Where are the eye teeth in children? What makes eye teeth special? Teeth like diamonds

It turns out that many of us don’t even know reliably where we are eye teeth. And this is what the upper and lower fangs are often called, and for good reason. Next to them are the facial nerve endings, which provide communication between the central nervous system and top part faces. The moment when small children begin to gradually erupt teeth is accompanied by some problems due to severe pain, which the baby cannot yet bear calmly.

When and for how long do eye teeth erupt?

The appearance of the first signs of canine growth occurs between one and two years of age. First, children's incisors and molars appear, and then the eye teeth. Depending on the individual characteristics development sequence may change. Often the lower canines begin to come out first, and then the upper canines.

The time it takes for them to fully grow can vary greatly. The longest process is when the tooth just begins to emerge from the gums and the first symptoms appear. This stage takes from several days to two weeks.

How eye teeth are cut: symptoms

It is very important to notice the first signs of canine growth in time to help the child endure everything. discomfort. They are like this:

  • First, the body temperature rises to 38-40 degrees.
  • The baby begins to behave very capriciously and does not want to eat. There is no need to force it under any circumstances. But if suddenly a child refuses to eat food for the whole day, then the most reasonable decision would be to visit a doctor for consultation.
  • Mild nasal congestion.
  • In the place where the tooth will soon appear, severe redness is noticeable. The gums swell gradually, so you may not notice it right away.
  • A typical symptom is loose stools.
  • Increased salivation also indicates that the eye teeth are cutting. Moreover, the baby may begin to suck his fingers or try to chew hard objects. There is a possibility that slight bleeding will begin if the gums are injured.
  • There is irritation around the mouth due to excessive amounts of saliva.
  • Often the whole process is accompanied by sleep disturbances.
  • From inflammation accompanied acute pain, the child begins to cry a lot.
  • A weakened immune system can cause colds. Therefore, situations when a child is cutting eye teeth and develops a runny nose, cough and fever are not uncommon. During this period, parents should carefully monitor that the baby is not overcooled or in a draft.
  • Insufficient hygiene care oral cavity Complications are possible in the form of stomatitis, ulcers on the tongue and cheeks.

These are the main symptoms that indicate teething. They may differ slightly from the above. There may be a cough, tearfulness, and pain in the cheeks and ears.

What to do if your child’s eye tooth hurts?

Since the child has not yet learned to control his emotions and does not understand why such a sudden and sharp pain, it is necessary to try to facilitate the process of tooth growth as much as possible. There is a list different ways that will help and not harm:

  • At elevated temperature you need to use antipyretics. These can be candles or syrups. For a small organism, it is undesirable to use “adult” medications. Therefore, going to the pharmacy is much better than using the first remedy that comes to hand.
  • You can deal with a runny nose vasoconstrictor drops for children.
  • Several times a day you need to massage the gums in the place where the tooth is cut. The use of anesthetic gels during the procedure brings a significant effect. The duration should not exceed several minutes, so as not to further irritate the mucous membrane.
  • Homeopathic remedies. They must be selected by a specialist.
  • There are teethers on sale that are pre-cooled. They are given to the child to “scratch his teeth.”
  • Various gels relieve inflammation and temporarily relieve gum pain. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to get a good night's sleep and, as a result, will behave a little more calmly throughout the day.
  • Try to distract the child from the pain (with games, a pacifier, cartoons).
  • If parents think that pharmaceutical products can cause harm, then you can use traditional medicine methods:
  • Rub small amounts of honey into your baby's gums. It is known to have effective healing properties not only to relieve inflammation.
  • Prepare a decoction of natural chamomile. You need to drink several spoons four times a day.
  • Gargling with sage infusion helps reduce painful sensations. Carrying out this procedure with children is very problematic, so wet the bandage and thoroughly wipe the mouth.
  • Let your baby nibble on chilled vegetables or fruits. Suitable beets, young carrots, peeled apple slices, hard pears.
  • Clove oil is suitable for periodic lubrication of gums. But it must be diluted with water - this will prevent burns to the mucous membrane.
  • Moisten the affected areas with valerian tincture.
  • Buy a few strawberry roots and let your child try chewing them.
  • Ensure adequate intake of foods with high content vitamins

Remember that in case of any deviations from the norm and symptoms unusual for dental growth, you must urgently take the child for examination to the attending physician. This will help you start treatment on time or get rid of unnecessary worries. The appearance of eye teeth in children is a long and painful process for the whole family. At this time, pay due attention to the baby and his desires and under no circumstances yell at him for constant crying. With the help of the above treatment methods, you will cope with this stage without problems. Be sure to maintain good oral hygiene. Just because your child only has a few teeth doesn't mean they don't need to be brushed.

In fact, there is no such thing as “eye teeth” in modern dentistry does not exist. Fangs upper jaw They gave this name because not far from their location passes the facial nerve, which is directly connected to the central nervous system.

Due to the structural features, the removal of fangs requires the use of a better quality one; their eruption in children is always accompanied by severe pain and others.

Location and features of development of fangs

The eye teeth are located between the lateral incisors and molars. Despite the fact that dentistry exists, not all children develop them according to a clearly established routine.

However, most often the canines are actively cutting immediately after the group of incisors and first molars. Due to the structural features of the eye teeth, they appear on the surface of the gums at approximately one and a half years of age.

The upper fangs differ from the lower ones not only in shape, but also in size. Of course, the differences are not so significant, but they still exist: the teeth of the upper row are rooted deeper in the jaw, so their eruption is often more painful.

The process of teething and its features

The canines of the lower and upper rows emerge almost simultaneously, and by the age of two, the child almost always has the entire set formed. But for parents, this period is one of the most worrying, since it extremely rarely passes quickly and asymptomatically.

The eruption of fangs is accompanied by severe symptoms:

  • , and it can reach quite high performance and not decrease even after taking special medications;
  • lethargy, Bad mood and drowsiness;
  • swelling and redness of the gums at the site of eruption;
  • violation of sleep and eating patterns;
  • liquid discharge from the nasal passages or, conversely, nasal congestion;
  • pain localized in the area of ​​the nose or ears;
  • excessive salivation;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye.

Children's fangs are usually cut one at a time and not nearly as quickly as many mothers, exhausted by the whims of their baby, would like. Because of When located deep in the gums, they may not appear on the surface for a week or even more.

And since there are only 4 teeth with such growth characteristics, it is better for parents, just in case, to stock up not only with patience, but also with medications.

Of course, this does not mean that the appearance of each fang will be accompanied by all of the above symptoms. But it’s still worth insuring yourself.

What help can be provided to a child at home?

Because the children's body experiences some stress when teething, it is quite natural that his immunity weakens and he becomes more susceptible to viruses. The baby may experience increased tear production, swelling of the nasopharynx and sore gums.

If your nose is leaking...

The appearance of viscous or liquid green discharge should definitely attract the attention of parents. If such a nuisance happened to the baby’s nose, then home medicine cabinet It is advisable to keep several types in reserve vasoconstrictor drops and nasal rinses.

The composition of such drugs as Aquamaris, Humer and Marimer includes salty sea ​​water, so they are absolutely safe for children of any age.

Drugs such as Nazivin, Nazol baby and Otrivin also work well for nasal congestion. Despite the fact that they are sold in any pharmacy, it is still not recommended to use them as a medicine without first consulting a doctor.

How to reduce fever and eliminate pain

Antipyretics based on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are the safest for a small organism. Moreover, the best option is liquid syrups and rectal suppositories with different active ingredients.

Sometimes get knocked down high temperature body at home is quite problematic; in such cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

For quick pain relief, gels are applied to inflamed areas local action. Their anesthetic properties temporarily block pain. Kalgel and other drugs similar in composition are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Homeopathy also does not stand aside and offers its own alternative solutions. Despite the fact that Dentokind tablets are cumulative-action drugs, the effect of their use occurs almost immediately.

"Ambulance" without pills

Of course, it's good to have enough on hand medicines. But what if there are no drugs in the home medicine cabinet that are appropriate for the child’s age? Is it possible to alleviate the suffering of a baby who is growing fangs without anesthetics and anti-inflammatory medications?

If the child’s body temperature remains within normal limits, then the following methods will come to the mother’s aid.

To perform this, your hands must be clean. You need to start with gentle stroking, trying not to touch the areas increased pain.

As soon as the child understands that they want to help him and gradually relaxes, the mother’s finger will have a chance to gradually reach inflamed area and massage it gently.

Alternating movements varying degrees intensity will bring relief to small teeth that are just beginning their journey.


The shape of these products will undoubtedly attract the little explorer, and he will want to taste unfamiliar objects. With their help, it will be convenient for your baby to scratch his reddened gums.

Adult eye teeth

Due to the incorrect arrangement of teeth in the permanent dentition, a person experiences an acute feeling of discomfort. This is due not only to external defects of the dentition, but also to difficulties that appear during eating and during articulation. Abnormal development of canines can be corrected using individually selected teeth.

There is a misconception that eye teeth are called that because they are somehow connected with the organs of vision. In fact (and dentists confirm this) treatment and even removal of fangs cannot in any way affect the optic nerves.

Therefore, any inflammatory processes found in the area of ​​the eye teeth must be treated. If the dentist says that the tooth cannot be saved in any way, then it really has no chance of recovery.

After removal of the fangs, the shape of the face may change somewhat (not at all better side), That's why the only way out in this situation it is .

It is necessary to monitor the growth and development of teeth from the moment they appear. Paradoxical as it may seem, many parents do not connect the problems permanent dentition with children's milk teeth. But in vain.

Minor deviations from the norm are much easier to eliminate in adolescence, while the dental system is still quite mobile.

Of course, but their place will be replaced by radical ones, and the inflammatory processes occurring in the temporary occlusion will smoothly flow into chronic form during the formation of a permanent one. But the problem itself will not go away. Therefore from general condition children's dental system depends on health (both present and future), total human body in future.

Most parents are concerned about eye teeth. And this is not surprising, because teething is difficult for many children and is often the cause of various problems. In this article, we will look at the symptoms and features of the eruption of eye teeth in children, and also find out how you can help your child if associated complications arise.

But first, let’s figure out what kind of teeth exactly this popular term “eye” is assigned to? Oddly enough, these teeth have nothing to do with the eyes. These canines are the third teeth in the human dentition, which are located in pairs on the upper and lower jaws. Adjacent to the lateral incisors, they act as separators between the front and back teeth.

According to experts, fangs began to be popularly called “eye teeth” due to anatomical feature structures of the upper jaw. The facial (ocular) nerve is located in close proximity to the fangs, and the closer it is to the gum, the more painful it is for the child to erupt these teeth. The fact is that the facial nerve transmits impulses from the central nervous system to the top of the face. That is why when eye teeth erupt, lacrimation, runny nose and other resulting ailments are very often observed.

Symptoms of eye teeth eruption in babies

As practice shows and doctors say, eye teeth almost always take a long time to cut and with strong painful sensations. Therefore, it is almost impossible not to notice this period.

Experts include the following main signs of teething:

  1. Lacrimation, which often develops into conjunctivitis.
  2. The gums become swollen, red and painful. When touching the inflamed gum, the child may cry.
  3. Nasal congestion and/or.


Teething can be associated with the separation of a small amount of clear snot. If the child produces yellowish or greenish shades, then this indicates the presence of an infection.

Possible problems with eruption of eye teeth


It is important to know that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the above symptoms can be associated with teething in only 40% of cases. In other situations, several factors overlap.

For example, eruption of the eye tooth actually occurs, and therefore immunity decreases, and against this background:

  1. A child may catch intestinal or because he constantly tries to put objects from the floor or dirty hands into his mouth;
  2. A child can become infected from relatives or by interacting with a sick child.

Since the immune system is already weakened, infectious disease can be very difficult, and the crisis period usually drags on for a week.

You can make sure that you are dealing only with teething, only with the help of a doctor and timely tests.

Timing of eruption of eye teeth

WHO has established approximate timing for the eruption of baby teeth:

  • from 6 to 9 months, the upper and lower central incisors usually appear;
  • The upper and lower lateral incisors erupt approximately every year. That is, by the time he celebrates his first birthday, the baby may have 5-8 teeth;
  • from 13 to 19 months – the first upper and lower molars appear;
  • from 16 to 23 months – upper and lower canines;
  • from 23 to 33 months - second upper and lower molars.

Deviation from the accepted figures by six months in any direction is considered the norm.

In general, all 20 milk teeth erupt in children by the age of three.

But you should understand that these are only approximate dates, because the body of each individual child develops and works according to its own individual plan. Therefore, the order and time of teeth appearance may be very different from the generally accepted ones.

As for fangs, in practice, most often, they begin to erupt between 12 months and one and a half years. However, they begin to cause concern in children long before their appearance: even before the incisors erupt, swelling and redness of the gums may be observed in the area of ​​the upper canines. As a rule, the eye teeth actively erupt immediately after the front teeth, then their eruption stops until the molars appear, after which the process of their active growth resumes.

Parents who are panicking because their baby is missing teeth on time should pay attention to a few things: the most important rules, which were voiced more than once by Dr. Komarovsky:

  1. Despite the violation approximate dates teething, by the age of three your child is guaranteed to have a full set of baby teeth.
  2. A teething sequence that does not conform to the book is normal.
  3. Teeth appearing six months earlier or later established deadlines quite acceptable, since this is a purely individual process.
  4. There are no medicinal methods speed up or change the sequence of teething. Here science is powerless.

How to help your child with teething

Naturally, every parent, seeing how difficult it is for their baby to get another tooth, cannot stand quietly on the sidelines and just watch this process. However, if you want to help a child, it is very important, as they say, not to go too far, otherwise the result of such parental support can be very disastrous.

At the very beginning, I would like to note that you should think about the upcoming dental period from the very first days of the baby’s life, since it is very important role the state of his immunity plays a role in this process. It has been proven that in children with stronger immune defenses, the eruption of eye teeth is somewhat easier.. At the same time, symptoms that accompany their appearance, such as fever, gastrointestinal upset and other ailments, including viral ones, are much less common in “strong” children. That is, it is important to regularly nourish the child’s immunity. Best friends reliable immune defense baby are:

If a difficult period has already begun in your child’s life, and his eye teeth are not being spared, then the following tips will be useful and appropriate to help you somewhat facilitate the teething process itself. By the way, Dr. Komarovsky recommends the same methods of reducing pain when eye teeth appear.

So to effective ways that help the child include:

Medicines aimed at solving various problems during the eruption of eye teeth:

  • heat. To reduce fever, children are usually prescribed Paracetamol and Nurofen (active ingredient -) in the form of syrup or glycerin rectal suppositories. In addition to their antipyretic effect, these drugs also have an analgesic effect;
  • . This problem can be dealt with congee or ;
  • . Nazivin and Aquamaris are shown to young children;
  • severe pain in the area. In such cases, either local pain-relieving gels, syrup or suppositories based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are used. As for gels, the main active substance They usually contain lidocaine (Dentinox, Kalgel, Kamistad) or benzocaine (Dentol-baby). Gels are also produced, the analgesic effect of which is provided only by plant extracts (Baby Doctor, Pansoral). However, most often, such drugs have a weak effect, although they are safer for children.

Dr. Komarovsky about the eruption of eye teeth

A well-known pediatrician believes that cooling gels severe pain can be used, but in minimal quantities. But the use of gels on plant based he considers it unjustified, since they bring practically no relief to the baby, but at the same time their composition is highly allergenic.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky on the topic:

Baby's safety comes first

In their zeal to help the child, relatives often go beyond all reasonable boundaries. Many parents, to make sure that the long-awaited tooth has already appeared, try to look into the baby’s mouth almost every hour, not always remembering the necessary cleanliness of their hands. As a result of such parental impatience, the risk of various inflammatory processes in the baby's mouth.

But an even more dangerous action of adults during this difficult period for a child is to “slip” into him, as if to relieve pain in the gums, such an alternative to special children’s teethers as food, namely:

  • bread crusts;
  • bagels;
  • carrots;
  • apple

This approach can have very disastrous consequences, especially if the child has not yet learned to eat on his own, and at the same time already has at least one tooth, or even its tip. The danger of the situation is that the baby may accidentally bite off a piece of the product and inhale it.

Experts emphasize that during the eruption of eye teeth, best help for the child is attention and love from the parents, and of course their prudence and patient behavior.

Tokareva Larisa, pediatrician, medical columnist

Despite their name, eye teeth do not affect the visual organs in any way. The teeth received their unusual name due to the fact that the facial nerve runs next to them; when it is irritated by the growth of the fangs, the pain spreads across the face and radiates into the eyes. This is also associated with difficult and painful removal of fangs in adults. But the so-called eye teeth do not have any effect on vision, although some people are still convinced that if they are removed, they can lose their vision. This, of course, is complete nonsense.

What is the difference

What teeth are called eye teeth? These are the upper canines, but some people also call them the lower ones. They begin their development even before the birth of the child; they erupt in different time, V in rare cases a child is already born with a tooth; they usually appear around one year or even after 2 years. Dairy most often appear between 16 months and 22, and permanent ones - at 10–12 years, but these are average data. Each person experiences teething differently.

Eye teeth, unlike others, have one very long root, which is slightly compressed on the sides. It has a fairly massive crown, which has 2 cutting edges, they meet at an acute angle. The crown itself is somewhat compacted so that the surface of the tongue and lips meet at the cutting edge. The size of the upper and lower canines differs: upper canine larger, its cutting edge is longer, and the contact surface is wider. All these features enable the eye teeth to fulfill their intended purpose - to hold food and crush it.

Baby teeth

Teething of any kind in children makes parents nervous. The child’s gums become red, swollen, sore and itchy, the temperature may rise, the child is capricious, sleeps and eats poorly. But when the eye teeth erupt, all these symptoms are supplemented by diarrhea, nasal congestion, lacrimation and even conjunctivitis. These symptoms occur due to the child’s weakened immunity during this period, which leads to the addition of infections. various kinds. Therefore, if during the teething of the eye teeth the child’s temperature rises and all the signs of ARVI appear, you should not blame everything on the teeth. It is imperative to carry out the treatment prescribed for colds. The same applies to conjunctivitis.

In such a difficult period, the baby needs to be given more attention and affection. What's happened toothache, all adults know, but it’s very difficult for a child during this period. Try to calm the baby down and distract him with something, because crying for a long time may cause the baby to have a fever. Walk more in the fresh air, play with your child. Try to make the painful teething process as less stressful as possible.

But don’t be afraid, it happens that the child does not have all the symptoms, but only some of them, and it may be that the parents and the child himself do not even notice how the fangs have grown.

How to make teething easier for your child

To ensure your baby’s fangs erupt with the least discomfort, you can try the following:

  1. Massage your gums. First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, then index finger Gently massage the gums for 1-2 minutes, preferably doing this several times a day.
  2. Give your baby teethers with a cooling effect. These devices are filled with distilled water and must be briefly placed in the refrigerator before use.
  3. To remove pain syndrome, lubricate your gums with Kalgel, Dentinox or other pain-relieving gels. Their action begins 2 minutes after application, and the baby will immediately feel relief.
  4. If a child has a stuffy nose when cutting eye teeth, and this is not a cold, then you can drip Nazivin, Quix or Otrivin - children's drops for constricting blood vessels in the nose.
  5. If the temperature is above 38°C, then the child must be given Ibuprofen or Paracetamol, preferably syrup or suppositories.

How long such procedures need to be carried out depends on the child. In each specific case, everything is purely individual, but a consultation with a pediatrician will not be superfluous in any case.

Eye teeth in adults

Sometimes the dentist insists on removing the fang. What is the reason to do this?

  • If the canine is developed incorrectly and disrupts the bite.
  • If the fang is too large, as a result the rest develop incorrectly and grow crookedly.
  • If the eye tooth has grown outside the arch and looks unaesthetic.

But in most cases, doctors are in no hurry to remove the fang, because this tooth has great importance both for human life and for subsequent age-related prosthetics.

The roots of the fang are long and go deep into the bone, so they suffer less than all other teeth from caries, and this allows them to be preserved intact until old age. In addition, some people's diction deteriorates after removal of fangs. If the fangs are removed, then their function falls on the neighboring teeth, and they are not at all adapted for this. Even the most modern implant does not fully replace a canine tooth.

Based on the above, it is recommended to try not to remove eye teeth, and if they bring discomfort into your life, you can grind off the protruding ends. Braces can help correct your bite. Of course, it happens that it is simply necessary to remove a tooth, but in any case, everything possible must be done to save the fang.

For some, they appear closer to a year.

The baby's first teeth are the incisors, and only after their appearance should we expect the eruption of the eye teeth. Average age The child is 12-16 months old by this time.

Due to the close proximity of the fangs to facial nerve This process is not easy for the baby and takes a fairly long period. Sometimes it can take more than one week until the tip of the fang appears.

The symptoms of eruption of eye teeth are not much different from the appearance of other teeth. Just like when other baby teeth erupt, the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • itching and pain in the gum area;
  • lack of appetite;
  • possible increase in temperature on the teeth.

The main signs that the fangs are erupting are:

  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea);
  • nasal congestion, possible pain;
  • increased lacrimation, which can often lead to conjunctivitis.

Parents should carefully monitor the baby’s well-being so as not to miss the moment when the first signs of a cold appear and contact a pediatrician in time.

Note: all the immune system the child is weakened during this period, and the likelihood of catching any virus or infection increases.

You should not necessarily wait for the manifestation of all these symptoms or look for them in the child, since there are cases when the appearance of eye teeth occurs without symptoms.

Look video, in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about the increase in temperature during teething:

First aid

In any case, if you have a baby in your home, you should know and be able to provide him with first aid, including while waiting for teeth.

Let's list some:

  1. Teether toys with a cooling effect. They are given to the child after they have been in the refrigerator for several hours. You should carefully monitor their cleanliness, since the child not only chews them, but also scatters them everywhere around the apartment.
  2. Special gels that relieve pain and itching. They are found in almost every pharmacy, these are Kalgel, Solcoseryl. A mother can help her baby by massaging his gums using chamomile - this temporarily relieves pain and itching.
  3. You should not force your child to eat during this period, but giving more liquid is simply necessary.
  4. If the baby has a fever, you can give him Nurofen or Panadol in the form of syrup, which, with the birth of the baby, appear on an ongoing basis in the home medicine cabinet. Also, do not forget that sometimes it is more convenient to use medications in the form of suppositories.
  5. A runny nose is not a rare occurrence in children. If a colorless liquid flows out of the spout, then in this case there is no need to worry too much - regular rinsing will help. sea ​​water. But if the mucus has a thick texture and yellowish color, then it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor: this means that, against the background of a weakened immune system, the child has caught an infection.

It is important: When teething, it is advisable to show the child to the pediatrician in any case: he will tell the parents how to act similar situation, if necessary, prescribe medication.


Removal is last resort and resort to it in very rare cases, which include:

  • abnormal tooth development and malocclusion;
  • large canine sizes, causing crooked growth of neighboring teeth;
  • improper formation and growth of teeth, violation aesthetic appearance jaws.

It is worth noting: each tooth performs its own specific function in human life, and even a subsequently placed implant will not be able to fully replace the canine.

Therefore, we came up with ways to combat discomfort and unaesthetic appearance:

  1. Grinding down the ends of the tooth.
  2. Wearing braces. This best option for a child whose jaw has not yet fully formed and there is time to correct everything naturally.
  3. Operation. Expensive but fast method.

In conclusion, I would like to tell moms and dads, grandparents, that you shouldn’t prepare yourself for difficult teething in advance and make yourself and your baby nervous. Maybe everything will go quickly, painlessly and unnoticed for you!

From this video You will learn how to help your baby teething:

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