting[guru]
Bodyaga-forte gel is really good. You can just use heparin ointment.

Answer from Sketch[active]
They write correctly_badyaga or is there also Arnica ointment?

Answer from Mikhail Nikolaevich[guru]
Now only warming up nothing else will help!

Answer from Yuri Ivanov[guru]
Bodiga is not an ointment, but a herb. Buy it at the pharmacy and mix it with sunflower oil. Then anoint the bruise. Results in 2 days.

Answer from Yovetlana Ershova[expert]
Buy a herb at the pharmacy, it's called "Bodyaga"

Answer from Mila[guru]
iodine mesh or vodka compress, and there is also hyparin ointment

Answer from Helen[guru]
There is Badyaga, this ointment is inconvenient to use: spread it on, then you have to wash it off. To have a big effect, I didn’t notice it. Heparin ointment is more effective.

Answer from Love Lappa[guru]
Gel Dolobene.

Answer from Wais[guru]
Bruises occur as a result of injury - closed damage soft tissues from impact with a blunt object or fall on a hard surface. The bruise looks like a spot that changes color over the course of several days: red – purple – blue; green- yellow. This color change occurs due to the breakdown of the coloring substance - hemoglobin. Used to treat bruises the following drugs: Badyaga ointment, Bruise-OFF gel, Rescuer balm. These products are widespread and are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.
Non-traditional and traditional methods treatment:
1)Apply to the bruise fresh leaves cabbage
2) Take raw potatoes and, cutting into 2 parts, apply the cut to the sore spot and rub the bruise.
3) Apply a compress of raw potato mass or pulp of boiled and mashed potatoes to the sore spot. Sometimes for better effect Honey and baking soda are added to the potato pulp.
4) Peel a raw potato and apply one of the peelings to the bruise inside and attach with adhesive tape. Do not remove this compress for 2-3 hours.
5) Pour 3 tablespoons of garlic pulp into 300 ml. 6% vinegar, leave in dark place at room temperature for 12 hours, shaking the contents occasionally, then strain. Rub the tincture on bruises.
6)Apply soy flour paste to the bruise.
7) Apply a cleanly washed piece of copper to the bruise.
8) Apply juice or decoction of the herb fragrant rue (sold in a pharmacy) to the bruises as a lotion.
9) Apply a napkin soaked in a decoction of marigold herb (sold in a pharmacy) to the bruise as a lotion.
10) Apply a mashed or finely chopped plantain leaf to the bruise.
11) Grind 1 onion, mix with 1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaf, add an equal amount of honey and mix in a boiling water bath. Use as compresses. Keep for 2 hours. Make compresses 3 times a day.
12) Take 3-4 tablespoons of dry crushed marjoram herb, pour in 1.5 cups of vegetable oil, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, strain. Apply the oil-herbal paste to the bruised area.
13) Add 4-5 drops to a bowl of ice water clove oil, soak a piece of bandage in the solution and apply it to the bruise. Hold until the compress warms up. Repeat the procedure several times.
14) Mix vinegar with honey and apply as a medicinal bandage to the site of the blow. The mixture should be renewed from time to time until the bruise disappears.

Bee honey is a valuable food product that is partially digested in the crop of the honey bee. The composition contains 15 - 20% water, 75 - 80% natural carbohydrates. The benefits are determined by the presence of vitamins and microelements, natural substances, which always pleases with maintaining good immunity for most honey lovers. Many people note not only useful composition, but also amazing taste, amazing aroma.

Nature, of course, provides amazing features to produce honey, but you should know which honey plants are the best and most productive. If you familiarize yourself with the ten best honey plants, you can guarantee the optimal volume of production of a valuable product. It is important to be prepared for the fact that productivity is always determined by the variety, as well as by the conditions that developed during the growth of the plant.

Linden – 500 – 1000 kilograms per hectare

Trees up to 30 meters high are ready to delight with optimal honey productivity. The flower secretes from three to twelve mg of nectar. If we calculate per hectare, it is possible to allocate up to 500 - 1000 kilograms.

In Russia, up to 10 species of linden can be successfully grown, each of which has managed to gain fame among honey lovers. The most important thing is favorable weather when growing the plant.

Flowering starts in early July and lasts about 2 weeks. The large-leaved variety always blooms a little earlier.

One linden tree can live for about three to four centuries, but nectar is produced only by trees that are 20 years old. The highest productivity is observed after a century.

In most cases, bees can be seen near linden flowers in the morning and before evening, since they are observed twice a day. copious discharge nectar.

Bruise – 800 – 850 kilograms per hectare

A bruise can remain in one place for no more than 6 years. Fortunately, it is resistant to any type of soil. In this case, propagation by self-sowing is allowed. Productivity reaches 800 – 850 kilograms per hectare.

The main differences between a bruise:

  • nectar is released under any weather conditions;
  • the bruise attracts a large number of bees;
  • flowering continues long time– up to 25 – 35 days.

Such features always guarantee decent plant productivity results.

Phacelia – 200 – 700 kilograms per hectare

Tansy phacelia is one of the most worthy honey plants. Bees can visit the phacelia at any time of the day, since nectar and pollen are always ready to be collected.

Main characteristics:

  • honey in combs is resistant to crystallization;
  • phacelia is suitable for wintering bees;
  • per hectare there are up to 200 -700 kilograms of honey.

Such characteristics explain the popularity of phacelia.

Acacia – 300 – 400 kilograms per hectare

Acacia is a tree whose height can reach 10 - 12 meters. Key Features:

  • usually flowering occurs in July;
  • The flowering period is about 12 – 20 days;
  • per hectare you can collect up to 300 - 400 kilograms of sugar in nectar. IN favorable years the volume of collection will be 1.5 - 2 times greater.

Acacia honey is considered one of the healthiest and most delicious.

Alfalfa – 270 – 300 kilograms per hectare

Alfalfa is a perennial legume fodder crop. In most cases, the plant is found in cotton-growing areas. Flowering always occurs in the first two months of summer, and productivity reaches 270 - 300 kilograms.

Black mustard – 260 kilograms per hectare

Black mustard honey makes you happy beneficial properties, which guarantees its popularity.

Buckwheat – 160 – 220 kilograms per hectare

Buckwheat is one of the most important plants that is ready to give honey. Basic information:

  • the main areas for buckwheat cultivation require the presence of non-chernozem soil;
  • minimum productivity - 160 kilograms: Gloria, Victoria, Aelita, Yubileinaya 2, Tulunskaya;
  • more than 200 kilograms - Orbit.

Only proper cultivation allows us to note the best results of preparing honey from buckwheat.

Sweet clover - 120 - 250 kilograms per hectare

White sweet clover is herbaceous plant, which can grow up to two years. Fortunately, the honey from this plant turns out to be of high quality. In addition, the finished honey has a delicate floral aroma and light color. The plant initially helps preserve nectar, which cannot evaporate and be washed away. Productive bees successfully use the gifts of nature for a whole month.

White creeping clover – 100 kilograms per hectare

Clover is perennial plant, which can be found in pastures.


  • The duration of flowering exceeds a month. In some cases, clover blooms almost all summer;
  • the most suitable conditions are moist loamy soils;
  • nectar is not released during drought and wet weather with low temperatures.

White clover is a worthy plant for making honey if the circumstances are favorable.

Rapeseed – 30 – 60 kilograms per hectare

Rapeseed is a 2-year-old oilseed plant that blooms in the first half of May. To successfully collect nectar, 4 colonies of bees are required.

Successful production of honey is guaranteed only if you know which honey plants are best to use and when.

Video: Top 10 best honey plants

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