How to quickly relieve postoperative swelling. Postoperative leg swelling. Swelling after facial surgery

Swelling after surgery is a natural phenomenon after any surgical intervention, including plastic surgery. Injured tissues need time to recover; they undergo complex processes, and therefore you just need to be patient a little...

After all, after a few weeks, looking in the mirror, you will forget about your experiences and inconveniences endured - they will seem insignificant before the miracle of transformation, before the dream coming true - about a young, fresh face, high and young breasts, graceful contours of the figure...

And although “time heals,” there is a great opportunity to help him. How - we will talk about this further.


Unfortunately, we are often ourselves to blame for increased swelling after surgery.

In order to rehabilitation period passed without complications, you need to follow simple rules:

  • exclude physical activity (hard work, training);
  • stop visiting bathhouses and taking hot baths;
  • sleep with the head of the bed elevated (or on a high pillow) after facial surgery;
  • undergo a rehabilitation course after surgery;
  • It is mandatory to wear compression garments after body surgery;
  • strictly follow all recommendations of your plastic surgeon;
  • do not eat salty, spicy, sweet foods;
  • examinations with a plastic surgeon are required on day 1, day 7, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 months, 3 months.

Failure to follow the plastic surgeon's recommendations best case scenario can lead to increased swelling after surgery, in the worst case, an inflammatory process may begin or a complication may arise. In any case, if you notice that the swelling is growing rapidly and this is not provided for by the features recovery period, you need to immediately contact the surgeon with whom you had the operation.



Each type of plastic surgery has its own rehabilitation period. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

  • With blepharoplasty, swelling after surgery persists for 10 to 12 days. In order not to provoke its intensification, you should not wear contact lenses, apply makeup, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow.
  • Swelling after nose surgery (rhinoplasty) subsides in approximately 2 to 4 weeks. To prevent it from getting worse, the patient should wear a plaster splint constantly for 7-12 days, and then only at night for 4 weeks. It must be remembered that the nose will take on its final shape only 6 months after the operation.
  • The same amount of time - about 2 weeks - lasts swelling after VY-plasty (increasing lip volume) and bullhorn (plasty upper lip). To undergo rehabilitation without complications, you must follow the recommendations after operations.
  • Swelling after surgery

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the situation when swelling occurs on the face. The reasons for this can be diseases internal organs, and the banal excess of water drunk the day before. And it almost always occursswelling on the face after surgery. It certainly doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, it worsens both the mood and appearance person, but, fortunately, getting rid of swelling is quite easy.

Any edema is the accumulation of excessive fluid in the tissues of the body. Creating high blood pressure on the vessels and capillaries, the liquid penetrates through their walls into the tissues and muscles, saturating them, resulting in the formation of swelling.

There are two main causes of edema:

  • accumulation of lymph in the area of ​​tissue affected by the operation;
  • postoperative inflammation.

In the first case, swelling is explained natural causes: surgical intervention in the body’s functioning always leads to an increased load on the immune system, which strives to ensure normalization of the body’s functioning and triggers increased formation of lymph. Lymph accumulates in the area of ​​tissue damaged during surgery and causes swelling.

In the second case, the cause of edema is an infectious or inflammatory process. Exacerbation caused by surgery chronic disease, colds, non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period, can becomecause of facial swelling after surgery.This is often accompanied by hyperemia (redness) and increased body temperature.

Although postoperative swelling on the faceoccurs almost always, it can have different severity. The degree of swelling depends on the following factors:

  • general condition immune system(how stronger immunity- the weaker the signs of swelling will be, and the faster it will subside);
  • individual health characteristics of the patient (is there any chronic diseases, tendency to edema, hypertension, etc.);
  • proper adherence to doctor’s recommendations, compliance with restrictions and precautions;
  • lifestyle (availability bad habits, addiction to alcohol, etc.).

As a rule, swelling does not occur immediately after surgery, but on the second or third day; depending on the efforts made, it will subside after several days, or less often, a week. If postoperative swelling persists into the second week, or if fever, chills, or intoxication are added to it, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. In this case, at a minimum, antibacterial therapy is necessary.

If there is no inflammation,swelling on the face after surgerypass by the second week. If desired, perform a series simple recommendations general, the patient can speed up the healing process.

Effective and simple methods of getting rid of edema include the following:

  • Peace. You should not exercise for at least a few days and physical exercise, limit facial stress, rest more. At this time, it is also worthwhile to dose out your computer work, watching TV programs, and reading. When resting and sleeping at night, it is good to add extra pillows (to keep your head elevated).
  • Limit intake of salty foods, spicy food, causing swelling and high blood pressure. It is advisable to completely exclude salt from the diet, at least for two to three days. You should also not drink alcohol.
  • Do not overheat in the sun, take only warm or cold and hot shower, categorically refuse to visit the solarium, sauna, work in the garden, in hot air, etc. Do not wash your face with hot water.
  • Reduce the amount of water you drink for several days. Drink in small portions.

A good remedyhow to relieve swelling after facial surgery, there will be cold compresses ( wet wipe cool, apply to face or area of ​​face). You can apply a compress every 3-4 hours.

The listed methods are simple but effective, but it should be remembered that stress, both physical and psychological, can reduce all efforts to zero. Therefore, after the operation, you should try to protect yourself from any worries and devote time effective recovery health.

Drug treatments

If the swelling does not go away on its own within a few days, or if signs of inflammation are added to it, you should consult a doctor. In some cases an appointment is required additional procedures: massage, performing special exercises.

WITH infectious processes cope with antibiotics (injections, drips), in in rare cases- hormonal therapy.

But most often doctors, solving the problempostoperative facial swelling and how to eliminate it,resort to prescribing diuretics. By normalizing the balance of acids and alkalis in the body, such drugs quickly remove excess stagnant fluid from tissues, helping to relieve swelling.

Diuretic drugs that can be used asdecongestants for the face after surgery, there is enough. The main task of the doctor is to choose the one that will not harm the patient, taking into account his existing diseases and contraindications.

One of the old, proven remedies is Furosemide. It is characterized by strong and quick action. Usually, a one-time dose in the dosage prescribed by your doctor is enough to relieve swelling. The effect of the tablet begins after 20 minutes and lasts up to several hours.

Furosemide is well suited for patients with hypertension, but has a number of contraindications for use ( renal failure, hypoglycemia, etc.). Furosemide's analogue, Torasemide, has a milder effect and a moderate list of contraindications.

Spironolactone is well tolerated by patients. It acts sparingly, compared to Furosemide, and has relatively few contraindications. Spironolactone can be taken even by pregnant women, people with heart disease, and renal pathology.

The list of decongestant diuretic drugs is very extensive, but the choice and prescription should be left to the doctor. To avoid causing complications in postoperative period, you cannot self-medicate.

Traditional ways to get rid of facial swelling

If there is no fever or inflammation after surgery, you can cope with moderate swelling using folk remedies. Methods proven over decades symptomatic treatment quite effectively reduce swelling, improve general health and, importantly, are easy to implement.

To the simplest popular recommendations,how to relieve swelling after facial surgery, is ice. Use ice cubes to wipe your face skin many times throughout the day. Okay instead ordinary water use decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, plantain, etc.).

A compress with salt water quickly relieves swelling due to the fact that salt binds and removes excess fluid from facial tissues. For a compress, you should moisten a towel in warm salt water (take 1-2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water), apply it to your face, and cover with a dry towel on top. Hold for 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure up to three times, pat the skin dry and apply moisturizer.

Diuretic teas and herbs can replace taking diuretic tablets, but it is wise to drink them only on the advice of a doctor. Tinctures and decoctions of birch buds remove excess water from the body, lingonberry leaf, horsetail, etc. A tea mixture with a decongestant effect can be made from bearberry, rose hips, plantain leaves and nettles. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and brewed a tablespoon in half a liter of water, like tea. Drink no more than 2-3 glasses a day.

Face masks made from mashed boiled potatoes, parsley pulp, and green or black tea lotions (freshly brewed at a temperature comfortable for the skin) have a slight anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

Deciding how to remove swelling from the face after surgery, the patient needs to assess his condition and well-being. If the swelling is moderate, temperature and pain are not bothering you, you can use traditional methods, otherwise, drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account concomitant pathologies, age, and condition of the patient.

Tissue swelling is observed after most surgical interventions. Most often, the body copes with the problem itself, but the process can be accelerated with the help of medications and traditional methods. It is important to know how to relieve swelling after surgery correctly in order to avoid unwanted side effects.

Why do tissues swell?

Even minor surgical interventions cause an increased flow of lymph to the tissues of the damaged area. This leads to swelling, which goes away over time. But sometimes swelling occurs due to inflammatory processes; they are distinguished by redness of the skin and increased body temperature. In such cases it will be necessary drug treatment to relieve swelling after surgery.

How to relieve swelling after surgery is decided by the attending physician

How much will the tissue swell after surgical intervention, depends on many factors:

The body's defenses and human age;

Difficulty of the operation;

If the swelling does not go away for a long time or even becomes larger, there is a likely risk of infection and development inflammatory process. Here you will need drug therapy with taking antibiotics.

How to relieve swelling after surgery?

Your doctor may prescribe various pharmaceutical medications to reduce swelling:

Ointments that promote lymphatic drainage and eliminate hematomas;

Anti-inflammatory gels;

External preparations based on medicinal leech extract;

Decongestant compresses.

You should not take diuretics, they will not have the desired effect. But physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by a doctor can speed up the disappearance of swelling.

In consultation with your doctor, you can try folk remedies: compresses with mountain arnica tincture, lotions based on fresh leaves aloe, washing with anti-inflammatory decoctions of chamomile, calendula and string.

You can take a course of herbal immunostimulants, for example, echinacea or ginseng, but only after consulting a doctor.

Edema occurs during surgical interventions on different areas bodies. But those formed after plastic and dental surgeries last especially long.

An ophthalmologist decides how to relieve swelling after eye surgery. Drip on your own eye drops impossible: even safe means in this case they can cause harm. At severe swelling You should refrain from hot baths and use a contrast shower.

It is impossible to prevent swelling after surgery. How soon swelling will subside, depends on the patient’s lifestyle and the accuracy of compliance with medical recommendations.

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