What to snack on for a type 2 diabetic. Healthy and proper snacks for diabetes. Example for a balanced diet

The importance of proper nutrition for type 1 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas is primarily affected. The release of the hormone insulin, which is necessary to regulate blood glucose, is disrupted. The patient is forced to independently monitor his sugar level and inject himself with insulin. With the right approach, the diet of a diabetic is practically no different from the diet of a person who monitors his health and weight.

For type 1 diabetes mellitus, diet and treatment are tailored to general condition patient's health, physical activity and the presence of other chronic diseases.

Important role for the sick diabetes mellitus Type 1 is played by diet. Insulin is usually taken before meals. The dose of the drug depends on the quantity and energy quality of the food eaten. If you get too small dose insulin or, conversely, large, then the glucose level can either rapidly rise or drop sharply, which is very dangerous and can lead to severe consequences. To keep your sugar levels from rising, you need to follow a diet. Without following a diet, it is very difficult to control your blood. Mandatory rule When planning a weekly diet, you should choose foods that are lower in calories, with a minimum of fat and sugar. Taking vitamins for type 1 diabetes is also advisable.

For the diet to be beneficial, food should contain more carbohydrates (50-60%) and very little fat and protein (about 25%). Scientists have proven that the consumption of fats and spices (except for patients with overweight) has no effect on glucose fluctuations in the body. Carbohydrates are the most dangerous. If the patient has overweight and he has problems with the digestive system, then the doctor will advise you to avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods in order to adjust your weight.

What are the dangers of carbohydrates during treatment for type 1 diabetes? Once in the body with food, they begin to break down. During this process, glucose in the blood rises. The faster carbohydrates are digested, the higher the sugar. Carbohydrates are usually divided into “fast” and “slow”. A diabetic's diet should include foods with “slow” carbohydrates (greens, vegetables, fruits, etc.). And it is better to remove baked goods, sugar, honey, some fruits, alcoholic drinks and other foods with “fast” carbohydrates from the menu.

Therapeutic diet for type 1 diabetes, it consists of protein foods, vegetables and foods with “slow” carbohydrates. In this case, you need to clearly know how much insulin is needed to normalize your sugar after eating.

Proper nutrition for type 1 diabetes, it will not only help a person control the concentration of glucose in the blood, but also prevent the risk of developing complications and other diseases.

Basic rules of dietary nutrition

A person with diabetes should always watch what and how much they eat. With such a diagnosis, the diet should be balanced and complete. The main goal is a decrease in blood sugar. This can be achieved by removing foods with high content carbohydrates.

More recently, diabetics were forced to follow very strict diet. Today, patients can afford to eat like ordinary people, making some adjustments to daily menu. If you approach treatment wisely, then sometimes you can even afford alcohol, sweets and other prohibited foods. This became possible thanks to new technologies in medicine. A person can measure their sugar level at any time using a glucometer and select the dose of insulin themselves depending on the foods they consume.

What rules should an insulin-dependent diabetic follow when dieting:

  • Establish a clear daily schedule with equal intervals between meals and insulin administration.
  • Count the amount of carbohydrates in food to correctly calculate the dose of insulin.
  • Before each meal, check your blood sugar levels. At 5-7 mmol/l before insulin injection, eating is allowed after 15 minutes. If the glucometer shows 8-10 mmol/l, then food intake must be postponed for 60 minutes. You can snack on an apple or vegetable salad to satisfy your hunger.
  • Food products must be selected from high content fiber and complex carbohydrates.
  • If the patient administered intermediate-acting insulin in the evening, then breakfast should be light, since the effect of the drug has already ended. 4 hours after the morning dose of insulin, you can already eat a full meal. Dinner without evening insulin should also be light, and after the injection you are allowed to eat a full dinner.
  • If a person injects insulin long acting once a day, then during the day you need to use insulin short acting. In this case, meals in the morning, lunch and evening should be complete, and snacks in between should be light.

Bread units and glycemic index

To correctly calculate the dose of insulin, you need to know how many carbohydrates were consumed in food. To do this, you need to calculate the glycemic index (GI) and bread units (XE).

Glycemic index is the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed by the body. Products with a high index are absorbed quickly, which causes an increase in blood glucose levels. Therefore, low GI foods are more beneficial for diabetics. These products include:

  • Greens, vegetables (less than 15).
  • Fresh fruits (30).
  • Rye and whole grain bread (30 and 35).
  • Legumes (30-40).
  • Dairy products (35).
  • Fresh Juice no sugar (40).
  • Cereals(40), etc.

High GI foods:

  • Pasta (55).
  • Bananas, melon (60).
  • Beetroot (65).
  • Rice (70).
  • Boiled potatoes (70).
  • White bread (70).
  • Sugar (75).
  • Carrots (85).
  • Honey (90).
  • Baked Potato (95).
  • Glucose (100).
  • Malt (110), etc.

Based on these data, a patient with type 1 diabetes can choose balanced diet.

Another way to count carbohydrates consumed is using bread units (XE). 1 XE = 12 g carbohydrates. Piece rye bread weighing 30 g or two tablespoons of boiled buckwheat contains 1 XE. There are many tables that list products with XE. Doctors recommend consuming approximately 7 XE at a time, and no more than 28 units per day.

Benefits of a low carb diet

A low-carbohydrate diet allows a patient with diabetes to eat well. The menu turns out to be varied and tasty, and the products contain “slow” carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats and vitamins. Diet therapy can not only lower blood sugar, but also control weight.

Benefits of a low carb diet:

  • With this diet, carbohydrate intake does not exceed 30 g per day. Therefore, there will be no need large doses insulin.
  • Blood sugar is stable.
  • Cholesterol levels return to normal.
  • Nutrition is practically no different from the diet healthy person.

Diet No. 9

Diet number 9 has gained popularity among doctors and patients due to the fact that the diet is not strict and sometimes the patient can treat himself to some “non-diabetic” dishes. The menu of this diet is based on preparing dishes without salt. They can only be steamed, boiled or baked.

For example, for breakfast you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, milk and tea without sugar. For second breakfast - barley with meat. Lunch may include borscht in vegetable broth, fruit jelly, boiled meat or soy. For an afternoon snack you are allowed to eat an apple or an orange. You can have dinner with boiled or baked fish in milk sauce, fresh cabbage salad or other vegetables with olive oil. Desserts with this diet are chosen based on fructose, sucrose or other substitutes.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by a malfunction of the pancreas. Damaged cells cannot provide the body with insulin, so the patient has to administer it additionally. The main thing with this type of disease is to correctly calculate the dose of the drug. If you do this competently, then there is no need to adhere to strict rules in food. For diabetics, it is enough to eat rationally, as ordinary people, looking after health and figure.

The importance of proper nutrition for effective treatment

Thus, with type 1 diabetes there are practically no serious culinary restrictions. The only thing strict contraindication – these are foods containing a lot of sugar: honey, confectionery, candies, sweet fruits, baked goods, etc. Also, when compiling a diet, you need to take into account physical exercise and the presence of other diseases. This should be taken into account when calculating the daily menu.

Why is this so important?

Diabetics should take a certain amount of insulin before each meal to maintain alertness and normal performance. A deficiency or overdose can cause sharp deterioration well-being and provoke complications.

The daily diet should include 50-60% carbohydrates and about 20-25% fats and proteins. Doctors often advise avoiding fats, spicy and fried foods. This valuable recommendations for those patients who, in addition to diabetes, have impaired digestive function. Recent studies show that fats and spices have no effect on glycemic fluctuations. But you need to be careful when consuming carbohydrates.

They differ in how quickly they are absorbed by the body. The so-called “slow” carbohydrates are digested within 40-60 minutes and do not cause sharp jumps sugar indicators. They are contained in starch, pectin and fiber and are part of vegetables and fruits.

Simple, quickly digestible carbohydrates are processed in 5-25 minutes and contribute to a rapid increase in glucose levels. They are found in fruits, honey, sugar, molasses, beer and others. alcoholic drinks, as well as all sweet products.

For correct selection insulin doses need to plan your menu in so-called bread units (XE). 1 unit is 10-12 g of carbohydrates. This is exactly how many of them are in a 1 cm thick slice of bread. It is recommended to take no more than 7-8 XE at a time.

The question arises: how much XE do diabetic sweets contain? and how much can you use?

Characteristics and types of sweeteners

They are divided into low- and high-calorie. The latter are almost equal in calorie content to regular sugar, but after them glycemia does not increase so much. However, both types cannot be used uncontrollably. There are standards, compliance with which guarantees a normal state.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of sugar substitutes. Indicated in parentheses maximum dose substances per 1 kg of body weight:

  • saccharin (5 mg)
  • aspartame (40 mg)
  • cyclamate (7 mg)
  • acesulfame K (15 mg)
  • sucralose (15 mg)

Sweets made from stevia are now widespread. This is a natural sweetener with low calorie content, which is a real godsend for diabetics with a sweet tooth.

With high-quality diabetes compensation, you are allowed to consume up to 50 g of sugar per day. This perfectly motivates to take more careful consideration of XE and insulin doses and relieves psychological stress.

What to do if you really want “real” sweets?

  • Eat them chilled
  • Preference should be given to delicacies that also contain proteins, fiber, fat and slowly digestible carbohydrates, for example, fruits, berries, buns, ice cream, protein cream.
  • Eating sweets after meals, not on an empty stomach

Diet principles for patients with type 1 diabetes

Let us immediately note that The frequency of meals and the amount of XE must be agreed with the doctor ohm The schedule depends on the type of insulin used and the time of introduction into the body.

Limit fried, spicy, fatty foods and spices are needed for problems with the kidneys, liver and other digestive organs.

There are rules to maintain good health:

  • take no more than 7-8 XE with meals. Otherwise, an increase in glycemia is possible and an increase in insulin levels will be required. A single dose of this drug should not be more than 14 units
  • plan your menu carefully, since insulin is administered before meals
  • distribute XE over three meals and two small snacks. Intermediate snacks are not necessary, they depend on each person’s regime
  • introduce afternoon snacks and second breakfasts if there is a risk of hypoglycemia several hours after eating

With five meals a day, XE can be distributed as follows:

breakfast – 6
second breakfast – 2
lunch – 6
afternoon snack-2.5
dinner – 5

Diet menu for the week


Breakfast. Any porridge, with the exception of semolina or rice in a volume of 200g, about 40g. hard cheese 17%, slice of bread – 25 g. and tea without sugar. You can indulge in a cup of morning coffee, but also without sugar.
2 Breakfast. 1-2 pcs. biscuits or bread, a glass of unsweetened tea and 1 apple.
Dinner. Salad from fresh vegetables in a volume of 100g, a plate of borscht, 1-2 steamed cutlets and a little stewed cabbage, a piece of bread.
Afternoon snack. No more than 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, the same amount of fruit jelly, which should be prepared using sweeteners, and a glass of rosehip decoction.
1 Dinner. Some boiled meat and vegetable salad(100g each)
2 Dinner. A glass of kefir with the smallest percentage of fat content.
Total calories consumed: No more than 1400 kcal


Breakfast. An omelette consisting of 2 whites and a yolk, a slice of boiled veal (50g) and 1 medium tomato and a cup of tea without sugar.
2 Breakfast. Bifidoyogurt and 2 pcs. biscuits or bread.
Dinner. Mushroom soup with vegetable salad and chicken breast and a slice of baked pumpkin, a piece of bread.
Afternoon snack. Liquid yogurt and half a grapefruit.
1 Dinner. 200 grams of stewed cabbage and boiled fish with a tablespoon of 10% sour cream, tea without sugar.
2 Dinner. A little less than a glass of kefir with a medium-sized baked apple.


Breakfast. 2 cabbage rolls with boiled meat, a piece of bread with a spoonful of sour cream (no more than 10%), tea or coffee without added sugar.
2 Breakfast. 3-4 sugar-free crackers and a glass of sugar-free compote.
Dinner. A plate of vegetarian soup with vegetable salad, 100g. fish and the same amount of boiled pasta.
Afternoon snack. A cup of fruit tea and 1 medium sized orange.
1 Dinner. 1 serving cottage cheese casserole, 5 tablespoons fresh berries and a tablespoon of 10% sour cream. From liquid – rosehip decoction (250 gr.)
2 Dinner. Scan of low-fat kefir
Total number of calories consumed Do not exceed the norm of 1300 kcal


Breakfast. Egg and a plate of porridge (not rice or semolina), 40 gr. 17% hard cheese and a cup of tea or coffee (necessarily without sugar).
2 Breakfast. A little more than half a glass of low-fat cottage cheese, half a pear or kiwi, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner. A plate of pickle and 100 gr. stewed meat, the same amount of stewed zucchini, a slice of bread.
Afternoon snack. A cup of tea without sugar with 2-3 unsweetened cookies.
1 Dinner. 100 gr. chicken and 200g. green beans with a cup of unsweetened tea.
2 Dinner. A glass of 1% kefir and a medium-sized apple.
Total calories consumed Less than 1400 kcal


Breakfast. A glass of bifidoyogurt and 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.
2 Breakfast. Sandwich with 17% hard cheese and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner. Baked or boiled potatoes with vegetable salad (1:2), 100g. boiled chicken or fish and half a glass of fresh berries.
Afternoon snack. Piece of baked pumpkin, 10 g. dried poppy seeds plus a glass of unsweetened compote or a decoction of dried fruits.
1 Dinner. A plate of vegetable salad with lots of greens, 1-2 steamed meat cutlets.
2 Dinner. A glass of low-fat kefir.
Total calories consumed: 1300 kcal maximum


Breakfast. A small piece of lightly salted salmon, boiled egg, a piece of bread and fresh cucumber. From liquid – a cup of tea without sugar.
2 Breakfast. Cottage cheese with berries (up to 300g.)
Dinner. A plate of borscht and 1-2 lazy cabbage rolls, a piece of bread and a tablespoon of 10% sour cream.
Afternoon snack. Bifidoyogurt and 2 biscuits.
1 Dinner. 100gr. fresh peas, boiled poultry, stewed vegetables (eggplant can be used).
2 Dinner. A glass of 1% kefir.
Total calories consumed 1300 kcal


Breakfast. A plate of buckwheat porridge with a slice of veal ham and a cup of tea without sugar.
2 Breakfast. 2-3 sugar-free cookies and a glass of rosehip broth, a medium apple or orange.
Dinner. Mushroom borscht with two tablespoons of 10% sour cream, 2 steamed veal cutlets, 100g. stewed vegetables and a slice of bread.
Afternoon snack. 200gr. low-fat cottage cheese with plums
1 Dinner. 3 pieces of baked fish, 100 gr. salad (can be spinach), 150g stewed zucchini.
2 Dinner. Half a glass of yogurt.
Total calories consumed 1180 kcal

Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

Scientific research has shown that the strict dietary restrictions that were introduced just a few years ago official medicine, do not bring results, and can even cause harm. This disease prevents blood glucose control without insulin, and special diet won't help you heal. Therefore, to improve well-being and prevent complications Should you choose a low-carb diet?, rich in proteins and healthy fats.

What are its advantages?

  • Carbohydrate intake per day does not exceed 30 g, therefore a lot of insulin is not required
  • glycemia is stable, since slowly digestible carbohydrates and small portions of medications do not provoke sugar “jumps”
  • Stable blood glucose levels prevent complications
  • cholesterol levels are normalized
  • the diet is as close as possible to the diet of a healthy person, which reduces stress in the patient

The main principle of this diet: limiting “fast” sugars. Other foods can be eaten without restrictions!

Delicious recipes

Russian salad

200-300 g white fish fillet, 300-340 g potatoes, 200-250 g beets, 100 g carrots, 200 g cucumbers, vegetable oil, salt, seasonings. Place the fish in salted water and boil with spices. Then remove from the water and let cool. Cut into small slices. Boil the vegetables, peel, cut into small cubes or bars. Mix all the ingredients of the dish, add salt, spices, and season with oil.

Salad "Vitamin"

200 g onions, 350-450 g unsweetened apples, 100 g sweet pepper, 350 g fresh cucumbers, 1 tsp. dried mint, olive oil, 300 g tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt. Peel the onions and apples, cut into medium-sized cubes. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and place them in cold water and remove the skin and cut into pieces. Grind peppers and cucumbers. Mix everything, pour in a little whipped mixture of lemon juice and oil, add salt and sprinkle with dried mint.

Italian soup with tomatoes

300 g beans, 200 g carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 150-200 g onions, 3 cloves garlic, 200 g zucchini, 500 g tomatoes, 5-6 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, Bay leaf, basil, oregano, salt and pepper. Soak the beans until they swell and boil until full readiness. Vegetables - garlic, half a carrot, 1 stalk of celery, onion - cut and prepare broth from them. Add salt and spices. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Heat the oil in a saucepan, fry the remaining chopped onion, garlic, and then add the tomato pieces. When the vegetables are stewed, add 300 ml of broth, sliced ​​zucchini, celery and the remaining carrots. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the beans and cook for another 20 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

Pasta soup with turkey

500 g turkey, 100 g onion, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 100 g carrots, 150-200 g pasta, 300-400 g potatoes, pepper, salt to taste. Wash the turkey meat, dry it and cut into small pieces. Place the meat in a saucepan, pour in cold water and put on fire. Cook until turkey is done. Remove foam regularly. After 20 minutes, pour out the first broth and collect new water. Continue cooking the meat, add salt at the end of cooking. Strain the finished broth and put it back on the fire, boil, add onions, pasta, carrots and cook until tender. Throw the turkey meat into the soup and let it boil. Garnish the finished soup with parsley or dill.

Chicken legs stewed with carrots and onions

4 chicken legs, 300 g carrots, 200 g onions, 250 ml cream (up to 15%), black pepper, vegetable oil, cloves, salt. Cut the legs into pieces, fry in hot oil until golden brown. Peel the onion and chop finely. Grate the carrots or thinly cut into half circles. Add vegetables and spices to the meat, salt and pepper. Pour the cream over the legs and simmer for about 20 minutes, covered. Serve with boiled buckwheat.

Diet chocolate

200 g butter, 2-3 tbsp. l. cocoa, sweetener to your taste. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add cocoa and cook, stirring, until the mixture becomes smooth and homogeneous. Add sugar substitute to chocolate and stir. Divide the mixture into molds and place in the freezer. If desired, you can add pieces to the chocolate dried apples, nuts, seeds, a pinch of pepper or dry mint.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of foods that you can and that doctors do not recommend eating. Please note that only the attending physician can give an exact list of recommended dishes.

You can include in the menu:

  • Mushrooms, vegetable soups, unrich broths, okroshkas, kholodniki
  • Lean meat
  • Bread, both from wheat and from rye flour, with bran
  • Boiled or baked fish
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Almost all porridges, except rice, semolina and corn
  • Vegetables can be eaten boiled, raw or baked. Potatoes - taking into account your carbohydrate allowance
  • Unsweetened fruits and berries, jellies, compotes, marshmallows, marshmallows, sweets with sweeteners
  • Teas, including herbs, as well as decoctions of rose hips, blueberries, strawberries, unsweetened juices

Don't overuse:

  • Concentrated broths
  • Fatty meat and fish
  • Pastry products
  • Salty and very fatty cheeses, sweet curds, heavy cream
  • Marinades and pickles, sweet fruits, dried fruits
  • Confectionery, carbonated drinks with sugar

Take 10-15 minutes a day to think through the menu for tomorrow, and you are guaranteed good health and vigor!

Five meals a day, that is, three main meals and a few more snacks throughout the day, is considered optimal within the framework of management healthy image life. “Healthy” snacks are not sweets, snacks and smoked foods, but slow carbohydrates- this is what our body needs in between main meals. In addition, it is important to teach young children. And even more so, people with diagnosed diabetes should take this into account.

The only difference is that for them it is not a whim or a conscious decision, but a vital necessity. There won't be proper snacks, there won't be wellness and acceptable course of the disease.

All diabetics, whether they have type 1 or type 2 disease, need to eat at strictly prescribed hours. Nutrition should be subject to a strict regime, then it will be possible to control and easily regulate blood sugar levels, and this is precisely what is the key to good health. Diet No. 9 is usually taken as a basis, which is recommended for overweight and increased level blood sugar. It not only uses high-fiber foods as a basis, but also completely avoids sweet, fatty, and high-cholesterol foods.

Since the absolute exclusion of fats from the diet is difficult and undesirable for metabolism, preference is given to vegetable oils in small quantities. To minimize the amount of animal fats in the diet, but not completely deplete it, fish and meat are cooked, for example, in soups, but in a second broth (the first broth is not used). And, of course, boiling and baking in the oven are more preferable methods of cooking food than frying.

While the main diet includes vegetable soups, dishes made from low-fat meat and fish, vegetable soups, boiled, baked and raw vegetable dishes and bread, a number of other foods and dishes can be used as snacks for diabetes.

Let's look at the nuances of building a diabetic menu in case of snacks:

  • of the whole variety of fruits and berries, preference is given to sour and sweet and sour (Antonov apples, lemons, oranges, currants, cranberries, cherries) and in quantities of no more than 200 grams per day;
  • juices, jelly and compotes based again on the above mentioned fruits; Instead of sugar, sweeteners for diabetics are added;
  • Rosehip decoction and brewer's yeast have proven themselves as a source of vitamins and vitamins necessary for diabetics. useful substances, despite the fact that they also reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • Eating not only fruits, but also vegetables will help cope with the feeling of hunger between main meals; Suitable for this purpose are cucumbers, spinach, sauerkraut, tomatoes, lettuce;
  • snacks not only to overcome the feeling of hunger, but to improve liver function include dishes based on cottage cheese, oatmeal, and soy;
  • dairy products such as milk, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese in in kind or in dishes - it is always a nutritious and healthy snack for a diabetic; cheese, sour cream and cream are allowed in limited quantities due to the high content of animal fats.

What else you have to give up is:

  • obviously unhealthy sweets, smoked and fried foods;
  • snacks containing sugar (it is traditionally recommended to replace it with sorbitol or xylitol);
  • snacks with a high salt content (since main dishes are usually added with salt, it is better to avoid salt in snacks altogether);
  • salty cheeses and curd desserts;
  • rice, semolina, pasta and snack products made from them (for example, all kinds of casseroles);
  • sweet carbonated and any alcoholic drinks.

It is better to have a snack at a strictly specified time, and not at random. Like main meals, it is better to subordinate snacks to a once-thought-out but convenient schedule. Depending on the individual need for insulin, snacks for diabetics should contain an average of 15 grams of carbohydrates (this is 1 bread unit), but no more.

It would be a good idea to discuss a diabetic’s diet, which includes both the main menu and a variety of snacks, with your doctor. The latter can make reasonable and very relevant adjustments to it.

Diet for endocrine disease should be special, because this is what allows you to maintain not only the sugar ratio at an optimal level, but also body weight. In this regard, special attention is paid to snacks for diabetics. It is important to use healthy foods, and also for this to happen in right time(to reduce the load on the pancreas).

Proper nutrition for diabetics in the office

Experts recommend not stretching your stomach or overloading it with large portions. digestive system and the rest during the day. That is why it makes sense to divide your entire daily diet into five to six meals. This will eliminate overeating, which is extremely undesirable for people prone to obesity.

Representatives of all groups must be present in a diabetic's diet. We are talking about permitted vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, as well as berries and nuts. Whole grains, certain types of cereals, lean meat and poultry, and fish are no less useful.

Salted, canned and fried foods are not allowed. The same applies to fruit juices, any sweets and sugar.

In no case should we forget about drinking regime. After all, water is an indispensable component for diabetics. Its consumption in sufficient quantities will avoid a significant number of problems, including especially critical dehydration of the body.

When to have a snack

It will be needed when the next eating session is not soon, but the person is already hungry. At the same time, you must really feel the desire to consume something, and not perceive it as an attempt to eat away stress, boredom or anxiety. In addition, such consumption of food will be a good way out if the time for lunch or dinner has come, but the food will need to be cooked for quite a long time.

At the same time, it is best to have a snack in compliance with certain rules. Many people break up their caloric intake throughout the day so that they have something light to eat in the evening before going to bed. This will not create a significant burden on the digestive system and will satisfy hunger.

If you do this according to all the rules, you can talk about constant control of blood sugar. This is most important in the context of nocturnal hypoglycemia. In addition, such food consumption is irreplaceable during physical activity, the duration of which exceeds 30 minutes.

Diabetic recipes

It is best to snack on low-calorie foods with low GI values. An excellent and simple option is the following: skim cheese(no more than 150 g) and black tea, you can also eat unsweetened yogurt with a slice of rye bread. The menu may contain:

  • sandwich with tofu, green tea;
  • boiled egg, 100 gr. vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml kefir and one pear;
  • tea, sandwich chicken pate(it’s best to prepare the last ingredient yourself);
  • cottage cheese soufflé, 1 apple.

The first recipe is quite simple to prepare - it is a sandwich with cheese and herbs. You will need components such as 35 g. bread, 100 gr. tofu, half a clove of garlic and a few sprigs of dill.

The plant is passed through a press, the greens are finely chopped and mixed with cheese. It is best to lightly fry the bread in a Teflon-coated frying pan or bake it in the oven, then apply the cheese mixture. To serve the sandwich, you must first decorate it with healthy and tasty greens.

Another recipe that is perfect for diabetics includes celery, cucumber, raw carrots, as well as low-fat Greek yogurt or hummus. You will need to first cut into chopsticks your favorite vegetables that are acceptable for diabetes (no more than four to five pieces). Next, they should be dipped in low-fat Greek yogurt flavored with turmeric or garlic powder.

If you want something less traditional, you can use hummus instead. It contains carbohydrates that are slowly digestible and do not provoke sudden spikes in sugar levels. An additional advantage is the benefit from significant amount fiber and protein.

Another option:

  1. 150 ml low-fat dairy product(yogurt);
  2. several raspberries, blueberries, blueberries or other seasonal plants;
  3. one tbsp. l. grated almonds and a pinch of cinnamon;
  4. You can bring berries and additional components for future use for several days (it would be best to place the first ones in the refrigerator);
  5. fresh yogurt is purchased daily or simply upon request.

The following snack variation: a slice of low-fat cheese, 150 gr. cherry tomatoes, one tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar and three to four chopped basil leaves. Tomatoes contain vital nutritional components, namely vitamins C and E, iron.

Nutritionists recommend eating in 5-6 meals, where breakfast, lunch and dinner are the main meals, and there should be snacks between them. These recommendations also apply to diabetics. Patients with diabetes should pay serious attention to organizing additional meals, because The level of sugar in the blood and the overall compensation of the disease depend on properly selected snacks.

Snacks with low content carbohydrates, as well as snacks that do not contain carbohydrates, can be an excellent choice for diabetics. They're great for satisfying hunger between meals while keeping blood glucose levels within normal limits, says registered dietitian Elizabeth Staum of the Joslin Diabetes Center.

How to snack properly if you have diabetes

Your snacking habits if you have diabetes should depend on the type medicines the foods you take and your nutrition plan.

if you accept oral medications for diabetes, you can eat smaller meals at meals and eat substantial protein snacks for snacks to avoid hunger and overeating.

If you are taking insulin injections, it is better to eat most of your meals during main meals, which are “coated” with insulin, and enjoy protein foods for snacks.

Depending on your insulin needs, your snacks should contain 15 grams of carbohydrates or 1 bread unit(XE) or less.

Snacking is extremely beneficial for people with diabetes, whose blood sugar tends to drop. certain time days, even after adjusting insulin therapy, says Staum.

Carbohydrate snacks are also beneficial when exercising and should be taken before and after physical activity to prevent low blood sugar.

To lose weight (this especially applies to patients with type 2 diabetes), you should give up carbohydrate snacks, replacing them with protein foods or vegetable salads.

A proper snack should contain:

  • 15 g of carbohydrates, if insulin was given at the main meal.
  • 15-30 g of carbohydrates if it occurs between meals.
  • Carbohydrates combined with protein if you need to satisfy your hunger and prevent overeating.

What are these healthy snacks?

If you have diabetes, it is recommended to choose snacks that contain many healthy and nutrients, such as proteins, alimentary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Snacks rich in protein and fiber are healthier for diabetics than those containing carbohydrates because... the latter increase blood glucose levels.

Healthy snack ideas that contain protein include:

  • peanut butter;
  • low-fat cheese or cottage cheese;
  • unsalted nuts (walnuts, cashews);
  • egg;
  • sugar-free yogurt;
  • milk, kefir;
  • low-fat cheeses.

To replenish fiber, vitamins and minerals, try eating vegetables or whole grain bread. But remember that these foods contain carbohydrates and can increase blood sugar.

An excellent snack - a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage, with onions or garlic, seasoned with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil And lemon juice instead of salt.

Snacks for diabetic patients should have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, namely:

  • contain a low amount of sodium (salt), no more than 140 mg per serving;
  • contain low amounts of saturated fat;
  • does not contain harmful trans fats.

Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about optimizing your diet.

By materials:

The Best Kinds of Low-Carb Snacks //Joslin Diabetes Center.

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