Cheap expectorants. Available remedies for wet cough. Main causes of cough

For wet cough, bronchial inflammation, ARVI, patients are prescribed antitussive medications. They are used in case of poor separation of thick sputum. To thin it out, the doctor prescribes mucolytics, and to facilitate the removal of mucus, expectorants for dry coughs. To avoid side effects Before using the medicine, it is recommended to study the instructions for its use.

Classification of antitussives

A cough expectorant reduces the viscosity of mucus in the bronchi. For inflammation respiratory tract secretion accumulates. The mucus stagnates and becomes difficult to remove. Impaired breathing is accompanied by irritation of the respiratory tract. The body’s reaction in this case is a cough against a background of thick and viscous sputum.

To avoid the development of serious pathologies (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), it is important to consult a specialist in time. The doctor will listen to complaints, check the lungs, the condition of the throat and nose, and refer you for tests. To reduce the density and viscosity of mucus, the patient will be prescribed expectorant. Do not self-medicate! Incorrectly selected medications can lead to aggravation of the situation.

IN medical practice All cough remedies for adults and children are prescribed depending on the nature of the cough symptom. In accordance with this, medications are classified into several main groups:

  1. Antitussive medications. They are used if the cough is unproductive and dry. The symptom is accompanied by sleep and appetite disorders.
  2. Expectorants. Prescribed to adults and children to stimulate the process of sputum discharge and make the cough productive. After using syrup or tablets of this group, the disease enters the stage of producing mucus that is not too viscous and thick.
  3. Mucolytics. Indications for use are productive cough with a lot of viscous and thick mucus. Medicines are prescribed for its better release from the bronchi.

Cough expectorants are divided into secretomotor and secretolytic drugs. Their differentiation is based on the principle of action of medications.

Secretomotor drugs

They have a reflex action. It's about irritation nerve endings(cough center) located in the brain. It is also activated as a result of reflex action. As a result, there is increased production of mucus in the bronchi. It is difficult for people who cough heavily to suppress the paroxysmal symptom. The use of a secretomotor drug often causes vomiting reflex. This is due to the fact that the cough and vomiting centers are located in close proximity to each other (medulla oblongata).

Medicines in this group include herbal products. Extracts of licorice root, essential oils (for example, eucalyptus), wild rosemary, and thyme have an expectorant effect. You can prepare syrup for expectoration for dry and wet coughs yourself. If this is not possible, age-appropriate medication is purchased at the pharmacy in accordance with the recommendations of the therapist or pediatrician.

Secretolytic drugs

They have a direct resorptive effect. It consists in increasing the secretion of mucus after irritation of the bronchial membranes. The active substances of the drug are absorbed by the gastric mucosa, and then spread throughout the body and affect the respiratory system.

How to cure dry cough quickly

A good, effective expectorant is selected individually according to the recommendations of a specialist. In this case, the form and nature of the disease are taken into account.

Children and pregnant women should take expectorant medications with extreme caution. When using medications, accompanying symptoms often occur - tearing and runny nose.

To avoid the allergic component, as well as relieve swelling, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. Also prescribed:

  • nasal drops (for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • antipyretics (in case of increased body temperature);
  • immunostimulants (the patient’s body is exhausted, so a drug is taken that increases the production of interferons);
  • antibacterial or antiviral compounds (if infectious lesion upper and lower respiratory tract);
  • physiotherapy (inhalation with saline solution). They are indicated for asthma and pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. With the help of a nebulizer, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition. The procedures allow the mucus to swell and be released from the bronchi.

Cough medicines in this group are represented by drugs based on ammonium chloride, potassium, sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate. They are taken at the stage of sputum production, when they are not completely viscous and thick.

Expectorants for dry cough

A non-productive dry cough accompanies the disease initial stage. The symptom leads to a narrowing of the airway, the appearance of wheezing and whistling in the bronchi.

The causes of dry cough are acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, asthma, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi.

Doctors are faced with the task of converting a non-productive symptom into a productive cough, and then getting rid of it with the help of mucolytics and expectorants.

The following medications help with dry cough:

  1. Bronholitin syrup. It has a pronounced antitussive effect, as well as a bronchodilator effect.
  2. Sinekod drops. An effective antitussive drug.
  3. Gerbion syrup. Natural remedy based on plantain to relieve dry cough.
  4. Codelac Broncho tablets. Synthetic medication with mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  5. Stoptussin tablets. Combined antitussive drug.
  6. Linkas syrup based on herbal ingredients. It contains extracts of licorice, pepper, fragrant violet, etc.

Antitussive compounds are indicated in case of debilitating symptoms. However, doctors do not recommend their use along with mucolytic drugs.

Choosing the best expectorant for dry cough is not easy. For some, one medicinal composition is suitable, for others another product becomes effective. Each of them is selected individually.

Expectorants for adults

For various diseases respiratory system, accompanying symptom for which cough is present, antitussive drugs of various spectrums of action are prescribed.

In acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, cough pneumonia, expectorants are prescribed in combination with other groups medicines(antibiotics, antiviral medications, immunomodulators). Expectorant medications are used to:

  • reducing the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs;
  • relief of the patient's condition with a non-productive cough;
  • diluting produced mucus;
  • stimulating the release of mucus from the bronchi.

I can’t cough up mucus, what should I do? What remedy for cough symptoms effectively fights bronchitis and other pathologies? respiratory organs? Most effective The following mucolytic drugs are used:

  1. Ambroxol (cough expectorant tablets or syrup). In case of transmission of infection from a child to children and the occurrence of bronchitis, doctors prescribe Ambrovix cough syrup to young patients. The drugs are indicated for diseases with acute inflammation bronchi, lungs and other respiratory organs.
  2. Lazolvan is the best imported expectorant. Its analogues: Ambrosan, Ambrobene, Flavamed.
  3. ACC (Acetylcysteine). Has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects. In the case of an allergic nature of the origin of the cough, ACC drug taken with extreme caution.
  4. Solvin (Bronchosan, Bromhexine). Has a slight antitussive effect. Has pronounced expectorant properties.

Dry cough syrup for children and adults

For bronchitis, mucolytic drugs of the reflex group are also prescribed. These include Mukaltin, Alteyka, Thermopsol. They promote increased production of viscous and thick mucus.

Folk expectorants

Traditional cough expectorants are effective, easy to prepare and affordable. Along with drug treatment, it is good to resort to the use of homemade decoctions, syrups and infusions.

It is not difficult to prepare remedies at home to eliminate the symptom. To thin sputum, expectorant folk remedies for coughs are used for adults:

  1. Recipe 1. Milk with butter. An old proven method. Helps relieve irritation in the bronchi, soften cough and improve mucus removal. The mixture is recommended for use by adults and children. It is prepared by heating milk, to which 5-10 grams of butter are added. Despite the popularity of the recipe, some pediatricians do not recommend using it due to the increased load on the child’s pancreas.
  2. Recipe 2. Warm milk with honey and fat. K 250 ml. dairy product fat and honey are added. Everything is mixed and drunk. The method helps to liquefy mucus and speed up its removal from the bronchi. If you have an allergic component to your cough, you should use the milk and honey mixture with extreme caution.
  3. Recipe 3. Honey in radish. Juice is prepared based on the ingredients. This cocktail has an expectorant effect. It affects the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. An expectorant for dry cough is prepared as follows: a hole is made in the radish, where 2 teaspoons of honey are added. When the fruit releases juice, the product is drunk in several doses throughout the day.
  4. Recipe 4. Milk-fat mixture of fat (badger), milk, aloe, honey. The composition is considered one of the best expectorants for bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, and pneumonia.

Inhalations and fees

Carrying out home inhalations with the addition of herbs for coughs with phlegm can effectively thin mucus and speed up its elimination. The procedure replaces the use of syrups and infusions. The most effective are chamomile, oregano, string, sage, calendula, etc.

Cough expectorant recipes are also presented medicinal fees. Folk remedies for coughs for adults and children are prepared by preparing decoctions based on herbal compounds and tea. Their natural ingredients have healing properties, while helping to fight various pathologies of the respiratory system.

The expectorant collection is purchased at the pharmacy. It contains specially selected medicinal herbs. Decoctions help thin mucus and improve its removal from the bronchi. Infusions based on plantain, oregano, thyme, sage, marshmallow and licorice help with dry cough.

When a cough occurs, it is important to find out its cause. If it is caused by the presence of mucus that is difficult to remove, taking appropriate medications will help improve the patient's condition. If the cough is not accompanied by the formation of sputum, taking them may be “superfluous”. It is advisable to take expectorants after consulting a doctor.

Mechanism of action of expectorants

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body: in this way it tries to get rid of pathological contents in the respiratory tract. In case of illness, functioning ciliated epithelium is disturbed, the sputum becomes thick and viscous, so it is quite difficult to cough it up.

When it accumulates, gas exchange is disrupted, so there is a high probability of pathogenic microorganisms multiplying. To avoid complications and to alleviate the patient's condition, expectorants are prescribed. Their use is justified for both dry and wet coughs. However, in each case you need to take certain medications.

Expectorants are divided into two groups:

  • the first are aimed at stimulating expectoration, these include secretomotor drugs;
  • the second - to liquefy sputum (secretolytic or mucolytic agents).

The drugs in question, when they enter the stomach, irritate the mucous membrane. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the activity of the bronchial glands, due to which the secretion produced becomes more fluid and abundant. In addition, the muscles of the bronchi begin to contract more actively and remove mucus.

Action of mucolytic drugs

Unlike drugs of the first group, mucolytics act directly on sputum, liquefying and dissolving it. They are often prescribed for viscous and mucopurulent sputum, after operations on the respiratory organs for preventive purposes.

Secretolytic drugs include certain enzymes, sulfur-containing substances and vizicine derivatives. The mechanism of their action is based on the destruction of protein-like polymers of sputum. Under the influence of mucolytics, chemical transformations occur in the secretion, helping to weaken the connections between the components of the “chain”.

Complex therapy of respiratory tract diseases involves joint reception several medications, some of which may be expectorants. It should be taken into account that the action antimicrobials thanks to bromhexine and ambroxol it is enhanced. Acetylcysteine, on the contrary, reduces their effectiveness, so it should be taken 2 hours before taking antibacterial drugs.

There are many diseases accompanied by cough. In each case, specific treatment is required to relieve difficulty breathing. In addition, it is advisable for some categories of citizens to take medications containing only natural ingredients. Expectorants can be classified as follows:

  • preparations created on the basis of plant components;
  • medicines of mineral origin;
  • combination drugs.

Plants that are effective in treating cough include oregano and others. Basically, these drugs are used to stimulate expectoration and have a reflex effect.

After taking potassium and sodium iodide, ammonium chloride, related to minerals, there is an increase in the amount of sputum (direct resorptive effect) and its partial liquefaction.

Components with antitussive, antihistamine, expectorant and other properties may be included in the composition of drugs with combined action.

Depending on what active substance is included in the composition of mucolytic agents, the effect of the latter differs. The following effects may occur when taking these medications:

  • changes in the elasticity and viscosity of sputum;
  • accelerated mucus removal;
  • decreased production of bronchial secretions.

The most popular synthetic drugs

Many cough relievers have additional properties. Treatment of diseases will be effective only if the selected drug is suitable for the patient (hypersensitivity to the drug is not observed, there are no contraindications) and its action is justified for the existing type of cough.

– a drug of combined action. The active ingredients of this product are thermopsis extract, sodium bicarbonate, which provides the drug with expectorant properties, and ambroxol, which provides mucolytic properties. In addition, the drug contains glycyrrhizinate, which has an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect.

This drug is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. If a person is diagnosed peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma, serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys, the drug should be taken with caution.

represents synthetic analogue Justice vascular. This drug thins mucus, removes it from the bronchioles into larger airways, and also affects the cells that produce sputum. The resulting mucus has a more liquid consistency. In addition, more surfactant is produced, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the alveoli of the lungs.

Due to the high bioavailability of bromhexine, the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimester) and lactation. There is a risk of developing lung pathology in the fetus and infant.

It is a metabolite of bromhexine and belongs to the group of expectorants. Simultaneous use with antitussive medications can lead to a worsening of the condition due to stagnation of the resulting liquid sputum.

The drug can be used for inhalation (steam inhalation is not included). To do this, Ambroxol is mixed with saline in a 1:1 ratio. The procedure must be carried out only with a warm solution: its temperature should be within 36–37 0 C.

used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, one of the symptoms of which is cough. Thickening of viscous mucus occurs under the influence of acetylcysteine, which is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. A mucolytic effect is also observed in the presence of purulent contents.

This drug has antioxidant properties and the ability to increase glutathione synthesis. ACC can be used to reduce the hepatotoxic effect of Paracetamol. The solution for administration should be prepared only in glass containers. If the treatment of a disease accompanied by a cough involves taking antibiotics, it should be taken into account that simultaneous administration ACC and some antimicrobial drugs are undesirable.

Herbal preparations

It is often used to relieve cough in young children. This drug contains only natural herbal ingredients. Included in the group of expectorants. It contains saponins, due to which Gedelix also has an antispasmodic effect. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, including fructose, which is inherited, is a contraindication to the use of the drug. Due to the lack of clinical data on the effect of the drug on the fetus and infant Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use this drug to relieve cough.

Included in the group of expectorants. It is created based on medicinal plants, having the following actions:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiseptic.

It is prescribed for dry cough, which often appears against the background of respiratory diseases. Dr. IOM also helps if the cause of this symptom is related to professional activity.

Some dosage forms of the drug can be used to treat children aged three years and older. It is not advisable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to take the drug due to insufficient clinical data.

Breast preparations can be used as expectorants. They are sold in pharmacies, each containing only medicinal plants. They have a complex effect. For cooking healing decoction 2 tbsp. l. Brew half a liter of boiling water, after 1.5 hours the strained product can be taken. Frequency of administration: 3-4 times a day, 150 ml. After drinking the broth, it is advisable to eat only after 30 minutes.

Compared to pharmaceutical drugs, the effect of using medicinal herbs may not be immediately noticeable. You need to drink the decoctions until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Medicinal herbs included in the composition can be classified as follows:

  • antitussives;
  • disinfectants;
  • rich in vitamins.

In most cases herbal preparations do not have a negative effect on the body. However, pregnant girls and people with hypersensitivity to some components need to consult a doctor.

Procure healing herbs you can do it yourself, but you must first familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of their collection, drying and storage.

Breast collection No. 1

The drug has an antiseptic effect. Decoctions and infusions can be prepared from herbs. It is recommended to drink for respiratory diseases caused by infection and accompanied by inflammation and cough. The collection is a mixture of:

  • pine buds;
  • black elderberry flowers.

Chest collection No. 2

When using it, there are notes the following actions: reduction of swelling of mucous tissues and relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles. The therapeutic effect is ensured thanks to:

  • oregano;
  • licorice root;

Chest collection No. 3

It has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Includes:

  • Birch buds;
  • marshmallow;
  • oregano

Chest collection No. 4

Components of the drug:

  • cudweed grass;
  • spring primrose roots;
  • pine buds;
  • black currant.

Thanks to the properties of these plants, the viscosity of sputum decreases, which facilitates its removal from the bronchi. Microbes contained in the mucus die, inflammation subsides.

Traditional expectorants

To improve phlegm discharge, it is important to drink plenty of liquid: weakly brewed black tea or plain water. The optimal temperature for drinks is about 40 0 ​​C. Compliance drinking regime will reduce the pathological effects on the body caused by viruses and bacteria.

Home remedies used to relieve cough should contain only natural ingredients. Due to their relative safety, use in children, expectant mothers, allergy sufferers, and during lactation is allowed. The most popular folk remedies:

  • milk with honey;
  • tea with ginger;
  • syrup made from radish and honey;
  • with honey;
  • vitamin collection.

Milk and honey

Milk and honey should only be drunk warm. Thanks to this remedy, a dry cough quickly turns into a wet one, the sputum becomes more liquid and comes off easier. Pour 0.25 liters of milk into a mug and dilute 1 tbsp in it. l. honey, 1 tsp. butter, half tsp. . You should drink the drink in the morning and evening.

Honey and radish

An expectorant obtained from honey and helps to expel mucus and activate the body’s own defenses. You need to make a through hole in the vegetable so that you can put honey without it falling through. Place the radish on the mug and leave it there for an hour. During this time, a sufficient amount of juice will collect in the container. You need to drink it 1 tsp. approximately 7 times a day.

The ratio of the first three components is 1:1:2. Place all ingredients in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After three hours of infusion, strain. Take the drug before meals.

Onions with honey

A homemade preparation of onions and honey for cough relief is prepared as follows: the vegetable cut into rings is mixed with honey and left for about an hour. The resulting juice has expectorant properties; you should drink it 1 tbsp. l. 7 times a day.

Preventive actions

Massage therapy for severe cough

The main treatment can be supplemented with massage. It is especially useful for young children. Rubbing and light tapping on the back and chest helps move mucus and improves blood circulation in the massaged area.

There are many causes of dry cough, not always this symptom is a sign of respiratory disease. It can appear, for example, if the air in the room is dry or due to allergic reaction. Therefore, before taking an expectorant, you need to find out its nature.

The indication for the use of the drugs in question is the presence of viscous, thick mucus. It is especially difficult for small children to cough it up (even if it is liquid). Therefore, it is advisable to combine the use of expectorant medications with procedures that promote the removal of mucous contents.

Many diseases are very often accompanied by a cough, which is considered a protective physiological reaction of the body in response to the irritating effect of chemical, physical or organic factors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The body, through coughing, tries to cleanse and clear the airways as much as possible. foreign bodies or sputum, which is produced in response to the inflammatory process, in a word, from everything that should not be normal in the respiratory system.

In this regard, the issue of suppressing the cough reflex should not arise in principle. Indeed, in the absence of the ability to cough, the respiratory tract will become overfilled with constantly produced sputum and become impenetrable to air. But you still have to eliminate the cough when it becomes annoyingly painful, being completely unproductive, or alleviate it, making it more effective for freeing the bronchi from secretions.

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In each case, you have to select certain “cough pills”. By the way, this name is completely incorrect medical concepts. It sounds as ridiculous as the phrase “head pills.” But due to the fact that this very concept has taken root among the people, in this article we will use similar phrases for the convenience of our readers in order to clearly talk about the principles of choosing and using cough medications.

This topic is very important, because often sick people try to self-medicate without turning to a doctor, but to pharmacists who work in pharmacies, where entire display cases are filled with various antitussives in the form of tablets, drops, inhalers, sprays, syrups, mixtures, infusions , tinctures, suspensions, etc., the number of which is simply dizzying. As a result, the sick person relies on the advice of the pharmacist, who is generally prohibited from advising anything. After all, only a specialist doctor has the right to advise which cough tablets to choose.

Why is the list of cough tablets so long?

The answer to this question is quite simple - cough and cough are different. It occurs due to many reasons and various diseases, which is why it is necessary to select strictly defined, most effective cough remedies to treat the corresponding ailment, eliminate or alleviate a certain type of cough.

The respiratory tract, or rather, the mucous membranes of the bronchi, constantly produce a certain amount of mucus, regardless of whether the person is sick or healthy. But with development pathological process the amount of phlegm or mucus increases sharply, and excess is removed only by coughing. But even without the production of sputum, any irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract leads to a cough, only a very unproductive one.

From this large list, it is difficult for a person ignorant of medicine to understand which antitussives medical supplies choose so that the treatment is effective and the cough is productive, lighter and faster.

Basic principles of treating dry cough

At the very beginning of the development of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, as well as in many other diseases not related to the pathology of the respiratory system, the cough can be very severe, painful, and annoying. A dry cough without sputum production occurs against the background of irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which can have a wide variety of origins, for example, inflammatory, allergic, infectious and non-infectious.

In this case, the cough does not bring any benefit, but only exhausts the already exhausted sick person. The only way to eliminate such a cough is to use antitussive drugs that suppress the activity of the cough center or act on the receptors of the bronchial mucosa.

At this stage of treatment, narcotic and non-narcotic drugs will be very effective, for example, Codelac tablets, which are based on Codeine. Codeine-containing drugs are very effective, but in the free pharmacy chain they are sold only at special recipes doctors because they can cause drug addiction.

But instead of them, the pharmacological industry offers no less effective, but safer ones that do not affect respiratory center, quite available drugs, which do not contain narcotic substances. These include a fairly large list of non-narcotic cough medicines - Libexin, Tusuprex, Paxeladin, Glaucine, etc.

These drugs work mainly through the peripheral route, reducing the sensitivity of receptors in the bronchial mucosa, although they can also affect the cough center. Bronchial receptors are very sensitive, they instantly react to irritation and send signals to the medulla oblongata, where the cough center is immediately activated and a cough reflex occurs. These products are not addictive and do not lead to drug addiction, so they can also be used for treating cough in children.

Combination medications for dry cough are also becoming very popular, for example, Broncholitin, which, in addition to the antitussive substance Glaucine, also contains the well-known Ephedrine, as well as Basil oil. The list of tablets, mixtures, and cough syrups in this category is very large, and certain principles must be followed in using these medications.

It is prohibited to use these very effective and good pills for the treatment of any type of cough, if it becomes wet in nature, otherwise blocking the cough will lead to disruption of lung cleansing and sputum removal, and this is a direct path to the development of pneumonia and impaired ventilation of the lungs. You should know the general contraindications for the use of drugs in this group:

1. If there is hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the drug;

2. Not for pregnant and lactating women;

4. Revealed respiratory failure 2-3 tbsp;

5. History of aggravated form of bronchial asthma.

Which ones are better to choose and how to take tablets to treat dry cough?

Of course, there is no definite answer to this question, because the choice of medication is always selected on an individual basis. In addition, when choosing a medicine, you need to pay attention to the release form of the drug. For example, for young children it is better to buy syrup rather than tablets to treat a dry hacking cough.

This form, such as effervescent or absorbable tablets for the treatment of cough, is absorbed much faster, their effect occurs very quickly, but they are also not suitable for children.

Besides, effervescent tablets, as an antitussive, should not be taken by those who have high acidity gastric juice, hyperacid gastritis, as well as peptic ulcer disease.

1. Libexin

If a dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute or exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, as well as in patients suffering from heart failure, it is recommended to use Libexin. These cheap cough medications are quite comparable in effectiveness to codeine-containing drugs.

The medicine reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors, affects the cough reflex, but does not have a depressing effect on the respiratory center. In addition, Libexin has mild anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects.

If this drug is sold under the name Libexin muco, this means that it contains a mucolytic - Carbocisteine, which reduces the viscosity of sputum. Libexin can be prescribed to young children, but with caution.

According to the instructions, the tablet drug Libexin is used according to a scheme that involves taking it up to 4 times a day in doses corresponding to the patient’s age - from ¼ to 2 tablets at a time, without chewing the tablets, because they cause anesthesia of the oral mucosa. The duration of action of this drug is quite short - 3-4 hours.

This fairly simple cough medicine may have another trade name, Glauvent. The drug has a central effect directly on the cough center, but it is not a narcotic drug, does not cause depression of respiration and intestinal motility, or addiction to it.

Glaucine can be prescribed to children from 4 years of age, but is not prescribed to persons who have had a myocardial infarction and have been diagnosed with arterial hypotension, because it can cause a decrease in blood pressure. A pronounced antitussive effect occurs within 30 minutes and lasts for almost 8 hours, which is why it is enough to use it 2-3 times a day.

3. Bithiodine

Among the drugs of peripheral action, the most effective are the common and simple cough pills Bitiodine, which in terms of the strength of their action is quite comparable to Codeine, but at the same time does not cause addiction like narcotic antitussives and has very few side effects. This feature allows it to be used in the treatment of cough in children.

Bitiodine is used up to 2-3 times a day; it has virtually no contraindications, except in cases where patients experience hypersensitivity to the drug.

4. Stoptussin

A very popular antitussive drug Stoptussin, which in addition to suppressing the cough reflex has mucolytic properties. It contains butamirate and guaifenesin, which causes an expectorant effect. These effective cough tablets are used up to 4-6 times a day because the drug has a half-life of 6 hours.

Despite all its effectiveness, Stoptusin has a large list of contraindications: it cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy (with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimester), it cannot be used during breastfeeding, for the treatment of children under 12 years of age, and also for myasthenia gravis. During treatment, side effects may occur in the form of diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and headaches, dizziness and allergic reactions.

To treat cough, it is better for pregnant women to choose other, safer options than Stoptussin.

5. Bronholitin

Bronholitin is available in syrup form and is a combination cough medicine that contains glaucine and ephedrine. In addition to the antitussive effect and inhibition of the cough reflex, the medicine dilates the bronchi and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The range of applications of this syrup is very wide - from catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, pneumonia, to the treatment of whooping cough, COPD and bronchial asthma.

Bronholitin can increase blood pressure, increase heart rate, cause extrasystoles, dizziness, insomnia, hand tremors, dyspepsia, and visual impairment. However, this drug is widely used in pediatrics for the treatment respiratory diseases children over 3 years of age. It dilates the bronchi well, reduces mucus secretion and has a gentle effect on the cough center.

During pregnancy, give preference to other drugs in the treatment of cough, which are safer, but in case of urgent need, Bronholitin can be used only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester under the supervision of a doctor. It should not be included in the treatment regimen during breastfeeding, for patients with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, with thyrotoxicosis, hyperplasia prostate gland and pheochromocytoma.

Topical cough medicines

The group of antitussive drugs includes drugs that inhibit the cough reflex by anesthetizing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which sharply reduces the irritating effect of various infectious and non-infectious, physical and chemical factors. Such drugs can reduce the viscosity of sputum and relax the bronchi.

These medications are used mainly in the form of inhalations for irrigation to moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which seriously reduces the cough reflex. Benzoate or sodium and ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate are added to the inhalation composition for this purpose.

Many essential oils and plant extracts, such as eucalyptus, wild cherry, and acacia, have a good effect. Local anesthetics, such as Tetracaine, Benzocaine or Cyclaine, are introduced into inhalers (nebulizers). But this method treatment can only be used in inpatient settings.

TO local anesthetics include Libexin tablets, which we wrote about above, as well as Falimint and Tusuprex.

1. Falimint

Falimint lozenges are used in case of unproductive irritating cough caused by catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The medicine has a mild local anesthetic effect, reduces the intensity of dry cough, and thins sputum.

Falimint is absorbed very quickly and can be used up to 10 times a day, but the duration of treatment should not exceed several days. These lozenges should not be used to treat cough in children under 4 years of age, in pregnant or breastfeeding children, or in cases of hypersensitivity to it or fructose intolerance.

2. Tusuprex

Very popular and very effective tablets for the treatment of dry non-productive cough Tusuprex have a weak expectorant effect and a suppressive effect on the cough reflex. But unlike Codeine, Tusuprex does not depress breathing and does not lead to addiction or drug dependence. However, during treatment the medicine may cause digestive disorders.

Tusuprex is often used to treat cough in children even under 1 year of age. According to the instructions, these pills cannot be used against the background of bronchospasm, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis and bronchitis with difficult sputum discharge.

Mechanism of action of expectorant drugs: treatment features

Expectorant drugs reflexively increase the secretion of sputum in the bronchi, dilute the secretion and facilitate its easier removal from the bronchi. lower sections respiratory tract to higher sections. These drugs irritate the receptors of the gastric mucosa, stimulate the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata, thereby significantly increasing the secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands.

Expectorants are prescribed in cases where little or a lot of sputum is produced, but it is very thick, viscous, difficult to separate, which occurs with bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, as well as pneumoconiosis and cystic fibrosis.

When treating respiratory diseases with expectorants, they cannot be combined with drugs that depress the cough center and inhibit the cough reflex, because with such a symbiosis, a large amount of sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract, leading to their obliteration and the occurrence of severe inflammatory diseases lower respiratory organs, for example, pneumonia.

There are two groups of expectorant drugs for wet coughs, which differ in their mechanism of action - drugs with a reflex and direct effect.

The most popular herbal expectorants

Expectorants with reflex action are represented mainly medicinal herbs and their extracts, which enhance and accelerate the removal of mucus from the respiratory system. This group very extensive, and most of these medicines are drugs of plant origin.

Plant extracts have expectorant properties - licorice, marshmallow, deyasil, anise, wild rosemary, plantain, oregano, coltsfoot, thyme, ipecac, violet, sundew, thermopsis, pine buds, thyme, etc.

Plant extracts of these herbs are included in various breast mixtures, powders, tablets, and syrups for wet coughs.

1. Doctor "Mom"

One of the most prominent representatives of herbal expectorant medicines are tablets, syrup or cough lozenges "Doctor Mom", which contains several plant extracts - aloe, elecampane, basil, ginger, licorice, turmeric, cubeba pepper, Indian nightshade and terminalia. This remedy is a combination one. Its scope of application ranges from laryngitis to pneumonia.

The drug has anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, expectorant, emollient, secretomotor, muco- and secretolytic and expectorant effects. Thanks to this, sputum quickly liquefies and is easily removed from the inflamed bronchi, and a dry hacking cough quickly transforms into a wet one.

“Doctor Mom” is produced not only in the form of syrup, but also in the form of cough lozenges in orange, lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pineapple, fruit and berry flavors, which children really like. True, lozenges are prescribed only from the age of 14, and the syrup can be used to treat 3-year-old children and older children.

2. Mukaltin

Mucaltin tablets are created on the basis of only one plant substance - marshmallow extract. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect, which is due to reflex stimulation of the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, as well as an increase in bronchiole peristalsis and the secretion of bronchial glands.

The composition of tablets for treatment wet cough Mucaltin also contains sodium bicarbonate, which helps make sputum more liquid and enhance bronchial secretion. Currently, this rather old drug is recognized as one of the most effective expectorant drugs, as evidenced by numerous reviews of these tablets, which were used to treat cough.

3. Thermopsis - cough tablets

When asked what are the best tablets for wet coughs, one immediately remembers the rather old and still very popular Thermopsis - tablets that contain the thermopsis herb itself and sodium bicarbonate, which enhances the secretion of sputum, while simultaneously reducing its viscosity. Many years have passed since Thermopsis appeared, but the effectiveness and popularity of this medicine in the treatment of cough has not decreased.

There are no chemicals in these tablets, and in comparison with new, very expensive drugs, they are actually not inferior in effectiveness. There are contraindications for the drug - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, individual intolerance and pregnancy.

Thermopsis is an excellent remedy for cough therapy in children. However, this drug should not be used for infants if they suffer from bronchitis or pneumonia with large sputum production. Babies simply will not be able to cough due to increased secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract, which will quickly lead to respiratory failure.

In large doses, Thermopsis exhibits an emetic effect; at the beginning of treatment (up to 5 days) it can cause nausea in children.

4. Other expectorant tablets of herbal origin

The pharmacy chain now sells a lot of imported expectorants; they are quite expensive, although, in fact, they have a similar effect and effect as cheap, but very effective, domestic cough medicines.

It is the right of every person to choose which drug to choose, but Bronchicum, Gedelix, Eucabal and many drugs will have a similar effect to the usual and accessible Mucaltin or Thermopsis.

Expectorants of artificial origin

Expectorant antitussive drugs with direct action enhance the excretion of bronchial secretions by affecting the sputum itself and stimulating the bronchi. This group is mainly represented by artificial medicinal substances, for example, iodized sodium and potassium salts, sodium hydrochloride, potassium bromide, sodium benzoate, ammonium chloride, as well as essential oils- eucalyptus, anise or terpinhydrate.

These expectorants are mainly used for inhalation, but when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, due to their resorptive effect, they quickly penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract. circulatory system, and then released through the bronchial mucosa and dilutes and increases the amount of sputum. Their effectiveness is quite decent considering the fact that these drugs are very accessible and cheap.

In the pharmacy chain you can find combination drugs for the treatment of cough, which combine plant matter and cheap chemicals, for example, the same ones - Thermopsis or Ammonia-Anise tablets. The proven Pertussin, which contains potassium bromide and thyme extract, has become very popular in this group.

Scope of application of mucolytic drugs

Expectorants, first of all, increase the production of bronchial secretions, and the action of mucolytics is aimed at liquefying the viscous and thick secretion of the bronchial glands to facilitate their removal from the respiratory tract without increasing sputum secretion.

Mucolytic tablets are one of the main means in the treatment of wet cough. They restore the mucous membranes of the bronchi damaged during the pathological inflammatory process, as well as the elasticity of the lungs.

This group of drugs includes Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol, Carbocyten and many others. When combining various herbal expectorants with mucolytics, the effectiveness of both increases dramatically.

It should be noted that both Bromhexine and Ambroxol affect the formation of pulmonary surfactant, which ensures the functioning of the alveoli of the lung tissue, preventing them from sticking together and collapsing. In addition, Ambroxol inhibits the breakdown of surfactant. This circumstance speaks in favor of the use of these drugs in pediatric practice for the treatment of children early age, especially under the age of 5 years.

But these drugs have one unpleasant feature. They can cause bronchospasm, which is why they are contraindicated for use during an exacerbation of bronchial asthma. In such cases, preference is given to bronchodilators, but not to atropine, which makes sputum more viscous and difficult to remove.

1. Bromhexine

This mucolytic drug can be presented in the pharmacy chain under the trade names Solvin, Phlegamine, Bisolvon. Its action is to reduce the viscosity of sputum and stimulate its secretion by the bronchial glands, which explains the expectorant effect of the drug. According to the instructions, Bromhexine tablets can be used to treat cough in children starting from the age of 3, because this drug is low-toxic.

This medicine can be used for a long time - up to 4 weeks. It is contraindicated only in the first trimester of pregnancy, children under 3 years of age, with stomach ulcers and recent bleeding, as well as with hypersensitivity to the drug. In other cases, this is a very effective and popular cough remedy.

2. Ambroxol

The drug Ambroxol is very popular; it has pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effects. In the pharmacy chain, the medicine is sold under the names Ambrobene, Ambrolytic, Lazolvan, Lindoxil, Bronchopront, Viscomcil, Mucozan, Mucofar, Mucovent, Mucosolvan, Fluixol, Secretil, etc.

The active substance is a derivative of Bromhexine; it perfectly stimulates alveolar secretion. The mucolytic agent Ambroxol affects the concentration of antibiotics in the lung tissue, which contributes to more effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy.

At the same time, Ambroxol practically does not suppress cough, but combining it with other antitussive drugs is not recommended. This medicine is widely used by pediatricians in the treatment of even infants.

By the way, the difference between all the listed analogues of Ambroxol lies only in the name of the manufacturing company, despite the fact that the Kiev “anti-cough” tablets Ambroxol are in no way inferior to the German Lazolvan in effectiveness, but they are several times cheaper than the imported analogue.

3. ACC - cough tablets Acetylcysteine

ACC effectively thins thick and sticky sputum, ensuring its faster removal, but at the same time acts as an antidote for paracetamol, aldehydes and phenols. Due to the fact that it easily crosses the placenta, it should be used with caution during pregnancy, although ACC has not been shown to have an embryotoxic effect. It is often prescribed to nursing mothers, but only under medical supervision.

The instructions clearly indicate how to take ACC cough tablets, and it is worth noting that this drug can be prescribed from the 10th day of a child’s life. The duration of the course of taking the drug can reach several months, which indicates the absence of toxicity if the correct dosage is observed.

It is worth considering that side effects when taking Acetylcysteine ​​do exist, and they are quite extensive - from dyspepsia, increased blood pressure, bronchospasm to skin and allergic manifestations.

ACC is not used in case of bleeding in the lungs, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, renal failure, history of fructose intolerance. The drug cannot be used in conjunction with Tetracycline and its derivatives, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, or semisynthetic penicillins. It should not be combined in treatment with other antitussives to prevent congestion of the respiratory tract.

Features of the use of combined antitussives

IN Lately Combination cough preparations have become very popular, which contain more than two active ingredients, providing antitussive, antihistamine, bronchodilator, mucolytic and expectorant effects. They often contain antipyretic and antibacterial substances.

Of course, they are very effective, however, there are contraindications and the presence of a large number side effects are directly dependent on the amount of medicinal ingredients, which makes it very difficult to select the dose and combine them with other medications. It is not recommended to use such cough medicines for children.

The list of combined drugs includes Codelac phyto, Stoptussin, tablets (lozenges) “Doctor Mom”, Tussin plus, Broncholitin.

Remember that if the cough does not go away for several weeks, it is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and the release of thick purulent sputum while maintaining a fever, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, even if at least one of the listed symptoms is present.

Expectorants are needed to release mucus from the tracheobronchial tree. How often can you hear from patients that potions, herbs or other cough remedies do not help.

This is due to the fact that cough treatment is carried out either by unfortunate doctors or by patients who themselves buy all the medicines in pharmacies.

The approach to therapeutic therapy, first of all, should be based on the cause of the disease, and it is also necessary to clearly determine what kind of cough we are dealing with - wet or dry. Only then will a specialist be able to select effective remedy From cough.

If the cough lasts more than 14 days, seek help from a pulmonologist, where you will be asked to undergo extensive diagnostics (X-ray, spirometry, sputum culture, body plethysmography, CT). Based on the results of the study, the pulmonologist will draw up a treatment regimen.

Are expectorants and mucolytics the same thing?

When coming to the pharmacy, many of us do not ask ourselves what pharmacological agent we are purchasing. Usually, patients at the pharmacy ask for something for their cough.

Expectorants (transporting secretions out) and mucolytics (thinning sputum) actually serve to treat cough. The task of mucolytics is to reduce the viscosity of mucus (sputum), while expectorants are to remove pathological secretions from the bronchi.

It should be noted that expectorants have direct and reflex action. Drugs direct action stimulate the process of producing liquid secretions by irritating the bronchial mucosa. Reflex agents stimulate the bronchial glands by irritating the walls of the stomach.

Are expectorants used in pediatrics?

There is a lot of debate on this issue. If the inflammatory process of the bronchi proceeds without complications, then some pediatricians believe that cough medicines should not be used, but that it is better to use gentler methods. There are also specialists who, from the first days of illness, introduce expectorant drugs into the treatment regimen, believing that the body needs to be helped and prevent the inflammatory process from spreading further.

Many parents listen to the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky. So, in this regard, the doctor recommends the following action plan:

  • indoor air humidification;
  • moisturizing the nasopharynx with saline solutions (no more than twice a day);
  • walks on fresh air(Without high temperature body);
  • strengthening the drinking regime (juices, water, fruit drinks);
  • frequent ventilation of the room where the child is.

The creation of such conditions allows you to transform a dry cough into a productive (wet) one. Moisturizing perfectly thins thickened mucus and stimulates the production of liquid secretions.

If, for example, you still need a cough medicine for bronchitis, the pediatrician will primarily be guided by the following:

  • the age and weight of the child;
  • the nature of the cough;
  • proneness to allergies;
  • medical history (are there any other pathologies);
  • availability accompanying symptoms for now.

Important! Remember, prescribing expectorants without medical supervision may harm your child's health.

Expectorants - what to choose?

Of course, patients are more interested in inexpensive drugs, but so that the effect is at the highest level. Citizens' incomes vary, so inexpensive drugs We will consider funds whose price does not exceed 200 rubles. Now, let's take a closer look at the most popular expectorants for adults and children.


This drug has been produced for decades, and there is probably no person who has not heard of this medicine. Our compatriots remember the sweetness of pertussin from childhood.

Pertussin contains thyme (creeping thyme - expectorant herb) and potassium bromide. The main components are supplemented with ethyl alcohol and sugar syrup. Thanks to plant composition Pertussin is widely used in pediatrics. The range of use of the drug is as follows:tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

  1. Usually the syrup is used for about 7 days. According to the instructions, pertussin is recommended from the age of three, but in practice, it is often used from the age of one. Pediatricians recommend diluting the syrup with water for the youngest patients. This is explained by the presence of alcohol in the composition of pertussin.
  2. As for side effects, they occur extremely rarely. This could be nausea, allergies, weakness. Such phenomena are possible only with prolonged use of the drug or its overdose.
  3. For children under three years of age, pertussin is indicated in a dose of 1.25 ml at a time. Under the age of 6 years, the syrup is taken three times a day, 2.5 ml. For older children, the dose can be from 5 to 10 ml per dose, for adults up to 12.5 ml.

Pertussin is a cheap product; a bottle of syrup costs about 25 rubles on average.


The drug in question is a mucolytic with an expectorant effect, and that’s not all, the drug exhibits an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance of Fluditec is carbocysteine. While taking the drug, the viscosity of sputum decreases, the epithelium of the respiratory tract and the function of cleansing the bronchi are restored.

The drug is used for bronchopulmonary pathologies, including bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis. The product is also effective for diseases of the nasopharynx and ears: pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis.

  • Fluditec is used in children's practice from the age of two. Usually the syrup is prescribed in a dose of 5 ml 2-3 times a day, or as the doctor decides. The dose of syrup depends on the age, weight and condition of the patient. There are practically no side effects.
  • In extreme cases, diarrhea, nausea, rash, and malaise may occur. If the drug is not suitable for the patient, it is recommended to replace it with analogues: bronchobos, libexin muco or others.

Please note that carbocysten is contraindicated in peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, glomerulonephritis, cystitis.

Fluditec syrup 20 mg/ml 125 ml costs about 320 rubles, so the product is not cheap.


The syrup, tablets or drops contain two main active components- These are extracts of thyme herbs and ivy leaves. The drug is more popular in the form of a light brown syrup.Bronchipret belongs to the pharmacological group of expectorants of plant origin.

The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator (relieves bronchospasm), secretolytic, and also dilutes phlegm. It is used for inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree, accompanied by cough. Bronchipret effectively removes mucus, which allows the patient to breathe easier.

  • Bronchipret is well tolerated by patients and is approved for use from 3 months of age.
  • The syrup dosage is calculated according to age category. For infants (up to one year) - 15 drops three times a day, and so adding 3 drops of bronchiprete for each year of life. For adults, it is recommended to use 5 ml of syrup three times a day.

The price of bronchipret ranges from 300 to 400 rubles per various shapes drug.


The drug is presented in tablets, drops and syrup. Active ingredients -butamirate dihydrogen citrate and guaifenesin. Stoptussin belongs to the non-opioid cough medicines, therefore, it does not depress the respiratory center.

The composition of stoptussin helps to liquefy viscous sputum and rapid evacuation of mucus. The drug is used for various types cough, especially of a paroxysmal nature.

Stoptussin is used in the form of drops even in infants whose weight is at least 7 kg.

Drops of 50 ml cost about 320 rubles, tablets (20 pieces) cost about 220 rubles, syrup (100 ml) - 240 rubles.

Expectorants at home

In addition to medicines, they also remain popular traditional methods treatment. They are cheaper, easy to prepare and do not harm health, like synthetic drugs. It should be noted that plants, substances of animal or mineral origin cannot be called completely safe. Especially when it comes to treating a child, you should definitely take the advice of a pediatrician.

And now, we present to your attention time-tested recipes for removing mucus from the bronchi.

Milk with butter, honey, soda and sage

This remedy will help eliminate cough, relieve inflammation and get rid of mucus in the tracheobronchial tree.


  • milk (boiled, about 40 degrees) - 200 ml;
  • May honey - 10 ml;
  • butter and soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • sage infusion - 10 ml.

Mix all the ingredients and drink before bed. If the patient bed rest, That this remedy used several times a day.

Oatmeal broth

This decoction is suitable for everyone, even those people who have a history of allergic diseases. Oatmeal grains are poured with milk (200 ml) and boiled until tender. Strain the remaining liquid. Drink the decoction three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. For those who are not allergic, you can add a little honey to the broth. For cooking oat broth Only whole grains are suitable for milk.

Wet cough and copious sputum- indications for use of the presented recipe.

Lemon juice + honey

Helps eliminate cough and remove phlegm lemon juice with honey. The lemon is thoroughly washed, the peel is cut off, and passed through a juicer. Add honey to the resulting juice (to taste). The resulting mixture can be added to tea or consumed separately, one teaspoon three times a day.

The medicine is not suitable for people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers, as well as allergy sufferers.

Honey with horseradish

Grate the peeled horseradish on a fine grater and mix with liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 10 ml 30 minutes before meals three times a day. This mixture thins thickened mucus, causes sweating, and the illness quickly recedes. The product is suitable for patients not prone to allergies.

Honey + butter

For the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, the following recipe is suitable. Honey must be melted with fresh butter in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Proportions may vary, but usually take 1 part butter to 3 parts honey.

The resulting mixture is also useful to take during periods of epidemic instability. Such prevention will be associated with normal eating. Pour raspberry, currant or sea buckthorn tea, spread the honey-butter mixture on the bread, and enjoy.

Sea buckthorn infusion

Sea buckthorn exhibits anti-inflammatory and enveloping effects. As an expectorant, it is better to prepare sea buckthorn in advance, and it is very easy to do. For 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries you need to take 1.5 kg of sugar. Twist the berries and add sugar. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the mixture is placed in clean jars and covered with nylon lids. The resulting product should be stored in a cool place.

If a cough occurs, take a tablespoon of the mixture along with tea. It is better to make tea from chamomile, calendula, raspberry or currant leaves.

banana drink

Banana is not only a food product, but also a delicious healer. Its pulp regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is perfect for the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies.

As an expectorant, remember the following recipe. Place one ripe banana, 100 ml of milk and 5 ml of honey in a blender. All ingredients are mixed for 20 seconds. Drink the resulting drink in the morning and evening between meals. Tasty and healthy!

Expectorant herbal tea


  • plantain leaf;
  • coltsfoot;
  • liquorice root.

Take 5 grams of all plants and pour 300 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes the infusion is ready. To improve the taste, it is recommended to add a spoonful of jam, jam or honey. This herbal mixture can be used in pediatrics, only reduce the dose of infusion according to age.

For example, 50 ml of infusion is enough for a five-year-old child, 100 ml for older children.

Milk + figs

The following mixture will help eliminate a cough and free the bronchi from phlegm: take 400 ml of milk for 5 large figs, crushed into pulp. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes. Divide the resulting broth into 2-3 servings.

Be sure to warm up before use. warm state. For this recipe would be better suited The fig is a honey variety, yellow in color and slightly flattened. Dark figs are more recommended for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Milk with propolis

For 100 ml of milk we take 5-7 drops of 10% propolis tincture (purchase from beekeepers or at a pharmacy). Take the mixture twice daily between meals.

Propolis is a natural antibiotic. It not only fights cough, but also eliminates the cause of its occurrence. The effectiveness of propolis has been scientifically proven in the treatment of tuberculosis, when the nature of the cough varies.

Viburnum with honey

Viburnum is an excellent anti-cold and antiviral agent. Patients note improvement when taking viburnum berries general condition, decrease in body temperature, decrease in cough. The ground berries are mixed with honey, the amount of the latter is determined by taste. There are no special restrictions on taking this remedy; usually during illness it is recommended to use the proposed mixture with tea.

In addition to the fact that viburnum perfectly relieves cough, at the same time it will solve problems with blood thickness and high blood pressure.


Cure cough quickly and effectively is the desire of most patients. The first condition is to start treatment in a timely manner and not to progress the disease. The second condition is diagnosis. If the patient notices that the cough lasts a long time, and the usual antitussives do not help, contact a pulmonologist; do not delay the visit! Treatment of cough in children is the task of pediatricians. Even the most seemingly harmless remedy can harm a child, remember this.

At the beginning of the disease, and in agreement with the doctor, try using folk remedies - this is the key to strengthening immune system. Never start therapy with strong antitussives, especially opiates. Trust your doctor and the cough will go away. Take care of your health!

Attention, TODAY only!

If you have a cold and a cough, expectorants sold at pharmacies, inexpensive but effective, can be found around your home. In the nearest forest or clearing you will find best medicines. Just don’t collect plants on the edges near car parks and gas stations.

Where does cough come from?

It is necessary to understand the nature of cough. They can be different:

  • inflammation of the respiratory tract (tonsillitis,);
  • allergy;
  • nervous disorders;
  • ( , );
  • mechanical damage bronchi or lungs;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • inhalation of hot air, for example, during a fire.

But more often, a wet cough appears when infected with viral infections on the second or third day after the illness, during which fever, chills, sore throat, and sometimes in the ears appear.

In such cases, the patient must be provided with acceptable comfort. First of all, a warm bed and warm drinks. Calling a doctor at home won’t hurt, but if you are sure that it’s really a cold, go to the pharmacy.

Sputum is a natural tracheal secretion produced by every healthy person. The trachea produces about 100 milliliters of this substance per day, which has antibactericidal properties and protects the body from pathogens.

During illness, the volume of sputum increases and its viscosity increases. Created for bacteria and viruses favorable conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the secretion to provoke the release of a new one, using medications and sometimes surgery.

Folk remedies for expectoration of phlegm

Since ancient times, herbalists have treated coughs with infusions. In ancient times they used different means, but the most popular were infusions and decoctions from:

  • licorice roots;
  • mother and stepmother flowers and leaves;
  • roots and shoots of elecampane;
  • marshmallow seeds and rhizomes;
  • and etc.

In pharmacies you can buy syrup based on licorice root. Cough syrups are inexpensive. Children take sweet syrup with pleasure; they do not need to be persuaded to drink the medicine. But licorice root increases blood pressure and its derivatives are not recommended for use during pregnancy and for people suffering from diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

An infusion of mother and stepmother leaves, rich in saponins, is used as an expectorant. Mother and stepmother extracts have an irritating effect on mucous surfaces, which enhances the secretion of bronchial secretions and promotes accelerated evacuation sputum.

For treatment, decoctions of the leaves and flowers of the plant are used. You must be careful with the dosage of the drug, as a strong decoction can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Since ancient times it has been considered a good expectorant infusion of elecampane roots. The plant is rich in essential oils, polysaccharides, saponins, and vitamin E. To get rid of cough, drink a decoction of elecampane roots. But it’s even better to brew tea from the dried, ground roots of the plant with honey. Adults can take a decoction of elecampane in sweet red wine.

Eight species of marshmallow grow in Europe, but only two are medicinal: medicinal and Armenian. In different regions they may have names: mucus-grass, dog's mug, mallow, kalachiki, marshmallow. The main active substance of the plant is mucus, which is released when the root is infused with water. A common cough medicine, mucaltin tablets, is made from marshmallow.

Products from the listed plants are included in chest preparations 1, 2, 3 and 4. These cough expectorants are inexpensive but effective.

Cough medicines include inexpensive and effective drugs mainly based on mucolytics. These agents have a thinning effect on bronchial secretions, which helps remove mucus from the bronchi and tracheobronchial tree.

A feature of the action of mucolytics is their ability to thin sputum without increasing volume due to the destruction of disulfide bonds of polysaccharides.

Mucolytics contain enzymes natural origin– trypsins, and synthetic:

  • ambroxol,
  • acetylcysteine,
  • bromhexine and others similar in action.

With high viscosity of sputum, difficult to remove, with purulent lesions of the tissues of the respiratory tract, acetylcysteine ​​is used. The drug not only has a thinning effect on sputum, but also stimulates increased secretion production.

The medicine also has detoxifying properties. Therefore, it is used not only as a cough remedy, but also as a stabilizing agent during surgical and post-traumatic conditions of the patient. The medicine is also used to treat drug poisoning, for example, paracetamol.

Mucolytics or secretolytics, as a cough remedy, have become widespread in medicine due to their real and proven effectiveness. Moreover, this is not expensive medicines Not causing complications and negative side effects.

Secretomotor means

Drugs of this type are divided into two types according to their action:

  • reflex;
  • resorptive.

The pharmacology of reflex action is based on the physiological vagal response to irritation of the receptors of the gastric mucosa. During activation of the parasympathetic response nervous system, secretomotor drugs provoke increased secretion of the bronchial glands.

An increase in liquefied sputum contributes to its accelerated evacuation from the body.

The main active ingredients of expectorant drugs with reflex action are alkaloids and saponins. They are found in sufficient quantities for commercial production in some plants:

  • thermopsis;
  • marshmallow;
  • licorice;
  • thyme;
  • elecampane.

Extracts from these plants are widely used to produce inexpensive drugs From cough.

Among the reflex expectorants in pharmacies you can find:

  1. Guaifenesin;
  2. Coldrex;
  3. Bronchotussin.

All reflex agents have a diuretic effect, so it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids in parallel with taking the medicine. You should not take this type of medicine together with diuretics.

Resorptive drugs act somewhat differently and have a different chemical basis:

  • potassium and sodium iodides;
  • ammonium chloride;
  • hydrocarbonates.

The main effect of these drugs is based on direct stimulation of the bronchial glands, which leads to an increase in the volume of mucus produced and its dilution. In pharmaceuticals, in the manufacture of cough resorptive medicines, the following are used:

  • synthetic and natural iodides;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • anise fruit;
  • thyme tinctures.

With prolonged or excessive use of iodine-based medications, stimulation of the vomiting center with a corresponding reaction may be observed. Iodine-containing preparations break down proteins, so they are not recommended for use by patients suffering from other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Another class of expectorant drugs is mucous secretion rehydrators. In fact, their action resembles the process of dissolving sugar in tea. Rehydrators dissolve (liquefy) bronchial mucus with water. But plain water This cannot be dealt with, so they use enriched water:

  • alkali;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • sodium chlorides;
  • sodium benzonates;
  • sodium chloride.

Based on the presence of the listed compounds, a number of mineral drinks extracted and bottled in the post-Soviet space are suitable:

  • Borjomi;
  • Luzhanskaya;
  • Svalyava;
  • Essentuki;
  • Martin.

Rehydrators can also be used in the form of a 1-2% solution of sodium hydrocarbonate or sodium chloride. Inhalation of boiled steam has approximately the same effect on the mucous surface of the respiratory tract. seaweed, cilantro, celery and spinach.

These plants contain 60-250 mg of sodium per 100 g. product.

Antitussive depressants

Unlike expectorants, antitussives are used to suppress the cough center. Most often, to suppress the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the respiratory mucosa, prenoxdiazine hydrochloride or bithiodine is used, which replaces codeine, which is an addictive drug and has a mild narcotic effect. The medicine is used in cases of debilitating, painful frequent cough. Drugs of this type are not expectorants, but can be used in combination with other antitussive drugs.

The main problem with cough medicines, which depress the sensitivity of nerve endings, is the presence in their composition of codeine and other substances equated to narcotic compounds.

Even 20 years ago, ordinary cough tablets, which cost 2 kopecks for 10 pieces and were given as change even to children in the absence of change, were considered absolutely harmless. But, as it turned out, the presence of codeine (an opium alkaloid) in them provokes, side effects addiction and addiction. IN large doses may cause drug intoxication and hallucinations.

Due to the increased activity of drug addicts in recent years, the general population is forced to purchase cough tablets with a special prescription.

Epicrisis or conclusion

Most expectorants are made from extracts from recognized medicinal plants or animal materials. Due to their biological origin, they, as a rule, do not pose even indirect threats to human health. With the exception of individual reactions body to any chemical elements.

Everyone has the right to choose a medicine that is acceptable to them, but before you start taking it, consult your doctor. Some diseases that you don’t even know about, and that are silent in your body, can be triggered to develop by ordinary herbal infusions.

For example, extracts from coltsfoot leaves should not be consumed if you have liver disease. The famous medicinal ninesil has a record number of contraindications due to the large number of active substances in its composition.

Medicines made on the basis of nine-sil are contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • stomachs;
  • for menstrual irregularities;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

Availability narcotic drugs restricts the use of certain medications for children and citizens who are not responsible for their own bodies. However, cough medicines help speed up the process of recovery from the disease. All you need is balanced treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

All expectorants in one way or another forcibly affect the secretion of the bronchial glands.

  1. Mukaltin – cheap remedy expectorant effect, used for mild bronchitis, asthma, initial stages of tuberculosis;
  2. Travesil differs from conventional expectorants in its antiemetic effect, and like an antiseptic it helps remove bad breath. Reduces irritation of the mucous surface of the respiratory tract.
  3. Gedelix - sold as a syrup based on an extract of ivy leaves. The remedy not only provokes expectoration of phlegm, but also relieves spasms of the larynx during a prolonged and debilitating cough.
  4. Equabal is an extract of two plants: plantain and thyme mixed with water, sugar and some preservatives. The drug is produced in Germany and, judging by the codes, is quite acceptable for fighting cough:
    1. R – drugs acting on temperature system body;
    2. R 05 - substances used for coughs caused by respiratory diseases
    3. R 05C - expectorant substances, with the exception of complex drugs containing anti-tussive agents;
    4. R 05 CA – all expectorants;
    5. R 05 CA 10 – combinations of medications.

Finally, a recipe from grandma

Collect these plants from your area or buy:

  • mother and stepmother leaves;
  • roots of elecampane and licorice;
  • marshmallow seeds.

You should not collect herbs if your area of ​​residence is called: Chernobyl zone, Chelyabinsk 40, 45,... Priozersk, Kapustin Yar.... Better buy it at the pharmacy.

Place a good pinch (teaspoon) of each of the listed ingredients in a liter mug and pour boiling water over it. After the mixture has cooled slightly, add honey to taste and drink throughout the day.

If there is not enough, prepare the drink again. This inexpensive but effective remedy has exceptional expectorant properties for coughs. In addition, the herbs contain anti-inflammatory and antipyretic compounds with vitamin C and E.

If medicinal flora is not available in your area, then industrially produced preparations can be used.


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