Figs with cough milk: recipe. Useful cough remedy: recipe for figs with milk

You will need

  • To prepare figs with milk:
  • - 1 l. milk
  • - 8 pcs. figs
  • To prepare the syrup:
  • - 8 pcs. figs,
  • - 1 tbsp. granulated sugar,
  • - 1 tbsp. water.
  • To prepare alcohol tincture:
  • - 100 g figs,
  • - 1 l. vodka or alcohol.
  • To prepare figs with radish:
  • - 1 radish,
  • - 10 pieces. figs,
  • - 10 tbsp. liquid honey.


During illness, figs will provide the body with vitamins (including vitamin C) necessary for inflammation. respiratory tract. In addition to many beneficial properties, the fruits have an expectorant effect. Figs can be used instead of cough syrup or tablets, and they do not cause side effects. WITH therapeutic purpose It is used both in children. To increase healing effect, you must use figs with milk.

To prepare a cough drink, grind the figs using a meat grinder or blender, pour in hot milk and leave for several hours. Drink the resulting infusion 4-5 times a day. Single dose for a child - 1 tablespoon, for - 0.5 cups. Take this remedy for 7-10 days. Figs with milk are also useful for sore throat and bronchitis.

Use fig compote for coughs. It prevents mucus from stagnating in the respiratory tract. To treat cough accompanying bronchitis, take fig syrup. To prepare it, cook the sugar syrup in the usual way. Then chop the figs, pour syrup over them and cook. At the end of cooking, you can add ginger root, cinnamon or healing herbs, for example, thyme, mint.

Fig tincture can be prepared with both water and alcohol. To prepare a tincture with water, pour boiling water over chopped figs. Let it cool and leave for several hours. Take the remedy for cough several times a day. To prepare an alcohol tincture, pour vodka or alcohol over the figs. Leave it to brew for 10 days and then add a little sugar to it.

Figs and honey help with cough. Grind the fruits and mix them with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 teaspoon twice a day: morning and evening. Figs with honey are also effective for coughs caused by smoking. Another cough remedy is figs with radish. Peel the radish, grate it, chop it and add figs, add liquid honey and stir. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. Use 1 tablespoon 1 time per day (morning).

Store figs with milk in the refrigerator and reheat before use. Place the figs and radishes in a jar with a lid to reduce the rate at which the radishes darken. Syrup on water alcohol tincture, honey mixture is not required special conditions storage Figs are contraindicated for gout, diabetes, acute inflammations stomach, intestines, individual intolerance to the product. It should be used with caution.

Not only wonderful delicious fruit, but also very healthy fruit, which in folk medicine Used to relieve dry cough and sore throat. If you infuse it in hot milk, you will get a healing drink that both adults and children will drink with pleasure.

What kind of cough will figs with milk help with?

Thanks to the substances contained in figs, a decoction of this fruit has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, and antipyretic properties. Useful components This drink has a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract, relieves inflammation of the upper lobes of the bronchi, makes breathing easier with a stuffy nose and pain in the trachea.

Milk combined with figs softens the throat, coats mucous membranes, soothes cough. Figs with milk, the recipes for which are given below, are especially effective for lingering, strained coughs due to bronchitis and tracheitis. However, even with the beginning cold cough The product will do the job easily and quickly.

It is recommended to prepare a fig-milk drink to treat colds, acute bronchitis, tracheitis, etc. Figs in milk for cough according to the recipe of traditional healers stimulates the liquefaction and evacuation of sputum, relieves inflammation of the throat. Besides, increases immune protection, lowers temperature, calms, normalizes sleep.

Beneficial properties of milk and figs

Figs contain many B vitamins, as well as beneficial substances that actively fight viruses and bacterial infection. The fruits of this plant contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on immune system, reduce inflammatory processes in tissues and mucous membranes, and also contribute to the saturation of cells with oxygen.

A fig drink with cough milk, the recipe for which is given below, has not only an anti-inflammatory but also a diuretic effect, accelerating the removal of decay products of viruses and bacteria from the body. However, its special value is that it has powerful expectorant properties. The discharge of sputum means that there will be no stagnation of thick secretions in the bronchi, which means that inflammation will not occur.

The drink will bring great relief to a sick person. Both adults and children can drink it, since the folk remedy contains only natural ingredients.

Moreover, pregnant women can also use the recipe for figs with cough milk. The milk drink will not cause any harm to the body of the expectant mother and her child, but it will relieve cough. At the same time it will strengthen the heart, joints, nervous system.

How to prepare and take figs with cough milk

Cooking figs with cough milk according to recipes created by traditional healers, not difficult. However, there are nuances that must be taken into account.

Figs that have given their benefits to milk should be eaten and not thrown away. The plant fiber contained in figs is very beneficial, primarily for the intestines. Healthy gut- the basis strong immunity, which means that it is the last thing that determines how quickly a person with a cold will recover.

You can't drink hot milk. The drink should be warm.

Treatment of colds and bronchitis using the recipe for figs and cough milk is long-term and depends on the severity of the disease. If mild cold, and the cough has not become chronic, it will take about ten days to completely clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus. IN severe cases treatment can continue for a month.

The product should be taken between meals. Adults and teenagers can drink a glass milk drink three times a day. For children younger age half a glass is enough (with the same multiplicity).

Recipes for figs and cough milk

There are several recipes for figs with cough milk that can be used to treat colds, bronchitis and other upper respiratory tract diseases.

Basic recipe

You can use both fresh and dried figs for this recipe. Fruits are especially useful purple, they contain more substances beneficial for female body.


Four figs (amount of fresh and dried berries same);

Three hundred milliliters of raw country or pasteurized milk.

Rinse the figs well, pour over boiling water and place in a thick-walled saucepan. Pour milk over the berries, cover with a lid and heat over medium heat until boiling. As soon as a steady wave of bubbles emerges from the bottom of the saucepan, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan tightly with a lid.

Simmer the figs in milk for at least two hours, stirring the broth occasionally. During this time, the fruits should completely give all their benefits to the milk. Don't be surprised if it turns brown and tastes sweet: this is normal. The finished product has a light creamy aroma and a pronounced sweet taste, so the medicine can be called a delicacy.

Turn off the heat, let the milk cool to a pleasant warm temperature and drink. The figs can be removed and eaten first. Another option is to mash the boiled berries and leave them in milk. The result will be something like a light cream soup with a fruit base.

Second recipe

With this recipe you can get at least effective medicine From cough. You can store it for no more than a day, and before using it, be sure to warm it up to the temperature of warm tea. The fattier the milk, the better the irritated mucous membrane of the throat will soften and the sooner cough will go away.


One and a half glasses of high fat milk (at least 3.2 percent);

One fig (fresh, dried or dried).

Pour milk over the figs, put on low heat and bring to a boil. After the milk boils, simmer it under a closed lid for about half an hour. During this time, the amount of milk should decrease by a third. You can stir the mixture periodically to prevent the milk from burning.

Remove the container with milk from the heat, wrap it in several towels or place it in pillows and leave until completely cool. Pour the cooled milk into a glass container and place in the refrigerator. Take a third of a glass five times a day, after heating the milk.

Recipe for pregnant women

This recipe for cough milk with figs is recommended for expectant mothers. During pregnancy, take medications it is forbidden. If a woman has a cold, a milk infusion of figs will relieve cough and fever. It will not only improve your health, but also strengthen cardiovascular system, nerves, joints, will relieve depression and insomnia. At the same time, milk is completely safe for both the baby and his mother, since the composition of the healing product includes only natural ingredients.


Three glasses full fat milk;

Four pieces of figs (can be dried or dried).

Pour washed figs fresh milk and send it to the fire. When the milk comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer until the milk is brown and thick. Cool, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Drink a third cup three times a day before meals, preheated over steam or in microwave oven. There is no need to sweeten it additionally, but you can add half a teaspoon of honey if you wish. The course of treatment for cough is at least three weeks, during which the bronchi will be completely cleared of mucus. After the first two to three days of use expectorant effect will become obvious.

The product can be taken prophylactically. This course is especially good for pregnant women and children attending child care institutions.

Contraindications for consuming figs with milk for cough

Drinking milk with figs has a number of contraindications. First of all, refuse delicious treatment will have to those who suffer from allergies to milk protein or figs.

Besides, You should not use fig decoction with milk if you have the following diseases:


Acute diarrhea;


Intestinal infection.

Even healthy person medications can cause a special reaction, manifested in loose stools.

Treatment of cough with milk and figs will be long lasting. If during the first day general state it has become narrower, the temperature has risen, new symptoms have appeared, you must definitely call a doctor and use complex treatment.

Cure cough without medical supplies sometimes it can be quite difficult, especially if the symptom appeared a long time ago and managed to gain strength. Tablets most often have big list contraindications and are not recommended for people with unhealthy stomachs or for pediatric therapy. Meanwhile, helping the body cope with a cough is sometimes simply necessary in order to save the patient from the risk of developing complications.

Figs with milk will help relieve cough

In order not to injure the body, which is already weakened by the disease, by taking pills, you can start drinking figs with milk for cough - a very useful remedy that will strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and help with expectoration of stagnant mucus. It is completely natural and suitable for treating patients of all ages.

Benefits of figs

The fruits of the date tree have many names - from the common fig to the fig. They have been used as a medicinal ingredient for a very long time. The cultivation of this plant began in ancient Arabia. It was loved by many not only for its taste, but also for medicinal qualities. A huge number of preparations are made from the fruits of the tree from the most various diseases- cardiac, nervous, affecting the genitourinary system.

Once in the body, figs have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;

Eating figs may cause excessive sweating

  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • expectorant.

Figs are rich in useful substances, including vitamins A and B, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and many others. The fruit consists of more than a third of sugar, and therefore has a bright sweet taste - medicines based on it are very pleasant, they are highly valued and willingly taken by children.

Attention! Figs cannot be used to treat coughs for people suffering from diabetes mellitus- taking such a drug provokes insulin shock, and therefore it would be better to replace it alternative therapy(inhalations, decoctions, compresses, etc.).

Although figs ripen in a subtropical climate, they can be easily found in any grocery store. It is sold fresh or dried - in both cases, all the ingredients inside the fruit are preserved. useful material. Largely due to this property, figs at one time began to be actively cultivated, and now can be used as effective remedy From cough.

How figs treat cough

Figs and milk for coughs are a simple and tasty remedy. This fruit ideal for symptom relief infectious diseases. It not only acts directly on respiratory system, but also helps strengthen the body’s immune forces while fighting the disease. Since this is a natural medicine, it is well absorbed and practically does not cause allergic reactions. Milk, in turn, additionally softens the throat and removes swelling.

Figs are used to treat cough due to the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic.

Figs help ease the process of expectoration

The most important thing when treating a cough is to ensure productive expectoration. The symptom most often develops as a result of stagnation of mucus in inner surface respiratory tract, which even the most severe attacks. Figs, getting into the throat, soften the mucus, and during the absorption process they begin to act on lower sections- bronchi.

Figs have a pronounced antiseptic property. When consumed orally, the beneficial substances it contains are quickly absorbed by the walls of the stomach and intestines, enter the bloodstream and reduce inflammation in any part of the body, including the throat.

Sweating is also important during illness. Due to it, toxins are also removed along with the liquid, which are released as pathogens spread through the tissues of the respiratory tract. They poison the body and cause severe inflammation, elevated temperature and other unpleasant consequences.

Classic recipe for figs with milk

To cope with the symptoms of the disease without the use of drugs, you can use figs with cough milk, a simple recipe for which does not require serious material expenditure or special equipment.

To prepare figs with milk, you will need 2-3 fruits (fresh or dried), as well as 300-350 ml of milk. You can use a larger amount, depending on the desired amount of the finished product. However, you should be guided by the following proportions - 1 fruit accounts for 100 ml cow's milk. The latter should be as fat as possible, preferably 3.2%.

The process of preparing the mixture is described as follows:

  • Rinse the figs thoroughly under cool running water. Any dirt left on the fruit can carry an infection. Some pathogens can survive even after many hours of boiling, so you should not neglect hygiene.

It’s easy to prepare figs with milk, just follow the instructions

  • Prepare a suitable enamel pan and pour milk into it. After this, place the container on medium heat and add the figs. After boiling, the liquid should be covered with a lid and the burner power should be reduced to minimum.
  • Figs in milk must be completely boiled, so the process takes an average of one and a half to two hours. This is necessary for the fruit to release all its healing substances.

When the liquid becomes thicker and acquires a brownish tint, this will mean that the product is ready. It is removed from the heat and left for some time in a cool place to cool. However, you should not bring the mixture to a cold state; it should be consumed warm during the day - a third of a glass is enough. The boiled fruits can be mashed with a small spoon to form a paste and can also be used for treatment. The course of treatment is 20 days, every day you will have to prepare a fresh portion.

Figs with milk are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Figs with honey and milk

Figs with cough milk can be prepared a little differently - this recipe also involves adding honey as an effective antiseptic ingredient. This remedy has a deeper effect, affecting not only the throat area, but also the bronchi.

To prepare you will need a blender. It is necessary to load about 8-10 date tree fruits into it and chop thoroughly. The resulting mass should not contain individual inclusions and be completely homogeneous. Before use, add a little honey to it. You should drink the product 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day, washed down with boiled warm milk.

Fig cough syrup

For people suffering from lactose intolerance, you can cook figs for cough without using milk. The resulting preparation will look like a sweet syrup - an excellent option for young patients. This product will not cause allergic reactions, having a similar effect. medicinal effect. To start treatment, you just need to prepare the ingredients and familiarize yourself with how to prepare such a medicine.

You can also make a delicious cough syrup from figs.

Cough figs in the form of syrup - recipe:

  1. Date tree fruits in the amount of 10-12 pieces are sent to a small saucepan, into which 1.5 cups of cold water have previously been poured.
  2. The liquid is boiled at medium heat for 20-30 minutes, then another glass of water and the same amount of granulated sugar are added and continue to cook, stirring, until the latter is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooking, add to the product lemon juice and ginger, stir and leave for a while so that the liquid cools and does not burn the throat when consumed.

This product also contains lemon juice and ginger.

This mixture will help with wet cough or in its non-productive forms. It is worth noting that when starting the course, it must be continued for at least a month, even if the cough has already completely disappeared. You need to take, as in the previous recipe, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Treatment during pregnancy

For representatives of the fair sex expecting the birth of a child, there are no contraindications for using all of the above recipes during treatment inflammatory diseases throat and bronchi, in which a cough is observed. Figs will be very useful and will provide the body with many necessary for proper development fruit substance, and will help quickly get rid of the symptom.

Milk with figs, taken by a mother for cough, is absolutely safe for unborn children, however, before starting the course, you should still consult a therapist to check for allergies.

Pregnant women are not prohibited from taking figs for cough


Figs (both with and without milk) are natural medicine, which almost completely eliminates its rejection by the body. However, there are a number of restrictions on the use of this drug.

The fruits of the date tree with milk are not suitable for the treatment of cough in case of: individual intolerance to the components of the product, diabetes mellitus and stomach disorders (due to the laxative properties of figs).

IN next video you will find a recipe on how to prepare figs with cough milk:

Greetings, my dear readers!

For several centuries in a row, figs have become a component healing potions, and him useful action has not lost its power to this day.

At that time, healers used it as a fever reliever and anti-ulcer agent.

Today, figs with cough milk are especially popular.

And, among other things, this is a very tasty fruit - if someone has not eaten it yet, I highly recommend doing so.

From this article you will learn:

Figs with cough milk - properties and recipe

What are the benefits of figs?

Leads in the content of B vitamins and is biologically saturated active substances, eliminating infections and viruses.

The fruits are rich essential oils, promoting active saturation of tissues with oxygen and reducing inflammatory processes in the body.

The fruit is practically indispensable in the diet of older people. Its balanced chemical composition works to fight atherosclerosis and block the formation of blood clots. High content irreplaceable fatty acids helps improve cardiac and vascular function.

Treating colds and coughs with figs

Health recipes prepared from fresh or dried figs have antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.

The active components of fig decoctions effectively heal the respiratory system, improve the condition of the bronchi, trachea, and nasopharynx.

If you add milk to the recipe, you can get a miraculous elixir that helps overcome a persistent cough.

Such a warm drink will help overcome bronchitis, remove phlegm, soften the larynx, but also strengthen your own immune potential.

Milk-fig mixture: principle of preparation and treatment

The starting ingredients are as follows:

  1. Ripe fruits – 3-4 pcs. (it is advisable to choose purple varieties), as an alternative you can take the same amount of dry berries.
  2. Fresh milk of medium fat content – ​​250 ml.

Cooking method

  • Washed figs are poured with milk.
  • As soon as the milk begins to boil, reduce the heat to minimum.
  • The infusion is covered with a lid.
  • Simmer the figs in milk for two hours over low heat until the fruits give up all of their healing properties. In this case, milk can be purchased Brown color and sweet taste
  • Before use, the figs can be removed from the milk, or you can leave them in the milk, first mashing them to a puree.

How to use figs with milk for cough?

When treating cough, the drug is taken 50-100 ml 5 times a day, mainly before meals and hot.

Chopped or whole fruits should be eaten.

The duration of use varies from 10 to 30 days.

After several days, the drug may change consistency, that is, it becomes viscous and viscous, however, such changes do not in any way affect the effectiveness and beneficial features.

The main thing is to warm up the milk with figs before drinking.

How to store figs in milk?

The finished elixir should be stored in a glass jar, under a tightly closed plastic lid, always in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Can figs be used to treat coughs during pregnancy?

When a woman is carrying a baby, a number of restrictions are imposed on her, including on the reception pharmacological agents and herbal medicines.

However, milk with figs will help overcome cough even in this case. interesting position, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

An important point is that a woman should pay attention to the absence of allergic reactions to the fruit.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to take 100 ml of drink 3 times a day

Recipes for people with milk intolerance

When a person suffers from lactose deficiency, he can treat cough with figs, but without milk.

  • To do this, you should purchase at least 8 dried berries, which are filled with water (250 ml).
  • The mixture is boiled over low heat for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Then a glass of sugar and the same amount of water are added to the mass.
  • The finished product should resemble syrup.
  • Finally, the recipe is topped up with a pinch of grated ginger and 20 ml of lemon juice.

Other methods of treatment using milk and figs

A decoction prepared from figs can be used in therapeutic purposes in the following way:

  • Trituration chest and back (4 times a day). After exposure, it is recommended to wear a warm thing made of natural wool or wrap yourself in a blanket.
  • Therapeutic rinses. The procedure is carried out standard method 3-4 times a day. The decoction should be kept warm.

Figs with milk for children

All methods can be used to treat children. The finished drink turns out to be really tasty and will become a real treat for a sick baby.

Parents need to ensure that all components of the healing mixture do not cause an allergic response.

For children, the decoction is prepared in the presented way, but for sweetness you can add a little honey to it.

It is enough for a child to take 20-40 ml of the product 3 times a day; as they grow older, the dosage may increase.


Figs are one of those fruits that have a slight laxative effect.

Among the obvious contraindications to the use of any recipes is a disease such as enteritis.

In addition, people suffering from diabetes should consult an endocrinologist before using the drink.

The remedy is used with caution when a person suffers from disorders salt metabolism, he has urolithiasis.

For diarrhea, figs are completely contraindicated, as they enhance the laxative effect.

Experts give their recommendations: if a person suffers from any serious illnesses, he should undergo medical consultation before taking any pharmacological active funds, which is also relevant for pregnant, lactating women and children.

What we mean here are different folk remedies plant origin, not drugs.

So simple and accessible remedy can be a real find during the season.

Every person can take a recipe with figs and use it at least once a week for preventive purposes.

Be healthy, friends!

And if you already have a cold, supplement the treatment with this delicious medicine like figs with milk!!!

You may find these articles on treating colds helpful.

An ancient healing berry - figs - will cure many ailments. Fig tincture boiled with milk is very useful for children and effective against cough.

Today, fig fruits can be found in many medicines. But the therapeutic effect at home will be much more effective and useful if you prepare milk with figs for coughs for children yourself, and also use these fruits as a prevention of other diseases.

Fig berries with milk are shown as medicinal and prophylactic pregnant women. Fig fruits can be used in the treatment of children from 9 months of age; as a rule, medicinal products with this berry begin to be given to children from 5 years of age.

Fig - fig, wineberry or fig is considered the oldest fruit on Earth. Mentioned since biblical times. Since the same period, its remarkable healing properties have been well known.

Beneficial properties of figs

Fig tree - literally " green pharmacy", in which leaves, bark, and fruits are used. After fig leaves, the most valuable are the berries, the beneficial properties of which are difficult to diminish. The benefits of figs lie in their saturation with proteins, sugars, microelements, coarse fiber and vitamins.

Dried and sun-dried figs contain more protein and sugar than fresh ones. In terms of potassium content, figs are second only to nuts. Dried figs are a high-calorie product.

Fresh berries contribute to:

  • regulation of blood pressure;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • relief from constipation;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • urine output, proper operation kidney;
  • prevention and treatment of vascular and heart diseases;
  • rejuvenation of the skin, retina, and other tissues;
  • improving potency.

Consumption of figs will help quench thirst, and treatment with these berries stops the development of anemia, anorexia, and prostatitis. Also fig syrup - healing agent for muscular rheumatism, stones in bladder and kidneys, with increased liver volume. Due to the substance benzaldehyde they contain, figs inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and the available antioxidants slow down age-related changes.

And finally, figs are highly effective in treating colds, various types cough, including asthma, chest pain, loss of voice, other throat diseases, has excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Also widely used in cosmetology. And fig syrup is a useful and effective tonic for children, which you need to know how to take and in what doses.

Contraindications for use

  • at overweight, obesity;
  • at elevated level glucose, diabetes mellitus;
  • bile and urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers of the duodenum, stomach, pancreatitis in acute/chronic forms;
  • in cases of allergies, lactose intolerance.

For proper, effective and healthy consumption of figs, do not forget to consult your doctor. Also, do not exceed the dose for nursing mothers.

Recipes for making fig milk for cough

To cook healing decoction figs in milk, it is better to take fatty cow's or goat milk. For 750 ml (one and a half glasses) of liquid, take 1 medium fig.

Wash the berries and put them in a saucepan with milk. You can pre-boil the milk, or you can put it raw on the fire, heat it up, and, bringing it to a boil, boil the fruit for about 30 minutes under a lid over low heat.

The milk, combined with the figs, will boil down by about 1/3. You will get a pleasant caramel brown liquid. After cooking, wrap the container with fig milk well or pour it into a thermos. Let the figs steam and brew. After cooling completely, pour into a glass container.

Using this cough recipe, brew no more than 0.5 liters of the healing drink. Take no more than a glass of medicine per day. Store in the refrigerator and drink warm.

Regular intake of prepared figs as a preventive measure will relieve even a smoker from a choking cough and will significantly strengthen the immune system.

Another recipe for making milk with figs will be useful for both adults and children. For those who want to lose weight, it is good to drink this tonic syrup for dinner, and also use it for preventive purposes.


  1. 1 glass of milk,
  2. 1 glass of hot water,
  3. 100 g dried figs,
  4. 1 tsp Sahara.

Wash the fruits and chop finely. Pour a glass of boiling water over the berries and leave to brew for 4 hours. You can add sugar.

Boil a glass of milk and let cool. Mix the soaked and swollen figs with cooled milk and beat the mixture with a blender. The recipe is convenient because you don’t have to boil the milk for fear that it will burn or run away.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of figs for children, as well as for adults. Information about him healing qualities passed through the centuries. To always be healthy, use these fruits in your diet and treatment.

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