What are the consequences of removing one fallopian tube? Surgery to remove the fallopian tubes - causes and consequences

Surgery to remove the fallopian tubes is necessary when they are severely damaged, for example by inflammation or an ectopic pregnancy has occurred. One or two fallopian tubes are removed. If you need to remove your fallopian tubes, you can contact this clinic, they have specialists who really know their stuff. Nowadays, laparoscopy is increasingly preferred (the operation is performed through small, one or one and a half centimeter, incisions. Unlike abdominal surgery, much larger incisions are needed).

Removal of the fallopian tubes in this way is much easier for patients to tolerate. How it is performed: after the doctor has performed a laparotomy and thoroughly examined the pelvic organs, the appendages of the side on which the operation is being performed are removed from the abdominal area. Special surgical clamps are then applied to the broad ligament of the uterus, just like the uterine end of the tube. Afterwards, the pipe is cut off above the clamps and the clamps are replaced with ligatures. The area of ​​the broad ligament that remains is sutured along its entire length.

Sometimes surgery to remove the fallopian tubes is performed before IVF - artificial insemination. Removal of pipes is not necessary and is performed only in certain cases:

— Fallopian tubes are filled with fluid or severely deformed;

- Dilation is observed on the fallopian tubes;

— Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

If there is liquid in the tubes, then there is a risk that the liquid will not allow the embryo to advance and it will not enter the uterine cavity. Also, fluid can enter the uterus itself and wash them out from there.

In addition, embryos can die under the influence of pathogenic, pathogenic microorganisms that appear during inflammation of the fallopian tube. If you do not remove the fallopian tubes, then successful pregnancy decreases to 30% during artificial insemination(ECO). When removed, the chances increase to 60% and this gives high probability the onset of pregnancy, gestation and normal childbirth.

True, it should be noted that removal of the fallopian tubes surgically, adversely affects the maturation of follicles and impairs ovulation. The attending physician determines whether surgery is necessary for each patient individually. If an extensive and severe lesion has occurred, for example, hydrosalpinx (extensive in size) or if it has persisted for a long time, surgery is performed. Diagnosis of inflammatory processes is carried out using ultrasound.

  • Plastic surgery

Quite often, tubal plastic surgery is performed immediately after treatment. It is done using various microsurgical techniques. During plastic surgery, the tissue of the pipe, which could be deformed after the procedure to remove adhesions, is aligned. The remaining scars that inevitably remain during surgery disappear after plastic surgery. Treatment with surgical intervention exposes the pipes to a wide variety of influences. Because of this, plastic may have different levels difficulties. It depends on how much the fallopian tubes are damaged.

Sometimes they form something new pessary. They can implant the damaged section of the pipe. Several operations are also possible if this is a complex case. Plastic surgery on this most important female organ cannot be overestimated. Indeed, in 40%-90%, pregnancy and childbirth are possible with the help of tubal restoration. The difference in percentage is quite large, but this also has its own explanation. Tubal pathology can be very varied and very complex.

Often this depends on individual characteristics women (after surgery). After all, each has its own characteristics and structure of the genital organs. The general condition of a woman also affects rehabilitation period. Of course, conceiving a child with one fallopian tube is lower than with two. But don't despair. A lot depends on the general state of health, as well as the patency of the remaining pipes. Therefore, if you carefully follow the recommendations, performing the procedures that you have been prescribed should simply allow you to experience this wonderful feeling of motherhood.

The fallopian tubes connect the abdominal cavity to the uterus and ovaries. The only function of the fallopian tubes is to carry a fertilized egg into the uterus. Often, women experience obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus and gets stuck in the fallopian tube. This situation leads to the development of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. After this, the fallopian tube (or both fallopian tubes) is usually removed. What are the consequences of removing the fallopian tubes? Read more about this later in this article.

Consequences of tubal removal

Removing the fallopian tubes is called a salpingectomy. Most probable complication after salpingectomy – increased risk of infertility. So, if one fallopian tube is removed, the likelihood of a desired pregnancy is significantly reduced - up to 50 percent. has, then a subsequent conception may again result in an ectopic pregnancy.

After removal of the fallopian tubes, no reconstruction is carried out - it simply does not make sense. The fact is that the fallopian tube is normally capable of contracting (peristalsis), and thanks to this, a fertilized egg can move along the tube to the uterus, but with plastic surgery of the fallopian tube, this is, alas, impossible to achieve. It is noteworthy that after removal of the fallopian tube, menstruation will occur regularly, but under the condition normal operation ovaries.

After surgery to remove the fallopian tubes, there is often pain syndrome. Pain in the pelvic area in such cases indicates the formation of adhesions in this place.

Salpingectomy is sometimes prescribed to prepare a woman's body for in vitro fertilization (IVF) - this procedure helps ensure the woman's safety from the onset of ectopic pregnancy. But it should be noted that removal of the fallopian tubes negatively affects the process of follicle maturation and ovulation. Therefore, in each specific case, the need to remove the fallopian tubes is determined only by a doctor. Typically, surgery to remove the fallopian tubes is performed when the hydrosalpinx is large or if it has existed for six months or more. The size of the inflammatory formation helps to establish the pelvis.

Recovery after fallopian tube removal

Rehabilitation after salpingectomy consists of adequate anti-inflammatory therapy. This therapy is necessary to ensure that the second fallopian tube remains as patent as possible. As a rule, absorbable drugs are prescribed after surgery - vitreous, aloe, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis.

To prevent the formation of adhesions after removal of the fallopian tube, the cheapest and simple method counts physical activity, and early start eating.

Did the examination reveal obstruction of the fallopian tubes? Was there an ectopic pregnancy? Diagnosed with hydrosalpinx? Fallopian tube removal surgery will help!

Cost of tubal removal surgery

Consultation with a surgeon before surgery - 2,700 rubles

Laparoscopic operations on the uterine appendages - from 50,000 rubles

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Description of the operation to remove the fallopian tubes

What is an operation to remove the fallopian tubes, in what situations is it necessary, and what consequences does removal of the fallopian tubes have on the body? What are the consequences of removing one fallopian tube? Let's try to answer these questions.

First, let's look at what the fallopian tubes themselves are. Fallopian tubes are paired organ, presented in the form of a tube and connecting the uterine cavity with the peritoneum. The fallopian tube gradually expands, moving away from the uterus, and opens from the abdominal cavity with its fibrillar end, bordered by many outgrowths.

What is the function of the fallopian tubes? With the help of their small outgrowths at the end (fimbriae), they capture the egg after ovulation. The oocyte then moves along the tube, thanks to the villi present on it and their movement towards the uterine cavity. Here, directly in the tube itself, the meeting of the sperm and the egg normally occurs, the process of fertilization itself, and then the migration of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. Considering all of the above, the enormous role of this body is obvious. So what reasons could lead to its removal? First of all, it should be noted that it is not always a violation normal functioning pipes serves as a reason for their removal. Often, when obstruction is detected, it is recommended to remove adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which in some cases makes it possible to restore fertility.

Indications for tubal removal

  • one of the most common causes is an ectopic pregnancy. Removal of the fallopian tubes is required in cases where the tube ruptures and intra-abdominal bleeding begins, as well as when the diameter of the fertilized egg is large and there are significant visual changes in the fallopian tube;
  • Another reason for tube removal is a recurrent ectopic pregnancy in the same tube;
  • a long-term inflammatory process in the tubes that is not amenable to conservative treatment and has led to irreversible changes;
  • accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tubes (hydrosalpings), accompanied by an increase in the diameter of the tube and loss of its functionality;
  • the accumulation of purulent contents can also cause the doctor to recommend removal of the fallopian tube, since there is a high risk of severe complications for the woman, including peritonitis. In some cases, if the pathological process has largely spread to the appendages, removal of the fallopian tube and ovary may be recommended.
  • removal of the fallopian tubes is indicated when the fact of their obstruction is established in terms of further preparation for in vitro fertilization;
  • This operation is also performed in conjunction with removal of the uterine body to eliminate the risk of a malignant disease.

What options for this intervention exist?

It is possible to remove one of the fallopian tubes or both tubes.

How is the operation to remove the fallopian tubes performed? During surgery, the tube is cut off directly along its border in order to minimize complications of the operation and preserve the blood supply to neighboring organs as much as possible. During laparoscopic surgery, cutting is performed using devices with minimal energy and as carefully as possible. During the operation, hemostasis is carefully checked, especially at the uterine angle. Also, during the operation, doctors at the Nova Clinic center in Moscow introduce anti-adhesive barriers into the abdominal cavity to prevent adhesions.

Many patients are interested in how long the operation to remove the fallopian tube lasts. The duration of the operation depends on the severity of the process.

After removal of the fallopian tube, women usually do not require a long recovery period. Patients are usually activated early. If the course is favorable, discharge is possible the next day after surgery.

During the operation and in the postoperative period, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy is carried out. The operating doctor is always with the patient, and after discharge, regular postoperative examinations are prescribed.

After stabilization of the patient, the issue of further management is decided, depending on reproductive plans.

If you are interested in how much the operation to remove the fallopian tubes costs, you can clarify this issue with our administrators.

Removing the right or left fallopian tube, or even two at once, is not a death sentence for a woman! IN modern world There are many techniques that allow you to carry out your reproductive function, and our specialists will help you with this!

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IN female body fallopian tubes play very important role. It lies in reproductive function of the female body, is the connecting link between the body of the uterus and the appendages.

However, some pathological conditions may be a reason to remove the fallopian tubes.

Many experts indicate that the consequences of such intervention can disrupt menstruation, and as a result, hormonal disruptions occur.

Main functions of the fallopian tubes

The fallopian tubes connect to the body of the uterus in the upper section, on the other hand they join the ovaries.

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With the help of this organ, two functions are performed, without which pregnancy cannot occur:

  • Preparing and providing a place for a fertilized egg.
  • Ensuring the movement of the egg into the uterus, where it attaches to the wall of the uterus and the subsequent development of the fetus.

Reasons for removing the fallopian tubes

Fallopian tubeectomy occurs for emergency reasons or as a planned operation.

The main reasons for salpingectomy:

Contraindications for salpingectomy

Surgical intervention for fallopian tubeectomy is carried out using two methods:

  1. Laparotomy. This technique involves abdominal dissection (up to 15 cm).
  2. . The operation is carried out using an endoscope; three small incisions are made to carry out the instrumentation.

The laparoscopic method is very well tolerated, complications are rarely observed during its implementation, and it causes minimal trauma to the woman’s body. The recovery period does not take much time, and the woman very quickly returns to her usual lifestyle.

However, there are some contraindications that limit the use of this surgical technique.

These include:

If laparoscopic surgery is not possible, abdominal surgery (laparotomy) is used.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgical treatment for fallopian tubeectomy, a woman must undergo a comprehensive examination.

She is prescribed:

The essence and conduct of the operation

If there are no contraindications, preference is given to the laparoscopic method of surgical intervention. This operation is possible if the clinic has necessary equipment, and the gynecologist is skilled in using this technique.

But if a rupture of the fallopian tube occurs with subsequent hemorrhage into the retroperitoneal space, this poses a threat to the patient’s life (peritonitis develops). Then they resort to laparotomy. This condition requires urgent surgery.

Operation tactics:

The same sequence is followed when performing laparoscopy, with the difference that the blood that accumulates in the peritoneal cavity is not collected and, as a result, is not transfused to the sick woman after the operation.

If we compare these two types of surgical treatment, it can be noted that laparoscopy has certain advantages:

  • The operation is low-traumatic and does not cause psychological discomfort.
  • After it short term rehabilitation (the woman is discharged from the hospital on the 5th day).
  • After the operation there are no significant scars left on the skin.

Complications after tubal removal

After a fallopian tubeectomy, sometimes there are undesirable consequences. They help to increase the postoperative recovery period.

Typically this may occur:

Rehabilitation period after ectomy

After this operation, the main priority in the rehabilitation period is to prevent the appearance of adhesions and keloid scars.

To do this, a woman needs:

After surgical therapy, vaginal discharge usually occurs. This is a normal process if they do not contain purulent contents.

With the rapid adaptation of the body, after several days the woman begins to experience menstrual cycle(he may have longer duration). If its onset is accompanied by large blood losses, a blood transfusion and curettage of the uterine body may be prescribed. Early menstruation is not a sign of the development of a dangerous pathology.

Egg relocation after fallopian tubeectomy

This development of menstruation is rare. Usually they come on time and occur in a normal rhythm. Very rarely, it takes a couple of months for them to recover. This should not cause a feeling of anxiety, because it is not a pathology.

It should be noted that if the menstrual cycle has not returned within 3 months, this is a serious reason to visit the doctor. Since the appearance of such a symptom may mean that surgical therapy has led to failure proper operation endocrine system.

Consequences of a fallopian tube ectomy

The body of the uterus and the fallopian tubes have a common innervation; their blood supply is carried out using the same vessels. Also, they are connected by one bra.

As a result, when a fallopian tubeectomy sometimes occurs, the normal functioning of the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland changes.

With hormonal imbalance, the following may appear:

These symptoms may intensify before the onset of menstruation.

In some women, after surgery, after 3 months, the menstrual cycle may change. It may alternate with irregular periods.

The ovary, from the side of the removed fallopian tube, becomes sclerotic. This is clearly visible on ultrasound.

Some women may experience changes in the mammary glands:

  • Their coarsening begins.
  • Hypertrophy is noted.
  • The thyroid gland enlarges.
  • Sometimes weight gain occurs, and male-type hair growth occurs (hair grows on the face and body).

Such clinical picture can increase if surgery was performed for the removal of two tubes.

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Pregnancy after tubal removal

If a salpingectomy was performed with removal of both tubes, in a natural way a woman will not be able to get pregnant.

In order to bear the fetus, she will have to resort to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

If an operation was performed to cut off one tube, pregnancy can occur in 60 percent of cases.

But after the operation, hormonal contraceptives should be used for six months medicines, this will allow endocrine system, recover.

Sometimes, instead of performing a salpingectomy, they resort to segmental removal of the fallopian tubes.

This type of operation is considered possible when:

When resection of the fallopian tubes (some part of it), it is possible to use plastic surgery. This gives the woman a chance to become pregnant naturally and carry the child to term.

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This kind surgery helps restore normal sexual function woman's body. Using laparoscopic techniques, the integrity of the fallopian tube is restored.

This type of operation can eliminate:

  1. , which arose as a result of obstruction of the pipes.
  2. Loss of reproductive function after tubal sterilization.
  3. The consequence of an ectopic pregnancy is to enable a woman to conceive and bear a healthy child.

Currently, the following types of plastic surgery are used:

Surgical treatment is not performed on patients if:

  • They experienced infertility for a long time.
  • If, after a previous surgical intervention, the length of the tubes is less than 4 cm.
  • Acute infectious inflammatory processes retroperitoneal region.


Carrying out preventive measures, do not always create an opportunity capable of preserving the integrity of the fallopian tubes. But if you follow certain recommendations, the chance of development increases normal pregnancy and bearing a healthy child.

To avoid obstruction of the fallopian tubes, a woman must:

IVF after tubectomy

Typically, tubectomy (especially laparoscopically) does not cause serious complications.

A woman’s main concern is observed later, when the question of the possibility of conceiving a child is raised.

If the surgical intervention involved the removal of one tube, then pregnancy is possible.

But if salpingectomy was performed on both tubes, the development of pregnancy is physiologically completely excluded.

In this case, the only correct solution would be to use the IVF method, which is called the in vitro fertilization. Only with his help can a woman feel like a mother and continue her new life.

Hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is a fairly common operation that is performed for certain indications. According to statistics, approximately a third of women who have crossed the 45-year mark have undergone this operation.

And, of course, the main question that concerns patients who have undergone surgery or are preparing for surgery is: “What consequences can there be after removal of the uterus”?

Postoperative period

As is known, the period of time that lasts from the date of surgical intervention to the restoration of working capacity and wellness, is called the postoperative period. Hysterectomy is no exception. The period after surgery is divided into 2 “sub-periods”:

  • early
  • late postoperative periods

During the early postoperative period, the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Its duration depends on the surgical approach and the general condition of the patient after surgery.

  • After surgery to remove the uterus and/or appendages. which was carried out either vaginally or through an incision in the anterior wall of the abdomen, the patient remains in the gynecological department for 8 - 10 days, and it is at the end of the agreed period that the sutures are removed.
  • After laparoscopic hysterectomy, the patient is discharged after 3–5 days.

The first day after surgery

The first postoperative days are especially difficult.

Pain - during this period, the woman feels significant pain both inside the abdomen and in the area of ​​the sutures, which is not surprising, since there is a wound both outside and inside (just remember how painful it is when you accidentally cut your finger). To relieve pain, non-narcotic and narcotic painkillers are prescribed.

The lower limbs remain, as before the operation, in compression stockings or bandaged elastic bandages(prevention of thrombophlebitis).

Activity - surgeons adhere to active management of the patient after surgery, which means getting out of bed early (after laparoscopy a few hours later, after laparotomy a day later). Physical activity“accelerates the blood” and stimulates the intestines.

Diet - the first day after hysterectomy, a gentle diet is prescribed, which contains broths, pureed food and liquid (weak tea, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks). Such a treatment table gently stimulates intestinal motility and promotes early (1–2 days) spontaneous bowel movement. Independent stool indicates the normalization of intestinal function, which requires a transition to regular food.

The abdomen after removal of the uterus remains painful or sensitive for 3–10 days, which depends on the patient’s pain sensitivity threshold. It should be noted that the more active the patient is after surgery, the faster her condition recovers and the lower the risk of possible complications.

Treatment after surgery

  • Antibiotics - usually with for preventive purposes Antibacterial therapy is prescribed, since the patient’s internal organs came into contact with air during the operation, and therefore with various infectious agents. The course of antibiotics lasts an average of 7 days.
  • Anticoagulants - also in the first 2–3 days, anticoagulants (blood thinning drugs) are prescribed, which are designed to protect against thrombosis and the development of thrombophlebitis.
  • Intravenous infusions - in the first 24 hours after hysterectomy, infusion therapy (intravenous drip infusion of solutions) is performed to replenish the volume of circulating blood, since the operation is almost always accompanied by significant blood loss (the volume of blood loss during an uncomplicated hysterectomy is 400 - 500 ml).

The course of the early postoperative period is considered smooth if there are no complications.

Early postoperative complications include:

  • inflammation postoperative scar on the skin (redness, swelling, purulent discharge from the wound and even dehiscence);
  • problems with urination (pain or pain when urinating) caused by traumatic urethritis (damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra);
  • bleeding of varying intensity, both external (from the genital tract) and internal, which indicates insufficiently well-performed hemostasis during surgery (discharge may be dark or scarlet, blood clots are present);
  • thromboembolism pulmonary artery - dangerous complication, leads to blockage of the branches or the pulmonary artery itself, which is fraught with pulmonary hypertension in the future, the development of pneumonia and even death;
  • peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum, which spreads to other internal organs, dangerous for the development of sepsis;
  • hematomas (bruises) in the area of ​​the sutures.

Bloody discharge after removal of the uterus, like a “daub,” is always observed, especially in the first 10–14 days after the operation. This symptom is explained by the healing of sutures in the area of ​​the uterine stump or in the vaginal area. If a woman’s discharge pattern changes after surgery:

  • accompanied by an unpleasant, putrid odor
  • the color resembles meat slop

You should consult a doctor immediately. It is possible that inflammation of the sutures in the vagina has occurred (after hysterectomy or vaginal hysterectomy), which is fraught with the development of peritonitis and sepsis. Bleeding from the genital tract after surgery is a very alarming signal and requires repeat laparotomy.

Suture infection

If a postoperative suture becomes infected, the general body temperature rises, usually not higher than 38 degrees. The patient’s condition, as a rule, does not suffer. Prescribed antibiotics and treatment of sutures are quite enough to relieve this complication. The first time the postoperative dressing is changed and the wound is treated the next day after the operation, then the dressing is carried out every other day. It is advisable to treat the sutures with a solution of Curiosin (10 ml, 350-500 rubles), which ensures gentle healing and prevents the formation of a keloid scar.

The development of peritonitis more often occurs after a hysterectomy performed for emergency reasons, for example, necrosis of a myomatous node.

  • The patient's condition deteriorates sharply
  • The temperature “jumps” to 39 – 40 degrees
  • Pronounced pain syndrome
  • Signs of peritoneal irritation are positive
  • In this situation, massive antibiotic therapy is carried out (prescription of 2–3 drugs) and infusion of saline and colloid solutions
  • If the effect from conservative treatment no, surgeons perform a relaparotomy, remove the uterine stump (in case of uterine amputation), wash the abdominal cavity with antiseptic solutions and install drainages

The hysterectomy slightly changes the patient’s usual lifestyle. For a quick and successful recovery after surgery, doctors give patients a number of specific recommendations. If the early postoperative period proceeded smoothly, then after the woman’s stay in the hospital expires, she should immediately take care of her health and the prevention of long-term consequences.

A good help in the late postoperative period is wearing a bandage. It is especially recommended for premenopausal women who have had a history of multiple births or for patients with weakened abdominal muscles. There are several models of such a supportive corset; you should choose the model in which the woman does not feel discomfort. The main condition when choosing a bandage is that its width must exceed the scar by at least 1 cm above and below (if an inferomedial laparotomy was performed).

Discharge after surgery continues for 4 to 6 weeks. For one and a half, and preferably two months after a hysterectomy, a woman should not lift weights exceeding 3 kg or perform heavy physical work, otherwise it threatens to separate the internal seams and abdominal bleeding. Sexual activity during the specified period is also prohibited.

To strengthen the vaginal muscles and pelvic floor muscles, it is recommended to perform special exercises, using the appropriate simulator (perineal gauge). It is the simulator that creates resistance and ensures the effectiveness of such intimate gymnastics.

The described exercises (Kegel exercises) got their name from a gynecologist and developer of intimate gymnastics. You must perform at least 300 exercises per day. Good tone of the vaginal and pelvic floor muscles prevents prolapse of the vaginal walls, prolapse of the uterine stump in the future, as well as the occurrence of such unpleasant condition, like urinary incontinence, which almost all menopausal women face.

Sports after a hysterectomy are easy physical activity in the form of yoga, Bodyflex, Pilates, shaping, dancing, swimming. You can start classes only 3 months after the operation (if it was successful, without complications). It is important that physical education during the recovery period brings pleasure and does not exhaust the woman.

For 1.5 months after surgery, it is prohibited to take baths, visit saunas, steam baths and swim in open water. While there is spotting, you should use sanitary pads, but not tampons.

Proper nutrition is of no small importance in the postoperative period. To prevent constipation and gas formation, you should consume more liquid and fiber (vegetables, fruits in any form, wholemeal bread). It is recommended to give up coffee and strong tea, and, of course, alcohol. Food should not only be fortified, but contain the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A woman should consume most of her calories in the first half of the day. You will have to give up your favorite fried, fatty and smoked foods.

The total period of incapacity for work (counting the time spent in the hospital) ranges from 30 to 45 days. If any complications arise, sick leave, of course, is extended.

Hysterectomy: what then?

In most cases, women after surgery face psycho-emotional problems. This is due to the existing stereotype: there is no uterus, which means there is no main female distinctive feature, accordingly, I am not a woman.

In reality, this is not the case. After all, it is not only the presence of a uterus that determines a woman’s essence. To prevent the development of depression after surgery, you should study the issue regarding removal of the uterus and life after it as carefully as possible. After the operation, the husband can provide significant support, because outwardly the woman has not changed.

Fears regarding changes in appearance:

  • increased facial hair growth
  • decreased sex drive
  • weight gain
  • changing voice timbre, etc.

are far-fetched and therefore easily overcome.

Sex after hysterectomy

Sexual intercourse will give the woman the same pleasures as before, since all sensitive areas are located not in the uterus, but in the vagina and external genitalia. If the ovaries are preserved, then they continue to function as before, that is, they secrete the necessary hormones, especially testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

In some cases, women even note an increase in libido, which is facilitated by relief from pain and other problems associated with the uterus, as well as a psychological moment - the fear of unwanted pregnancy disappears. Orgasm will not disappear after amputation of the uterus, and some patients experience it more vividly. But the occurrence of discomfort and even pain during sexual intercourse cannot be ruled out.

This point applies to those women who have had a hysterectomy (a scar in the vagina) or a radical hysterectomy (Wertheim operation), in which part of the vagina is excised. But this problem is completely solvable and depends on the degree of trust and mutual understanding of the partners.

One of the positive aspects of the operation is the absence of menstruation: no uterus - no endometrium - no menstruation. Which means goodbye critical days and the troubles associated with them. But it’s worth mentioning that, rarely, women who have undergone uterine amputation while preserving the ovaries may experience slight spotting on menstruation. This fact is explained simply: after amputation, a uterine stump remains, and therefore a little endometrium. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such discharges.

Loss of fertility

The issue of loss of reproductive function deserves special attention. Naturally, since there is no uterus - the place of fruit, pregnancy is impossible. Many women list this fact as a plus for having a hysterectomy, but if the woman is young, this is definitely a minus. Before suggesting removal of the uterus, doctors carefully assess all risk factors, study the medical history (in particular the presence of children) and, if possible, try to preserve the organ.

If the situation allows, the woman either has myomatous nodes excised (conservative myomectomy) or the ovaries are left behind. Even with an absent uterus, but preserved ovaries, a woman can become a mother. IVF and surrogacy – real way solving the problem.

Suture after hysterectomy

Seam on the front abdominal wall, concerns women no less than other problems associated with hysterectomy. Avoid this cosmetic defect Laparoscopic surgery or a transverse incision in the abdomen in the lower section will help.

Adhesive process

Any surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity is accompanied by the formation of adhesions. Adhesions are connective tissue cords that form between the peritoneum and internal organs, or between organs. Almost 90% of women suffer from adhesive disease after a hysterectomy.

Forced penetration into the abdominal cavity is accompanied by damage (dissection of the peritoneum), which has fibrinolytic activity and ensures lysis of fibrinous exudate, gluing the edges of the dissected peritoneum.

An attempt to close the area of ​​the peritoneal wound (suturing) disrupts the process of melting of early fibrinous deposits and promotes increased adhesions. The process of formation of adhesions after surgery depends on many factors:

  • duration of the operation;
  • volume of surgical intervention (the more traumatic the operation, the higher the risk of adhesions);
  • blood loss;
  • internal bleeding, even leakage of blood after surgery (resorption of blood provokes adhesions);
  • infection (development infectious complications in the postoperative period);
  • genetic predisposition (the more the genetically determined enzyme N-acetyltransferase, which dissolves fibrin deposits, is produced, the lower the risk of adhesive disease);
  • asthenic physique.
  • pain (constant or periodic pain in the lower abdomen)
  • urination and defecation disorders
  • flatulence. dyspeptic symptoms.

To prevent the formation of adhesions in the early postoperative period, the following are prescribed:

  • antibiotics (suppress inflammatory reactions in the abdominal cavity)
  • anticoagulants (thin the blood and prevent the formation of adhesions)
  • motor activity already on the first day (turning on its side)
  • early start of physiotherapy (ultrasound or electrophoresis with enzymes: Lidaza, Hyaluronidase, Longidase and others).

Properly carried out rehabilitation after a hysterectomy will prevent not only the formation of adhesions, but also other consequences of the operation.

Menopause after hysterectomy

One of the long-term consequences of hysterectomy surgery is menopause. Although, of course, any woman sooner or later approaches this milestone. If during the operation only the uterus was removed, but the appendages (tubes with ovaries) were preserved, then menopause will occur naturally, that is, at the age for which a woman’s body is “programmed” genetically.

However, many doctors are of the opinion that after surgical menopause, menopause symptoms develop on average 5 years earlier due date. There are no exact explanations for this phenomenon yet; it is believed that the blood supply to the ovaries after a hysterectomy somewhat deteriorates, which affects their hormonal function.

Indeed, if we recall the anatomy of the female reproductive system, the ovaries are mostly supplied with blood from the uterine vessels (and, as is known, quite large vessels pass through the uterus - the uterine arteries).

To understand the problems of menopause after surgery, it is worth defining the medical terms:

  • natural menopause - cessation of menstruation due to the gradual fading of the hormonal function of the gonads (see menopause in women)
  • artificial menopause - cessation of menstruation (surgical - removal of the uterus, medicinal - suppression hormonal drugs ovarian functions, radiation)
  • surgical menopause – removal of both the uterus and ovaries

Women endure surgical menopause more severely than natural menopause, this is due to the fact that when natural menopause occurs, the ovaries do not immediately stop producing hormones; their production decreases gradually, over several years, and eventually stops.

After removal of the uterus and appendages, the body undergoes a sharp hormonal change, since the synthesis of sex hormones suddenly stopped. Therefore, surgical menopause is much more difficult, especially if a woman is of childbearing age.

Symptoms of surgical menopause appear within 2–3 weeks after surgery and are not much different from the signs of natural menopause. Women are concerned about the first signs of menopause:

In case of removal of both the uterus and ovaries, hormone replacement therapy is necessary, especially for women under 50 years of age. For this purpose, both estrogens and gestagens are used, as well as testosterone, which is mostly produced in the ovaries and a decrease in its level leads to a weakening of libido.

If the uterus and appendages were removed due to large myomatous nodes, then the following is prescribed:

  • continuous estrogen monotherapy, used as oral tablets (Ovestin, Livial, Proginova and others),
  • products in the form of suppositories and ointments for the treatment of atrophic colpitis (Ovestin),
  • as well as preparations for external use (Estrogel, Divigel).

If a hysterectomy with adnexa was performed for internal endometriosis:

  • treatment with estrogens (Kliane, Progynova)
  • together with gestagens (suppression of the activity of dormant foci of endometriosis)

Hormone replacement therapy should be started as early as possible, 1 to 2 months after the hysterectomy. Treatment with hormones significantly reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. However, hormone replacement therapy may not be prescribed in all cases.

Contraindications to treatment with hormones are:

  • mammary cancer;
  • surgery for uterine cancer;
  • pathology of the veins of the lower extremities (thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism);
  • severe pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • meningioma.

The duration of treatment ranges from 2 to 5 or more years. You should not expect immediate improvement and disappearance of menopausal symptoms immediately after starting treatment. The longer hormone replacement therapy is carried out, the less pronounced the clinical manifestations are.

Other long-term consequences

One of the long-term consequences of hysterovariectomy is the development of osteoporosis. Men are also susceptible to this disease, but the fairer sex suffers from it more often (see symptoms, causes of osteoporosis). Related this pathology with a decrease in estrogen production, therefore, in women, osteoporosis is more often diagnosed during the pre- and postmenopausal periods (see medications for menopause).

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that is prone to progression and is caused by a metabolic disorder of the skeleton such as the leaching of calcium from the bones. As a result, the bones become thinner and brittle, which increases the risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is very insidious disease, long time it proceeds hidden and is detected in an advanced stage.

The most common fractures occur in the vertebral bodies. Moreover, if one vertebra is damaged, there is no pain as such; severe pain is typical for simultaneous fractures of several vertebrae. Spinal compression and increased bone fragility lead to spinal curvature, changes in posture and decreased height. Women with osteoporosis are susceptible to traumatic fractures.

The disease is easier to prevent than to treat (see modern treatment of osteoporosis), therefore, after amputation of the uterus and ovaries, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, which inhibits the leaching of calcium salts from the bones.

Nutrition and exercise

You also need to follow a certain diet. The diet should contain:

  • dairy products
  • all varieties of cabbage, nuts, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes)
  • legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, greens
  • You should limit your salt intake (promotes the excretion of calcium by the kidneys), caffeine (coffee, Coca-Cola, strong tea) and avoid alcoholic beverages.

To prevent osteoporosis, it is useful to exercise. Physical exercise increase muscle tone, increase joint mobility, which reduces the risk of fractures. Vitamin D plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Consuming it will help compensate for its deficiency. fish oil And ultraviolet irradiation. The use of calcium-D3 Nycomed in courses of 4 to 6 weeks replenishes the lack of calcium and vitamin D3 and increases bone density.

Vaginal prolapse

To others long-term consequence Hysterectomy is prolapse/prolapse of the vagina.

  • Firstly, prolapse is associated with trauma to the pelvic tissue and supporting (ligament) apparatus of the uterus. Moreover, the wider the scope of the operation, the higher the risk of prolapse of the vaginal walls.
  • Secondly, prolapse of the vaginal canal is caused by the prolapse of neighboring organs into the freed pelvis, which leads to cystocele (prolapse of the bladder) and rectocele (prolapse of the rectum).

To prevent this complication, women are advised to perform Kegel exercises and limit heavy lifting, especially in the first 2 months after hysterectomy. In advanced cases, surgery is performed (vaginoplasty and its fixation in the pelvis by strengthening the ligamentous apparatus).

Hysterectomy not only does not affect life expectancy, but even improves its quality. Having gotten rid of the problems associated with diseases of the uterus and/or appendages, forever forgetting about the issues of contraception, many women literally blossom. More than half of the patients note liberation and increased libido.

Disability after removal of the uterus is not granted, since the operation does not reduce the woman’s ability to work. A disability group is assigned only in cases of severe uterine pathology, when hysterectomy entailed radiation or chemotherapy, which significantly affected not only the ability to work, but also the patient’s health.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sozinova

To everyone who has encountered similar problems, good day. You won't believe it dear women, but I am the husband of someone like you who underwent a similar operation. And I am writing to you so that you do not lose heart, because you are the most beautiful thing that God has created. Over the past six months, my wife has already had three operations, not counting chemotherapy and one more that is yet to come, although the histology analysis did not show anything. We are from Kazakhstan and my wife is only 40 years old, and we endure such a test from fate. The first operation in a private Israeli clinic to remove the ovary seemed to go well; based on histology, the second was prescribed in oncology. The radical operation again seemed to go well, and he was discharged with a temperature of 37.3 and minor pain in the cavity area. After 3 days, the pain increased, they explained to us that this was possible because the operation was not an easy one, they prescribed the drug Tramadol, which I injected her with for another 5 days. They called an ambulance and refused to hospitalize; nowadays, patients with such a diagnosis turn out to be no longer human, unfortunately. For another 2 days we were driven from one office to another in an anarchy with attacks of pain without giving any diagnosis. And you know what, my wife was operated on the same day we arrived on a referral to another hospital. The operation again seemed to go well, but now I have urinary incontinence. And they removed the hymotoma that had been bothering me all week after radical surgery. How is that? Just imagine how much she had to endure in half a year of these trials, and she is young. And I will also say that money does not play any role in this area of ​​the flesh, whether you are or not. We spent a lot of money, but I wrote to you about the consequences. Be strong, dear ladies, do not lose heart and do not trust unverified sources. With great respect to you all, Nikolai.

If this helps anyone, I’ll write about my experiences, the operation was performed 10 years ago, uterine fibroids, (at that time I was 40 years old), the ovaries were no longer functioning, so they were removed too. The operation was complicated, a stitch was made in the groin (for which special thanks) rehabilitation took 3.5 months, a lot of drugs... and severe depression, with tears and resentments, the operation coincided with a layoff at work... thanks for having my beloved husband and children nearby …. I couldn’t control myself, I couldn’t understand why I became like this? The gynecologist explained everything that you need to take hormones, prescribed estrofem (contains estradiol 2 ml) now they no longer produce it. (Replaced it with Proginova) You know, I couldn’t even imagine that you could improve your moral state with medication... the depression was instantly lifted, so and interview for new job I walked confidently, afraid of getting fat from the hormones, started going to the gym twice a week for 1.5-2 hours... I tried to just go out for a walk during lunch, I started watching my diet, so I didn’t lose weight... I even got slimmer, although I’m prone to completeness! In general, girls, everything is in your hands and in your head! I am for the fact that you can survive everything, you can cope with everything, rather than feeling sorry for yourself and wearing a time bomb. Health to everyone, good luck to everyone, love yourself, take care and know life doesn’t end here, just turn around!


I completely agree. I'm such a fool that I agreed. Something happened in my head. And now there is only torment and a lot of money to make life easier. I lost all sleep. I do not know what to do?

I have a similar operation. My first thoughts were about inferiority. Now I'm starting to look at it positively. The main thing is I'm alive. To get enough sleep I go to bed at 10 pm. It is reassuring that my mother has been living after the same operation for 35 years. She is now 77 years old. She's cheerful. Do some forestry exercise. Let's be optimistic. It's easier that way.

It is better to die from cancer than to live without strength, joy, hope and love.

Where did you get the idea that extirpation is necessary if it’s just cancer? There are cases when there is severe life-threatening bleeding, hellish daily pain that deprives young women of their ability to work and simply interferes with normal intimate relationships! And sometimes the situation is so complicated that problems are everywhere - there are fibroids, cysts on both ovaries, endometriosis and adenomyosis, and in addition there is also hydrosactosalpinx, as in my case. Thank God, I met an excellent doctor-operator and freed me from this terrible disease. I’m 36, pregnancy never happened, although I was being treated all the time......but I’m still happy that I’m healthy now. Do not delay if they offer extirpation of appendages, the main thing is to be healthy and bring joy to your family and others! Everything is already over, no extra hormones, no problems.

Besides, they lie to us EVERYTHING. All women's diseases can be cured with a red brush and viburnum juice. And become clean, like a girl. And they scare us and cut off our organs. Doctors are mostly men. They don’t know about our torment and don’t care about us, after 20 years we are not people, but scum.

Tell. The operation was performed in November 2011. According to honey. indications (fibroids). The operation was abdominal (a cosmetic suture from the navel to the groin), absolutely everything was cut off except the ovaries (they were resected). My health has improved, but the following side effects have appeared: 1. Bumps in the seam (bumps). The surgeon said that they would get better in six months, but they are there. 2. Incomplete emptying intestines (and sometimes even constipation), bloating, flatulence, gases. Eat stomach diseases from this (or maybe not from this). 3. Sides - like two fatty bumps have grown, more on the left; and a huge belly like a pregnant one (either the same type of fat, or the cause of bloating/non-emptying). Who had the same thing and how to get rid of it all?

To the comment above: I myself am very thin - I’m not inclined to be overweight + I’m on PP (proper nutrition), i.e. the reasons for fat or whatever, my stomach diseases / constipation are not the same as the majority who eat unhealthy and have overweight and/or tendency to be overweight.

We had our uterus removed exactly two years ago - multiple fibroids, causing heavy bleeding during menstruation. I have been growing fibroids since 2002, and since 2008 I have suffered from menstruation in 10-day chunks. All life is on a schedule - from menstruation to menstruation. Plus - frequent urination, which can’t go anywhere, since you always need to think about the toilet.

Dear women, do not be afraid of hysterectomy if it is necessary for your health! After the operation I began to live again full life. The pain is gone, I forgot about it frequent urination and constipation, hemoglobin returned to normal. Three months after the operation, I began to live a full life in all respects.

At the time of the operation I was 42 years old, now I am 44. The ovaries were left, so everything is normal with hormones. A year later, a cyst appeared, but resolved. There was also a nuance - wild meat on the seam, it was removed at the antenatal clinic. But these are all little things, compared to how I lived, the quality of life and my well-being have only improved!

Hello dear women. So I joined the million army of motherless women. Five days ago, the uterus and tubes were removed (the ovaries and cervix are intact). Had laparoscopic surgery in private clinic IDK Samara). The operation was successful, she spent 2 days in the hospital. At home now. I don’t take pills, I give injections in the stomach, I insert suppositories. Overall I feel pretty good. I get tired quickly and don’t leave the house yet. My mother also had her uterus and ovaries and cervix removed 35 years ago, and she is now 81 years old. He says that nothing much has changed. My grandmother also had it removed. When I found out about the diagnosis and about my heredity, I didn’t think twice about it. Three years ago I already removed polyps from the uterus, and three years later they grew three times as many. And I understood that this process would be endless. That's why I decided to have surgery. Now I have big plans. I want more children and have already started looking for a surrogate mother. The main thing is not to despair and understand everything is in your hands. And go to your goal by any means and achieve them. Good luck to you!

The most important thing is to decide to take this step... When I found out the diagnosis (8-9 week fibroids, grown into the wall), I cried for two weeks... I cried from the understanding that the uterus could not be saved. I scoured the entire Internet on this topic, hoping that our surgery is the most organ-preserving. It was possible, of course, to “scratch out” this thing, the size of an egg. The decision was made after communicating with the famous Irkutsk ultrasound specialist Mark Solomonovich. If the uterus is left, then after 4-5 years bleeding will begin again and, in any case, it will need to be “sucked out”. Why put off removing this “muscle bag” for 5 years? I calmed down. On the advice of experienced people, I decided on a clinic and on February 15 everything happened. It was done under epidural anesthesia. Throughout the entire operation, no matter how scary it sounds, I was conscious. She participated in staff conversations (this is an everyday routine for them and they chat about everything), asked to “cut off more fat” and even “danced” to the music on the radio. The operation lasted more than 3 hours. I dozed off periodically. A day in intensive care. It was painful there, but tolerable, because painkillers were constantly administered through an epidural. In the morning we rolled into the room, put on a bandage and immediately got to my feet. And she went. Oddly enough, there was no pain. So, little one in the lower abdomen. On the third day, the seam was left open, but treated with brilliant green every day. On the 8th day go home. I live as before. We’ll see how it all comes back to haunt us, but I felt somehow calmer because everything was behind me. Everyone decides for themselves, but if we don’t plan to have any more children, then why save this tumor center...

I am 40 years old. The uterus was removed in the summer of 2016, along with one ovary. There was incipient cervical cancer from untreated erosion. The operation went well, then radiation was given for 40 days. I then recovered with dried fruits, nuts and generally a proper varied diet. But now, after 7 months, the weight is a little off—I’ve gained 5-6 kg. I want to lose weight, but something is not working out, on the contrary, I have become a glutton (this may have consequences radiation therapy. During it, I was disgusted to eat anything, I felt toxic, I didn’t want to eat anything, I was capricious, I didn’t like many of the smells). After radiation therapy I came home and my appetite increased, I try to control it). Or is it the consequences of menopause - weight gain? Tides are present in some way. I really want to lose weight)

Hello, I'm 21 years old. At the end of February this year, I had an operation to remove the uterus and tubes (the ovaries were retained). The reason for this operation was that during childbirth (I gave birth on February 11), a placenta the size of a fist was left in my uterus, which led to its inflammation and ultimately to peritonitis. They removed it and now I suffer from cystitis, I have lost a lot of weight, and have frequent constipation. But the worst thing is that she remained infertile at such and such an age! It’s reassuring that I have a baby, he’s almost two months old, I couldn’t be happier looking at him. Of course, I wanted to have more children, but the negligence of the maternity hospital workers deprived me of the joy of motherhood in the future. Well, at least she remained alive, otherwise the child would have been left without a mother.

in March 2012, on the twentieth day after an emergency cesarean section, late obstetric peritonitis occurred. The uterus and tubes were removed, but the ovaries were left. Severe abdominal surgery for 3.5 hours with general anesthesia, cutting along a fresh caesarean suture. then 5 days in intensive care, pre-sepsis, somehow survived. thank God and many thanks to the doctors of this hospital, they saved me. I still remember the doctor from the maternity hospital using obscenities, because my stomach hurt so much that I stood next to the bedside table for a minute, I couldn’t walk, I told her, asked her to do an ultrasound, but this rare creature said that I was in the maternity hospital, that’s why it hurt... After hysterectomy I spent 4 weeks in the hospital. Thank God, everything was fine with my daughter!
After the operation I recovered for a year, I cry that I still can’t have children anymore. This is hell... Although 5 years have passed, there is no optimism, periodic urinary incontinence, dry skin, libido at zero, sex is generally unpleasant, problems with the spine have begun. 2 years ago I even managed to remove a cyst on my left ovary laparoscopically; even before the operation, a powerful adhesive process was diagnosed; my stomach was hard to the touch. Outwardly, I have also changed - my sides and stomach look like a pregnant woman, although I watch my diet and don’t overeat. I tried to find a doctor worth adjusting with hormones. It didn’t work, no one wants to delve into it, they prefer to have bonuses from tablets.
All in all, sad story, I’m like a disabled person inside and in my head, I deeply feel the loss of an organ... my husband doesn’t know anything, he thinks there will be more children...
I don’t want to prescribe hormones to myself, I have a lot of adipose tissue, I’m afraid it will worsen. To ensure that the cyst on the ovary does not recur, I will definitely go on OK before going to the seaside. because not sunbathing (believe me, there is no point in fanaticism! And even when you can calmly lie down sunbathing with a small child))) and not swim in the sea - this is absolutely death for me - I was born and raised by the sea. Now I’m 42. and menopause is coming soon. Only my girl makes me happy! I look at her and am afraid to think that I could easily have died then and would not have seen how she grows... This is a real miracle! Thank God for every minute spent with her!
I can wish girls after hysterectomy to immediately seek HRT specialists and not wait for mercy from doctors. and I sympathize, of course, because each of us swaggers more, saying that all this is nonsense, but I believe that we don’t have any extra parts in our bodies, and it’s very sad when you can’t again feel the joy of a new life in yourself... I’m creaking , like a rattle... Be healthy, girls! cling to what remains of your health as best you can...

My dear girl, God grant you patience and health! I read and cry, I’m 47 and just have to go through a hysterectomy, and you’ve already experienced so much. At home I have an adult son, a disabled person and a husband who has been dragging around all his life and now he doesn’t need me at all, he’s probably just waiting for me to completely collapse. Hold on!!

Please tell me, maybe someone knows. My histology says (The specimen contains a piece of endometrium with cystic atrophy of the glands, loose edematous stroma.) I was sent for a consultation with an oncologist. I will only get an appointment in the month of May, since the coupons are only for May. I live on pins and needles, I can’t sleep. Precisely from ignorance. Can anyone please tell me what this is? I’m 62 years old, but somehow I don’t want to die. PLEASE REPLY!

Removal of the uterus: answering questions

Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) is one of the most common operations in gynecology. In what cases is it used, how is it carried out and, most importantly, does life change afterwards.

Why is the uterus removed?

Most often, removal of the uterus is indicated for malignant or benign tumors. The most common reasons for hysterectomy are the following female diseases:

As for uterine fibroids, if this pathology does not have a negative impact on the woman’s health, then the operation may not be performed. In cases where uterine fibroids lead to compression of other organs, abnormal bleeding from the vagina, red blood cell deficiency and other disorders, then a decision is made to remove the uterus in order to protect the woman from the development of serious complications. Often uterine fibroids do not require surgery. The woman can be helped conservative methods or specific interventions that allow you to save the uterus.

Pain in the lower abdomen requires a thorough examination to determine the exact cause of its occurrence, after which doctors make a conclusion about the advisability of performing a hysterectomy.

How to remove the uterus: types of hysterectomy

Depending on the diagnosis, a woman is indicated for certain types of surgical intervention on the uterus. Today, the following types of hysterectomy are distinguished:

  • Subtotal hysterectomy. In this case, only the uterus is removed, leaving the cervix intact.
  • Total hysterectomy – removal of the uterus and cervix.
  • Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy – removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Radical hysterectomy - removal of the uterus, cervix, lymph nodes, adnexa and upper part of the vagina.

If a woman is indicated for surgery to remove the uterus, then doctors try to carry out such interventions in order to preserve as many healthy organs and tissues as possible. Radical measures (when it is necessary to remove not only the uterus, but also other organs) are resorted to only in cases that really threaten the woman’s life. Particularly in advanced stages malignant diseases When the risk of severe complications is high, a decision is made to remove a significant part of the organs of the female reproductive system.

When planning an operation to remove the uterus, it is important not only what will be removed, but also how the operation will proceed. Today surgery has wide range techniques for organ removal. The following methods of performing a hysterectomy are available:

  • Abdominal surgery. Today, about 70% of hysterectomy operations are performed using the abdominal method. During this operation, an incision is made on the abdomen, and the width of the incision is approximately 20 centimeters. As a rule, this operation is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Removal of the uterus through the vagina. With this approach, an incision is made around the cervix and the uterus itself is removed through the vagina. With prolapse of the uterus, its increased size, large fibroids uterus and large cysts, such surgery is contraindicated. Vaginal hysterectomy is usually performed on women who have given birth because their vagina is dilated enough to allow the uterus and other amputated tissues and organs to pass through it. The advantage of vaginal removal is that after such an operation there are no scars left. Typically, vaginal hysterectomy requires only a two-day hospital stay. After two weeks, the woman can return to her usual activities.
  • Laparoscopy. In this case, laparoscopic technique is used. This is a minimally invasive intervention. through which the excised organs are removed through the vagina. During laparoscopic surgery, the doctor makes several small punctures in the abdomen where instruments are inserted. On the monitor screen, the doctor sees everything that is happening inside.

Complications after hysterectomy

Removal of the uterus is often accompanied by various complications, just like the removal of any other organ. Moreover, these complications are not only physical, but also psychological in nature. Sometimes it comes to depression, which requires the intervention of a qualified psychotherapist.

The main consequences of hysterectomy surgery are:

  • Emotional problems. Often after such an operation, women experience emotional disorders. As a rule, these are anxiety, suspiciousness and depressive disorders. To this we can also add fatigue and changeable mood. Deep down, a woman is very worried about what happened, which can make her feel unnecessary. A lot of complexes develop on this basis. In some cases, removal of the uterus is accompanied by a loss (usually temporary) of sexual desire. This is due to hormonal changes that occur after surgery. Loss of libido makes things worse state of mind women. However, you must constantly remember that everything is fixable, and the difficulties that arise immediately after the operation are temporary and can be dealt with.
  • Loss of fertility. After removal of the uterus and appendages, a woman will never be able to become pregnant. In addition, periods disappear and menstruation ceases forever. Older women who already have children endure this complication much easier than younger women who do not yet have children.
  • Occurrence of health problems. After removal of the uterus and appendages, a number of complications and health problems may develop. In particular, it may be osteoporosis. vaginal prolapse or appearance painful sensations during sexual intercourse. The latter problem usually occurs in cases where the length of the vagina is shortened during surgery.
  • Climax. When the uterus and ovaries are removed, a woman goes through menopause. because the production of female sex hormones estrogen stops. For this reason, after surgery, a large-scale hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, against the background of which almost all functions of the body begin to be restructured. This is how hot flashes arise, as a result of which a woman loses sensuality and sexual desire.

Unlike natural menopause (which occurs with age), menopause after removal of the uterus is more difficult to tolerate, since a sharp change in hormonal levels occurs. At the same time, than younger woman, the more severe the symptoms of menopause after a hysterectomy. To overcome these side effects, doctors prescribe to women special drugs, capable of replacing natural estrogens. With the help of synthetic hormones, a woman improves her well-being.

How is rehabilitation after hysterectomy?

After removal of the uterus, the recovery period usually takes 1.5-2 months. This is provided that the operation was successful and the woman does not have any serious complications. Most frequent symptoms that worry women after hysterectomy are:

  • Pain. Women shouldn't be scared painful sensations after removal of the uterus are normal occurrence. For pain relief, the patient may be prescribed painkilling injections until the postoperative wounds heal. IN in rare cases the pain is unbearable, and in this case the woman needs to see a doctor.
  • Bleeding. After surgery to remove the uterus, bleeding may continue for a month. If bleeding does not stop after this period, the woman should consult a doctor.

In addition to unbearable pain and incessant bleeding, there are several other signs and conditions that require seeing a doctor:

If during the recovery process a woman experiences at least one of the above symptoms, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

It is quite difficult to predict exactly what consequences a particular woman may experience after removal of the uterus. In this regard, rehabilitation after hysterectomy varies. It is worth keeping in mind that it is not always fast. In some cases, long-term psychotherapy is required to achieve positive results. psychological mood. In addition, for successful rehabilitation, a woman should adhere to special diet, observe the daily routine and unquestioningly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

Sexual life after hysterectomy

Is there sex after hysterectomy. This is the most common question that concerns women before surgery. There are many different myths about this. Thus, there is an opinion that after removal of the uterus, sex is impossible, and if a woman is sexually active, she will not receive any pleasure. However, it is not.

Naturally, after surgery, doctors ask women to abstain from sexual intercourse for 6-8 weeks. However, after this period, when all the wounds have healed and the hormonal background, then the woman can lead a normal lifestyle, including sexual life.

As for the sensations during sex, you need to understand that all sensitive areas are located in the vagina and external genitalia, so even if a woman has had her uterus removed, she will be able to have an orgasm as before.

As a rule, problems with sexual life after removal of the uterus occur in women due to an incorrect psychological attitude. Many women (and their partners) are afraid of the consequences of having a hysterectomy. Such fixation on this issue leads to the fact that a woman cannot think about anything else, which makes it difficult for her to get pleasure. The only problem is the inability to have children, but everything else remains unchanged, and the woman, as before, can enjoy sex life.

Removal of the uterus or fallopian tube

Removal of the uterus and fallopian tubes, the consequences and complications of which are considered by all obstetricians-gynecologists and reproductive specialists in the world, in some cases is the only opportunity to save a woman’s life. What to do after removal of the uterus or tubes, how to behave and live on?

Removal of the fallopian tube is quite common, the reasons for this are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hydrosalpinx;
  • pyosalpinx;

Moreover, when malignant neoplasm Usually the uterus and ovaries are also removed. Removal of the fallopian tubes leads to disruption of a woman’s reproductive function, even if the ovaries are preserved after the operation; a woman cannot become pregnant naturally, but a normal healthy uterus makes it possible to have children with the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies, IVF. The consequences of removing the fallopian tube are a decrease in the likelihood of conceiving a child. When the tube is removed from only one side, there is a chance to get pregnant, but resection of both tubes is a reason to contact an IVF clinic.

Many women are interested in: “After removal of the fallopian tubes, when can IVF be done?” Recovery period after laparoscopic surgery is 1-2 months, but sometimes it is necessary to wait until the menstrual cycle returns to begin preparing for IVF. For laparotomy, it is recommended to wait 6 months and only then do in vitro fertilization.

How does the postoperative period proceed after removal of the fallopian tube? You can get up after laparoscopic surgery within 5-6 hours, if the anesthesiologist allows it. You can drink water if there is no nausea or vomiting, which occurs in the first hours after surgery. If surgery is performed by laparotomy, the patient begins to be lifted out of bed on the second day. Very important point is adequate pain relief, because pain in the surgical area prevents the patient from moving, and this is necessary to prevent the occurrence of adhesions and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the first two days, it is better to limit yourself to liquid food, pureed soups with vegetable and chicken broth, liquid porridge, lactic acid products. Then, if the intestines function normally, there is no nausea, vomiting, bloating, and gases pass normally, then you can eat steamed or boiled food. Temporarily required to be excluded fresh vegetables and fruits, flour, sweets, as they increase gas formation.

Within 3-4 weeks it is necessary to limit physical activity, do not lift heavy objects (over 3 kg), do not get too cold. From water procedures After removing the stitches, you can take a warm shower; hot baths are prohibited. After a shower, treat the scar with brilliant green, a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and alcohol. Sexual activity is allowed from 3-4 weeks in the absence of pain and discomfort.

Hysterectomy is a more serious surgical procedure that is performed for:

  • malignant and benign tumors of the uterus;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • endometriosis complicated by bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding and anemia;
  • hyperplasia;
  • uterine prolapse.

In each specific case, the issue of hysterectomy is decided individually, for example, complications after removal of a uterine polyp - bleeding, detection of malignancy during histological examination of tissue can also become an indication for amputation of the uterus.

Of course, gynecologists try to preserve the reproductive organ and resort to organ-preserving operations, if possible. Interventions have been developed that make it possible to reduce the myomatous node by embolization of blood vessels, which will make it possible to remove it while preserving the uterus. For tumors in young women, additional histological examination of the tumor is performed to confirm the need for radical surgery.

Many people are interested in: “What is the name of the operation to remove the uterus?” There are two types of surgical interventions:

  • Hysterectomy or supravaginal amputation of the uterus, when the body is removed, but the cervix remains. Sutures are placed on its internal pharynx. This operation is preferable because it does not injure or weaken the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Extirpation is the removal of the uterus along with the cervix. Hole in muscle layer The pelvic floor is sutured and, if possible, strengthened. Extirpation is done if the cervix is ​​involved in oncological process, and you can’t leave her.

There are also variations if the appendages are removed along with the uterus (hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy) or radical hysterectomy, if part of the vagina and surrounding tissue with lymph nodes are also removed.

The postoperative period after hysterectomy is 6-8 weeks, during which time you should follow the same recommendations as for tube removal, but sex life prohibited for 1.5-2 months, especially since a woman has bloody discharge from the vagina for a month, and sometimes more.

How does the life of a woman without a uterus change? Removal of the uterus, the consequences of which are infertility, reproductive dysfunction, stress, one must accept and move on with life. Hysterectomy is a strong psychological trauma, a feeling of inferiority, because a woman will never be able to bear a child again. This is not so relevant when surgery is performed in old age, but for a young childless woman it is a tragedy. There are several ways to get out of this situation.

If the ovaries are preserved, then surrogacy will help, and the child born by the surrogate mother will be genetically his own. When the ovaries are removed, you can use a donor egg; many choose their relatives as donors, which allows them to feel a kinship with the baby, and fertilization is carried out with the sperm of a loved one.

Well, in the end, you can adopt a baby, because there are so many children who are waiting for this. Therefore, women who have had their uterus removed should not despair and lose hope; life is not over and can bring you the happiness of motherhood. It’s not without reason that they say that a mother is a woman who raised and raised a child.

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