An affordable and universal remedy for the treatment of head lice is hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits. Precautions and contraindications. Instructions for use

The smell of hydrogen peroxide is sharp and specific. By inhaling it, the louse's respiratory tract is affected and it dies within a few minutes. As for the eggs that the louse sowed and attached to the hair of an infected person, the solution cannot penetrate into the cocoon itself, but it will successfully deal with the substance that very firmly glues the nit to the hair. After treating the lice eggs with peroxide, the lice eggs peel off from the hair; now the main task is to thoroughly comb out the nits with a fine-toothed comb and remove all the nits from the head.

Pros and cons, effectiveness of the method

All means to combat head lice are aggressive means. They can cause damage to sensitive, allergy-prone skin. Before use, it is necessary to test the product in a gentle way. If we talk about hydrogen peroxide, then, like any product, it has pros and cons.


  • Availability. This tool, indeed, very budget-friendly. People with any income can afford it. Here you don’t have to overpay for the brand and beautiful packaging.
  • Clear and easy to use. Almost all of us have been familiar with hydrogen peroxide from an early age, so you won’t have to read the instructions for a long time before using it.
  • Urgent assistance and effectiveness. Even after the first use you can count on results.


  • Side effects. The scalp can be seriously damaged by peroxide, and this solution can also cause severe loss hair. Hair at the site of application may become discolored and the skin may be burned.
  • Repeated use. No matter how much it may seem to you that you got rid of lice after the first procedure, in any case, several more procedures will be required. If at least one louse egg is lost in the hair, the lice population will multiply again. Therefore, you still have to consolidate the result, as well as be prepared for negative consequences.

Who is the procedure and precautions contraindicated for?

  • people with individual intolerance;
  • children and adolescents;
  • people with wounds or damage to the scalp;
  • people of retirement age;
  • people suffering from asthma, bronchitis and other upper respiratory diseases respiratory tract, since in this case peroxide vapors are deadly.

Reference! This prohibition is due to the harmful properties of the substance to the mucous membranes.

How to prepare a treatment solution at home?

The procedure for treating lice and nits should be carried out very, very carefully; if they get into critical areas, you should rinse them with as much water as possible or immediately contact a specialist.

Below is an algorithm for how to carry out the procedure for treating head lice using hydrogen peroxide, if you decide to do it.


  1. Depending on the length of your hair, buy 1 or 2 bottles of peroxide solution at the pharmacy. Make sure the medicine has not expired.
  2. Choose a container in which you will cook.
  3. Dilute the contents of the bottle with water in a ratio of 1:2. For every cup of peroxide, use two cups of water. It is advisable to use water at room temperature.
  4. Use the resulting solution to test your skin for sensitivity.. If, after the peroxide solution comes into contact with the skin, burning and itching begins, then use the product is prohibited. if the skin did not show negative reactions, you can start processing the head.

Processing procedure:

  1. It is better to apply the resulting solution with a sponge along the entire length of the hair and scalp.. All actions must be quick.
  2. It is recommended to start moisturizing your head from the back of the head, then the crown and finally the forehead.
  3. Divide your hair into small strands. Each strand is processed from several sides until it is completely wet.
  4. To enhance the effect, after treatment the head can be wrapped in polyethylene., but not tightly so as not to get burned.
  5. It is recommended to leave the solution on your head for 6-9 minutes, but if the burning sensation is unbearable, immediately begin to wash off the solution. It is normal to experience a slight tolerable burning sensation.

Washing off the solution:

  1. To completely remove peroxide from hair and skin Do not skimp on shampoo and water.
  2. Lemon juice is great for a final rinse.. After completely rinsing off the peroxide, rinse your hair with lemon juice in the proportion of one lemon per liter of water. Your hair will thank you for it.
  3. Gently wet hair with a towel until it is dry. Then comb wet strands.
  4. After the procedure, dead lice and nits should be removed. Finish the treatment by combing your hair with a fine-toothed comb over the sink or bathtub. Brushing in the room is strongly discouraged, as nits or surviving louse may fall out and lodge in furniture or clothing.

Recipe for normal skin

In order to maintain healthy hair, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics. Peroxide dries the hair very much and, based on this, you should choose the concentration of the solution.

People with normal hair and scalp can use the standard solution recipe described above. After the procedure, in order to neutralize the drying effect of peroxide, you can apply a moisturizing mask or balm to your hair.

For oily skin

Those with oily hair and scalp can afford a stronger concentration of peroxide to treat their scalp, and even repeating the procedure will not cause too serious harm.

For dry skin

As for the owners of dry and damaged hair, dry skin, in this case, it would be wiser to abandon such a product as hydrogen peroxide. The consequences will be disastrous both from an aesthetic point of view and for the health of the victim. Hair with this feature is at risk of increased fragility, split ends, and complete or partial loss.

You can enhance the effectiveness of the procedure for removing lice by adding lemon juice to the hydrogen peroxide solution. IN lemon juice contains an acid that has a suffocating effect on living individuals and, like peroxide, dissolves the substance that attaches nits to the hair. The preparation recipe is very simple: for one procedure you will also need a peroxide solution diluted 1:2 and the juice of one lemon. P After application, keep your head and hair in a plastic bag, then rinse thoroughly.

What side effects might there be?

Unfortunately, lemon juice does not neutralize the aggressiveness of hydrogen peroxide. The infected person should be wary of all the same side effects as after a peroxide solution without lemon juice.

Drug price

It has already been mentioned that hydrogen peroxide is available in pharmacies to people and families of all income levels. The price varies from 8 to 15 rubles and this is very tempting if you are ready to put up with negative possible negative consequences after use.

Alternative chemical preparations against lice and nits

Our great-grandmothers also learned how to use kerosene to remove lice even at the most advanced stage of their reproduction. After treating the head with kerosene, the toxic fumes have a suffocating effect on the lice and also penetrate inside the nit cocoon, which leads to their death.

The main advantage is that by using kerosene at least twice, you can be sure that you have gotten rid of lice.

Attention! As a control, be sure to comb your hair over a sink or bathtub with a fine comb a few days after the procedure.

Important! Applying alcohol solution, do not forget about safety measures. High concentration substances are also harmful.


The safest for health folk method for lice – a solution of table vinegar. Vinegar solution, unlike kerosene and hydrogen peroxide, is not so harmful and is made from natural ingredients. They can even cure pediculosis in children, although older than 2-3 years.

REFERENCE: Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a compound from the class of peroxides. Her oxidizing properties find wide application in everyday life and industry, and last but not least, peroxide is known precisely as an antiseptic.

This substance is merciless to lice, since it corrodes their chitinous cover from the outside, and when entering through respiratory system, burns out internal organs insects Nits are resistant to the solution due to their protective shell.

Algorithm of actions

ATTENTION! Peroxide – very aggressive chemical compound, therefore, it should be used with extreme caution, and only if there are no scratches, rashes or irritation on the scalp. Hydrogen peroxide should not be used to remove lice from children and adolescents.

Now, let's talk about how to get rid of lice using hydrogen peroxide, what steps you need to take.

Preparatory process

Let's start with a recipe for hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits. In order to prepare the remedy, it is necessary to dilute the solution of hydrogen peroxide with water twice. This will protect you from getting a chemical burn.

People have individual sensitivity to the effects of peroxide, so before the procedure it is necessary to apply a few drops to the bend of the elbow or behind the ear (the most delicate areas of the skin). If after five minutes there is no redness and no burning sensation, you can continue.

Application of the solution

Peroxide against lice is applied with a sponge evenly along the entire length of the hair, from root to tip, as well as on the scalp. You should hurry so as not to expose the areas that you treated first to prolonged exposure to aggressive substances. Avoid getting peroxide in the eye area.

Washing off

7-9 minutes after application, wash your hair with soap and water. For healthy hair After the procedure, it is recommended to sprinkle them with citric acid and rinse again with water.. Finally, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo and dry it. After this, all that remains is to comb out the unwashed corpses of insects and nits (preferably with a special lice comb).

ATTENTION! If you feel a burning and tingling sensation on your head, stop the procedure without waiting 7 minutes and wash off the peroxide!

As you may have already noticed, peroxide for lice can be dangerous for the hair of the person himself. Now that you know how to get rid of lice with hydrogen peroxide, let's talk about the effectiveness this method.

If you are individually hypersensitive to peroxide or fail to comply with the precautions described in the article (for example, do not dilute the original solution), you risk experiencing a number of unpleasant consequences.

The scalp will receive chemical burns, and if there are scratches and irritation, scars and scars may remain in their place. Hair will be significantly discolored, and in the worst case, they will fall out altogether.

As you can see, the consequences can be very sad and irreversible, so be extremely careful and careful when using this method of treating head lice.

Alternative remedies

Hydrogen peroxide has an effect on lice similar to the effect of kerosene or vinegar, so you can choose a recipe for treating head lice with their help. If security is for you more expensive than money, then in the pharmacy you can find many special shampoos, creams and sprays against lice with detailed instructions.

Hydrogen peroxide as a remedy for lice is perfect for people who do not have hypersensitivity to this substance, as well as those wishing to save money and time. On the other hand, before saving on your health, you should think three times whether it’s worth it.


About hydrogen peroxide

This remedy was first developed by the French chemist L. J. Tenard in 1818. The resulting substance is a transparent, non-flammable liquid, a very strong oxidizing agent. It began to be used as an antiseptic, clarifier, oxidizer and to produce oxygen (the formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2).

In medicine, the product was used for disinfection, treatment of premises and obtaining disinfectants. Later, thanks to the developments of Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, it became clear that in the treatment of many diseases it is necessary to use not “pure” peroxide, but its water solution. The scientist came to these conclusions by testing the product on himself. As a result of research, there are now 3 ways to use peroxide:

  1. external (the easiest and fastest way);
  2. internal (only on an empty stomach, take incrementally, but not more than 30 drops per day);
  3. intravenous (the procedure should only be performed by a doctor!).

IN Lately In medicine, peroxide is used to treat many diseases, including serious ones:

  • wounds, boils, ulcers, scratches;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • sinusitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • caries, periodontal disease, toothache, bleeding gums;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • skin cancer in the early stages;
  • nosebleeds, etc.

Considering such a wide scope of application of the solution and how much hydrogen peroxide costs (from 10 to 50 rubles depending on the number of milliliters in the bottle), this product is truly a good option to solve many problems.

As for contraindications, there are practically none. Everything that can be designated as childish and adolescence, wounds and rashes on the scalp (when fighting lice) and allergies to hydrogen peroxide. However, according to Neumyvakin himself, the likelihood of individual intolerance is too small - in only 1-2% of cases of use.

Plus to everyone listed diseases, it is believed that with the help of peroxide you can use both the product itself, purchased at the pharmacy, and hair dye containing this solution. But will this really give a 100% result and is hydrogen peroxide harmful to hair?

How does it work on lice?

The use of the solution on nits has a slightly different effect, different from the effect of hydrogen peroxide on lice.

As you know, a female louse attaches eggs (nits) to the hair thanks to an adhesive composition, after which it is very problematic to comb out or remove such clutches by hand. Peroxide can dissolve this sticky secretion, but it cannot burn through the protective shell in which each egg is enclosed. Thus, all that can be done after applying the solution is to try to comb out the nits from the head as much as possible with a special fine-toothed comb. Most of them will undoubtedly be removed, but it is not a fact that it will be possible to get rid of absolutely all eggs, especially with very thick hair. The remaining nits in the head will certainly mature, and the lice problem will begin again. It turns out that this method cannot guarantee a 100% result.

Dyeing your hair with dye that contains peroxide can give approximately the same incomplete effect, so many people believe that to completely destroy lice, the dyeing procedure should be repeated. But how harmless is etching with hydrogen peroxide for hair and scalp?

About security

Safety is everyone's business!

We must not forget that peroxide is complex Chemical substance, leading to the disintegration of biostructures. Therefore, the use of the product in order to avoid consequences must be carried out in compliance with the rules.

Violation of the rules is fraught with the following consequences:

  • You can get burned by hydrogen peroxide;
  • the solution lightens the hair somewhat;
  • hair begins to fall out and break;

These are precisely the main reasons why hydrogen peroxide against lice cannot be considered an absolutely safe option. However, if the situation is such that there are lice, and special means if you don’t have it at hand at the right time, you can at least resort to this method, but only if you strictly follow the rules of application and without much hope for a 100% result the first time.

To remove lice with hydrogen peroxide, you will first need to prepare a special comb for combing out bloodsuckers and their nits, a sponge for wetting the hair, and a diluted solution. In pharmacies it is usually sold at 3%, but it cannot be used in such a concentration. How to dilute hydrogen peroxide: you just need to dilute it with water 1:1, obtaining half the concentration.

Next, you should conduct a test to determine the tolerance of the substance: apply a little diluted product to a sensitive area of ​​the skin (behind the earlobe, wrist, inner elbow, etc.) and wait 10-15 minutes. If there is no redness or irritation, you can safely use it; if there is, you will have to look for another way to combat lice. Next, follow the steps step by step:

  • brush hair;
  • soak the strands with a sponge soaked in the solution until all the hair has been treated (also blot the skin at the base of each strand);
  • after 7-8 minutes, wash off warm water with soap (during this time the hair will not have time to lighten);
  • Immediately carefully comb out all dead lice and nits from damp hair with a comb;
  • rinse your hair with shampoo (preferably with a special one) and dry without a towel.

After washing your hair with soap, it is useful to sprinkle your hair with citric acid and rinse everything off again.

The use of hydrogen peroxide is a real test for the skin and hair, so repeating the procedure earlier than after 2 weeks is highly undesirable. The same applies to those who use hair dye instead of the solution itself, because everyone knows how frequent dyeing affects the hair.

In every first aid kit there is always a substance such as hydrogen peroxide. It is used as disinfectant for wounds and abrasions or disinfect the surface with it, depending on its percentage in solution. But not everyone knows that it is also possible to remove lice with hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 is a strong oxidizing agent, which in its pure undiluted form is a syrupy liquid. If it is heated, the compound will decompose into water and oxygen. It is mixed with alcohol, water and ether in any percentage.

IN household use used to cleanse bacteria and germs from damaged skin areas and household items. When the solution hits bacteria, it reacts with them and begins to foam. This indicates that the destruction process has started.

How does the product work on lice and nits?

Before you remove lice and nits with hydrogen peroxide, you need to understand the nuances of the action of this drug.

In medicine, the scope of application of the solution is quite wide. Peroxide, as a substance of chemical origin, which has powerful oxidizing properties, is capable of causing the breakdown of complex organelles, destroying their structure.

It fights viruses and fungi, mold very well. When interacting with a wound, thanks to the solution, dead particles are separated from healthy ones, due to this, the wound is treated and disinfected. Using peroxide against lice and nits gives good results.

Hydrogen peroxide does not act on the nit shell itself, but on the substance that attaches it to the hair. When the nit is not attached to the hair, it is very easy to comb it out.

Peroxide does not kill adult lice, but it injures them so that they are no longer able to feed, reproduce and move. Therefore, after treatment, first of all, you need to comb your hair to remove any surviving lice from the hair.

Instructions for use

When using peroxide against lice, be sure to read the instructions for use. You cannot use more than 1.5% peroxide; if you only have 3% peroxide, then dilute it with water in equal proportions. Before applying to your head, you need to smear the solution on your hand. If it doesn't appear allergic reaction, then you can move to the head. Having distributed the solution over the entire length of the hair, you need to wait about eight minutes, because the product kills lice slowly, causing burns.

It is convenient to apply hydrogen peroxide to your hair through a small spray bottle with a bubble!

Precautions and contraindications

If you want to enhance the result, you should not take peroxide with a large percentage. This can cause severe burns, as can prolonged contact of peroxide with the scalp.

You need to rinse your hair thoroughly after applying peroxide to remove lice and nits. If during testing red spots appear on the skin of the body or the treated area begins to itch, then the procedure should be stopped. In this case, you should choose a milder product.

Important! When treating your head for head lice with hydrogen peroxide, you should take into account the fact that hydrogen peroxide lightens the hair!

How to prepare the drug

Preparing peroxide for lice is not at all difficult:

The 1.5% solution is already ready for processing;

The 3% solution must be diluted with an equal amount of water. No other preparation is required, everything is very easy. You can apply with a cotton swab or a regular dishwashing sponge.

, cranberry juice and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits has shown high effectiveness in one application.


Hydrogen peroxide biologically safe remedy, upon contact with liquid, it decomposes into two biological components - water and oxygen. It is oxygen that has a strong oxidizing effect, which determines the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide against lice. Using this tool You can get rid of lice at home in one procedure.

Advice. Hair dye has a similar effect on lice and nits, because it contains hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, if there is a problem with pediculosis, you can combine useful things with necessary things and remove the bloodsuckers in the process of dyeing your hair.

Instructions for use

Hydrogen peroxide is a fairly powerful oxidizing agent, and pure form it cannot be used. To treat hair and scalp, a solution of 3% peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio is used, resulting in a solution containing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide. The solution must be used immediately after preparation, otherwise it will lose quality.

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare all the necessary accessories:

  • glass or enamel container for diluting hydrogen peroxide;
  • sponge for applying the composition;
  • latex gloves;
  • acidified water for rinsing hair;
  • a fine-tooth comb for combing and a white cloth.

Step-by-step instructions for using hydrogen peroxide solution against lice and nits:

  1. First you need to comb your hair thoroughly. Wear medical latex gloves to protect the skin of your hands. The solution is applied with a sponge to individual strands of hair one at a time. Treat hair along the entire length, from roots to ends. After all hair has been treated, apply the solution to the scalp. Try to do all manipulations as quickly as possible, avoiding getting the solution on your face, especially your eyes and nose. To prevent evaporation of the drug, put a plastic bag or shower cap on your head.
  2. The procedure takes from 6 to 15 minutes. There may be a slight burning sensation, but if the pain is severe, you should immediately wash off the solution.
  3. Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water. Rinse your hair a second time with an acidified solution - warm water with a spoonful of vinegar and citric acid. Thanks to this, great some of the dead lice and nits will be easily washed out of the hair.
  4. Dry your hair and comb each strand well with a special comb or just a comb with frequent, dense teeth. The purpose of this stage is to comb out all dead individuals and, most importantly, remove all nits from the hair. After all, after 14 days, a full-fledged louse will grow from the nit, and the infection can begin again. That's why combing very important point, you need to carry it out for at least half an hour, and repeat 2 more next days after processing. Carry out the procedure in daylight, laying a white cloth to evaluate the results of the work.

Precautionary measures

Since peroxide is the strongest oxidizing agent, do not forget on safety measures for external use of the drug:

  • Before starting treatment, a sensitivity test is required - a few drops of the drug should be applied to the elbow and the area behind the ear. If not strong burning sensation and others painful sensations, then the procedure can begin;
  • if you feel an unbearable burning sensation, the solution should be washed off immediately;
  • If necessary, the treatment can be repeated only after 2 weeks - this is exactly the time it takes for an accidentally missed nit to grow into a full-fledged individual. Also, this period is needed for the hair and scalp to recover from exposure to an oxidizing agent;
  • It is prohibited to increase the procedure time. Maximum time action of the hydrogen peroxide solution for 15 minutes. Even if there are no discomfort, after the specified time, you need to rinse your hair.

Attention! If you follow all safety measures, you can get rid of lice in one procedure without pain.


Like anyone medical drug, Hydrogen peroxide has contraindications for external use:

  • Children's skin is five times thinner than adults', making it extremely sensitive. Up to five years of age, the use of peroxide solution is prohibited, from 5 to 14 years of age, perhaps only after a positive sensitivity test result. We offer an overview of lice and nits products that are safe for children on our website.
  • If you hit any open wounds the drug leaves burns and scars. Therefore, before using the solution, you need to carefully examine the scalp for wounds.
  • For those who naturally have dry and brittle hair, it is better to use more gentle means to treat head lice.

Side effects

If you follow all safety measures, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of lice and nits using peroxide. short term. Side effects usually occur when precautions are neglected.

Side effects when using hydrogen peroxide solution against lice:

  • lightening hair by 1–2 tones;
  • dry scalp and hair;
  • hair loss and splitting;
  • burns behind the ears, on the neck and rarely on the scalp;
  • allergic reactions, redness, itching, flaking of the scalp.

Drug price

In Russian pharmacies you can only find 3% hydrogen peroxide. To prepare a solution for topical application against lice and nits, the drug is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For hair treatment middle length a maximum of 200 ml of solution is required. That is, one application requires a 100 ml bottle of peroxide. average price in Russian pharmacies, hydrogen peroxide 3% 100 ml costs 12 rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide has high efficiency in the fight against pediculosis. And, most often, complete elimination of lice and nits occurs in one application. But in in rare cases with heavy lice or with long, thick hair additional treatment is required after 14 days. When using peroxide repeatedly, you also need 1 bottle with a capacity of 100 ml, costing an average of 12 rubles.

Price full course Treatment of pediculosis with a solution of hydrogen peroxide ranges from 12 to 24 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Peroxide has a low price, which is its main advantage.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is always available in any pharmacy in every city.
  • More often positive result there is already after the first use.
  • The drug does not contain toxic substances, all components are biodegradable.


  • Age restrictions. Peroxide should not be used in children under 5 years of age, with caution in children under 14 years of age. But it is children who are most often susceptible to lice.
  • Aggressive effect on the scalp and hair. This drug is still an oxidizing agent, so even if all precautions are taken, it dries out the hair and scalp. Therefore, restoration of vitality with the help of nourishing masks is required.
  • Probably a slight lightening of the hair.
  • In rare cases, burns, hair loss, allergic reactions.

Hydrogen peroxide is available and effective means in the fight against lice and nits. But before using the drug, it is important to follow all precautions and be sure to familiarize yourself with possible side effects.

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How to get rid of lice and nits at home?

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