Clove essential oil properties and uses. Cloves for aging skin and fine wrinkles. Clove oil in folk medicine

Clove oil, whose properties and uses have been known since ancient times, has gained enormous popularity among the remedies used in traditional medicine. It not only has medicinal properties, but also has an aroma that not everyone can resist.

Beneficial features

Cloves are a common herb used in cooking. Clove essential oil is made from the buds and fruits of the clove tree, which grows in tropical countries and reaches a height of up to 15 meters. The buds of the tree contain tannins, fats. To make 1 kg essential oil, you will need about 7 kg of tree buds. Clove oil It has a tart, spicy aroma, which is why it has gained popularity. Thanks to its spicy aroma, it can be used in cooking to make:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • juices, compotes;
  • canning vegetables;
  • production of meat dishes;
  • marinating fish, mushrooms.

Essential oil helps with nervous breakdowns, stabilizes emotional condition after injuries, operations, has a positive effect on fatigue. It has long been used instead of medicine for various infectious diseases. The aroma helps the body recover after physical and mental stress.

Beneficial properties of clove essential oil:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • warming;
  • antiviral;
  • stimulating.

Thanks to antimicrobial property, it acts as an antiseptic and promotes the healing of pustular skin lesions. Because of high concentration The clove product may not be suitable for everyone. Cannot be used in pure form. It is recommended to dilute it with creams. Using the warming properties of clove oil, you can relieve chills and nervous tremors. Antiviral properties help cope with infectious and colds.

Cloves are also used in the treatment of various intestinal and cold diseases; they have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Anti-inflammatory properties help heal oral diseases and are effective against toothache. Cloves have a general strengthening effect on the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Helps with peptic ulcer, various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits and Applications

The oil is widely used in dentistry. It is used to disinfect oral cavity, relieve inflammation of the gums. Also used to relieve toothache. Treats diseases of the oral cavity: periodontal disease, caries. To eliminate toothache, you need to soak a cotton swab in clove oil and apply it to the sore tooth and gum.

Before treatment, you should know how to use clove oil. Topical application:

  • prevention, treatment of acute respiratory infections;
  • problematic skin;
  • ulcers, abscesses, burns, cuts;
  • fungal diseases;
  • muscle pain, joint pain;
  • toothache, caries, periodontal disease;
  • violations emotional sphere, migraine;
  • colds and viral diseases, epidemics.

The clove scent can repel insects. Is effective means in the fight against mosquitoes, ticks, flies, ants, bedbugs and many others. If you spray it in the house, the air purifies. Cloves for allergies are an effective treatment. Recommended to take medicinal tea from the fruits of the clove tree, which reduces allergic reactions and eliminates pain.

Use internally. Used as stomachic with diarrhea. It should be used with caution:

  1. It is allowed to use the oil with bread, 1 drop in the morning and evening.
  2. To treat the digestive system, it must be diluted with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2.
  3. For pain relief, one drop should be diluted with a spoon of honey.

In cosmetology

The aroma oil has gained enormous popularity when used in cosmetology. This unique essential oil is an effective anti-inflammatory, anti-aging facial product. It relieves inflammation skin, improves skin tone, prevents acne. It must be diluted with cream and then applied to the skin.

Before using the drug, you should study its composition and properties.

  1. When applied in its pure form to the skin, it may cause a burn. It is allowed to apply only to targeted areas when removing warts and papillomas.
  2. To make a face mask, you need to add 5 drops of liquid suspension to a small amount of cream, and then apply.
  3. To relieve inflammation of the skin, you need to dissolve 2-3 drops in a glass warm water. Next, apply to the face and neck with a cotton swab.

Oil is considered the most effective product when used on hair. It is used for treatment, strengthening hair roots, stimulating their growth. Clove oil for hair can be used different methods: You can rub it into your head, use masks that contain it. It is also allowed to combine medicinal purposes different oils.

It is important to know! When adding oil, certain proportions must be observed, otherwise it may adversely affect the condition of the facial skin.

Inhalations with the addition of essential oils help:

  • from a runny nose;
  • when coughing;
  • with sore throat;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the larynx.

Fact! If you chew the seasoning or clove fruit, inflammation, swelling of the throat and gums go away.


Clove oil is common in aromatherapy as it combines well with other oils. It is recommended to spray it in the room to boost immunity during ARVI. Remedies using clove oil are also used to remove:

  • muscle fatigue;
  • mental fatigue;
  • nervous stress;
  • headache.

For quick removal If you feel tired, take a bath with clove oil. You need 2-3 drops of oil, previously diluted with a glass of milk, pour into a bath of water. The duration of bathing should be no more than half an hour. It can be combined with other aromatic oils: lavender, rosemary.

Important! Clove oil is the best remedy in the fight against cellulite. Many women dream of beautiful skin without stretch marks and use this product for massage.


You can find many useful, medicinal properties of clove oil, but at the same time there are contraindications for use. The main contraindications for which the use of oil is not recommended:

  1. Use with caution; undiluted product may cause skin burns.
  2. Allergic reactions occur due to intolerance to the components.
  3. Do not give to small children to avoid stomach upsets.
  4. Not recommended for use by people with diabetes.
  5. The oil should not be consumed or used during pregnancy or lactation. Because oil components can affect the baby through milk.
  6. It should not be taken by people with heart, liver, or kidney diseases.

Along with all contraindications, the dosage should be observed. The benefits of clove oil are great, but you should consider possible harm when using it. Like many other plants used in folk medicine, cloves will serve as a first aid kit at home.

Clove essential oil is obtained by distilling the unopened buds and fruits of the clove tree, sometimes using tree bark or leaves to create the essential oil. The result is a viscous ether of bright yellow color, has a bright, burning aroma. Clove oil, prepared from buds and fruits, has positive influence on the human body, thanks to Evengol, which is part of the composition. The oil product produced from the trunk of a tropical tree is used only for industrial purposes. The ether obtained from the leaves is used as herbal remedy from mosquitoes and other insects.

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    Beneficial features

    The beneficial properties of the oil are due to its chemical composition.Clove ether contains:

    • vitamins A, C, E, D;
    • fats;
    • tannins;
    • vanillin;
    • eugenol

    Healing properties of ether:

    • antiseptic;
    • carminative;
    • bactericidal;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • restorative;
    • anticancer;
    • sedative;
    • antispasmodic;
    • restorative;
    • tonic;
    • antifungal.

    A spicy product made from clove tree bark is widely used in cooking, medicine, dentistry, cosmetology, and perfumery.

    Indications and contraindications

    The main indications for the use of ether are:

    • bleeding gums;
    • gingivitis;
    • stomatitis;
    • toothache;
    • lack of appetite;
    • flatulence;
    • stool disorder;
    • skin diseases, acne;
    • nervous system disorders;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • low pressure;
    • diseases of the respiratory system.

    Clove oil has contraindications, including high blood pressure, tendency to allergic reactions. With extreme caution, ether is used to treat children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

    For toothache

    For severe toothache, clove ether will be a real salvation. Medicine can stop discomfort for a few minutes. To eliminate toothache, just put 2-4 drops of medicine on a cotton pad and apply it to the tooth. Hold it until the pain subsides.

    This medicinal property due to the high content of eugenol in clove oil, which blocks pain by numbing the nerve endings.

    While the medicine is in the mouth, its components penetrate the body through the mucous membrane, killing bacteria and removing inflammatory processes. As a preventive measure, the product can be added 1 drop of ether per toothpaste or mix with tooth powder. The medicine is effectively taken during teething in babies. To alleviate the condition of the baby, just drop 1 drop of ether and mix it with 5 drops of olive or sunflower oil.

    For bacterial infections

    You can prepare medicine against bacterial infections:

    • Staphylococcus aureus;
    • coli;
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
    • with hay fever;
    • from vulgar acne.

    To do this, just add a drop of cloves, rosemary, cinnamon, lemon into the aroma lamp and turn on the lamp for 30 minutes. It is good to perform aromatherapy in a home where there are children to prevent the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that cause serious illness.

    When treating worms in one family member, prophylaxis should be carried out for everyone living in the same apartment. Before treating helminthiasis, you need to consult a specialist.

    Application in gynecology

    Clove oil product is widely used in gynecology. Thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties, the medicine can kill pathogenic bacteria, causing inflammation V reproductive system. For women, tampons with clove oil are often prescribed for thrush.

    The medicine is used internally and in the form of tampons. For oral administration, add 1 drop of oil to any drink and drink on an empty stomach. To make a tampon, just dip it in chamomile decoction and drop 2 drops of cloves on it. Insert the tampon and leave for 2 hours.

    Facial skin treatment

    At problem skin On your face, just prepare a mask with the addition of clove oil. The easiest way is to add 3 drops to a night cream, apply to your face and wash your face in the morning. warm water. To prepare a medicinal mask, just take beeswax, olive oil and clove ether.

    Mix 3 drops of cloves, 5 drops of olive product and beeswax. Apply to facial skin and leave for 30 minutes. Then remove with a napkin. This mask will help get rid of annoying pimples and severe acne lesions. You can use the medicine to get rid of scars on the skin of the face.

    Skin treatment should be carried out until the problem disappears completely. You can add clove ether to facial toner, sunscreen, daily cream. Continuous prevention the appearance of new acne will help make the skin clear, smooth and beautiful.

    For hair

    Regular use of clove ether will help improve the condition of the scalp, enhance the growth of new hair and strengthen old ones, and get rid of dandruff. For treatment, simply add 2 drops of oil to shampoo every time you wash your hair.

    For hair loss, clove oil (3 drops) is mixed with burdock oil (10 drops) and egg white. This mask is applied to the hair and left for 20 minutes, covering the head with film and wrapping it in a towel. Then wash with shampoo.

Essential oil is obtained from the fruits and buds of the clove tree, widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. The clove tree is an evergreen tropical plant reaching a height of 20 meters. This tree has a smooth trunk gray and dark green petiolate opposite leaves. Its bright red small flowers are collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences. The fruit of the clove tree is an egg-shaped false berry with one seed inside. The Moluccas Islands in Indonesia are considered to be the birthplace of the clove tree. The shape of the buds resembles nails, hence the name - clove tree.

The properties of clove tree buds have been known for their usefulness since ancient times. The ancient Chinese used them to freshen breath and improve digestion. Even in China, cloves were used for various stomach and intestinal diseases, as well as for women's ailments. The monks of Tibet believed that this plant improves memory and gives an open mind. And in Ancient India Cloves were used in tantric sex.

In Medieval Europe, the buds of the clove tree began to be used by the Benedict abbess Hildegard de Bingen to treat dropsy, migraines and deafness. During plague epidemics, cloves were used as disinfectant when processing premises. In the 16th century, Ambroise Paré discovered that this plant has analgesic properties and began using its buds to treat toothache. Avicenna noted the heart-strengthening properties of cloves, and medieval midwives used clove oil during obstetrics.

Obtaining clove oil

Clove essential oil is obtained from the unopened fruits and buds of the clove tree by steam distillation. To obtain 1 kilogram of clove oil, you need to use up to 8 kilograms of raw materials. Clove oil obtained from the leaves and stems is not recommended for home use.

To obtain oil, the buds are collected unopened and dried. And the fruits begin to be collected at the beginning of the rainy season, when they acquire a red color and their aroma is similar in intensity to the aroma of a bud.

Composition of clove oil

  1. Eugenol is the main component. It takes its name from the Eugenia bush, of which it is a part. Occupies up to 85% of the total mass of clove oil. The oxidation of eugenol produces vanillin. It is a colorless liquid that turns yellow in air with a sharp, specific odor. Eugenol is isolated from essential oils using allyl alcohol or allyl chloride. Insoluble in water, but soluble in 50% ethanol (at a ratio of 1:5-1:6), propylene glycol, and essential oils. Powerful antiseptic.
  2. Acetyl eugenol (or eugenol acetate) in the oil composition occupies up to 15% of the volume. Contained only in clove buds. Has an antispasmodic effect.
  3. Caryophyllene (from 5 to 12%) is a bicyclic sesquiterpene, oily, colorless liquid. Has a pungent woody odor. It is a by-product of the release of eugenol. Dissolves in non-polar organic solvents, insoluble in water. Used in perfumery.
  4. Methyl salicylate is a methyl ether salicylic acid. In its pure form it is toxic, especially if used internally. It is a colorless or yellowish volatile liquid with a characteristic odor. It is practically insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether in any proportions. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Furfural is an aldehyde. Almond-scented liquid. Antimicrobial properties.
  6. Linalool - alcohol

Uses and properties of clove essential oil

When choosing quality oil it is necessary to rely on its properties and characteristics. Often, instead of expensive essential oil from the buds, unscrupulous sellers offer a cheap, low-grade product obtained from the leaves and branches of the clove tree.

High-quality oil is always light yellow in color, acquiring a caramel-brown hue over time. Whereas brown butter from the leaves and light yellow from the shoots do not change their color over time. Essential oil from buds and buds has a pleasant, fruity, woody, spicy aroma. Cheap analogue will smell like burnt wood.

Properties of clove essential oil:

  • Disinfectant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antifungal.
  • Wound healing.
  • Antiviral.
  • Antibacterial.
  • General strengthening.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Warming.
  • Stimulating.
  • Carminative.
  • Antiulcer.

Use in cooking

The use of clove essential oil in cooking is due to its special tart, spicy aroma. But clove oil, along with its unique aroma, will give the dish a sweet and astringent taste. The oil can be used to flavor sauces, meats and fish dishes, as well as when canning vegetables.

  • When preparing mulled wine, you can use 4 drops of oil per 1 liter of drink instead of natural cloves.
  • Clove essential oil is often used for baking (2 drops of oil per 500 g of dough). When preparing dishes from apples and fruit salads For 200 g of fruit use 1 – 3 drops of oil.
  • When making preservative brine for pickles, in order to increase shelf life, you can add 4 - 12 drops of clove oil per 1 liter of brine.
  • In everyday life, clove essential oil can be used to repel insects.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, using clove essential oil, skin diseases are treated.

  • Clove oil gives your skin and hair a healthy look.
  • Possessing antiseptic properties, clove oil can treat acne, pustular inflammation, and boils.
  • Essential clove oil restores the skin, restoring its healthy appearance.
  • Its tonic properties help maintain the elasticity of mature facial skin.
  • Using clove oil in hair care helps stimulate blood circulation, nourishes the follicles, accelerating hair growth.

Application in medicine

When applied externally, the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil are used to treat diseases such as lupus, fungus, purulent rashes, dermatitis, and warts. To speed up skin regeneration in case of damage, you can use a compress from a bandage moistened with water with the addition of 5 drops of oil.

  • In the treatment of bronchitis, influenza, ARVI and others colds Clove essential oil is often used. It is used as a pain reliever for muscle, headache and toothache. The oil stimulates blood circulation and increases blood pressure.
  • It is known that the use of clove oil has a positive effect on women's health. Clove essential oil increases desire and sexual activity. To improve reproductive function, normalize menstrual cycle For women, it is enough to take a few drops of oil, diluted with a small amount of water, orally.
  • Clove oil will save you from fungus on the feet and nails in its pure form. It is applied to damaged areas. If the skin is too sensitive, clove oil is diluted with coconut or olive oil.
  • Using clove essential oil internally helps produce gastric juice, gets rid of intestinal infections, increases appetite
  • In aromatherapy, clove essential oil is used to improve the perception of information, restore mental strength after nervous tension, and improve memory.
  • When treating cracks and calluses on the heels, 5 drops of oils are mixed in equal parts, including clove, lemon and marjoram oil. Then, in the morning and evening, the resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin.


  • With caution and only after consultation with a doctor, clove essential oil can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • People with sensitive skin should not use clove oil externally.
  • Do not use after root canal treatment.
  • To avoid burns, you should not use clove oil in its pure form.
  • Do not take or use in children under three years of age.

Store in a cool place out of reach of children.

On the coasts of Indonesia and Brazil, the islands of Africa and Asia, you can find a tall, beautiful tropical tree with a pyramidal shape. It is unique in that all its parts contain incredibly aromatic essential oil. This is a clove tree that belongs to the myrtle family.

The largest amount of oil is contained in unopened flower buds and ripe fruits. Clove oil is produced from pre-dried raw materials by evaporation.

Its chemical composition is very rich. The main component of the product is eugenol - aromatic substance, thanks to which the oil has such strong fragrant smell. It makes up more than 80% of the total oil volume. In addition to it, the oil product also consists of: eugenol acetate (more than 10%), caryophyllene, heptanol, organic matter from the class of fatty alcohols and other components.

Thanks to high content eugenol, clove oil has found application in many areas, namely in the perfumery, pharmaceutical, food and tobacco industries. It is also used in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and in everyday life: as a natural repellent to fight mosquitoes and midges.

Clove oil has been widely used in folk medicine for a long time for the following purposes:

  • memory restoration;
  • increasing vitality;
  • fighting viruses;
  • wound healing;
  • improved appetite;
  • eliminating pain from bruises and sprains;
  • treatment of rheumatism and arthritis;
  • treatment of ARVI, sore throat, runny nose.

Recipes for use

To prevent diseases and improve performance, clove oil is taken orally, 1 drop with a teaspoon of honey, diluted in a small amount of water (100 ml) twice a day. For any diseases and feeling unwell you should increase its dosage to 4 drops.

Known positive impact clove oil for women Health. To normalize the menstrual cycle, regulate ovarian function and activate reproductive function, women should take a few drops of this wonderful product, diluting it with water.

To increase immunity and heal wounds, add 7 drops of clove oil to a bath of warm water. To speed up the process of skin regeneration in case of damage and wounds, apply compresses to sore spots. (On lightly moistened with boiled water bandage take 5 drops of oil).

Using this product you can get rid of pigmentation and freckles on the skin. In addition, clove oil helps slow down skin aging and has a rejuvenating effect on it. It also helps relieve bags under the eyes. They will go away if you lubricate them with this oil. Also, this fragrant product is effectively used to treat acne, pustular diseases, furunculosis and abscesses.

Hair treatment

Clove oil has a beneficial effect on hair growth. It gives good nutrition hair follicles, improves blood circulation, makes curls elastic and prevents their splitting. Can be done healing mask. Mix: 3 drops of clove oil, 20 ml of any vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to the hair and kept for at least 45 minutes.

And they grew faster, use the following mask: mix 40 ml of jojoba oil, 6 drops of rosemary and 4 drops of clove essential oil. Such medicinal composition must be applied once every three days. In a month, your hair will become thicker and stronger. A healthy shine, volume and elasticity will appear.

Treatment of acne and other skin rashes

To get rid of pimples and blackheads you can cook next remedy. Mix: 8 milligrams of nourishing cream, two drops of clove oil and 1 drop each of geranium and chamomile oils. Apply this product to the skin every day after washing.

This recipe will also clear the skin of rashes and reduce increased fat content. Mask: 8 ml of wheat oil, 4 drops each (from a pipette) of essential clove and lavender oil. The mixture should be applied to problem areas for 20 minutes. Treatment: 14 days. Repeat as needed.

To put your skin in order, clear it of rashes and dead cells, and improve your complexion, you need to prepare this peeling. Prepare the mixture: rice flour (can be replaced with oatmeal or buckwheat) – 3 tbsp. spoons, grape seed oil -50 ml and clove oil -2 drops. Mix everything thoroughly. Additionally, you can add one drop of essential oils: chamomile, cinnamon, thyme, geranium and lavender. The mixture is applied to the skin and after 4 minutes the lungs massage movements rub gently. Wash it off with warm boiled water.

The following mask will help narrow the pores on the skin of the face: egg white(from 1 egg) mixed with essential oils: clove, lemon, chamomile, sage, lavender and geranium. Take 2 drops of each oil component. Whisk everything together and apply to the skin. Wash off after 5 minutes.

Nervous disorders, depression, relieving fatigue after mental stress

Clove oil in combination with other essential oils will help relieve stress, fatigue, nervous tension. Add three spoons to a glass of warm milk sea ​​salt. Stir well and add 3 drops of the following oils: clove, lemon, eucalyptus, tangerine and myrrh. The entire solution is poured into a bath of warm water. Water procedure spend at least 25 minutes.

Helps with frequent headaches light massage temples, back of the head and frontal part of the head using essential oils of clove, chamomile and lavender, taken two drops each. It is also recommended to add one spoon of peach oil to them. This will help to further moisturize and saturate the skin with a complex of essential vitamins.

Relieving pain: dental, muscle, stomach and joints

  1. For toothache and periodontal disease folk recipes suggest moistening cotton wool in olive oil and squeeze, and then apply clove and orange oil– 3 drops each. This composition should be applied to the diseased tooth or gum.
  2. For stomach pain, place two drops of essential clove oil on a piece of sugar and take this remedy twice a day. Additional healing effect They will also bring olive and mint oil.
  3. Muscle pain can be relieved by rubbing or applying a compress. Mix equal amounts of oils: clove, rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, lavender and angelica.
  4. For pain in the joints or spine, a mixture of oils will help: cloves, laurel, black pepper, cumin, celery, eucalyptus and ginger. They are used to prepare compresses or rub sore spots.
  5. For bruises and hematomas, you need to apply applications to the sore spots with oils: cloves, peach, eucalyptus and rosemary.

Despite all the benefits of clove essential oil, you should still be careful when using it. Due to individual intolerance, it can cause an asthma attack or allergic reaction. This oil should not be used during pregnancy. It stimulates uterine contractions and can trigger premature labor.

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