The garlic tincture that Tibet gave us will give you eternal youth and life without troubles! Recipes for garlic tinctures to cleanse the body

Many people believe that the use medical supplies is dangerous because they contain harmful components. In some cases, you can actually do without medications and resort to folk remedies.

One of these is garlic. It has truly wonderful properties:

  • protects against infections;
  • has an antitoxic effect;
  • has antioxidant and antispasmodic properties;
  • at the required level, which is important for men;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors;
  • helps the heart and blood vessels: protects its valves from wear - thanks to the germanium content, relaxes the muscle wall of blood vessels, which reduces arterial pressure, fights atherosclerotic plaques - thanks to the allicin content, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Atherosclerotic plaques are deposits on the walls of blood vessels consisting of cholesterol and other fatty compounds. Over time, they increase due to fat accumulation and proliferation. connective tissue. This leads to a decrease in blood flow through the vessel and to insufficient oxygen supply to the body.

The plaque may come off - in this case it moves along circulatory system, creating a risk of vascular blockage. The brain and heart are especially at risk: in the first case, a stroke can occur, and in the second, a heart attack. Such vascular accidents can be fatal.

  • lead healthy image life and learn to neutralize the effects of stress,
  • move a lot
  • determine the level of cholesterol in the blood, control blood pressure, do biochemical analysis blood.
  • limit fat intake.

For all people, regardless of the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, it is good to cleanse the blood with folk remedies, for example, prepared from garlic, but it is especially indicated for those who suffer from diseases cordially- vascular system(hypertension, varicose veins, arrhythmia and others) - garlic is indispensable for cleaning blood vessels.

Tincture recipes

Various tinctures that are easy to prepare at home.

Garlic-lemon tincture

Tincture for cleaning blood vessels will make them smooth and elastic.

The recipe is simple. How to cook:

  1. We need even, healthy slices in dry, clean husks. 4 pieces.
  2. We are looking for healthy, medium-sized fruits. 4 pieces.

How to cook:

  • boil water and cool it to room temperature;
  • peel the cloves. Wash and finely chop;
  • wash the lemons, cut them with the peel, since it contains valuable substances, and remove the seeds;
  • grind everything in a meat grinder;
  • transfer the mixture into a clean, dry three-liter jar and fill it to the top with prepared water;
  • mix;
  • close the jar with a plastic lid;
  • leave for 3 days, in the room, stirring daily;
  • filter.

How to take: three times a day - 100 ml, before meals, 45 days.

Cleaning blood vessels with garlic and lemon can be lengthy. However, you should not prepare it in advance: let the product be fresh! Repeat the course of treatment after 2 months.


Cleaning vessels with such a product is prohibited in the following cases:

  • diseases gastrointestinal tract,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • stomatitis,
  • destruction of tooth enamel,
  • kidney diseases,
  • allergy to ingredients.

Cleaning with garlic and lemon is easy, but you need to take precautions:

  • ban on drinking alcohol,
  • smoking ban,
  • ban on the use of spices,
  • ban on drinking coffee and strong tea,
  • compliance plant based diet: this will cleanse the liver and gallbladder,
  • reception large quantity water - to remove harmful substances from the body.

Garlic tinctures have the same contraindications for use in the cases described below.

Alcohol tincture

The product not only cleanses blood vessels, but also has anti-infective properties.

It can be stored for a long time and has the advantage over other settings that the smell that people who eat garlic worry about will not be noticeable.

We will need:

  1. 350 grams of garlic,
  2. 1 glass of alcohol or vodka.


  • clean the cloves, wash and chop it;
  • transfer to a glass container;
  • screw the lid tightly;
  • send to the cellar for 10 days. Do not store the infusion in the refrigerator;
  • strain;
  • leave in the cellar for another three days.

Vodka tincture can be consumed directly or added to milk or honey to enhance the effect: take 3 drops of tincture for half a glass of milk. Take garlic infusion before meals, up to three times a day.

Alcohol tincture with honey

The product allows you not only to cleanse blood vessels, but also to get a surge of strength.

We will need:

  1. 250 grams of garlic,
  2. 60 grams of honey,
  3. 1 glass of alcohol or vodka.
  • peel and wash the garlic;
  • grind it in a mortar;
  • fill with alcohol;
  • leave in the dark for 10 days, stirring often;
  • filter through cheesecloth;
  • add honey and mix;
  • leave for 2 days.

Take one teaspoon before meals for a month.

Garlic tincture with milk

Lactic acids enhance its properties, so the tincture will help not only blood vessels, but also the heart, immunity, respiratory organs and intestines, relieving it of dysbacteriosis, stagnant feces, waste and toxins.

We will need:

  1. 4 cloves of garlic,
  2. 1 glass of milk.


  • heat the milk;
  • at this time, peel and wash the garlic;
  • chop the garlic;
  • fill it with warm milk and leave for 1 minute;
  • put the mixture on the fire and boil for 1 minute;
  • leave for 25 minutes;
  • filter the solution through cheesecloth.

The tincture cannot be stored, so we prepare it again before each dose.

Garlic wine infusion

Red wine dilates blood vessels, and in combination with garlic its effect is only enhanced.

We will need:

  1. 350 grams of garlic,
  2. 1 glass of red wine.

Preparing the tincture:

  • peel and wash the garlic;
  • we pass it through a meat grinder;
  • place in a dark glass jar and fill with wine;
  • leave in the refrigerator for a week.

Take after meals, two tablespoons of infusion, three times a day. The cleaning course is 1 month.

Garlic infusion with ginger, lemon and honey

Ginger has the same properties as garlic, therefore it enhances the effect of cleaning blood vessels. In addition, it activates nervous system and has a choleretic effect.

Lemons will provide vitamins, in particular vitamin C, microelements, pectins and essential oils.

Honey will help people suffering from heart disease. It contains glucose, the level of which in such individuals needs to be increased. If you consume too much sugar, you may experience problems, but this will not happen if you consume honey.

Ginger, lemon, honey, garlic can be used to clean blood vessels once every 5 years: they enhance each other’s beneficial properties, so the tincture is strong and concentrated.

To prepare you will need:

  1. 300 grams of unpeeled ginger root,
  2. 1 lemon,
  3. 1 head of garlic,
  4. 4 tablespoons of honey.

Preparing the product:

  • wash ginger, lemon and peeled garlic;
  • grind all the ingredients;
  • add honey and mix;
  • leave in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Contraindications include hepatitis, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and fever.

Tincture of garlic, lemon and honey

The tincture helps older people eliminate dizziness, spasms and pain in the heart, tinnitus, and also gain vigor and good mood. Garlic and lemon provide gentle cleaning of blood vessels.

We will need:

  1. 1 liter of honey,
  2. 10 cloves of garlic,
  3. 9 lemons.

Preparing the product:

  • clean the cloves, wash them and chop them;
  • Wash the lemons, cut off the peel and pass through a meat grinder;
  • mix everything;
  • add honey and mix again;
  • place the mixture in a jar, cover it with a cloth made of natural fabric so that the drug “breathes”;
  • send for 10 days in a warm, dark place.

Take: one tablespoon of tincture before meals, twice a day.

The mixture activates the nervous system, so it should not be used before bed.

"Tibetan recipe"

Cleansing blood vessels according to the Tibetan recipe will help make them stronger and stop the development of heart diseases: hypertension, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Tibetan healers claim that this tincture prolongs youth.

We will need:

  1. 300 grams of autumn garlic containing greatest number useful substances,
  2. 1 glass of alcohol.

Preparing the tincture:

  • We clean the cloves, wash them and cut them;
  • transfer it to a glass jar and leave for 15 minutes: during this time the composition will settle and the juiciest part will remain at the bottom;
  • remove the top half and put it away;
  • pour alcohol, screw on the lid and leave the mixture to infuse for 10 days in the refrigerator or cellar;
  • filter it through linen cloth, remove the cake;
  • leave the mixture in the cold for four days.

Tibetan garlic tincture with milk is taken. Pour a third of a glass full fat milk, add 25 drops of tincture. After this you can drink warm water. The tincture should not be taken at night: it has an invigorating effect.

Epilepsy is added to the contraindications.

Tincture for cleaning vessels " Tibetan recipe» can be applied every 5 years.

As we have seen, the cleansing of vessels is available to everyone, the most important thing is that only natural ingredients, and at least in this case we can do without “chemistry” and medications.

Garlic infusion has many useful properties, therefore is an indispensable tool to strengthen the body and improve well-being. Despite the simplicity of preparing the tincture, its health value is enormous, so you can take the product both medicinally and for preventive purposes. In order for the benefits of garlic in alcohol to be greater, it is important to properly prepare, infuse, store and take the tincture, observing the dosage, since it is potent drug.

Composition of the tincture

The effect of garlic tincture on alcohol is due to its rich composition. Basics active substance means - allicin. According to its properties, allicin is natural antibiotic, which increases the protective functions of the immune system and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Garlic is also rich in phytoncides and antioxidants, which alcohol extracts from the vegetable. These substances have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which is especially valued in garlic. The pungent garlic smell that puts many people off is due to high content essential oils. By infusing garlic cloves with alcohol, they lose their smell, while the benefits of essential oils are retained in the tincture. Garlic tincture is also rich in:

About the health benefits of lemon

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, M;
  • trace elements: calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • mineral salts.

Useful properties of garlic

The benefits of garlic in alcohol are due to the fact that it preserves all useful material garlic, but it also contains alcohol, which dilates blood vessels and accelerates the absorption of all beneficial substances. The use of tincture is useful for both internal and external use, therefore, a remedy made from garlic with alcohol is universal remedy for treatment at home.

Useful properties of tincture

Separately, garlic and vodka are used in medicinal purposes for a long time. Garlic is antiviral and antibacterial agent, which protects against respiratory diseases and strengthens the immune system. In small doses, the use of vodka is useful for controlling blood pressure, since alcohol dilates blood vessels and thins the composition of the blood. Therefore, a remedy made from garlic in vodka is unique remedy, which has many useful properties, including:

  • cleanses brain vessels;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • washes salts from vessels;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • promotes liver tissue regeneration;
  • cleanses the kidneys, lungs, lymph;
  • hinders development oncological diseases;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood sugar.

Garlic tincture normalizes digestion

The use of tincture helps to increase vitality, accelerate metabolic processes and improving appearance.

Garlic tincture from Tibet

Tibetan garlic tincture is a medicinal elixir that has been used by monks for centuries to treat various diseases. To prepare Tibetan tincture, you need to take 250 grams of fresh garlic. It needs to be pounded in a wooden mortar until it becomes porridge. The crushed mass must be placed in porcelain or ceramic dishes and pour 300 ml. alcohol Cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for 1-2 weeks.

About the dangers of salt for the body

After the product has infused, it must be squeezed out, strained and poured into a container with a lid. To make the medicine more effective, it is important to take it correctly. It is recommended to drink 5-10 drops of the product, swirling it with milk. Milk neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa. You should take the elixir no more than 2-3 times a day, and it is not recommended to increase the dosage. The course of taking the drug is 10 days. After completing the course, treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than after a month.

It is preferable to use alcohol to prepare the product, but you can also use vodka. For the tincture, you need to take 300 grams of garlic cloves and chop them finely. Place the chopped garlic in a liter jar and pour in 500 ml. vodka. Cover with a lid and leave for dark place 10 days. Every day the jar should be shaken well, but not opened. When the product is ready, remove the garlic and pour the liquid into a bottle with a dispenser. You need to take the product 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks. To make taking the product more pleasant, you can snack on it with lemon or orange. Then the medication should be stopped and repeated as necessary after 3-4 weeks.

Vodka tincture with garlic is taken 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks

Wine tincture with garlic

To prepare the tincture you need to take 500 ml. wine and heat it until hot, but do not let it boil. While the wine is heating, you need to chop 250 grams of garlic and pour it into a deep container, preferably a jar. Pour hot wine over the chopped garlic and cover with a lid. Leave for a week, then strain the infusion and take 20-30 ml. 1-2 times a day during the day and before bed.

It should be remembered that garlic tincture is infused with alcohol, so you should not abuse it, especially before getting behind the wheel or in combination with taking medicines, because the medicine may also cause harm.

One of the most effective products to cleanse the arteries of cholesterol deposits - this is garlic, this confirmed by research.

To cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, it is used in pharmaceuticals and home-prepared medicines.

Infusions and tinctures made from this spicy vegetable are especially popular. They contain all the beneficial substances in high degree concentrations, are quickly absorbed into the blood from digestive tract and show high efficiency, quickly bringing the arteries to a normal, functional state.

Useful properties of garlic

About the influence of garlic on human health in general and on its condition blood vessels known since ancient times. been repeatedly proven in numerous studies (, ).

Using it to lower cholesterol too scientifically justified.

Thanks to vitamins, minerals, phytoncides, essential oils and a substance called allicin, the vegetable works real miracles in the body:

  1. reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  2. dissolves atherosclerotic plaques that have already clogged the arteries;
  3. reduces blood clotting, reducing the risk of vascular blockage and strokes;
  4. strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels.

All this has a beneficial effect on improving the condition of the body as a whole. A person taking drugs and home remedies from this amazing plant, notes that:

  1. atherosclerosis recedes and symptoms go away varicose veins veins;
  2. activates brain activity, memory is strengthened;
  3. vision and hearing improves;
  4. the body's resistance to unfavorable external factors is observed;
  5. The immunity of the body as a whole increases.

Also check out the infographic:

Even just eating raw garlic several times a week for three months in salads and snacks can reduce the amount of cholesterol deposits in your arteries by 20%.

7 rules for the procedure

Despite the fact that cleaning blood vessels using garlic tinctures is a folk remedy, they must be used with great caution and in compliance with all rules. This is due to the fact that healing products can have a very strong effect on the body.

  1. You need to make sure there are no allergies before starting to prepare and take the garlic preparation. To do this, you need to analyze your previous experience of use and apply a little garlic juice to a sensitive area of ​​the skin to make sure there is no allergic reaction in the form of redness or swelling. People prone to allergies need to be doubly vigilant: it is recommended to consult a doctor and do a garlic allergy test.
  2. Take contraindications seriously. Garlic tinctures are prohibited for kidney disease, epilepsy, gastritis, stomach ulcers, high obesity, during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Do not perform the procedure frequently. Up to 50 years of age, it is better to do the cleansing procedure no more often than once every 3 years. Then you can reduce the breaks in treatment to 1 year. The frequency of courses is related to the degree of development of atherosclerosis, age and general health of the patient.
  4. You need to start with following a diet. A few days before the start of the course, you need to worry about the cleanliness of the intestines and exclude all foods that are contraindicated in atherosclerosis: fatty meat, lard, smoked foods, fatty dairy products, fried foods, industrial sauces, fast food, sweets with high content Sahara.
  5. Drink more water. You must consume at least two liters of pure drinking water per day. Intensive cleansing processes are underway: without a sufficient amount of water, it is difficult for the liver and kidneys to cope with the toxins released from the body at this time.
  6. Eliminate some foods from your diet. It is not recommended to drink alcohol, strong tea and coffee, cocoa, hot spices and seasonings.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Exercise physical activity, move a lot, be in the fresh air.

How to cook - 5 recipes and regimen

Among garlic preparations, garlic tinctures are especially popular - drugs prepared using alcohol-containing substances. Since they are stored for a long time, they are well absorbed into the blood and give the desired therapeutic effect.

Sometimes infusions are also called tinctures - medicines prepared not with alcohol or vodka, but with water.

The action of these drugs is almost the same, although they are different in composition. The difference is that infusions are stored in a cool place, as they have a shorter shelf life compared to tinctures. In addition, infusions can be taken by those patients for whom doctors do not allow alcohol-based products. So, how to prepare an alcohol extract from garlic? See below.

1. Tibetan recipe for alcohol

The medicine must be infused according to the recipe, which is called the recipe for youth, for 10 days. has been known since ancient times and is very popular in both the East and Western countries.

  1. Crush 200 g of garlic, preferably in a wooden or ceramic mortar, pour in 200 ml of alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place.
  2. After the period has passed, carefully filter the resulting liquid and begin taking it.
  3. The dosage regimen is as follows: consume three times a day, 20 minutes before meals, dripping into milk at room temperature.
  4. Start with one drop, increasing the dosage drop by drop until the end of the 5th day (in the evening you get 15 drops).
  5. From the 6th day they begin to reduce the dosage drop by drop, starting with 15 drops. On the 10th day, take only 1 drop in the evening.
  6. From the 11th day, take 25 drops three times a day until the tincture runs out.

This classic recipe the famous tincture of long-livers - that’s what it’s called, because in addition to cleansing and increasing the elasticity and strength of blood vessels and fighting atherosclerosis, she is also known for:

  • cleanses the blood;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases vitality generally.

Also check out the video:

The contraindications for this medicine are the same as for all garlic tinctures.

2. On vodka

You can prepare a more gentle version of the tincture - with vodka. To do this, take so much garlic that, when peeled and chopped, it occupies 1/4 of a half-liter jar.

  1. The spicy vegetable, crushed to a pulp, is poured into a half-liter jar to the top with vodka, closed with a lid and left to infuse in the dark for three weeks. Shake the medicine from time to time without opening the lid.
  2. After three weeks, the product is filtered into a three-liter jar and honey and lemon juice are added in the same amount as the tincture obtained after filtering. Stir.
  3. Take 2 tablespoons at night for a month.

This drug is dosed differently than Tibetan tincture, but has the same beneficial properties for blood vessels. In addition, it is believed that it boosts the immune system well, helps restore the body to postoperative periods, supports potency in men and improves the tone of the body as a whole.

If strong alcohol does not suit you, you can use.

You can check out this video recipe:

3. With lemon

The combination of two ingredients - lemon and garlic, infused with alcohol or vodka, is also well known. It is not difficult to make such a drug at home. The proportions in this recipe are not so precise, but it simplifies the task of preparing a healthy product.

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and grind the garlic into a paste. Take approximately the same amount of garlic and freshly squeezed juice so that the resulting mixture fills about a third of the glass container.
  2. Pour the mixture with vodka or alcohol, diluted so that its strength is no more than 50 degrees.
  3. Leave for two weeks in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally, but without opening the container.
  4. After time, filter and take according to this scheme: three times a day, dropping 5 drops into a spoon of water or into a cup of weak tea or coffee.

This tincture not only cleanses blood vessels, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, prevents vascular spasms, but also tones the body well, recommended for initial stage obesity and is considered an excellent prevention of cancer.

We suggest watching this recipe on video:

In order to help the kidneys better cope with their excretory function during cleansing, it is recommended to drink at least one glass vegetable juice in a day. It is especially useful to prepare freshly squeezed carrot or carrot-beet juices. If desired, they can be diluted with water.

4. Infusion of water

This drug is suitable for those who suffer from alcohol intolerance or simply wants to prepare a medicine without this ingredient.

  1. About 400 g of peeled garlic is ground into a pulp, placed in a glass or ceramic container, covered with a lid and left for 2 days in a dark place.
  2. Then the liquid is separated, squeezed out of the pulp, and filtered.
  3. The resulting juice is mixed with 500 ml of water, closed and infused in a dark, cool place for 3 to 5 days, shaking from time to time.

The medicine is taken 8-10 drops before meals for no more than 15 days. Even during this period you can feel a surge of strength and energy. The drug increases the lumen in blood vessels, dissolving cholesterol build-ups, improves blood circulation and invigorates well. It is recommended to be taken as a cleanser at any time of the year and as a tonic - especially during the cold season and spring.

5. Lemon and honey mixture

Three anti-sclerotic ingredients - honey, lemon and garlic - can be infused without water, vodka or alcohol. It’s easy to remember the number of ingredients: it’s 10 lemons, 10 heads of garlic and a liter of liquid (fresh, not melted) honey.

  1. Lemons are peeled, be sure to remove the grains and chop with a knife, in a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Garlic is peeled and crushed into puree.
  3. Mix the products and pour liquid honey.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a glass jar and cover with a cloth to allow air access.
  5. Leave for a week in a cool place, protected from light.

This mixture is consumed one teaspoon 4 times a day before meals. There is almost no garlic smell left, so you can safely take the medicine.

A mixture of lemon, garlic and honey should not be eaten just before going to bed, especially for those who suffer from insomnia. The drug is very invigorating, so it is preferable to distribute its intake during periods of active wakefulness.

How to eliminate the smell?

When grinding, the fragrant vegetable produces a persistent aromatic substance - allicin. It is to him that garlic owes many of its beneficial properties, including those associated with its anti-sclerotic effect.

But the specificity of this substance is such that even with one-time use, the smell remains for a long time. Moreover, the aroma comes not only from the mouth. His sources:

  • digestive tract;
  • lungs;
  • leather;
  • excretory system (through urine).

You can weaken this effect and even eliminate it by knowing about ways to neutralize the smell:

  1. After using the product, you should immediately brush your teeth, otherwise the smell will intensify.
  2. You can't interrupt him chewing gum: its effect is illusory and noticeable only to those who have eaten garlic.
  3. You can drink milk before taking the garlic preparation or along with it. Concomitant use helps dissolve the odor in the milk fat.
  4. Eating fruits, vegetables, and herbs neutralizes the smell of garlic well.
  5. Nuts, cinnamon, cardamom also help, sour juices and herbal infusions.

If you regularly introduce the listed products into your diet along with garlic preparations, then cleaning will not be accompanied by unpleasant moments associated with a pungent odor.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch these videos:

Garlic - effective remedy for cleansing, but its effect is clearly noticeable mainly on initial stage getting rid of cholesterol. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the anti-sclerotic diet. Otherwise, with age, the condition of blood vessels will deteriorate, and pinning hopes only on garlic will be useless. Tinctures trigger the cleansing mechanism, but do not eliminate “bad” cholesterol, which enters the body with food every day, forever.

People have known about the wonderful capabilities of garlic since ancient times. It is used as prophylactic against colds, they are treated purulent ulcers and wounds, is effectively used against tapeworms. It is an excellent diuretic. Successfully fights malaria, dropsy, atherosclerosis. This is an insignificant list of those healing properties which he has garlic. In fact, it is a most wonderful elixir that carefully protects human body from harmful and insidious influences external environment, and also helps to cope with age-related and hereditary diseases.

Ways to use garlic are different. It is consumed internally, ointments are prepared, vapors are used, and even worn as an amulet on the chest. But perhaps the most effective and versatile remedy is garlic tincture. It is she who, when entering the human body, causes a strong beat for all types of diseases, rejuvenates blood vessels, tissues, organs, blocks everything harmful and dangerous to health that lives in each of us.

In order to garlic tincture affected the body as effectively as possible, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. Only in this case will it have all the necessary miraculous properties and represent a powerful preventive and therapeutic agent.

Garlic tincture with alcohol: recipe

So, to turn garlic into a divine elixir, we need 300 grams medical alcohol(at worst, you can use vodka) and 250 grams of peeled heads of garlic. The latter must be ground and placed in some container. Pour alcohol on top, put in a cold place and wait ten 10 days.

After this period, the resulting liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, and the mixture is thoroughly wrung out. In the new container we should have 300 grams of greenish liquid.

We again put it in a cold place for three days. During this time, a dark green sediment will appear at the bottom. It will not be of any interest to us, but the garlic tincture itself is already ready for use. Thus, the entire period of preparation of the wonderful elixir takes 13 days.

On the 14th day the course of treatment begins. It is divided into two stages. The first stage takes 10 days, the second stage continues until the garlic tincture runs out.

Take drops three times a day. The drops must be dissolved in 50 grams of milk. On the first day, one drop in the morning, two drops at lunch, three drops in the evening. The second day begins with four drops, five drops in the afternoon, six drops in the evening. We start the third day with seven drops, the fourth with ten.

We end the fifth day with fifteen drops, and the sixth day we also start with fifteen drops. Then he takes fourteen drops at lunch, and thirteen in the evening. We start the seventh day with twelve drops and end with ten. Thus, we reduce each dose by one drop. In the evening of the tenth day, we take only one drop, and this completes the first stage of taking garlic tincture.

The second stage begins on the 11th day of the course. Here, administration is also carried out in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 25 drops at a time, dissolved in the same 50 grams of milk. Its duration is three months.

Right prepared garlic tincture in alcohol effectively combats chronic gastritis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, increases secretion and motor function gastrointestinal tract. Has a beneficial effect on metabolism, cleanses the body of calcium deposits; expands peripheral and coronary vessels, normalizes heart function and significantly improves potency in men. Garlic tincture must be taken regularly throughout your life.

25 comments to the post “Garlic tincture with alcohol”

    You write: “Garlic tincture must be taken regularly throughout your life.” — And many sources say that you can take it once every 3-5 years, and in some places even once every 6 years.
    who to believe?????

    You probably used Chinese garlic, since you write that the tincture is green.
    If you use your own, without chemicals, the tincture will have a white tint.
    I don’t think chemical fertilizers will help with treatment!!!

    Please tell me, should I take the tincture before meals or is it not important? Thank you.

    Why did my garlic tincture with alcohol turn out red? Thank you.

    Elmira, take the tincture 20 minutes before meals.
    Pavel, what you say is correct, take the course every 3-5 years.

    “What color should the tincture be?”
    At first, immediately after cooking, it is very light yellow and transparent.
    Later - after 2-3 weeks, just yellow.

    A month after I stopped taking the tincture, I had an ultrasound, the plaque became smaller by 5%, the doctor said that it was good that it had not increased.

    Today is day 10, three days ago my blood pressure dropped sharply and for the third day my condition has not been good, constant dizziness. It gets especially worse after you drink the tincture, and you feel like your heart hurts and you’re short of air. Maybe mine have worsened neurological diseases? Or is the weather acting, or is it still the tincture? Should I continue drinking or not?

    Please tell me, in three days the finished tincture settles, and it turns out to be two-layer, upper layer yellow and transparent, but cloudy below. Do I need to shake it before drinking or drink only the clear infusion? My sediment turned out not at the bottom, as written, but exactly in half.

    “It turns out to be two layers, the top layer is yellow and transparent, and the bottom is cloudy.”
    I only drank clear, didn’t shake it

    6 years ago, I suffered from VSD, without validol tablets, I could not go to the store next door to my house, after I took the course, after a couple of months I was already running. I drank strictly according to the regimen with milk. Tomorrow I will start a new course.;)))

    Please tell me, what is the reason for such a break of 5-6 years?

    “Please tell me, what is the reason for such a break of 5-6 years?”
    Honestly? Don't know! Think - huge pressure on the heart and digestive system.

    I read somewhere that once every 5 years you need to drink the tincture, supposedly the vessels will be clean throughout this period, but you can do it more often.

    Please tell me whether it would be correct to infuse the tincture not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature? After all, in ancient times there were no refrigerators. And how important is the color of the tincture? For me it turned out to be red-brown, the color of thick transparent kampot.

    A kakoj spirit vi brali? Medicinskij toze bivajet raznij. Jestj 4isto spirt, a jestj spirt kotorim dezenficirujut instrumenti, i jevo upotreblat nelza.
    No jesli bilo s 4istim spirtom i stanovitsa huze, tagda navernaje sam organizm 4evota neperevarivajet. Ne vra4- neznaju.

    Wonderful tool, drank several times. I’m drinking it now after intestinal surgery (a year has passed), I recommend it to everyone. I feel much better! This time I read a recipe in a book on hemeopathy adding more honey and 30% propolis tincture to the tincture. Naturally, there is probably individual intolerance.

    I made a tincture. It was divided into two layers: below - cloudy, yellowish white, above - transparent, yellowish red. Tell me, should I shake it or use only the clear part?

    There is a lot about this method on the Internet, the methods of administration are different and nowhere is there an answer, where could the ancients (usually attribute the tincture to Tibet) get the alcohol if they learned about its existence only in the Middle Ages from alchemists?
    The second question is how can you properly prepare a tincture, if it doesn’t matter what you infuse with - alcohol or vodka - dissociation processes and others chemical reactions cannot be identical in both cases.

    The conclusion is this: the technique is a MYTH, the tincture can be dangerous, medical research was not carried out. What kind of substances are formed in the infusion - some are red, some are green, yellow...
    With the same success, you can take drops from Feri or washing powders - what if the blood vessels are cleaned better?
    Is anyone here from Veloriba or Velobaggio, have you tried it?

    I can’t understand anything: several days have passed, and my grated garlic does not produce juice. Does anyone know why? And is it possible, in my case, without waiting for the juice to appear, to dilute the garlic with alcohol? Or does it seem to be due to the quality of the tincture?

    Tell me please. If a tincture of garlic alcohol has been in the refrigerator for three years, can it be consumed according to the scheme? Thank you

    A very good remedy... It turns out to be a light golden color... easy to drink, with milk... A few years ago, my mother drank the tincture... Cholesterol dropped from 12.0 to the norm of 4.8... I drank it at intervals of 5 years... My mother, God bless her, is 88 years old...

    Tomorrow I will start my fifth dose of garlic tincture. I chose four years for myself (I drink leap years since 2000). It’s a pity that only today I realized the reason that you need to knead, and not grind. I hope in 2020 there will be an opportunity to correct this mistake. I also try to stick to the diet. However, life sometimes dictates its own rules.
    I still don’t know if it can be combined with medications. I entered the site precisely for this purpose. In 2012 he suffered a massive heart attack, but with minor losses. If it weren’t for the inattention of the doctors (I myself came to them with a complaint of not feeling well), I would have started my fourth appointment in August-September of that year, but in June, without waiting for my turn for a blood test, I ended up in intensive care. Now I have to deal with arrhythmia. Otherwise, I can say that after taking it, my vitality increases significantly in all respects...

    Is it possible to exceed the dose, not 25, but 30 drops, otherwise my course lasted for 2 months?

    The garlic tincture in alcohol stood for 20 days, instead of 10. After straining, it turned out greenish. It stood in the refrigerator for 2 days, the liquid on top acquired Brown color, and the lower one (thick greenish mass). Is it safe to use?

    Can you please tell me whether I can use boiled milk or only raw milk?

Since the time of the ancient philosopher Avicenna, garlic tincture has been used for all diseases.

The tincture was used to treat colds, stomach diseases, all kinds of inflammations, infections, used against toothache, and removed worms and dandruff. In China, garlic was used during the plague, and Tibetan monks created a recipe for an elixir of youth based on garlic.

Tibetan alcohol tincture recipe

Tibetan garlic tincture is used in our time to cleanse blood vessels, and Tibetan monks called this mixture the elixir of youth. The recipe was found in Tibetan monasteries in 1971.

For cooking elixir according to the recipe Tibetan monks you need 250-300 g of garlic and 300 ml of pure alcohol. For the elixir, select fresh garlic is taken, which has not had time to sprout and spoil.

Crush the peeled heads of garlic with a wooden masher until mushy in a glass, wooden, clay or ceramic plate. The crushed garlic is poured with alcohol in a clay or dark glass container, closed and left to brew for 10 days. After this, the mixture is filtered, the liquid is squeezed out of the garlic and left for another 3 days. After three days, filter again, leaving only a light liquid.

Accepted prepared elixir 20-30 minutes before meals according to the scheme, washed down with milk. Milk is necessary to protect the stomach from alcohol. It is taken in an amount of 50 ml at a time.

Recommended intake of garlic tincture:

The remaining days, drink no more than 25 drops per day with milk, until the tincture is completely finished.

It is important to observe the dosage of the tincture without increasing or decreasing it.

The course of treatment is repeated after 5 years.

Benefits and harms

Numerous studies have proven that garlic helps lower cholesterol and systolic pressure. Garlic is antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. A small amount of alcohol dilates blood vessels and thins the blood. The combination of alcohol and garlic in the right quantities and when taken in accordance with the norms gives an amazing effect for cleansing blood vessels, improving blood circulation, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, and normalizing digestion.

Elixir is good remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular and cancer diseases and is used for.

Like anyone medicinal drug or product, garlic tincture has contraindications for use.

Taking the elixir is contraindicated for stomach ulcers and erosions, hemorrhoids, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, and for individual allergies or intolerance to a component of the tincture.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary if you are ill diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure.

Lemon-garlic tincture

To clean blood vessels, prevent colds, and improve metabolism, a tincture is prepared and used, which includes lemon and garlic.

You need to take four lemons and four peeled heads of garlic. Wash the food, cut it into slices and use a meat grinder or blender to grind it to a paste. Pour the entire mixture into a three-liter jar and pour warm boiled water. Close the jar and place in a dark place at room temperature for three days. After the specified period, strain the mixture and store in a cool place.

Take 100 grams three times a day before meals for no longer than a month.

Garlic tincture on water

The mixture prepared according to this recipe is used to improve general condition body, cleansing blood vessels and stimulating blood circulation.

You need to grind 400 grams of garlic to get a mushy mass. The mixture should be tightly closed in a container and left in a dark place at a temperature of about 20 degrees. After 2 days, strain the pulp and mix its liquid part with warm boiled water in an amount of 500 ml. Let the tincture steep for 5 days to a month, shaking occasionally.

This tincture is taken 10 drops three times a day before meals for two weeks.

After completing the course of treatment, you must take a break for at least a month.

The positive effect of garlic on the body is undeniable, but its use should be in moderation and taking into account contraindications. Therefore, before consuming garlic tincture, it is necessary to consult a specialist so that the treatment only brings benefits.

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