How to whiten fillings at home. How to whiten artificial teeth at home

Every person's teeth deteriorate over time. To “repair” them, they are used, however, after a while they turn yellow and even blacken.

Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to whiten teeth with fillings, because they so want to restore the attractiveness of their smile.

Type and size matters

The answer to the question whether it is possible to whiten filled teeth largely depends on the type of material:

  • cement - the cheapest and very fragile type;
  • photopolymer - high-quality material, contains phosphorus;
  • metal – used to restore chewing teeth;
  • glass ionomer cement – ​​used to prevent caries.

Each type has the ability to whiten, but low-quality material does not lighten as well, so dentists do not recommend using it.

The procedure does not give a permanent result, the enamel retains for a long time White color, but there is no filling, after a while the manipulation will have to be repeated.

Whether fillings are whitened during regular teeth whitening also depends on the size of the filled area. Small areas are easily bleached; after a while, such fillings can be covered on top with a new, beautiful layer (the main thing is to accurately select the original shade) or the material can be completely replaced. It's not very expensive and doesn't last long.

With large areas it is more difficult. After a whitening session, the filling areas become stained, and the same problem occurs with the front teeth.

In this case, it is better to use ceramic or.

Procedure in dentistry

In a dental clinic, teeth whitening with fillings is carried out in the following order:

  1. Inspection oral cavity. This also includes enamel tone selection and treatment.
  2. Preparatory stage, which includes professional cleaning. Executes immediately. For this purpose, a small hook is used, which is fixed in the ultrasonic tip. Thanks to ultrasonic vibrations, fifty percent of stains and ninety-five percent are removed painlessly and very quickly. Subsequently, final cleaning and polishing is carried out using an aerosol jet. Thanks to pressure, it is easily removed, deposits and remaining stains are eliminated. Polishing is carried out at the same time.
  3. The clarification process is carried out; several options are used to carry it out:
  • chemical gel;
  • ultrasound;
  • ultraviolet and photo procedure.

The result lasts for two years. If you maintain hygiene and eat right, the effect can last longer.

It is recommended to restore old fillings by replacing the top layer with a new one, choosing suitable color. Doctors do not recommend real whitening of filled teeth, because the procedure weakens their enamel and increases sensitivity.

How to whiten at home

Whitening filled teeth, if they are yellowed, at home is carried out using the following means:

  1. Activated carbon. The tablet is brought to a powdery state and applied to the filling and tooth. After ten minutes, the oral cavity is rinsed.
  2. Baking soda. Using water, a soda paste is prepared, which is then used as a cleaning paste. After ten minutes the growth is rinsed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once a week.
  3. Lemon acid. A cotton pad is soaked in acid and applied to the yellow areas. In order not to burn the mucous membrane, do not exceed fifteen minutes. The manipulation is carried out twice a day.
  4. Banana peel. The teeth are rubbed with the inner skin. As a result, the enamel is not only whitened, but also saturated with macroelements.
  5. WITH tomato strips. They contain helium hydrogen peroxide. The whitening strip should be fixed on the tooth surface and left for the time specified in the instructions. Hydrogen is safe for health, quickly removes plaque and yellowing from enamel, even from the inside.

Cautions and contraindications

Whitening at home, if there are fillings, must be done carefully; it is better to consult a dentist. Possible complications:

  • improperly performed procedures can cause caries and damage the tooth surface;
  • sensitivity will increase, especially to sweets and hot foods;
  • mineral imbalance may occur;
  • exceeding the time will lead to chemical burns.

Before whitening teeth and fillings, the doctor examines the oral cavity and asks the patient for contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • Availability ;
  • , and some other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • ; oral injury or infection;
  • age under 18 years.

Home lightening is safe only with high-quality and small fillings.

How to deal with depulpation

Depulpation is the removal of the nerve from the dental body.

When the pulp and nerve are removed, the tooth dies and eventually turns black inside. Pulpless teeth are yellowish. In this case, regular lightening will not bring results.

Intracanal manipulation has been developed for pulpless teeth. The essence is this: the root canal is filled, then a helium solution is injected, which brightens dark places, and a crown is applied on top. The patient chooses the color of the crown himself.

Front teeth are a surmountable obstacle

If there are problems with, the question arises whether it is possible to seal them. Yes, but the procedure becomes more complicated. The dentist is required to restore the original tooth structure and appearance. For restoration, the necessary filling material is selected, taking into account the peculiarities of the patient’s jaw structure.

Step-by-step actions of the dentist:

  • assessment;
  • choice of filling;
  • choice ;
  • removal of injured tissue;
  • insertion of a filling into the prepared cavity;
  • grinding;
  • radiography.

Is it possible to bleach a filling on front tooth how and with what to do this - everything, again, depends on the type of material and the size of the sealed area.

In most cases, veneers are used for lightening - composite plates that are attached to the tooth with a special glue. The procedure is expensive, but the smile is natural and the effect is long lasting.

So, in order to add beauty to your smile after filling, whitening is used. This manipulation can be performed in a dental clinic or at home. The main thing is to consult a dentist and not violate the technology.

Exist two ways whiten treated front teeth: normal lightening with replacement of fillings, or installation of veneers

In the first case the patient should minimize consumption coloring products and drinks, and stop smoking, as this will speed up the darkening.

However, a person will still have to do the whitening again and re-treat the front teeth again so that there is no noticeable difference.

A simpler but more expensive option is veneers. They represent plates that are attached on the tooth and do not darken. The patient will not have to undergo whitening and filling procedures again.

Do filled front teeth whiten? How to lighten enamel

The essence of almost any type professional lightening enamel is that applied substances penetrate the enamel and act on it from the inside: they break down dark pigments and bring them to the surface. In the case of treated teeth, such methods will not help, since active ingredients they simply will not be able to penetrate artificial material.

Often people have to have their front teeth treated. In the future, unfortunately, they they won't be able to even bleach them by using professional methods .

If you lighten all your teeth, the filling will remain the same color, since modern methods do not bleach artificial material, but only enamel. It will look like a stain and ruin the aesthetics beautiful smile patient.

So, is it still possible to whiten teeth with fillings on the front teeth? Certainly! Lightening can be achieved, but already at the expense of others alternative methods , which the doctor uses along with brightening the entire smile.

Reference! Can be bleached photopolymer filling only. Other types, as well as old and low-quality ones, can no longer be lightened

Teeth whitening with filling replacement

Is it possible to whiten teeth with fillings on the front teeth? Of course, just by replacing them. It will only be the final stage in the color change procedure. In particular, it consists of:

  1. Ultraviolet cleaning or apparatus Air Flow , i.e. removal of soft plaque and tartar.
  2. General procedure whitening for all teeth. The choice of method will depend on the condition and individual characteristics patient's teeth.
  3. Replacing old ones unbleached fillings with new ones in a suitable white tone.

Reference! The doctor may not replace the entire filling if it is large, but only its top layer.

Pros and cons of the method

Advantages method of replacing fillings is that it is suitable not only for the front ones, but for all remaining teeth.


  1. Teeth whitening and filling will need it again after a certain amount of time. Duration of effect depends on the person’s lifestyle (smoking, coffee, red wine, etc.).
  2. The method consists of several stages.
  3. The doctor needs drill a tooth patient to remove an old filling.
  4. The stain will remain, but will be barely noticeable.

Is it possible to whiten teeth if there are fillings by installing veneers?

Veneers are plates that are attached to the enamel of the teeth, thereby replacing their outer layer.

This allows correct aesthetic defects: disturbances of color and shape,

and increase its strength. The plates are made from composite materials, porcelain or ceramics.

Veneers are produced individually in accordance with the shape, color of teeth and the client’s wishes.

Thus, the products solve the problem of dark fillings on the visible part of the smile during whitening: they they simply cover existing shortcomings.

Pros and cons of installing veneers

Advantage of these products before the method of simply replacing the seal is that there won't be even a barely noticeable stain. Repeated whitening and subsequent replacement of the filling will also not be necessary, since veneers do not darken.

Photo 1. Example perfect smile performed by whitening the entire dentition using veneers.

Minus products in their price. Final cost depends on the client’s oral condition, material for manufacturing, as well as used for individual production technologies. The price, depending on the material, will be as follows for one tooth:

  1. Composite - from 5 thousand rubles,
  2. Porcelain - from 14 thousand rubles,
  3. Zirconium veneers - from 17 thousand rubles.

Useful video

Below we suggest you watch a short video showing the difference between veneers and conventional fillings, which are installed on the visible part of the smile, and also visually see the stages of their fixation.

Have a beautiful snow-white smile- the dream of many people. But not everyone has such a gift by nature. In addition, drinking soda, coffee and tea leads to darkening of tooth enamel. Changes in tooth color are influenced by genetic factors, smoking, and the presence of certain diseases. internal organs. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep your teeth white without professional help. Fortunately, today almost anyone can become the owner of a snow-white smile. To do this you just need to visit dental clinic, where teeth whitening services are provided. But is it possible to resort to such a procedure if there are fillings in the mouth? Let's look at this issue in detail.

Features of fillings

People who are happy owners healthy teeth and have not undergone filling therapy, you can count them on your fingers. If you've ever encountered this unpleasant phenomenon, like caries, then you definitely have a filling in your mouth - a material used to fill a cavity in the tooth formed after treatment of a carious lesion or as a result of mechanical or other damage to the dentition.

There are several types of materials from which permanent fillings are made:

  • Metal. Such fillings are most often used on chewing teeth or installed under crowns.
  • Fillings made of glass ionomer cements. This filling includes special additives that nourish dental tissues with fluoride ions. They prevent the re-development of caries.
  • Cement based fillings. Such fillings also prevent the secondary development of caries, but do not last long (fragile material).
  • Chemically cured composites- filling materials that are designed to replace classic cement fillings. Their filling most often contains porcelain.

Each filling material interacts with whitening agents differently.

Which filled teeth can be whitened and which cannot?

It should be noted that when teeth are whitened, fillings usually remain the same color, but tooth enamel it becomes whiter. If the filling material is located on the front teeth, the internal restoration may be visible through the enamel. In this case, it is better to change the color of the tooth using a crown or veneer.

If the area of ​​filling material is very large, then whitening the front teeth is not recommended. The fillings will remain the same color, but the teeth themselves will have a mottled color.

For small fillings, especially if they are located on chewing teeth, the process of whitening tooth enamel is encouraged.

If you just want to have a snow-white smile, but your fillings are located on the visible part of the dentition, then the solution may be to replace the old filling material with a new one, with a correctly selected shade that matches the color of the whitened teeth. But you should understand that after some time the color of the enamel will return to its previous shade, and the filling material will again be different. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure for restoring the color of your teeth again.

Stages of teeth whitening with fillings

We found out that the decision to lighten enamel through professional teeth whitening is made only by a dentist. Moreover, before the procedure, it is necessary to cure existing caries and other pathologies of the dental area. After this you will be asked to go professional cleaning teeth, which includes enamel whitening. This process takes from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the teeth whitening technique.


The teeth whitening procedure in some cases can lead to the development of caries, enamel sensitivity, demineralization and even chemical burns. Therefore, it is carried out taking into account clinical indications and subject to all safety rules. Before whitening, you should consult your dentist. In addition, if you want to have a snow-white smile without harm to your health, then trust your teeth to trusted specialists, with long experience at work.

Image successful person includes, along with harmonious clothing, a well-groomed appearance, the presence of a snow-white smile. Based on this, the problem of whether it is possible to whiten teeth with fillings is relevant for many former patients of dental offices who apply to get rid of caries. The same question worries owners of plastic dentures and crowns, metal-ceramic teeth.

To remove plaque, special products are offered - Protefix, Corega, Rox. On average, once a month, the tablet is dissolved in water and a removable plastic structure is placed in the resulting solution for the time specified in the instructions. This procedure allows you to preserve the shade and extend the service life.

You can solve the problem of how to whiten dentures by contacting a specialized clinic. to restore color.

Tetracycline Teeth Whitening

The problem of how to whiten tetracycline teeth is of serious concern, since changes in the shade of the enamel are unaesthetic. Particular discomfort is caused by dirty yellowish or brown spots on the front tooth, caused by the accumulation of excessive amounts of tetracycline in the body.

The need to whiten such enamel yourself most often does not lead to positive result. The decision on how to whiten teeth is made by a specialist. The procedure is complex and is carried out in several stages.

  1. Before cleaning affected surfaces, remove medications containing tetracycline.
  2. Tartar and accumulated plaque are removed.
  3. Remineralizing therapy is carried out. Its key task is to strengthen bone tissue using specialized procedures with phosphorus, fluorine, calcium. To strengthen damaged enamel, the surfaces of teeth are coated with Fluoride varnish, a substance that helps preserve their natural shade.
  4. The whitening technique is selected according to the indications. This could be a Zoom system or a laser.
  5. If it is not possible to achieve the effect of perfectly whitened dental planes, the doctor will suggest a complete restoration. These could be crowns or innovative ceramic veneers.

At home, you can try brushing teeth damaged by tetracycline using special means– . These methods allow you to achieve lightening of up to three tones.

When analyzing information on how best to whiten filled teeth, you should understand that cleaning them using any known method only succeeds in removing plaque and returning the original shade. The main rule after any restoration is this, then it will be possible for a long time smile without fear, thank you snow-white color teeth.

Tooth enamel and dental fillings have a tendency not only to yellow, but also to darken after a certain period of time. As a rule, this is due to the fact that a person does not take care of his oral cavity (does not brush his teeth regularly) and consumes a lot of foods containing dyes. In such a situation, there is a need for a whitening procedure and patients experience increased logical question, is it possible to whiten teeth with fillings? Let us consider in more detail in what situations the procedure can be carried out, and in which it should be avoided.

There are only a few people left who have never had filling material installed. Many patients ask doctors how to whiten the filling on their front tooth. This question is relevant because any filling and the tooth itself change color over time. The color change is caused by bad habits(smoking), food products, which contain dyes, heavy metal poisoning and plaque deposits. The whitening procedure can be schematically represented in three stages:

  1. Professional teeth cleaning. It is carried out in the dentist’s office using special instruments and professional ultrasound equipment. As a result, it is possible to eliminate plaque and tartar. If the dentist has diagnosed any pathologies (for example), they are eliminated before whitening.
  2. Bleaching. The procedure for whitening teeth with fillings on the front teeth is carried out using a number of techniques. The most popular are AirFlow and Zoom3. The whitening procedure using any method is painless and does not cause severe discomfort, therefore can be performed without the use of anesthetics.
  3. Restoration. On final stage replace old fillings. At the same time, they try to choose the most similar shade to the bleached enamel.

One of the most current issues For patients who come for AirFlow or Zoom3 procedures, are the fillings whitened during teeth whitening? The change in color of the filling directly depends on its significance. If the filled area is very large, after the procedure its color will remain unchanged, but the tooth itself will turn white. As a result, a darkish colored spot is formed.

If you have small fillings, there is a possibility that this effect will not occur. However, it is worth noting that after a certain period of time, against the background of provoking factors (for example, dyes or tobacco products) they will return to their original color.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

If there are many large fillings in the oral cavity, it is recommended to carry out an installation procedure (thin plates) instead of whitening. This will allow you to maintain a snow-white smile for a long time, regardless of the impact. negative factors(cigarettes, coffee). Installation of veneers includes the following steps:

  • determining the color of a suitable shade;
  • removal of a small amount of tissue (about 1 mm) from the front tooth surface;
  • taking an impression;
  • installation of temporary veneer;
  • installation of permanent veneer.

What are the contraindications to whitening?

The whitening procedure consists not only of exposing the tooth to ultrasound and a special lamp, but also chemicals(as in Zoom3 technology). Changing the color of enamel in this way is relatively safe, but has some restrictions on its use. Absolute and temporary contraindications to the whitening procedure include:

  • diseases of the oral cavity (for example, caries, or);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • wearing braces;
  • allergic reaction (individual intolerance) to substances used in bleaching;
  • damage to the enamel in the neck area on the outside of the tooth;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Before the procedure, you should inform your dentist about the presence possible pathologies. He will select the most suitable whitening technique in accordance with contraindications.

Can there be side effects and what are they?

If you whiten teeth with fillings without replacing the top layer, a slight difference in shade may appear. As a rule, the whitening procedure is well tolerated by patients without causing side effects(in the absence of contraindications). However, in individual cases or in case of non-compliance with the recommendations of the dentist in recovery period the following may appear negative consequences:

  1. Increased sensitivity to temperature changes. This is due to the penetration of oxygen into the enamel structure, which provokes an impact on nerve endings. At first, it is recommended not to drink too hot or too cold drinks and foods.
  2. Slight pain in teeth. As a rule, such discomfort goes away on its own after a few hours. It can appear as a result of tooth dehydration, peroxide entering the nerve of the tooth, or increased heat exposure during whitening.
  3. Soft tissue irritation. Bleaching products contain caustic substances. Their concentration is not exceeded, however, in some people it provokes damage to soft tissues (in particular, cheeks, tongue and gums).

With strong pain you can take an analgesic, for example, Nise tablets. To quickly eliminate side effects, dentists recommend brushing your teeth first. soft brush with toothpaste that reduces tooth sensitivity. If the pain does not go away for more than a week, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist.

Is it possible to whiten teeth with fillings at home?

Many people are interested in how to whiten teeth with fillings at home. There are many techniques (in particular, folk remedies), which allow you to make your teeth lighter by 1-2 shades. To avoid negative consequences, before deciding to carry out any technique at home, you should consult a specialist. Below are the simplest but effective ways, allowing you to change the color of the enamel.

Components used Methodology of the procedure
Lemon juice (as an analogue - citric acid)A cotton swab is moistened in lemon juice or the prepared solution citric acid(2 g of acid is required for 1 tablespoon of water), after which it is applied to the darkened enamel for 10-12 minutes. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure more than once a day.
Hydrogen peroxide and ammoniaThese ingredients are mixed together in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of peroxide to 2 drops of alcohol. The resulting mixture using cotton swab Apply to the enamel for a few minutes.
Wood ash (as an analogue Activated carbon) It contains calcium and a bleaching agent - potassium hydroxide. Toothpaste dip in wood ash (activated carbon) and brush your teeth for 2 minutes, then rinse your mouth thoroughly. For a more pronounced effect, you can mix the product with whitening paste. This procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week.
Baking soda or "tooth powder"Soda is characterized by pronounced bleaching properties. Apply the product to a toothbrush and brush your teeth for 2 minutes.


For healthy teeth, as well as for teeth with fillings, a whitening procedure can be performed. The procedure itself is painless, has a minimum of contraindications and retains the result for a long time (in the absence of provoking factors). The aesthetic appeal of a smile makes a person more confident. However, do not forget that large fillings cannot be bleached. So that after the procedure they do not stand out, they should be updated by choosing the most suitable shade for the enamel.

In cases where there are many filled teeth in the oral cavity, dentists advise installing thin plates - veneers - instead of whitening. To keep your teeth white, experts advise following preventive measures - brush them regularly (morning and evening), have them professionally cleaned once every 12 months, and do not abuse tobacco products.

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