What are the benefits of dried celandine? Contraindications and possible harm. For various burns

Celandine (Chelidonium majus) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the poppy family. It has a branched ribbed stem, most often up to one meter high, but can reach a height of up to 130 centimeters. The leaves are quite large in size, consisting of three to five rounded lobes. The leaves are green above and bluish below. It has yellow flowers of four petals. The fruits are leguminous and, when opened, consist of two parts. The flowering period is May-September, until the end of Indian summer. Topic of the article: celandine beneficial features and contraindications.

This medicinal herb has a very powerful root system, thanks to which it takes root literally everywhere. It can be found everywhere - in the forest, in vacant lots, along the road, near rivers, in gardens, fields. It mainly grows in lowlands, but can be found even in the mountains. Habitat – middle Asia, European part of Russia, Caucasus.

Distributed in small bushes, without forming densely growing thickets. Thanks to its properties, it perfectly repels pests, which is why it is often artificially planted in gardens and summer cottages. A special feature of the herb is that when the stem is broken, a burning juice is released. orange color. The largest amount is found in the roots. It has a sharp, specific smell. This juice does not lose its beneficial properties, regardless of the flowering period.

For self-planting on plots, both fresh seeds and seeds from one to two years are suitable. Planting should be done taking into account a distance of half a meter from each row, in places with high humidity, preferably in dark areas. It does not require any special care or any special requirements; it is enough to just weed and moisten the soil in a timely manner until the grass gets stronger. Flowering occurs after a year or two.

Chemical composition of celandine

Medicinal properties are due to the presence in it large quantity chemical substances- alkaloids, which in small doses have a therapeutic effect, act like poisons in large doses. Largest quantity alkaloids are concentrated in the roots of the plant; the older the bush, the more active components it contains; on the other hand, the effect of biologically active components in a young plant is milder and less toxic. Chelidonium majus contains more than 20 different alkaloids of different groups:

  • benzophenanthridine (sanguinarine, chelidonine, chelerethrine and others);
  • protopine (protopine);
  • protoberberine (coptisine).

In addition to the indicated substances, it is rich in essential oils, various flavonoids (rutin, quercetin), tannins, acids (citric, malic), vitamins (vitamin C).

The action of the alkaloids included in the composition varies - benzophenanthridine, especially medicinally valuable chelidonine, has an effect similar to morphine - analgesic and sedative. Sanguinarine improves intestinal motility, having a mild local irritant effect. Homochelidonin, being a convulsive poison, has a strong anesthetic effect.

Alkaloids of this group inhibit the growth tumor cells, which in turn enhances the effect of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. The protopine group predominantly acts on the muscles, including the muscles of the uterus, toning them, which is due to the use of this medicinal plant in gynecology.

Protoberberines act as painkillers and exhibit a clear choleretic effect. Protopin, in turn, increases muscle tone (mainly smooth muscles). Flavonoids, essential oils (small content), have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-allergenic effects.

Useful properties of celandine

Thanks to its active substances, it has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, and also helps in the fight against cancer, weakening growth cancer cells, reduces the spread of metastases in the body. The main properties include the following:

  1. Local analgesic due to the presence of morphine-like alkaloids. Also an excellent herbal choleretic agent. Used in complex therapy of hepatitis, gastrointestinal problems (pancreatitis, peptic ulcer) diseases of the pelvic organs - cholecystitis.
  2. Antiseptic. Disinfects wounds, burns, promotes accelerated healing.
  3. Helps in the fight against acute respiratory diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, at bronchial asthma, has a pronounced mucolytic (expectorant) effect. Shows sufficient activity in the treatment of certain infections.
  4. Thanks to certain alkaloids, it relieves weakness and slightly increases blood pressure due to its stimulating effect on blood vessels. At the same time, it calms the central nervous system and, by relieving vascular spasm, normalizes blood pressure.
  5. Improves the tone of the uterus, which is used in gynecology.

It has found wide application in the treatment of skin diseases - warts, papillomas, dermatitis, fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Decoctions and infusions help with gastrointestinal diseases and pelvic diseases. Due to its bactericidal properties, it has also found use in dentistry in the treatment of stomatitis. Thanks to its gentle action on the central nervous system used to relieve depression.

Important! Since the plant is rich in alkaloids, their amount exceeds that of any other herbs, you should take preparations based on it with special caution, only after consulting your doctor.

How to use celandine correctly

His healing properties due to the presence of alkaloids that are quite effective against certain pathogenic bacteria, viruses. It is one of the most useful plants for cleansing the body's lymphatic system of various infections. As a complex therapy, it is used as an antiseptic, analgesic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and choleretic agent.

Due to the large number of alkaloids, you should start taking it with small doses so that the body gets used to it and there are no allergic reactions. To relieve the toxic effect, use is combined with dairy products - milk, kefir, natural yoghurts. Correct dosage medications will help cope with high blood pressure, will strengthen the cardiovascular system.

To avoid side effects and getting the maximum therapeutic effect certain rules must be followed:

  • Before starting treatment, a consultation with the attending physician is required to make an accurate diagnosis;
  • The use of tinctures, extracts and ointments is intended for adults. For treatment of children, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary;
  • It is not recommended to take the drugs for people who have had a heart attack, suffer from hypotension, coronary artery disease, or pregnant women;
  • It is prohibited to exceed the concentration of alcohol infusion or extract.

It should not be forgotten that this is a medicinal plant that contains toxic substances and failure to comply with the dosage can lead to poisoning, and instead therapeutic effects, cause harm to the entire body.

Note! Pure juice must not be applied to open wounds and abrasions, as burns are possible.

Useful properties of celandine for women

For healthy skin and slowing down the aging process, this herb is very popular among women. Based on it, various masks, creams and infusions are made for the skin of the face and hair. Perfectly cleanses the skin, removes greasy shine, relieves inflammation and rashes on the face. This result is achieved due to the action of organic acids on epidermal cells. IN pure form it is used quite rarely. Most often, masks are made based on it and infusions for rinsing.

Facial cleansing lotion

The leaves are mixed with crushed porridge-like cucumber and poured with 200 grams of vodka. Let it brew for two weeks. Use the resulting pulp to wipe your face in the evening before going to bed. After the procedure, be sure to rinse the skin with running water and apply an emollient cream.

Mask for skin rejuvenation and prevention of premature aging

Mix the egg white with 150 grams of celandine, two teaspoons of honey, three tablespoons of starch. Apply the mask to your face for 15-20 minutes. After rinse your face warm water. This mask will relieve fine wrinkles, will give the skin freshness, healthy color, and reduce the secretion of sebum.

Infusions and masks are used to care for hair and scalp

A decoction of Chelidonium majus, chamomile and sage will help get rid of excessive oily hair and normalize the secretion of fatty glands. This decoction is brewed like regular tea, allowed to brew and used as a rinse after washing your hair.

For seborrhea and itching

A mask based on juice with the addition of burdock or castor oil. This mask is applied to the hair for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water. This procedure will give strength and elasticity to the hair and eliminate dandruff. The mask is best used 2-3 times a week, the effect is achieved within two to three weeks.

The use of celandine in gynecology

For a long time, swallow grass (one of the names) has been used in gynecology for the treatment and prevention of bleeding from the vagina, menstruation accompanied by severe pain, uterine fibroids, treatment of papillomas on the genitals. For treatment gynecological diseases The above-ground parts of the plant are used, since they contain a sufficient amount of juice that has healing properties.

The effectiveness and safety of such treatment largely depends on compliance with the exact dosages and formulations of medications. You can find a fairly large number of herbal infusions in pharmacies, but products prepared from freshly harvested herbs may in some cases be more effective. Below are several recipes for using this herb in gynecology.

Erosion of the uterus

For erosion, douching with infusion is used. Take 3 tablespoons of dry plant per liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and let cool. Afterwards, strain and douche for 20 days.

Irregular and painful periods

Equal parts (20 grams) of celandine, valerian root, peppermint, blackberry leaves and yarrow are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. Take 150 grams of infusion orally daily until symptoms disappear.

Uterine bleeding

Pour boiling water over 20 grams of celandine, rosehip, nettle, and St. John's wort and let it brew. Drink 3-4 times a day, 100-150 grams.

Important! Only the attending gynecologist can prescribe the use of this plant as an additional remedy.

Celandine for oncology

Used in the treatment of cancer various components based on this herb. In terms of effectiveness, the juice of this plant comes to the fore; decoctions and infusions have slightly less pronounced properties. The best result is achieved during the initial course of the disease, before metastases appear.

It is usually used externally for various oncological diseases skin and benign formations. At malignant tumors decoctions and infusions are used as compresses. Freshly squeezed juice applied to the affected areas in the form of lotions and parallel use of the infusion orally will reduce painful sensations Thanks to the alkaloids it contains, it will help prevent the spread of the disease.

Scientists have proven that the use of this herb after surgery limits the spread of metastases and the most effective result achieved in the treatment of precancerous conditions. The components in the composition have antibacterial properties, which has a positive effect on the general condition and increased immunity, which is especially important after chemotherapy.

Your doctor will help you choose the right dosage and the dosage form of the drug, which will improve the quality adjuvant therapy and speed up recovery. Depending on the type of cancer, its course, stage, the final result will depend. Some patients feel relief after just a month or two of maintenance therapy, while others require six months to a year of medication to achieve the effect. Criteria that are taken into account by the doctor and can increase the effectiveness of herbal medicine:

  • general condition of the patient;
  • cancer stage;
  • which organs are affected;
  • presence or absence of metastases.

The medical community has proven that at an early stage in cancer, this medicinal herb prevents the growth and spread of tumors, but in the presence of metastases it is used only as supportive herbal medicine.

Types of cancer and prescription drugs

Lungs' cancer

For this type of cancer, the juice of the plant is most effective. Every day on an empty stomach you should drink 150 milliliters of water with the addition of one drop of juice. Every day you need to increase it by one drop, and so on for up to 25 days. Then reduce the dose in reverse order, one drop per day.

Breast cancer

For breast cancer, a tincture is used. One tablespoon of dry plant is poured into 500 milliliters boiled water. Let it brew for about an hour and drink 3-4 times a day before meals. You can also use lotions with this infusion if the cancer is located on the top.

Stomach cancer and skin

Stomach cancer is treated by taking the juice orally. The dosage is selected individually and depending on the severity of the disease. The initial stage of skin cancer is treated with compresses from the juice of the plant, and is also selected individually.
Antitumor characteristics are due to nitrogen-containing biologically active components, vitamins (A, C) and flavonoids, which also have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

In oncology it is used as:

  • maintenance therapy;
  • treatment of hormone-dependent neoplasms;
  • in combination with ionizing radiation and cytostatic drugs.

During irradiation and chemotherapy, patients' immunity and the body's overall resistance to any infections sharply decrease. IN in this case celandine activates defense mechanisms, reduces the spread of tumors, the development of metastases, returns to normal psychological condition. Thus, this plant is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of cancer. early stages and in the postoperative period.

Important! The juice should not be taken orally in its pure form. It is diluted with water or made alcohol tinctures, gradually increasing the dose by one or two drops daily. The course lasts a month. Repeatedly, up to three courses. If side effects occur, reduce the dosage.

Treatment of psoriasis with celandine

Following from the name of this herb, celandine is widely used for various skin diseases and infections, including psoriasis. It should be remembered that a positive effect will be achieved only with a course of treatment and strict adherence to dosages, since the plant, although medicinal, is toxic due to its alkaloid content. To treat psoriasis, this herb is used in combination - externally and internally to obtain a lasting result.

Tincture recipe for psoriasis

  • mix celandine, string, tansy;
  • add vodka so that it covers the mixture by a few centimeters;
  • leave for 2 weeks.

In the early stages, an infusion of violet and celandine helps a lot. Pour 500 milliliters of boiling water over a tablespoon of plants, leave and strain. You need to drink a tablespoon of tincture three times a day.

Ointments are used for external use. Mix one part of well-chopped herb with baby cream 1:2. You can also use Vaseline as a base. Apply to plaques daily until a noticeable effect appears.

Note! The use of the drug is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Folk recipes with celandine

Traditional medicine has long been using “swallow grass” to combat many ailments. It was used to cauterize callous formations, get rid of papillomas, use it as a remedy for toothache, and treat stomatitis. For inflammation. internal organs they drank infusions and decoctions, prepared juice for the winter so that they could always have this miraculous remedy on hand.

Colds and adenoids

Add a teaspoon of dry plant to 200 milliliters of boiled water, let it brew for a day, then filter. This infusion is dripped into the nose, 3 drops several times a day for 7 days for young children and 5-7 drops for adults.


Use the same infusion as in the previous recipe, as well as juice. The juice contains the highest concentration of active substances, so it should be used with caution - no more than a couple of drops in each nostril. Symptoms of the disease will disappear on days 3-5 of therapy.

Treatment of conjunctivitis and eye diseases(leukoma, stye)

Every day, apply cotton pads soaked in the infusion to your eyes for a few minutes. For barley, apply a cotton ball with juice or infusion in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Gastrointestinal diseases

For illnesses gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, urolithiasis use the following recipes.


A collection of this medicinal plant (2 parts) is used with the addition of coltsfoot (2 parts), elecampane (1 part), mint (2 parts). Add a tablespoon of mixed herbs to a glass of boiling water (200 milliliters), leave for 10-12 hours. Drink 100 grams of infusion three to four times a day.


Collection of mint and greater celandine, in a ratio of 4 to 1. Add 3 tablespoons of the collection to half a liter of boiling water, leave for dark place half an hour. Use according to the following scheme:

  • 1. 1, 2, 3 day a tablespoon, 7 times.
  • 2. 4, 5, 6, 7 days - three times a spoon.
  • 3. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 days - a teaspoon, three times a day.

This infusion relieves attacks and alleviates the condition.


During treatment chronic hepatitis In addition to antiviral therapy, a decoction of celandine with chicory is used. To 500 milliliters of boiling water add two tablespoons of chicory and one celandine. Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Can be used lemon juice and honey after cooling. Take three times daily before meals for two weeks.

Dosage, harm and contraindications

It must be taken with caution, in dosages determined by your doctor. Self-medication can lead to severe poisoning and death. Contraindications include:

  • epilepsy;
  • severe nervous disorders;
  • hypotension, as celandine lowers blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • long-term use;
  • pregnancy (can cause miscarriage);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergies and individual intolerances.

Being potent drug, it is used only on the recommendation of a doctor and in compliance with the dosage, recipe for preparing infusions and the duration of the course of treatment. Otherwise, side effects may occur.

Let us immediately admit that the large amount of knowledge about the use of this simple-looking herb is completely natural. It has been known for thousands of years, because even the ancient Greeks knew about the virtues of celandine. It was they who named it swallow grass, correlating the flowering period with the arrival of graceful winged birds.

It is not surprising that there is a wide range folk names among the Slavs, where, along with epithets of admiration, cautious nicknames are mixed. And here the wisdom of the people is especially obvious, because next to the healing benefits of curly grass there are its dangerous properties. Let's find out all the details on how to properly take advantage of the many benefits and not suffer from the poisonous threats of celandine.

Celandine: medicinal properties - review

It's easy to appreciate nature's bounty just by taking a quick look at the diverse range of conditions for which effective treatments exist:

  • Leather- eczema, neurodermatitis, various dermatitis, and even cancer;
  • Stomach and intestines- gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, intestinal dysbiosis, hemorrhoids, fissures, polyposis and rectal tumors;
  • and bile ducts- cholangitis, hepatitis;
  • Lungs and bronchi- bronchial asthma, whooping cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Ears, throat and nose- papillomatosis of the larynx, sulfur plugs in the ears, otitis, tonsils, adenoids and acute runny nose due to or infection;
  • Eyes and vision- cataracts and;
  • Metabolism and reproductive system - diffuse goiter and other pathologies of the thyroid gland, fibroids and uterine polyposis;
  • Systemic anticancer effects, including after chemotherapy or surgical removal tumors - to prevent metastasis.

Some of us first became acquainted with celandine long before adulthood. Have you also removed warts with celandine juice in the summer at the dacha or in the village visiting your grandmother? A bright orange droplet from the stem three or four times a day and - unnoticed! - the wart disappeared. Such a simple treatment took no more than 2 weeks. And this shining example how our ancestors managed without pharmacies and synthetic drugs.

Although celandine penetrated into official medicine. On its basis, ointments are produced for the treatment of dry calluses, warts and other skin formations. The water infusion is popular in hepatology, as it has a bactericidal and choleretic effect. And in oncology in the CIS countries they use a certified drug from celandine alkaloids - Ukrainian.

However, not every treatment involving celandine is as simple and harmless as the experience with warts from rural childhood. back side positive properties- recognized toxicity of the plant.

Celandine: contraindications

More than 20 types of alkaloids are an explosive mixture that makes celandine poisonous to humans and animals. Therefore, neither cattle nor pigs eat it.

The two main vectors of the harmful effects of celandine are various convulsive syndromes and pathological increased peristalsis.

Celandine is capable of irritating the skin locally and strongly toning internal organs - up to pronounced convulsive activity on the part of the nervous system, smooth muscles of the uterus and intestines.

Uterine polyposis: combining the power of decoction and oil

  • Prepare a saturated decoction: add 1 tablespoon of herb to 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes over moderate heat. We douche with warm, strained broth in the morning and evening.
  • At the same time, put a tampon with celandine oil at night. Duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks. A second course may be needed, before which you should take a week's break.

Prostate adenoma - use juice to help:

  • Prepare the juice: use fresh celandine with flowers, rinse it in running water, air dry it and blend it in a blender. Through cheesecloth, squeeze the juice out of the raw material and mix it with vodka - in equal proportions. Pour into glass and store in the dark.
  • The treatment regimen for prostate adenoma will require care and patience. On the 1st day, use 1 drop of juice per 1/3 glass of water. On the 2nd day there are already 2 drops of juice and so on. When the number of drops reaches 30 (this will be the 30th day of therapy), we take a break for 14 days, and then repeat the course from the very beginning.
  • The same scheme is effective for the prevention of prostate adenoma: complete the entire course regularly - once a year.

Swallow grass in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis

Potentilla herb and 2 parts peppermint. Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture and leave for 5 hours. We consume 60-80 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals - before, lunch and dinner.

Celandine and its use in oncology

2 ways to prevent cancer, including metastasis after traditional therapy:

  1. We use composite collection of dry herbs- celandine grass + nettle leaves + calendula flowers. Mix the components in equal quantities. In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon into a thermos herbal mixture one glass of boiling water and leave to brew until morning. We take the first half of the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening before dinner - the second half. The course of treatment lasts 1 month and is repeated once a year.
  2. We use dry grass: 4 tablespoons pour 1.25 liters of boiling water (1 liter + 1 glass). Strain the infusion that has cooled until warm and drink 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach - 30 minutes before main meals. Drinking algorithm: drink for 10 days - break for 5 days. Again we drink for 10 days - 5 days off. Then we drink for 10 days - 10 days off. Prophylactic treatment lasts 1 month. Postoperative treatment will require 2-3 repetitions of therapy: 1 month each - with the same one-month breaks.

A decoction of celandine is used both internally and externally. When used internally, the choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties of celandine appear. Taking it orally, you can get rid of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, cure a diseased liver, and delay the development of metastases in cancer.

External use is based on the antimicrobial, wound-healing and antifungal effect of the decoction. It is used externally in the treatment of eczema, boils, psoriasis, dermatitis, and fungus.

Chemical composition of celandine

A decoction of celandine contains a concentrate of all the substances contained in the plant. And by quantity useful substances Celandine will give a hundred points ahead of any other herb. It contains vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and other biologically active elements.

Chemical composition of celandine:

  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • alkaloids
  • saponins
  • bitterness
  • flavonoids
  • organic acids
  • tannins
  • essential oils.

Celandine owes its medicinal properties, first of all, to great content it contains alkaloids. In the roots their amount can reach up to 4%. The grass contains half of this amount - from 1 to 2%, and the younger the plant, the less useful substances it will contain. In total, about 20 were found in the celandine various types alkaloids. The following are of particular importance for medicine:

  • chelidonine
  • homochelidonin
  • sanguinarine
  • chelerythrine
  • protopin.

Chelidonine lowers blood pressure and has a calming effect on the nervous system. Homochelidonin produces an anesthetic effect. Sanguinarine stimulates digestive processes and relieves pain. Protopin relieves spasms of smooth muscles and tones.

Celandine is also rich in vitamin C and carotene. Organic acids include malic, citric and succinic.

Properties of the decoction

The following are used in medicine medicinal properties celandine decoction:

  • bactericidal
  • anti-inflammatory
  • wound healing
  • antifungal
  • diuretic
  • antitumor
  • antispasmodic
  • sweatshop
  • choleretic
  • soothing
  • painkiller
  • expectorant.

When using the decoction internally, you can get rid of many inflammatory processes that are hidden or obvious in the body. It also promotes healing of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes and stimulates the body's defenses.

When used externally, the decoction exhibits bactericidal properties, reduces proliferation processes, stimulates tissue regeneration, dries and anesthetizes. It is often used in cosmetology, as it has the most beneficial effect on the skin, whitens, tones, and disinfects. The insecticidal property of the decoction is also known. They get rid of fleas, bedbugs, aphids and other pests.

Interesting fact! In Rus', peasants used a decoction of celandine as a disinfectant, scalding pots for milk and dairy products with it.


A decoction of celandine can be prepared from both the herb and its roots. All parts of the plant are used in medicine. Helps with digestive problems herbal decoction celandine. External use most often involves the use of roots and rhizomes.

External use

Externally, a decoction of celandine is used for the following diseases:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • furunculosis
  • acne
  • fungal diseases
  • dermatitis
  • seborrhea
  • cutaneous tuberculosis
  • lupus
  • skin cancer
  • labial herpes.
You can also get rid of warts with the help of a decoction, age spots, dandruff, freckles. It is applied to the skin in the form of lotions, compresses, and washes. For extensive lesions, prepare a bath of decoction, into which the whole body is immersed. For fungal diseases of the feet, foot baths are prepared.

Internal use

A decoction of celandine is taken orally for gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and nervous diseases. With its help you can get rid of or alleviate the following diseases:

  • gastritis
  • enteritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • colitis
  • hepatitis A
  • cholelithiasis
  • cirrhosis
  • cholecystitis
  • oncological diseases
  • hypertension
  • neuroses
  • flu

Douching is also used for thrush, colpitis, and rectal polyps. For sore throat, stomatitis, toothache, gargle with a decoction. They also wash the nasal cavity when there is a runny nose.

Advice! A decoction of celandine, if used incorrectly and not following the dosage, can cause poisoning, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before using it.


Celandine decoction should not be used in the following cases:

  • for epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina pectoris;
  • allergic reactions.

It is also not recommended for children under 3 years of age and during periods of exacerbation of diseases. When treating, we must not forget that in large doses The decoction of celandine is poisonous. Using it internally without following the dosage can lead to serious poisoning.

Important: Using folk remedies based on celandine to treat any diseases is permissible only after consulting a doctor. The plant is poisonous and, if used incorrectly, can cause significant harm to the body.

You can learn how celandine is used in medicine from this video:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Greater celandine is known to many for its medicinal properties, because the plant fights wounds and cuts of the skin just as well as brilliant green or iodine. In addition, celandine is able to treat a lot of pathologies of the body that cause significant harm to the patient. Celandine decoction is in demand today folk medicine, since the medicinal and healing properties of this drink are common in folk medicine. The use of decoction as a treatment is based on its rich composition medicinal raw materials, the active components and vitamins of which, along with therapeutic treatment, have a positive effect on the condition of the sick organism.

Oral decoctions are used to treat internal organs, inflammation, and dysfunction. The medicine is used externally to treat wounds, abrasions, cuts and burns. At the same time, the benefits of taking the drug orally are considered effective in the case of complex treatment of pathology, with taking medications. The use of the decoction can be prescribed by a doctor who will take into account the condition of the patient’s body, find out the body’s contraindications, the form of the disease and the degree of combination of the decoction with medications. Self-administration of folk recipes leads to deterioration of the condition, development allergic reaction and worsening the condition of the body.

From the name of the herb it is clear that celandine treats a lot of skin diseases, along with providing assistance in the treatment of internal organs and human systems. Important: the plant contains more than 20 acids that can have a healing effect on the body.

What is prepared from the plant?

For therapeutic purposes, decoctions, infusions and tinctures, ointments, creams, teas and coffee are prepared from celandine. Each of these drugs has a therapeutic effect on the patient’s health, and when complex treatment allows you to cure pathology and restore health to the patient.

The use of each of the products is carried out according to a strict doctor’s prescription, especially if medications Prepare yourself at home.

When preparing, it is worth considering a number of tips and nuances, without which the benefits of your medicinal raw materials will be minimal.

What parts of the plant are used in folk medicine?

Today, many parts of celandine are used to prepare decoctions, tinctures and other medicines:

  • root;
  • leaves;
  • flowers.

Each component is collected at a strictly designated time, during the period of greatest saturation with useful components and vitamins.

The leaves and flowers of the plant are often used to prepare a decoction. medicinal composition which is considered the most useful in the treatment of many diseases. The juice and roots of the herb should be drunk in the form of teas and tinctures, which also have a healing effect on the sick body.

Important: each component has health benefits and harms, therefore medicinal purposes should only be carried out with a doctor's prescription.

Description of celandine

Celandine is a perennial herb, the beneficial properties of which are hidden in every part of the plant. The height of an adult bush is 30-100 cm, depending on the type of celandine and the place of growth. All parts of the plant contain bright orange juice, which is difficult to wash off the skin if it comes into contact with it as a result of picking a leaf or flower.

The stem of celandine is hollow, straight, thin, covered with sparse thin hairs, ribbed. The color of the stem is yellow-green (in the summer the grass becomes more yellow and rich, as a result of the large amount of orange juice).

The leaves of celandine are alternate, pinnate, and bluish below. The upper part of the leaves is considered sessile, the lower part grows on thin petioles, which are also considered medicinal. The shape of the celandine leaf resembles maple leaves, only with smoother leaves.

Celandine flowers are bright yellow, collected in inflorescences of 3-7 flowers. In addition, the flowers are collected in umbrellas, which are located along the edge of the stems. The fruit of the plant is a single-locular pod containing shiny dark egg-shaped seeds. Often the color of the seed is brown.

The plant reproduces by dispersing seeds by wind. Over time, the perennial bush creates a plantation around itself, reaching 3-7 meters. When collecting the components of celandine, you should use a knife, since carelessly collected flowers, stems and leaves of the plant will not produce offspring, and the bush will soon die.

Celandine is easy to recognize among other representatives of its own class - a large spreading bush, covered on top with bright yellow flowers that are odorless.

Where does celandine grow?

The use of celandine for treatment is possible for many, since the herb grows almost everywhere, including cold and dry areas of the country. Today celandine is found in Siberia, Far East, in the Caucasus, in central Russia. The bush is found in vegetable gardens, along rivers, houses, roads, and in gardens as a weed, since not many people know the true benefits of the plant. Less commonly, celandine is found in clearings, bows and edges, since the bright and constant rays of the sun do not allow the grass to fully grow and acquire useful substances.

Important: the greatest benefit for the body comes from a plant growing in “rich” soil, which contains many mineral salts, micro- and macroelements. In addition, with such growth, the plant reproduces faster and is endowed with fewer poisons harmful to human health.

When is it worth procuring medicinal raw materials?

Leaves and other components of the plant are harvested in the spring and summer. Flowers are collected later - in early autumn, because it is at this time that flowers are endowed with a large number of active and beneficial substances. Depending on the region of growth, celandine begins to grow after “hibernation” in March-April. But at this time it is not recommended to collect the medicinal components of the herb, since they did not have time to acquire the medicinal composition needed to treat diseases.

Grass collection is carried out only in warm, dry weather. Only in this case the raw materials can be preserved for up to 3 or more years. To prepare decoctions, fresh and dry herbs are used, but still a greater therapeutic effect is achieved if you drink a decoction from fresh celandine.

What does celandine treat?

The use of the herb internally and externally is due to the strong healing effect exerted by celandine on the sick body.

Using the herb internally and externally treats:

  • dysentery;
  • rheumatism;
  • hypertension;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • eczema;
  • intestinal polyposis;
  • psoriasis;
  • liver, gallbladder and kidney disorders;
  • papillomatosis;
  • cutaneous tuberculosis.

Special attention should be paid to the healing effects of the skin - the plant treats:

  • scabies;
  • warts;
  • calluses;
  • hives;
  • burns;
  • ulcerative formations.

You should drink a decoction of celandine according to a doctor's prescription - self-administration of medicinal raw materials is carried out only externally, as a disinfectant for wounds and cuts.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of the decoction

All components of celandine are endowed with a mass of useful substances that have a healing effect on the condition of the body:

  • alkaloids (berberine, chelidamine, protopine, stylopine);
  • carotene;
  • chelidonic, malic, ascorbic, succinic, citric acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • resinous substances;
  • fixed oils;
  • ash;
  • coumarins.

Such a rich composition can improve the patient’s condition and short term rid the body of serious disorders.

Micro- and macroelements are also present in the plant, providing it with an increased amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Medicinal and healing properties of the plant:

  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • wound healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • fungistatic.

By following the advice, you can quickly and correctly prepare a decoction that will be endowed with a lot of useful substances and will not lose them during cooking. Important: if you prepare a decoction based on celandine yourself, you must strictly follow the recipe for preparing the medicine, which is prescribed by the doctor when you visit him.

  • To prepare the decoction, you should use fresh herbs, which contain a lot of acids and vitamins, which cannot be said about raw materials prepared for the winter.
  • A decoction of dry leaves, roots and other components will be medicinal if the plant is properly dried.
  • Hot medicine You should immediately strain and pour into a small container.
  • Fresh leaves should not be washed before cooking.
  • The broth should be cooked in an iron pan, after which it should be poured immediately so that the product does not lose its beneficial qualities.
  • Before cooking, the components of the plant (with the exception of flowers) should be cut.

By following these tips, you can prepare a useful and healing medicine that can cure the most dangerous and serious pathologies body.

Decoction recipes

The decoction is used internally immediately after preparing recipes, since, unlike tinctures, you do not need to wait for the preparation of the medicinal composition.

  • This decoction is used internally to treat a host of diseases. Pour 5 grams of leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. As you cook, strain and cool slightly. Drink the remedy 2 times a day, depending on the prescription prescribed by your doctor.
  • External use is carried out according to the recipe. Pour 200 ml of water into 1 spoon of leaves and flowers of the plant and boil for 15 minutes over high heat. As the broth cools, dip a cotton pad into the product and apply it to the affected area for psoriasis, wounds, burns and other skin disorders.
  • Pour 2 pinches of dried roots into 300 ml of water, put on fire and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Strain the broth and let it cool completely. Drink the finished product (take orally) 3 times a day, 1-2 spoons.
  • Take 10 grams of flowers and fill them with boiling water, which requires 150 ml. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat and strain. Drink before meals 3-5 times a day. After 2 months, the course is repeated according to the instructions of the attending physician. If desired, add 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar to the broth.
  • Pour 10 grams of leaves and roots into 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, then bring to a boil. If the broth does not turn deep yellow, keep the mixture on the fire for another 10 minutes. Drink 1 spoon along with drug therapy.
  • External use of the decoction is carried out after boiling 5 grams of leaves with 100 ml of water. After preparing the decoction, the liquid should be strained.

Each decoction recipe is stored in the refrigerator for 2 days - after this, the medicine partially loses its beneficial and healing qualities, necessary for the treatment of many diseases.

The use of these recipes is based on complex treatment of the disease, which is prescribed by a doctor upon diagnosis.

What can be treated with a decoction?

Drinking freshly prepared decoction is useful for treating many diseases. These include:

  • hepatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gallbladder polyposis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • lupus;
  • purulent wounds, skin inflammation, boils.

Proper oral use ensures a quick recovery of the body, but at the same time, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.


Celandine – poisonous plant. Application of herb in large quantities leads to dystrophy of the mucous membrane of internal organs, nausea, paralysis, vomiting and dysbacteriosis.

warthog, jaundice, jaundice, orca grass, swallow grass, night blindness, gusset, guillemot, yellow guillemot

A perennial plant with a poisonous milky sap rich in alkaloids. Used to treat skin diseases, polyps, liver and gall bladder. Folk remedy for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Name in Latin: Chelidonium május

Name in English: Wartwort

Family: Poppy

The medicinal properties and contraindications of celandine have been widely studied by medicine. The medicinal plant has been known since ancient times, but its use is currently limited. The reason is the high toxicity of the culture juice. It contains deadly substances and is therefore not recommended in traditional therapy. But for a number of diseases, there are no analogues to celandine in terms of effectiveness.

Features of greater celandine

Among the people, culture has many names. The generic Chelidónium is derived from the Greek word celadon, which means swallow. According to one version, the plant was named after its flowering period, as it bloomed when the swallows arrived. According to another, confirmed by written sources, ancient Greek doctors used celandine to treat eye diseases, since according to legend, the swallow bird healed its blind chicks with its juice.

The term "celandine" is based on the use of the culture to treat skin diseases. It is also called “warthog” for its ability to cauterize warts. Since the crop has always been widespread, it was found as a weed, everywhere and often grew in vegetable gardens and under fences (tyns), it is popularly called “podtynnik”.


What celandine looks like is well known to the owners of summer cottages. Every year they have to fight an intrusive weed - a perennial herbaceous plant, the stem of which sometimes reaches a meter in height, but more often grows up to fifty centimeters.

Great celandine. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

The stem is straight, usually bare at the bottom, but covered with numerous hairs. It begins to branch in the upper part and is covered with leaves. correct form. They are large, with a patterned edge formed by rounded segments. If the leaves begin to grow from the root, they sit on long stalks, while the upper ones fit tightly to the stem.

Greater celandine is an extremely tenacious crop due to its developed rhizome. It is short, vertical, but as it goes deeper into the ground, it turns into a branched long root. The older the plant, the more roots it acquires. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to fight weeds.

The flowering period is May-July. The warmer the growing region, the earlier the crop blooms. In warm, southern areas it can bloom as early as mid-April. And if the grass is mowed at this time, it will definitely bloom again, but closer to August. The flowers are bright, with golden-yellow petals of regular shape and the same size.

From June, sunny flowers transform into seed pods, which, remaining on the stem, quickly ripen and open. Small round seeds of black or dark brown. Each seed has a comb appendage that ants love to feast on. It is these insects that are active distributors of celandine, since by eating scallops from seeds, they contribute to the spread of the crop over long distances.

You can accurately identify celandine by breaking the stem. At the break, juice emerges, initially richly white in color, reminiscent of thick, viscous milk. But in air it quickly changes, acquiring an orange-red hue.

Geography and distribution

The easiest way to find the plant is near anthills, where insects regularly bring seeds. But the culture is also common in other territories. It is so unpretentious that it grows everywhere. The only climatic zone where celandine does not occur is the Far North.

To collect the plant, you can go to the forest, where it prefers shaded edges and clearings. You can stroll through the field or walk along the fences of your summer cottages. But usually the celandine turns out to be much closer: in the front garden of a multi-storey building, on the lawn, in a city park and public garden.

Herbalists who know the benefits of celandine prefer to breed it themselves. To do this, seeds are collected and sown in a greenhouse in February-March. With the onset of summer, the sprouts are transferred to open ground, on well-moistened soil in an area slightly shaded by the crown of a tree or shrub. Celandine takes root well, but it is important to control its spread, as it can aggressively attack other cultivated plants.

Collection and preparation

The beneficial properties of celandine are usually associated only with the upper herbaceous part, but it has been proven that the level of active substances in the root is higher. Therefore, you can harvest both the herbaceous and underground parts of the plant.

  • Grass . Harvesting is carried out when the plant blooms en masse, usually in May-June. Cut the stem at a height of five to ten centimeters from the ground, capturing the leaves. For drying, attics with free air access or sheds are used, where the raw materials are laid out in a thin layer and turned frequently. You can also use electric dryers, in which the temperature is set from fifty to sixty degrees.
  • Rhizome. Harvested simultaneously with grass for convenience. Dig out the accessible part of the root and quickly wash it off the ground in running water. The root is not dried, but used fresh to squeeze the juice out of celandine. There is more juice in the root than in the stem, and the content of valuable substances in it is higher.

It is important to be careful when harvesting the plant. It is advisable not to touch the stems and roots with bare hands. Juice is dangerous for healthy skin, as it causes irritation and itching. You should use goggles and a protective mask: juice fumes irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, often causing chemical burn larynx and trachea.

After contact with vegetable raw materials You should wash your hands thoroughly. Celandine is poisonous and can cause severe poisoning, even death.

Composition and properties

The use of celandine is limited by its toxicity. The culture contains more than twenty alkaloids, the level of which is higher in the root system. Their properties and effects were studied by Soviet pharmacologists.

According to the Russian scientist S. O. Chirvinsky, the combination of alkaloids chelidonine, hellerythrine and a number of others has antitumor activity. When applying celandine extract to the surface of the skin, it causes local irritation and reduces pain.

A complete understanding of the composition allows you to clarify what celandine helps with.

  • Chelidonin. A bitter substance, an alkaloid, a pure toxin. At the same time, it has a calming effect.
  • Homochelidonin. An alkaloid with a pronounced local anesthetic effect. But in modern medicine not used because it is a poison with convulsive action.
  • Hellerythrine. The effect of the alkaloid was studied by pharmacologists D. Muravyova and V. Chelobitko. The substance is of interest as an active analgesic. Experiments were carried out on joint use extract with morphine and others drugs sedative effect. In this combination, hellerythrine enhanced the sedative and analgesic effects of the main substance.
  • Sanguinarine. An alkaloid with a local irritant and subsequent analgesic effect. Its activity is especially high on mucous membranes. Getting into digestive tract, produces the production of bile and saliva.
  • Protopin. Smooth muscle stimulator. It causes uterine tone, so the main contraindication for celandine is pregnancy.

In the herbaceous part, the content of alkaloids is lower, but the same substances are present as in the roots. It also contains flavonoids, tannins, and a range of organic acids. Pure celandine juice from the herbaceous part is especially rich in vitamin C.

Use of a medicinal plant

To the question of what the herb celandine treats, you can find dozens of answers in different sources. This plant is considered a remedy for almost all diseases. And the practice of its use in folk medicine is not limited either by its high toxicity or by the warnings of doctors.

But we must not forget that the plant is poisonous. And in cases where you can choose more safe alternative, this is definitely worth doing. But there are diseases for which the medicinal properties of celandine herb are more preferable than other plants.

  • Diseases of the liver, gall bladder. Included with complex drug"Cholelitin", used for cholelithiasis. Produces bile production and reduces its viscosity.
  • Polyps. IN traditional medicine water infusion is used to treat intestinal polyps, nasal cavities with accompanying chronic sinusitis. Celandine is used in gynecology for polyps. The effectiveness is based on the cauterizing effect of the composition on the body of the polyps, as a result of which the growths die and are destroyed.
  • Skin diseases. In its pure form, the juice of the plant is used to cauterize warts, long-term treatment non-healing wounds, extensive calluses, in initial stages lupus Despite the fact that this method is recommended by traditional medicine, there are no restrictions from official medicine. When used externally, treatment with celandine is safe.

It is not allowed to use products based on medicinal plants internally during pregnancy, epilepsy and bronchial asthma. The juice or raw materials should not be consumed internally in their pure form. Use only as a basis for recipes for dosage forms.

Fresh juice for external use

It is used to treat calluses, as it has a pronounced irritating, keratolytic effect. Effectively removes warts, promotes the removal of papillomas and condylomas. In folk medicine they treat boils and eczema.

How to make juice from celandine? If the surface requiring treatment is small, it is enough to break off the stem and apply the cut with the escaping juice to the affected area. If more extensive processing is required, the fresh herbaceous part and root are crushed in a blender, wrapped in cloth and the juice is squeezed out.

Juice for cancer treatment

“The juice of the plant is used to treat cancer. It’s difficult to give any recommendations here, since usually this remedy becomes the last hope,” comments herbalist Andrei Varennikov. - But from my experience I know that the juice should be taken not fresh, but canned. It will not bring results if you have a hormone-dependent tumor of the breast, ovaries or uterus.”

There is no point in using celandine for diseases of a hormonal nature. It is not recommended to use the product for treatment thyroid gland, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts.

How to store celandine juice to take during cancer treatment? Herbalist Tatyana Kamyshan recommends preserving it with alcohol.


  1. Pass the raw materials through a meat grinder with leaves and roots.
  2. Squeeze out the juice.
  3. Add alcohol or vodka at the rate of 250 ml of 96% alcohol or 500 ml of vodka per liter of juice.
  4. Pour into a glass container and close the lid tightly.
  5. Keep out of reach, as the composition is poisonous.

Treatment with celandine juice should begin with a minimum number of drops - one to five drops, dissolved in water or milk. Take in the morning on an empty stomach. Gradually increase the dosage to thirty drops, adding one drop daily. Then reduce the dosage, also reducing it by one drop daily.

For the treatment of cancer, it is important to use alcohol infusion.
Herbalist Andrei Varennikov clarifies that the alkaloids contained in plant materials, which are harmful to cancer cells, can only be extracted with alcohol. A small part can be extracted when brewing with boiling water in the form of salts, so get full complex alkaloids can be obtained by dripping juice preserved with alcohol into an aqueous infusion of the plant.

Infusion for cancer prevention


  1. Grind dry herbs.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials into a thermos.
  3. Pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes, sealing tightly.

The infusion should be taken once a day in the morning, on an empty stomach. Dosage - two tablespoons. Prophylactic administration is carried out in a course of fifteen days. The course can be repeated up to three times a year.

Decoction for external treatments

A decoction of celandine is used to treat affected areas of the skin for scrufulosis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis (allergies). The product has a local antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, reduces tissue swelling and pain in the affected area.


  1. Grind dry herbs.
  2. Pour 4 tablespoons of raw materials into a container.
  3. Fill with one and a half liters of water.
  4. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Wrap it up and let it sit for eight hours.

Add the resulting decoction to baths or use for rinsing affected areas and lotions. Can be used to treat hemorrhoids, as an anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic. In this case, microenemas with celandine are used. The decoction is injected into the rectum and held for several minutes.

Infusion for oral administration

Is it possible to drink celandine to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels? Herbalists recommend using this remedy with extreme caution. But in the case of liver diseases, gall bladder, intestinal catarrh, diarrhea, the remedy is highly effective. It has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect, relaxes muscle spasms, and lowers blood pressure.


  1. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of dry herb.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Leave to sit for one hour.
  4. Strain.

Take a tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

Ointment for external treatments

Ready-made products based on celandine juice are available for sale. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. According to reviews, “Bee Celandine” helps reduce the severity of rashes, reduce the intensity of redness and inflammation of acne.

Homemade celandine cream is used to treat severe pathologies of the skin and joints. It contains significantly more active ingredients, so it should not be used as a cosmetic product. How to make ointment from celandine? We offer a simple recipe.


  1. Grind the fresh leaves and stems of the plant.
  2. Add Vaseline or lanolin in a one to one ratio.
  3. Mix and transfer to a glass container.

Apply to skin areas affected by atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The product can be used to reduce inflammation and reduce pain in skin tuberculosis and skin cancer. Reduces swelling and inflammation in joints with rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis.

When using celandine-based products, it is important to monitor the patient’s condition. Signs of intoxication will be headache, dizziness, severe thirst, loss of consciousness. Whenever dangerous symptoms You should seek immediate medical attention.

Celandine is a common and accessible plant. Its juice is rich in alkaloids - natural toxins that are destructive to cells affected oncological diseases. The substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce swelling, which allows the use of products to treat skin diseases. Ingestion requires caution due to the toxicity of the culture. It makes sense to use celandine to treat gastrointestinal diseases of an inflammatory, spasmodic nature.

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