What is the best thing to eat in the evening for better sleep. This food is not suitable for dinner. What to do if you feel hungry in the evening

It is often argued that eating in the afternoon and, especially at night, is dangerous for your figure. This is not entirely true. Scientists have long found out that it is only important total calories “eaten” per day. You can easily have breakfast and lunch, so that in the evening you can break away and have a feast for the whole world.

The same goes for the number of snacks. To lose weight or maintain a stable weight, it doesn't matter how often you shuttle to and from the kitchen. You can snack at least dozens of times. IN wildlife Our ancestors did just that - they walked along the savannah and refreshed themselves with fractional portions along the way. It is clear that in those days they were constantly short of food, so the problem excess weight it wasn't that acute.

Why can't everything be eaten at night?

However, there are some special features of eating at night and at late hours. For example, different types food is not digested equally quickly.

Fatty red meat (pork) can take up to 4-6 hours to digest. All this time the stomach does not sleep, but works hard. If we go to bed soon after eating such food, then we will not get to the kingdom of Morpheus soon. Moreover, sleep will be restless and even nightmares. The eaten meat can lie in the stomach until the morning, and we are unlikely to have a good rest.

If you want to lose weight, I advise you to avoid foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats in the evening - after 18:00. Why is that? The fact is that the lion's share of your own fats is burned at night. Our muscles and internal organs We constantly need an influx of energy, but we don’t eat at night. And at this time, after using up small glycogen reserves (350-500 g), the body turns to fats.

If we eat a lot of carbohydrate foods before going to bed, the body will not touch its own fat deposits at all. If we use a large number of fats, then they will be consumed first, and only then our own subcutaneous fat reserves.

What you can and cannot eat at night

Now let's select products for the “green” and “red” list, which it is advisable to print and hang on the refrigerator.

It is forbidden

The red list automatically includes all high-calorie foods (more than 150 kcal/100 g of product), with which you can easily exceed your daily allowance.

After 18:00 it is better to forget about pasta, bread, cereals, fatty varieties meat and fish, as well as hard cheeses and butter. I don’t even mention candy, cakes, pies and sweets. Pamper yourself with such things only before noon.

Any type of sweet yoghurt is also included in the prohibited list due to the combination of carbohydrates and fats that is harmful to the figure.


From protein foods for the green list, you should select only those that are absorbed relatively quickly (up to 1.5 hours). You can also safely include unsweetened fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese), eggs, white lean meat (rabbit, chicken fillet) and white fish.

At night you can enjoy green vegetables, tomatoes, herbs in any quantity and combination. With an eye on calories, you can include boiled potatoes, carrots and beets. If the body allows, then green list You can bring mushrooms and legumes.

What can you eat for dinner in the evening?

  • Plate (200-250 ml) vegetable soup on chicken broth(45 kcal/100 g), can be with chicken breast (55 kcal/100 g).
  • 200 g stewed zucchini (70 kcal/100 g) with herbs.
  • 100 g of beans (102 kcal/100 g) with herbs, you can add a little (up to 50 g) canned tuna (96 kcal/100 g).
  • 1-2 boiled potatoes (80 kcal/100 g) with herbs and/or salad of non-starchy vegetables.
  • Mushrooms stewed with potatoes (117 kcal/100 g).
  • 1-2 chicken eggs soft-boiled (155 kcal/100 g) or poached (140 kcal/100 g), 1 egg = 35-75 g (average 50 g)
  • A glass (200 ml) of kefir (50 kcal/100 g), yogurt (53 kcal/100 g) or unsweetened yogurt (70 kcal/100 g)
  • 100 g of cod, hake, pollock, pike perch, trout, salmon, boiled, baked with vegetables or grilled (80-150 kcal/100 g depending on the type of fish and the method of its preparation).
  • 100-150 g chicken (113 kcal/100 g) or turkey (84 kcal/100 g) breast, boiled or grilled.
  • 100 g rabbit meat (155 kcal/100 g), steamed or stewed with vegetables.

Note. Fish, seafood, poultry and rabbit are good to eat in the evening and at night with herbs and a salad of non-starchy vegetables - lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage. Calories of greens and vegetables, however, do not need to be taken into account.

The postulate that you can’t eat after six is ​​a fossil of our time. A myth that is worth destroying in your mind once and for all. Scientists have long proven: balanced diet before bed, like breakfast, has a positive effect on our well-being, health and, of course, physique. Nutritionists recommend eating protein and fiber in the afternoon, which help restore muscle tissue and normal operation Gastrointestinal tract, and also, if you play sports, the formation of a beautiful relief and acceleration of metabolism.

When do you normal exchange substances and there are no (or at least a minimum) of waste and toxins in the body, nothing will spoil your figure, and excess weight simply will not have anything to form from. I profess and preach this rule, which is firmly rooted in my lifestyle: always have dinner and only combine foods with each other. My last meal occurs 2 hours before bedtime - given my completely frantic and irregular working day, this best option in order to balance between the needs of my stomach and my figure.

So, what to eat at night to lose weight? Or, according to at least, don't get better! Foods for weight loss that are in my diet:

Yogurt or Kefir

Natural yogurt prepared at home is an absolutely harmless “night” product for your figure. You can safely eat it at night and not worry about extra pounds! Packed with protein, yogurt repairs and strengthens muscles, especially after a workout. This was also written about in a report in the scientific publication American Journal of Physiology: eating protein before bed stimulates protein synthesis at night and helps to “grow” beautiful and, most importantly, strong muscles. In addition, lean protein is the key to weight loss, since during its processing, the body spends a significant portion of calories, which means it burns fat and “gets slimmer.”

Before going to bed, I safely eat not only yogurt, but I can also drink a glass of refreshing kefir (with herbs, for example). Kefir is another weight loss product that you can eat at night. Kefir is the key to the health of your intestines and the source of the “right” bacteria that contribute to it. This fermented dairy product is rich in gas-fighting probiotics, as well as tryptophan, an alpha amino acid that promotes sleep soundly and fat burning.


To lose weight, you can eat not only liquid food, but also meat! Poultry, turkey or chicken, is the best way to fill you up the body's lungs and thus the “correct” dietary protein, thanks to which you can lose weight. Turkey (in reasonable quantities, of course), steamed or grilled, like kefir, contains tryptophan, which affects the quality of sleep, and the pure and easily digestible protein in this meat will restore and “build” impeccable muscle relief. How to eat turkey at night? Mmm, tasty and easy: boil, grill or steam turkey fillet, cool, cut into slices, put on crispy whole grain bread, add herbs and eat with appetite! The fiber in greens and bread will aid digestion, and the B vitamins will help absorb tryptophan.

Cottage cheese

Instead of breakfast, I eat cottage cheese in the afternoon - for dinner or even late dinner. This is a very useful product for weight loss and evening diet. Cottage cheese is rich in casein - a “slow” protein that saturates the body for a long time, helps burn fat and effectively restore muscles while you sleep. In addition, cottage cheese contains the same tryptophan, which promotes good sleep and falling asleep quickly.

Greens and green vegetables

If I come home late and realize that I have less than 2 hours left before bed, I... no, I don’t skip dinner, but simply prepare myself a salad of green vegetables and herbs with the addition of 50-100 g of cottage cheese or young cheese. A salad of cucumbers, spinach, cabbage, peppers, parsley, cilantro, arugula and other “greens” contains few calories, but a lot of fiber and a whole arsenal of vitamins! The protein part of the salad will make it more satisfying and satisfy your appetite + all the above bonuses for the figure of protein itself. In addition, greens are rich in antioxidants, and they are known to be responsible for our youth and beauty. By the way, fiber in vegetables contributes to long-term saturation and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a good cleansing of the intestines! =) If you eat a lot of greens, you will have healthy glowing skin without acne and.

Whole grain bread

Whole grain products are an irreplaceable source of a whole complex of vitamins and elements, as well as the right “long” carbohydrates, oh yes, and fiber too. Recent studies have found that those who included whole grain cereals in their diet lost weight faster in the abdominal area than the group that ate polished cereals. For an evening snack or as an addition to the protein portion of dinner, I choose my favorite whole grain breads made from buckwheat, wheat, rice or corn. Delicious, easy and promotes fat burning! How? Whole grains contain magnesium, a mineral that regulates metabolism and helps normalize fat levels in the body.

Rennet cheese

Georgian or Bulgarian cheese, suluguni, Roquefort, German or Greek feta, mozzarella, Adyghe or its varieties with herbs - these are all foods rich in the right protein, which I, in moderate amount no more than 100 g, I safely eat it before bed. Especially after a good workout! Rich in protein, amino acids like tryptophan and, of course, fats, such cheeses are complete and balanced product for a separate meal. You can add fiber to it in the form vegetable salad or bread and your dinner will be the most correct, healthy and “weight loss”. BUT! Remember that 100 g of rennet cheese can contain about 300 kcal: it must be consumed in portions. Check the calorie content of a particular type of cheese on the label or relevant resources on the Internet.

Apples and bananas

Yes, they say a banana is pure evil, all starch and sugar. BUT! If you haven’t had dinner and it’s too late for a global meal + you want to sleep well without a grumbling stomach, a banana is what you need for your evening meal. Why should it be included in weight loss products? Yes, if only because banana still contains tryptophan, which normalizes sleep, and fiber, which saturates the body. One banana contains approximately 100 kcal. This one is sweet and healthy fruit will satisfy your craving for forbidden sugar and products containing it. Try making a banana-based smoothie or just freezing it a little and then blending it with a blender - you will get really delicious ice cream!

You should not overeat late in the evenings, so as not to cause harm to your figure and health. Everyone has heard about this principle of nutrition, even those who have never thought about diets. Should we take this rule literally and torture ourselves with hunger in the evenings? Agree, it is very difficult to refuse a late dinner after a busy day at work or an intense workout in the gym. Of course, you don’t need to limit yourself too much; it’s enough to just choose the right foods for your evening meal. Since the body tries to convert food eaten at night into fat, it is better to choose for dinner. Such a dinner will help satisfy your hunger without harming your figure or digestion.

Is it possible to have dinner after six?

The established opinion that you cannot eat after 6 o’clock is erroneous. Modern nutritionists do not believe that such a diet will actually benefit the body. If you need to slightly correct your figure by losing a few kilograms, we are not talking about giving up dinner. This method can give results in cases of severe obesity, but only on initial stages diets. And then, most often, a plateau effect occurs, when the weight stubbornly stays at one level. Therefore, you need to approach your own metabolism more thoughtfully.

If you start skipping evening meals, your body will go without food for 13 hours or more. Such long periods fasting will not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, can greatly disrupt metabolism. Staying without for a long time nutrients, the body begins to intensively store them for later. After 10 hours of fasting, a special enzyme begins to work - lipoprotein lipase, which is responsible for the accumulation of fats. It remains active for approximately 24 hours, sending amino acids to adipose tissue. Therefore, people who fast in the evenings often get a completely different effect than they expected.

This is why modern nutritionists do not recommend giving up dinner altogether. In their opinion, the ideal time for the last meal is approximately 4 hours before bedtime. And at the same time, of course, you need to carefully select products, giving preference to healthy, low-calorie dishes.

What foods are suitable for dinner?

As you know, our digestive system digests food with at different speeds. Some foods are absorbed very quickly, while the body takes a long time to process others. The choice of food for dinner will depend on this. And to completely clarify the situation, we will answer the most common questions from people watching their figure:

Is cottage cheese suitable for a late dinner?

Yes, this product, rich in amino acids and casein, can be eaten regularly for dinner, but in small portions and no later than two hours before a night's rest. However, it should not be fatty - try to buy low-fat cottage cheese or a product with low fat content (less than 8%).

Is it possible to snack on fruits and berries late at night?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since different types of fruits have different calorie content. Some fruits are so high in calories that it is better to exclude them from the diet altogether.

  • Apple. This tasty and healthy product has low energy value– less than 50 calories. Therefore, it will not harm the figure. Note that for an evening snack it is better to choose non-acidic varieties. And one more important point– apples contain a lot of pectin, which helps improve complexion.
  • Citruses. They are one of the most popular snacks for losing weight. And this is not surprising, because... grapefruits and oranges have mass useful qualities. They are low-calorie (less than 40 calories), accelerate the process of food absorption, and promote the breakdown of fatty tissue. But, unfortunately, not everyone can eat citrus fruits. Due to their ability to increase stomach acidity, they are not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcer or gastritis. This is especially true for lemon. If you eat it in the evening, your stomach acidity will rise and, in addition, you may have a strong appetite.
  • Mango. Does not irritate mucous membranes digestive organs and therefore ideal for a light evening snack.
  • A pineapple. Removes unnecessary substances from the body and promotes fat burning. But it is advisable to eat it in small quantities, as it increases acidity and appetite.
  • Banana. People on diets try to avoid it because it is quite high calorie content. But if you want to eat, it will be an excellent snack, as it satisfies hunger for a long time.
  • Figs Contains a lot useful substances, reduces appetite and provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. It is better to eat it fresh, since dried fruits are high in calories.

Snack on fruit slowly. Cut them into pieces and chew each slice thoroughly. Such light dinners can be arranged about an hour before the night's rest.

In addition, before bedtime you can safely consume different kinds berries Eat strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, and blackberries in the evenings. They are low in calories and cope well with hunger.

  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Carrot.
  • Salad.
  • Avocado.
  • Spinach.
  • Pumpkin ( better juice or seeds).

If possible, try to eat vegetables in fresh— after cooking, the calorie content of vegetables increases. It is better to avoid fried vegetables altogether.

Is a hearty dinner allowed?

Fruits and fresh vegetables They can’t always provide a feeling of fullness, and you don’t want to walk around with an empty stomach in the evening. For such cases, you need to choose nourishing foods with low calorie content, for example:

  • Lungs low-fat varieties meat (turkey, chicken).
  • Rice or buckwheat porridge.
  • Fish (pollock, tuna and other low-fat species).
  • Soy cheese.
  • Yogurt (only natural unsweetened, no additives).
  • Ryazhenka, kefir, milk (low-fat).
  • Walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds (their calorie content is higher than other products on the list, so you need to eat them little by little).

Interesting fact! Oddly enough, it’s better to have a snack before bed carbohydrate products, because such food is digested faster. If you want protein foods, choose light dishes (which take no more than an hour and a half to digest).

What can you drink in the evening?

In the evening before going to bed, it is better to give preference to warm drinks. They suppress appetite and calm nervous system. Most suitable for this purpose:

  • Boiled milk with a small amount of honey.
  • Warmed water with lemon.
  • Green tea (no sugar)

You are also allowed to drink a glass of tomato juice in the evening.

Rules for combining foods for dinner

In order for the diet to bring the expected effect, it is important not only to give up high-calorie foods in the evenings, but also to be able to correctly combine permitted foods. This will help regulate your metabolism and greatly speed up the weight loss process. As an example, here are some useful combinations:

  • Lean meat (or fish) with lemon. Nutritionists have found that this combination increases the synthesis of hormones responsible for the breakdown of fats. Therefore, chicken in lemon juice- This is a hearty, tasty and very healthy dinner for the body. But you need to add lemon in moderation so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with kefir. This light dish provides long-lasting saturation and does not harm the figure at all.
  • Vegetables with cereals. They perfectly satisfy hunger and saturate the body with nutrients. So, you will get a good dinner if you cook buckwheat and garnish it with lettuce leaves.

Helpful advice! if you love hard cheeses, then try to combine them with vegetables. One of best options there will be cheese and broccoli.

Unfavorable combinations include:

  • Acidic foods and foods rich in starch. Under acidic foods This means some fruits and vegetables (citrus fruits, tomatoes, pineapples).
  • Milk with any other products (it is better to drink it separately). The same rule applies to fruits. It is advisable to eat them as an independent dish half an hour before eating another meal or half an hour later. But combining fruit juices with other products is quite acceptable.
  • Proteins plus carbohydrates. Such combinations of foods are difficult to digest, causing bloating and increased gas production.
  • Protein foods and fermented milk products. It is not recommended to combine these foods at one time.

What foods should you avoid in the evening?

We answered the question of what you can eat in the evenings to lose weight. It's non-greasy protein food, fruits and vegetables. Now let's say a few words about food products that are extremely undesirable to eat for dinner. The fact is that some types of food are difficult to digest and remain in the body all night. As a result, a person wakes up sluggish and unrested. It gets worse and gradually creeps up overweight. Therefore, in the evening you should never eat the following foods:

  1. Pizza, hot dogs, burgers and other fast food, as well as all types of snacks (crackers, chips, etc.). Such dishes are high in calories, but do not saturate the body with nutrients. Therefore, you should not eat them for dinner. Better yet, avoid such food altogether.
  2. Fat meat. Dishes prepared from it take a very long time to digest, which interferes with healthy sleep and promotes weight gain.
  3. Baking, pasta. They give a good boost of energy, so they are best consumed for breakfast or lunch. In the evening they will not bring any benefit, but they can lead to the formation of fatty deposits.
  4. Desserts including chocolate. Simple carbohydrates quickly absorbed and transformed into fats. Sugary treats for dinner are the shortest path to obesity.
  5. Dried fruits. Nutritionists classify them as healthy products; they contain many valuable substances, give a feeling of satiety and charge the body with energy. But it is better to consume them in the morning or at lunchtime, since they are high in calories.
  6. Yogurt with additives. Many people love store-bought yoghurts with sugar and fruit flavors. But such products will not bring any health benefits. It's better to take regular kefir and add a little to the glass fresh berries or fruit.
  7. Sweet soda. Everyone knows about the dangers of such drinks. It is advisable to avoid them completely, and not just in the evenings.
  8. Alcohol. Alcohol increases appetite. And if you decide not to overeat at night, you shouldn’t even drink low-alcohol drinks. In addition, alcohol can cause problems sleeping and swelling of the face after waking up.

So, in the fight for beautiful figure It is not at all necessary to starve yourself in the evenings. As you have already seen, the list of permitted products is quite diverse. Learn to combine them correctly, enjoy delicious dinners and lose weight without experiencing discomfort.

It turns out that it matters not only what we eat and in what quantities, but also when we eat it all. The list of what you can eat at night is not that long. If your appetite flares up only late in the evening, for the benefit of your body you will have to limit yourself in many ways.

Is it possible to eat at night?

This is not only about harm to the figure, but health suffers first of all:

  • Everything is “tied” to a hormone familiar to everyone - insulin.
  • Eating food, especially high-calorie and rich in fats promotes the release of large amounts of this hormone into the blood.
  • High concentrations of insulin affect metabolism and disrupt daily biorhythms.
  • This biologically active substance usually reaches the most high concentrations V daytime When receiving new information, the body becomes somewhat “lost.”
  • Insulin interacts with many other hormones, in particular with growth hormone, which is responsible for growth. It would seem that as an adult you don’t have to worry about this topic, but it turns out that GH affects the growth of muscle tissue.

So it should be clear - Eating anything before bed will not be beneficial . You need to eat at least 3-4 hours before your night's rest. In all other cases, diet selection is aimed only at reducing the harm from such “snacks”.

We eat closer to night

Not everyone is able to organize a stable schedule of work and study. Many people have to work in night shift or it’s too late to return from school. In such conditions, it is impossible to eat normally according to some established plan; you have to snack whenever possible.

So that there is no serious problems with digestion, necessary choose the right foods and dishes to satisfy your hunger before bed:

  1. Fried apples. In the presence of microwave oven in every home is no longer a delicacy. Can be prepared in a couple of minutes, and with jam or honey they will be even tastier.
  2. Fresh and frozen fruits. They are absorbed very quickly, so the body can have time to begin the digestion process even before bedtime.
  3. Honey. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and will satisfy the needs of any sweet tooth.
  4. Cottage cheese. Contains a sufficient amount of proteins that will support your muscles for the next few hours.
  5. Oatmeal. If the British lords knew about the achievements of modern nutritionists, they would eat it not only for breakfast.
  6. Baked meat. The main thing is that it is non-greasy.
  7. Fish. The requirements for it are the same as for meat.
  8. Nuts. Due to its calorie content, even a small portion of this delicacy will help restore your energy supply.
  9. Kefir. Dairy products are absorbed quite well.

Is it possible to eat apples at night?

Apples are a unique product, in some ways. They contain a large amount of fiber and pectin. These properties have made it possible to use fruits in therapeutic diets aimed at cleansing the body and restoring balance.

The fact is that fiber in our body is practically not absorbed:

  • Unaffected by the human enzyme system.
  • Intestinal motility does not contribute to its effective breakdown.
  • Bacteria living in the gastrointestinal tract are unable to process fiber.
  • The human stomach would have to have a volume of at least 30 liters in order for it to be normally absorbed in the body.

Therefore, fears about excess weight have no basis. Thanks to apples, the body will not receive so many metabolic products that could be “deposited on the sides.” But hunger can be satisfied.

Theoretically, by eating apples you can replenish the amount of essential macro- and microelements. That's just for execution daily value I'll have to eat a box of fruit. But products of animal origin are more preferable in this regard.

To summarize, let's say that You can eat apples at night, but in small quantities, 1-2 pieces of medium size.

Is it possible to eat cottage cheese at night?

Cottage cheese, oddly enough, belongs to these very products of animal origin. After all, it is produced from milk obtained from a cow. Cottage cheese is useful for digestion, but we are mostly interested in eating before bed:

If you really want to, you can pamper yourself before bed low fat cottage cheese. But after this, it is better not to go to bed immediately; you should wait at least a few hours until the digestive processes enter the active phase.

Cottage cheese will help you gain muscle mass, many athletes can eat a whole plate without a twinge of conscience before going to bed. So why deny yourself pleasure if it can also benefit your business?

Why can't you eat at night?

Late eating will always have its consequences:

  1. The figure will change, due to increased insulin production, most of the nutrients will be stored as fat. First of all - on the sides.
  2. Sleep will be disturbed. This is associated with hormonal changes, and with amplification peristalsis. The increase in the frequency of nightmares after nightly “feasts” is a fact proven by statistics.
  3. Biorhythm failure. All hormonal system interconnected, a decrease or increase in the concentration of one biologically active substance leads to a whole cascade of reactions. The body may simply confuse day with night.
  4. Digestive problems. At night, even our brain partially rests, analyzing and processing all the information. Likewise, the gastrointestinal tract needs a kind of “rest”; all processes slow down, which reduces the speed and efficiency of digestion.

Therefore, having caught yourself thinking that in Lately More and more often you have to have dinner closer to the night, you should think about it and about your daily routine.

Rarely are the goals set worth the possible consequences.

Still, it’s better to reconsider your priorities and pay a little more attention to your own health. Achievements will have to wait a little.

Products for late dinner: list

To eat food at night without much harm to the body, you can use:

  • Dairy products- kefir and cottage cheese. Preferably already low-fat.
  • Lean fish and boiled meat. They contain a minimum of fat and are easier to digest.
  • Honey. A real delight for those with a sweet tooth.
  • Nuts. Absolutely any, because they all contain enough calories to make up for daily losses.
  • Oatmeal and other porridges on the water. Carbohydrates will bring less harm than fats.
  • Fruits. Can be eaten both fresh and frozen.
  • Vegetables- fresh or in lean soup.

Exploring the insides of the refrigerator better avoid fatty and fried foods. Read the fat content on the label, this will help you adjust your late dinner.

Sometimes it is better to limit yourself to some kind of drink; mechanical stretching of the stomach walls reduces feelings of hunger. And on himself gastrointestinal tract There are no additional loads.

Knowing what you can eat at night, you should not neglect the “golden rule” - the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Only under such conditions there will be no problems with metabolism.

Video: diet and eating before bed

In this video, nutritionist and fitness trainer Lyudmila Nikolaeva will tell you whether there is such a food that you can eat at night without harming your figure:

Many people who are losing weight are interested in what they can eat at night, since it is at this time of day that for some reason severe hunger begins to torment them. This is especially familiar to those losing weight. And even if during the day a person is somehow distracted by everyday affairs and forgets about various goodies, then closer to night the appetite returns with renewed vigor. Hunger does not allow one to fall asleep and in the end the person cannot stand it and heads to the refrigerator. If there is a need to eat closer to night, then for this you need to use healthy foods.

Sugar control

Scientists have found that vigor and freshness in the morning largely depends on what you eat at night. It turns out that people who consumed foods with low glycemic index, keep their blood glucose levels under control much better than those who did not deny themselves junk food.

It is worth noting that monitoring this indicator is important not only for diabetics. It also matters in the process of losing weight. Thus, low GI foods are suitable for a late dinner. It's green chicken breast, beef, legumes, beef and others.

What is suitable for a late dinner: grocery list

The list of permitted foods for consumption at night includes:

  • fermented milk products - kefir, cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat, natural yogurt;
  • fruits - mango, orange, pineapple and others;
  • vegetables - spinach, avocado, carrots, broccoli and others;
  • lean meats - boiled chicken breast, beef and others;
  • hummus;
  • low-fat fish varieties - hake, pollock and others;
  • cereals – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • nuts – no more than 40 g.

On a note! No matter how strange it may sound, it is advisable to consume carbohydrate-containing foods before bed. This is explained by the fact that they are digested faster and do not burden the stomach all night, forcing it to work. For snack foods with high content The most suitable proteins are those that can be absorbed by the human body within 1.5 hours.

It is worth noting that not all carbohydrates are dangerous for your figure. Some of them do not turn into fats, but, on the contrary, spend a lot of energy to break down. Complex (healthy) carbohydrates are found in vegetables, cereals and other foods that are recommended for a harmless evening snack.

Fermented milk products at night

The list of foods that are allowed to be eaten at night includes low-fat cottage cheese. It contains protein, calcium and amino acids, so it will benefit the human body. True, use this product It’s better 2 hours before bedtime, because in the evening the metabolism slows down.

In addition, you can have a tasty snack with natural yogurt or kefir. A mixture of cottage cheese and kefir without adding sugar helps to get rid of hunger.

On a note! Dairy products contain a lot of calcium, so they are also good for bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Fruit at night

Although fruits are plant foods, not all of their types are safe for the figure. Suitable for snacking at night:

  • apples - can be eaten in different time days, but it is preferable to choose sweet and sour varieties;
  • citrus fruits - it is known that oranges, tangerines, lemons and other fruits from the citrus family can be consumed when losing weight, they are quickly absorbed and do not lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits;
  • mango - this fruit is also on the list of permitted products;
  • pineapple is known for its ability to burn fat, in addition, it cleanses the body of harmful substances.

In addition, it is allowed to eat unsweetened berries (cherries, blackberries, etc.) and some other fruits.

On a note! Although banana is high in calories, you can sometimes indulge in it as a late-night snack. However, one fruit is enough.

It is advisable to eat fruits slowly, chew them well, and first cut them into slices.

Vegetables at night

Vegetables are healthy foods that are included in the menu of almost every diet. Among them there are few that can cause harm to the human body. Rather, on the contrary, vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps digestive system work correctly. In addition, they contain many vitamins and valuable components.

At night you can eat the following types of vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • cauliflower;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach.

Vegetables can be eaten not only individually, but also in the form of a salad. You are allowed to season it vegetable oil, natural yogurt, apple cider vinegar. If you eat such a vegetable salad at night, there will be no harm to your figure.

On a note! Since boiled vegetables have a relatively high calorie content, when losing weight it is preferable to eat them fresh. This means that instead of an overnight vinaigrette, make a cucumber and tomato salad.

Hearty dinner options

If you can’t get enough of vegetables and fruits, you will need more satisfying foods that will help satisfy your hunger quickly and for a long time. The list of such ingredients includes the following:

  • chicken breast;
  • beef;
  • lean fish;
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • low-fat hard cheese;
  • nuts (no more than 40 g).

Since these foods contain large amounts of protein, which takes a long time to break down, it is recommended to consume them at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Cooking method

The method of preparing food is equally important. It is known that fried and smoked foods are much higher in calories than boiled or steamed foods in the oven. Based on this, it is forbidden to eat foods that will harm your figure at night. If you eat meat before bed, then only boil it, but in no case fried. In addition to adding excess weight, such dishes will also negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.


Before going to bed, you can drink warm black tea with a slice of lemon, plain water, boiled milk with honey, green tea, tomato juice. You should not drink coffee, as this drink can interfere with sleep. Also, avoid drinking carbonated drinks as they cause bloating.

It is advisable not to add sugar to tea as it will add extra calories. Alcohol is also prohibited, as it increases appetite.

Good and bad food combinations

With the right combination of products, you can not only avoid excess weight, but even vice versa, speed up your metabolism and lose weight. They can be eaten even at night without harming the figure.

So, the favorable combinations of ingredients are as follows:

  • fish, meat and lemon – acid citrus fruit in combination with animal protein, it causes the body to produce a hormone that promotes the breakdown of fat deposits;
  • hard cheese and vegetables - the ideal option is broccoli and low-fat hard cheese;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and kefir - due to the combination of such fermented milk products you can satisfy your hunger, enrich the body with calcium and protein, and also not harm your figure;
  • vegetables and cereals – a good option for a late dinner is buckwheat with lettuce.

Bad combinations:

  • acidic ingredients and starchy foods;
  • milk and other products;
  • carbohydrates with proteins - cereals with meat contribute to gas formation in the intestines;
  • fermented milk products and proteins.

On a note! Many people are accustomed to eating porridge or potatoes with meat. However, these products do not combine well with each other and cause unwanted reactions in the human body.

Prohibited Products

Some types of foods should not be consumed before bed because they have a negative impact on health. These include:

  • flour products;
  • pasta;
  • sugar;
  • confectionery;
  • mayonnaise and sour cream;
  • spicy, too salty, fried and smoked food;
  • red meat;
  • legumes;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • bread;
  • corn;
  • grape;
  • watermelon, melon, pear.

Despite the fact that these products quickly satisfy your hunger, you should not eat them at night. The fact is that they promote the formation of fats. Therefore, it is better to choose healthier ingredients.

Of course, at night it is difficult to resist the temptation to eat something tasty. Moreover, the stomach growls treacherously and does not allow you to fall asleep. Sometimes you can allow yourself to satisfy your hunger, but only if you use healthy low calorie foods. To avoid strong desire eat late in the evening, you should have a hearty lunch. In any case, if you eat at night, then your last meal should not be later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

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