What is severe hypotension? Hypotension: norm and pathology, diagnosis and treatment. New way of life

In the article we discuss what hypotension is. We tell you why it is dangerous to health. You will learn why this condition occurs, how it manifests itself and how to treat it.

What is hypotension

Arterial hypotension or hypotension is a stable condition of the body, which is characterized by decreased tone blood vessels and is manifested by a systemic decrease blood pressure.

Doctors also call hypotension decreased tone muscle tissue. In this case, they speak of hypotension of the stomach, uterus or other organs. In our article we consider only arterial hypotension.

The normal blood pressure of a healthy body is considered to be 120/90. Low blood pressure is indicated when the blood pressure monitor shows results of 90/60 or lower.

In people whose normal blood pressure is above 120/90, hypotension is diagnosed when blood pressure readings drop by 20% of normal.

For more information about what hypotension is, see the following video.

Symptoms and signs

Sometimes the only indicator of arterial hypotension is the blood pressure monitor, but the person feels absolutely healthy. In such cases we talk about physiological hypotension.

Often physiologically low blood pressure is characteristic of slender girls and women childbearing age, athletes, the population of high mountain and tropical areas. Such cases are not considered a disease.

Arterial hypotension as a disease is considered when a person has complaints about his or her health. Most characteristic features hypotension are as follows:

  • frequent dizziness and headaches;
  • high fatigue, lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance and absent-mindedness;
  • decrease in body temperature to 36 degrees, cold hands and feet;
  • rapid pulse and shortness of breath not associated with heart disease.

Conditions caused by a lack of oxygen are often combined with hypotension:

  1. violation menstrual cycle in women and decreased potency in men;
  2. poor appetite, nausea, tendency to constipation;
  3. high anxiety, apathy, depression, irritability;
  4. sweating of the palms and feet, hand tremors, pain in the heart, etc.

Hypotonic patients are familiar with the following individual sensations:

  • wake up already tired and “broken”;
  • lethargy in heat, cold, high humidity, loud sounds, bright light;
  • difficulty remembering and reproducing received information;
  • weather dependence of well-being;
  • feeling of lack of fresh air in the room, frequent yawning;
  • “semi-fainting” states and fainting;
  • suspiciousness regarding one’s health;
  • instability of mood, tearfulness, touchiness;
  • periodically there is “ringing in the ears”, “darkening before the eyes”, etc.


Doctors classify arterial hypotension as follows:

  1. acute;
  2. chronic;
  3. primary (idiopathic, essential);
  4. secondary.

Acute hypotension is a condition of sudden and sharp drop in blood pressure, requiring emergency medical care. Chronic hypotension is characterized by persistently low blood pressure.

Primary hypotension- a condition that occurs independently due to a decrease in the tone of blood vessels. Secondary hypotension occurs against the background of other diseases leading to a decrease in vascular tone.


Causes of acute arterial hypotension There may be various inherently serious conditions of the body that require immediate medical intervention:

  • intoxication;
  • acute infections;
  • blood loss;
  • dehydration;
  • generalized allergic reactions and etc.

It is impossible to clearly identify the causes of essential hypotension - doctors have not reached a consensus on this issue. Most sources point to prolonged psycho-emotional stress.

Secondary hypotension occurs due to certain diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive systems body.

Why is hypotension dangerous?

A sudden drop in blood pressure requires emergency medical attention. In addition, low pressure provokes loss of consciousness - fainting, which can be accompanied by injuries, bruises, fractures, etc.

It is dangerous for people with hypotension to drive vehicles and precision machinery.

Chronic hypotension is a constant oxygen starvation tissues and organs, including the brain - low quality of life due to poor health.

During pregnancy

Hypotension that occurs during pregnancy is of particular danger. Deterioration of blood supply and oxygen starvation of tissues adversely affects the development of the fetus and well-being expectant mother. Therefore, at the first sign of hypotension, you should report it. family doctor or a gynecologist observing the pregnancy.

First aid

A sharp drop in blood pressure leads to fainting. If this happens, first aid must be provided:

  1. place the person on a straight horizontal surface;
  2. place a pillow, bolster, rolled-up jacket, or something else under a person’s feet to ensure a flow of blood from the feet to the head;
  3. unfasten buttons and fasteners on the neck and chest that make breathing difficult;
  4. wipe your face, neck and top part chest man soaked in cold water with a towel or simply sprinkle with water;
  5. call an ambulance;
  6. If the person regains consciousness, do not allow him to get up or change his body position until the doctors arrive.

Treatment - drugs and tablets

Treatment for hypotension is prescribed by a doctor. Typically, treatment involves adjusting a person’s lifestyle with the introduction medicines to increase pressure. The doctor may prescribe following types medications as needed:

  • anticholinergics;
  • preparations with caffeine;
  • analeptics;
  • adrenomimetics;
  • adaptogens;
  • nootropics;
  • neuroprotectors;
  • antioxidants;
  • antidepressants.

Treatment of secondary hypotension must be coordinated with the treatment of the underlying disease, which provoked a decrease in blood pressure.


  • adherence to daily routine;
  • sleep at least 9 hours a day;
  • physical therapy, gymnastics and light warm-up throughout the day;
  • alternation of work and rest;
  • ventilation of rooms, walks fresh air;
  • restorative physiotherapy, massage;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • complete cessation of smoking, hookah and strong alcoholic drinks.

Nutrition and diet

In case of hypotension, it is necessary to pay attention to the content in food of a sufficient amount of vitamins C, E, group B and microelements (especially iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus).

It is recommended to use hot seasonings, various herbs and spices, as they activate the body, improve appetite and help increase low blood pressure. Among the spices, mustard, horseradish, hot peppers, cinnamon, cloves.

Coffee, strong tea, ginger drinks, cocoa, kombucha drink.

Products that increase blood pressure

Helps increase blood pressure:

  • freshly squeezed carrot-beet juice;
  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • garlic;
  • red grapes;
  • nuts (especially in combination with milk);
  • cabbage;
  • apricots;
  • eggplant;
  • prunes;
  • fatty meat, lard;
  • canned food;
  • milk and white chocolate;
  • baked goods with butter cream.

Massage for hypotension

An effective treatment chronic hypotension is restorative massage. It stimulates blood flow, promoting the saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a tonic effect, reduces headaches, and eliminates fatigue.

For hypotension, massage is prescribed in a course of 10-15 procedures. Usually after the course there is a lasting improvement in well-being. If necessary, the massage course can be repeated.

Folk remedies

The following general restoratives are useful in the treatment of hypotension:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • swimming;
  • hardening with cold water;
  • bath procedures;
  • acupuncture.

You can take tinctures from the following natural remedies:

  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • ginseng;
  • echinacea;
  • sand immortelle;
  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • Ural licorice.

Decoctions of the following herbs increase blood pressure:

  • St. John's wort;
  • Tartar;
  • elecampane.

Decoctions or infusions with valerian officinalis, oregano, motherwort or lemon balm soothe and increase blood pressure.

Prevention of hypotension

The best prevention of hypotension is a healthy lifestyle:

  • introduction and adherence to a daily routine;
  • physical activity;
  • healthy nutritious diet;
  • maintaining proper drinking regime;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoiding stressful effects on the body.

What to remember

  1. If there is a sudden sharp decrease in blood pressure (acute hypotension), you should get medical help as soon as possible.
  2. In treatment chronic hypotension The main thing is to adjust your lifestyle. Medicines and tablets are only an aid.
  3. Hypotension during pregnancy is not physiological norm. It is dangerous not only for the mother’s body, but also for the development of the fetus.
  4. The best prevention of hypotension is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and physical activity.

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Hypotension can be called a condition of the body when the blood pressure level is below the approved norm (90/60 mm Hg). The clinical picture is determined by impaired central regulation of vascular tone, leading to improper redistribution of blood with deposition in organs and vessels abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of hypotension (hypotension), as signs of various diseases, are always associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain. may indicate the disease “Hypotension”, which has a separate code in international classification diseases (I95). On the other hand, hypotension is a common non-only manifestation various pathologies.

General subjective symptoms

True manifestations of hypotension (idiopathic), separate disease, not associated with other diseases, are manifested by symptoms of insufficiency of the autonomic nervous system.

Sleeping employees will not work much

These include the following patient complaints:

  • constant weakness, drowsiness, decreased ability to work;
  • disturbance of thermoregulation processes (freezing of hands and feet, sweating during normal temperature, increased body temperature without signs of infection);
  • dependence of well-being on weather conditions;
  • frequent dull headaches in the forehead and temples;
  • dizziness varying degrees to fainting;
  • palpitations and rhythm disturbances;
  • tendency to tachycardia, at times – the appearance of extrasystoles;
  • increased irritability, tearfulness, abrupt change mood;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of lack of air.

Typical objective manifestations

Pressure measurement does not always indicate pathology. Physiological hypotension is usually observed in athletes and people accustomed to the conditions of the Far North or subtropics. The doctor can objectively judge the patient’s condition. Everything the patient says must be confirmed.

Hypotension is characterized by:

  • low temperature body (35 – 36 degrees);
  • sticky with sweat, cold hands and feet;
  • pallor of the face and lips;
  • rapid irritability from loud speech, light;
  • belching, nausea, weight loss;
  • in women there is a disorder menstrual function;
  • in men, decreased potency;
  • weak and rapid pulse.

Deterioration is recorded when changing place of residence, work, or in the first days upon arrival at the sanatorium. It takes more than a week to acclimatize.

Orthostatic form of hypotension

The orthostatic form of hypotension manifests itself in a decrease in blood pressure when the body position changes from horizontal to vertical. This is observed when getting out of bed, getting out of a chair, straightening the body when bending over.

The symptom is more typical for adolescence. Severe dizziness causes darkening of the eyes and falling. Lying down makes you feel better.

Particular symptoms

Signs of hypotension are defined in a complex of symptoms associated by the mechanism of occurrence with cardiovascular failure. In such cases, diagnostic manifestations of the underlying disease come to the fore and help determine the stage of the disease.

Spicy and chronic failure cardiac activity during myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, decompensated heart defects is manifested by typical pain, shortness of breath, swelling that increases in the evening, and an enlarged abdomen.

Painful shock caused by injury, widespread burn, has external visible clinical symptoms damage.

Blood loss leads to anemia (anemia) and brain hypoxia. A similar condition occurs when acute bleeding from stomach ulcers, dilated veins of the esophagus. Signs and presence of anemia can be confirmed by blood tests for hematocrit, red blood cells, and ESR.

Large loss of fluid during infectious diseases during fever, vomiting, and diarrhea causes a decrease cardiac output and is manifested by hypotension.

Intoxication of the body due to liver and kidney diseases causes weakness of the heart muscle and insufficient release into the blood vessels. The accumulation of unnecessary toxins is detected in the blood, poisoning the brain. The condition of the skin, yellowness of the sclera, swelling on the face, and impaired urination are important.

Skull injuries cause concussion and “break” the established pressure regulation mechanism. There are neurological focal symptoms, nausea, vomiting.

Endocrine pathology (diabetes, decreased function thyroid gland, dysfunction of the adrenal glands) is characterized by typical manifestations.

Symptoms of advanced vitamin deficiency are visible on the skin and mucous membranes (dryness, wrinkles, seals on the lips), determined by the characteristic condition of hair and nails, impaired vision, sleep, muscle tone.


Connection feeling unwell hypotensive patients with environmental conditions is important in diagnosis. If symptoms recur, fainting becomes frequent, and the person becomes unable to perform work. It is important that manifestations of hypotension are detected with changes in environment: high humidity, stuffy room, loud music, driving in crowded transport.

Leaders are doing the right thing when they require exercise breaks.

Another sign: patients notice that movement improves their well-being, but because of weakness they prefer to lie on the sofa.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor is guided not by one, but by a complex of symptoms. It is necessary to examine the patient and exclude possible reasons hypotension.

To do this:

One of the reasons for hypotension and poor health may be unauthorized excess of the dosage of drugs for the treatment of hypertension, simultaneous use of drugs and folk recipes. It should be remembered that treatment is prescribed only by a doctor; any medicine can cause harm.


If you are suffering from low blood pressure, then you must be well aware of the main symptoms this state, called hypotension or arterial hypotension, among which we can mention frequent dizziness or even fainting. It is not surprising that you, even if you are not hypotensive, feel dizzy when you suddenly stand up after a long period of lying or sitting. However, if this feeling does not go away even after you long time are in vertical position, this may indicate that your heart and blood vessels unable to respond adequately to changes in body position. In most people, low blood pressure (in particular, when the pressure during heart contraction does not rise above 90 millimeters of mercury - the systolic component) is very often expressed in a feeling of exhaustion, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. Most serious forms of hypotension, which are usually associated with concomitant diseases(chronic arterial hypotension), may result in prolonged loss of consciousness, as well as in symptoms associated with deficiency of certain internal organs caused by extremely low blood pressure (for example, with kidney or liver failure).

Consequences of arterial hypotension

Typically, the consequences of extremely low blood pressure are due to the causes of hypotension. A sharp drop in blood pressure may pose a serious threat to human life, as it is associated with a significant decrease in the supply of blood and oxygen to vital organs. The death of the tissues of these affected low pressure organs can lead to a heart attack, renal failure, stroke and so on. However, you should know that a sharp significant decrease in blood pressure, which can lead to similar consequences, most often itself is a consequence of some serious pathological condition such as severe bleeding, a major heart attack, or a serious infection. Less severe cases of hypotension which are expressed in nausea, pre fainting and increased lethargy, are usually not accompanied by fatal consequences, despite the fact that such symptoms themselves can cause a lot of trouble.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

When it comes to arterial hypotension, emergency medical care should be sought in the following cases:

-- If a sharp decline pressure due to severe bleeding or symptoms heart attack(or heart failure), urgent medical attention is required.

-- If a decrease in blood pressure leads to fainting or loss of consciousness, you should immediately consult a specialist about these symptoms.

-- If, along with hypotension, you suffer from severe fatigue, lack of vitality and energy, which prevents you from living and working normally, you should also consult your therapist.

Hypotension is a pathological condition in which low blood pressure occurs to 100/60 mm Hg. Art. and below. Different people They tolerate this condition in different ways. For some, this is an insignificant deviation from normal condition, and someone feels very bad. The consequences of hypotension are not as serious as hypertension, however, the symptoms of the pathology can bring significant discomfort to the patient. Hypotension can be primary or secondary.

Characteristics of primary hypotension

Primary or neurocirculatory hypotension is observed in 80% of people. This condition is accompanied by unstable blood pressure. Primary hypotension is not a condition resulting from any disease. Primary hypotension is often a chronic human condition that requires constant monitoring.

The primary form of the disease is formed as a result of dysfunction of cardio-vascular system. Dysregulation of vascular tone develops under the influence of this disorder.

The reasons for the decrease in pressure may be overwork, climate change, excessive physical exercise, nervous tension.

Characteristics of secondary hypotension

Secondary hypotension is caused by a condition or disease. Hypotension often occurs in the following cases:

Secondary hypotension develops due to injury, poisoning, as a result anaphylactic shock, after radioactive and electromagnetic irradiation. To eliminate the pathological condition, it is important to understand the causes of hypotension.


Hypotension manifests itself various signs. The main things that hypotension leads to are loss of strength, general weakness, decreased performance, lethargy, fast fatiguability, drowsiness. The condition is accompanied by dizziness and headaches. Fainting is common with hypotension. General state the patient may be depressed, apathetic, even depressed. Increased sweating may occur.

Symptoms of hypotension appear with sudden movements (standing, bending). After rest, you feel better.

Also, with hypotension, deviations from the cardiovascular system are observed: arrhythmia, weak pulse, low blood pressure. Additionally, symptoms of polyarthritis or rheumatism, aching joints and muscles may occur.


With this pathology, the body is affected by negative factors this condition. The harm of hypotension consists mainly of insufficient blood supply various organs. Including the vessels themselves, with a lack of oxygen, lose their tone.

So vital important organs, like the brain, kidneys, heart, organs gastrointestinal tract cannot function normally if there is insufficient oxygen supply. Organ cells begin to die after some time.

May occur the following complications hypotension:

  • injuries due to fainting, which can be quite serious;
  • ischemic stroke, which develops with chronic lack of blood supply; wherein sudden jump pressure provokes danger;
  • myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock can develop when there is insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle;
  • Constant changes in blood pressure can lead to serious violations thought process, as a result of which a person develops dementia (degradation of memory, behavior) or senile dementia; These disorders occur especially often in intellectually developed people;
  • Another complication that is dangerous due to hypotension is a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs as a result of disruptions in the arterial and venous blood supply.

Long-term hypotension may develop arterial hypertension. This type of hypertension occurs in a rather severe form.

Prevention of complications

Prevent development serious complications Hypotension is possible if prevention is carried out. If the cause of the pathology is any disease or injury, then efforts should be directed toward eliminating this cause. Consultation with a specialist will allow you to select drug treatment for the pathology, for which drugs containing caffeine are used. The patient may also be advised to diet and avoid bad habits.

But if the condition is chronic, then a person must know what to do in case of hypotension in order to regain normal well-being and prevent possible consequences. A patient with hypotension should lead a healthy lifestyle: regular walks outdoors, moderate exercise, sleep and rest patterns, and sufficient sleep will improve your well-being.

A contrast shower will be useful for feeling more alert in the morning. Good effect provides massage. Visiting the bathhouse also helps improve blood circulation and a richer supply of oxygen to tissues and organs.

Nutrition is also of great importance for a person suffering from hypotension. Will be useful fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. To restore tone, coffee, tea, and chocolate can be consumed, but it is also not recommended to abuse products containing caffeine. It is useful to drink tonic drinks with ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and other herbs.

Low blood pressure is a condition that can be either a physiological norm or a pathology requiring medical intervention. But before engaging in the treatment of hypotension, it is necessary to comprehensively consider hypotension, how to diagnose, treat and prevent this pathology.

What is hypotension

Hypotension is a disease that is diagnosed in the presence of two conditions: if systolic pressure below 95-100 mm Hg, and diastolic - 60 mm Hg. Art., while the indicators should be stable.

Reduced blood pressure is less dangerous pathology than hypertension, but with prolonged pathology, hypoxia occurs - a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues of the body, which negatively affects the functioning of all systems. The most destructive effect of hypoxia is on the brain.


Low blood pressure is not always a reflection of pathology. Exist individual characteristics organism, in which objectively low level is the norm for a certain organism as an adaptation to various external and internal factors. Physiologically caused hypotension occurs in athletes, people living in mountainous areas, and pregnant women in the third trimester.

Any other hypotension is considered a pathology. There are two types of hypotension:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Acute hypotension can be dangerous, as it occurs against the background of toxic or anaphylactic shock or collapse. Chronic hypotension is always symptomatic, that is, secondary. Can provoke a decrease in blood pressure endocrine diseases, liver cirrhosis, blood loss, digestive tract disorders.

There is also a so-called drug-induced hypotension. It develops during the treatment of hypertension, when the drug or dosage is chosen incorrectly. Hypotension develops not only when taking antihypertensive drugs, but also diuretics, nitroglycerin.

Causes of hypotension

Considering pathological causes hypotension, the following common diseases can be distinguished:

  • anemia;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • infections;
  • bleeding, including internal bleeding.


In order to understand the mechanism of hypotension, you need to know how the body regulates blood pressure levels. On the inner walls of blood vessels there are special receptors that respond to the level of blood pressure inside the vessels. If the receptors detect a decrease in blood pressure, they release substances into the blood that provoke an increase in pressure. The vessels narrow, and from small vessels that act as a “depot”, an additional volume of blood enters the bloodstream - thus the condition is normalized.

But if a failure occurs in this mechanism at any stage, the pressure remains low and hypotension develops. In most cases, the problem is that the vessels cannot narrow to the required diameter, that is, the body detects the problem, but does not eliminate it.

Sometimes the cause of a disruption in the process of normalizing blood pressure is an obstruction in the outflow of blood from the heart: a blood clot, tamponade.

Symptoms of hypotension

The main symptom of hypotension is headache. As the disease progresses, it becomes constant, although at the beginning pathological process may occur immediately after waking up, after physical or mental stress.

The clinical picture of hypotension often resembles vegetative-vascular dystonia. A person may complain of causeless weakness, drowsiness, low vitality, unwillingness to do anything. People suffering from hypotension often report sensitivity to atmospheric pressure. This sign is too nonspecific to be used in diagnosis, especially since complaints made “about the weather” in most cases are a reflection of the internal state of the body, and not external factors. Signs of VSD hypotonic type also expressed in tremors and sweating, dizziness when changing position, feeling faint in a hot room or loud noise. Fainting may also occur.

As the disease progresses, when hypoxia has Negative influence on the brain, cognitive impairment may be noticed. The patient may complain of decreased memory and perception of information. Emotional lability may occur: causeless mood swings, tearfulness, irritability.

And finally, another sign of hypotension is decreased libido in both men and women.


For chronic hypotension, a standard health examination is performed:

  • biochemical composition of blood;
  • clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

With low blood pressure, as a rule, all indicators remain within normal limits. To exclude symptomatic hypotension, studies are carried out on the level of hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands.

In order to record the fact of a consistently reduced blood pressure level, it is necessary to take measurements using a tonometer at least 2 times a day for 10-14 days or use daily blood pressure monitoring using a special device.


Not all cases require low blood pressure therapy. If a person feels normal, it means that his body has adapted to the condition.

Besides, drug treatment Hypotension, as with hypertension, does not exist. There are medications that can briefly raise blood pressure levels, but they should not be taken for a long time.

Sometimes doctors recommend herbal preparations activating sympathetic division nervous system. It could be a tincture of Eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass, caffeine tablets. But accept them like any other pharmacological preparations, is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

A much more effective method of treatment using rules healthy image life. Simple tricks healing allows you to normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system, increase vascular tone:

  • full sleep for at least 8 hours in a dark, well-ventilated room;
  • daily walks in comfortable shoes;
  • contrast shower, as you get used to it - dousing with cold water;
  • proper nutrition with the necessary balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • consultation with a psychotherapist.

Taking into account the fact that clinical picture hypotension is similar to the pathogenesis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, we can recommend that patients be distracted from attacks of poor health if they occur suddenly and do not pose any risk to the person. The fact is that with expressed anxiety about one’s well-being, the vegetative system is activated. nervous system, and the subsequent attack panic attack will be the reason unpleasant symptoms, much more pronounced than the symptoms of hypotension.

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