How and how to treat green snot in children? How to treat lingering thick green snot in an older child

Each child can normally produce a small amount of snot, consisting of proteins and salts. This indicates the body’s protection from drying out of the mucous membrane, loss of moisture, and cleansing from dust. The nature of the snot, when it changes its color and consistency, suggests that something is wrong in the child’s body.

In this article we will tell you how to treat green snot in children.


A child's runny nose is a common occurrence, and if there is no increase in body temperature, parents are calm and do not sound the alarm. Indeed, when the nasal discharge is clear, thin, comes out easily, and the child’s general condition does not suffer, then there is no particular problem.

Such a runny nose goes away on its own within a week, or light auxiliary therapy is used - nasal instillation with saline solutions, saline solution or chamomile infusion. The proposed treatment allows you to quickly clear the nasal passages of mucus, relieve minor swelling and speed up recovery.

The appearance of yellow-green or green snot in a child is a signal to parents that there is a possibility of getting persistent runny nose with complications. Just watching such snot and doing nothing is, at the very least, irresponsible.

On one forum, in correspondence between mothers, one advised the other to collect tissues after blowing their nose and see if the snot becomes more intense, i.e. green or not. And if they are already completely “double green”, only then do they need to be treated.

Let's not repeat the mistakes of others and follow the “experienced” parents, the main thing is to prevent the development infectious process, involving other organs and systems.

The normal color of snot is transparent, this is how the nasal mucosa reacts to allergens or viruses. As these causes are eliminated, the mucous membrane clears, and the runny nose goes away within 7 days. The appearance of green snot is associated with bacterial microflora, and when you see such discharge in your child, the question arises - what to do?

It is necessary to boost immunity and eliminate bacteria that have settled in the nose. Green snot is a consequence of the fight between bacteria and protective cells. In the process of destruction pathogenic microflora neutrophils secrete specific substances that color the snot green color. The more bacteria, the more intense the snot.

Pathogenic microflora are mainly represented by staphylococci and streptococci, although other bacteria are also found, such as pneumococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, anaerobes and others.

The virulence of these bacteria depends on immune defense. If the body cannot resist, then the infection develops quickly, and general symptoms of intoxication are added to the green snot.

Unfortunately, Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci often form stable associations in which it is not easy to suppress harmful microflora.

Therefore, you should not look at a child’s scarves for a long time; if you see green snot, visit a children’s ENT specialist. In children, the causes of green snot vary, and the sooner they are detected, the it will pass faster bacterial runny nose.

Causes of green snot in children

On many sites you can read that the cause of thick green snot is sinusitis, various sinusitis and lingering snot. This is not an entirely correct definition, because... listed diseases are not the cause, but in their symptoms they themselves have green snot. The main reason is bacteria that cause green snot, sinusitis, and other inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx.

More often lingering sniffles contributes to the period of epidemiological instability. At this time, a lot of pathogenic microorganisms are hovering in space, and as soon as the baby gets cold or weak, the bacteria are right there, waiting for a place to settle.

Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and rare exposure to air - faithful companions bacterial microflora and purulent processes.

Another predisposing factor for the development of green snot and cough can be a child’s visits to child care institutions. When the baby’s body encounters new bacteria, a kind of adaptation occurs, as a result of which green snot appears without fever. In this case, the main observation is.

Dr. Komarovsky, like many competent pediatricians, believes in this regard that green snot does not have to be immediately treated with antibiotics. If the child is cheerful, the temperature is normal, the appetite is not impaired and there are no other complaints except snot, then the only treatment for such a runny nose is rinsing with saline solutions.

Of course, parents do not always agree that being outside during the period of snot is good, and they prefer to stay at home until the baby’s nose takes on a completely healthy appearance without a single snot. This approach only prolongs the recovery process and reduces the child’s immunity.

Important! You can walk outside with green snot if you do not have an elevated body temperature, and only after examination by a pediatric otolaryngologist.

Always supervise your child. The slightest deterioration in general condition, increased symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat, cough, swelling of the nasopharynx require urgent examination by a pediatric specialist.

Dr. Komarovsky - briefly about green nasal discharge

What complications may arise?

In most cases green or purulent snot must be treated because the infection can spread beyond the nasopharyngeal space. Any complications lead to disruption of the child’s sleep, headaches, and fever. The baby begins to be capricious and eats poorly.

In addition, breathing is sharply disrupted, the nasal mucosa thickens and turns green, sinus ventilation is disrupted, and the inflammatory process takes over, causing paranasal sinusitis.

If left untreated, in addition to sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis and other infectious diseases occur.

Treatment of green snot in children - what and how

First of all, treatment should be aimed at destroying bacteria. For this purpose, local and antibacterial agents are used. systemic action. But even without adjuvant therapy not enough. The treatment regimen must include rinsing the nose until “ clean waters", short-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs, various combination drugs.

Nasal instillation procedures always begin with rinsing the nasal passages. For this purpose, purchase one of the products at the pharmacy: Aqualor, Morenasal, Humer, Dolphin, Aqua Maris or another drug based on sea ​​water.

Antibacterial therapy for green snot

Therapy for purulent snot without fever comes down to the use of antibiotics local action. These include:

  • bioparox - allowed from 2.5 years;
  • polydex - from 2.5 years;
  • isofra - from 12 months.

The last two drugs have gained particular popularity. The main difference between these two products is the composition. Isofra is a pure antibiotic (framycetin), and Polydexa is a combination drug consisting of antibiotics (polymexin B sulfate, neomycin sulfate), a hormone (dexamethasone) and a vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine hydrochloride).

Isofra is prescribed in cases where the bacterial process has occurred, but the symptoms are moderate. Polydexa is indicated for a more pronounced picture of bacterial rhinitis, when symptoms of congestion and inflammation in the nasal cavity cause anxiety to the child.

If the baby has complaints of ear pain against the background of green snot, then Polydex can also be used for instillation into the ear. Isofra is used only for the nose.

If local antibacterial agents, systemic antibiotics, which are prescribed for a course of 5 to 14 days, depending on the spread of the infection, will help fight green snot. The following drugs are recommended as antibiotics:

  • augmentin;
  • zinnat;
  • amoxiclav;
  • flemoxin salutab;
  • sumamed;
  • avelox;
  • zinacef;
  • suprax;
  • Moximac;
  • amoxicillin;
  • cefpir.

Are vasoconstrictor drops and sprays necessary?

In case of severe swelling, you should take a course (3-5 days) of drugs that will relieve swelling in the nasal cavity.

Vasoconstrictor drugs of choice may be:

  • nazol;
  • tizin;
  • siolor rhino;
  • Nesopin;
  • naphthyzine;
  • Lazolvan Rino;
  • Rinnotays (xylometazoline with sea water).

Frequency of application vasoconstrictors determined by the doctor, and not only according to the instructions, but also taking into account the amount of snot, as well as nasal congestion.

The advantage of pinosol and sinupret is their natural herbal composition, which, in the case of uncomplicated green snot, allows you to eliminate bacteria without the use of antibiotics.

Sinupret is a rather expensive drug, so we are talking about choosing its cheap analogues.

Thuja occidentalis oil

If the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is accompanied by adenoiditis, then complex treatment green snot, it is recommended to include thuja oil. The effect of thuja oil is multifaceted. Evergreen thuja in homeopathic dilutions helps eliminate inflammation, stop the growth of tumors, and restore local immunity, thereby healing the nasopharynx from ailments.

Green snot in children due to adenoids is not uncommon, so stabilizing adenoid vegetations and reducing their size will help save the child from a recurrence of bacterial rhinitis.

The therapy also includes the homeopathic drug thuja occidentalis. Treatment usually lasts a minimum of 3 months. The child is prescribed homeopathic peas 1-2 times a week. Classical homeopaths will most likely suggest a 50 or 200 dilution. If the effect of the drug is noticeable, the frequency of taking homeopathic peas will be reduced.

To the delight of parents, after treating green snot with thuja preparations, children often got rid of relapses of tonsillitis, adenoiditis, and pharyngitis.

Note! Self-production Thuja medicines are not safe, because... Trees and shrubs of the cypress family are poisonous plants.

How to treat green snot at home?

In principle, all therapy comes down to strict implementation of the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor for the child. These will be saline rinses, followed by nasal instillations and medications.

Additionally, to restore and soften the mucous membrane, it is recommended to alternate salt rinses with medicinal infusions calendula and chamomile. Sometimes salt dries out the mucous membranes, and monotonous treatment provokes dry mucous membranes. Infusions perfectly relieve inflammation and moisturize the nasal cavity.

To eliminate dryness, lubricate the nasal passages with peach oil; it is also recommended to instill it twice a day, 1-2 drops. As a result of this treatment, small wounds and cracks in the nasal passages are epithelized. It is recommended to use peach oil separately from other drops, i.e. approximately 2 hours after instillation of nasal agents suggested by the doctor.

Excellent results are obtained by instilling fresh Kalanchoe juice. Just a few drops of this product can clear the child’s nose of thickened purulent snot. The child begins to sneeze frequently, and the snot simply “shoots out” in bursts.

Sometimes after such sneezes a streak of blood may appear from the nose, nothing to worry about. It happens. Simply, as a result of overstrain, the already weakened mucous membrane succumbed to the rupture of a small vessel. Take a break and continue treatment the next day.

Physiotherapy for green snot

Physiotherapeutic methods are effective for many diseases of the nasopharynx, and are included in the combined treatment of tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis, and many other problems. To eliminate green snot, the following physiotherapy methods are used:

  • laser therapy (preferably helium-neon laser);
  • quartz tube;
  • magnetotherapy.

The course of procedures on average consists of 5-7 procedures. The treatment does not cause pain to the child, although it is not always easy for the child to sit in one place for a long time during the treatment process.

Runny nose in a child - how to treat (consultation with a doctor)


The success of treating bacterial snot in children is as follows:

  • early diagnosis;
  • compliance with all doctor’s recommendations;
  • air humidification at home;
  • sanitation of foci of infection in the oropharynx;
  • correction of immunity;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • balanced diet;
  • physical training;
  • walks in the open air;
  • hardening.

You can cure green snot, but the main thing is to part with it forever. To prevent a bacterial runny nose from “settled” in the child’s nasopharynx for a long time, follow the rules presented above. Do not be ill!

Attention, TODAY only!

Treating a common runny nose is not difficult for us. Everyone knows which drugs can alleviate his condition, and which ones do not help at all. When a child begins to get sick, parents begin to panic, as they need to act quickly to avoid complications.

How to treat a child? Have a good healing effect herbal preparations, however, in most cases they are not able to completely cure the disease, so they are often used in combination with more powerful medications.

Snot and cough in children are much more severe compared to adults. Starting from the age of 2, it becomes more difficult for children to resist pathogenic microorganisms, allergens and irritating environmental factors. The fact is that the immune system is still imperfect, and the immunoglobulins that came with breast milk no longer have a protective effect. In addition, the circle of contacts expands significantly, which predisposes to infection.

Features of the course of the disease

In order to do this, you need to take into account the cause of the disease, its severity, the age of the child and the presence of concomitant diseases.

A child may develop green snot due to:

  • colds, severe hypothermia, when bacterial pathogens penetrate the mucous membrane against the background of immunosuppression;
  • viral infection. Depending on the aggressiveness of pathogenic microorganisms, the inflammatory focus can be localized not only in the nasopharynx, but lower parts respiratory tract;
  • improper treatment of rhinitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • inflammation of growths lymphoid tissue nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoiditis);

Adenoids in one-year-old children are rare; usually tonsil hypertrophy is detected in a child of 3-8 years of age.

  • infection against the background of long-lasting allergic rhinitis.

Pathogenic microorganisms multiply quickly in poorly ventilated cavities, so thick green snot is usually observed in children with:

  1. anomalies in the development of the nasal passages, when one lumen is significantly smaller than the second;
  2. septal deformation;
  3. polyps in the nasal passages;
  4. changes in the structure of the nose of traumatic origin.

Clinical manifestations

Purulent snot in a child has a yellow-green color, sometimes a foul odor (as with ozen). In addition to nasal discharge, you may experience:

  • nasal voice;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • decreased sense of taste;
  • lack of smell;
  • nasal congestion;
  • heaviness in the paranasal area;
  • headache;
  • decreased appetite;
  • moodiness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • night snoring;
  • inattention, irritability;
  • coughing A runny nose is accompanied by a cough when the inflammatory process from the nasopharynx spreads to the laryngeal mucosa, causing laryngitis. Laryngospasm is especially dangerous against the background of severe edema. vocal cords, which is often observed in a child three to four years old;
  • hyperthermia. At chronic course illness, the temperature can be kept at no higher than 37.2 degrees. With exacerbation, an increase to 39 degrees is possible.

If green discharge and nasal congestion persist for a long time, children get used to breathing through their mouth. The facial expression becomes dejected, their mouth is slightly open and worried constant dryness in the oral cavity.


With green snot there is high risk occurrence of complications. They are associated with the spread of the inflammatory process and infectious agents. Among the possible undesirable consequences runny nose is worth noting:

  1. sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses);
  2. otitis. In children at 1 year old, the auditory tube is much shorter than at 6 years old, so the risk of swelling of its mucosa is higher. Impaired ventilation in the ear cavities is accompanied by activation of opportunistic flora and the development of otitis media;
  3. pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. nasal bleeding caused by disruption of the integrity of small blood vessels.


Effective treatment of green snot in children must be timely and comprehensive. For this purpose they are appointed medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Physiotherapy is usually prescribed during remission chronic disease, for example, sinusitis. Procedures are necessary to enhance therapeutic effect medications, as well as speeding up recovery. Children can be prescribed UHF, UV therapy, and inhalations.

Inhalation administration herbal decoctions, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs allows you to deliver therapeutic particles of medications directly to the site of inflammation. Another method of therapy is massage. It is carried out to activate local blood circulation, improve delivery biologically active ingredients and acceleration of drug absorption.

How to treat? The following groups of drugs can be used in treatment:

  • antibacterial. An antibiotic can be prescribed in tablet form (Sumamed) for severe course diseases, as well as for local sanitation of an infectious focus (Cameton, Miramistin, Bioparox);
  • antihistamines (Loratadine). Prescribed to reduce symptoms allergic reaction and swelling of the nasal mucosa. Allergodil is used for intranasal administration;
  • vasoconstrictors (Nazol baby, Nazivin) – necessary to reduce the severity of tissue edema, facilitating the outflow of mucus from the sinuses;
  • combined (Vibrocil), which include a vasoconstrictor and an antihistamine;
  • herbal, homeopathic (Delufen) - prescribed for chronic runny nose when long-term treatment is required;
  • mucolytics (Sinupret). Due to the action of the drug, the viscosity decreases purulent discharge, and therefore mucus drains more easily from the paranasal cavities.

Rinsing the nasal passages

You can treat green snot in a child using rinsing procedures. Their effect is to sanitize cavities, cleanse, moisturize the mucous membrane and protect it from the irritating influence of surrounding factors. In addition, rinsing the nose makes it possible to facilitate the outflow of pus from the cavities by reducing its viscosity.

The procedure technique is somewhat different for infants and 4-year-olds. An older child can blow his nose on his own, which is impossible for an infant. Rules for washing:

  1. the solution should be warm to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane;
  2. For a newborn, you need a special aspirator with a soft tip. It is necessary for the careful removal of solution and mucus from the nasal passages;
  3. After the procedure, you should blow your nose well.

Do not inject the solution under pressure from the bulb or forcefully draw in the liquid through your nostrils. When washing, water should enter the nasal passages exclusively by gravity.

If a child develops a runny nose at the age of 3, you can use salt preparations. They are available in the form of a solution for rinsing or drip administration. Children are allowed Aqualor, Humer, Marimer, No-sol, Salin. Let's take a closer look at the features of using Aqua Maris. The medicine is based on sea water. It is available in the form of aerosol and drops. The solution is odorless and colorless. Aqua Maris maintains the physiological state of the mucous membrane, cleanses it of mucus and protects it from irritating factors.

The drug normalizes secretion, improves performance ciliated epithelium. It has no contraindications or adverse reactions, so it is prescribed from the first days of life. Up to a year, drops are used (two three times a day), then a spray (one spray up to four times a day).

Drug drip administration

In the treatment of snot for children, drop forms of drugs can be prescribed. The first group of medications that are used to facilitate nasal breathing are represented by vasoconstrictors.

The most commonly used are Vibrocil, Otrivin, Nazol baby, Nazivin. Due to the low concentration of the main active ingredient, the drugs can be used in childhood.

The drug is a drop with vasoconstrictor and antihistamine properties. The solution may have a yellowish tint and a faint lavender scent. Action of the medicine:

  • reduction of mucosal swelling;
  • blocking histamine receptors;
  • reduction in the volume of secretions;
  • relief of nasal breathing;
  • improving the outflow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses;
  • restoration of ventilation in the ears and paranasal sinuses.

Contraindications include:

  1. age up to 2 years;
  2. individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  3. atrophic type of rhinitis;
  4. glaucoma;
  5. taking certain sedative medications.

Before instillation, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages with a saline solution. Children under 5 years old are prescribed 1-2 drops up to four times a day. At an older age, 3-4 drops are allowed into the nose.

Sometimes adverse reactions may occur in the form of:

  • discomfort, dryness, burning sensation in the nasal passages;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • allergies that manifest themselves skin rashes, swelling of the face, itchy sensations in the eyes.


Sinupret has a healing effect. It consists of herbal ingredients and 19% ethanol. It has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect, and also reduces the viscosity of purulent snot and prevents its accumulation.

Drops are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and peptic ulcer organs of the digestive tract. The medicine should be taken after meals. Starting from two years, 15 drops are prescribed three times a day. Over the age of six years, 25 drops are recommended, from 11 years old - 50 drops. The solution has a bitter taste, so it needs to be diluted with juice or tea. Possible adverse reactions include: dyspeptic disorders(nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea), as well as allergies, which are manifested by itching, hives, tissue swelling and shortness of breath.


The drug has antiseptic and astringent properties. Contains silver proteinate. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity.

​​​​​​​​The solution is used for intranasal administration, 1-2 drops three times a day. Protargol can be used for infants. It is usually well tolerated. Quite rarely, cases of irritation, dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, as well as burning and itching sensations are recorded.

If signs of an allergic reaction appear, it is necessary to wash off the drug from the surface of the mucous membrane. saline solution or boiled water. Simultaneous use of the drug with vasoconstrictor drugs Not recommended.

Systemic therapy

A systemic antibiotic is prescribed for severe disease, when local treatment is ineffective, and there is a threat serious complications. To reduce the severity of general intoxication, Flemoxin, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Zinnat are usually prescribed.

The listed drugs belong to different antibacterial groups that have a specific spectrum of action. Thanks to this, it is possible to select the most effective antibiotic for every case of illness. The antibiotic Sumamed belongs to the group of macrolides with the main active substance– azithromycin. The drug is available in powder form for the preparation of a suspension. It is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to macrolides, or for those weighing less than 5 kg.

The suspension should be taken once a day an hour or two hours after meals. Daily dose calculated taking into account the child’s body weight. For diseases of the ENT organs, 0.5 ml/kg of body weight is usually prescribed. To prepare the suspension, just add 12 ml of water to the powder in the bottle, after which you get 25 ml of suspension.

Adverse reactions include fungal infection, respiratory distress, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, weight loss, insomnia, irritability, headache, visual dysfunction, tinnitus, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain,

You need to get rid of green snot as quickly as possible, otherwise there is a high risk of developing such a serious complication as meningitis.

When green snot appears in a child, treatment is prescribed after determining the cause of its occurrence:

  • ARVI;
  • physiology;
  • purulent rhinitis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis.

Medical indications

Before you cure your baby of green snot, you will need to visit an ENT specialist. If the newborn is 1 month old, then you need to find out why the baby has green snot. If the runny nose is physiological in nature, there is no fever, and the appetite is good, then special treatment is not carried out. To remove excess green snot from children, you will need a rubber bulb.

A runny nose can appear in children (2 months) as a result of constant exposure to horizontal position. In this case, green snot can be treated with vasoconstrictor drops and sea solutions. If an infection is detected in the body, then the child must take an antibiotic. You can treat green snot in a 3-4 month old child using an aspirator.

Children from 5 months of age can take Ortivin Baby. It contains sodium chloride. Pediatricians do not recommend using it to treat green snot in a child. breast milk. Infants aged 6 months are recommended to clean their nose with saline solution. If the child feels worse, then the help of a doctor will be needed.

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Starting from 7 months, interferon is used. It is recommended to first clean your nose using an aspirator. Infants aged 8 months should not be given solutions containing aloe, beet juice. Otherwise, the baby will develop allergies. Young patients are prescribed warming ointments that are applied to the temples and wings of the nose. You should not use such products without consulting a doctor. Children from 9 months are prescribed acupressure. It must be carried out by specialists. To get rid of a runny nose, 10-month-old children are allowed to inhale using a nebulizer.

For steam inhalation you will need to prepare a medicinal mixture. The composition is poured into a container. The child should breathe the collection vapors for several minutes. When treating a runny nose, special attention is paid to the dosage of drugs. Sprays should not be given to infants.

When cleaning the nose, the pacifier is pulled out of the baby's mouth. To apply nose drops, the baby is placed on his back. The warm solution is introduced using a pipette. Then each nostril is pressed with a finger to the bridge of the nose for 1-2 minutes. To sanitize the nasal cavity, a small patient is prescribed ultraviolet irradiation or electrophoresis.

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Drug therapy

Drug treatment for green snot in children involves taking the following medications:

  • protorgol - a solution with silver ions is prepared in a pharmacy. Improper storage of it can lead to the development of allergies;
  • isofra;
  • sodium sulfacyl - prescribed to children under 1 year of age during antibacterial therapy;
  • rinofluimucil - presented in the form of a spray and taken starting from 2 years;
  • vibrocil;
  • essential oils;
  • aquamaris

Nasal solutions based on sea water are safe for newborns. Sprays that continuously spray the solution provide uniform irrigation of the nasal passages. Pediatricians include Aqualor Baby among such products. To treat green snot, children are prescribed homeopathic medicines with an anti-inflammatory effect (sinupret).

When snot appears in children over 1 year old, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • regular wet cleaning;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • foot baths;
  • inhalation;
  • airing the room.

To rinse your nose yourself, you will need to prepare a solution. For 1 liter take ½ tsp. salt and soda. If the child’s age exceeds 4-5 years, then the amount of water is reduced to 0.5 liters. 2-4 drops of the resulting solution are instilled into the nostrils. Blow your nose and put in special drops. It is recommended to wash 2-3 times a day. To do this, use a syringe without a needle or a pipette. Children under 2 years of age are recommended to be given pharmaceutical saline solution.

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Additional procedures

Using inhalation, you can cure a child’s cough and thick green snot. Therapeutic steam reduces swelling. There are several methods of inhalation:

  • a saucepan with boiled potatoes;
  • hot water with essential oils. It is recommended to add 1-2 drops of essential oil to the liquid. This procedure is prescribed for children aged 3-4 years;
  • The nebulizer is easy to use, distributing the solution to the most inaccessible places. If necessary, you can adjust the dosage yourself.

The nose is warmed up from 2 years of age (in the absence of inflammation) using the following methods and means:

  • warm boiled egg. It can be replaced with warm sugar. The cereal is poured into a bag, which is applied to the nose;
  • UHF therapy;
  • Microwave therapy.

Warming is contraindicated for sinusitis and after surgery.

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Preventive actions

Complex therapy for green snot in children consists of using the following agents:

  • the nose is instilled with a solution of chamomile or calendula;
  • The baby is given tea with honey (after 1 year);
  • feet floating in mustard solution;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • The humidity level in the children's room should be between 50-70%, and the temperature - 18 degrees.

If a severe headache occurs, you will need urgent help doctor Prevention of a runny nose involves taking vitamins, maintaining a balanced diet, hardening the body, and getting good sleep.

You cannot treat a runny nose on your own. Otherwise, complications may arise:

  • otitis;
  • tubo-otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Since you became a mother, you live only for your baby, so charming... and so defenseless! You are ready to do anything to shelter him from life's hardships. And so far you have succeeded... But what is it? Does your child have snot? My baby is sick! SOS! He needs to be treated – and urgently!

Stop! Do not hurry. A child’s snot is not a reason for rash actions that could be detrimental to his health. more harm than good.

But how can you hesitate if these green snot do not allow the baby to breathe, if it is in the nose and throat, if he is simply choking on snot!

Before you continue reading: If you are looking effective method to get rid of runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to check out Book section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

You're right. Green snot in a child is indeed a rather serious problem. This means that the bacteria managed to firmly establish themselves on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. And the body has to actively defend itself.

But here's the thing: green nasal discharge is both bad... and good.

Why it is good?

Because green pus (and green or yellow snot in a child or an adult is nothing more than the most ordinary pus) indicates that the war with bacteria in the nose baby is coming successfully.

That is, “enemy microbes”, pursued by white blood cells by leukocytes, die in large numbers and are removed out in the form of the same green snot that caused you to panic.

Why bad?

Because pus with dead and still living bacteria not only flows out of the child’s nose, but also flows into the larynx, and from there into the trachea, bronchi and lungs. And there, harmful microorganisms find a new field of activity - a warm and humid environment, ideal for their active reproduction.

And then a cough joins the snot. And a cough in a child, especially an infant, is very serious symptom, which is not so easy to get rid of.

In addition, green purulent snot can easily get into the ear, causing otitis media, because children have a passage between the nose and ear (doctors sometimes call eustachian tube) is very short and wide enough, so there are practically no obstacles for pus on the way from the nose to the ear.

In advanced cases, a purulent runny nose can cause inflammation meninges and the brain tissue itself - and this is extremely serious and very dangerous.

And the general condition of the baby with purulent snot suffers.

Green snot in a child: treatment should be timely, not aggressive and thoughtless!

It is worth noting that if you started sounding the alarm only when the child already had green or yellow snot, then the onset of the disease simply passed your attention.

No, of course you have noticed that the child sniffles in his sleep, constantly wakes up, is capricious and eats poorly, that he sweats and sneezes often. But you thought that it was not scary, everything would go away on its own.

And now you need to rehabilitate yourself, that is, immediately cure your baby’s snot, which means stuffing him up to his ears with expensive medications or using the most ridiculous advice so that he never has this terrible purulent snot again!

I am a good mom!

Eh no! - you say! It's not about me! I didn’t wait until my baby’s snot turned green with pus! My baby just sneezed about five times yesterday – that’s all. But I’m not going to put up with it and wait for him to get worse! I'll call the doctor today!

Perfect solution. You really should call a children's doctor whenever something bothers you about your child's condition, be it a runny nose, just sneezing, or other troubles. Therefore, you are on the right track.

So you called the pediatrician. And now everything will be fine

But the doctor... to put it mildly, did not inspire confidence in you.

If only because he did not cure your child of snot with the wave of a magic wand.

But just on a quick fix I listened to him with my pipe, declared that my lungs were clear, prescribed some drops and syrup, and most importantly, said scary words: “if it gets worse during the day, for example, if it suddenly rises high temperature, - call me, and if it becomes worse at night, then call an ambulance!

What to do now? Wait until the CHILD GET WORSE?! NEVER! The “wrong doctor” came to see me!

And you go to a local luminary, or to a “grandmother,” or to the Internet for help and advice: my child has snot – what should I do? And since you came to our website in search of salvation, and we sincerely want to help you, we will try not to disappoint you.

So, are you ready to start immediately? effective treatment!.. however, a little confused. There are too many different ones around " good advice" And the main thing is that some of them are directly opposite to each other, but the “advisers” are very convincing!

What to do if you have a thousand and one ways to permanently cure snot in a child, and you don’t know which one is right?!

Attention! Never start treating snot by any method or means simply because someone’s advice seemed appropriate to you.

Under no circumstances should you experiment with your baby’s health: you can harm him with both fashionable imported miracle drugs and safe “grandmother’s drugs.”

But you don’t want your child to get worse, right?

Therefore, do not rush to follow advice, no matter how wise it may seem to you, and no matter what celebrities give it, especially in absentia.

You need to figure out what exactly is happening to your baby. This is an axiom.

The “wrong” doctor does not always prescribe the “wrong” medications

And as for yours children's doctor, then he is actually “wrong” if he spent only a few minutes visiting you. And, instead of calming you down and explaining why he prescribed you these particular drops and this particular syrup, he frightened you even more and pushed you to search for a panacea for your child’s snot.

But this does not mean that the “wrong” doctor prescribed you the “wrong” treatment. It may well be that having figured out the cause of the snot - white or green, and having studied the instructions for the medications prescribed for the runny nose and colds, you will understand that this is exactly what you need. And it may well be that treatment will really help.

However, let's return to our problem and begin to analyze the situation. Let's start with the main thing - the age of your baby. Believe me, this is extremely important.

After all, the treatment of snot in a child who is only a month old, or even less, differs from the treatment of snot in a 2-3 year old toddler, just like the children themselves during these periods of life. Moreover, treatment approaches infants up to a year in different periods infancy also quite different.

And now - information, first of all, for mothers of babies who are not yet a month old. Why "first of all"? Because for mothers of older children who suddenly developed snot, it is also very useful to know what is written below.

It should be noted right away that a baby under 1 month of age has real snot - an extraordinary phenomenon.

The fact is that nature arranges everything very wisely: at birth, a child receives a powerful set of factors responsible for immunity directly from the mother’s body. It is very important that these substances are supplied in the right quantities.

That is why you need to plan your pregnancy ahead of time, approach this issue very responsibly, getting rid of all chronic infections, even if you are used to them and they do not bother you too much.

First of all, this concerns inflammatory processes in the female genital area, as well as tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.

Hygiene is the best doctor from the first days of life

But, you say, how can this be? My baby is only two weeks old and he is sneezing! What to do?!

If your baby sneezes rarely, say once or twice a day, and at the same time feels normal, eats well, sleeps peacefully and develops by leaps and bounds, if the baby’s nose does not sniffle or sniffle, then do nothing at all No need.

Because such sneezing is an absolutely normal reaction of the nasal mucosa of a newborn to dust and bacteria entering it from the air.

It goes without saying that the more dust and bacteria in the air, the more often your baby will sneeze, and the more likely it is that in the future, snot and cough will appear in the child much more often than if he grew up in normal conditions.

Therefore, remember rule number one: the air in the baby’s room should be clean and fresh.

All that is needed for this is compliance with basic hygiene requirements, no matter how banal it may sound.

  • First, remove carpets from your little one's room: no matter how often you vacuum them, they remain a constant source of dust.
  • Secondly, ventilate the room as often as you can, and for at least 15-20 minutes. Ideally, this should be done when the child is sleeping.
  • Thirdly, make sure that the air in the room is not dry: excessively warm, dry air has a very adverse effect on the baby’s nasal mucosa - it also dries out and stops working as it should.
  • Fourth, make sure that the baby’s nose is free of food debris - not only artificial baby food, but also breast milk.

Milk residues should not be confused with white snot, but you also shouldn’t ignore them. Milky crusts in a child’s nose are a real problem, not much less than a real runny nose.

They block the access of air to the tiny nose, and, as a result, the child gets used to breathing open mouth, and this is very harmful, because with this method of breathing, the air enters the trachea too cold or too warm, and both are bad.

In addition, in the oral mucosa there are no “magic tools” present in the nasal mucosa - hair growths. These hairs filter the incoming air from everything unnecessary and, moving in waves, throw out “garbage” - bacteria and dust - from the nose to the outside.

Just like dried snot, crusts from milk in a child’s nose do not allow the hairs to work and form nutrient medium for bacteria.

How to properly remove crusts from a newborn's nose?

Today, on many resources you can find calls from parents (and sometimes, unfortunately, doctors) to rinse the baby’s nose with special miraculous solutions - aquamaris, physiomer, etc. as a preventive measure.

You should not get carried away with such washings unless absolutely necessary. After all, along with the crusts, natural mucus is washed out of the nose, which contains substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria, and which prevents the mucous membrane of the baby’s nose from drying out and cracking.

Correctly cleaning a child’s nose from milky crusts is very simple: roll ordinary cotton wool into turundas, soak them in sterile Vaseline oil and carefully clean the nostrils.

Each nostril needs its own turunda. If there are a lot of crusts, the procedure must be repeated several times, each time using a new turunda, until the child’s nose is completely clear.

Attention! Never use aromatic essential oils to clean your nose, no matter how beneficial they may seem to you!

Such oils may cause serious allergic attack and become the cause of the development of a real runny nose - an allergic one, including real clear snot in a stream.

But how can that be! - you say. My child does not have crusts in his nose, but real snot - liquid, transparent, and constantly. And you say that newborns don’t have a runny nose! It turns out that it happens! And I want to know how to cure snot in a child, and not why he sneezes or how to clear milk crusts from his nose!

In fact, it is not so rare to form abundant transparent sniffles in a child aged 1–2 months. But this does not mean that your baby is necessarily sick. It is possible that he has a normal physiological runny nose.

Snot in a month old baby? A physiological runny nose cannot be ruled out!

A physiological runny nose does not require treatment with antibiotics or any other serious measures. Transparent liquid snot in a child is simply excess mucus, which is actively produced in the baby’s nose, which is attacked from all sides by a variety of microorganisms, odors, dust, etc.

There is no need to treat such snot, but it is necessary to ensure that it does not accumulate in the sinuses or flow into the ears and throat. In order for liquid physiological snot in a child’s nose to disappear without a trace, you need to:

  • Constantly clean your baby's nose Vaseline oil
  • Make sure that the room is always clean, fresh and not hot, and that the air does not dry out. This is especially true in winter, when even houseplants, and not just the delicate nasal mucosa of a newborn. Ordinary bowls of water placed on tables will help solve the problem. You can also buy a special home humidifier fountain.
  • If there is strong separation of fluid, you can bury the baby’s nose with a solution of sea or regular table salt or their analogues (aquamaris, etc.), which were already mentioned above. Please note that this should not be done often and according to all the rules, that is, turning the child’s head to one side: first to one side, and then to the other. 2-3 drops of the solution are always instilled into the nostril that is located below. After instillation, let the baby lie on his side for 2-3 minutes.

If you do everything correctly, most likely your baby’s clear liquid snot will soon disappear without a trace.

What if they don’t pass?

How to treat a child if he is already 3 months old and his runny nose does not go away?

Constant snot in any baby over 2 months really needs to be taken urgent measures, but - which ones?

It all depends on the causes of the runny nose, and they can be different. Allergies are one of them.

In fact, allergic rhinitis in children is a real scourge of the new century. It is very sad that our kids are forced to pay for polluted air and chlorinated water, our passion for medicines and cosmetics, synthetic clothing and canned foods.

Unfortunately, you and I cannot change anything overnight. on a global scale, but you are quite capable of ridding a three-month-old baby of allergic snot.

If you are breastfeeding, start with yourself, or rather, with your nutrition. Carefully record everything you eat and monitor your child’s well-being. Then try to give up those foods that seem suspicious to you. Has there been less snot? So you are on the right track.

Consolidate your success - go to a children's allergist, get tested and adjust your menu according to their results.

remember, that transparent snot not always a sign of an allergy. If such snot flows from the nose like a stream, and the child has a fever, and a cough is added, this is very similar to an acute viral infection.

How to treat snot in a child with ARVI?

The basic rule for treating a child at the early stage of ARVI is careful care of the nasal cavity, ventilation of the room, frequent changing of clothes and change of bed linen. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the child’s temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, otherwise serious complications can develop very quickly.

As for antibiotics, at the beginning of an acute respiratory viral infection they not only will not bring benefit to the baby, but can also aggravate the course of the disease. After all, antibiotics destroy bacteria, and that’s all that viruses need: they are not afraid of antibiotics and feel great freed from the territory of competing bacteria – the nasal mucosa.

When are antibiotics needed or how to treat green snot in a child

Why, you might say, do pediatricians almost always prescribe antibiotics for viral infections?

Because very rarely, the treatment of snot in children ends with just a fight against viruses, which, by the way, the immunity of a breast-fed baby copes with quite quickly and completely.

However, the child’s nasal mucosa, attacked by viruses, is still quite for a long time remains damaged, and bacteria successfully take advantage of this.

As a result, usually on the third to fifth day of illness we can say that a viral runny nose has turned into a bacterial one. You will notice this by the nature of the discharge: liquid transparent discharge The baby's nose will turn into thick, green or yellow snot. In this case, treatment of a runny nose with antibiotics is indicated.

And if the snot from the nose is white, what should you do then?

White snot in a child's nose may also indicate allergic rhinitis, or rather, about its variety - fungal rhinitis. Fungal attacks are becoming a frequent consequence of excessive and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and the resulting dysbacteriosis.

Treatment of white snot will not lead to results until normal microflora in the nose will not restore its natural balance. It is very difficult to do this and in this case you cannot do without the help of ENT doctors and serious treatment.

Thick snot in a child older than 2 months is not a physiological runny nose!

Starting from 3 months, the likelihood that a child will become infected with a viral infection through contact with a sick person is very high (with the possible exception of the flu).

Therefore, think twenty times before inviting guests back if the weather is rainy in autumn. There is no chance that one of them, unwittingly, will bring you an unpleasant surprise in the form of a respiratory viral infection and a runny nose with snot, cough and fever.

If anyone in your family is sick, isolate him from the baby until he is completely recovered.

Ventilate the room more often. If there are any at home quartz lamp– turn it on at least once (or better yet, 2 times) a day for half an hour, and after quartzing, be sure to ventilate the room again.

Snot and fever in a 4 or 5 month old child - teething?

The next period of a newborn’s life, from 4 months to six months, is characterized by active changes in his body associated with teething.

But don’t rush to attribute the snot of a 4- or 5-month-old baby to “teeth that are coming out.” Remember what is healthy and normal developing baby tolerates teething quite easily, and fever, runny nose and cough are a sign that the child’s immune capabilities are seriously limited, which means it is not at all necessary that the snot “will go away on its own when the teeth come out.”

Attention, if a child has a month of snot, the teeth have nothing to do with it! Look for the real reason and eliminate it!

At the age of 6 months, the baby already receives such a varied diet that some mothers consider it quite possible to completely abandon breastfeeding. Why, if there is very little milk in the breast, and the baby is completely full and satisfied?

Don't do this if you are lucky enough to still be able to breastfeed your baby. Even a few drops of this real elixir of health “for dessert” are enough to avoid gastrointestinal disorders, allergies and other troubles that plague formula-fed infants.

What should I do if I have an artificial one, you say? What if there is no milk? Everything is the same - we will answer, only even more punctually and more carefully. Do not rush to add “overseas” fruits to your child’s diet, do not get carried away with “food from jars”, carefully think through the menu, focusing on the preferences of your baby and the advice of the pediatrician, monitor hygiene and cleanliness, ventilate the room and try not to get sick yourself.

Be attentive and sensitive to your child - and thick purulent snot will not haunt him either at 6 months or at a later age.

Nozzle suction is not the most harmless device

The older they get baby, the more difficult it is to take care of his nose. Snot in an 8-9 month old baby is a real problem. It is quite difficult to rinse the nose with simple instillation for children at this age: they actively resist the procedure, and it is not always possible to persuade them to lie quietly on their side after instilling the rinsing solution.

But what if the baby’s snot is thick, strong, there is a lot of it, not only in the nose, but also in the throat? How to cope with the disease? Use a nozzle suction, because it’s quick and harmless, not like antibiotics and drops?

Carefully! Using a nozzle ejector is far from being as harmless a procedure as manufacturers say it is. Please note that even the softest and most flexible tip that you insert into the baby’s nose injures the mucous membrane, as does the process of suctioning snot.

This is why mothers who use a snot pump often complain that their baby has snot with blood in it. But, most often, this problem is associated with the disease, and not with the treatment.

So what should we do? You ask? Leaving thick green snot in your child's nose?

Of course not. Let's go back to the beginning of the article and remember about cotton pads with Vaseline oil. This primitive method of removing snot “from the last century” works great not only for newborns, but also for older infants.

Turn treatment into a fun game

Calm your baby down, let him hold the cotton wool in his hands, allow him to “clean your nose,” turn the procedure into a game – and remove the snot from your nose.

Remember: free breathing Helps quickly cure snot. Perhaps not as quickly as you want, but much faster than antibiotics, rinses and folk remedies alone can do if the child’s nose does not work.

Does your child have snot? Not all folk remedies are good!

If you think that folk remedies for treating snot in young children are safer than medications, then we have to disappoint you. Quite the opposite: herbs and drugs can have much more Negative influence on the baby's health than medications.

This is especially true for such widespread methods of treating snot as instilling Kalanchoe or aloe juice into the nose.

Of course, among traditional methods There are very gentle and effective ones. For example, when you have a runny nose, it is very useful to breathe hot potato steam while covering yourself with a blanket. But it is very difficult to keep a child of 8-9 months in such a “steam bath” for a long time.

But if older children are overcome by snot, “potato inhalations” will be very useful.

In general, if your child has constant snot, then, starting with one year old he must be taught to blow his nose correctly. It is best to do this when the baby is not sick. However, it is possible that you yourself do not yet know how to blow your nose correctly.

How to blow your nose correctly?

  • Never use reusable handkerchiefs when blowing your nose.
  • You need to blow your nose through each nostril in turn, tightly covering the other with your finger. Then the snot from the nose will come out, and not flow down the throat or penetrate into cavities and passages.
  • Do not blow your nose too hard so as not to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the nose.

Not so difficult, right? Take these simple rules into account, and you will have a great opportunity to cure your baby’s snot much faster.

The older the baby gets, the easier it is to come to an agreement with him?

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. And, most often, the parents themselves are to blame for this. A growing child very quickly learns to benefit from his ill health, receiving the lion's share of love and care from family and friends when he is ill.

Always remember this and try to feel sorry for and love your baby when he is healthy, no less than when he is sick, he has a fever, runny nose and cough.

Then it is much easier for your one-year-old toddler to agree and breathe in hot potato steam, and drip saline solution into his nose, and blow the snot out of his nose according to all the rules.

In the second year of life, you need to monitor your child’s health no less than in infancy.

Why is the presence of snot and cough in a 1-2 year old child a common occurrence?

Firstly, because by this time the supply of protective immune factors received by the baby from the mother at birth.

Secondly, because by this period, in the vast majority of cases, the mother’s breast milk also runs out and the baby with his newly formed immunity is left alone with environment, which becomes more and more hostile every year.

Thirdly, because at this age children on walks no longer just sleep in strollers or watch the world around them from there, but also actively communicate with their peers, including those with a cold. Therefore, they can easily catch an infection.

This happens very quickly: in the morning your baby went out for a walk completely healthy, and by the evening the child developed snot.

What to do?

  • Do not sound the alarm and do not reach for “life-saving” antibiotics, but give the child warm drinks and clear his nose more often.
  • Remember about hot potatoes.
  • A child aged 1 year can steam his feet in warm water or put two pairs of socks on his feet at night, pouring dry mustard into the second - very good traditional treatment snot, sore throat and other eternal companions of a cold.

How long can you refuse drug treatment for snot?

Although they say that a treated runny nose goes away in a week, and an untreated runny nose in 7 days, focus not on the old wise proverb, but on the condition of the baby.

If your child has a stream of snot, then has a fever and coughs, do not hesitate and call your local doctor or even an ambulance.

If your baby has snot for a week, two weeks, or even a month, and all your efforts to combat it are in vain, then you need to look for the cause of this condition - allergies, reduced immunity, or contact with a constant source of infection. And take appropriate measures.

Kindergarten – to lead or not to lead?

And finally.

Usually, at the age of 3, children are sent to kindergarten. Remember that it is best to do this in August, although you would like to hold the baby for one more summer month at the dacha or just at home. However, along with the first autumn rains in September, the first epidemics of colds come to us.

This is especially true for children who, from their usual home environment, end up in a group, “under fire” from a large army of viruses and bacteria from other people’s noses.

If you sent your child at 3 years old to kindergarten, he constantly has snot and coughs, which means that your baby cannot yet be in the children's group.

Therefore, decide on a vacation at your own expense or look for a nanny if you don’t want endless colds, green purulent snot, bronchitis and tonsillitis to become your constant companions for many years.

The main thing: be attentive to your baby, create normal conditions for him to play and sleep, develop a safe and healthy diet and don’t get carried away by other people’s advice in search of a “quick cure for snot forever.”

Behave wisely and patiently, and very soon you will learn to successfully fight a runny nose. And be sure to win this fight.

Such an unpleasant surprise as green snot in a child often baffles the mother. Conventional medications They don’t help, the baby’s nose is stuffy, and the color of the snot is disturbing and frightening. Where do they come from, these green snot, what to do with them, and what do doctors usually suggest in this case?

Why does a child have green snot - the main reasons

As soon as you notice green snot on your baby, you know that bacteria have settled in the little one’s nasopharynx, and the body is trying to fight them. That is, you have already missed the very beginning of the infection.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • ARVI. "Classics of the genre".
  • Physiological runny nose (most often in newborn babies).
  • Purulent rhinitis.
  • Ethmoiditis. In this case, inflammation (as a complication of rhinitis) is manifested not only by green purulent discharge, but also by pain in the bridge of the nose, as well as a rise in temperature.
  • Sinusitis. This case is already dangerous with very serious consequences. Among the symptoms, in addition to green snot, one can note pain between the nose, the upper jaw and the edges of the eye orbit, a rise in temperature (not always), and headaches. Sometimes they appear dark circles under the eyes.
  • Frontit. Also one of the complications of rhinitis (inflammatory process in frontal sinus). It manifests itself as a purulent path from the nose to the throat, as well as pain in the forehead.

As for an allergic reaction, it can occur simultaneously with an infection that manifests itself in the form of green snot, but the cause of green snot cannot be an allergy.

Allergy symptoms - clear snot, infections ( viral disease) – green.

What is the danger of green snot?

The inflammatory process can develop very quickly, developing into sinusitis or even meningitis. Not to mention the fact that snot flowing down the throat provokes the spread of infection not only upward, but also downward - into the bronchi and lungs. It is also a short journey to the ears, as a result of which otitis media may also appear.

Therefore, you should be especially careful if your child develops green snot: consult a doctor immediately, monitor the temperature, general health child. Don't let the disease take its course!

Treatment of green snot in infants under 1 year of age

And if a 4-5 year old baby can begin procedures to alleviate the condition in advance, then for an infant a doctor is required, and treatment methods should be as gentle as possible.

So how to treat a newborn?

  • 1st month

First, we look for the cause (with the help of a doctor, of course). If the runny nose is physiological, the baby eats well, and there is no fever, then special treatment not required. Excess snot is removed with a rubber bulb, the room is ventilated and the air is maintained at sufficient humidity.

  • 2nd month

The toddler is constantly in a horizontal position, and snot can flow down the throat. Therefore, the doctor usually prescribes vasoconstrictor drops, various seawater-based products and salt-based cleansing solutions. For serious infections, it is prescribed antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

  • 3-4th month

Be sure to use an aspirator - the nose must be freed from excess snot. Moreover, it’s not worth spending money on an expensive and fashionable aspirator, because the most convenient, effective and least traumatic option is a syringe ( small size pear).

Before cleansing, it is recommended to drop 1-2 drops of a salt solution (purchased at a pharmacy or prepared in boiled water) into each nostril - this will soften the crusts and make it easier to clear the nose of snot. Drugs are usually prescribed based on oxymetazoline (for example, Nazivin 0.01%).

  • 5th month

From this age you can use the Ortivin Baby system (solution, replaceable nozzles with a filter and the aspirator itself). The solution is based on sodium chloride in a concentration that does not irritate the nasal mucosa of the toddler. Or the classic option: first the nose is cleaned with a pear, then the mother instills vasoconstrictor drops (Vibrocil, Xylene, Otrivin). As for Vibrocil, in addition to its anti-edematous effect, it also has an antiallergic effect.

  • 6th month

It is strictly forbidden to drip breast milk into the nose if the snot is infectious, the cause of which may be purulent sinusitis or ethmoiditis. The number of protective bodies in the baby’s blood decreases during this period, so the body’s resistance drops, and runny noses occur quite often. Consultation with a doctor is required!

  • 7th month

A child with a viral runny nose at this age can be treated with Interferon drops (Grippferon or dry leukocyte interferon - 1-2 drops 3 times a day), which help destroy viruses on the mucous membrane. Don’t forget to clean your nose with an aspirator first – the baby doesn’t know how to blow his nose yet!

  • 8th month

The age is almost “adult”, but still, aloe/kalanchoe, beet juice and other grandmother’s methods should not be used in order to avoid an allergic reaction. The scheme is the same - cleansing the nose of mucus and drops. You can also choose a warming ointment (not an asterisk, but a more gentle product) to smear the wings of the nose and temples. But only after consulting a doctor. And remember: warming ointments for severe inflammation are strictly prohibited!

  • 9th month

In addition to already known methods, we use acupressure (it can only be done after a trial massage under the guidance of a specialist). Points of influence are near the eye sockets and in the recesses of the wings of the nose. This massage is carried out in game form, with warm hands (pointer/finger tips) and clockwise.

  • 10th month

Now you can use a nebulizer for inhalation. For this device use physiological solution sodium chloride, and for a steam inhaler - herbal decoctions or special drops. If the little one is afraid of the device, steam inhalation You can also do it over a plate.

After brewing, the medicinal mixture is poured into a bowl and, while the mother distracts the baby with a puppet show, he inhales the beneficial vapors of sage, eucalyptus or chamomile. Don't burn your child - steam shouldn't come out of the plate in clouds.

Don't forget to clean your nose! We drop and drink medications only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Note to mom:

  • Follow the dosage strictly! If the prescription is 2 drops, then 2 drops.
  • Sprays are not used for infants.
  • Clean your baby's nose using a syringe, aspirator, or cotton swabs. The ideal option is electric/suction, but it must be selected and used carefully - taking into account the suction power of the device.
  • When sucking snot, remove the pacifier from the baby's mouth! Otherwise, you risk causing ear barotrauma to your child.
  • When instilling the baby, the baby is placed on his back and the heated (not cold!) solution is administered from a pipette along the inner edge of the outer wing of the nose. After which the mother presses the nostril with her finger to the back of the nose for 1-2 minutes.

The doctor may also prescribe ultraviolet irradiation to sanitize the nasal cavity or electrophoresis to improve the outflow of snot and suppress inflammation.

Green snot in children - what medications are allowed for children?

    • Protorgol. Product with silver ions for nasal sanitation. It is usually prepared in a pharmacy, and if stored improperly, it can cause allergies.
    • Isofra. This antibiotic used in a course of 1 week, three times a day.
    • Sulfacyl sodium. This option is for antibacterial therapy in babies under 1 year of age.
    • Rinofluimucil. From 2 years old. An effective spray that copes very successfully with green snot.
    • Polydexa.
    • Vibrocil.
    • Rhinopront – from 1 year old.
    • Vasoconstrictor drugs. They are used limitedly - for difficulty breathing and before feeding (otrivin and Nazivin, sanorin or oxymetazoline, xylometazoline). The course is no more than a week.
    • Pinosol and various mixtures of essential oils.
    • Aquamaris, Quix, Aqualor – pharmaceutical solutions (sea water).

I would especially like to note the safety of solutions based on sea water. To rinse the nasal cavity in young children, solutions in the form of drops and sprays with different types of spraying are used. Sprays with continuous dispersed spraying provide more uniform irrigation and, accordingly, cleansing of the walls of the baby's nasal cavity. Now in the pharmacy you can buy sprays specially designed for children's noses based on a solution of sea water with gentle spraying. For example, Aqualor Baby spray with a “soft shower” spray system gently rinses the baby’s nose and is approved for use even by infants from the first day of life.

  • Antibiotics.
  • Homeopathic remedies with anti-inflammatory effects - sinupret and gelomyrtol.
  • Antihistamines - to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane (Claritin, Suprastin, etc.).

We remind you: The choice of medicine is made by the doctor! Don't risk your child's health.

How to treat lingering thick green snot in an older child?

Children who have left infancy are a little easier to treat. True, no one has canceled the rules of safety and caution: when choosing a treatment method, be attentive to the age of the child, the dosage of the medicine, and do not forget about the risk of allergies.

Basic measures to alleviate the condition iya (snot barely appeared):

  • Wet cleaning and air humidification. Sometimes a simple humidifier is enough to alleviate the condition - the snot does not stagnate, liquefies and does not accumulate in the sinuses.
  • Regularly blowing your nose or cleaning your nose with a syringe.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Suitable tea with the addition of lemon, rose hips, black currants, herbal infusions, plain water, compotes and fruit drinks, etc.
  • Warming up your feet.
  • Inhalations.
  • Airing the room.

Of course, these actions will not cure a runny nose, but they will help alleviate the condition.

Nasal rinsing:

  • Prepare the solution yourself using warm boiled water(liter). Add and stir ½ tsp salt and ½ tsp soda into it. Or 1 tsp sea salt per liter of water. After 4-5 years, you can reduce the amount of water to 0.5 liters.
  • Washing - under mom's supervision! 2-4 drops of the solution are placed in each nostril, after which (after a couple of minutes) you can blow your nose and drop the drops.
  • Washing is carried out 2-3 times a day.
  • Instead of saline, you can use a ready-made pharmacy saline solution - this is what is recommended for children under 2 years of age.
  • The baby's nasal rinsing is done by laying him on his back. First, on one side and drop into one nostril, then turn it over and drop into the other.
  • For children after 4-5 years of age, rinsing can be done with a syringe (without a needle, of course). Place no more than ½ cube of solution into it. Or use a pipette – 2-3 drops.
  • When rinsing, the drops should fall on the nasal septum.


With their help, we immediately treat both cough and runny nose. Inhalation of vapors promotes cleansing respiratory tract, reduction of swelling, discharge of sputum, snot.


  • Over boiled potatoes, covering your head with a towel. The child's age must be sufficient for the procedure to be completed safely.
  • Over a bowl of hot water, to which essential oils (for example, fir) are added. remember, that essential oil– the drug is very powerful, and it is prohibited to place more than 1-2 drops on a plate. Age – after 3-4 years.
  • Nebulizers. Such a device will not hurt in every home (it also quickly relieves runny noses and bronchitis for adults). Advantages: ease of use, distribution of the drug in the most difficult hard to reach places, dosage regulation, no risk of mucosal burns.

Warming up:

It is carried out after 2 years and only in the absence of an inflammatory process. That is, with the doctor's permission.


  • Warming ointments.
  • Warming up your feet.
  • Warming the nose with an egg or sugar/salt. Sugar is heated, poured into a canvas bag and the nose is warmed, first on one side, then on the other (or with a hard-boiled egg wrapped in a towel).
  • Dry heat.

Procedures in the children's clinic:

  • UHF therapy and ultraviolet.
  • Ionized aeration.
  • microwave therapy,
  • Magnetotherapy and electrophoresis.
  • Hardware drug inhalation.

Don't forget to ask about contraindications! For example, after surgical interventions or with sinusitis (and other purulent processes) warming up is contraindicated.

Also as part of complex therapy…

  • Place a solution of calendula or chamomile into the nose (no more than 2 drops, after 1-2 years).
  • We give the baby tea with honey (if there is no allergy, after a year).
  • Warm your feet in a mustard bath.
  • We walk often and for a long time, if there is no fever.
  • We create air humidity in the nursery at the level of 50-70%, and the temperature is about 18 degrees.

And be careful! If the baby, in addition to green snot, also has a headache (as well as pain in the bridge of the nose or other associated symptoms), do not delay in visiting a doctor - this may be a sign of a complication (otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).

Prevention of green snot in a child

To prevent green snot in children, use the same means and methods as for prevention of any colds and improving immunity:

  • We give the child vitamins.
  • We organize the diet - only balanced diet, more vegetables/fruits.
  • We walk more often and constantly ventilate the nursery.
  • We harden ourselves (dousing, air baths).
  • We establish a clear sleep and nutrition schedule.
  • We use oxolinic ointment(it is used to smear the inside of the nose before going outside - during periods of flu epidemic, ARVI, before going to kindergarten/school).

It is easier to prevent than to treat later!

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