Central paresis of the facial nerve is characterized by. All causes of facial paralysis. Health to you and your loved ones

This pathology is essentially an inflammation nerve fibers, which are responsible for the work of facial muscles. This condition affects the patient’s ability to adequately express emotions: he is unable to laugh, frown, or even chew food.

Paresis facial nerve more often diagnosed in the cold season. Full recovery may take about 6 months, and in 5% of cases the disease is not cured.

Causes of trigeminal nerve paresis - what can provoke pathology

The entire list of factors that lead to the appearance of the disease in question is divided into two large groups:

Idiopathic (primary) lesion

Occurs due to hypothermia of the area around the ear - or a certain part of the head.

This phenomenon often occurs when staying under air conditioning for a long time, or near open window in transport.

Secondary lesion

Occurs against the background of injury or inflammation.

Risk factors are the following diseases:

  1. Harmful effect of paramyxovirus in mumps.
  2. Infantile spinal palsy.
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. The period of bearing a child. The first three months of pregnancy are accompanied by sudden hormonal changes in a woman’s body, which can negatively affect nervous system.
  6. Violations of the integrity of the facial nerve in certain dental procedures: tooth extraction, root canal therapy, etc.
  7. Syphilis.
  8. Surgical manipulations in the facial area.
  9. Head or ear injury. In newborns, such an injury is possible when the face is pressed against the bony protrusions of the pelvis for a long time during labor activity. This scenario is possible if the woman carrying the child has too narrow birth canals, and the birth itself is delayed for a long time.
  10. Herpes.
  11. Regular exposure to stressful situations. Stress not only negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system, but also helps to reduce the body's defensive reactions.
  12. Atherosclerosis. Blockage of blood vessels can lead to limited oxygen supply to nerve fibers, which leads to their death.
  13. Pathological neoplasms in the brain. It is extremely rare that they can provoke this disease, but exclude this factor do not do it. Compression of the trigeminal nerve by the tumor makes it impossible to fully conduct impulses.
  14. Infection of the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.

In addition, the disease in question may develop as a result of degenerative processes associated with the blood supply to the facial part.

Such negative phenomena often occur against the background of the following diseases:

  • Diabetes. It is a consequence of the formation of foci of inflammation.
  • Leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, death nerve cells.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Sharp increase blood pressure. Can provoke an increase intracranial pressure, which harms the nuclei of the facial nerve.

Signs and symptoms of facial paresis in newborns, children and adults

The clinical picture of this pathology will be determined by the area of ​​damage to the facial nerve:

  1. Inflammatory foci that are concentrated in the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve are manifested by weakness of the facial muscle tissue.
  2. With simultaneous pathology auditory nerve the patient complains of hearing loss.
  3. If the degenerative process affects the root of the trigeminal nerve, as well as the nucleus of the abducens nerve, paralysis of the facial muscle tissue is complemented by strabismus.

In addition, the general symptoms will be determined by the disease that provoked the facial nerve paresis:

1. If the main “culprit” is herpes DNA, the patient complains of:

  • Painful sensations inside the ear that spread to occipital part head, neck.
  • Rashes on the mucous membrane of the mouth, in the area of ​​the external auditory canal.
  • Partial loss of sense of taste.
  • Noises in the ears.
  • Dizziness.
  • Decreased hearing acuity.

2. If neuritis develops against the background of mumps, the following symptoms will occur:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Prostration.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Increase in soft tissue in the behind-the-ear area.

3. If the cause of facial nerve paresis is otitis media:

  • There are regular shooting pains in the ears, which are combined with disturbances in facial expressions.

4. With Melkerson-Rosenthal disease, in addition to trigeminal neuritis, the patient is diagnosed with:

  • Increased parameters of the tongue, its lobular structure. Is birth defect, and does not cause discomfort to the patient.
  • Dense swelling of the face.

In general, regardless of the illness against which the facial nerve paresis developed, the following phenomena will be observed in the affected area:

  1. Lack of clear contours in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold.
  2. Drooping of the corner of the mouth.
  3. Inability to close the eyelids in the affected area. When trying to do this, the eye suddenly begins to turn upward.
  4. Hearing hypersensitivity: loud sounds cause discomfort to the patient.
  5. Slurred speech due to the inability of the mouth to fully participate in the articulation of sounds.
  6. Inability to influence facial muscles. All attempts to smile, raise an eyebrow, purse your lips into a tube remain fruitless. In addition, food and liquid leak out from the slightly open corner of the lips.
  7. Constant dry eyes. In some cases, lacrimation occurs when eating.
  8. Regularly biting your cheek while eating. This is due to the fact that nerve impulses do not reach the cheek muscles - the patient is not able to control them.
  9. Increased secretion of saliva (not always). Often a person experiences constant thirst and suffers from dry mouth. This is due to curved impulses that come from the brain to the salivary glands.

In newborns, this pathology makes itself felt especially clearly when screaming, crying, or laughing. During feeding, the affected area of ​​the mouth does not completely cover the breast, which leads to leakage of milk.

Saliva and tear fluid can drain in the same way.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease in question, doctors distinguish three degrees:

  • Light. Manifestations of pathology are often limited to a slight distortion of the mouth, difficulty moving the eyebrows, and closing the eyes.
  • Average. A characteristic sign of this stage is the inability to move the lips or puff out the cheeks. The patient cannot close his eyelids completely. Movement of the skin of the forehead is limited.
  • Heavy. There are no elementary movements that involve facial muscles. The forehead remains motionless, the mouth is noticeably distorted. Attempts to close the eye are accompanied by an upward movement of the pupil. In some cases, the muscles of the neck, forehead, and wings of the nose may be involved in the pathological process.

Types of facial nerve paresis in medical classification - features of the clinical picture and symptoms

There are three main types of the disease in question:

  1. Peripheral (Bell's palsy). The most common type of trigeminal neuritis today. It occurs as a result of extensive inflammatory phenomena that lead to swelling of the nerve structures. Patients initially complain of painful sensations in the behind-the-ear area. During palpation of the specified area, the doctor determines the weakness of the muscle tissue. Peripheral facial nerve palsy can affect children and the older generation.
  2. Central. Distinctive Features is the patient’s ability to fully move the skin of the forehead, distinguish taste qualities. Visual functions are also saved. However, in general, this form of trigeminal neuritis is characterized by a rather aggravated course and complex treatment. Against the background of muscle tissue atrophy, sagging occurs skin, which are located below the nose. Unilateral and bilateral lesions are possible in both children and adults.
  3. Congenital. It is diagnosed extremely rarely, and therapeutic measures are often limited to gymnastics and massage. If the disease manifests itself in a severe manner, surgical procedures are resorted to.

Based on the affected area, this disease may be:

  • Unilateral. Affects the right or left side of the face.
  • Bilateral. Occurs in 2% of cases.

What is the danger of trigeminal nerve paresis in children and adults - prognosis for facial nerve paresis in children and adults

Treatment of the disease in question may take a lot of time and effort, but if all the doctor’s instructions are followed, in 75% of cases occurs full recovery.

In cases where, after 3 months of therapy, the pathology has not receded, the prognosis is less optimistic.

Inadequate - or untimely - treatment can cause a number of complications:

  1. Contracture of facial muscles. It may develop in the absence of any improvement a month after the onset of the disease. In this case, the muscle tissue contracts, which is accompanied by pain and distortion of the shape of the eye and nasolabial fold. IN for preventive purposes It is recommended to warm up the affected area, as well as daily self-massage.
  2. Muscle tissue atrophy. A similar negative phenomenon develops a year after damage to the trigeminal nerve as a result of inactivity of the muscles and their oxygen starvation. This process is irreversible, therefore, in order to prevent atrophy, the patient should do special gymnastics and massage daily.
  3. Uncontrolled contraction of the eye muscles.
  4. Inflammation of the conjunctiva or cornea. This is due to severe drying of the eye shell as a result of disruption of the tear secretion process.
  5. Disorders associated with the isolation of electrical impulses in a nerve branch, which promotes the spread of electrical impulses along the wrong fibers. This condition is called facial synkinesis. This can manifest itself in different ways: “crocodile tears”, raising the corner of the mouth when closing the eyelids, deformation of the wings of the nose when chewing, etc.

Facial nerve paresis- This is a disorder in the functioning of the nervous system, in which the performance of the facial muscles is impaired. In most cases, the symptoms of the disease appear on one side.

The cause of the pathology is injury to the trigeminal nerve, which leads to disruption of transmission nerve impulses. The patient can independently determine paresis of the facial nerve due to pronounced symptoms.

Paresis of the facial nerve can be an independent disease or a symptom of other pathological processes that occur in the patient’s body. The disease develops with idiopathic or secondary lesions.

The occurrence of facial nerve paresis is diagnosed when the head is hypothermic. The disease develops against the background of:

  • Syphilis;
  • Poliomyelitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Mumps.

With the pathogenic activity of the herpes virus, a pathological process occurs in patients. It develops against the background of otitis media, which affects the nerve fiber. Respiratory diseases are a common cause of the disease. The disease is observed with head injuries that have varying degrees of severity. If surgical intervention is performed incorrectly in the facial area, this leads to the development of pathology.

Facial nerve paresis is diagnosed when blood circulation in the facial part is impaired. This pathological process develops when diabetes mellitus. Patients with are at risk. The disease appears in people after hypertensive crisis. It is diagnosed against the background of ischemic stroke. The appearance of pathology is observed after dental operations.

There are a variety of causes of facial paresis, which are recommended to be identified for treatment. effective treatment pathology.

Types of pathology

Facial nerve paresis is divided into several types in accordance with the characteristics of the pathological process. He can be:

  • Innate. This form of facial nerve paresis is extremely in rare cases. If the pathology is mild or moderate, then treatment is carried out using massage and gymnastics. With the help of these manipulations, blood circulation is stimulated and the functioning of the nerve is restored. In severe cases of pathology, surgery is recommended.

  • Peripheral. This facial nerve paresis is diagnosed in most patients, regardless of their age. Patients complain of severe pain behind the ears, which most often manifests itself on one side. Appearance facial paresis diagnosed against the background of an inflammatory process that leads to swelling of the nerve fibers.
  • Central. This form facial paresis is characterized severe course and difficulties in treatment. With the disease, the muscle structures of the face atrophy, which leads to sagging skin. In this case, there is no damage to the forehead and visual apparatus. The disease occurs when neurons located in the brain are damaged.

Trigeminal nerve palsy is characterized by the presence of several varieties, which are recommended to be identified in order to prescribe effective therapy.

Degrees and symptoms of the disease

With paresis of the facial nerve, patients experience pronounced symptoms. It manifests itself in accordance with the severity of the pathological process, which can be:

  • Easy. Facial paresis is characterized weakly severe symptoms. In some cases, a slight distortion of the mouth on the affected side is diagnosed. The patient closes his eyes and frowns with effort.
  • Average. With paresis of the facial nerve of this degree, lagophalmos occurs. A person experiences a significant decrease in the mobility of the facial muscles. The patient cannot move his lips or puff out his cheeks.
  • Heavy. With facial paresis, pronounced facial asymmetry is observed. Patients' mouths are severely distorted. On the affected side, the organ of vision is not completely closed.

With trigeminal nerve paresis, the appearance of common features. In patients, the nasolabial fold is smoothed and the corner of the mouth is lowered. On the affected side, the eye opens strongly and unnaturally. During the period of eating, food is observed to fall out from the affected side of the mouth.

A sick person cannot wrinkle his forehead much. Patients complain that with paresis of the facial nerve they experience a decrease or complete absence taste sensations. The disease is accompanied by an exacerbation of auditory function.

In pathology, lacrimation is observed, which intensifies during meals. If you ask a person to form a tube with his lips, he will not be able to do it. Pain syndrome appears behind the ear.

With facial paresis, severe symptoms are observed, which allows the patient to independently determine the disease. When the first signs of illness appear, he should consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist, after diagnosis, can prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment of the disease

With facial nerve paresis, the diagnosis is made in accordance with its symptoms. The patient is recommended to consult with an otolaryngologist, which will provide the opportunity to exclude pathological processes in the ear. To determine the cause of facial paresis, it is recommended to conduct laboratory tests blood, electromyography, head scan.

The effectiveness of treatment for facial nerve paresis directly depends on the patient’s timely treatment for medical care. If the disease becomes chronic form, then he will not be able to get rid of facial asymmetry.

Drug therapy

If the patient has a leak acute form pathological process, it is recommended to treat it using medications. The causes of the disease are preliminarily determined, and therapy is aimed at eliminating them. It helps relieve swelling and inflammatory process, and the process of regeneration of nerve cells is also activated. Treatment of facial nerve paresis is carried out:

  • Analgesics. Drugs are used for severe pain syndrome. Treatment of the disease is carried out with Ketorol, Baralgin, Spazgan.
  • Corticosteroids. Medicines in this group are used if the patient has severe or average degree facial nerve paresis. Therapy is carried out with Prednisolone, which helps relieve inflammation and swelling in the shortest possible time.
  • Decongestant medications. To combat swelling, the use of Triampur or Furosemide is recommended.
  • Vasodilator medications. The drugs help restore blood circulation in the area of ​​damage and speed up the treatment process. Patients are recommended to take nicotinic acid or Complamina.
  • Sedative medications. Taking the drug is recommended if the patient has high anxiety. It can be eliminated with Relanium or Sibazon. They have a calming effect, which ensures patient relaxation.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. During the course of the pathological process, patients are prescribed B vitamins.
  • Artificial tears. The use of medications is recommended for damage to the visual organs. They are used to exclude the possibility of developing a secondary infection and help moisturize the mucous membrane.

In case of paresis of the facial nerve, the selection of medications is carried out by the doctor in accordance with the causes and severity of the pathological process.

Surgical intervention

To achieve high therapeutic effect Surgery is recommended within 12 months after the onset of the disease. If you delay the operation, this will lead to atrophy of the muscles that the nerve cannot control.

If there is a rupture, the nerve is sutured during surgery. At congenital form pathology, autotransplantation is recommended. During surgical intervention A graft is taken from the patient's leg and sewn into the face. At the next stage, the branches of the nerve are sutured to the healthy area. Thanks to the operation, one nerve will control facial expressions. After surgery, there is only a small scar behind the ear.


At early diagnosis pathological process, Sollux, which is a special lamp, is used to treat it. Light therapy is performed using the device. After completing the course, patients are given an appointment UHF, phonophoresis and paraffin therapy.

Acupuncture is characterized by a high effect in the fight against disease. This technique is based on the introduction of special needles into the area of ​​the affected nerve and other acupuncture points on the body. With the help of manipulation, blood circulation in the affected area is improved.

As aid In case of pathology, the use of homeopathy is recommended. The most commonly used drug is Heclesemium. Its use is permitted only after prior consultation with a doctor. otherwise, facial distortion may occur.

With paresis, wide psychotherapy is used. This is explained by the fact that the symptoms of the pathological process negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of a person. This leads to decreased self-esteem and the development of depression. If it cannot be eliminated with the help of sedative medications, the patient is recommended to seek help from a psychotherapist.

To improve muscle function in case of illness, massage is recommended. The use of the technique is allowed only after a week has passed after the onset of the disease. To provide maximum efficiency therapy, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Also for paresis it is allowed self-massage.

Initially, massage the neck and back of the head, and then gradually move on to the face. It is recommended to perform simultaneous massage on the healthy and sore side. Massage is not performed in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. If the patient experiences muscle soreness, a light and superficial massage is recommended. It is recommended to pay special attention to the mastoid process during the manipulation.

It is a serious pathological process that negatively affects a person’s appearance, leading to psychoemotional disorders. That is why, when the first symptoms of the disease occur, the patient is recommended to seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor, after conducting appropriate examinations, will make the correct diagnosis and determine the type of disease. This will allow us to develop an effective treatment regimen taking into account individual characteristics patient and the severity of the disease.

Facial nerve paralysis(facial paralysis or Bell's palsy) is a sudden weakness of the facial muscles resulting from damage to the facial nerve.

In this condition, muscle movement on one side of the face is usually impaired.

The patient's smile may become distorted, and one eye may be closed.

Bell's palsy, according to American experts, occurs in 20-30 people per 100,000 population. Facial paralysis is equally common in both men and women. The disease can occur at any age, average age patients are 40 years old.

The exact cause of Bell's palsy is unknown. Paralysis occurs as a result of inflammation of the facial nerve, which controls numerous facial muscles. This disease may be a reaction to previous viral infections.

For most people, facial paralysis is a temporary problem. The condition usually improves after a few weeks, and full recovery occurs after a few months. In a small percentage of people, symptoms remain for life. Facial paralysis may recur.

Causes of facial paralysis

The causes of the disease are unknown, but experts associate it with past viral infections.

Viral infections that are associated with Bell's palsy:

Herpes (herpes simplex virus).
. Chicken pox and herpes zoster (Varicella zoster virus).
. Acute respiratory viral infections (adenovirus).
. Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus).
. Cytomegalovirus infection(CMV).
. Infection caused by the Coxsackie virus.
. Influenza (type B virus).
. Rubella.

Risk factors

Most often, Bell's palsy occurs in the following groups of people:

Pregnant women (during the 3rd trimester or immediately after childbirth).
. Patients who often suffer from viral infections.
. Elderly people with weakened immune systems.

Some patients with repeated episodes of facial paralysis have family history this disease. In these cases, a genetic tendency to Bell's palsy is suspected.

Symptoms of facial paralysis

Symptoms of the disease appear suddenly. Facial paralysis usually affects one side of the face. In rare cases, paralysis may be bilateral.

Symptoms may include:

Rapidly developing weakness or paralysis of one half of the face.
. Difficulty in facial expressions, skewed smile.
. Increased sensitivity to sound on one side.
. Drooping of one eyelid.
. Pain in the ear on the affected side.
. Jaw pain
. Headache.
. Impaired production of saliva and tear fluid.
. Taste disturbance.

When should you see a doctor?

You should see a doctor immediately if you experience any muscle paralysis or facial distortion. This could indicate a stroke! Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of your symptoms.

Complications of facial paralysis

In mild cases, Bell's palsy goes away almost completely within a few weeks, but complications can also arise:

Irreversible damage to the facial nerve with long-term consequences - symptoms of paralysis may last a lifetime.
. Improper restoration of nerve fibers, which leads to involuntary muscle contractions (synkinesis). For example, a person smiles, but at the same time his eye closes.
. Partial or complete blindness from the side of the eye that does not close. The inability to close the eye leads to dryness and damage to the cornea - the protective membrane of the eye.

Diagnosis of facial paralysis

If weakness of the facial muscles appears, many possible reasons, including Lyme disease (borreliosis) and head tumors. They can cause similar symptoms while masquerading as idiopathic facial palsy.

If the cause of your symptoms is not clear, your doctor may order the following tests:

Electromyography (EMG). This test will confirm the nerve damage and determine its severity. EMG evaluates the electrical activity of facial muscles in response to stimulation, and also measures the speed of electrical impulses along nerve fibers.
. Head scan. X-rays, CT scans, and magnetic resonance imaging may be needed to find the cause of the compression of the facial nerve. Such causes may be head tumors or skull fractures.

Treatment of facial paralysis

Most patients recover completely. However, some do not even require any treatment (minimal home measures).

There is no single treatment that would suit all patients. The doctor may suggest medications or physical therapy, depending on the situation. In rare cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.

1. Drug treatment:

Corticosteroid hormones such as prednisolone. These substances have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. They will relieve inflammation of the facial nerve, which will help the patient regain control of the muscles. These drugs work best if given in the early days of illness.
. Antiviral drugs such as acyclovir (Zovirax) or valacyclovir (Valtrex). These medications stop the reproduction of viruses that may cause illness. This treatment is prescribed only in cases of severe paralysis.

2. Physiotherapy.

Paralyzed muscles may gradually shorten, causing permanent damage. Physiotherapy, massage and special exercises for the facial muscles will help prevent long-term consequences.

3. Surgical treatment.

In the past, decompression surgery was widely used in the West, which relieves pressure on the inflamed nerve from surrounding tissue (bone). Today, Western experts do not recommend such operations, because they are associated with high risk facial nerve damage and permanent hearing loss. In rare cases, plastic surgery is recommended to correct minor complications of Bell's palsy.

Home treatments for facial paralysis include:

Protecting eyes that the patient cannot close. In these cases, it is imperative to use artificial tears or moisturizing gels, because without blinking, the eyes can dry out and become inflamed. During the day, you should wear goggles to protect from wind and dust, and at night, be sure to wear a bandage.
. Over-the-counter pain relievers. Aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, or naproxen can help you manage the pain. These drugs are usually well tolerated and are therefore available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Consult your pharmacist or doctor about restrictions on their use.
. Apply moist heat. One more useful tool There will be a piece of cloth soaked in warm water. Sometimes this helps relieve facial pain.

Alternative treatments:

Relaxation techniques. Learning some yoga and meditation techniques can help relieve pain and tension.
. Acupuncture, or acupuncture. An acupuncturist uses hair-thin needles that are inserted into specific reflex points on the body. This may provide relief from pain.
. Biological technology feedback. This method is based on practicing control over your body with the help of thoughts. The method requires long and hard training on a special computer, but in the end it allows you to regulate pain and improve control of your muscles.
. Vitamin therapy. Some experts recommend vitamin B6, B12, and the trace element zinc to treat nerve damage. In post-Soviet countries and European countries, officially approved medications based on B vitamins (Neurorubin, Neurovitan, Neurobex, Milgama, etc.).

Konstantin Mokanov

Let's continue to get acquainted with neurological diseases. And today talk about facial nerve paresis. The disease develops in a matter of days. The resulting asymmetry on one side of the face is not better side changes the appearance of a person. Timely treatment measures will help to quickly cope with the disease. Let's take it in order.

What is facial nerve paresis?

Facial nerve paresis is a disease of the nervous system characterized by impaired functioning of the facial muscles. As a rule, a unilateral lesion is observed, but total paresis is not excluded. The pathogenesis of the disease is based on a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses due to trauma to the trigeminal nerve.

The main symptom indicating the progression of facial nerve paresis is facial asymmetry or complete absence motor activity muscle structures from the side of the lesion localization.

Most often, the cause of paresis is colds of the upper respiratory tract, but there are several other factors that provoke the disease, which we will discuss further.

The average age of a neurologist's patients with this disease is about 40 years, both men and women suffer from the disease equally often, and the disease develops in childhood.

The facial nerve refers to the nerves responsible for the motor and sensory function of the muscles of the face. As a result of its defeat, nerve impulses do not pass through in the required volume, the muscles become weakened and can no longer perform their main function to the required extent.

The facial nerve is also responsible for the innervation of the lacrimal and salivary gland, taste buds on the tongue, sensitive fibers of the upper layer of the face. With neuritis, as a rule, one of its branches is involved in the pathological process, so the symptoms of the disease are noticeable only on one side.

What symptoms can you use to recognize facial nerve paresis?

Symptoms of facial nerve paresis are divided into basic and additional.

The main symptoms include: tilting of the face to one side, partial immobility of some part of the face, a condition in which a person cannot close one eye. Also, complete immobility of the eyebrows, cheeks, or the corners of the mouth drooping downwards is often observed; often a person suffering from facial nerve paresis can be recognized by difficulty speaking.

As additional signs the presence of facial nerve paresis can be distinguished constant dryness eyes or, conversely, excessive lacrimation. Almost complete loss of taste, as well as increased salivation. A person may become irritable, loud noises will get on his nerves, and the corners of his mouth will involuntarily droop.

Where are the roots of all diseases?

Our world is diverse and complex for some, but simple and great for others. The ability to behave, to subordinate thoughts to one’s will, to manage one’s state in different situations, to launch the correct biochemical processes, allows a person to have strong energy and strong immunity, and therefore resistance to any diseases.

The integrity of the body begins to collapse with psycho-emotional factors that affect us every day. If a person knows how to cope with them, processing any emotional surges towards a positive shift forward for himself, he will be able to react easily to any uncomfortable situation, remain in good health and, moreover, develop his energy potential.

Otherwise, under the influence of the crazy pace of life, stressful situations at work, at home or on the road, a negative energy charge begins to accumulate, gradually destroying a person’s energy shell.

First, this affects a person’s psychological health; later, the destruction moves to the physical level, where they begin to suffer internal organs and get rid of various sores.

What is the cause of facial paresis and what factors contribute to its development?

Paresis of the facial nerve can act in two ways - independent nosological unit, and a symptom of a pathology already progressing in the human body. The reasons for the progression of the disease are different, therefore, based on them, it is classified into idiopathic damage and secondary damage that progresses due to trauma or inflammation.

The most common cause of nerve fiber paresis in the facial area is severe hypothermia of the head and parotid area. But the following reasons can also provoke the disease:

  • polio
  • pathogenic activity of the herpes virus
  • mumps
  • respiratory pathologies of the upper airways
  • head injuries varying degrees gravity
  • nerve fiber damage due to otitis media
  • damage to the nerve fiber during surgery in the facial area
  • syphilis
  • tuberculosis

Another reason that can provoke paresis is a violation of blood circulation in the facial area. This violation is often observed with such ailments as:

  • multiple sclerosis
  • ischemic stroke
  • hypertensive crisis
  • diabetes.

Often trigeminal nerve damaged during various dental procedures. For example, tooth extraction, root apex resection, opening of abscesses, root canal treatment.

The following types of paresis are distinguished:

Peripheral paresis

As a rule, this type of paresis begins with severe pain behind the ear or in the parotid area. One side is affected; upon palpation, the muscles are flaccid, and their hypotonicity is noted.

The disease develops under the influence of inflammation, which leads to swelling of the nerve fibers and their compression in the narrow channel through which they pass. Peripheral paresis developing according to this etiology is called Bell's palsy.

Central paresis

With this form of the disease, the muscles located in the lower part of the face are affected, the forehead and eyes remain in their normal physiological position, that is, the patient easily wrinkles the frontal folds, the eye functions fully, closes without a gap, and no change in taste is noted.

On palpation, the muscles at the bottom of the face are tense, and in some patients there is bilateral damage. The cause of central paresis of the facial nerve is ongoing damage to the neurons of the brain.

Congenital paresis

This lesion of the facial nerve accounts for approximately 10% of cases of the total identified number of patients with this pathology. With mild and average shape The prognosis is favorable; in severe cases, one type of surgery may be prescribed.

Congenital anomaly of the facial nerve must be distinguished from Moebius syndrome; with this pathology, lesions of other nerve branches of the body are also recorded.

How to recover from facial nerve paresis with Tibetan medicine?

Rapid recovery of the body Tibetan ways occurs through methods of external and internal influence. Everything that can contribute to rapid recovery is taken into account. Lifestyle and nutrition also play an important role here.

We already know that the “Wind” constitution is responsible for the nervous system. And since the occurrence of this disease is closely related to disruption of the passage of nerve impulses, it means that in order to calm the disease it is necessary to restore the harmony of the wind in the body. This is achieved precisely with the help of external and internal influence.

Methods of external influence used for paresis are aimed at resuming the passage of nerve impulses to muscle structures, normalizing psycho-emotional state, eliminating congestion and stimulating the body’s own immune forces to resist the disease. The procedures are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the anamnesis and characteristics mental state patient.

The main external influences include the following procedures:

  • Moxibustion therapy
  • Stone therapy
  • Tibetan massage
  • Vacuum therapy
  • Hirudotherapy
  • And others.

In combination with herbal medicine, these procedures provide a tremendous healing effect and allow you to quickly relieve pain and alleviate the condition.

Properly selected herbal remedies have an immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, harmonizing the condition internal systems body.

An integrated approach is the basis of Tibetan medicine. External influence, the above procedures leads to the fact that:

  • Relieves inflammation and swelling
  • Pain syndrome is quickly eliminated
  • Reduces compression of the damaged nerve bundle
  • Blood supply is normalized
  • Stagnation is eliminated
  • Nerve tissue is restored
  • Normal muscle activity returns
  • Facial expressions are restored
  • Increases immunity

Tibetan medicine has helped many patients regain lost health. Even in cases where ordinary doctors refused the patient, saying that he could no longer be helped, tibetan medicine helped.

Not because she has some kind of magic pill, but because she has enormous knowledge about human nature and its interaction with this world. This experience has been accumulated over thousands of years and is now quickly gaining popularity due to its amazing results.

Without chemicals, antibiotics, painful procedures and surgeries, we manage to get people back on their feet, significantly improving their condition.

People also come to us to prevent diseases. Relax, unload your emotional condition, raise yours vitality and restore energy.

After complex procedures, a person gains harmony with himself and the outside world for a long time. He simply glows with love, energy and life.

Therefore, if you have any health problems, come, we will help you.

Health to you and your loved ones!

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