How to choose the right toothpaste for you. Toothpastes for stomatitis. Standard toothpaste composition

How do you buy in a store? toothpaste? Focus on advertising, price or own experience? The correct answer to this question is that you need to select a toothpaste taking into account the specific condition of your teeth.

Choosing a toothpaste is, of course, simple, but you need to choose the right one, otherwise you can harm your teeth and gums. The best thing is if your dentist chooses the toothpaste for you.

But we, as a rule, buy pasta to suit our taste, so how not to make a mistake in choosing? Which toothpaste should you choose?

If you often visit the dentist and have excellent teeth and gums, then choose hygienic pastes. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes must be chosen for periodontal diseases and diseases of the oral mucosa.

How to choose the right toothpaste?

1) To choose a children's toothpaste, you need to pay attention to a number of features. A good children's toothpaste from two to seven should have the following properties.

2) Pastes against caries or with fluoride, with calcium.

These pastes are used only, but the paste will only be effective if you brush your teeth for 5 minutes. Then the elements adapt to the enamel, strengthen and prevent plaque.

Pastes containing fluoride are quite effective, so they strengthen and restore tooth enamel and prevent bacteria from multiplying.

Calcium pastes (calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate) are recommended for people living in regions where there is an excess of fluoride in the water. Oversaturation with fluoride is harmful, and fluorosis can develop - yellowing of the teeth.

Composition of anti-caries pastes.

  1. Fluorides, calcium gluconate, zinc oxide, potassium or sodium phosphate, are the most successful compounds that strengthen enamel and protect against caries.
  2. The safe fluoride content is 0.1-0.6 percent for adults, 2 times less for children.
  3. Potassium and sodium phosphate, sodium glycerophosphate, phosphoric acid salts - remember, strengthen the enamel.
  4. Xylitol enhances saliva secretion, prevents the leaching of beneficial minerals(calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), kills bacteria.
  5. Zinc citrate increases and enhances the effect of anti-caries substances and prevents the formation of dental plaque by 10 percent.
  6. Triclosan - has antimicrobial properties, tartar is reduced by 25 percent, the risk is reduced by 15 compared to a toothpaste that does not contain triclosan.

But do not use this paste all the time; all beneficial microflora may die.

How to choose a whitening toothpaste?

Whitening pastes.

  • enzymes, with acids, peroxide compounds;
  • with increased abrasiveness.

The packaging must indicate the degree of abrasiveness RDA for healthy teeth - 80-100, for sensitive teeth - 25, not more. Both are suitable for use every day. Such pastes are used in courses of 3-4 days.

If the natural color of your enamel is yellow, then the paste will not help at all and will even be harmful.

Such pastes are contraindicated:

Whitening pastes include:

  • silicon compounds - silicon dioxide;
  • abrasive;
  • Calcium carbonate is ordinary chalk, it does no harm or good.

Choose a whitening toothpaste that contains low-abrasive silica or sodium bicarbonate.

If you want to whiten your teeth, look at the ingredients in your toothpaste. Or urea has a whitening effect.

Pastes labeled whitening simply remove plaque, returning the teeth to their original color.

These pastes contain dicalcium phosphate, silicon and aluminum oxide. These pastes are cheap and easy to use. But the whitening effect is small.

If there are erosions or other effects on the teeth, then with constant use the paste can corrode the enamel.

Pastes containing hydrogen peroxide should be used no more than 4 times a week. They increase sensitivity.

How to choose the right toothpaste?

1) Anti-inflammatory pastes.

Indicated for bleeding gums, combating bad breath if the cause is inflammation.

Composition of anti-inflammatory pastes.

2) Pastes for sensitive teeth.

When you want to brush your teeth, but it’s unpleasant and painful, choose toothpastes for sensitive enamel. Apply a small amount of paste to your teeth for 2-5 minutes, rinse. Therapeutic effect you'll see in a day.

But such pastes clean plaque less well, so you don’t need to use them continuously.

  • strontium fluoride or chloride;
  • calcium nitrate (the most effective);
  • fluoride ions - reduce the reaction nerve fibers located in the area of ​​the tooth neck;
  • calcium chloride;
  • hydroxyapatite is a substance that fills microscopic cracks.

Use anti-caries toothpaste in the morning, and anti-inflammatory toothpaste in the evening.

Now you know what types of toothpastes there are and how to choose a toothpaste.

There is no paste that suits everyone. You need to choose an individual toothpaste with the composition that is right for you. Be sure to change your toothpaste so that your body doesn’t get used to it, otherwise beneficial effect will not be.

Best regards, Olga. See you.

We all use toothpastes at least twice a day. Their choice is extremely large, and often we buy this or that toothpaste without thinking at all about whether it can benefit our teeth and what kind of toothpaste. Very often, when choosing, we are guided by advertising, choosing the pasta that we have heard about more often on TV.

What types of toothpastes are there?

There are many types of toothpastes.


Hygienic pastes are intended only for cleaning teeth from food debris and for fresh breath. They are suitable for all people who do not suffer from any oral diseases. There are few people who can boast of exceptional health of teeth and gums, which means that most still need to buy therapeutic and prophylactic pastes.


Whitening toothpastes As a rule, they contain hydrogen peroxide and soda - they gently remove plaque and tartar. Of course, you should not assume that you will be able to whiten your teeth only with toothpaste - it only fights mild dental raid. Such pastes are not very suitable for people with weak enamel, since the pastes contain abrasive substances that can damage it. So, which toothpaste is best for whitening? The best whitening pastes are LACALUT White, PRESIDENT White Plus, LACALUT White Repair, SPLAT Whitening Plus, SILCA Arctic White, ROCS - Sensational Whitening, Blendamed 3D White, Colgate Complex Whitening.


Another type of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are anti-caries pastes. They contain increased amount fluorine and calcium. They are really suitable for preventing the formation of caries. If you already have caries, then such a paste can only worsen the process. Besides tap water in many areas already has increased fluoride content, which means you cannot use fluoride-containing toothpaste, as this contributes to the development of fluorosis, leading to changes in the condition of tooth enamel. Some anti-caries pastes do not contain fluorides, so they are suitable for those who have a lot of fluoride in their water.


If you have any gum or oral disease, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory pastes. Such pastes contain antimicrobial components, such as hexetidine, triclosan, etc., enzymes, extracts of various medicinal plants and herbs such as sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. Such pastes also work well against unpleasant smell from mouth.


There are also desensitizing toothpastes which are ideal for sensitive teeth. If you have sensitive enamel, which reacts strongly to hot and cold if you are undergoing the procedure home whitening teeth, then this is the toothpaste you need. It contains analgesic agents and elements that restore enamel. Substances contained in desensitizing toothpaste fill microscopic holes in the surface of the tooth, and even inside the tooth. Therefore, over time, your teeth will no longer be as sensitive. For example, a good toothpaste for sensitive teeth can be called Lakalut Sensitive.

There are also special children's toothpastes, developed taking into account the structure of the enamel of children's teeth. Read more about children's toothpastes in one of the following articles.

Toothpastes have the following composition:

Click to enlarge the picture

There are several more subtypes of toothpastes, which we will look at below.

Elena Malysheva will talk about how to choose toothpaste and what the color marks on a tube of paste mean in the video.

Toothpaste for smokers

There is a whole line of toothpastes created specifically for smokers. In fact, their composition is often very similar to whitening pastes. And they are intended not only for smokers, but also for lovers of strong tea and coffee, red wine and other products that negatively affect the color of tooth enamel. Such pastes can be with or without fluoride; they contain various aromatic additives (vanilla, cinnamon, mint), which help destroy not only plaque, but also resist bad smell from the mouth, as in the case of a smoked cigarette. The following toothpastes for smokers have proven themselves to be: SmokaSept from Rocs.

Thai toothpaste

Lately it has become very popular thai whitening toothpaste, which consists of one hundred percent organic components. It does not contain any chemical compounds, but at the same time it copes remarkably well with infections of the oral cavity, serves as a good prevention of caries, and heals gums. The effect of its use becomes noticeable after just a few days of use. It tastes unpleasant because it does not contain any unnecessary chemical additives. But you can quickly get used to this taste, especially when it comes to dental health. It is quite economical, and one tube of toothpaste enough for for a long time. Toothpaste from Thailand It is available in solid form, in boxes, and is an intermediate product between tooth powder and the regular paste that we are used to. To brush your teeth, you just need to run a dry toothbrush over the surface of the hard paste a few times, and you can start brushing. This amount will be quite enough.

Buy Thai pasta Available in regular stores or online stores. Its cost is very low.

For example, in the Wikimart online store you can buy everything from toothpaste to large household appliances.

Watch a video about the composition of regular toothpastes and toothpastes from Thailand.

Black toothpaste

A novelty on the toothpaste market can also be called black toothpaste. It is produced by the company Splat. The paste itself is absolutely black, so it’s even scary. It owes its black color to the birch charcoal it contains. Pasta has natural composition, has an antibacterial effect, helps whiten teeth, despite its black color, and is also suitable for sensitive teeth. The only downside is that it is quite expensive compared to average cost regular toothpastes.

Which toothpaste is better

There is, of course, no clear answer to this question. Due to the fact that there is so much choice, you can choose exactly the toothpaste that suits your teeth, based on its characteristics and price.

Just below you can watch a video about choosing toothpastes from the “Test Purchase” program. It gives valuable advice How to choose the right toothpaste.

Everyone knows that they should brush their teeth twice a day, but does everyone know the criteria for choosing toothpaste? Of course not. Slaves commercials We often buy pasta that doesn’t suit us well or, even worse, doesn’t suit us at all. What do you need to know to choose the right toothpaste?

Where to begin?

Few can boast of flawless healthy teeth, and the point here is not only a tendency to caries. In your tooth enamel, for example, there may be an excess of fluoride and a lack of calcium, your teeth may differ hypersensitivity, they may darken, if you smoke and like coffee, they may form tartar. And when faced with each of these problems, a certain type of toothpaste is needed, while another type may be completely contraindicated. More precisely, if you have problems with your teeth, you need to be able to choose the right medicinal toothpaste, and if there are no problems, use a preventative one.

So, to choose a toothpaste, you first need to undergo an examination by a dentist. Even if it seems to you that your teeth are healthy, the doctor can still find, for example, just beginning caries or tartar. He will determine the condition of your gums, whether your wisdom teeth are at risk of destruction, and whether your tooth enamel is strong. And finally, he will give specific recommendations for choosing toothpaste. If we talk about prophylactic paste, it mechanically cleans teeth and gums, and also refreshes oral cavity for a while. Let's talk about medicinal pastes.

  • Paste for sensitive teeth

Teeth become sensitive due to the fact that as a result of wear of the enamel in the tooth, a layer of dentin, the inner layer of the tooth, is exposed. When hot or cold food comes into contact with cold air, such teeth begin to “break.” This process is not so harmless; it can lead to even greater sensitivity of the teeth and their destruction. The doctor, as a rule, performs special manipulations that close “gaps” in the enamel, for example, treating the area with fluoride or even placing a filling. But in the future, you must definitely use toothpaste for sensitive teeth with active ingredients in the form of potassium and strontium salts (potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, strontium chloride), which reduce tooth sensitivity and help strengthen tooth enamel.

It is also very important that the pasta is with reduced level abrasiveness, that is, it cleaned plaque from the teeth gently, sparingly. In general, with regard to abrasiveness, dentists recommend choosing only the paste that indicates its special index - RDA. For sensitive teeth, this index should not be higher than 75.

  • Whitening pastes

Such pastes are only for those who have strong but darkened enamel. Here the abrasiveness index can be 200. But it is important to know that such pastes can be used 1-2 times a week and not more often, if we do not want to erase part of the enamel in six months and make our teeth sensitive. In addition, you should not believe that in a couple of days your teeth will become snow-white - this is a simple advertising ploy. It can only slightly lighten darkened enamel.

The most powerful of these pastes are specialized pastes with special oxidizing agents - hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. They lighten teeth with chemical reaction. However, such pastes, as well as special applications, can only be used by those who have absolutely healthy teeth, and strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

It is also important to know that cheap toothpastes usually contain calcium carbonate, that is, ordinary chalk, which is a very rough abrasive material that scratches the enamel and wears out the neck of the tooth. It is best if the paste contains low-abrasive silica or sodium bicarbonate.

  • Antibacterial and antiseptic pastes

Yes, we all know that germs multiply in our mouth every minute, but our own saliva is able to fight them perfectly. And antibacterial treatment of the oral cavity, whether it is done with a paste or by rinsing, is only needed when you have, for example, micro-wounds on the gums, stomatitis aphthae, or some kind of inflammation.

Toothpastes with antimicrobial chlorhexidine or triclosan can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and for no longer than 2-4 weeks. If they are used longer, they will destroy not only all pathogenic, but also natural microflora in the mouth, thereby creating an excellent environment for fungal growth.

You can use more gentle antiseptic pastes with extracts medicinal plants: chamomile, yarrow, sage, calendula. They are not only active against pathogenic microbes, but also relieve inflammation and irritation of the gums.

  • Anti-caries toothpastes

Caries is our number one enemy, and toothpaste manufacturers use components such as sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, amino fluorides, calcium glycerophosphate, that is, mainly derivatives of fluorine and calcium, in toothpastes to combat this disease.

But you need to be careful with fluoride; its content in the paste should not be too high. Optimal quantity fluorine – 150 mg per 100 g of paste for adults and 50 mg per 100 g of paste for children, because fluorine compounds in large doses may be harmful to health. In general, fluoride has been used in toothpastes since the time when American dentists discovered in the 40s of the last century amazing properties fluoride to heal tooth enamel. Since then, caries has been associated with a lack of fluoride as a trace element, and that is why fluoride compounds were added to toothpaste.

But there is a category of people for whom fluoride in toothpastes is contraindicated, but calcium is necessary. This can be easily determined by the appearance of the teeth: they are darkish, with snow-white chalky “stripes” located along the tooth, and in more serious cases, with chalky spots. Unfortunately, if a child’s milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth of this particular type, they appearance cannot be corrected, you need to pay attention to the choice (with the help of a doctor) of pastes and rinses with high content calcium. To avoid this, the child from the very beginning early age it is necessary to include in the diet as much dairy products as possible, especially cheese and cottage cheese, and also monitor the chemical composition drinking water.

One way or another, if you choose pastes with calcium, then the best and most active compound today is calcium glycerophosphate, and not carbonate. And if with fluorine, then amino fluoride, and not monofluorophosphate or sodium fluoride. Calcium carbonate is insoluble and for this reason cannot in any way contribute to the mineralization of teeth, and monofluorophosphate, like sodium fluoride, forms a too fragile protective layer that is easily washed off through a short time.

  • Children's toothpastes

Don't take your choice of children's toothpaste lightly. It must meet several strict requirements. First, contain gentle cleaning ingredients, such as silicon dioxide or dicalcium phosphate. Secondly, have an RDA index no higher than 50. Thirdly, each paste contains a certain proportion of fluoride, corresponding to a certain age. Many pediatric dentists generally do not recommend using toothpaste with fluoride before 3 years of age, and after 3 years, the fluoride content in children's toothpaste should not exceed 0.025%, precisely because of the danger of excess fluoride, which we wrote about above. Finally, in terms of its composition, children's toothpaste should be as safe as possible, given that children often like to swallow it.

Toothpaste is the first product that ends up in our mouth in the morning, even before breakfast. Scientists have found that the oral mucosa has a very high ability to absorb, especially increasing in the morning. Therefore, not only the health of the teeth, but also the general condition of the body depends on the use of high-quality toothpaste. Before choosing a toothpaste, you need to carefully study it chemical composition and determine what is more in it: useful ingredients or those that are better to stay away from.

Types of toothpastes

All toothpastes are divided into:

  • hygienic – cleaning teeth and deodorizing the oral cavity;
  • treatment and prophylactic;
  • medicinal.

You can independently choose only hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic pastes. Medicines have too much strong effect, they are used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are:

  • against caries;
  • to prevent the formation of tartar and plaque;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • desensitive;
  • whitening.

Toothpastes against caries

Anti-caries toothpastes contain one of the fluoride compounds:

  • monofluorophosphate;
  • tin fluoride;
  • aminofluoride;
  • sodium fluoride

It has been proven that fluoride in small quantities promotes the mineralization of teeth. Since it began to be included in toothpastes, world statistics dental health has improved significantly.

But fluoride is toxic, and if its dose is exceeded, it begins to destroy tooth enamel. For people living in regions poor in fluoride, using toothpaste with this substance is beneficial. However, there are areas with increased content fluorine in water: Moscow, Tambov, Tver regions, Ural, Western Siberia, Western Ukraine.

Residents of the listed areas receive the maximum permissible dose of fluoride with water. But advertising for teeth cleaning products does not take this feature into account. Many people use toothpastes against caries, not even realizing that it is because of the excess dose of fluoride that their tooth enamel is destroyed by the age of 30–40.

As for the calcium content in anti-caries toothpastes, this is simply a successful advertising ploy. Calcium from toothpaste is not absorbed into the enamel.

Abrasives in toothpastes

Whitening, anti-plaque and even hygienic toothpastes contain whitening agents. They are practically absent only in desensitizing teeth cleaning products. The following are used as bleaches:

  • soda, aluminum oxide, silicon oxide - in the cheapest toothpastes. Abrasives whiten teeth well, but when they come into contact with too large particles, microscopic cracks form in the enamel, which over time will become fertile soil for the development of caries;
  • carbamide peroxide and other peroxides - act more delicately, but can change the color of the fillings;
  • enzymes (papain, bromelain) - included in expensive toothpastes.

Enzymes have the most gentle effect on enamel. To enhance the effect, some manufacturers produce pastes that simultaneously contain enzymes and peroxides.

The problem is that only 2-3% of people are born with sparkling, snow-white tooth enamel. For the rest, its color varies from a shade of clotted cream to cream. Toothpaste only brightens teeth that have darkened by 2-3 shades due to smoking or coffee abuse. Such a remedy is not able to correct what nature has lacked.

But by using whitening toothpaste every day, a person can harm himself. It is strictly forbidden to use bleaching agents when:

  • periodontal disease and other gum diseases;
  • caries;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • fragile, thinned tooth enamel.

The same restrictions apply to anti-plaque pastes. Of course, plaque and tartar contribute to the destruction of enamel, but anti-plaque pastes do not strengthen it. In addition to abrasives, these products contain potassium or sodium polyphosphates. They not only loosen tartar, but also stimulate the process of leaching calcium from tooth enamel.

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial toothpastes

When consumers decide which toothpaste to choose, they often believe advertising that promises relief from oral pathogens for 24 hours. Let's start with the fact that the effect of most of these pastes is 12 hours. Manufacturers mean that a person brushes his teeth 2 times a day, and the toothpaste “works” from brushing to brushing.

Antiseptics are used as antibacterial agents in pastes: triclosan, biosol or chlorhexidine. Once in the oral cavity, they successfully destroy all microflora, not only pathogenic, but also beneficial. You can not use such toothpastes longer than a month, then you should take a break. Pathogenic microflora more tenacious, so that when the period of use of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste ends, harmful bacteria are the first to return to their old place. As a result, the balance of microflora in the oral cavity is disrupted.

If you need an anti-inflammatory paste, it is better to choose a product with natural antiseptic– propolis. These pastes are more expensive, but they act more delicately, and you can use them for as long as you like.


Many toothpastes contain one of two substances: sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate. Both of these compounds foam well and really clean the enamel of plaque. But a side effect of surfactants is drying of the oral mucosa, which causes microcracks to form on it.

Lauryl sulfate and laureth sulfate are allergens that can cause irritation, inflammation, and rash. If a person is healthy, his body will cope with side effect Surfactant But when reduced immunity allergic reactions are possible.

  • taking antibiotics;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • periodontal disease.

Choosing children's toothpaste

Dentists believe that children must use children's toothpaste until they are 6 years old, and then can switch to adult toothpaste. But until they are formed permanent teeth, for a child it is better to purchase expensive, gentle toothpaste.

Characteristics of a good children's toothpaste:

  • if the child lives in a region where the water is rich in fluoride, the paste should not contain this substance. Otherwise, a minimum content of fluoride ions is allowed. Excess fluoride slows down the growth of baby teeth;
  • low abrasiveness (RDA index);
  • lack of sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate;
  • pleasant taste (but you need to take into account that the sweetener saccharin is considered an allergen);
  • shorter shelf life than paste for adults.

Several strips must be applied to the sealed part of the toothpaste tube. Some people mistakenly believe that green lines indicate the naturalness of the product. In fact, everything is more prosaic: stripes are markings designed for precise cutting of plastic when making a tube. Manufacturers either do not attach any importance to the color of the lines, or select it in accordance with the packaging design.

You need to pay attention to completely different things:

  • purpose of toothpaste. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes cannot be used constantly; you need to alternate them with hygienic ones;
  • Availability natural ingredients(for example, aloe vera extract stops bleeding during periodontal disease, heals microcracks in the mucous membrane, propolis and pine extract have an anti-inflammatory effect, sage relieves pain);
  • the presence of lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. Products without these substances are much more useful;
  • fluorine content;
  • the presence of abrasive and bleaching substances.

The condition of teeth is influenced by many factors: food, drink, bad habits, diseases. However, regular oral care should eliminate the effects of such influence as much as possible. At the same time, it is very important to choose the right cleaning products; first of all, the effect depends on the correctly selected paste.

Oral care allows you to protect your natural teeth from caries and other diseases for a long time. Healthy teeth are not only a fashion statement, but also a necessary organ. Their main function is to tear and chew food. Food crushed in this way is additionally moistened with saliva and easily passes through the esophagus, and is then digested gastrointestinal tract. How better teeth do their job, the easier it is to swallow and digest food, which means the lower the risk of getting diseases associated with the work of the stomach.

Toothpaste cares for enamel, increasing its “shelf life.” A thinned layer of enamel is more susceptible to temperature changes. Accordingly, hot and cold food cause discomfort. Sensitivity is the first sign that your teeth are deteriorating and can lead to tooth loss. In addition to enamel, the paste also affects the gums.

The main reasons why you should use toothpastes are as follows:

  • it fights bacteria that accumulate along with plaque on the surface of the teeth;
  • A properly selected product will help regulate the acidity of the oral cavity and improve its flora;
  • it strengthens teeth with its composition.

Due to its composition, the elements of the paste penetrate into the very structure of the tooth during cleaning, supporting it from the inside. Thus, its effect is more powerful and long-lasting than using only a brush, not to mention not brushing your teeth at all. Depending on the type, its effect on enamel and gums may differ. Therefore, in order not to harm your teeth, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to choose the right toothpaste.


The tandem of toothpaste and brush is inseparable, but the effect on teeth of these devices is different. While a brush literally sweeps away stuck food particles and mechanically fights plaque, toothpaste has a deeper effect. It's not just a foaming base with a pleasant minty taste that softens the action of the brush. Toothpaste is designed to cover some gaps in protection and preserve enamel and gum health.

There are many divisions and classifications of toothpastes. The most common:

  • Medicinal;
  • Hygienic.

The former, in turn, can be divided depending on the main components into fluorine-containing, calcium-containing, bleaching and many others. But in order not to spend several hours looking at the counter with oral care products in the store, it is better to focus on the expected effect. In this case, the pastes are:

  • From caries;
  • With fluoride for enamel;
  • Whitening;
  • For gums;
  • Children's.

A person with healthy teeth can choose almost any of them for daily use, but it is recommended to give preference to neutral options and not use medicinal ones. Since most people have problems, it is recommended to spend more time choosing a paste, paying attention not only to the cost or manufacturer, but also to the composition and effect that this product guarantees.

From caries

Caries is one of the most common and destructive diseases for the oral cavity. Regular care will help you avoid it, but at the first signs of damage you should buy a special anti-caries paste. Today, the “anti-caries” box is checked on almost all oral care products, but in most cases this is just a ploy by the manufacturer.

An effective anti-caries paste must contain special medicinal components that fight bacteria that destroy teeth. This can be one of 3 elements:

  • Chlorhexidine (antiseptic);
  • Lactoferrin (iron-containing protein);
  • Lysozyme ( antibacterial agent, in some cases lactoperoxidase may be used instead).

It is worth noting that anti-caries pastes are used only for initial stage diseases. They are not suitable for regular use, since the powerful drugs included in the composition can cause fungal infection gums - candidiasis. A course of treatment with caries paste is recommended for 4 weeks, but it can only be used once a day. The second cleaning should be done with a neutral, fluoride-free product.

Anti-caries pastes are often classified as prophylactic agents, with fluorine and calcium. They generally strengthen tooth enamel, but do not fight existing disease.

With fluoride to strengthen enamel

Pastes with the latter are often classified as medicinal, as they strengthen tooth enamel, thereby preventing the spread of various diseases, including caries. The fluoride content should not exceed 0.002% for neutral pastes and 0.003% for medicinal pastes, which are used under the supervision of a dentist. Packages often indicate percentage, and the amount of fluoride is in mg, which means that in a sufficiently large tube of 150 ml of fluoride there should be no more than 0.4 g.

Such restrictions exist because fluoride is poisonous in large quantities. Its excess will lead to darkening of the enamel; therefore, such pastes must be used with extreme caution.


Whitening toothpastes can change the color of the enamel by no more than 1 tone. But with constant drinking of coffee or smoking, the effect is much less noticeable. Bleaching products contain either abrasive particles or chemical bleaches. Either way, they seriously damage the enamel, scratching and thinning the enamel. The main components of whitening products are:

  • Soda;
  • Pyrophosphates;
  • Urea peroxide;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

The bleach tube always contains an indication of the abrasiveness index (PDA). If this index is above 120, the paste can only be used by a person with absolutely healthy teeth. But even in this case, an increase in sensitivity is likely, so it is better to use products with a lower index for daily use. The most optimal PDA is 70-80.

For gums

To treat gums, pastes with herbal ingredients, such as oak bark extract, chamomile, propolis and sage. Such remedies not only reduce bleeding and inflammation, but are also often recommended for caries and plaque. The fact is that cleaning is often not done thoroughly enough. For example, a person may avoid frequent contact of the brush with the gum, as this causes painful sensations. However, it is at the junction of the tooth and gum that plaque accumulates and bacteria begin to multiply.

The use of herbal gum pastes, even during such cleaning, can have a beneficial effect, since it is evenly distributed throughout the entire dentition, even if these places are inaccessible to the brush. Once at the gums, the composition works as a natural antibacterial agent. Mouth rinses work about the same way.

Baby pastes

When choosing children's toothpaste, you must remember that you need to brush your teeth from the moment they appear. However, small children cannot spit it out, so it should be harmless to the body. Manufacturers also often make products with a pleasant sweetish taste.

Children's pastes should have less abrasiveness, no more than 15 units. Also not allowed great content fluorine Its amount should not exceed 0.0005% for children under 6 years of age. This is almost 4 times less than the figures for adults. Before the age of 2 years, there should be no fluoride at all.

How to choose?

In order to choose the right toothpaste, you need to know the condition of your teeth and the body as a whole. For example, some people do not have enough fluoride in their bodies, which affects the condition of their teeth. Such people are recommended to use pastes with a maximum fluoride content.

You should not think that the dentist will be able to give best recommendation your choice of toothpaste. Many doctors talk only about those remedies that they have tried themselves, although some of them do not pay due attention to their own dental condition. Your main guiding principles should be Objective assessment condition of your teeth, so you should rely on your dentist's opinion regarding general condition oral cavity.

It is best to have several types of pastes in your arsenal. For example, if you want to whiten your teeth as gently as possible, you can use a product with PDA 120 1-2 times a week, and the rest of the time use a product with an index of 80. Periodically changing pastes will help maintain overall good condition oral cavity.

Popular manufacturers

Buyers most often give preference to those brands that are constantly heard. In most cases, these are imported goods, but even among domestic manufacturers there are good oral care products.

Splat has about 30 items, among which there are funds for all occasions. Most of these oral care products do not contain fluoride, which must be taken into account when choosing a product for a specific purpose.

Lacalut known mainly as medicinal paste With excellent means to improve the condition of the gums and treat periodontal disease. This brand is recommended by many leading dentists in Russia. However, due to the fairly deep effect on the enamel, Lacalut pastes are recommended to be used in small courses of 1-2 weeks.

R.O.C.S. offer customers good neutral pastes that can be used for oral care every day. The degree of usefulness of these products varies from ordinary hygienic to therapeutic and prophylactic. But in all cases this is the maximum careful attitude to the teeth.

A brand like Colgate has a large audience of regular customers, however, unfortunately, Russian markets Low-quality fakes of this product are often found. The original Colgate has excellent reviews from both dentists and customers, since a fairly wide range of toothpastes and other oral care products fully corresponds to the description on the packaging and has a good whitening effect, and also fights caries well. The line also includes neutral pastes for daily use.

Parodontax, like Lacalut is considered one of the most effective brands that clean the oral cavity well and fight most diseases of the teeth and gums.

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