Where is potassium found? Why is potassium deficiency dangerous? Foods rich in potassium

Potassium, like many other substances, is of great importance for the stable functioning of many systems and organs. If a microelement enters the body irregularly, intermittently, its deficiency causes various disorders. The human nervous system suffers: deficiency of vitamins and microelements is one of the main reasons, nervous breakdowns. To replenish potassium reserves, nutritionists recommend revising your diet so that it includes foods containing large amounts of this substance. Potassium performs the following functions:

  • Regulates the work of the heart.
  • Promotes the production of enzymes.
  • Improves fluid removal from tissues and muscles.
  • Protects tissues and blood vessels from the formation of plaques and deposits.
  • Promotes saturation of brain tissue with oxygen, which ensures normal brain activity, nervous system.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes.

List of foods containing potassium

Many foods are rich in potassium: there is a lot of it both in regular cereals and in. Conventionally, such products are divided into two categories: plant and animal origin. To avoid reducing the content of potassium and other useful microelements in foods, eat vegetables and fruits raw, as well as steam or boil them. Potassium loses its properties from prolonged exposure to air, so it is better to eat only fresh, recently cut fruits and vegetables.

Plant products

Grocery list plant origin, which contain potassium, is impressive. Conventionally, it is divided into 4 categories: fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals,. Each group of products has its own characteristics of use. Fruits and vegetables that grow in our area are best eaten as they ripen, and dried fruits - in winter. Cereals and cereals are consumed all year round.

Fruits vegetables:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • currant;
  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • oranges;
  • carrot;

Dried fruits:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • figs;
  • prunes;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • pine nuts;
  • cashew nuts;
  • walnuts;


Animal products

Animal products are an important source of potassium, which is found in different types of meat. To quickly eliminate the deficiency of this microelement, eat dietary varieties meat and fish containing small amounts of fat. For better absorption Include potassium in your diet from both animal and plant foods. Potassium rich foods include:

  • whole milk;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • cod;
  • tuna;
  • sardines;
  • flounder;
  • yogurt;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef;

Where is high potassium found?

The maximum of this substance is found in products mainly of plant origin. Some nutritionists claim that black tea is extremely rich in potassium, but this is refuted by other researchers. Therefore, we recommend replenishing your reserves of this essential microelement from other sources. The maximum amount of potassium is found in:

  1. dried apricots;
  2. cocoa;
  3. coffee;
  4. wheat bran;
  5. raisins;
  6. almonds;
  7. peanuts;
  8. parsley;

Table of products containing beneficial microelements

The issue of saturating the body with vitamins and microelements must be approached responsibly: an excess of some microelements is no less harmful than their deficiency. In addition, it is important to maintain their ratio. So, great importance has a potassium-sodium balance. Potassium and sodium should enter the body in a ratio of one to two. The functioning of the body also depends on the intake of such an element as. Here is a table of the content of these substances in food:

Potassium (mg/100 g)

Sodium (mg/100 g)

Magnesium (mg/100 g)










fried sausage


cocoa powder

coffee beans

wheat bran

Nineteenth element periodic table Mendeleev. Is soft alkali metal silver-white color. Besides this, he is the most important biogenic element into a person.

The role of potassium in the body

IN human body he is responsible for the transmission nerve impulses which allows them to contract. Controls water-salt balance, outputting excess water. Acts as a catalyst during the synthesis of new protein compounds and some enzymes. Responsible for the storage process of glycogen (storage carbohydrate).

If the human body is exposed to strong influences, then the mineral helps restore the acid-base balance, relieves, and supports the work

In hypertensive patients, the mineral lowers blood pressure. For some people, the trace element is prescribed as a laxative, as it irritates the mucous membranes and affects muscular system intestines.

Did you know? Potassium was discovered in 1807 by the English chemist Davy. The element was named "potassium". And only two years later it received its modern name.

Close connection of potassium with other macro- and microelements

Once absorbed, the 19th element of the periodic table seeps through the walls of the small intestine and is excreted through urine and sweat. Its removal from the body occurs in almost the same volume in which it entered. Because of this, its reserves must be replenished daily.

The main assistants of this element in maintaining the functioning of the body are and. They are interchangeable elements. That is, if there is an excess, the body removes a larger volume of sodium and vice versa. If there is a deficiency in the body, the absorption of potassium is greatly impaired, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the heart muscle.

Potassium intake standards

Our body contains approximately 200-250 grams of this element. To maintain the balance of microelements, a healthy adult body needs to consume 1.2-2.0 grams daily. In women, the need for this element increases significantly. If a person constantly spends a lot of physical energy at work, then he needs 2.5-5 grams of the mineral daily. A child’s body needs 16-30 milligrams per kilogram of weight.

What foods contain a lot of potassium?

Detailed data on the microelement content in products is in the table.


There are also foods that contain the least amount of potassium. These include: granular (80 mg per 100 g), cottage cheese 2% (78 mg), mayonnaise (40 mg), low-fat herring (31 mg per), unsalted butter (15 mg), pork lard (12 mg), milk margarine (10 mg). Among foods of plant origin, this list includes:(65 mg per 100 g), rice flour (50 mg), premium wheat flour (93 mg), blueberries and blueberries (51 mg), (90 mg), (23 mg).

There are no specific potassium-rich foods that are suitable only for children. The same food is suitable for them as for adults, only taking into account allergens. To children's body better absorbed potassium must be introduced into the diet. It is found in: chicken and beef tuna, salmon, cabbage, legumes, melons, bananas, and sunflower seeds. As you can see, the list of products containing the 19th element and B6 are very similar. Therefore, you can build a diet in such a way that the child gets everything at once necessary elements from certain dishes.

Products containing potassium and phosphorus


Did you know?All potassium-containing products are radioactive, since, along with the usual isotopes of the element, they contain the radioactive isotope potassium-40. But its quantity is so insignificant that it does not cause any harm to humans.

Foods containing potassium and magnesium

Let us present to your attention a table of foods containing potassium and magnesium that are beneficial for normal heart function:


Causes and symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body

A lack of a mineral in the body can occur:

  • due to disturbances in potassium metabolism;
  • due to problems in the urinary system;
  • due to the fact that the diet does not contain enough potassium-containing products;
  • due to excessive abuse of laxatives, diuretics and hormonal drugs;
  • due to constant nervous work, chronic fatigue;
  • due to oversaturation of the body with rubidium, cesium, sodium and thallium.
The main symptoms of microelement deficiency in the body are:
  • fatigue, emotional exhaustion;
  • muscle weakness;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”;
  • arrhythmia, heart failure, seizures;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased breathing;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • appearance of gastritis;
  • violation of reproductive functions.
If you notice the first signs of a microelement deficiency, you should carefully review your diet and

There are a number of factors that can lead to excess minerals in the body:

  • abuse of food supplements containing potassium;
  • the main dish on the menu is potatoes;
  • problems with potassium metabolism;
  • intensive removal of microelements from body cells due to cytolysis, hemolysis;
  • insulin deficiency;
  • problems with the kidneys.
An excess of an element is said to be:
  • irritability, increased activity, excited state, excessive sweating;
  • muscle weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • skeletal muscle paralysis;
  • the appearance of colic;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”.
When you notice the first symptoms, reconsider your diet. If this does not lead to positive results, go to the doctor immediately.

Features of potassium absorption

The mineral entering the body with food is absorbed in small intestine. Its absorption capacity is very high - up to 95%. Vitamin B6 helps him achieve such indicators. At the same time, strict absorption rates are reduced and, along with them, the use of laxatives, a huge amount stressful situations, use as a sedative and alcohol.

The table shows data on the potassium content in food products and the percentage of its absorption from them relative to the daily norm.


Rules for processing and preparing products to preserve microelements

You already know which foods contain potassium. But in order for the body to receive the mineral in the right quantity, the products that contain it must be properly processed. We will give you a description of the technique for preparing healthy food.

First of all, remember that frying can kill almost everything. useful elements in food. Therefore, it is worth switching to steam cooking of dishes. And you don’t need to wait until the product is completely boiled, the main thing is that it softens.

Always eat ripe fruits and vegetables during their ripening season. Then you will not only receive all the necessary microelements, but also enjoy a rich taste. And if you need to peel the fruit, do it immediately before eating it. To keep the important metal in plant foods For as long as possible, store it in a dry and cool place. When choosing vegetables or fruits at the market or in a store, look carefully at their skin. It should be intact, without the slightest damage.

Watch yours carefully. Try to diversify it as much as possible so as not to cause a deficiency or excess of the most important microelement.

Potassium- that macronutrient we need, the supply of which is precisely with food should be monitored especially carefully. After all, in food additives and drugs always contain very little of it. Thus, potassium deficiency, unlike all other minerals, can only be compensated for by food.

In this article I will go through all types of plant and animal foods, I will provide detailed tables with reliable data, not only on food products richest in potassium, but also, in principle, on many of its sources - so that you get at least an approximate picture how much potassium you consume today and what you need to change in your diet to get more of it.

The data presented in the tables was taken from two American sites, which I already talked about in the article “” (by the way, one of them belongs to the ministry Agriculture USA). I decided to cover potassium separately due to the fact that it is very important to know where and how much it is contained. Rest nutrients can be easily obtained from dietary supplements in large quantities, including , which someone needs to increase simultaneously with potassium. However, if you would prefer to take pills, then take a look at my.

Briefly, why do we need potassium in the first place:

  • provides normal work cardiac and skeletal muscles;
  • together with sodium maintains the necessary water and acid-base balances in the body and the correct blood concentration.

Some people who are low in potassium also have too much sodium in their body, causing them to go on salt-free diet. To do so is fundamentally wrong. Sodium is also necessary for our body. Correct solution- this is to reduce the amount of salt if you consume too much of it, and completely remove refined salt from your diet, including iodized salt. Instead, use it unrefined. Not bad and affordable option— Iletsk salt, which is sold everywhere, including chain supermarkets, costs a penny. You can also use any unrefined sea ​​salt, pink Himalayan or. All these types of salt, in addition to natural sodium, contain dozens of other beneficial to the body elements, and at the same time do not contain, for example, a harmful anti-caking agent (E535, E536), which is added by manufacturers to almost any purified finely ground table salt, and sometimes this may not be indicated on the packaging.

The highest potassium content is in plant products nutrition. I’ll start with them, after which I’ll move on to animal sources.

The amount of potassium in the tables is indicated in mg per 100 grams of product. The daily requirement of potassium for adults is 1800-5000 mg depending on weight, body condition and climate (on average it is considered equal to 3000 mg = 3 g), for children - 600-1700 mg. At the same time, you need to take into account that the body most likely will not absorb the entire amount that you eat, so if necessary, eat with a reserve. 😉

In one Western book on the interpretation of tests for micro- and macroelements, I read that a reliable method for determining potassium reserves in the body is an analysis of red blood cells (I don’t know if we do this), and a good indicator of the amount of potassium coming from food is a test urine. But hair analysis does not reflect either one or the other (specifically for this element).

Potassium in plant foods

The tables show the amount of potassium in fresh food product, unless otherwise specified. Naturally, during heat treatment, some nutrients are lost, including potassium.


The undisputed record holders for potassium content are legume products, and soybeans take the first place. Another thing is the degree of assimilation. Due to antinutrients contained in legumes that block our metabolism, nutrients, including potassium, may not be absorbed very well. It should also be taken into account that when cooking, the amount of potassium in legumes decreases by 3-4 times (it goes into water), but when frying, they lose only a quarter to a fifth of this element. So best option- This is probably stewing so that all the liquid remains in the dish.

Seeds and nuts

Nuts and seeds also contain a fairly large amount of potassium. But again, the question is about the degree of absorption due to the presence of antinutrients. I wrote about proper processing of nuts to reduce the amount of antinutrients in. In principle, and legume products The methods described there are also applicable.

Cereals and grains

As with any other minerals and other nutrients, the more whole a grain, grain, or product is, the higher the potassium content. But here again there are antinutrients, led by phytic acid. 🙁 So before temperature treatment, soaking, or even better, germination, ideally followed by fermentation. Well, if there is bread, then only with sourdough. Sourdough bread is the healthiest because thanks to it, antinutrients in the dough are destroyed, and more accessible form nutrients are transferred. In addition, the symbol of sourdough bread, rye is one of the leaders in potassium content.

Product, 100 g Potassium, mg
rice bran 1485
wheat bran 1182
oat bran 566
quinoa 563
rye 510
amaranth 508
green buckwheat 460
barley 452
wheat 433
oats 429
wild rice 427
bulgur 410
kamut 403
spelled 388
peeled rye flour 374
oat flour 371
whole grain wheat flour 363
sorghum 363
regular buckwheat 320
corn flour 315
barley flour 309
brown (unpolished) rice flour 289
corn 287
brown (unpolished) rice 268
sifted rye flour 224
millet 195
semolina 186
premium wheat flour 107
white (polished) rice 86
white rice flour 76

Fruits and berries

It is not without reason that many people associate bananas with potassium, but among fruits, avocado contains the maximum amount of it, even if it tastes more like a vegetable. 🙂

Product, 100 g Potassium, mg
avocado 485
bananas 358
black currant 322
kiwi 312
persimmon 310
rhubarb 288
elder 280
red and white currants 275
cantaloupe melon 267
medlar 266
apricot 259
pomegranate 236
figs 232
melon 228
cherries 222
Muscat grapes 203
nectarine 201
gooseberry 198
quince 197
mulberry (mulberry) 194
red and green grapes 191
yellow peach 190
kumquat 186
papaya 182
orange 181
tangerine clementine 177
cherry 173
feijoa 172
mandarin 166
blackberry 162
plum 157
strawberry 153
pear 119
apple 107

Dried fruits

In dried fruits and berries, as well as in any other dried products, the concentration of any substances, not just potassium, is always much higher than in fresh ones. And these substances are likely to be absorbed better than from legumes, nuts and cereals.

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

Among vegetables, many people associate potatoes with potassium, and for good reason - even after heat treatment, potatoes retain increased amount this macronutrient. However, nutritionists recommend not to indulge in starchy foods, so it is worth keeping in mind other vegetables rich in potassium.

Product, 100 g Potassium, mg
dried tomato 3427
dried spirulina 1363
tomato paste 1014
beet tops 762
watercress 606
spinach 558
parsley 554
baked potatoes with skin (in their jacket) 550
boiled potatoes without skin 328
cilantro 521
kale 491
Jerusalem artichoke 429
ginger 415
garlic 401
sorrel 390
Brussels sprouts 389
chard 379
parsnip 375
artichoke 370
arugula 369
zucchini (winter varieties) 350
kohlrabi 350
pumpkin 340
shallot 334
beet 325
red chili pepper 322
carrot 320
broccoli 316
swede 305
shiitake mushroom 304
radicchio 302
celery root 300
cauliflower 299
garlic 296
chicory 290
green onions 276
sweet corn 270
zucchini (summer varieties, including zucchini) 262
celery 260
yellow tomato 258
Chinese cabbage (pak choy) 252
jalapeno pepper 248
romaine lettuce 247
green pea 244
red cabbage 243
red tomato 237
radish 233
savoy cabbage 230
eggplant 229
bell pepper 212
orange tomato 212
asparagus 202
green salad 197
turnip 191
red salad 187
leek 180
cabbage 170
cucumber 147
onion 146
iceberg lettuce 141
kelp 89
wakame 50

Chocolate and sweeteners

Potassium is present in cocoa products in very large quantities. It's a pity, you can't eat a lot of chocolate. 🙂

Alkalized cocoa powder means treated with alkali to eliminate the natural sourness of cocoa, also called “Dutch”. IN Soviet time it was called "extra". This cocoa powder dissolves better in liquids, and therefore it is usually used to make hot chocolate. Increased content potassium in it may be explained by the fact that this particular alkalized cocoa powder from which measurements were taken was treated with potassium alkali (carbonate, bicarbonate or hydroxide).

Potassium in animal products

And in animal products, part of the potassium is lost during heat treatment, along with other useful substances. And since you are unlikely to eat raw meat, meat products I provide here data on their composition when they are already prepared in one way or another.

Meat and poultry

There were some translation difficulties with the pork. There's a lot of pork carcass different parts, and dictionaries are not very well adapted to the exact intersection of our and their concepts. So in the table I present data only for those types of pork for which there were no particular difficulties in translating into Russian. At the same time, there is another strange thing: most often there is more potassium in fried meat than in stewed meat, but there are also exceptions in which the situation is the opposite. In general, for pork the average value is somewhere around 350-400 mg potassium per 100 grams of product.

There is data on the potassium content in beef with different fat content - from 5% to 30% in increments of 5. In the table I give two extreme options.

The table for poultry shows data only for meat, without skin. There is practically no potassium in the skin. A couple of bird species had no specification about the method in which they were prepared.

Fish and seafood

The table shows the amount of potassium in raw fish and seafood.

Product, 100 g Potassium, mg
Alaskan salmon 490
sea ​​bass 483
Rainbow trout 481
coho salmon 450
yellowfin tuna 441
greenling 437
halibut 435
chum salmon 429
Pacific herring 423
swordfish 418
Atlantic cod 413
skipjack tuna 407
mackerel 406
burbot 404
angler 400
zander 389
anchovy 383
red salmon 367
pink salmon 366
trout 361
som 358
mullet 357
river perch 356
pollock 356
sunflower 350
carp 333
Atlantic herring 327
whitefish 317
tilapia 302
smelt 290
haddock 286
sturgeon 284
acne 272
pike 259
sea ​​bass 256
bluefin tuna 252
Pacific cod 235
flounder 160

Egg and dairy products

Neither eggs nor dairy products can boast high content potassium So they round out the list of its food sources.

As for cheeses, in addition to the fact that they have little potassium, they also have a lot of sodium. Therefore, to enrich the body with potassium, cheeses - bad option. But for completeness, here is a table with data on some species:

Well, it seems like I went through all the different types of products. Have a delicious and healthy potassium boost! 😉

Potassium (K) is one of those minerals that is present in almost all foods. Vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, are the best known sources of this macronutrient.

Potassium deficiency affects the functioning of the heart, causing chronic fatigue. But the most interesting thing is that this mineral, acting on brain cells, causes a feeling of satisfaction and well-being.

Key Benefits of Potassium

Each time, research on this mineral confirms its vital role for humans. Time and again, scientists remind us: K deficiency leads to hypertension, stroke, diabetes, gout, osteoporosis, rheumatism, heart and intestinal pain. In medicine, there are cases where potassium deficiency provoked significant memory impairment.

Activates brain performance

K-deficiency primarily affects brain performance. This is explained by the fact that the mineral helps supply brain cells with oxygen, without which the functionality of the organ decreases sharply. The first signs of macronutrient deficiency are fast fatiguability and inability to concentrate on important things. This condition usually continues until the potassium deficiency is eliminated.

Protects the heart from disease

Adequate potassium intake will protect against the risk of heart disease and stroke. This nutrient is capable of regulating blood pressure and heart rate, which means reducing the load on the arteries and heart muscle. It is important that many foods containing K are excellent sources of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the whole body.

Strengthens muscles

Potassium plays an important role in the work of strengthening muscles. If you want to build muscles or simply maintain their health, pay attention to foods rich in this mineral. Bananas, avocados, raisins and dried apricots affect muscle condition at the cellular level. The potassium contained in them contributes to more rapid recovery muscles, keeping them in good shape.

Regulates fluid level

The daily norm of potassium allows you to maintain fluid balance in the body, and this is necessary to ensure the performance of all systems and maintain stable weight and body volume. In this ability, K is reminiscent of calcium and sodium, whose “responsibilities” also include controlling water balance in organism.

Stabilizes blood pressure

Disturbing high blood pressure? You may be lacking potassium. This macroelement is able to relax blood vessels, thereby reducing the pressure of blood flow in the arteries. Foods rich in potassium will help fight hypertension for people with diabetes who are at risk of strokes or heart attacks.

Strengthens bones

Fluorine is not the only element important for bone health. The role of potassium cannot be underestimated. Human body is a set of systems and subsystems working together. To maintain the functionality of the body, a complete set of and. In particular, health bone tissue depends on the balance of several, including potassium. Regular consumption of foods rich in this macronutrient will protect against the development of osteoporosis.

Anti-stress mineral

The functioning of the entire body and human well-being directly depend on the health of the nervous system. Not the least role for nerve cells will win back potassium. Increased tension and nervousness can also be a signal of K deficiency. A lack of the mineral reduces the body's ability to deal with stress, which over time can develop into hypertension and serious violations in the functioning of the nervous system.

Speeds up metabolism

Strictly adhere to low calorie diet, A excess weight doesn't everything go away? It is possible that in this way the body signals about insufficient potassium intake. A lack of macronutrients slows down metabolic processes. It helps the body break down and absorb food, enhances the work of other minerals important for adequate functioning metabolic processes. Review your diet by supplementing it with potassium-containing foods, and weight loss will not take long.

Relieves muscle spasms

It is potassium that is the mineral, the lack of which is manifested by muscle spasms and cramps. Even the slightest imbalance mineral composition manifested by pain and discomfort in the muscles.

Role for the kidneys

But the relationship between potassium and kidneys is not so simple. On the one hand, it is an important nutrient that reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis, since potassium salts can reduce acidity in the bloodstream. On the other hand, there is a category of people who are strictly prohibited from consuming potassium without medical supervision. These are people suffering renal failure. Due to the disease, they develop hyperkalemia, neglect of which can cause sudden cardiac arrest.

Around the world, perhaps the most known source potassium is banana. Meanwhile, there are many other products in which the content of this mineral significantly exceeds its concentration in an exotic fruit.

To begin with, it is important to note that the most foods rich in potassium are fruits (especially dried fruits) and vegetables. But this does not mean that you should neglect legumes, fish and dairy foods - they also contain potassium reserves. It is important to include chard in the menu, chicken eggs, spinach and mushrooms. Such a diet will supply the body with minerals in the amount of 150% of daily norm. Other foods rich in potassium include: potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, spinach, beans, peas, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), Orange juice, fruits and berries (bananas, oranges, strawberries).

Considering the concentration of potassium in products, they are usually grouped into:

  • low-potassium (contain less than 100 mg of mineral per 100 g of product);
  • with an average K content (150-250 mg);
  • with high content (251-400 mg);
  • very saturated with potassium (more than 400 mg).
Table of potassium content in food
Product name (100 g)Potassium (mg)
Dried apricots1717
Sea kale970
Green pea873
Potatoes baked in skins540
Brussels sprouts494
Parsley (greens)340
Celery (root)262
Parsley (root)262
Beetroot (root)259
Beet tops238
Lean beef325

How to preserve potassium in foods

Potassium is one of the minerals that is relatively stable during storage of fresh foods. Minor changes in the concentration of the substance are possible after long-term storage of food. Meanwhile, there is no need to take any additional measures in order to “retain” potassium, for example, in fresh vegetables. But upon contact with water, the mineral almost completely passes into it. Traditional rules for preparing dishes will allow you to preserve the maximum content after heat treatment: minimum cooking time and as much as possible less water. For example, immerse vegetables in already boiling water or resort to baking instead of boiling.

It’s hard to imagine, but almost a quarter of a kilogram of an adult’s body is potassium. In total, the body contains from 220 to 250 g of this mineral.

It is mainly concentrated in the composition different types cells, and approximately 3 grams in the extracellular fluid.

According to the standards determined by nutritionists, an adult needs 3-5 mg of potassium daily (more precise dosages are determined taking into account age, gender, lifestyle, illness, pregnancy and other factors). The easiest way to provide yourself with this norm is to eat several fruits or vegetables rich in this mineral every day. However, this rule does not suit everyone: people with kidney failure or other nephrological diseases should use potassium with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

It is also important to know that some medications can artificially increase potassium levels in the body. Primarily these are spironolactone, triamterene, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and some inhibitors. Food substitutes containing potassium can also increase the concentration in the blood.

But diuretics and some drugs prescribed for heart failure can, on the contrary, provoke potassium deficiency. Can reduce mineral concentration salt(consumed in large quantities), coffee and alcohol. People with low level potassium, you need to carefully monitor your daily diet and regularly consume foods rich in the mineral. These are mainly fruits and vegetables.

In addition, it is important to know in order to maintain the right balance nutrients, the amount of potassium and sodium intake should correspond to the proportion 2 (K): 1 (Na), since sodium promotes the rapid elimination of K. By the way, stress is one of the factors that sharply increases the concentration of sodium in the body. It is also important to monitor magnesium levels - its deficiency interferes with the normal absorption of potassium.

Almost all potassium obtained from food is excreted from the body in urine. Therefore, there is a need for daily replenishment of K-stocks. The fact that a person is experiencing K-deficiency can be signaled by muscle weakness, swelling, cramps, and irregular urination. Arrhythmia, apathy, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite are also signs of K deficiency, which can ultimately lead to stroke. fatal. And here increased excitability, anemia, frequent urination and arrhythmia may indicate that a person is abusing foods rich in the mineral or dietary supplements with K.

Take care of quality daily diet, and then you won’t have to run to doctors looking for the causes of your illness.

The importance of minerals for humans is very difficult to overestimate. They help you do the most various functions body. This is why it is important to consume foods high in potassium to prevent serious problems with health.

Signs of mineral deficiency

A lack of potassium in the body can provoke metabolic disorders in the cells of the heart muscle. As a result, contractions are disrupted, which can trigger an attack. Arterial pressure becomes unstable, damage to the mucous membranes is observed.

With a lack of potassium in the body, the risk of formation increases. peptic ulcer. Women may develop cervical erosion and miscarriage. Among the main signs of microelement deficiency in the body are the following:

  • dry skin;
  • fragility of nails;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting, frequent urination;
  • neuralgia.

A deficiency may be indicated by a feeling of fatigue, bruising, cramps, damage blood vessels. To compensate for the deficiency of this microelement, it is imperative to introduce foods high in potassium into your daily diet, as this will quickly normalize your well-being.

However, it is advisable to first consult a doctor and also conduct an examination, since an excess of this element can be much more dangerous than its deficiency.

Products containing potassium

To normalize your well-being, you need to consume foods high in potassium. Its greatest amount is contained in apple cider vinegar and honey. Then there are foods such as:

Most of it is found in nuts and dried fruits. In 100 grams, the potassium content ranges from 450 to 1700 mg. There is a lot of this element in apples and bananas, as well as citrus fruits. This is why you need to consume large quantities of these fruits daily.

It is worth noting the benefits of baked potatoes, since in this form this product retains significant amount potassium In addition, this trace element is present in fresh tomatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, legumes. Many people are interested in how much potassium is in soybeans and how healthy this product is. 100 g of legumes contain approximately 500 mg of potassium.

Swiss chard or Swiss chard also contains a lot of potassium, namely 961 mg of the trace element. It helps normalize activity of cardio-vascular system, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins from the body. If desired, chard can be completely replaced with beet tops.

Spinach contains potassium (590 mg), so you need to periodically consume this product to normalize your well-being. In addition, the diet should include chicken eggs and mushrooms. A properly composed menu will allow you to enrich your body with this mineral.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are due to its chemical composition. 100 grams of dry product contains 1162 mg of potassium, and it is also very rich in fiber and vitamins, which has a good effect on vision. In addition, consumption of dried apricots has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Foods and magnesium

The daily need for potassium and magnesium largely depends on a person’s weight and lifestyle. However, there is a certain average value for these microelements, but it is worth remembering that the norm may vary depending on the presence of certain diseases. It may decrease or increase.

The most important product that contains a lot of potassium and magnesium is considered seaweed. In addition to minerals, it contains many different vitamins.

Products, and phosphorus

Most foods high in potassium and phosphorus are of animal origin, and these microelements are also found in legumes and grains. Lamb, beef and chicken contain about 300 mg of potassium and approximately 200 mg of phosphorus in every 100 g of product.

In addition, fish and dairy products are rich in this microelement, but it is worth remembering that they contain much more phosphorus than potassium.

How to preserve useful trace elements in foods

Potassium is one of the minerals that maintains a stable composition when correct storage fresh products. Minor changes in the concentration of this trace element may occur after prolonged storage of products.

It is worth noting that fresh vegetables contain large amounts of potassium, but upon contact with water, the mineral is almost completely transferred into it. To preserve the maximum amount of potassium after heat treatment, you need to use a little water and spend a little time cooking. Vegetables should only be dipped in boiling water or vegetables should be baked instead of boiling.

How much potassium does a person need?

The record holder for potassium content is considered to be dried apricots, whose benefits and harm to the body are determined by its chemical composition. It is important to know in what quantities this microelement should be contained in the body. In total, there should be approximately 220-250 g of potassium in the body. It is mainly concentrated in the cells of the body.

Many nutritionists believe that an adult needs 3-5 mg of potassium daily, but the exact dosage is determined purely individually, and this figure depends on individual characteristics person. Most best way Provide yourself with the norm of this microelement by consuming vegetables and fruits daily. However, people with nephrological diseases need to consume foods rich in potassium with extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Oversupply: consequences

One of the reasons for an overabundance of this mineral is considered to be a long-term unbalanced diet, in particular the consumption of foods with high content potassium If you have kidney disease, you need to limit the intake of this microelement with food. This is due to the fact that it is the kidneys that remove potassium from the body.

Benefits of potassium

The benefits of potassium for the body are simply invaluable, as this mineral helps:

  • activate brain performance;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • protect the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen bones;
  • eliminate muscle spasm.

Calcium deficiency affects brain performance. This is explained by the fact that it provides brain cells with oxygen, without which functional abilities are sharply reduced. The very first signs of potassium deficiency are fatigue and inability to concentrate.

A balanced consumption of foods containing potassium helps protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases and reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack. This microelement is able to regulate blood pressure and heart rate. Important role potassium plays a role in strengthening muscles, so if you want to build muscle, you should pay attention to foods rich in this microelement.

During training, a significant load is placed on the heart muscle. For those involved in sports, potassium is simply necessary for the proper functioning of the body and restoration of strength after training. Therefore, athletes are often recommended to take vitamin complexes with potassium.

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