Inulin: reviews, properties, indications and main purpose. Inulin - benefits and harms, instructions for use

Most people know chicory as a drink that, in its own way, taste qualities very similar to regular coffee. But not everyone knows what chicory inulin is. According to medical experts, this substance is very important for health, as it has a number of beneficial qualities.

Inulin is the energy reserve of chicory

Today we will try to understand this in more detail and describe in as much detail as possible how inulin affects the functioning of the organs and systems of our body.

Characteristics of the substance

Chicory inulin is a fructose polymer that is extracted from the root of this plant. The main benefit of this product is that it takes an active part in the metabolic processes of our body.

Being a prebiotic, inulin is not absorbed in the organs digestive system; entering the gastrointestinal tract, it is influenced of hydrochloric acid and enzymes undergo a breakdown process and as a result fructose molecules are formed. These molecules, in turn, “assemble” into peculiar chains and penetrate into circulatory system. The part of inulin that remains undigested naturally and is very quickly eliminated from the body, “taking” with it toxins, cholesterol and other harmful substances. And the fructose chains that have penetrated the blood begin to perform an antitoxic function and their main task - cleansing the body.

Beneficial features

Inulin in chicory has certain properties that affect the human body as follows:

  • helps lower body temperature when colds and exhibits a diaphoretic effect;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • restores liver function;
  • stabilizes heart rate;
  • balances the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • monitors blood sugar levels;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • stimulates growth bone tissue;
  • helps calcium absorption;
  • increases the resistance of the ureters and bronchial tree.

On a note! Due to the fact that chicory inulin helps lower blood sugar levels, a drink from this plant is recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes, and it can also be included in the diet of children.

The benefits of inulin for weight loss

This substance can even be used in diets. Once in the stomach, inulin “turns” into a gel, gently enveloping the mucous membranes, thus providing reliable protection for its walls. In addition, the human body who wants to get rid of excess weight, inulin helps in the following ways:

  • inulin is a prebiotic, and, therefore, takes an active part in creating a favorable environment for development intestinal microflora, which, in turn, is the “main enemy” pathogenic microbes and pathogenic bacteria;
  • this substance has positive influence on lipid metabolism, which is also important when fighting excess weight;
  • being the right carbohydrate, inulin ideally regulates appetite - the feeling of hunger is quickly replaced by a feeling of fullness, which remains for a long time;

    Important! The undeniable benefit of inulin for losing weight is that this substance does not increase blood glucose levels and does not contribute to insulin “jumps”.

  • helps reduce the level of ammonia in the intestines, which prevents the development of cancer, and also regulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is responsible for the condition of the figure.


Inulin is quite actively used in both pharmaceutical and Food Industry. In the culinary field, it acts as a stabilizer that helps give the correct structure and consistency to ice cream, sauces and mousses. It is added to baby food and dietary products, chocolate and baked goods.

As for the pharmacology industry, here this substance is used for prevention and therapy various diseases. Indications for its use may be as follows:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • weakened immunity and, as a result, a tendency to colds;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, both in chronic and acute forms;
  • bone diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis.


But remember that despite great benefit, chicory inulin can in some cases cause harm to health. Contraindications include:

  • parallel use of antibiotics, since inulin will “interfere” with their proper absorption;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhoids, which may get worse;
  • spasms of the respiratory system.

And remember that self-administration of any medicines unacceptable. Therefore, before you start using chicory inulin or the plant itself, medicinal purposes It is worth consulting a specialist. Only a doctor who is familiar with your medical history will be able to determine the advisability of using this remedy and prescribe the required daily dose.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract – common problem V modern world. You need to eliminate symptoms in a timely manner so that there is no severe consequences. And it’s not medications that will help with this, but inulin, a prebiotic that helps reproduce beneficial bacteria and rid the body of toxins.

What is inulin?

Inulin is a polymer of D-fructose, a natural carbohydrate obtained from plants. Organic matter belongs to the group of polysaccharides, which are the main sources of energy in food. The product is sold in pharmacies and is part of dietary supplements, but many people have no idea what we are talking about and wonder: inulin, what is it? For some time now there has been a lot of talk about this substance. The carbohydrate was discovered at the end of the twentieth century, and since the 90s, inulin has been actively discussed and legends have been made about it. Some people claim that with its help they were able to recover from many diseases.

Inulin - chemical composition

Polysaccharide is classified as complex carbohydrates. Inulin, which contains fructose (95%), glucose (5%) and sucrose to a lesser extent, can provide sugar that is harmless to diabetics. The last two substances are formed during decay. The isolated polysaccharide appears as a white powder, which is used to produce fructose. Its properties and formula are close to soluble fiber. It dissolves well in water.

Why does the body need inulin?

One of the main features of the substance is that it cannot be affected by digestive enzymes stomach. The polysaccharide passes freely into the intestine, where it becomes nutrient medium for bifidobacteria. Their number increases, and there is simply no room left for harmful pathogens. Inulin for the intestines serves a useful service:

  • speeds up the digestion process;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • Another benefit of inulin is that it helps rid the body of cholesterol and absorb such useful elements like calcium and magnesium.

Where is inulin found?

Organic matter is not found in animal products and is not produced synthetically. The only source of inulin is herbal ingredients. In plants, it accumulates in the root system and is present in some of them as a main substance. In total, there are more than 4,000 types of sources of this carbohydrate:

  • vegetables and herbs (exotic and growing in our area);
  • cereals;
  • bulbous;
  • belonging to the family of Compositae plants.

Almost always, along with inulin, related carbohydrates are found:

  • levulin;
  • preinulin;
  • inulenin

What foods contain inulin?

Having understood the question of inulin - what it is, it’s time to think about “what it is eaten with.” To ensure that the prebiotic enters the body, you can take it in tablets or powder form (the product is sold at the pharmacy). You can introduce foods containing inulin into your usual diet: Jerusalem artichoke, chicory root, onions and garlic, bananas, barley and rye. You can find the polysaccharide in raisins, asparagus, and artichoke.

A natural, sweet-tasting prebiotic added to yoghurts, low-calorie chocolates and weight loss drinks. You can add inulin powder to baked goods, replacing up to 10% of flour, and to pastry creams. Thanks to the prebiotic bakery products will turn out light, enriched with fiber, and the cream will acquire an indescribable creamy taste.

Prebiotic plants containing inulin

A natural prebiotic that supports the activity of lactobacilli in the intestines is found in many plants. Inulin from chicory and Jerusalem artichoke is the undisputed leader in its content and consumption. The prebiotic is found in smaller quantities in plants such as:

  • dandelion;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • burdock;
  • dahlia;
  • narcissus;
  • hyacinth;
  • coltsfoot;
  • elecampane;
  • tuberose;
  • banana;
  • agave.

The highest percentage of beneficial polysaccharide content is in the first two plants. Inulin in chicory is contained in colossal quantities: up to 75% of the substance is extracted from the root during cultivation. There is less of it in the tubers of the earthen pear, about 20%, and it is produced for pharmacological development and the food industry. The substance synthesized from Jerusalem artichoke resembles starch and fiber in structure.

Inulin - benefits and harm

Beneficial features inulin is used in medicine and cosmetology. Inclusion in daily menu products containing this organic substance, or a prebiotic in concentrated form, will invariably affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and have a beneficial effect on overall health. There are contraindications for the use of the drug, but they are few.

Inulin - benefits

  1. A useful prebiotic is a reliable assistant in cleansing the body of heavy metals and radionuclides.
  2. Regular consumption helps strengthen the immune system and digestive tract.
  3. The prebiotic has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, stimulating its growth. Bone density will increase by 25% if you regularly take inulin, the benefits of which are invaluable to the body.

Inulin is also used in cosmetology, but what is it for the skin:

  1. Dietary supplements and food products with prebiotics have positive impact on skin covering, nourish and moisturize tissues, improve oxygen exchange.
  2. Increase protective properties skin cells and increase their regeneration.
  3. Preparations with inulin will help get rid of wrinkles, soften rough skin, and even out the contour of the face.

Inulin is harmful

  • individual intolerance;
  • the active substance is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years of age.

In this case, taking the drug both in nutrition and in cosmetology (masks, creams, lotions, etc.) is prohibited. When the product is used as a dietary supplement, it is important to consider other factors:

  1. It is important to always remember the dosage. It is not recommended to exceed daily dose consumed active carbohydrate, in adults it reaches 5 g per day. An excess of inulin in the body can cause bacterial activity in the intestines and cause flatulence.
  2. Other dangers are low-quality dietary supplements that contain a prebiotic. When purchasing, you should pay attention to other products of the company, read the patent and license.

Inulin - use in medicine

With minimal contraindications and a large baggage of useful properties, natural polysaccharide is an excellent health supplement for everyone without exception. Why inulin is needed:

  1. Preparations with prebiotics are prescribed to diabetics (types 1 and 2) as a substitute for starch and sugar.
  2. It is useful for the elderly and people with liver diseases.
  3. Inulin is used for cholelithiasis, anemia, hepatitis B and C, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer stomach.
  4. It is used to eliminate negative consequences after taking potent medications.

Inulin for weight loss

Positive reviews are left about the drug as an active supplement in the process of losing weight:

  1. Unlike other carbohydrates, it is low in calories (110 kcal per 100 g).
  2. Possesses irreplaceable properties promoting weight loss (affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, reduces insulin levels and reduces appetite).

What is inulin for? Consumption of products with prebiotics will have a beneficial effect on your figure, but the result will be noticeable no faster than in a couple of months. Having received the answer to the question, inulin - what it is and what benefits it brings to health, you can make it part of an active or passive diet. A natural prebiotic has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Inulin is a polysaccharide that has vegetable origin. The substance is often confused with insulin, but these are completely different components. What is the difference between inulin and insulin?

In the first case, we are talking about organic matter, the extraction of which is carried out from certain plants.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas in the form of a protein-peptide hormone. The benefits and harms of inulin have been well studied. This excellent remedy regulating metabolic processes, removing toxins and reducing sugar. About all the positive and negative properties component, read on.

Composition and principle of operation

Inulin is extracted from plants

What is inulin and does this substance harm the body? He is organic compound, which decomposes during metabolism into fructose by 95% and its short polymer chains. Chemical formula inulin C6nH10n+2O5n+1. What is inulin? The root vegetable is a source of this substance, in addition, an excellent replacement for those for whom it is contraindicated.

Enzymes for breaking down inulin are not produced in the stomach, so its appearance does not change when it enters the intestines, where it also does not stay long. Despite the fact that this is unabsorbed fructose, which is in the body for a short time, it manages to absorb toxins, cholesterol, fatty acid, toxic compounds, metabolic products that have not broken down.

In medicine, inulin is considered a prebiotic, active substances which promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. This is the reason for its use in the fight against many diseases associated with a decrease in the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral infections.

Maltodextrin is also an effective prebiotic.

Properties of matter

Why does the body need inulin? Due to the production of bacteria, it nourishes the intestinal microflora, has beneficial effect for the work of the gastrointestinal tract. With its help they normalize metabolic processes, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, the process of fat burning is accelerated. Thanks to the immunomodulatory properties of inulin, immunity increases and the general condition of the body improves. Read more about the benefits of the substance for the human body below.


The benefits of inulin for the body are as follows:

  • Accelerates metabolism and strengthens the immune system;
  • Increased oxygen metabolism;
  • Elimination of problems with the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Improving the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Helps in calcium absorption;
  • Stabilization heart rate and the work of the heart;
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • Stimulation of bone tissue growth;
  • Restoration of liver functions;
  • Removing waste, toxins, salts, radionuclides from the body;
  • Treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • Use in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin, moisturize it, eliminate fine wrinkles, acne and rashes.

You will learn more about the benefits of inulin from the video:

Inulin is also often used for weight loss. It regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, ensures the establishment of intestinal microflora, and suppresses the feeling of hunger. Thanks to these properties, it promotes weight loss by eliminating fat deposits.

Coenzyme Q10 will also help with weight loss, thanks to its rejuvenating effect and increased metabolism. Metabolic processes are carried out faster under its influence, which provokes a decrease in fat deposits and weight loss. You will find all the details about Coenzyme Q10

Useful properties for children

There are practically no beneficial bacteria in the intestines of a newborn baby. Together with breast milk, the baby’s body receives the necessary nutrients for development and growth. It takes several months for the intestinal microflora to normalize and the necessary enzymes to begin to be produced.

When using formula or milk, some children experience abdominal pain and cramps, flatulence, and belching. In such a situation, it is recommended to include porridge or a mixture with polysaccharides in the diet once a day.
Inulin for children will help achieve the following effects:

  • Improved digestion;
  • Correct formation of the spine by strengthening the bones;
  • Supply of minerals and vitamins for normal development.

Possible harm

The properties of inulin for the body are mainly positive. The harm may be due to the substance being a FODMAP compound. This indicates the possibility of gas formation from inulin and the manifestation of bloating. At the beginning of taking the drug, pain in the abdominal area, nausea, flatulence, and diarrhea may occur. Negative symptoms appear due to an unfamiliarity with plant fiber.

These manifestations pass fairly quickly. You can speed up the process using activated carbon. Another unpleasant reaction is individual intolerance to the substance, but such cases occur extremely rarely.

Features of using the product

Where is inulin found and what kind? daily norm substances? It is produced as a biological additive in the form of tablets, drops or powders. Reception is carried out within a month. Drops take a teaspoon 4 times a day. Capsules are taken once a day, 2-3 pieces, and tablets no more than 10 pieces per day, usually 3-4 times, 1-2 tablets each. Daily norm 3-5 g of substance is considered.

What foods contain inulin? It cannot be of animal or synthetic origin; it is extracted from medicinal plants or some products. The largest proportion is contained in chicory and (up to 20%). Also high concentration found in, onions, wheat flour, .

You might be interested to know what pectin is? Scientists have long proven that pectin substances are exactly the product that can significantly improve human health. Read more about the substance


Indications for the use of inulin are as follows:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • bone diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • ulcers;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis.

The substance is prophylactic education malignant tumors, colds It helps with diarrhea and constipation. It is also useful for hypertension to normalize blood pressure. Can diabetics have inulin? It actively fights against increased concentrations of sugar, prevents the formation of blood clots and clots, removes waste, toxins and heavy metals. Therefore, when diabetes mellitus It is not only possible, but often prescribed to treat the disease in the early stages.


Despite the enormous benefits, there are also contraindications to the use of inulin, namely:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Spasms that occur in the respiratory tract;
  • Concomitant use of antibiotics;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Individual intolerance.

Use in cosmetology

The use of inulin in cosmetics has long been considered effective for improving the condition of skin and hair. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, promotes cell regeneration, eliminates inflammation, and stabilizes collagen production. Inulin for hair is necessary to nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles to prevent hair loss, restore damaged strands, and give smoothness and silkiness.

The substance is included in many care products. It is found in creams, masks, tonics, bathing gels, shampoos and conditioners, and antiperspirants. It is also possible to use powder of the substance or infusions based on it, which are often used for compresses. They help cure acne and refresh the skin.

Since inulin is large quantities Contained in Jerusalem artichoke, you can make an excellent anti-aging mask from the root vegetable:

Let's sum it up

Inulin is a natural prebiotic, a complex carbohydrate, the benefits of which for the body are quite significant. First of all, it improves the intestinal microflora, regulates metabolic processes, and removes harmful substances from the body. There are practically no side effects from it.

IN in rare cases possible flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area.

Such negative symptoms go away on their own over time, they do not cause harm, only discomfort. To eliminate them as quickly as possible, it is enough to take activated carbon.

Similar materials

Being one of the organic polysaccharides, inulin became widespread at the end of the last century. Its beneficial properties were so varied and so actively advertised that some people even considered it just another dud. However, this is not true; inulin really exists. natural substance, which can bring many benefits to the body.

What is inulin and where does it occur in nature?

According to recent research, inulin belongs to complex carbohydrates, otherwise called polysaccharides. It is found in the tubers and roots of some plants, being the source of their energy nutrition. The building material of inulin is fructose residues (according to the latest data, about 9 different residues).

As a result of hydrolysis or fermentation, inulin is converted back into fructose. Being a prebiotic, inulin is broken down only in the human large intestine, since gastric juice does not contain the enzyme necessary for this - inulinase.

Plants containing inulin

The main feature of inulin is that it is entirely of plant origin; it can be obtained from animal sources or artificial methods impossible. It is quite difficult to list where inulin is found, because it can be found in almost 4 thousand plants, familiar or exotic. However, we can list plants in which this substance is especially abundant:

  • Jerusalem artichoke (or earthen pear);
  • chicory;
  • onions, garlic, asparagus;
  • burdock, dandelion, coltsfoot;
  • elecampane, banana, echinacea, etc.
Despite the fact that Jerusalem artichoke contains the most inulin (up to 20%), it is extracted mainly from chicory. This is due to the fact that such a small amount of inulin in chicory has a longer chain of molecules, and the correct shape of the root greatly facilitates the extraction process.

Inulin Extraction Technology

  1. Grinding the root.
  2. Inulin extraction.
  3. Extract thickening.
  4. Precipitation.
  5. Cleaning.
  6. Drying the extract.

The most important step is the process of extracting inulin from crushed raw materials. For this purpose, special machines are used - extractors. These are large U-shaped pipes in which turbulent flow is created and then raw materials and water are placed. It is into this that inulin extracted from the roots passes. The result is a tasteless powder. white, used as a dietary supplement in food, cosmetics or medicines.

Useful properties and contraindications

Chicory inulin can bring both benefit and harm to the body - it all depends on how correctly it is used. The beneficial properties of inulin are quite numerous, they affect different systems body. In particular, this prebiotic is capable of:

  • lower body temperature during colds, have a diaphoretic effect;
  • normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • restore the performance and functionality of the liver, cleanses it, help in the treatment of hepatitis B and C;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • balance the nervous system;
  • control blood sugar levels;
  • remove waste, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals;
  • stimulate bone growth and promote calcium absorption;
  • normalize intestinal function, preventing the accumulation of feces and constipation;
  • increase the absorption of vitamins and carbohydrates entering the body with food;
  • increase the body's resistance and improve immunity.

Due to the ability of inulin to reduce sugar levels, drinking chicory is recommended for diabetics. It is also used in diets and for weight loss, as alimentary fiber with inulin in the stomach they turn into a gel-like mass that envelops the mucous membranes, forming a protective wall. At the same time, inulin affects lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, which are important for those who watch their figure, and helps regulate appetite, replacing the feeling of hunger with a long-term feeling of fullness.

Chicory inulin is the most common type of this prebiotic, as the shape of the chicory root makes extraction much easier.

This is interesting! While creating a feeling of satiety, inulin does not cause an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, causing insulin spikes.

Being a prebiotic, inulin is actively involved in the formation proper microflora intestines, which has unconditional benefits for the body, helping to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. Another useful property of this prebiotic is the ability to reduce the amount of ammonia in the intestines, thereby indirectly preventing the occurrence of cancer.

Contraindications and side effects

Like most others plant products, inulin can bring not only benefits, but also harm if you use it incorrectly or ignore contraindications.

First of all, it is important to follow the dosage that can be prescribed by the attending physician, who is familiar with the health characteristics of his patient and his history.

For most people, taking this substance did not cause any health problems or side effects, so inulin is a relatively harmless supplement. The main reason for refusing it may be individual intolerance to both inulin itself and prebiotics in general.

If inulin has been extracted from chicory root, it may pose some danger to people suffering from the following diseases:

  • hemorrhoids (taking inulin can cause worsening);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • spasms or chronic diseases organs of the respiratory system.

Methods of using inulin

Due to its beneficial properties, inulin is actively used in the food industry, cosmetology, and pharmaceuticals.

In the pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical companies use inulin as a base to create a wide range of biologically active additives(dietary supplement).

They are used to prevent and treat various diseases, as well as to improve general condition body. Indications for the use of dietary supplements containing inulin may include the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes (type 1 or 2);
  • obesity;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • allergies;
  • weakened immunity;
  • anemia.

Also, such supplements may be prescribed to eliminate the negative side effects of taking antibiotics (for example, to restore normal microflora), radiation exposure, to restore the body after severe operations or illnesses.

Before starting treatment, you must consult with your doctor, who will advise you on the appropriate dosage and duration of the course, and also check for any contraindications. It is not recommended to take dietary supplements with inulin for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

In the food industry

In this area, inulin's ability to mimic fat is actively used. food products. This is explained by the fact that when mixed with water, the prebiotic forms a creamy mass, the texture of which is similar to fat. As a result, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of the product, since only a quarter of a gram of inulin can replace 1 g of fat.

It would take a long time to list which foods contain inulin. It is most often used in the production of low-fat foods, baked goods, dairy products, chocolate, dietary products and fast food products.

Inulin is also used as a stabilizer for mousses, sauces, ice cream and other similar products.

In baby food

Manufacturers actively use inulin baby food. During the first time after birth, the baby’s intestines are sterile; mother’s milk populates it with beneficial microflora. It contains not only vitamins, but also microelements and oligosaccharides, which act as prebiotics.

When complementary foods are introduced into a baby's diet, the amount of breast milk he consumes decreases. Therefore, manufacturers add inulin to their products, knowing that this substance will be able to perform the same functions in baby food that it performed before breast milk. In particular, he can:

  • support development beneficial microflora in the intestines;
  • improve digestion;
  • promote the absorption of magnesium. calcium and other elements.
Such mixtures and purees will be especially useful for those children who suffer from constipation, increased gas formation, dysbacteriosis or colic. The inulin they contain will not harm the baby, since pediatricians recommend this diet even for children with allergies, since by adjusting the intestinal microflora it will also help eliminate allergens.

In cosmetology

The beneficial properties of inulin have also found their application in cosmetics. Manufacturers also appreciate natural origin this supplement, since today people are increasingly seeking to use exactly natural products. Effect of use cosmetics containing inulin, appears after just a few “sessions” of application.

As part of skin care products, this polysaccharide is capable of:

  • improve oxygen exchange of skin cells;
  • nourish, moisturize it;
  • eliminate inflammation, roughness;
  • smooth out the relief, eliminate wrinkles;
  • stimulate natural cell regeneration;
  • stabilize the level of natural collagen production in the skin;
  • increase skin barrier properties;
  • straighten the contour of the face.

This prebiotic is also very useful for hair care, so it is often added to shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. They contain inulin that actively moisturizes the scalp and nourishes hair follicles, thereby promoting healthy and shiny hair.

In addition, such products effectively restore hairline, strengthening the roots, preventing hair loss and stimulating hair growth. Also, with regular use of products with inulin, they restore the structure of the hair, eliminating split ends, making the hair silky, soft and manageable.

Inulin is a polysaccharide found in plants. It is used in the production of cosmetics and medicines.

It is especially effective in helping diabetics, heart patients, and people suffering from problems with gastrointestinal tract.

What is inulin? Where does it come from?

Inulin belongs to a group of organic substances called prebiotics or food for microbes. This at first glance strange name fully reflects the real state of affairs. The fact is that the stomach and small intestine inulin is not broken down - there are special enzymes for this in human body does not exist. The prebiotic begins to be absorbed only in the large intestine due to the activity of beneficial intestinal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, for which it is an excellent food.

In nature a polysaccharide can be found in the tubers and root systems of more than 4 thousand plants, which belong to the family of bulbous, cereal, and Asteraceae. In them, it plays the role of an energy reserve similar to glycogen in human muscles. Animal organisms do not produce polysaccharide. They have not yet learned how to synthesize it in laboratory conditions.

Belgium and the Netherlands are world leaders in the production of inulin. These countries mainly extract the polysaccharide from chicory rather than from the ground pear, because the latter has smaller root crops. correct form, and this complicates and increases the cost of production.

When isolated, the prebiotic looks like a white dry powder. It is highly soluble in hot water.

Most of it is in earthen pear and chicory. Their root part consists of more than 20% of this prebiotic.

Cereals and the following plants are rich in polysaccharides:


Onion garlic;


Plants that are recommended for use by diabetics are also rich in polysaccharides. We are talking about burdock, elecampane, and dandelion.

Inulin - the benefits of the substance

This prebiotic helps beneficial bacteria multiply, rids the body of toxins, and has a stimulating effect on the intestines.

Inulin benefits people with cardiovascular disease by lowering ammonium and cholesterol levels in the blood. In diabetics, it lowers glucose levels, replacing it with fructose, which has similar properties.

Also thanks to inulin:

The liver is cleansed, hepatitis groups C and B respond better to treatment;

Constipation disappears, feces are expelled more easily, and intestinal peristalsis;

Dysbacteriosis, gastritis, and other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated more effectively;

Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism improves (this helps to “burn” fat and lose weight);

Sugar levels are normalized, which is especially important for diabetics;

The body's resistance to various infections;

The level of triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids in the blood becomes normal;

Not formed blood clots, since inulin is an excellent anticoagulant;

Slags, radionuclides, toxins, various harmful microorganisms, heavy metals, fungi are removed;

The risk of getting sick is significantly reduced oncological diseases the most diverse nature;

Minerals, vitamins, fats are better absorbed;

Decreasing blood pressure;

Magnesium is more easily absorbed, which is integral part more than 300 important enzymes that affect the functioning of the heart and regulate the level of fats in the blood.

Also a prebiotic stimulates bone growth, makes the skeleton stronger. It helps digestion building material bones - calcium. Studies show that if you regularly take a prebiotic, your bone density increases by more than 25% per year, and this reliable protection from osteochondrosis, as well as other unpleasant diseases ridge.

Strengthens inulin and immune system , positively influencing lymphoid tissueimportant component intestinal mucosa.

Inulin is an element of various dietary supplements for diabetics. However, it cannot serve as a complete replacement for insulin, since it only reduces glucose levels.

Prebiotic helps you lose weight. It has a positive effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and this helps reduce body weight. Inulin also dulls hunger by providing invaluable benefits for those who struggle with extra pounds. In the stomach, it turns into a kind of gel that covers the gastric mucosa, due to which the feeling of fullness is maintained for a long time. But it will take several months to truly feel the results. Taking inulin should be combined with physical activity with a properly selected diet.

Food and inulin

This prebiotic is used in the food industry. It plays the role of a technological ingredient, since it can serve as a fat substitute and be used for the production low calorie foods. The polysaccharide is simply combined with water, and a white, cream-like substance is obtained, which in taste and appearance is very similar to ordinary fat. Research has shown that one gram of fat is equivalent to one-fourth of a gram of inulin!

Inulin is also added to dairy products, sweets, baby food, and baked goods. It is also used in fast food.

If a child has dysbiosis or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then a prebiotic will come in handy. Today, many baby food products fortified with it are sold. Thanks to inulin, the child’s digestion improves, calcium, magnesium, and many other important microelements are better absorbed.

Inulin is a useful component of dietary supplements

In pharmaceuticals, inulin is one of the components of dietary supplements. The following additives are especially popular:





In addition to inulin, these preparations usually also contain phytoextracts and plant fiber.

The use of inulin in cosmetology

The prebiotic has a very quick positive effect on the skin. The beneficial properties of this polysaccharide help:

Smooth out wrinkles;

Remove inflamed, rough areas, acne;

It is better to produce the adhesive protein collagen;

Regenerate skin cells;

Nourish and moisturize the skin;

Improve oxygen exchange.

Inulin also benefits hair. It makes hair follicles stronger and nourishes the scalp. useful substances. This polysaccharide makes hair smooth and silky. They stop falling out, and their ends no longer split.

Inulin is an element of many cosmetic products. It can be found in:

Gels that are used during bathing;

Cosmetics for children;


Face masks and serums;


This prebiotic is a component of hair conditioners, as well as caring shampoos.

Inulin is harmful

Like most substances and products, inulin can be harmful.

Allergic acne is the most common unpleasant by-effect its application and use. Therefore, you should know whether there is an intolerance to it.

"Cicorn" inulin should be used with extreme caution. This polysaccharide is especially dangerous for those who suffer from:

Hemorrhoidal cones;

Varicose veins veins;

Varied chronic diseases respiratory organs.

It is highly undesirable to use polysaccharide together with antibiotics. Inulin can cause harm in that the medications are simply not absorbed and will not have the desired effect. therapeutic effect.

This is what it is, a polysaccharide. Very useful, but you still need to use it with caution. Inulin can sometimes be harmful.

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