How to understand that you have mixed gastritis? Causes of mixed gastritis and rules for its treatment

Mixed type of gastritis is a disease affecting the inner lining of the stomach. This form is called mixed because it combines the symptoms of several types of gastritis. Most often, the mixed form includes symptoms of erosive, superficial, hypertrophic and hemorrhagic forms diseases.

The mixed type of gastritis can affect both adults and children, because the most common cause The disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylory, which can enter the body of any person. It is this bacterium that provokes the most FAQ: what is mixed gastritis and what are its causes?


The bacterium Helicobacter pylory affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and the walls of the organ. The entry of this bacterium into the body does not imply the immediate appearance of strong, acute pain or other signs. At first, gastritis may progress slowly and practically asymptomatically. But even despite the absence of obvious pain, vomiting, or nausea, the process of damage to the stomach and transition to the superficial form of gastritis starts from the moment the bacteria enters the human body.

The erosive form occurs when bacteria attack the walls of the stomach and lead to the appearance of small, in some cases, bleeding erosions.

The chronic type of diagnosis of gastritis can be due to several reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • eating fast food;
  • negligence in treatment.

Important: If you experience pain in the solar plexus, reflux, frequent belching or nausea, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis. Timely treatment will help avoid mixed gastritis, which is much more difficult to treat.

With prolonged mixed gastritis, the walls of the stomach begin to change significantly and undergo deformation. The following may appear on the internal walls of the organ:

  • polyps;
  • adenomas;
  • cysts;
  • other benign formations.

Despite the benign nature of the neoplasms, they are serious reason for examination and therapy, as they can lead to the most unexpected, harmful consequences for human health.

Also, the causes of the mixed form of gastritis include the following factors:

  1. Chemical burn to the stomach, intentionally or accidentally. Chemicals hazardous to health include alkali, alcohol, vinegar, acids and alkalis.
  2. Taking specific medications. Gastritis can be triggered by anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones and antibiotics.
  3. Failure to comply with food culture. You need to eat fractionally and in small portions. Food should not be too hot or spicy. It is also worth remembering that too cold or too hot food can injure the gastric mucosa, and with constant consumption of such foods, a chronic subtype of the disease can develop.

Signs of illness

The initial stage of the disease, when mixed gastritis is just gaining momentum, is characterized as severe inflammation gastric epithelium. Also in 50% of cases, the stomach glands are damaged. Despite their damage, they do not die and continue to function actively.

One of the components of mixed gastritis (erosive, acute, catarrhal or chronic) usually functions more actively than others. Wherein general state The patient's health deteriorates sharply.

Important: Stomach acidity during the course of mixed gastritis, it can increase or decrease, respectively, entering a hyperacid or hypoacid state.

Patients suffering from this disease typically experience the following signs of the disease:

  • severe, obsessive bloating;
  • feeling like hunger;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting that does not provide relief;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • pulling, sharp or Blunt pain, giving in right hypochondrium and navel;
  • stomach upset;
  • belching of air or unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region.

Important: Vomiting may indicate internal erosion in the stomach. Symptoms of vomiting with blood clots require immediate medical attention. Blood can also stain stool. Their color in this case turns black and indicates complications. acute gastritis and the need for diagnostics. In case of bleeding, a mixed type of gastritis cannot be ruled out.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before starting treatment, doctors take all necessary steps diagnostic studies stomach, so as not to confuse chronic and other types of gastritis.

The first step to making a diagnosis is to identify the bacterium Helicobacter pilory. To do this, a blood test is performed for antibodies, as well as gastroscopy to identify the pathogen on the mucous membrane of the surface of the stomach.

Gastroscopy is also necessary to examine the gastric mucosa and the entire organ cavity, in order to identify neoplasms or open ulcers that can provoke internal bleeding. With the help of a special probe, it is also possible not only to make an inspection, but also to collect gastric juice.

A biopsy is necessary to identify malignant cells in the organ and obtain information about neoplasms, if they are found during examination of the stomach cavity.

Radiology is another way to obtain information about the condition of the patient’s stomach. It is much easier to prescribe treatment if the patient has previously been examined with an x-ray. To fully build a clinical picture, the patient is examined in several positions and from different sides. So, the doctor can see the condition of the stomach walls, their tone and relief.

Treatment is carried out based on the analysis of all data obtained about the patient’s disease. When gastritis is diagnosed, hospitalization is required in cases of chemical poisoning or the presence of heavy bleeding. In this case, the patient is left in the hospital for at least a week and prescribed strict diet And drug therapy.

Treatment is also often carried out by removing factors that irritate the gastric mucosa. Causes may include poor diet, medication use, alcohol consumption, or lack of correct mode day. Having eliminated or corrected these factors, treatment is considered complete and is rarely supplemented with numerous medications or hospitalization.

Traditional therapy

The best folk remedies for the treatment of the diagnosis of “mixed type gastritis”, are honey, potato juice And herbal teas.

Potato juice excellent remedy from increased stomach acidity. It soothes the inner lining of the organ, eliminates heartburn and its unpleasant consequences. Also, potato juice envelops the stomach and cleanses the esophagus of of hydrochloric acid, when it is thrown during heartburn.

Gastritis can be eliminated with herbal remedies. Decoctions of chamomile, rosehip and string - such an abundance of herbs perfectly soothes the internal organs, stomach and esophagus and is especially effective method in case of frequent heartburn and increased acidity in patients. Even doctors prescribe these fees as an alternative to pills and other drugs.

Mixed gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is characterized by symptoms different forms inflammatory process.

From the article you will learn the main symptoms that can suggest the presence of this pathology and what treatment is required for this type of disease.

What is a disease?

Mixed gastritis occurs due to infection of the gastric mucosa with an infection, which causes symptoms characteristic of different types of this disease.

Because of this, it can be difficult to determine whether a person has mixed gastritis.

According to the symptoms, this disease most often repeats antral gastritis, characterized increased acidity stomach.

In later stages, if there is no treatment, then atrophic gastritis. At this stage, inflammation occurs not only on the gastric mucosa, but also affects the glands of the organ that secrete gastric juice.

Atrophic gastritis can be dangerous for humans, because when affected large quantity The glandular organ simply will not be able to digest food, and the person may die.

At the first stage, the mixed form of the disease is characterized only by inflammation of the mucous membrane. After some time, as microorganisms multiply, erosions begin to appear on the mucous membrane of the organ.

Most often, the antral type of the disease predominates, and the person begins to experience characteristic unpleasant symptoms associated with increased stomach acidity.

In this form, gastritis can exist for a very long time and not remind of itself in any way, except rare cases exacerbation of the disease.

Like other types of gastritis, the mixed form of the disease can be of two types - with low or high acidity.

More common is increased acidity of the organ or absence of its change and preservation within normal limits.

Sometimes the superficial form of the disease progresses further, turning into deep atrophic gastritis.

In this case, not only is the integrity of the mucous membrane of the organ compromised, but the very structure of its walls changes, and benign neoplasms appear on them.

Due to numerous erosions formed on the organ, the vessels become weaker - this leads to bleeding and even greater inflammation.

At this stage, mixed gastritis is already quite difficult to treat, but it is necessary, otherwise other, more severe gastritis may develop. serious illnesses, for example, stomach cancer.

Signs of illness

Depending on what type of gastritis is found in the patient, atrophic or antral, the symptoms, as well as methods of treatment, will differ.

The superficial (antral) type of the disease is much easier to tolerate, but it may not be noticed immediately, which complicates diagnosis and contributes to the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

The atrophic type causes more unpleasant symptoms and can even be life-threatening for the patient.

The main symptom of any gastritis, including mixed gastritis, is abdominal pain.

If the disease is antral in nature (with high acidity), then, in addition to pain in solar plexus, other signs will also be characteristic:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • belching after eating (with air or food fragments);
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea (in the later stages of the disease it can turn into vomiting);
  • decreased appetite.

If the superficial mixed type of gastritis has passed into the chronic stage, then the symptoms may weaken for a while or disappear completely, but under unfavorable conditions they return.

Chronic gastritis can also manifest itself as attacks of illness - during them all unpleasant symptoms worsen (instead of nausea, vomiting appears, the stomach hurts very badly, etc.).

In some cases chronic gastritis mixed type remains superficial, but sometimes the disease progresses, antral gastritis becomes atrophic.

This stage of the disease is already quite serious, because irreversible changes occur in the tissues of the organ.

At this stage of the disease, food is less digestible, abdominal pain becomes constant, the patient may notice blood in the vomit and stool, which is why it turns red.

Often digestive system affects others too dangerous diseases. This form of gastritis is the most difficult to treat, but it needs to be done as quickly as possible to prevent complete death of the organ tissue.

Methods of treatment for mixed gastritis

Superficial and deep gastritis need to be treated differently. Treatment methods differ depending on whether the disease is in acute stage or its symptoms are not too pronounced and do not cause any particular inconvenience to the patient.

Treatment of this disease must be comprehensive: you need to destroy the bacteria that cause it, then restore the damaged mucous membrane and stomach tissue, if they have been damaged.

Very important and preventive measures– elimination of factors favorable to the development of gastritis, for example, poor diet or systematic alcohol consumption.

Antibiotics are usually used to destroy bacteria that cause mixed and other forms of gastritis.

They also help normalize stomach acidity if it has increased or decreased due to illness. You cannot take pills for gastritis on your own; you should definitely consult a doctor.

The doctor will help to accurately determine the form of the disease, as well as the stage at which it is located.

Depending on the complexity of the problem, either a single drug or a complex of antibiotics may be prescribed for treatment.

They usually need to be taken for 7 – 14 days – during this time it is possible to completely destroy harmful bacteria.

If gastritis is antral, then in order to reduce acidity, treatment can be carried out with drugs such as Omeprazole or Ranitidine - they act on the receptors responsible for the production of acid in the organ.

In case of significant damage to the gastric mucosa, drugs are also prescribed to restore and protect it.

In addition to medications, you can also use traditional treatment, For example, herbal infusions. They are effective in relieving pain during an attack.

Non-steroidal tablets, which include most types of painkillers, cause stomach irritation and aggravate the manifestations of gastritis, while herbal decoctions can relieve irritation and pain, but are completely safe for the organ.

Treatment of gastritis cannot take place without a diet - it varies depending on whether it is acute or chronic stage there is a disease.

During an attack of illness, it is best to refuse food and water for a day, and then stick to a diet of liquid food(soups, broths, porridges).

As the symptoms of the attack subside, you can gradually return to your usual diet.

When gastritis becomes chronic, as well as if it is atrophic, the diet should be quite strict: all foods potentially dangerous to the stomach should be excluded.

The mixed form of gastritis is quite common among the population, but it must be treated - if treatment is not carried out, the disease can progress and lead to very unpleasant consequences.

In the practice of a gastroenterologist, it happens that a patient complains of a one-time appearance of symptoms various types the same inflammatory disease stomach. In this case, a diagnosis of mixed gastritis is made. The manifestation of several types of disease can be detected in both adults and children.

There are several types of mixed gastritis. Each of them requires individual approach And special treatment, appointed strictly by a specialist. The classification depends on the signs and symptoms of each type of disease and the degree of their manifestation:

1. Mixed superficial – one of the most common forms of the disease. It can appear in adults and children. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs. Without treatment this type transforms into any other form.

2. Mixed atrophic - appears due to pathological changes inside the organ, reducing the number of excretory glands. This causes the formation of more serious complications, which are quite difficult to cure even in a hospital setting.

3. Mixed chronic – develops in the patient due to the lack of timely treatment of any form of inflammation that appeared earlier. A fairly long-lasting, sometimes lifelong type of disease. It is especially unpleasant for children, since its manifestations are seasonal. In addition, the pathology will progress, disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Basically, the disease begins to progress in cases where the patient is frivolous about the signs and symptoms that appeared earlier. stomach disease. Several key reasons can be identified:

  • activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which provokes the appearance inflammatory processes in the stomach of an adult or child;
  • impact chemical substances on the mucous membranes of the organ;
  • burns;
  • prolonged uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • non-compliance with diet. A menu replete with unhealthy, fatty, spicy food;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • neuroses, stress.

Signs of illness

1. B initial stage any gastritis manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • belching;
  • the occurrence of periodic pain in the stomach;
  • sensations of heaviness and tightness in the epigastrium;
  • decreased appetite;
  • belching sour hyperacid gastritis and flatulence in the hypoacid form.

If inflammation of the stomach wall is not cured initial stage, then the appearance of further symptoms will depend on what form gastritis has taken in the absence of timely treatment:

  • The erosive will prevail serious signs tissue damage (erosion). The disease easily becomes chronic if left untreated.
  • In the hemorrhagic form of the disease, vascular damage is observed internal organs and blood entering the stomach contents.
  • Hypertrophic gastritis is characterized by a noticeable thickening of the wall of the damaged organ, and the appearance of dangerous neoplasms is possible.

2. In the acute stage, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the stomach area.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
  • Weakness, lethargy.
  • Weight loss.

Symptoms often make themselves felt immediately after eating.


Before prescribing treatment, the doctor needs to make an accurate diagnosis and find out whether the patient really suffers from the mixed form. To assess signs of inflammation, the following studies are carried out:

1. Examination of the patient, listening to complaints.

2. Endoscopic diagnostics, during which the localization and degree of inflammation are established.

3. Lab tests(urine, blood, feces, stomach contents, biopsy results).

4. Ultrasound, radiographic examination.

5. Acidity measurement.

6. Analysis for the presence of Helicobacter bacteria.

Therapy methods

A feature of the treatment of mixed gastritis is not only its complexity, but also its strict specificity. In order to cure this form inflammation of the stomach, the doctor needs to select medications taking into account the nuances of the course of the disease. Also necessary tools For get well soon There will be a diet and adherence to a diet.

For the treatment of gastritis, depending on the form and severity of the course, medications from the following groups are prescribed:

1. Antibiotics (Klatsid, Klabaks). Used to eliminate main reason formation of inflammation - Helicobacter bacteria.

2. Antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Buscopan). They are necessary in order to stop pathological contractions of the stomach of a spastic nature and relieve the patient from the pain that they provoke.

3. Regulating drugs secretory function(Omeprazole, Venter). Reduce the release of hydrochloric acid, which has irritating effect for inflammation and erosion.

4. Antacids (Rennie, Gastal). They reduce the activity of gastric juice, turning it into a neutral substance, and normalize the acidity inside the organ.

5. Enveloping agents (Maalox, Almagel). They cover the inflamed walls of the stomach with a protective viscous layer, reducing negative impact internal environment to disease-affected areas.

6. Enzymes (Mezim, Festal). Restore digestion and absorption processes, normalize enzyme balance in the body.

7. Astringents (De-nol, Vikair). They are used to treat erosions and heal wounds in the stomach cavity resulting from inflammation as quickly as possible.

Treatment of exacerbations of the mixed form takes place strictly in the hospital, lasting about 2 weeks. At this time, the doctor monitors compliance with the diet, taking the necessary medicines. The patient is most often prescribed bed rest. His condition is carefully monitored, noting any improvement.


It must be observed not only during the acute stage, but also during periods of remission. It includes a certain set of food products that provides positive impact to restore the stomach, does not harm the diseased organ and at the same time contains a complex of nutrients.

It is necessary to completely avoid products that have a negative effect on gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • too cold or hot food;
  • salty and spicy dishes;
  • fried and smoked;
  • semi-finished products and fast food;
  • sweets with lots of chocolate and sugar;
  • heavy baked goods and white flour bread;
  • all kinds of sauces;
  • alcohol;
  • legumes;
  • coffee.

The following foods are allowed:

  • lean meat;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • cereal porridges prepared with a mixture of milk and water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • non-acidic vegetables and fruits;
  • berries that do not irritate the stomach, compotes and fruit drinks made from them, jelly;
  • weak unsweetened teas, including herbal teas (chamomile, sage);
  • low-fat varieties of fish.

To prevent the stomach from being overloaded, meals should be divided, in small portions, at least 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to avoid the occurrence of “hunger pains”.


In order to avoid the onset of the disease, you need to follow a few simple but effective rules:

1. carefully monitor the condition of the body, consult a doctor in a timely manner, and do not take chronic diseases lightly;

2. observe the work and rest schedule, avoid unnecessary stress and stress;

3. control the menu and nutrition process;

4. avoid bad habits;

5. spend time physical activity and personal hygiene.

Mixed gastritis – pathological process, as a result of which damage to the gastric mucosa occurs and, as a consequence, the development of an autoimmune process. Usually, clinical picture consists of signs of other forms of gastritis, which can complicate diagnosis. There are no restrictions regarding age and gender. However, it is most often diagnosed in individuals age group 30–55 years old.


Since we are talking about a mixed form of the disease, there is no clear etiological picture that would correspond only to this form of the disease. Clinicians identify the following most common predisposing factors:

  • bacterial damage to the walls of the stomach;
  • poor nutrition;
  • presence of one of the forms;
  • weakened immune system;
  • long-term treatment with heavy medications;
  • food poisoning;
  • exposure to toxic substances on the body;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • smoking.

It should be noted that quite often the development of mixed gastritis occurs due to long-term use antibiotics and others medications which lead to indigestion. Doctors also note that abuse of hot and spicy foods can also lead to the development of one specific or mixed form of gastritis.


According to the nature of the development of this pathological process, they are distinguished:

  • mixed chronic gastritis;
  • mixed acute gastritis.

Most responsive to treatment acute form illness. If therapy is started in a timely manner and the rules are followed, healthy eating the disease can be cured completely.


As a rule, at the initial stage of development of the pathological process, symptoms may not appear at all. As the disease develops, the clinical picture may manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • cramping pain;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, even if the person has not consumed food;
  • a sharp deterioration in appetite, for no apparent reason;
  • pain in the abdomen, which can radiate to the back or lower back;
  • bloating;
  • belching, heartburn.

It should be noted that the symptoms of mixed gastritis may differ, depending on the etiology of the disease and the predominant form of the pathological process.

Due to the fact that at the initial stage there may be no signs or they are insignificant (pain of a short duration, periodically poor appetite), the patient does not apply in a timely manner for medical care, which significantly worsens the prognosis. Therefore, at the first manifestations of symptoms, you should seek medical help, and not start treating gastritis with folk remedies.


Treatment of mixed gastritis is possible only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Therefore, taking any medications to eliminate this disease without permission is unacceptable.

Initially, a physical examination of the patient and anamnesis are performed. Further, to clarify the diagnosis, such instrumental and laboratory methods research:

  • general and biochemical research blood;
  • X-ray examination of the abdominal organs;
  • FGDS;
  • scraping of the gastric mucosa;
  • general urine examination.

If, based on the results of the main diagnostic program, it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, then differential diagnostic methods are used.


Only a competent medical specialist can tell you how to treat the correct mixed type of gastritis. As a rule, the program includes drug therapy and diet. Antibacterial therapy is carried out only if the disease has an infectious etiology.

Drug therapy usually includes taking the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bismuth-containing;
  • proton pump blockers;
  • antacids.

The dosage, duration and regimen of taking medications is prescribed only by the attending physician. Mixed diffuse gastritis should be treated only comprehensively.

A diet for mixed gastritis involves excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • salty, fatty, spicy;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol;
  • fresh baked goods, rye bread;
  • seasonings, sauces;
  • millet and barley porridges.

The patient's diet should consist only of lean foods, low-fat varieties meat and fish, dishes should be steamed and consumed only in warm pureed form. It should be noted that if we are talking about chronic form this disease, then stick to dietary nutrition follows for life.

What mixed gastritis is and how to treat it correctly, only a qualified medical specialist knows. Use any medications or advice from traditional medicine, is strongly not recommended as it can lead to serious complications.


There is no prevention as such against mixed gastritis, since it is not an independent form of the disease. However, if you eat right and promptly treat all gastrointestinal ailments, you can almost completely eliminate the risk of developing such a pathological process.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is whole line functional disorders associated with the work of all lower sections digestive tract. It is otherwise called irritable bowel syndrome, but she is not the only one who suffers. This problem occurs in half of the world's population, and affects both the elderly and children. Irritable bowel syndrome most often occurs in women.

Urolithiasis disease(urolithiasis) is a pathological process that leads to the formation of stones in the bladder, ureter or kidneys. The disease is diagnosed in 3% of the total population. In young people, stones are most often found in the kidneys and ureter. In elderly people, pathology develops in the area Bladder. Restrictions regarding age and gender, this disease does not have.

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