What lecithin? Which lecithin is better: soy or sunflower?

Lecithin is a fat-like organic substance, which is a complex of phospholipids. This is, without exaggeration, fuel for human body. It is a building material for cell membranes. Strengthens the nervous system, indispensable for the liver and brain. Set up lipid metabolism in the human body, lecithin also helps. Indications for use this drug very wide. It is necessary both for the development of the growing body and for maintaining the health of mature people.

Lecithin for Liver Health

This drug is best friend liver. The largest amount of lecithin in our body is contained in this organ - 65% of the total. Therefore, lecithin is prescribed for any liver pathologies - hepatitis, fatty liver, intoxication, cirrhosis.

At alcohol intoxication lecithin will also support liver health and reduce unpleasant symptoms withdrawal syndrome (hangover). It activates the body’s ability to resist toxins and stimulates the production of bile, provokes active regeneration (restoration) of liver cells. Although drinkers need to treat not the liver, but the head.

In addition, lecithin is a strong antioxidant that can remove toxins from the body.

Lecithin against cholesterol

Since cholesterol is contained in the same products as lecithin, the benefits and harms of consuming such products seem to be equalized. Lecithin keeps cholesterol dissolved and, accordingly, prevents its deposition on the walls blood vessels. Additionally, lecithin entering the body helps eliminate cholesterol that has already begun to be deposited, reducing it general level by 15–20 percent.

In addition, lecithin activates the work of enzymes to break down fats, stabilizes fat metabolism, and promotes better absorption vitamins A, D, E and K. Phospholipids activate blood microcirculation in the body. Therefore, lecithin, having practically no side effects, indispensable for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. It is also prescribed to patients during the recovery period after heart attacks and strokes.

For little geniuses

Lecithin is necessary for a child from the first days of life - primarily for the formation and development of the central nervous system. At breastfeeding the baby receives lecithin with mother's milk. If for some reason natural feeding is not possible, lecithin deficiency must be eliminated additionally.

It is especially important for a baby to receive his required daily dose of lecithin in the first year of life. Recent studies at Columbia University have proven that the amount of lecithin received in the first 12 months of a baby’s life determines the volume of its memory in the future, as well as the resistance of memory to age-related changes. And this means successful studies at school, interesting projects at the university and a worthy career.

Also particularly vulnerable to lecithin deficiency children's body during times of stress. The first serious experiences begin during the adaptation period, first in kindergarten, then at school. First-graders are a separate matter. During this period, lecithin is simply necessary. It stimulates brain activity and reduces fatigue. Improves memory, attention, increases stress resistance.

For schoolchildren, lecithin in gel form is best suited. Children do not associate it with pills; on the contrary, manufacturers make it taste pleasant and have a fruity smell. Another option is lecithin in soluble capsules. From vitamin drink children rarely refuse. More often children's lecithin It also contains a complex of vitamins necessary for a growing body.

And for lovely ladies

Lecithin is good for everyone, but women Health especially depends on this unique complex phospholipids. And the most important thing is healing effect lecithin on the nervous system.

17% nerve fibers consists of lecithin - cannot be compared with liver, but the percentage is serious. The slightest lecithin deficiency in the body – and now there is insomnia, tearfulness, irritability, even full-blown nervous breakdowns. And since stress is the most constant companion women's life(a nagging boss, annoying colleagues, family matters, growing children, worries about the budget), you can’t do without lecithin supplement. It perfectly helps strengthen nerves and successfully resist stress.

Lecithin is often prescribed to their patients by doctors, for prevention and as part of complex therapy different women's diseases: mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids - up to uterine cancer. Lecithin helps to even out menstrual cycle, relieves unpleasant symptoms during menopause. Therefore, taking it is a complete prevention of diseases of the female genital area.

For female beauty lecithin is also indispensable - it’s not for nothing that global cosmetic brands actively include it in the composition of cosmetic products. Phosphatidylcholine – active substance in lecithin – smoothes the skin of the face, makes it soft and tender. It also helps relieve inflammation, allergic rashes, remove excess fat and restore freshness to your face.

And the best part: lecithin ensures proper metabolism and helps control weight.

Versatile, effective, safe

Taking lecithin is effective for many diseases, as well as for their prevention. For example, during physical and psycho-emotional stress, constant stress, taking lecithin will help improve general condition body and nervous system.

Lecithin can protect the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract from harmful effects. Therefore, its use is indicated for people suffering from gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcers.

For psoriasis and dermatitis, taking lecithin will significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. Therefore it is often used when complex treatment skin diseases.

Another magical property lecithin – the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. It strengthens the membranes of pancreatic cells, in particular beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin. Thus, when diabetes mellitus of the first type, lecithin reduces external insulin demand. In type 2 diabetes, it compensates for the lack of phospholipids and essential fatty acids.

Lecithin is also indispensable for the brain. It has been proven that regular intake of lecithin can stop multiple sclerosis(disintegration of the myelin sheath of the brain), improve brain activity in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's syndrome.

Such diverse and wide indications for the use of lecithin are explained very simply - it is found in the cells of all body systems. However, he has no serious side effects.

How does the body react to a lack of lecithin?

The nervous system is the first to suffer from a lack of lecithin. Memory disorder permanent shifts mood, decreased attention, insomnia - these are the main symptoms of lecithin deficiency in the body.

In addition, if the lecithin supplied with food is not enough for a person, digestive upset begins - rejection fatty foods, frequent diarrhea and bloating. The functioning of the liver and kidneys is disrupted.

May rise arterial pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, as well as joints progress.

If the body regularly does not receive enough of its vital lecithin, a person’s risk of chronic diseases seriously increases:

  • hypertension and ischemic disease hearts;
  • atherosclerosis (since there is no lecithin, there is no one to control bad cholesterol);
  • ulcer – gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Early osteoporosis, constant irritability, nervous breakdowns- all these are consequences of a lack of lecithin. The skin also suffers from a deficiency of beneficial phospholipids. Psoriasis, allergic rashes, food dermatitis can also be triggered poor nutrition without the required lecithin volume.

Natural Sources of Lecithin

The name of the substance comes from the Greek “lekithos”, which means “ egg yolk" Accordingly, lecithin is found in sufficient quantities in eggs, as well as in products containing a large number of fat - beef or chicken liver, seeds and nuts, fish, sunflower oil and meat.

One of the leaders in lecithin content is flour walnuts. This “floury” delicacy is a real treasure healthy fats, which charge us with energy, help us resist stress and maintain a sharp mind. Nut flour can be added to cottage cheese, morning porridge or vegetable salad(if you are on a diet), make cookies and muffins from it (for those with an incorrigible sweet tooth).

Some vegetables and fruits also contain lecithin. So, there is a lot of lecithin in legumes, in particular in soybeans. The raw materials for the production of industrial lecithin are most often soybean oil, soybeans and its processed products. Fatty fruits such as avocado and Asian durian are also rich in lecithin phospholipids. And in our beds, in addition to peas and beans, carrots, green salad and white cabbage will provide you with lecithin.

Lecithin as a food additive

Food additives are an inevitable nightmare for every person. We are constantly searching the Internet for tables with useful and harmful additives, we learn dangerous numbers under code E by heart, in stores we stubbornly read the contents of packages, looking for insidious chemicals. And here's the irony - one of the most popular food additives is soy lecithin, beneficial features which has long been beyond doubt.

You can find soy lecithin in a variety of industrial products that have become an integral part of our lives:

  • margarines, butter and vegetable oils, spreads;
  • almost everything confectionery(sweets, cookies, waffles, chewing candies, etc.);
  • bread and bakery desserts (buns, cakes, muffins, especially with cream);
  • mixtures for baby food(starting from the first months of life).

So what is it food supplement"soy lecithin", necessary and useful component or a potentially harmful preservative? Let's start with the fact that lecithin phospholipids are the very ingredient that makes familiar treats the way we love them. They prevent fats from crystallizing (this is very important for baking with soft cream), increase the shelf life of flour sweets, and also make muffins, cakes and cookies easily move away from the pan during baking.

This additive is officially approved in many countries, including those who especially strictly monitor the quality and benefits of products - in the USA, Australia, the European Union and Russia. Lecithin is considered not only harmless, but also a useful addition to products, and painstaking Scientific research it is still underway. Just in case, so as not to miss a potential danger.

The only question here is regarding soy lecithin, which is often made from genetically modified soybeans. This is the next point.

Where to buy lecithin?

Lecithin is produced on an industrial scale either from soybean oil, or from sunflower seeds. Considering that soybeans are often genetically modified, we would recommend using lecithin, which is produced from sunflower seeds, which, in principle, have not been subjected to genetic modifications. Another serious advantage of the second option is that endocrinologists do not recommend soy lecithin for men because of the estrogen content it contains.

Of the manufacturers we know, we can recommend you the products of the company “Our Lecithin” - this is a domestic manufacturer, they have been working since 2001, their products are available in many pharmacies and online stores and, most importantly, their lecithin is 100% from sunflower seeds. If we are not mistaken, this is almost the only company that produces lecithin only from sunflower seeds; the rest also use soybeans. Check out their website:

How to use?

Lecithin is included in various vitamin complexes, and is also produced independent drug in the form of capsules, gels, granules, tablets, liquids. In liquid form, lecithin can even be mixed with food before consumption.

The daily dose of lecithin is 5–6 grams for an adult and 1–4 grams for a child. This does not include the lecithin that we can get from food. It is usually consumed before or during meals three times a day. The course of treatment (prevention) averages at least three months, but can be continued longer, up to several years.

The final dosage and duration of administration is determined by the doctor.

With all the variety of lecithin forms, lecithin in granules remains the most popular and in demand among buyers. An important advantage of such healing phospholipids: in this case, it is very easy to monitor the quality and suitability of lecithin.

If the medicinal supplement is not stored correctly (or it is expired), the taste of lecithin changes greatly, it becomes rancid, like real fat. If you swallow such a capsule, you will not feel the catch, but you will immediately feel the dubious taste of granulated lecithin.

What’s also attractive about lecithin granules is that you can take such a supplement different ways(same as liquid lecithin). You can simply eat it with spoons in the required dosage, washing it down with water or juice, or you can add it to your favorite food. Almost any dish is suitable - lecithin can be mixed into porridge, muesli, cottage cheese and yogurt, sprinkled on salads, and its benefits will not suffer at all.

There are few contraindications, but they exist

Who is lecithin contraindicated for? The instructions for use state that the drug should not be used only if there is an individual intolerance. The problem is that an allergy to lecithin is quite common occurrence. So if you are susceptible allergic reactions, try not to miss the first signs and stop taking the drug.

In addition, it is undesirable to take lecithin during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Among the side effects are very in rare cases nausea and increased salivation, dizziness.

Take lecithin strictly as directed. It is better if you consult a doctor and he will prescribe you the course of medication needed in specific situation and for specific health problems.

Over the past year, my son spent a long time in the hospital twice: first with a broken leg, he had to stay there for a long time, since I work all day, I did not have the opportunity to constantly look after him. The second time I was already hospitalized with poisoning. This is too trivial: after school, instead of going home and having lunch with the soup I carefully prepared, my son bought himself shawarma at the nearest stall...

So I got the expected result. My son is already a ninth grader, exams are just around the corner, and he has missed school for so much time. He wanted to pass along with everyone else, so he continued to study diligently, even while lying in the hospital. The notebook brought him all the books there; he learned assignments from his classmates. I was amazed at how many topics in different subjects he had to master on his own! And this is taking into account how frail and weak he became after his illness. Due to health problems, it was clear that it was very difficult for him because all his friends were having fun and going out, and he constantly had to lie around in hospitals. Perhaps this is why, after returning to school, my son was not able to adapt immediately. Academic achievement began to fall critically. The fact that he even taught himself before without special problems, now came to him with great difficulty. My son was constantly lethargic, gloomy, it seemed that he even forced himself to get up in the morning through force. I began to consult with my friend. She works as a pediatrician, so she definitely knows a lot about the reasons for this behavior in children. A friend suggested that her son severe stress. To overcome it, you should treat your nervous system, and at the same time take vitamins for brain function, so that it is easier to adapt to school and learn new material no problem. A friend advised me to give my son lecithin. Lecithin is organic matter - building material for cell membranes. It strengthens the nervous system and is also indispensable for the brain. With a lack of lecithin in the body, memory disorders, decreased attention, constant changes in mood, insomnia are observed - everything that my son suffered from at that time. I decided to buy biologically for him active additives with lecithin. Based on the advice, I chose the dietary supplement "Lecithin" from NSP.

Dietary supplements from NSPs are very popular among us, although opinions about them are usually mixed. But basically this opinion is formed due to their intrusive advertising, but at a fairly high price. Using the example of my son, I was able to verify how effective the dietary supplement “Lecithin” from the NSP company turned out to be.

I ordered a jar of lecithin capsules through an official distributor. I have to admit, their prices are really outrageous, so I could only hope that I didn’t throw money away. I gave my son one capsule during meals three times a day. This is very convenient, since you do not need to calculate the time between doses of the drug, but simply wait until the next meal.

What I liked about these capsules from NSP is that they contain only lecithin, without any additional impurities. This component is purified lecithin from soybean oil, completely natural and beneficial for health.

After several days of taking it, I began to notice pleasant changes in my son’s character. His mood immediately somehow lifted, he became more cheerful and cheerful. Moreover, lecithin capsules helped strengthen the immune system. After their stay, my son never even coughed once, although before that even a slight hypothermia was enough for him to catch a cold. School performance has also improved.

The dietary supplement "Lecithin" from NSP, although not a cheap pleasure, is clearly worth the money.

Video review


Lecithin, which we have been recommending at the Sokolinsky Center for many years, used in world naturopathy as a natural remedy for liver disorders due to fatty hepatosis, to increase the efficiency of work and study (with increased mental stress), it also displays excess cholesterol. For children, taking lecithin is simple and safe way It’s easier to study, less tired, and supports immunity. High quality imported lecithin already after 1-2 months of use it significantly improves metabolic processes in the liver, nervous tissue, and vascular walls.

But not everything sold under that name is truly equally effective. We focus on choosing a high-quality European manufacturer, own experience applications, reviews from our customers. From this article you will learn about this form of lecithin, which in practice gives a noticeable effect of improving well-being.

At the Sokolinsky Center we use a very special powdered lecithin. It is called LecithinUM

What do we consider truly high-quality lecithin?

In our methodology, we have used soy lecithin for 20 years; our children, the children of friends, our grandson grew up on it, and it has already helped thousands of visitors to our center to be healthier. If you look for information in the catalog on our website, you will find several different natural remedies and they will be quite nothing in quality. In powder, this is Vitamax premium lecithin or in capsules - from our reliable partners Coral Club, NSP or Vitalain. But we ourselves do not recommend capsules. We have the best option at the moment - our own LecithinUM.

It is important that the intake rate of this substance even for a schoolchild this is 1 teaspoon per day. And if there is a malnutrition of the nervous tissue or with fatty hepatosis, you need to drink at least a tablespoon. That's why we choose powder for ourselves. Because how many capsules would you have to take to get that amount?

Many doctors recommend phospholipids, but it is imperative to take into account the scientifically based dosage, production technology and quality of raw materials. Cheap lecithin is psychotherapy clean water. Quality product Always imported, it is soy and is taken in dosage - spoons.

A couple of capsules a day is really not enough...

Why does Lecithin help and why is LecithinUM “better”?

You might ask: why is their own LecithinUM produced for the Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg? Therefore, I must explain that this natural nutritious product differs not only in the form of release: powder or capsule. You need to understand that there is also a strong difference in the content of different phospholipids and triglycerides. For example, sunflower lecithin cannot be compared in effect to soy lecithin.

For different purposes, different shapes are more suitable. Therefore, for pregnant women, small children, people suffering neurological diseases we still recommend Vitamax Premium Lecithin. Its positive effect is noticeable from our observations regarding correct formation nervous system in the fetus, active recovery nerve cell membranes.

But to support the liver in case of fatty hepatosis, increase efficiency, improve learning ability in schoolchildren and students, and lower cholesterol - LecithinUM, which has other ratios of useful substances.

It is important that it is almost 2 times cheaper, but, of course, no worse than the American one, since it is also produced from imported European raw materials.

Composition of LecithinUM:

· Phosphotidylcholine 26%
· Choline 3.6%
· Phosphatidylethanolamine 20%
· Inositol phosphatide 14%
· Inositol 2.2%
· Phosphatidylserine<1%
· Phytoglycolipids 13%

Lecithin to improve memory and attention

Lecithin for fatty hepatosis

By its structure, lecithin is a phospholipid. In addition to the fact that these substances are materials for the construction of cells, phospholipids are involved in cell division and differentiation, and stimulate the activity of various enzyme systems. Due to their fatty nature, they wash the liver of heavier fats during fatty degeneration.

If you do not pay attention to the developing fatty hepatosis, then the next stage of cell damage is cirrhosis of the liver. Therefore, with fatty hepatosis LecithinUM It is very important to take regularly. The course is 2-3 months and then repeated throughout the year.

For better restoration of liver cells, it is correct to combine this natural substance with the hepatoprotector Liver 48, which is produced specifically for this program.

with fatty hepatosis. .

LecithinUM for atherosclerosis

The goal is to reduce the content of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood. This is possible when phospholipids occur with heavy cholesterol at the same time as exopentaenoic and docosodecagenic polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therefore, it is better to take lecithin together with high-quality omega-3 acids. In our system this is Megapolien. This way you will get a double effect: lowering cholesterol and improving blood flow, preventing platelet aggregation and thrombus formation, eliminating the consequences of impaired blood circulation. Otherwise, all the potential of lecithin would be spent on binding heavy cholesterol and nerve cells would receive fewer nutrients.

A special complex has been developed in the Sokolinsky System for active cholesterol reduction. It takes into account the real physiological basis for the development of atherosclerosis, and is aimed at finding “magic remedies”. Indeed, for a stable effect, it is important not only to inactivate heavy cholesterol in the blood, but also to stop its excessive formation in the liver. And surprisingly, only in last place is diet. In terms of the degree of influence on the result, 80% is the quality of liver function and 20% is diet.

You can approach the issue of supporting brain nutrition and vascular condition even more deeply. For chronic cerebrovascular accidents, we recommend LecithinUM together with the so-called. vascular natural remedies: Neuro, Gotu Kola (NSP), Ginkgo biloba (Vitalain) to improve vascular tone. So the effect will be higher and, under conditions of better blood flow, it will saturate the nervous tissue with the necessary substances to improve memory and attention.

Lecithin for multiple sclerosis

For multiple sclerosis, this remedy is necessarily included in the classic treatment regimen prescribed by a neurologist. Its constant use is necessary to prevent exacerbations. The explanation for the effect of lecithin in multiple sclerosis lies in its composition. It includesPhosphatidylcholine. It is an essential structural component of brain cells (globally, about 30% of the brain consists of lecithin).Phosphatidylcholine, in the presence of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), is also converted into acetylcholine (ACC), one of the most common neurotransmitters in the brain - substances involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. And in everyday life witha decrease in its production leads to memory deterioration and a decrease in mental activity and mental activity, especially in depression. And in case of multiple sclerosis, its quantity is critical.

A nerve can be thought of as an electrical wire, where the insulation is myelin. Loss of myelin causes the electrical impulse to "dissipate".

For nutritional support of the myelin sheath in this pathology of the nervous system and in any other demyelinating conditions, we recommend constantly using LecithinUM in a dosage of 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. It protects against myelin loss while you otherwise stabilize your immune system and antioxidant defenses to target the causes of autoimmune damage.

Read more about the technology of taking natural remedies for multiple sclerosis


Which lecithin to take based on the desired effect, for how long: a month or six months, what to combine with so that the effect is greater. If you want to not just believe the advertising, but use this wonderful natural remedy, taking into account international practice and scientific data, take advantage of the consultation.

It is available in any city and country, thanks to Skype technologies, and you can also come in person in St. Petersburg

This article is about lecithin- real fuel for our body. I suggest you figure out what lecithin is, what processes it is involved in, what it is like, and which one you should choose.

PS: I know this topic is of interest to many parents, since lecithin is an element of complex therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mental disorders, alalia, etc. I sincerely believe that this is one of the most important supplements in the diet of a healthy person.

What is lecithin

From the biology course we remember that the human body consists of cells, and a cell is a closed environment bounded by a membrane (shell). Each cell realizes all its functions and interacts with the external environment precisely through this membrane.

The basis of absolutely all cell membranes in the body are two layers of phospholipids. The composition of the shell, of course, also includes proteins and carbohydrates, but phospholipids are extremely important, even intracellular formations are also limited by shells of phospholipids.

Basic phospholipidin our body - this is phosphatidylcholine, which is the very lecithin.

* Please note that very often in the names of food supplements the term “lecithin” refers not only to pure phosphatidylcholine, but to the entire complex of phospholipids.

Those. Lecithin is a phospholipid and belongs to the group of substances “lipids”.

As we discussed above, phospholipids form the basis of all cell membranes without exception, which means the functioning of the cell depends on them. Why? Because the entire life activity of a cell is based on the exchange of substances with its environment. Through the cell membrane, the cell receives nutrients and biologically active substances, vitamins, and hormones.

If the qualities of the membrane are impaired, this immediately affects the described metabolism, and the processes in the body suffer disruptions. For example, cholesterol makes the membrane rigid, as a result of which its permeability decreases, it becomes less receptive and reacts poorly to signals from the outside.

Phospholipids with unsaturated fatty acids, on the contrary, increase the susceptibility of membranes and improve their permeability. Unsaturated fatty acids are our beloved Omega 3.

It's easy to understand how critical phosphatidylcholine for the body according to the numbers below. Lecithin consists of:

    • half a human liver
    • a third of the brain and its protective membrane,
    • bye about 17% of all nervous tissues in our body.

In general, Phosphatilylcholine accounts for 40-60% of all phospholipids in the body. When I got acquainted with these figures, for me the question about the role of this phospholipid in the body disappeared by itself. It turns out that without it our body is not able to function normally at all, because this important substance is both a building material for new cells and a transport for the transfer of components of cellular reactions.

Since the maximum content of phospholipids is observed in the liver and brain, lecithin is most often and most successfully used to normalize the functions of these organs.

Lecithin for the brain

In sufficient quantities lecithin stimulates brain activity and strengthens memory, after all, in the presence of vitamin B5, it is transformed into the main neurotransmitter (a mediator of the transmission of nerve impulses), which is responsible for intelligence, memory and concentration.

With a deficiency of this neurotransmitter (acetylcholine), memory and cognitive abilities deteriorate, which we often see in older people. But just l Ecithin rejuvenates the nervous system, prevents mental degradation that occurs with age.

A deficiency of this substance in children in the first years of life can lead to delayed speech and psychomotor development, imbalance, tearfulness, and memory impairment. That is why it is an integral element of therapy for autism, mental disorders and other diagnoses.

Lecithin for the liver

Since our liver is half composed of lecithin, it obviously plays a significant role here too. Phospholipids have hepatoprotective and membrane-stabilizing effects. Phospholipid molecules are embedded in damaged membranes of liver cells and restore the functions of the lipid bilayer.

As we know, the liver helps remove toxins and waste from the body. Accordingly, if its function is impaired, the body accumulates excessive amounts of toxins, which can later lead to another common problem - skin rashes.

Since the lecithin content in liver cells is so high, we can say with confidence (this has been proven by experience) that in almost any liver disease, phospholipid preparations will give a noticeable positive result.

In addition to its vital role in the functioning of the liver and brain, lecithin also has other remarkable properties:

    1. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis
    2. IN affects fat metabolism throughout the body and helps prevent obesity
    3. WITH significantly improves skin condition in case of skin diseases
    4. But normalizes blood sugar levels
    5. But normalizes the composition of bile and prevents cholelithiasis
    6. By maintains lung health
    7. By can help you get rid of your tobacco addiction

Which lecithin is better

A little earlier we were convinced of the benefits and necessity of lecithin for our body. Where to buy lecithin, which one is better and which one to choose - more on all this below.

There are two main types of lecithin on sale: soy lecithin and sunflower lecithin. Their effect on the body is equivalent, and both are equally useful and effective. However, as with any drug, one will be more suitable for each of us.

What should you do? note before you buy lecithin:

    1. Of course it is worth checking the phosphatidylcholine content. Typically this value is always indicated on the label and/or packaging.
    2. IN In general, soybeans (and therefore soy lecithin) are much cheaper than sunflower seeds and its products. This means you will have to spend more on sunflower lecithin.
    3. Not that people are prone to allergic reactions to soy.
    4. Co I have genetically modified varieties, while sunflowers do not. Information about the presence of GMOs in soy lecithin should also be carefully studied on the packaging.
    5. Le citine has various forms of release. Therefore, lecithin for children can be purchased, for example, in liquid form, which makes it easier to take. Adults can comfortably take lecithin in capsules. Many people prefer the powder form due to convenience.

Based on the information above, you can easily decide which lecithin is better, soy or sunflower, for you. Or just start trying and eventually choose your favorite.

Buying lecithin. A selection of the best

You can buy lecithin in almost any pharmacy, having decided on the brand, type (soy/sunflower) and form (liquid/capsules/powder). This will be the right and justified purchase.

For various reasons, I respect the American iHerb, trust it and love its service, so I order the vast majority of products, cosmetics, vitamins and supplements from this store. Below are the best lecithin options that iHerb offers us.

You can often see a drug called Lecithin on pharmacy shelves, and it is usually used to treat the liver.

It is worth noting that such a dietary supplement helps not only improve the health of the body, but also improve the condition of hair and skin, so it is recommended for people of different ages and genders.

Lecithin: what is it ^

Lecithin is a substance produced by the human body and is an ester of the amino alcohol choline and acids. Its functions are as follows:

  • A building material for cells in parts of the brain, as well as its protective shell and nerve tissues, maintaining the full functioning of the nervous system. With a deficiency, dementia, Parkinson's disease or nervous disorders may develop;
  • Ensuring normal liver activity, because it consists partly of lecithin. The substance promotes cleansing, prevents intoxication and cirrhosis, stimulates the production of bile, preventing its stagnation;
  • Rejuvenation of the body: the drug removes free radicals, slows down the aging process, prevents brittle nails and heals hair;
  • Improving the absorption of nutrients - vitamins and minerals will not be absorbed until the lack of lecithin is compensated, since it is he who transports them;
  • Stabilization of brain activity: with a lack of this substance, weakness, memory impairment, and rapid fatigue are observed;
  • Proper functioning of the reproductive organs, especially in women;
  • Ensuring sperm motility in men: they contain up to 30% lecithin;
  • Prevents cholesterol levels from rising;
  • Takes part in energy metabolism, homeostasis;
  • Affects the severity of sarcopenia symptoms;
  • Helps reduce hangover;
  • Necessary in the fight against toxins, especially in people with drug, alcohol and nicotine addictions. Helps reduce cravings for smoking.

Calorie content of lecithin is 913 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Lecithin for pregnant women and children

  • Lecithin is responsible for the formation of the nervous system in the fetus, and in the newborn - for its development;
  • When the fetus is in the womb, a lack of lecithin can lead to pathologies in brain development;
  • Infants require lecithin for the proper development of fine motor skills;
  • Lecithin is used in complex therapy in children with neuro-asthenic disorders;
  • Children of preschool and primary school age need it to improve intelligence, memory and adaptive skills;
  • In pregnant women, almost all of the lecithin is consumed by the baby, so they need additional intake from outside.

Symptoms of Lecithin Deficiency

Due to unfavorable environmental conditions or poor nutrition, the human body can often experience a lack of lecithin, which manifests itself in such signs as:

  • Decreased concentration, fatigue;
  • Insomnia, mood swings;
  • A negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to fatty foods appears, diarrhea worries;
  • There are problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Atherosclerosis may begin to develop and cholesterol increases.

If the body systematically lacks lecithin, chronic diseases such as ischemia, hypertension, ulcers, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, dermatitis, psoriasis and osteoporosis may begin to develop. To prevent this, you need to take an appropriate blood test, and if a deficiency of this substance is detected, start taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

What products contain

  • Eggs (chicken yolks contain a very high concentration of lecithin);
  • In lentils and peas;
  • In soybeans;
  • In fish roe and some meat products;
  • In cabbage of different varieties;
  • In vegetable oil, nuts and seeds;
  • In fatty cottage cheese.

What is it made from?

The dietary supplement “Lecithin” is made from rapeseed, soy, sunflower or eggs. In the latter case, it will cost more, but, as experts note, the effect is more obvious.

The most inexpensive lecithin is obtained from soybeans, but it must be taken into account that GMOs are often used when growing it. If you want to purchase a purer product at a reasonable cost, it is better to pay attention to sunflower dietary supplements, because Gene modification is not used for it.

You can buy the drug in the form of a gel, powder, granules or capsules, and for each release form there are separate rules for use.

Which lecithin is best for women to take: instructions ^

Lecithin composition

  • Stearic acid. Strengthens the energy potential of the body.
  • Choline. Lecithin contains the most of this substance, almost 20%. It affects the transmission of nerve signals at synapses, thereby regulating the activity of the nervous system and activating brain function.
  • Palmitic acid. Restores the balance of fat in the body.
  • Arachidonic acid. Helps normalize the functioning of many organs, such as the liver and adrenal glands.
  • In addition to the above substances, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, inositol, folic and phosphoric acid, phosphatidylsirine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3, omega-6 and carbohydrates.
  • Another part of its composition are other auxiliary fats and fatty acids, some proteins, amino acids and sugar.

Which manufacturer is better

At the moment, the most common is lecithin produced in the USA, China or Russia. When choosing a drug, it is advisable to be guided by:

  • The most convenient form of release;
  • What crop is it obtained from (rapeseed, soybean or sunflower);
  • What is its cost: it is recommended to choose dietary supplements at a reasonable price, because Cheap products often contain more other substances that the body does not need much than lecithin.

Which Lecithin is better: soy or sunflower?

To understand this issue, it is important to know the nuances of the production of both types of substances:

  • Soybean is extracted from refined oil by hot processing. It contains elements similar to female hormones - estrogens. In small quantities, it is useful for women, but it can negatively affect brain development during pregnancy, and also increases the likelihood of an unfavorable pregnancy;
  • Sunflower is obtained by extracting oil and contains many beneficial fatty acids. Is .

Indications and contraindications

  • Memory impairment, mental instability;
  • Poor speech development;
  • Infertility;
  • Skin diseases, early aging;
  • Weight problems: excess or lack;
  • Diseases of the joints or liver.

Taking the drug is contraindicated when symptoms of an excess of lecithin are observed: diarrhea, dizziness, severe headaches, sudden weight gain. Also, you should not take dietary supplements if you are intolerant to its components.

Phosphatidylcholine: instructions for use

Lecithin contains phosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid, so some consider them synonymous. This drug is used for liposuction: it is injected under the skin directly into the adipose tissue, thanks to which its volume can be reduced by 5-10 cm in one course.

The use of the solution is allowed only in professional clinics, because at home, this can lead to serious consequences: tissue necrosis, skin hyperemia. The product has many contraindications.

For home use for weight loss, it is best to use regular lecithin according to the instructions:

  • We drink capsules 60 minutes before meals;
  • We use 2 tsp of powder and granules. no more than twice a day;
  • We dissolve the tablets 5-6 times a day.

The optimal dose is up to 2 g per day, and the duration of the course should be determined by the doctor, because in some cases it can be equal to several years.

Reviews of the drug and results ^

With proper use of dietary supplements according to the instructions, in a few weeks you can achieve only positive results, expressed in:

  • Weight stabilization (depending on diet),
  • Improving well-being and memory,
  • Relief from the symptoms of certain diseases for which it is indicated for use.

Reviews from our readers

Tatyana, 49 years old:

Yulia, 35 years old:

“I started taking lecithin on my own after I took a blood test for microelements and found it was deficient. The problem was quickly fixed, and it only took me a couple of months to fix it.”

Daria, 30 years old:

“I started drinking JAMIESON soy lecithin, derived from non-GMO soybeans, 1200 mg capsules (11% phosphatidylcholine). It was recommended to me by a nutritionist for the purpose of losing weight. At first I didn’t notice the effect, but then, when the volumes began to go away more intensively, I realized that this drug really works.”

Doctor's opinion

Arkady Bibikov, naturopathic doctor:

The word "lecithin" has two meanings. This constantly creates confusion both in concepts and in calculations of the content of phospholipids (complex lipids that contain a phosphoric acid residue). In a narrow sense, lecithin is phosphatidylcholine - one of the most common phospholipids. And in a broad sense, “lecithin” is a mixture of different phospholipids, where phosphatidylcholine is the dominant fraction.

The most common phospholipids are:

  • Phosphatidylcholine (PC) – the functional group contains choline;
  • Phosphatydilerin (PS) – contains serine;
  • Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) – contains ethanolamine;
  • Phosphatidylinositol (PI) – present in the composition;
  • Phosphatidic acid (PA) – does not contain a functional group.

What roles do different phospholipids play? Most doctors and even nutritionists do not see differences in the composition of phospholipids. It is important for them to have phospholipids. And what they are doesn’t matter. Meanwhile, different phospholipids play far from the same role. The fact is that different organs and tissues (cell membranes) contain different types of phospholipids.


  • Protection against atherosclerosis – lowering cholesterol.
  • Heart protection in heart failure.
  • Protecting the liver during viral infections and alcohol consumption.
  • Maturation of surfactant in the fetal lungs.


  • Improved memory and cognitive function
  • Reduced stress response
  • Improving conductivity and increasing the speed of nerve impulses in nerve fibers (especially important for athletes, for professions where reaction speed is important, for patients who have suffered a stroke and injuries with spinal cord damage)
  • Maturation of the fetal nervous system during intrauterine development.
  • Improved vision.
  • Therapeutic effect for dermatitis
  • For arthritis.


  • Stress management (in combination with phosphatidylserine).
  • Improving hair growth, strengthening hair.
  • Increased muscle mass.

Different sources differ in their phospholipid composition. It is necessary to look for drugs containing mixed fractions of phospholipids. Most manufacturers use only the first.

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