What not to eat if you are anemic. Diet for iron deficiency anemia: indicative menu for the day with options. What to exclude from your diet if you have anemia

Anemia is characterized by a lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin. In addition, this disease is characterized by the development oxygen starvation fabrics. It often happens that anemia is a symptom of another disease.

Anyway proper nutrition in case of anemia, it will help maintain health and hemoglobin levels, since this disease is often caused by a lack of a substance such as hemoglobin in the body.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that there are foods that it is advisable to avoid. At the same time, it is necessary to include other foods in your diet that will benefit not only a person’s blood, but his entire body.

Food restrictions

It’s worth noting right away one fact that may disappoint lovers of strong tea or coffee. The fact is that such drinks reduce the likelihood of the body absorbing such an important element as iron, due to the lack of which anemia can develop. And if you already have this disease, these drinks will only worsen the situation.

However, if you absolutely cannot do without them, you should at least try not to wash down your lunches, dinners and breakfasts with them. It's better to wait a few hours, which will allow useful substances digest from food, and then drink a cup of coffee or tea. This is very important to remember when establishing nutrition during iron deficiency anemia.

Should be completely abandoned daily use bran, nuts, beans, spinach and chocolate treats. Such foods contain oxalates, which interfere with the absorption of iron, which should not be allowed if you are anemic.

We can summarize and highlight what impairs iron absorption:

  1. Calcium. Of course, every person needs it, but it impairs the absorption of non-heme and heme iron. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, so you should not overuse them.
  2. Oxalates. We have already talked about them. In addition to the products listed, it is worth limiting the consumption of cabbage, beets, spinach, rhubarb, strawberries and certain seasonings, such as parsley, basil and oregano. Nutrition for anemia should not be based on large consumption of these foods.
  3. Polyphenols. These are the main inhibitors of iron absorption. They are found in coffee and black tea. However, it is worth limiting the consumption of certain types herbal tea and cocoa, since they also contain polyphenols. By the way, certain types of coffee can interfere with iron absorption by 60%. Therefore, the diet for anemia is based on limiting these drinks.
  4. Eggs.
  5. Phytic acid. It is found in legumes, bran, whole grains, walnuts. But there is a good solution: you can soak the beans for twelve hours, due to which you can reduce Negative consequences these products.

Therapeutic diet in case of anemia, it excludes large consumption of fats, because they inhibit hematopoiesis, and this has a bad effect on the person’s condition. Fats should be consumed in quantities of no more than 80 grams. Of course, this rule only applies to fatty varieties cape, poultry, fish, lard, lamb and beef fats. It is better to include vegetable oil and butter in your diet.

It is important to understand that women more reasons face anemia and its complications. Therefore, ladies need to carefully monitor what and how they eat. Restrictions will help avoid unnecessary reduction of iron levels in a woman’s body.

What to include in your diet?

Nutrition for anemia, aimed at maintaining human health, should supply the body with substances that promote good hematopoiesis. Of course, it is important to take into account what pathological conditions led to the disease. Food must have sufficient energy value.

The diet should include a lot of proteins. It is desirable that their quantity be about 135 grams. Daily meals based on the consumption of meat, fish, offal, egg white, homemade cottage cheese and fish. Protein is an essential component in the process of red blood cell formation and hemoglobin synthesis. In addition, it promotes the formation of iron compounds that are easily absorbed by the body. A diet for iron deficiency anemia should contribute to this.

Animal origin Vegetable origin
Pork liver 19,0 Dried porcini mushrooms 35,0
Lungs 10,0 Syrup 19,5
Beef liver 9,0 Brewer's yeast 18,1
Chicken liver 8,5 Sea kale 16,0
Egg yolk 7,2 Pumpkin seeds 14,0
Chicken heart 6,2 Cocoa 12,5
Language 5,0 Lentils 11,8
Rabbit meat 4,4 Sesame 11,5
Quail eggs 3,2 Buckwheat 8,3
Beef 3,1 Peas 7,0
Black caviar 2,5 Blueberry 7,0
Chicken 2,1 Halva 6,4
Pork 2,0 Beans 5,9
Mutton 2,0 Beans 5,5
Hematogen 4,0 Fresh mushrooms 5,2
Black currant 5,2
Dried apricots 4,7
Almond 4,4
Peaches 4,1
Rye bread 3,9
Raisin 3,8
Spinach 3,5
Walnut 2,9
Corn 2,4
Chocolate 2,3
Apples 2,2
Wheat bread 1,9
Raspberries 1,7
Pasta 1,6
Carrot 0,9
Potato 0,8
Bananas 0,8

Adults should consume enough carbohydrates, so it is important to eat vegetables, fruits, various cereals, honey and jam. It is better to eat food that is rich in vitamins, because they also contribute to good blood formation. Among the vitamins, it is especially worth highlighting thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folacin, cyanocobalamin and ascorbic acid.

B vitamins are found in large quantities in liver, meat, yeast, cottage cheese, fish, meat and so on. Folacin is found in cabbage, lettuce and green onions. Ascorbic acid found in vegetables, fruits and berries. It would be good to increase the consumption of rose hips, black currants, sweets bell pepper, citrus fruits. The fact is that these products are considered natural concentrates of ascorbic acid.

The diet for iron deficiency anemia also includes the consumption of mushrooms, fish, vegetables, meat broths and sauces. This should be taken into account especially by those who have decreased gastric secretion. Hemoglobin synthesis is based on microelements such as manganese, cobalt, iron, copper and zinc. There should be no shortage of them, so you should eat beef, lungs, kidneys, liver, porcini mushrooms, and so on.

The diet for anemia in children is based on a variety of foods. Food should be tasty and stimulate the appetite. The calorie intake should be slightly higher than age norms, which is achieved through meat and vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. If a child suffers from a severe form of anemia, the consumption of fats, especially at first, must be limited.

Of course, it is impossible to get rid of anemia through nutrition, but the right food will help maintain health and avoid complications in both adults and children.

However, in any case, the first thing that needs to be done is to establish nutrition. The diet must necessarily contain foods rich in vitamins B12, B9 ( folic acid), folate, and iron. Therefore, when looking for an answer to the question of which foods are good for anemia, look for products that contain the components mentioned above.

Healthy foods for anemia

  1. Meat products, especially turkey meat and liver, fish. These iron-containing foods should be consumed daily for anemia.
  2. Dairy: cream, butter, as they are rich in proteins and amino acids.
  3. Vegetables: carrots, beets, legumes, corn, tomatoes, because they contain substances important for blood formation.
  4. Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat. They contain folic acid and a whole range of substances beneficial to the body.
  5. Fruits: apricots, pomegranate, plums, kiwi, apples, orange. The role of vitamin C contained in these fruits is to help in the absorption of iron. Therefore, after eating a portion of meat, you should snack on a piece of kiwi or a slice of orange.
  6. Berries:, dark grapes, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, cherries.
  7. Brewer's and bread yeast include minerals important for blood formation.
  8. Medical mineral water with iron sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium composition. The iron it contains is easily absorbed due to its ionized form.
  9. Honey– helps absorb iron.
  10. Products against anemia, specially saturated with iron. These include baby food, bread and confectionery.

In the article we looked at what foods to eat if you have anemia. Even if the doctor prescribed medications, the listed products must be included in your diet.

Anemia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the level of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin in the blood. The treatment package necessarily includes diet correction. A therapeutic diet is prescribed for anemia to raise the level of missing blood cells.

Nutrition for iron deficiency anemia

The disorder, as the name suggests, occurs as a result of a lack of iron in the body. To restore the blood picture, you need to ensure that necessary elements. If the patient has been starving for a long time, adheres to all sorts of diets, or is physically overworked, he needs to adjust his diet.

In case the disease is caused internal bleeding or malignant formations, diet alone will not be enough.

A diet for anemia, called iron deficiency, can be prescribed both for treatment and as prevention. Its action is aimed at providing the body with missing vitamins and microelements, as well as a general strengthening of the immune system.

Diet for iron deficiency anemia mostly consists of protein foods, fruits and vegetables. Fats are limited to 40 g per day. The menu must be filled with fresh herbs, berries, and juices.

It is recommended to eat iron-rich foods together with those containing a lot of vitamin C, since the latter promotes the absorption of the former. You cannot combine them with dairy products, because calcium, on the contrary, interferes with the absorption process. This also applies to caffeine and alcohol.

Diet for anemia: how to create a table for adults

This disease in this category of patients is usually complex and long-lasting. The disorder is usually caused by prolonged excessive physical activity and an unbalanced diet.

The diet provides for filling the menu with proteins, vitamins and microelements.

Nutritional value of the diet for adults:

  • Proteins – up to 120 g;
  • Carbohydrates – up to 450 g;
  • Fats – up to 40 g.

Calorie content ranges from 2500 to 3000 kcal. Fresh fruits must be present on the menu. A lot of iron is found in potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, onions, garlic, corn, rose hips, apples, and citrus fruits. Among the berries, it is better to give preference to cranberries, viburnum, blueberries, strawberries and gooseberries.

Diet for anemia for pregnant women

Such a violation in the process of bearing a child is very dangerous because it can pose a threat to the development of pregnancy.

Treatment consists of taking a complex of vitamins and correcting nutrition. It is recommended to begin disease prevention in pregnant women at the planning stage.

During the gestation period, vitamins and microelements should be supplied to the body in larger quantities, since both the expectant mother and the fetus need them. In addition, the volume of circulating blood increases, that is, its cells should also increase.

Proper nutrition is very important for a pregnant woman, because the disease can also be caused by a lack of other elements (proteins, vitamins, minerals). The menu should include meat, fish, liver, buckwheat, berries and vegetables. To speed up the absorption process, eat cranberries, citrus fruits, and currants, because they contain a lot of ascorbic acid.

When anemia occurs due to a lack of vitamin B, more milk, eggs and meat products are added to the menu.

Diet for anemia in older people

This type of disorder is quite common in this category of patients. It's connected with in a sedentary manner life, chronic diseases, decreased immunity. The main thing in nutrition for the elderly is regularity. You can't starve or overeat.

Physiological aging of the body also affects internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, so do not overload it.

The menu for older people should include meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, and herbs. You should not switch to this at this age, as it will be difficult for the body to adapt to such global changes.

The diet should include eggs (2-4 per week), cereals, especially buckwheat, and vegetables. You should not eat a lot of legumes, because they are poorly digested at this age. Fresh fruits can be crushed to a paste-like state for better digestion.

Diet for anemia: diet for children

The diet of a sick baby should be very varied. In addition, the dishes should look appetizing so that the child does not refuse them. The daily menu should include meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. With severe anemia in children, limit the consumption of fats.

It is very important to introduce foods rich in iron and vitamins A, B, C into the diet, for example, liver, tongue, beans, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley), stews and pureed vegetables. A lot of vitamin A is found in seafood, especially fish oil and sea ​​fish. Vitamin B is rich in beef, legumes, prunes, and liver.

Diet for the development of moderate anemia

In most cases, therapeutic nutrition No. 11 is prescribed. It limits animal fats. This diet is prescribed for exhaustion of the body, decreased immunity, during the rehabilitation period, after a protracted illness.

Table No. 11 provides for an increase in the calorie content of the menu, an increase in the amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. All food must be served warm. They adhere to fractional meals - 5 meals a day.

In the menu when medium degree includes the following products:

  • Bread, gingerbread, cookies, muffins;
  • First meal;
  • Seafood;
  • Meat, liver;
  • Dairy and fermented milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes, cereals, pasta;
  • Berries, fruits, vegetables, dishes made from them in any form;
  • Beekeeping products;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas.

It happens that despite the diet the situation does not stabilize. The fact is that it is important not only to have a sufficient supply of iron, but also other nutrients. For example, the body needs vitamin E, which prevents the formation of free radicals and maintains the integrity of blood cells.

The diet for anemia should include foods containing a lot of vitamin B12 and folic acid (eg meat, cereals). These substances affect the blood's ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. In addition, folic acid improves iron absorption and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

As already mentioned, you must enter in the menu more vitamin C (cabbage, berries, citrus fruits). Products containing it are best consumed fresh, as they heat treatment it is destroyed.

What to give up

Diet – an important part any treatment. Don't neglect nutritional therapy. And in in this case There is also no need to refuse to adjust your diet, even if you are prescribed iron and vitamin supplements.

  • Cakes, ice cream, pastries with cream;
  • Sauces, marinades, vinegar;
  • Fatty meat, lard;
  • Margarine, butter, rendered fat;
  • Products made from puff pastry;
  • Smoked fish and meat;
  • Canned food;
  • Chocolate;
  • Sodas and alcohol.

In addition, you can consume no more than 13 g of salt per day. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended - at least 1.5 liters.

This menu can be used not only by people with low hemoglobin/red blood cells. It is recommended for athletes, people leading active image life, physically working hard. Calorie content is calculated in each individual case.

Therapeutic nutrition eliminates weakness, fatigue, adds strength and energy. The duration of the diet depends on the degree of the disease. At mild flow recovery occurs very quickly, shortness of breath disappears, dizziness ceases, apathy disappears, and the skin becomes healthier.

Prevention of anemia should be present at any age. At severe course diseases not only saturate the diet with foods rich in iron, but also take medications.

When preparing dishes, do not mix dairy and meat. To better absorb iron, you should consume it with greens and vitamin C. We must not forget that anemia can be caused by a deficiency of other elements.

Iron deficiency anemia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood. Anemia poses a danger to the brain and can cause hypoxia, which causes death nerve cells, which leads to mental degradation. The following symptoms are characteristic of anemia:

  • constant weakness
  • fast fatiguability,
  • decreased performance,
  • brittle nails,
  • dryness and thinning hair,
  • pale skin,
  • muscle weakness.

The reason for this condition is a deficiency of iron, which is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, the carrier of oxygen to organs and tissues. Diet for iron deficiency anemia is of great importance. In addition, anemia may be a symptom of another disease.

Heme and non-heme iron

With anemia, the body may experience a lack of heme and non-heme iron. The first is found in hemoglobin in red blood cells. Its function is the formation of a special substance - heme, which binds oxygen in the lungs for its further delivery to cells. For the formation of heme, divalent iron is necessary, which is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Sources of heme iron:

  • hemoglobin,
  • myoglobin,
  • meat (liver especially),
  • fish.

Non-heme iron is absorbed much worse. This process depends on how saturated the human body is with iron. If there is a deficiency, then it is absorbed better; if the body is saturated, absorption is lower. In addition, the absorption of non-heme iron depends on how it is dissolved in the intestines, and this is influenced by the composition of the food taken. Non-heme iron is found in most foods.

Principles of nutrition

Proper nutrition for iron deficiency anemia is one of the important components of treatment, but without iron supplements it is impossible to cope with the pathology.

Products should provide not only the supply of iron, but also trace elements and vitamins. The basis of nutrition is meat and products made from it. The body should receive more protein, at least 135 grams. Protein promotes the formation of quickly absorbed iron. Vegetarianism in this case is unacceptable.

For anemia, food should be steamed, boiled, baked, fried, or stewed. The diet for children should be high in calories and varied. Food should stimulate the appetite and be tasty. If you have severe anemia, you should limit your fat intake.

In case of secretory insufficiency of gastric juice, it is recommended to include various sauces in the menu: mushroom, vegetable, meat, fish.

Grocery list

You need to include foods with iron in your food. The following are recommended:

  • pork and beef liver;
  • egg whites;
  • rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal, beef, lamb, pork;
  • kidneys, lungs, heart;
  • beef tongue;
  • fresh fish (pink salmon, cod);
  • mussels, oysters;
  • fermented milk products, homemade cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat;
  • boiled sausage;
  • porcini mushrooms, chanterelles.

The best source of heme iron is organ meats, especially liver.

In addition to iron, the above products contain manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, which are necessary for anemia. Allowed to be eaten natural oil: creamy, as well as vegetable - sunflower and olive.

Every body needs carbohydrates; limiting them is not recommended. The table includes the following:

  • cereals,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits and berries,
  • flour,
  • jam.

In addition to foods with iron, anemia requires vitamins such as riboflavin, folacin, vitamin C, and pyridoxine.

Food restrictions

It should be remembered that fatty foods interfere with hematopoiesis, so some of the menu will have to be removed. Among them:

  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • lamb and beef fat;
  • salo;
  • fatty sausages;
  • margarine.

It is recommended to exclude or limit foods containing oxalates and phytic acid from the diet, which prevent iron from being absorbed. These are chocolate, bran, beans, beans, whole grains, nuts, rhubarb, spinach, parsley, basil. In this case, it is better to soak the legumes, this way you can reduce them Negative influence.

Calcium is one of the elements that impairs the absorption of iron. It is impossible to give up calcium completely, but you should limit foods with it and not eat them at the same time as foods rich in iron.

You should know that such popular and beloved drinks as coffee, cocoa and tea contain polyphenols, which interfere with the absorption of iron, and this can lead to the development of anemia. If you already have it, then it is advisable to refuse these drinks or not drink them immediately after consuming foods containing iron, that is, it is recommended to wait until it is absorbed.

Microelements to enhance hematopoiesis

The following microelements stimulate the formation of red cells and hemoglobin:

  • zinc: offal, beef, mushrooms, eggs, beans, cereals, yeast, Dutch cheese;
  • copper: cereals, black currants, watermelon, cranberries, strawberries, beans, liver, beef, horseradish;
  • cobalt: beans, cereals, nuts, fish, offal, milk, gooseberries, parsley, apricots, cherries, pears, raspberries;
  • manganese: beans, greens, cereals, pumpkin, raspberries, beets, black currants, cranberries.

Microelements are very important in the treatment and prevention of anemia

How to create a menu?

Breakfast options

  • any porridge;
  • steamed or fried cutlet;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • stewed meat;
  • pudding;
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetable puree;
  • fried liver;
  • hard cheese;
  • tea with milk.

Lunch options

  • first course: cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, milk soup, meatball soup (beef or chicken), vegetable soup;
  • second course: liver or kidneys (fried, stewed), meat (steamed, fried, boiled, baked, stewed), vegetable cutlets.
  • dessert: jelly, fruit salad or fresh fruits, cottage cheese.
  • drink: compote, jelly, tea.

Afternoon snack

  • coffee or tea with milk;
  • biscuits;
  • fruits.


  • cottage cheese dish;
  • pudding;
  • meat dish;
  • a fish dish;
  • caviar;
  • vegetable stew;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • milk, rose hip decoction, tea.

For the night

  • kefir;
  • bifidocus;
  • curdled milk;
  • Ryazhenka

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

  1. You can eat it in the morning fried liver with stewed vegetables and drink herbal tea.
  2. Snack on an apple or egg.
  3. In the afternoon, prepare vegetable soup, cabbage salad, boiled chicken breast, eat an orange.
  4. During the afternoon snack, drink a rosehip decoction and eat a hematogen (bar).
  5. For the evening, oatmeal, cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole are suitable.
  6. You can drink kefir at night.


Nutrition alone cannot cure iron deficiency anemia. However, diet is very important in this condition. First of all, you need to introduce foods rich in iron, vitamins and microelements into your diet. Great importance Protein foods are essential for the absorption of iron. It is necessary to remember the restrictions and try not to eat foods that interfere with the absorption of iron at the same time as iron-containing foods.

If you feel weak in your body, dizzy, headache, get tired quickly and even lose consciousness, most likely you have low hemoglobin in your blood. In such cases, doctors prescribe special diet for anemia, aimed at restoring vitality by enriching the body with iron and vitamins. We will look at what exactly you need to eat, which foods to include in your diet, and which to completely avoid, in this article.

Causes of anemia

The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Cases of transmission of the disease “by inheritance” are not uncommon. But the cause of anemia is not as important as the way to treat it.

After the disease is diagnosed, doctors prescribe special medications. It is possible that tablets are sufficient for a one-time solution to the problem. However, if you approach treatment comprehensively, you will have to completely change your lifestyle, including eating habits.

Why are we talking about lifestyle in general? The fact is that the quality of vitamin absorption by the body is influenced by factors such as rest and mobility. In other words, a person should lead an active lifestyle, to the best of his ability, of course, and also get good sleep. Only in this case will both drug treatment and diet be beneficial.

Principles of nutrition

With low hemoglobin, nutritional principles boil down to ensuring that the body receives at least 15 mg of iron, plus other vitamins and minerals. In this case, the diet should be balanced, consisting exclusively of healthy natural products.

These, for example, include lean meat and internal organs of animals (liver, heart). 200 grams of beef contains about 8 - 10 mg of iron - almost a daily dose. We can get the missing 5-7 mg from pomegranates, apples, persimmons, and buckwheat porridge. There is not much iron in vegetables and fruits, but it is better accepted by the body.

You can enrich apples with iron using a very simple folk method. You will need a couple of clean nails. We stick them into the apple and leave it like that for a couple of days. During this time, the nails will oxidize and transfer some of their iron microelements to the apple.

Nutritionists advise consuming foods with high content iron with ingredients that contain a lot of vitamins A and C. They contribute to better absorption of the element. As a result, it is recommended to sprinkle the meat with lemon juice, or serve it with natural orange or grapefruit juice.

Prohibited Products

  1. It is advisable to exclude foods high in calcium, as the latter interferes with the absorption of iron.
  2. Dairy and fermented milk products are recommended to be consumed separately and in small quantities. For example, you can eat cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, and drink kefir before bed.
  3. The same applies to coffee and tea, since they contain tannin, which washes iron out of the body.
  4. It is recommended to limit sugar intake chocolates, condensed milk, cocoa and caramel. It is recommended to serve honey and sugar-free marmalade with tea.
  5. It is important to note that it is not advisable to eat cereals such as millet and oats. Contraindicated fatty types cheeses, sour cream and yogurt.
  6. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding fried foods. We are not talking about exclusively low-calorie boiled food, but any dish must be balanced and thermally correctly prepared. This will help you cope with anemia faster.

Valid menu

A diet for anemia suggests that foods will either be served fresh, or boiled or stewed.

Daily limits on bread, butter and sugar should also be observed.

You can eat no more than 100g of bread per day, that’s two to three slices, 30g butter and 50g refined sugar. Brewer's and baker's yeast should also be limited to 5g per day, which is two teaspoons.

Diagnosis of anemia in women reproductive age occurs especially often. If a general blood test shows a low hemoglobin level, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons and prescribe comprehensive treatment. It will be selected depending on the etiology of the disease and the degree of drop in iron levels in the blood. Along with the treatment, the doctor will recommend a special diet designed to improve the intake of iron, vitamins and microelements into the body.

Diet alone for low hemoglobin in women cannot always qualitatively increase its level, but the role of nutrition in anemia is very significant. Without adjusting the daily menu, treatment for low hemoglobin in women will not be effective enough.

From this article you will learn what is better for a woman to eat if she has low hemoglobin in order to improve her well-being and help the body replenish the missing components from food.

What was wrong with the food?

In some cases, the degree of anemia can be reduced by changing daily menu: this applies exclusively external reasons anemia, when it is associated with a lack of intake into the body necessary substances from food. One-time errors in nutrition will not be fatal to the body, but if the diet and composition of food are chosen incorrectly, the consequences will not take too long to occur. Possible problems with nutrition that can cause or aggravate a drop in hemoglobin levels in women:

  • improperly balanced diet;
  • long-term vegetarianism, veganism;
  • strong physical exercise with inadequate nutrition;
  • malnutrition, starvation;
  • strict diets.

If a woman has low hemoglobin and at least one symptom from this list is characteristic of her, this means that she urgently needs to make changes to her lifestyle, and, mainly, to the menu.

Functions special food with low hemoglobin in women

  1. Replenish the lack of iron, vitamins, microelements.
  2. Establish a constant supply of missing substances.
  3. Do not interfere with their absorption by the body.
  4. Minimize the negative impact on the hematopoietic and circulatory organs.
  5. Strengthen your immune system.

Iron in food

At first glance, everything is very simple: iron deficiency anemia requires diet and treatment, which means you need to eat foods rich in iron, and its level will be restored. This is only partly true. We don’t add, for example, iron filings to food! The fact is that the body is not able to absorb any iron in the diet.

Iron can be found in foods in various forms:

The body will receive the most heme iron from red lean meat (veal, lamb, chicken, fish). The darker the meat and the less fat it contains, the more iron it can give to the eater.

It is better to combine foods containing non-heme iron with ascorbic acid in other foods, wash it down with food sour juices. But eggs, calcium-containing foods, oxalates, tannin and caffeine greatly inhibit the ability to enrich yourself with the vital metal.

Do not neglect plant foods: legumes, leafy vegetables with dark green leaves (spinach, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes), nuts and grains, dark berries and juices (plum, tomato) will readily share the iron they contain with the body.

In the absence of allergies, it is useful to consume dark varieties of honey - it not only promotes better absorption of iron, but also additionally enriches all organs with many useful microelements.

EXTRA TIP! Temporarily hide Teflon-coated dishes in the closet, find your grandmother's cast-iron frying pan and iron pan: food cooked in such dishes will absorb some of the iron. Some people even put cast iron balls or figurines into their food while cooking.

When iron alone is not enough

Iron deficiency anemia in women is the most common type of anemia, for the treatment of which it is necessary to reconsider your diet. However, there are also cases of low hemoglobin caused by a lack of other elements (folic acid, vitamins B6, B12). In this case, it is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in these substances: fish, meat, egg yolk, black bread, greens.

It is not enough to saturate the body with iron, it is necessary to ensure its inclusion in the blood (folic acid promotes hematopoiesis), as well as to establish effective transportation (cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese help enzymes in metabolism).

Cobalt contain by-products, gooseberries, black currants; copper absorbed from cereals, legumes, mushrooms; zinc enters the body with meat, eggs, cheeses, yeast, and sources manganese– parsley, dill, berries, especially raspberries.

"Iron" myths

1.Eat more liver!

Offal does contain a lot of iron, but it is more difficult to absorb, since it is in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin, and not heme.

2.Enough plant food!

A vegetarian lifestyle is not suitable for all people, because plant products only about 1-5% of iron is absorbed versus 10-15% absorbed from meat proteins. If anemia is diagnosed while giving up animal products, it is better to reconsider your beliefs or at least take appropriate medications.

Bottom line – what is possible and what is not?

Consume moreIf possible, excludeDo not use together
Lean dark meatsFatty foodDairy products and foods containing iron (calcium interferes with its absorption)
FishSmoked meats
SeafoodBrine in dishes
RaisinVinegar as an ingredient
Buckwheat and oatmeal porridgeSweet baked goodsMeat and cereal or pasta side dish (preferably with vegetables or sauce)
LegumesAlcohol (especially strong)
Green leafy vegetablesTea
Dill, parsleyCoffeeHoney: at low acidity stomach, eat before the main meal, if it is increased - dilute it by 2 hours.
Raw vegetables and fruitsCoca Cola
Honey (up to 100 g per day)Sorrel

A few words about anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a fairly common pathological condition that occurs in people of different age categories, including in young children. It is characterized by a decrease in blood cells in the blood - red blood cells (in other words, a drop in hemoglobin), which carry oxygen throughout the body and supply all internal organs. Naturally, with a lack of oxygen, the entire functioning of the body is disrupted and, first of all, the brain suffers from this.

Therefore, anemia cannot be treated irresponsibly. She demands urgent treatment, of which it is part special diet, which allows you to increase the number of red blood cells and improve the functioning of the body.

The essence of the diet for iron deficiency anemia

Diet for anemia is a key point, because only it allows you to ensure the necessary balance in the blood. As the name suggests (iron deficiency), this disease occurs due to iron deficiency. That is why the diet for anemia in adults and children is primarily aimed at increasing the amount of this element in food products.

A large amount of animal and plant proteins are introduced into the diet, which help restore the natural synthesis of hemoglobin. You need to consume about 150 grams of protein per day, and it is best to opt for veal or beef. It is these types of meat that contain a lot of essential protein and iron.

At the same time, the diet for iron deficiency anemia limits the consumption of fats, since with this disease, patients often experience liver dysfunction and bone marrow obesity. It is for this reason that in case of anemia, doctors recommend consuming foods that have a lipotropic effect (they will protect Bone marrow and liver).

You should not eat more than 70 grams of fat per day. In this case, preference should be given to easily digestible fats, which are found in dairy products, sunflower and vegetable fats.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia

The causes of iron deficiency anemia can be different: it often develops with heavy chronic bleeding(long and heavy menstruation), simply when the body’s intake of iron or protein decreases (in particular, adherents of low-protein diets are susceptible to this disease). Taking antibiotics can cause anemia caused by a lack of vitamins B and C. The absence of these same vitamins is also typical in the last trimester of pregnancy - during this period you should also especially carefully monitor your health. Do not forget about vitamins B12; their deficiency is felt in the body especially acutely during chronic infections, as well as during long-term antibacterial treatment and, as a consequence, intoxication. Unpleasant things like helminthic infestations, gastritis with low or high acidity and inflammatory diseases intestines, also add to our chances of joining the ranks of anemic young ladies.

Why does this happen and how to deal with it?

In fact, everything is simple - of all the iron that enters our body, on average only 10% is absorbed, while the body receives 20% of iron from animal food, while from plant food receives only 6% iron. If a pathology is detected, it is worth turning not only to the medications prescribed by a specialist, but also switching to therapeutic nutrition - it is aimed at restoring the content of iron and substances involved in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.

Basic principles of the diet

The main principles of this diet will be the balance of substances necessary for our body: it is necessary to increase the amount of protein consumed - they are needed for better absorption of iron, the construction of red blood cells and the formation of hemoglobin compounds; reduce fat consumption - on the contrary, they worsen the process of hematopoiesis, so the amount of fat in case of anemia must be reduced. But carbohydrates do not play any role, so their consumption can not be limited, but you should still avoid easily digestible carbohydrates and prefer honey to regular sugar, which in turn contains many important microelements and vitamins. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin “C” and “B” and, of course, consume foods containing iron.

It is known that not all iron from foods is absorbed in the intestines, but their absorption can be increased by consuming fruit juices. I advise you to pay attention to legumes and grain products - they contain considerable iron content, but for their absorption it is necessary significant amount vitamin C.

It is worth remembering some prohibitions - strong black tea, for example, interferes with the absorption of iron in the intestines.

Products for the prevention and treatment of anemia

First of all, you should pay attention to foods with a very high iron content (3 mg or more) - pork, chicken, beef liver; rabbit, lamb, turkey meat; beef tongue. And also cereals - buckwheat, millet, barley, oatmeal. Blueberries contain especially a lot of iron. Peaches are rich in iron among fruits. There is plenty of iron in sturgeon caviar.

We also shouldn’t ignore products simply containing a high iron content (2-3 mg). These include chicken, beef, mackerel, pink salmon, eggs, lettuce, spinach, and sorrel. Among fruits, quince, persimmon, apples, plums, and apricots can help us. It is worth paying attention to the bread. But - only from second-grade flour.

Pork meat, rice, pasta, onions, dill, parsley contain some amount of iron - 1-2 mg. The same amount of iron is found in carrots, tomatoes, beets, cauliflower and white cabbage, radishes, wild berries, watermelon, gooseberries, black currants, strawberries and cherries.

A small amount of iron (below 1 mg) is found in fish, various types of cheese, cottage cheese, potatoes, green peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, grapes and lemons. A very small amount can be found in dairy products – kefir and sour cream. And also in fruits, especially oranges and tangerines - they should not be neglected either: many foods low in iron improve the absorption of foods with high content this element.

In order not to miss vitamin B, you should consume baker's and brewer's yeast, offal (liver, kidneys), legumes, egg yolks, as well as meat, fish, cottage cheese and sour cream. Rice and wheat bran are also rich in vitamin B.

Folacin (folic acid, a B vitamin) can be found in lettuce, green onions, cabbage, and soybeans. Vitamin C - in black currants, rosehips, citrus fruits.

It is very important to keep track stomach acidity– its decrease or increase leads to digestive disorders and, accordingly, to impaired absorption of necessary substances; before starting therapeutic nutrition, its level should be adjusted.

Principles of nutrition for anemia

Proper nutrition for iron deficiency anemia is one of the important components of treatment, but without iron supplements it is impossible to cope with the pathology.

Products should provide not only the supply of iron, but also trace elements and vitamins. The basis of nutrition is meat and products made from it. The body should receive more protein, at least 135 grams. Protein promotes the formation of quickly absorbed iron. Vegetarianism in this case is unacceptable.

For anemia, food should be steamed, boiled, baked, fried, or stewed. The diet for children should be high in calories and varied. Food should stimulate the appetite and be tasty. If you have severe anemia, you should limit your fat intake.

In case of secretory insufficiency of gastric juice, it is recommended to include various sauces in the menu: mushroom, vegetable, meat, fish.

List of foods for anemia diet

You need to include foods with iron in your food. The following are recommended:

  • pork and beef liver;
  • egg whites;
  • rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal, beef, lamb, pork;
  • kidneys, lungs, heart;
  • beef tongue;
  • fresh fish (pink salmon, cod);
  • mussels, oysters;
  • fermented milk products, homemade cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat;
  • boiled sausage;
  • porcini mushrooms, chanterelles.

The best source of heme iron is organ meats, especially liver.

In addition to iron, the above products contain manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, which are necessary for anemia. It is allowed to eat natural oil: butter, as well as vegetable oils - sunflower and olive.

Every body needs carbohydrates; limiting them is not recommended. The table includes the following:

  • cereals,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits and berries,
  • flour,
  • jam.

In addition to foods with iron, anemia requires vitamins such as riboflavin, folacin, vitamin C, and pyridoxine.

Food restrictions

It should be remembered that fatty foods interfere with hematopoiesis, so some of the menu will have to be removed. Among them:

  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • lamb and beef fat;
  • salo;
  • fatty sausages;
  • margarine.

It is recommended to exclude or limit foods containing oxalates and phytic acid from the diet, which prevent iron from being absorbed. These are chocolate, bran, beans, beans, whole grains, nuts, rhubarb, spinach, parsley, basil. In this case, it is better to soak legumes, this way you can reduce their negative impact.

Calcium is one of the elements that impairs the absorption of iron. It is impossible to give up calcium completely, but you should limit foods with it and not eat them at the same time as foods rich in iron.

You should know that such popular and beloved drinks as coffee, cocoa and tea contain polyphenols, which interfere with the absorption of iron, and this can lead to the development of anemia. If you already have it, then it is advisable to refuse these drinks or not drink them immediately after consuming foods containing iron, that is, it is recommended to wait until it is absorbed.

Microelements to enhance hematopoiesis

The following microelements stimulate the formation of red cells and hemoglobin:

  • zinc: offal, beef, mushrooms, eggs, beans, cereals, yeast, Dutch cheese;
  • copper: cereals, black currants, watermelon, cranberries, strawberries, beans, liver, beef, horseradish;
  • cobalt: beans, cereals, nuts, fish, offal, milk, gooseberries, parsley, apricots, cherries, pears, raspberries;
  • manganese: beans, greens, cereals, pumpkin, raspberries, beets, black currants, cranberries.

Microelements are very important in the treatment and prevention of anemia

How to create a menu?

Breakfast options

  • any porridge;
  • steamed or fried cutlet;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • stewed meat;
  • pudding;
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetable puree;
  • fried liver;
  • hard cheese;
  • tea with milk.

Lunch options

  • first course: cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, milk soup, meatball soup (beef or chicken), vegetable soup;
  • second course: liver or kidneys (fried, stewed), meat (steamed, fried, boiled, baked, stewed), vegetable cutlets.
  • dessert: jelly, fruit salad or fresh fruit, cottage cheese.
  • drink: compote, jelly, tea.

Afternoon snack

  • coffee or tea with milk;
  • biscuits;
  • fruits.


  • cottage cheese dish;
  • pudding;
  • meat dish;
  • a fish dish;
  • caviar;
  • vegetable stew;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • milk, rose hip decoction, tea.

For the night

  • kefir;
  • bifidocus;
  • curdled milk;
  • Ryazhenka

Diet menu for iron deficiency anemia

The anemia diet allows you to prepare foods using all kinds of heat treatment methods, so foods can be boiled, stewed, fried, steamed, etc.

The daily menu should consist of the following range of products:

50-100 grams of brewer's or baker's yeast
200 grams of white and black bread
20-30 grams of vegetable oil
30-40 grams of butter
50 grams of sugar

Dishes to be served for breakfast (two dishes to choose from):

Cutlet, fried or steamed
Fried liver
Vegetable puree
Boiled fish
Stewed meat
Scrambled eggs
Hard cheese
Any porridge

Breakfast should also include coffee or tea with milk.

Stewed vegetables: beets, carrots, cabbage, etc.
Fried or boiled fish
Fried potatoes

As a drink for second breakfast, you can use rosehip decoction, whole milk, or coffee or tea with added milk.

For lunch you must choose one dish from the list of first, second and dessert courses:

First meal:

Meat or chicken bouillon with meatballs
Milk soup
Vegetable soup
Cabbage soup

Main courses are served with a side dish in the form of any porridge:

Meat that can be cooked in any way
Vegetable cutlets
Stewed liver
Fried kidneys

For dessert:

Fruits or fruit salad

You can drink it with compote, jelly or tea.

For an afternoon snack you can eat biscuits, fruit or hematogen, as well as coffee, milk or tea

The following dishes are allowed for dinner (two dishes to choose from):

Any meat or fish dish
Any dishes made from cottage cheese
Cereal pudding
Vegetable stew
Scrambled eggs

For dinner you can drink rosehip decoction, milk, coffee or tea

Before going to bed, you can eat one of the following:

Curdled milk

The diet for iron deficiency anemia offers a fairly varied diet that will help achieve a significant improvement in the condition.

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

  1. In the morning you can eat fried liver with stewed vegetables and drink herbal tea.
  2. Snack on an apple or egg.
  3. In the afternoon, prepare vegetable soup, cabbage salad, boiled chicken breast, eat an orange.
  4. During the afternoon snack, drink a rosehip decoction and eat a hematogen (bar).
  5. For the evening, oatmeal, cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole are suitable.
  6. You can drink kefir at night.

Honey for iron deficiency anemia

Balanced natural medicine for the treatment of IDA is honey. The fructose it contains improves the absorption of iron in the intestines. Honey is full of vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances.

Dark varieties of honey bring the greatest benefit - compared to light varieties, they contain more iron, manganese and copper. Honey is recommended to be consumed immediately before meals (with low acidity) or 1.5-2 hours before meals (with increased acidity). You can eat up to 100 g of honey per day (in the absence of serious contraindications).

A diet for iron deficiency anemia can really improve the condition of patients - this is what reviews indicate.

The absorption, absorption and metabolism of iron largely depends on cobalt, copper, zinc, and manganese.

Cobalt is contained in next group products:
By-products (liver, kidneys)
Legumes and grains
Gooseberries, raspberries and black currants
Apricots, cherries, pears

Daily requirement for this element: 0.05-0.2 mg.

Copper is present in products such as:
Strawberries and black currants
Beef and liver

Daily copper intake: 2-3 mg.

Zinc is found in the following food group:
By-products (liver, lungs, kidneys)

Daily norm: 10-15 mg.

Manganese is present in the following foods:
Parsley and dill
Sorrel, spinach, beets, pumpkin
Raspberries and black currants

Daily norm: 5-7 mg.

Healing decoctions

Patients with IDA are also recommended herbal mixtures, which include herbs and fruits rich in iron: rose hips, elderberries, black currants. It is recommended to take a decoction or infusion of dried fruits, 1 glass 3 times a day. The fruits mentioned above are also rich in ascorbic acid, which is known to improve iron absorption.

You can also recommend a decoction of the leaves of black currant, strawberry, string, and nettle. The dried leaves of these plants are mixed in equal parts and crushed. One tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, left in a pot in the oven for two hours, and filtered. Take 1/3 cup before meals three times daily for six weeks.


Nutrition alone cannot cure iron deficiency anemia. However, diet is very important in this condition. First of all, you need to introduce foods rich in iron, vitamins and microelements into your diet. Protein foods are of great importance for the absorption of iron. It is necessary to remember the restrictions and try not to eat foods that interfere with the absorption of iron at the same time as iron-containing foods.

Anemia is a condition in which the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood decreases. Anemia occurs at any age, from infants to the elderly. Most often (in more than 80% of cases) iron deficiency anemia occurs. This is what we will talk about.

In total, the human body contains 3-4 g of iron, of which 60% is in hemoglobin, 30% is in ferritin (this is the storage of iron in the body). The rest is distributed between myoglobin (the protein that delivers oxygen to muscles) and enzymes.

Iron metabolism occurs continuously in the body. Most of the iron is contained in hemoglobin. It is hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells, that carries oxygen throughout the body and colors red blood cells red. Red blood cells live 100-120 days, and then they are destroyed, and the released iron is again included in the exchange.

We lose some iron every day (with urine, sweat, feces, through the skin, hair and nails, about 1-2 mg per day). With a balanced diet healthy man absorbs approximately the same 1-2 mg of iron per day, and anemia does not develop. But sometimes the balance is disturbed and anemia occurs.

Iron deficiency is caused by: 1) inadequate nutrition (for example, in vegetarians, in adolescents with a “chips-soda” diet and in adults who adhere to a “tea with something” diet), 2) with problems with iron absorption (lack of iron production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or taking drugs that suppress acidity), 3) with an increased need for iron (growth spurts in children, pregnancy, active sports), 4) with blood loss (surgeries, injuries, heavy menstruation, chronic blood loss- for example, with hemorrhoids, uterine fibroids).

With anemia, the body does not have enough oxygen, and therefore the main symptom of anemia is often chronic fatigue, weakness. There may also be changes in taste (the desire to eat chalk, earth, even coins), shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, pale skin and mucous membranes, headache, drowsiness, fainting. Mild anemia may be asymptomatic.

A person gets iron from food. All iron can be divided into 2 types: heme (part of hemoglobin) and non-heme. Heme iron is found in meat, and non-heme iron is found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and cereals. What matters is not the amount of iron in a particular product, but the degree of its absorption and the possibility of assimilation by the body. Iron is absorbed into small intestine. In addition to iron, vitamins C, B2, B6, B12, as well as copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, and iodine are necessary for normal hematopoiesis.

Meat (especially red - veal, beef, lamb) - is best source iron for people with anemia, 20-25% of iron is absorbed from it. Chicken and pork are digested to a lesser extent. And in liver and fish, iron is contained in the form of ferretin and hemosiderin, and not in the form of heme, so it is less absorbed. Food composition does not affect the absorption of heme iron. The only factor that impairs the absorption of heme iron is calcium. (This is why vegetarians get anemia very often! And they simply need to take vitamins containing iron regularly!).
Non-heme iron is absorbed quite poorly (1-5%). Its absorption is influenced by many factors that can either improve or, conversely, worsen iron absorption, and people with anemia need to take them into account.

Enhance iron absorption:
— Vitamin C (found in fresh vegetables and fruits, especially in citrus fruits). Studies have shown that, depending on the composition of the food, taking 100 mg of ascorbic acid can increase the absorption of iron by 4 times.
- Alcohol. In small quantities, its consumption can be beneficial for health (a standard serving is 150 ml of wine or 45 ml of spirits. For women - 1 serving, for men - no more than 2 servings per day).
— Hydrochloric acid (found in gastric juice).
- Meat. Adding a serving of meat or liver to side dishes (buckwheat, rice) and vegetables allows you to better absorb non-heme iron.
— Fructose (found in fruits and honey).

Impairs iron absorption:
- Medicines that reduce stomach acid (that is, some medicines for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis).
— Calcium. Impairs the absorption of both heme and non-heme iron. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products.
- Eggs.
- Oxalates. Contained in spinach, cabbage, beets, nuts, chocolate, tea, wheat bran, rhubarb, strawberries and some herbs (oregano, basil and parsley).
— Polyphenols are found in cocoa, coffee, black tea, and some types of herbal tea. Polyphenols are the main inhibitors of iron absorption. Some types of coffee can interfere with iron absorption by as much as 60%.
— Phytic acid. Contained in walnuts, almonds, legumes, whole grains, bran. You can reduce the negative consequences by soaking the legumes for 12 hours.

Once anemia has developed, it cannot be cured by diet. Even with mild form! Therefore, the usual stereotypes that if you have anemia you need to eat apples, pomegranates and buckwheat are not justified. Lack of treatment has a particularly bad effect on children and pregnant women.

Iron deficiency anemia is treated with iron supplements. Nutrition helps improve the condition and maintain a normal iron balance in the body after treatment.

Nutrition for anemia should be varied and include a sufficient amount of animal protein (red meat, liver, poultry, fish), fresh fruits(especially citrus fruits), fresh vegetables, cereals, with moderate limitation of fats and sugar. Eliminate canned food, pickles, chocolate, coffee, mayonnaise, and reduce the amount of tea.

Sausages, frankfurters, all types of prepared meat (all kinds of cuts, boiled pork, carbonated meat) contain dyes and preservatives, vegetable protein, and they contain little iron. Minced meat dishes (cutlets, meatballs) have a lot of fillers in the form of bread, rice, vegetable protein, and little meat. Sausage and cutlets should be replaced with a piece of boiled meat.

Dairy products and eggs can and should be eaten, but they should not be combined with meat foods. Cereals (porridge, side dishes) should also be eaten with meat or vegetables. Milk porridges can be eaten with fruit. Instead of tea, more often include compotes, juices, and jelly.

You need to have a meat meal every day. This meal should include red meat (beef, veal, lamb). It is better to boil or stew the meat. Pairs well with green leafy salads and foods rich in vitamin WITH ( tomato juice or other vegetable juices). Chicken, turkey, liver, fish are inferior in the amount of iron to red meat, but are also suitable.

Important to remember, that 2 hours before eating meat food and within 2 hours after it, you should avoid tea, coffee, foods high in fiber and fiber (bran, raw cabbage salads), eggs, chocolate, dairy products and calcium supplements. All of these foods reduce iron absorption. If you follow these simple rules, then you can be sure that the iron from the meat will be fully absorbed! And overall, it’s tasty and healthy!

Iron deficiency anemia (Iron deficiency anemia) (IDA)- a condition characterized by impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency and manifested by anemia and sideropenia (iron deficiency in the body).
Recommended daily intake of iron from food: for men - 12 mg, for women - 15 mg (for pregnant women - 30 mg).

Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia:

The main etiopathogenetic factor in the development of iron deficiency anemia is iron deficiency. The most common causes iron deficiency conditions are:
1.iron loss due to chronic bleeding(most common reason, reaching 80%):
- bleeding from gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, varicose veins esophageal veins, colon diverticula, hookworm infestations, tumors, UC, hemorrhoids;
- long and heavy menstruation, endometriosis, fibroids;
- macro- and microhematuria: chronic glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease, polycystic kidney disease, kidney and bladder tumors;
- nosebleeds, pulmonary bleeding;
- blood loss during hemodialysis;
- uncontrolled donation;
2.insufficient absorption of iron:
- resection of the small intestine;
- chronic enteritis;
- malabsorption syndrome;
- intestinal amyloidosis;
3. increased need for iron:
- intensive growth;
- pregnancy;
- period of breastfeeding;
- playing sports;
4. insufficient intake of iron from food:
- newborns;
- Small children;
- vegetarianism.

Symptoms of the disease

During the period of hidden iron deficiency, many subjective complaints appear and Clinical signs, characteristic of iron deficiency anemia.

Patients note

  • general weakness,
  • malaise,
  • decreased performance.

Already during this period there can be observed

  • perversion of taste,
  • dryness and tingling of the tongue,
  • difficulty swallowing with sensation foreign body in the throat,
  • heartbeat,
  • dyspnea.

An objective examination of patients reveals “minor symptoms of iron deficiency”:

  • atrophy of the tongue papillae,
  • cheilitis,
  • dry skin and hair,
  • brittle nails,
  • burning and itching of the vulva (Vulva - medical name female external genitalia)

All these signs of impaired trophism of epithelial tissues are associated with tissue sideropenia and hypoxia.

Iron deficiency anemia is also characterized

  • skin changes,
  • nails and hair.

Leather usually pale, sometimes with slight greenish tint(chlorosis) and with an easy blush of the cheeks, it becomes dry, flabby, peels, and cracks easily form.

Hair lose their luster, turn grey, become thinner, break easily, thin out and turn gray early. Nails: they become thin, matte, flattened, easily exfoliate and break, and striations appear.

With pronounced changes, the nails acquire a concave, spoon-shaped shape (koilonychia).

spoon-shaped form (koilonychia) is a characteristic symptom of iron deficiency anemia

Patients with iron deficiency anemia experience muscle weakness , which is not observed in other types of anemia. It is classified as a manifestation of tissue sideropenia. Atrophic changes occur in the mucous membranes of the digestive canal, respiratory organs, and genital organs. Damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive canal is a typical sign of iron deficiency conditions.
There is a decrease in appetite. There is a need for sour, spicy, salty foods. In more severe cases observed

  • perversions of smell,
  • taste (pica chlorotica): eating chalk, lime, raw cereals, pogophagia (craving for eating ice).
  • Signs of tissue sideropenia quickly disappear after taking iron supplements.

Basic diet rules

The goal of therapeutic nutrition for anemia is to provide the body with all nutrients, vitamins and microelements, in particular iron, which is necessary to increase hemoglobin levels. This diet increases the body's defenses, restores its functions and improves the patient's quality of life.

The diet for iron deficiency anemia is physiologically complete, its calorie content is high, and the content of proteins, microelements and vitamins is increased. Carbohydrates remain at the standard level, and the fat content is slightly reduced.

According to Pevzner's classification, the diet for iron deficiency anemia is treatment table No. 11. According to Order No. 330 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in medical institutions, nutrition for this disease corresponds to a high protein diet (HPD).

  • proteins – 120g, of which at least 60% are proteins of animal origin;
  • fats – 80-90g, of which 30% vegetable fats;
  • carbohydrates – 300-350g;
  • vitamin A – 1 mg;
  • carotene – 8.5 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 2 mg;
  • vitamin B6 – 4 mg;
  • nicotinic acid – 30 mg;
  • vitamin C – 200 mg;
  • sodium - 4g;
  • calcium - 1.4g;
  • magnesium - 0.6g;
  • phosphorus – 2.2g;
  • iron - 0.055g.

The energy value of the diet is 3000-3500 kilocalories per day.

Basic principles

  • diet;
    Meals should be fractional: from 4 to 6 times a day. Frequent eating in small quantities stimulates the patient's appetite (and with anemia it is usually weakened) and allows for maximum absorption nutrients, vitamins and microelements, and also normalizes work digestive tract, which is important if the patient has accompanying illnesses. Fractional meals allows the body to better perceive dishes and products that are high in calories.
  • treatment of the underlying disease;
    The main principle of treatment is the identification of disorders in the body that led to anemia and their correction. As is known, iron deficiency anemia is not an independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of a pathology. Therefore, following a diet will be ineffective without treating the underlying disease.
  • food temperature;
    The food temperature should be standard, as in other diets (15-60 degrees Celsius). Too cold or hot food irritates the gastrointestinal tract, which negatively affects digestion and, in particular, the absorption of iron.
  • culinary processing;
    Any culinary processing of products (stewing, steaming, boiling or baking) is allowed, except for frying. When frying, a large amount of fat is used, which is contraindicated in case of anemia; products of their oxidation are formed, which negatively affect the human body as a whole, and especially the digestive tract.
  • preparation of dishes and serving;
    To stimulate the appetite of a patient with iron deficiency anemia, it is important to set the table beautifully and prepare tasty and appetizing-looking dishes.
  • alcohol;
    Drinking alcohol in therapeutic nutrition excluded in case of iron deficiency anemia. Ethanol interferes with the absorption of iron and other trace elements and negatively affects the functions of the liver, where hemoglobin is destroyed and bilirubin is synthesized. And since during anemia the body also experiences a lack of hemoglobin, in the presence of an underlying disease this can lead to jaundice.
  • salt and liquid;
    Free fluid intake for anemia is within the limits physiological norm(2-2.5 liters). A decrease in drinking norm leads to blood thickening, which aggravates the hypoxic processes that occur with anemia. Salt used in normal quantity- 8-12g, and with reduced gastric secretion for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, the consumption of sodium chloride increases to 15g.

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods in the diet for iron deficiency anemia is not so long.

Fats are limited, especially refractory ones that inhibit hematopoiesis, so you should refrain from eating fatty meat, poultry, fish oil, lard, and should not include lamb and beef fats in the menu.

Marinades should be excluded: they destroy red blood cells and stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas.

Authorized Products

First of all, the diet for iron deficiency anemia should contain an increased amount of proteins, which increase the absorption of iron by the body and are necessary substances for the construction of hemoglobin.

Up to 2/3 of the protein consumed should be of animal origin.

It is important to more often introduce into the patient’s menu foods rich in microelements involved in hematopoiesis (iron, cobalt, zinc, manganese). The listed microelements are found in many cereals, meat products, vegetables and herbs.

Consumption of vitamins (group B, folic and nicotinic acid, vitamin C) should increase 1.5-2 times. Ascorbic acid helps iron to be absorbed, and the other listed vitamins take part in hematopoiesis. Vitamins B large quantities found in vegetables, fruits and berries.

Calcium is necessary for skeletal system In addition, it regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system and takes part in blood clotting. You can get calcium from dairy products, but it makes sense to take into account that taking dairy and protein products is incompatible, since calcium makes it difficult to absorb iron.

The list of foods for iron deficiency anemia is quite extensive; almost everything is recommended for the patient, unless there are specific restrictions for taking certain dishes:

  • any bread, but preferably bran bread (a source of B vitamins);
  • rich broths and soups made from them (contain extractive substances that stimulate appetite);
  • meat low-fat varieties, beef tongue, veal, beef, pork liver (mainly) and beef, kidneys - a source of iron;
  • salads from fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil - sources of vitamins;
  • jellied fish or tongue;
  • canned fish, any fish;
  • lean poultry;
  • cereals, especially buckwheat, barley, oatmeal - a source of iron;
  • red and black caviar, any seafood;
  • any milk and lactic acid products, including cottage cheese and cheese;
  • smoked meats (in the absence of contraindications);
  • Any greens in large quantities are a source of folic acid;
  • sauces: milk, egg, sour cream, tomato;
  • spices in acceptable quantities (they contain many trace elements, moreover, they stimulate the appetite);
  • eggs in any form;
  • honey - a source of microelements, jam, sugar, any sweets;
  • currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries (lots of vitamin C);
  • any fruit, especially apricots and peaches;
  • butter and vegetable oils in dishes in moderation (easily digestible fats);
  • juices, preferably with pulp, rosehip decoction, weak tea, decoction of wheat and oatmeal;
  • any side dishes;
  • legumes
Animal products Products of plant origin
Name Content
Name Content
Cheese made from skim milk 37 Beans 72
Pork liver 29,7 Hazelnuts 51
Swiss cheese 19 Tahini halva 50,1
Brewer's yeast 18 Cereals 45
Beef liver 9 Fresh mushrooms 35
Beef kidneys 7 Sunflower halva 33,2
Heart 6,3 Millet groats 31
Yolk 6 Poppy 24
Beef tongue 5 Peas 20
Rabbit (meat) 4,5 Sea kale 16
Turkey meat 4 Dried apples 15
Mutton 3,1 Dried pear 13
Veal 2,9 Prunes 13
Beef 2,8 Dried apricots 12
Chicken meat 2,5 Cocoa 11
Mackerel 2,5 Dried apricots 11
Chicken egg 2,5 Rose hip 11
Carp 2,2 Buckwheat 8
Sausages 1,9 Blueberry 8
Chum salmon caviar 1,8 Oatmeal 6
Sausage 1,7 Dried mushrooms 5,5
Chicken 1,6 Almond 5
Pork 1,6 Oatmeal 4,3
Burbot 1,4 Dogwood 4,1
Pasta 1,2 Peach 4,1
Sea fish 1,2 Apricots 4
Honey 1,1 Nectarine 4
Atlantic herring. 1 Wheat groats 3,9
Breast milk 0,7 Wheat flour 3,3
Cod 0,6 Spinach 3,3
Cottage cheese 0,4 Buckwheat flour 3,2
Egg white 0,2 Raisin 3
Cow's milk 0,1 Dried apricots 2,6
Cream 0,1 Apples with red skin 2,5
Butter 0,1 Pear 2,3
Plum 2,3
Prunes 2,1
Black currant 2,1
Apples are fresh. 2
Cherry plum 1,9
Raspberries 1,8
parsley 1,8
Cherries 1,8
Semolina 1,6
Gooseberry 1,6
Raspberries 1,6
White bread 1,5
Cauliflower 1,5
Cherry 1,4
Beet 1,4
Rice 1,3
Cabbage 1,2
Fried potato 1,2
Carrot 1,1
Melon 1
Corn 1
cucumbers 0,9
Grenades 0,8
Boiled potatoes 0,8
Carrot 0,8
Pumpkin 0,8
Strawberry 0,7
Banana 0,6
Grape 0,6
Cranberry 0,6
Lemon 0,6
Tomatoes 0,6
Rhubarb 0,6
Salad 0,6
Orange 0,4
Cowberry 0,4
Zucchini 0,4
Mandarin 0,4
A pineapple 0,3

The need to follow a diet

A diet for anemia must be followed, as it eliminates lethargy, weakness, dyspepsia, changes in taste and loss of appetite. In addition, a diet enriched with iron and other microelements, vitamins and proteins can improve appearance, eliminate brittle nails, dry hair, pale skin.

Consequences of not following the diet

The consequences of iron deficiency anemia include progression of the disease. Very low hemoglobin can cause:

  • myodystrophy (disorders of muscle development)
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, genital organs and respiratory system.

Besides, low content hemoglobin affects cardiovascular system and leads to development pathological conditions. We should not forget about the weakening of the immune system, which is fraught with the occurrence of various infectious diseases.

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