What is the best way to feed it? Rules for a healthy diet for a toy terrier: what is healthy and tasty

From the first hours of his appearance in the house, the question of feeding him becomes acute. What diet to choose for a pet - pampering the dog with natural dishes or immediately switching to dry food - is decided solely by the owner. The main thing is that the animal’s need to receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is fully satisfied.

The basis of food for a toy terrier should be:

  • raw lean meat (preferably beef);
  • porridge (for puppies - with milk, for adults - with water with the addition of boiled or boiled chicken lean fish without bones);
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil

In general, the Russian Toy menu recommended by veterinarians and experienced dog breeders may seem rather meager, but refusing it will sooner or later have a detrimental effect on the pet’s health. And who said that eating healthy is not tasty? All you need is a little imagination so that the baby not only shines with a cheerful appearance and flaunts magnificent fur, but also from time to time receives delicious treats and felt like the darling of fate.

Briefly about the main thing: principles of catering

From the first days of a dog’s stay in the house, it is important to remember that the needs of its body are radically different from those of human body. You cannot offer your dog lunch from your table: seasonings, a large number of salt and sugar will worsen the well-being of a four-legged baby. If you want to pamper your pet with home-cooked dishes, set aside time for this important activity. daily schedule. In the event that time does not allow such “luxury”, an older dog can be switched to high-quality dry mixtures (“Royal Canin” for small breeds, “Pro Plan”, “Eukanuba”, “Hills”, “NUTRO”).

How often should you feed your Toy Terrier?

  • 1,5-2 one month old puppy It is recommended to feed six times a day. During this period, you should offer your baby raw, finely chopped beef (breakfast and dinner), cottage cheese seasoned with kefir (lunch), milk porridge made from crushed rice or mixtures like “rolled oats” (afternoon snack and dinner). You can pamper Toy boiled chicken or beef without veins, seasoning the meat with any of the dishes.
  • 2-3 month old puppies are usually transferred to five one meal, gradually increasing the volume of portions.
  • Upon reaching three one month old Food can be offered to a toy terrier four times a day. It is necessary to diversify the baby’s diet with stewed vegetables, fish, and over time – raw vegetables and fruits.
  • From five months, the dog should be given food no more than three times a day.
  • By the age of nine months, the Russian Toy is considered an adult and can be fed twice a day. You need to completely remove milk from your dog's diet, but... dairy products leave.

From five months, the dog should be given food no more than three times a day.

The prohibited list of food for dogs should include white bread, baked goods, sweets, and smoked foods. Honey, sweet fruits, and dried black bread can be a worthy replacement.

Vitamins and a systematic nutrition system are the most important link in caring for four-legged pet. The nutrition of a toy terrier puppy, before passing the six-month age mark, determines the future health of the baby. Therefore, the exact awareness of , for the owners it is always an alarming task.

Feeding frequency

Before determining what to feed your toy terrier puppy, you need to determine the frequency of its feeding. The number of meals a dog eats is based on age category terrier:

  • for the age of 1.5 - 2 months you need 5, 6 meals a day (for daytime);
  • from 2 to 3 months, 4-5 feedings are enough;
  • 3 – 4 months – 3-4 meals a day;
  • 4-6 month old puppies need to be fed 3 times;
  • from six months and older – 2 times is enough.

What food should I choose for my toy?

It is also important to decide on the type of puppy food: dry or natural, organic product. Perhaps they can be combined... The only thing that remains indispensable is the need for balance.

Dry feeding rules

  • Carefully select dry food mixtures: we only buy food for mini dogs - finely crushed food. It is advisable to use proven, expensive food, such as “Royal Canin”, “Pro Plan”.
  • Dry food is always accompanied by fresh, clean water.

We feed with natural food

Keep track of what your small body needs nutritional vitamins. When feeding puppies, keep calcium at a particularly important level. So, when choosing such a natural food system for the dog, avoid giving handouts from the table to the dog.

What do the experts think...

Some of the breeders are active supporters of “dry crisps”, while others are “only for organics”. And there is also a theory about the combination of purchased feed with natural ones. But you cannot feed your puppy both types of food at the same time. Alternation is necessary: ​​feed the toy dry in the morning and lunch hours, and natural food in the evening.

How to feed toy puppies: principles

For Toy Terrier owners, feeding their puppies is a critical first step to healthy development. It is associated with the principles:

  • accustoming the puppy to regularity and feeding system: specific time, specific place.
  • Feeding - treats are prohibited! Otherwise, because of such handouts, she will refuse full-fledged and useful techniques food. He will beg for another cookie. If you still want to pamper your toy terrier a little, buy dog ​​treats and give them out as dessert.
  • Don't shove food into your dog. Overfeeding, as well as its opposite - fasting - are dangerous cases.
  • At the veterinary clinic, it is necessary to diagnose the terrier for allergies and, if the result is positive, formulate an appropriate regimen according to which to feed the terrier.

Toy's age and nutrition

What to feed a toy terrier per month?

From birth and for the next 3-4 weeks, she is fed with mother's milk. By the beginning of the 4th week, it is allowed to get accustomed to meat - little by little, alternating with milk. It is necessary to feed the puppy thin and short slices - plates - cut from frozen meat. Start with 1 slice per day, gradually increasing the proportion of meat when taking and cutting back on the proportion of milk.

On a note! The maternal “product” of toy can be replaced with cow’s/ goat milk, store-bought “puppy” mixture.

What to feed a toy terrier at 2 months?

Natural food is a must for a two-month-old baby. The puppy should eat meat and a boiled egg once a week. Add milk sea ​​fish and fiber comes from vegetables. When feeding puppies, it’s time to introduce calcium complexes.

The pet's behavior will indicate whether the owner has made the right decision regarding feeding. The more active and cheerful it is, the better the owner’s approach to the pet’s nutrition.

What to feed little ones decorative dogs everyone decides for themselves what is convenient for them, natural food, dry food or canned food.

Nutrition- Straight

If you are feeding natural food, then feed the dog correct: boiled non-fat beef (do not add salt), it is better to drain the first broth, buckwheat is not salty and not sweet, boiled in water, not a lot of sunflower oil (a teaspoon). Boiled chicken breast (do not salt) - I buy ONLY breasts "Chicken Kingdom" Lipetsk city - (Petelenka Piterskaya, Mosselprom - breasts from the cities of Belgorod and Tula - I don’t give it to dogs, but I buy Tula turkey and minced white meat Krasnobor) - It’s often better not to give it, it’s better not more than 1-2 times a week, you can replace buckwheat with boiled rice (do not add salt), it’s better to cook whole grains, not crushed ones, and don’t be too lazy to rinse the grains. For variety, cereals can be alternated with noodles, “letters”, and “puzzles”. For an adult dog weighing 2 kg, the serving is 1 dessert spoon with a top of finely chopped meat and 1 spoon of boiled cereal. You can also prepare “hedgehogs” from rice (pre-cooked until half cooked), minced meat (turkey or beef) and grated carrots + raw egg - mix everything, form “hedgehogs” and place in boiling water, cook for 25-30 minutes. The finished boiled hedgehog is the size of a small apple, serving for a dog weighing 2 kg. Broth should NOT be given to dogs. Give boiled egg it is possible, but not often (1-2 times a week) and a little at a time, and only the yolk - for an adult dog (2 kg) half a yolk.

Is it possible for small dogs toy terriers And Give Chihuahua cottage cheese?

You can and should give adult dogs cottage cheese, who gives it store-bought in packs or loose (you have to try it yourself and buy only in trusted stores) that is not very fatty. For an adult dog weighing 2 kg - 2 dessert spoons. For puppies I make my own cottage cheese (in our house kefir grains, can also be prepared using kefir and milk), very useful calcined cottage cheese: per 1 liter of milk (for little puppy can be made for 300 grams - 1 spoon) 3 tablespoons of calcium chloride (it’s cheaper in veterinary pharmacies, but not everywhere) milk boils You add calcium chloride and stir, then put on a sieve and cool. Cottage cheese "House in the Village" 5.5% is very popular with both adult dogs and puppies; they eat it with great pleasure. Dogs drink kefir and yogurt (I buy BioMax classic without fruit) and lick it off with pleasure. But for each pet everything is purely individual, and it can get boring. DO NOT give milk to dogs.

Is it possible to give to little ones? dogs Are Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers offal?

By-products dogs Of course they will eat them, but it is better not to give them to adults or puppies - all these livers, hearts (even chicken and turkey), kidneys, stomachs and navels. My youngest daughter is 3 months old, she tried a turkey heart, fresh, boiled (not salted), cut into small pieces - like buckwheat grain... that means... the poor thing vomited for about 3 hours... until there was a bloody foam. .. And if you give adult dogs BOILED beef liver more than three times in a row - there will definitely be a “weak” stomach.

Is it possible for decorative dogs Chihuahua And Give toy terriers fish?

You can give And white And red fish, but only boiled (do not add salt) and check for the absence of bones. Hake, haddock, cod, sea chicken - from the red ones: pink salmon, trout, salmon. Carcass or fillet. They eat fish with pleasure, and it seems to me that my Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas fish love more than beef and chicken. You can give it along with boiled buckwheat (do not sweeten or salt it) or rice, or you can give it without cereal.

Can I give it to a Chihuahua? And Toy terriers vegetables and fruits?

Dogs, among other things, should receive vitamins in kind: raw vegetables(zucchini, cucumbers - it’s better from your own plot, remove the skin, carrots, pumpkin - I sometimes give Chinese salad. Carrots, zucchini and pumpkin can be given boiled.) and fruits (a piece of banana, an apple - remove the skin, cherries, sweet cherries, Our little Sonya loves apricots, peaches and nectarines, grapefruit, oranges and tangerines, as well as melons and watermelons better for dogs don’t give it, the former can cause an allergy, and the latter can cause poisoning - only nitrates.) everything is purely individual and of course in very small quantities. I give puppies vegetables and fruits from 3 months.

Nutrition - Dry food

When my older dogs were still small, I started feeding them once a day, a little - dry food"Happy Dog" (made in Germany - premium class - junior Croc Start) by the way finer feed I haven't met it yet. Life is different and when the time came for my girls to become mothers, I thought no, I won’t feed such a crowd with meat. Subsequently, I tried almost the entire catalog of premium and super-premium food from this manufacturer, but for small decorative dogs the food was Tuscany, New Zealand, Ireland - frankly too large. As it turned out later, “Happy Dog” is really the most decent dry food. Some dog owners tried to switch to other stern, but eventually returned to "Happy Dog". I was no exception. But in 2012, the quality of Happy Dog for puppies of small breeds, Junior 29, became worse... My dogs and I also tried “Ekanuba” (Dutch “spill”), but only the eldest toy, Ksyuna, liked this “Ekanuba” (Yukanuba). IN lately the quality of Ekanuba (2011) leaves much to be desired... you open a package of dry food for small breed puppies and each new package differs in quality from the previous one.

My dogs have tried different dry food from various manufacturers "Pro Pak" (USA), there is a lot of manure and the dogs drink a lot of water (cheap food, even in Africa...) "Hills" is so-so, you can get allergies and very severe ones (when you bought Kuzma , the breeders fed him the vaunted Hills - the puppy’s skin was dry). Very decent dry food"Advance" (Spain) especially for small breed puppies. German dry food“Bosch” is not very good, our Chihuahua friends got itchy from it and without waiting we “left” it. Dry food "Belkando" (Germany) is even better. We tried the Swiss “Bio Mil” - nothing special, just a high price, and somehow the dogs didn’t understand that they were Chihuahuas or Toy terriers. "Pro Plan" (Purina - France) excellent dry food, but not on chicken, but on salmon with rice. True, it should be noted that the dogs gained weight from it, but feed almost completely digested and there was little manure. For now we have settled on dry food Royal Canin for Chihuahuas and small breed puppies. Dry food everyone chooses their animals, you can only get results personal experience- trial and error...

Food - Canned food

Canned food My dogs eat “Happy Dog” with a bang, namely ready-made canned food: veal with turkey, veal with heart, veal with rice, lamb with rice, veal with vegetables, but not so much - probably because of the carrots. This can be said already in the past, the quality has become worse - I won’t buy it anymore, it didn’t go anywhere with rice... and it was too salty... the dogs drank the water and accordingly the excrement was not bad... batch of 60 = cans from the exhibition Russia 2009 bought for only 30 = rubles per 400 g (in pet stores for 50 =, only in Dinosaurik 45 = someone has a discount of 40 = almost like for nurseries at home) I think the latter... Apparently production in the Moscow Region had a strong influence on quality... the brand representatives clearly didn’t check... Canned food for dogs“Belkando” (Germany) is very tasty - if you feed the dog, don’t hesitate to lick the spoon, considering that the price is twice as expensive as stew for people (the price has increased greatly - 120 = - 130 = rubles for a 400 g jar) Canned food Dr. Alders (Germany) are very good - they resemble Belcando (they did before, now this substance is more like red sausage mince) but less moisture. Excellent canned food "Kredo" - Kredo (Russia). The price is also not bad - for a jar of 250 grams 55 = rubles and 78 = rubles for a jar of 340 grams in the Beethoven Pet Store and plus a discount for those who have it. Canned food MyLord and Edel Dog - frankly speaking, rubbish, so incomprehensible pieces - of something cereal, and they smell like fish, like sprats, if you take Edel Dog, then only pates, 300 gram jars - a large selection (now they have become more expensive in pet stores Dinosaur without a discount 72= rubles, and in Beethoven 79= rubles, and in Bibirevo 94=!!!). Boxes of pate of 150 grams in 2011 became more expensive 60= rubles... Canned food"Willy Tail" - one bone flour and a lot of moisture. Canned food for dogs"Pedigree" - so-so, "Pedigree" sachets - need to be given with caution - addiction is possible, the taste is almost edible... I remember they sold it Chihuahua puppy- which the owners “chose for themselves” canned food“Oscar” didn’t want to eat anything else. Canned food"Exy" - completely natural pieces of beef with buckwheat and carrots. You can just with meat. Take a closer look at the jar, under the blue lid, the jar is often swollen...

From the latest (food 2010): tried it canned food(can 340 g) and pates (can 240 g) from the company Four-legged Gourmet SUPER-PREMIUM, I prefer to buy with beef - a very natural and high-quality product, our Russian. What is written on the can is what it should be, if you compare canned food at the Kredo level. In Dinosaurik stores it’s a little expensive (at Savelovskaya 90 = rubles for 340 g), and in Beethoven (71 = - 72 = rubles for 340 g) minus the discount.... still tolerable, but cheaper to order at home... And the assortment is richer than in pet stores. At the EuroAsia 2010 exhibition, representatives of the Four-Footed Gourmet sold a 340 g jar for 50= rubles, a 240 g pate for 30= rubles. Nurseries have about the same prices per home...

The dogs also had a chance to eat canned food ZooGurman company, the plant is located in the city of Naro-Fominsk M.O. where Happy Dog is also produced - it resembles Happy Dog, but much better... you can find meat... you can eat it. ZooKorm - from the same factory - the price is not high at the Happy Dog level, but I have no desire to try...

Nutrition 2011, pates (meat soufflé) in assortment: Happy Dog and Zoo Gourmet, jars of 125 grams (one factory), the quality is about the same level, only Happy Dog is 25% more expensive than ZooGurman, but this is understandable. Happy Dog is a world-famous brand...

The production of Zoogurman meat soufflé (125 gram jar) was transferred to Veliky Novgorod... since May 2012, which can be said to be a good plant, but it has its own specifics... the soufflé now does not look like a soufflé, but rather a rather dry substance - like canned food “Hils” or “Pedigree” are almost squashed... you can’t shake it out of the jar... But then I accidentally discovered pates “I Eat Without Problems” (one of Zoogurman’s brands) 125 gram jar and the most important thing is what makes them Naro-Fominsk plant, for puppies with beef to taste like Zoogurman meat soufflé with rabbit... Sold in the same Auchan-City for only 20 rubles...

Everything is individual. I believe that the owner of a dog (puppy) should have a complete understanding of what his animal eats.

Daily nutritional intake

Toy Terrier - Toy Terrier is different, just like Chihuahua, nutritional standards, how much food to give, all this must be applied according to the size and weight of the animal, because you cannot give a portion of a super-mini puppy (weight adult dog 1.2-1.4 kg), puppy standard size(2.5-3kg)? It’s impossible - the puppy will be hungry and will not eat enough, lose weight, in the same way, the portion for a standard-sized puppy will be too large for a Mini puppy, he will either overeat and continue to eat for some time, refuse to eat or will not eat, and the owner will think what does the puppy have? poor appetite. It is best to get instructions from the breeder about how much food to give and how often per day, for each specific puppy, the age of the puppy is also taken into account. As the puppy gets older, the portion increases, and the number of meals per day decreases.

Dry food and boiled water can be kept by the puppy (dog) all the time - the puppy will not eat too much. I don’t measure out dry food using spoons or grams. If the puppy is natural food and he “doesn’t have enough”, since his body is still growing, he can always eat dry food and “get it”... if he’s not full... but this is usually an exception... after natural training, not everyone will eat dry food, only hungry and usually a large standard specimen.


I would also like to mention the vitamins from the company "Eight in One" (USA) "Calcidi" and "For Wool", and about the nutritional paste ("for puppies" and "for adult dogs") from the same manufacturer - it can be very useful especially when the animal refuses food, increases appetite, contains vitamins and nutrients.

To properly feed a toy terrier puppy, you need to study the characteristics of the breed. Next, you need to decide what to feed the puppy. Next step– drawing up a sample menu. Don't forget about vitamins and supplements and the dangers of prohibited foods.

The Toy Terrier is one of the smallest dogs in the world. There are two official varieties of the breed: Russian and English that, and the second is the ancestor of the first.

Features of the breed - this is the first theoretical material, which a potential owner should study. Toy terriers are special dogs that require a responsible approach and hyper-custody. Toy terriers literally break records in the field of self-injury, dental and skin problems.

By studying the characteristics of the breed and feeding standards for your future pet in advance, you can avoid many common mistakes. The basis of care is proper feeding, although it cannot be called the most important aspect. Care is a comprehensive measure that allows the dog to remain healthy and beautiful.

Choosing a place and utensils for feeding

The future owner of a toy terrier must understand that the puppy can be injured in the most unforeseen situations. The choice of place and utensils for feeding plays an important role in the issue of safety.

To begin with, think about how to set up the eating area so that the puppy does not move around under your feet while you prepare the food and fill the bowl. Think about safety and re-equip the kitchen so that the toy terrier cannot climb on tables or chairs. Falls and jumps from heights are the most common cause of fractures of the front legs, neck and spine.

The eating area should be covered with a non-slip mat, otherwise if the puppy slips, he will most likely suffer a dislocation hip joint or ligament rupture. It is contraindicated for Toy Terrier puppies to walk on laminated surfaces, and placing bowls on laminitis is a direct path to injury.

The Toy Terrier is a small dog, so small bowls will be required. You need at least 1 feeder and 2 drinkers. It is better to choose bowls made of stainless steel or ceramic. Metal bowls need to be fixed on a stand so that they do not slide on the floor.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy - choosing the type of diet

When deciding what to feed your toy terrier puppy, you need to choose between:

  • Natural feeding.
  • Industrial feeding.
  • Mixed feeding.

Each type of nutrition has pros and cons. In many ways, the choice will depend on your lifestyle, financial situation and availability of free time.

Natural diet

A natural diet for a toy terrier puppy includes:

  • Feeding raw and cooked foods.
  • Feeding meat porridge.
  • Feeding exclusively raw foods– raw food diet.


  • You always know what you are preparing food from, so you can control its freshness, quality, calorie content, etc.
  • Toy terriers often have problems with teeth and gums, so they are recommended to eat food that is not too soft or hard, and natural dogs have an ideal structure for this.
  • Natural food is cheaper than industrial food.


  • You will have to cook and heat food for your pet every day.
  • In the case of atopic allergies, to which terriers are prone, choose natural diet very difficult.

A toy terrier puppy can be switched to a natural diet from the age of one month. The diet needs to be expanded gradually. Toy terriers are famous for their gourmet tastes, they love fruits, raw vegetables, of course, all foods, the dog gets used to it gradually.

Ready-made feed

Ready-made food is a lifesaver for owners who have no time to cook for their pet. In addition, for some dogs with allergies, ready-made hypoallergenic food become the only alternative.

As mentioned above, a toy terrier puppy cannot be fed only hard or soft food, so types industrial feed you need to constantly alternate.

Ready-made feeds are divided into types:

  • Dry (granules).
  • Semi-moist (pieces with gravy).
  • Moist (pate or paste).
  • Treats.

Most important criterion the choice of food is quality or class. The higher the class of food, the more expensive it is.

Industrial feeds are divided into classes:

  • Economy
  • Premium
  • Super premium.
  • Holistic.

Healthy dogs eat standard or everyday food. If your pet has special needs or health problems, he should be switched to a narrow range of food.

According to their intended purpose, ready-made feeds are divided into:

  • Supportive.
  • Preventive.
  • Medicinal.
  • For exhausted animals.
  • Hygienic (usually treats).


  • Saves the owner's time.
  • High-quality feeds are balanced and contain essential vitamins and minerals.
  • They are stored for a long time; dry food can be left in an automatic feeder.


  • High-quality feed is expensive.
  • Wet food is more expensive than dry food, but you can’t do without it.
  • Low quality food has a detrimental effect on the dog's health, which very quickly affects the health of the terrier.

Important! A puppy can be switched to soft industrial food from 1–1.5 months of age. Dry food is introduced into the diet only after changing teeth, provided that the dog does not suffer from chronic diseases oral cavity and has a normal bite.

Mixed diet

A mixed diet is simultaneous feeding of industrial and natural products. The main threat of a mixed diet is chronic indigestion and dysbiosis. Any disease can begin with this “pair”; at a minimum, the dog will suffer from stomach colic, bloating and excess weight.

Important! A mixed diet is convenient for many owners, but is not recommended by veterinarians and feed manufacturers.

Sample menu by age for a toy terrier puppy

To adequately assess your capabilities and degree of responsibility, you need to draw up sample menu by age. If you understand that you cannot handle high-quality industrial food, it is better not to experiment and immediately feed your dog natural food.

If it happens that you need to change the type of diet, this should be done gradually, over 5–14 days. When switching from ready-made feed Naturally, health problems happen more often.

Up to a month

Up to a month old, Toy Terrier puppies feed exclusively on their mother's milk. With milk, babies receive not only nutrition, but also antibodies, which form the first immunity. In the first three days, mother's milk is enriched with a huge amount beneficial bacteria, which colonize the sterile intestines of puppies.

If for some reason a toy terrier puppy loses the care of its mother, it is artificially fed.

Natural menu:

  • A mixture based on milk and glucose.
  • Whole goat milk, diluted to optimal fat content.

Industrial menu:

  • Substitute bitch's milk- a powder that is diluted with water.
  • Infant milk formulas for babies without additives.

The serving size for a puppy under one month of age is unexpectedly large. During the day, babies eat about the same amount of food as their own weight. By by and large, the serving size depends more on the dimensions and individual characteristics.

Number of feedings for a toy terrier puppy under one month of age:

  • From birth to 2 weeks, Toy Terrier puppies eat every 2 hours.
  • From 2 to 4 weeks, Toy Terrier puppies eat every 2–3 hours, with a night break lasting 4–6 hours.

Note! The more puppies in the litter, the more often and less they eat. If there are 1-2 puppies in a litter, the mother has more concentrated milk, so the babies get full faster and sleep longer between feedings.

At 1 month

Coming optimal time for introducing complementary foods. Toy terrier puppies are offered complementary foods as soon as they begin to become interested in the smells of food. Weak babies can stay close to their mother and eat only milk for up to 1.5 months.

Natural menu:

  • Mother's milk.
  • Whole goat or cow's milk.
  • Low-fat broth.
  • Boiled minced meat mixed with broth.
  • Bitch milk substitute.
  • In case of growth retardation - pate for emaciated puppies.

Serving size depends on growth rate. Large, well-growing babies can eat up to 50 grams. food at one time.

Number of feedings (complementary feeding): 4–5 times a day, excluding mother’s milk.

At the age of 2 months

Toy terrier puppies are quite active and unexpectedly voracious. Babies happily snack, but don’t leave their mother’s milk behind. The reason is that than smaller dog, the more and more often she needs to eat in order to get enough calories to warm herself.

Natural menu for a toy terrier puppy aged 2 months:

  • Mother's milk.
  • Whole cow's or goat's milk.
  • Calcined cottage cheese.
  • Dairy products.
  • Bouillon.
  • Boiled minced meat.
  • Ground, raw, boiled meat.

If the puppies were fed or supplemented ready-made feed, at 2 months of age it is better not to change the menu:

  • Bitch milk substitute.

Serving size directly depends on body weight. Usually, the portion does not increase at two months of age, but puppies begin to eat more often.

The number of feedings varies from 4 to 6 times a day, excluding mother's milk consumed.

At 3 months

Toy terrier puppies receive their first vaccination and prepare to move to new house. Against the background of anthelmintic activities and stress, puppies may lose a little weight. When the babies come to their senses, they actively catch up and gain weight.

Natural menu for a toy terrier puppy aged 3 months:

  • Mother's milk (if the puppy is still with its mother).
  • Whole milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese.
  • Boiled minced meat, raw, chopped meat.
  • Bouillon, vegetable soup in meat broth.
  • Raw quail eggs. Chicken eggs: yolk only, boiled or in the form of an omelet.
  • Rice, buckwheat.

If the puppy received commercial complementary food from the breeder, after moving, it is better not to change its menu for 10–14 days.

Industrial menu:

Portion sizes are constantly growing. Puppies with extremely low weight eat more food due to more frequent feeding.

Number of feedings: 5–7 times a day. The more often the puppy eats, the smaller the portion should be. To avoid overfeeding your pet, calculate the optimal daily norm based on the mass and divide it into equal parts.

At 4–6 months

At the age of 4–6 months, a toy terrier puppy tries new foods with great interest and pleasure. The dog literally enjoys the variety of tastes. Many owners say that their pets eat sweet fruits and berries with great pleasure.


  • Whole milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese - in large quantities.
  • Boiled and raw meat without fat and bones - beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, quail.
  • Beef by-products, boiled, chopped. You can use peeled, washed tripe in its raw form.
  • Chicken and quail eggs – raw, boiled, omelet.
  • Vegetables – boiled with porridge, raw with meat or cottage cheese.
  • Fruits.

Industrial menu:

  • Pates for puppies of dwarf or miniature breeds.
  • Semi-moist food for dwarf and miniature breed puppies.
  • Soaked dry food for dogs of dwarf or miniature breeds.

The serving size for a toy terrier puppy aged 4–6 months depends on the individual characteristics and taste preferences of the dog. The number of feedings for a toy terrier puppy aged 4–6 months: 4–5 full meals and 2–3 snacks.

From 6 months to 1 year

At the age of 6 months to 1 year, the dog develops taste preferences, which must be relied on when creating a permanent menu.

Natural menu for a toy terrier puppy aged 6 months to 1 year:

  • Meat – beef, poultry, rabbit.
  • Meat by-products – beef, poultry.
  • Milk (unless lactose intolerant).
  • Fermented milk products - any, preferably homemade.
  • Fish – low-fat, oceanic, peeled, boiled.
  • Fish and meat broths.
  • Chicken and quail eggs.
  • Cereals – buckwheat, rice, barley, wheat and barley.
  • Vegetables except boiled potatoes and raw cabbage.
  • Fruits, except juicy and very sweet.
  • Greens, grass, bran.

Industrial menu for a toy terrier puppy aged 6 months to 1 year:

  • Until the complete change of teeth (7–8 months) - wet and semi-moist food for puppies of dwarf or miniature breeds, soaked dry food.
  • After a complete change of teeth - 75% dry and 25% wet or semi-moist food for dogs of dwarf or miniature breeds.

The serving size is determined individually, depending on the dog’s metabolic rate and lifestyle.

The number of feedings is gradually reduced to 2–4 times.

Vitamins and supplements

At natural nutrition The toy terrier puppy needs vitamins and supplements. Sources useful substances can be natural, pharmacy (publicly available) and industrial.

Natural vitamin supplements for a toy terrier puppy:

  • Clean, dried, crushed egg shells.
  • Bran.
  • Fish, chicken, beef liver.
  • Greens, vegetables, fruits.
  • Sunflower oil, olive oil.
  • Gelatin.
  • Brewer's yeast.

Pharmacy vitamin supplements for a toy terrier puppy:

  • Fish fat.
  • Feed tricalcium phosphate.
  • Omega-3, Omega-6.
  • B vitamins.
  • Undevit and analogues.

Industrial vitamin complexes are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. To prevent injury to the oral cavity, it is better for a toy terrier puppy to purchase vitamins in the form of a paste or powder that is added to food.

Water in the diet of a toy terrier puppy

The rate of dehydration in small dogs is lightning fast. Even experienced owners often discover dehydration after the fact, and for a toy terrier puppy this is very dangerous. Make sure that your pet always has access to it, especially if he eats industrial food.

Prohibited Products

It is important to exclude prohibited foods from your toy terrier puppy’s diet:

  • Bones, pure fat, skin, especially poultry.
  • Palm oil.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Corn and semolina.
  • Raw freshwater fish.
  • Dry, salted fish.
  • Products containing sugar or sugar substitutes.
  • Products containing xylitol (chewing gum, some sweets).
  • Products containing flour or yeast.
  • Products containing caffeine, cocoa, any stimulants (sweets, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • Products containing marinades, salt, spices.
  • Smoked products, including sausages, balyki, fish.
  • Expired products.
  • Leftovers from the table.

Controversial foods in the diet of a toy terrier puppy are:

  • Lean raw pork.
  • Raw ocean fish.
  • Whole milk.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Raw and boiled chicken liver in large quantities.

Products from the list of “controversial” can be given to a toy terrier puppy if, after taking them, no problems arise. allergic reaction, diarrhea and other alarming symptoms.

This little one is often called a pocket one. And this is no coincidence, because the weight of this dog does not exceed 3 kg, and its height at the withers is no more than 28 cm. Toy terriers are divided into two categories - short-haired and long-haired. The color can be black or brown and tan, red, blue, fawn.

This is a very small and fragile dog. She eats very little - a few spoons of food are enough to keep such a pet full. However, it is important to know what to feed your Toy Terrier. After all, his diet must be balanced, containing all the necessary vitamins and microelements. We will talk about this in this article.

What not to feed a terrier

Before talking about what to feed your toy terrier, I would like to say what needs to be excluded from his diet once and for all. A special feature of this breed is its thin and fragile bones. That is why this baby should not be overfed - it will be difficult for her legs to support the excess weight.

Dog handlers and veterinarians believe that any type of minced meat - poultry, fish, meat - is contraindicated for this miniature pet. Sweets, salty and spicy foods, sea and river food are strictly prohibited. raw fish, white bread, legumes, sausages, pasta.

What to feed a toy terrier at 2 months

Below you can see approximate diet puppy at the age of eight weeks with six feedings a day:

  1. Cottage cheese diluted with kefir.
  2. Finely chopped meat (beef, veal).
  3. Milk porridge (well boiled).
  4. Boiled meat with vegetables.
  5. Boil the meat with 1/3 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

A puppy's very first food is mother's milk. As a rule, after the birth of a baby, the question does not arise: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy?” He usually stays with his mother for 2 months. Until the age of three weeks, mother's milk is quite enough, and then the puppies begin to be fed, giving them a pea of ​​beef three times a day.

To do this, finely scrape the meat from the frozen piece and warm it to room temperature. In addition, at this time the baby should receive one ball of low-fat fresh cottage cheese. When we talk about what to feed a toy terrier puppy, it is important to remember that the puppy cannot be separated from its mother until it is two months old.

Feeding schedule and portions

During the daytime, it is necessary to maintain equal intervals between feedings. In the evening, the baby should be fed more tightly so that he can safely withstand the mandatory 8-hour night break.

How to determine the correct portion for such a baby? Watch him after eating. If your toy's sides begin to bulge, this means that you have overfed him. At the next feeding, reduce the amount of food and observe him again. Owners must understand that underfeeding is also unacceptable - they must receive all the necessary substances in full, this is necessary for the normal growth and development of the puppy.


For everyone who is interested in the question: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy?”, we have prepared a sample menu consisting of six feedings every four hours.

1 raw meat ball.

2 Cottage cheese diluted with milk or kefir.

3 Cottage cheese again.

4 Hercules, rice or buckwheat, well boiled.

5 Milk porridge.

6 Raw meat.

Basic rules for feeding a puppy

  • Do not follow the puppy's lead and do not increase the portion of meat that he eats most readily - otherwise he will refuse other food.
  • From two to five months, the puppy’s body is transferred to 4 and 5 meals a day, fruits and vegetable salads, which will not only provide the growing body with vitamins, but also help cleanse the intestines.
  • From 5 months, your pet can be switched to three meals a day, and after 9 months, the puppy is fed twice a day, using the diet of an adult dog, which we will talk about a little later.

Regularly feel the baby's back; if the ribs do not stick out, but are only felt when lightly pressed, the nutrition is correct. If they cannot be felt, then the nutritional intake should be reduced.

Industrial feed or natural products?

Another important question, which worries many owners: what to feed the toy terrier - industrial food (dry food, canned food) or home-made food?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Following the rules for preparing and feeding the baby homemade food may well be useful. Often, industrial food can harm your pet if it is of poor quality or expired.

If we talk about canned food, it is necessary to note the main complaints that experts most often voice about some economy-class food:

  • the presence of low quality offal (instead of meat);
  • replacing animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • flavorings, taste improvers that do not contribute to the health of the toy.

Unfortunately, such foods are widely advertised in the media, they are displayed on the shelves of all stores and quite often have affordable price.

Quality food must contain meat, animal fats, grains and be well balanced. This product is quite suitable for feeding a toy terrier. The advantage of these animals is their miniature size, due to which they eat little. Therefore, we advise you not to skimp on food and if you buy canned food, then only of excellent quality - premium or super premium in original packaging.

What to feed an adult toy terrier?

If you decide to feed your pet natural products, you must remember that it daily diet must be present:

  • meat (raw veal, lamb or beef, boiled turkey or boneless chicken, boiled sea fish fillet);
  • boiled eggs and offal (kidneys, heart, liver) no more than once a week;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, sometimes corn);
  • boiled, stewed or fresh vegetables; you can dress this salad with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • fruits (apples, bananas);

fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk). For adult animals milk is better It is better not to give, in order to avoid stomach upset.

What should the portion be?

It is calculated this way - 50-80 grams of food per kilogram of dog weight for the whole day. The pet's lifestyle and age are taken into account. Young and active dog, as well as a lactating or pregnant bitch needs more food than a sedentary and aging animal.

Basic rules for feeding a toy terrier

So, we figured out the question of what you can feed a toy terrier (puppy and adult animal). Every owner who wants their pet to be healthy and cheerful must remember simple rules.

You can feed your dog only freshly prepared food (if you choose natural products), uneaten food should not remain in the bowl.

The animal must have access to fresh water at any time of the day.

If your dog eats homemade food, minerals and vitamins should be included in the diet.

And one more rule. Don’t forget that such a little thing as a toy terrier is a canine, that is, it is a relative of the wolf. Therefore, 2/3 of the diet should be protein foods - meat, fish, offal, eggs.

As you can see, feeding a toy terrier is not difficult, but you need to approach this issue responsibly so as not to harm your pet. Usually the breeder provides detailed information about the puppy to the new owners, but if this does not happen, consult additionally with veterinarian about this question. In addition, it is necessary for a specialist to prescribe the necessary vitamins if you feed your baby natural products.

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