Kinesio tapes - pain relief without drugs! Normalization of muscle tone and improvement of muscle function. Errors when applying tape

Kinesio taping is widespread not only in sports, but also in classical medicine. The use of these patches allows you to quickly remove painful sensations, eliminate swelling, improve blood circulation and start recovery processes for injuries of joints, muscles or tendons of various origins.

With frequent and intense physical activity, it is easy to get injured. The reasons for this may be insufficient warming up of the muscles and joints before training, or incorrect technique for performing the exercise. This applies not only to professional athletes, but also to people involved in physical activity at an amateur level.

Most often, in case of serious injuries (for example, a sprained or fractured ankle), doctors prescribe the use of special orthopedic devices. However, for the treatment and prevention of minor sports injuries There is a kinesio tape patch. This device is revolutionary in the market of orthopedic products and is used not only in high-performance sports, but also in Everyday life.

Important! The kinesiotaping procedure should be performed exclusively by a specialist with knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Incorrectly applied tape can reduce therapeutic benefit or aggravate the pathology.

Product Description

Creator of kinesio tapes, Dr. Kenzo Kase

The product was developed by Japanese traumatologist Kenzo Kase in 1973. Kinesio, or physio tape, is a specialized tape similar to an adhesive plaster, made of high-quality cotton fabric, durable and elastic. On one side of the bandage there is a layer of hypoallergenic acrylic glue that is activated by body heat. The structure and behavior of kinesio tape completely replicate the characteristics of human skin, which makes it possible to use the product without feeling discomfort. The tape also allows air to pass through and does not come off when wet. These properties make it possible to use tapes in any sport and in everyday life.

Gluing creates a condition in which the product takes on a small part of the load, relieving muscle tension and ensuring rapid recovery of the damaged area. The use of the tape can be localized anywhere in the human body due to its ease of use.

Main characteristics of using orthopedic tapes:

  • high level of elasticity;
  • no restriction physical activity;
  • waterproof and insensitive to high air humidity;
  • ensuring air penetration;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • duration of continuous use (from 5 to 7 days).

Important! When choosing a product, pay attention to the material. The classic tape is made of 90-95% cotton with a slight addition of impurities (with the exception of special synthetic tapes). The elasticity and strength of the tape must also correspond to the manufacturer’s statements.

Operating principle of the device

Improving blood circulation and lymph movement under the influence of kinesio tape

Damage muscle fibers slows down lymph fluid and blood due to inflammatory processes and swelling. This is the reason for the development of side pathologies due to slowdown metabolic processes. Rapid restoration of muscle activity is a priority in the treatment of sports injuries. Correctly applied kinesio tape creates additional space between the skin and muscle fibers, which allows lymphatic fluid and blood to move freely, ensuring rapid restoration of damaged tissue.

This property also allows the product to be used as a preventive measure for sprains and other injuries. high level activity.

Remember! The use of kinesio tapes does not provide 100% protection against damage during physical activity. To ensure greater safety, the use of orthopedic supports and bandages is recommended.

Purposes of using kinesio tapes

Currently, the use of physio tapes is widespread not only in sports medicine, but also in everyday life. Due to ease of use, accessibility and high efficiency Almost everyone can afford to use these bands to prevent injuries and improve the condition of the body.

The main goals that people pursue when using kinesio tapes:

  • elimination of inflammatory lesions;
  • stimulation of muscle tone;
  • relieving swelling and pain;
  • improving lymph outflow and blood circulation;
  • relieving tension from the damaged muscle;
  • stabilization of the injured joint.

Examples of kinesio taping procedures for different types of pain

Indications for use

Stretching ankle joint– one of the most common sports injuries

Most often, kinesio taping is performed in for preventive purposes and in case of minor injuries to muscles, ligaments or joints. The main indications for the use of this treatment method are the following conditions:

  • soft tissue hematomas;
  • muscle strain;
  • mechanical damage to joints;
  • pain syndrome on critical days;
  • sprains;
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling lower limbs during pregnancy;
  • varicose veins (as a component of complex therapy).

Also, the use of kinesio tapes is widespread in medical practice when restoring the physical activity of patients after operations, strokes and other pathologies.

Kinesio taping in children is carried out to prevent scoliosis and flat feet.

Types of tapes

On modern market Orthopedic products include the following types of tapes.

  1. Classic kinesio tapes (physio tapes). This type of product is characterized by the possibility of long-term operation (from 5 to 7 days). Reapplying the tape after wearing it is not possible. Used for the treatment and prevention of minor injuries.
  2. Sports kinesio tapes. Can be used several times. They provide more rigid fixation and are suitable for the treatment of serious sprains, bruises and other sports injuries. They are also actively used by athletes during training and competitions to protect tissues from damage.

Kinesio tape s are available in the following variations:

  • pre-cut;
  • solid rolls of 5 and 32 m.

The width of the tape is:

  • narrow – 2.5 cm;
  • medium – 5 cm;
  • wide – 10 cm.

Products vary in tension level. To indicate this parameter, letter marking is used:

  • K – up to 140% tension;
  • R – up to 190% tension.

Sports kinesio tape made of cotton material

The tapes also differ in materials used:

  • classic cotton;
  • nylon (with increased water resistance);
  • synthetic silk tapes;
  • tapes with reinforced adhesive;
  • tapes with soft glue;
  • fluorescent cotton tapes.

Such divisions make it possible to select tapes that meet all the goals set.

Kinesio tapes differ in color, but this division does not affect the therapeutic abilities. In addition to plain ribbons, there are designer tapes.

Important! Before using kinesio tapes in sports practice, consult with a trainer or doctor. Do not apply tapes without instructions from a specialist, otherwise there is a high probability of the opposite effect.

Differences from traditional bandages

Kinesio taping option knee joint

Many experts are skeptical about kinesio tapes, considering traditional elastic bandages the best option for the treatment of injuries to ligaments, muscles and joints. But conservative views do not always justify the effectiveness of the method.

Classic elastic bandages provide a sufficient level of fixation of the damaged area. However, this also significantly limits the range motor activity, which often leads to swelling and numbness due to poor circulation. Kinesio tape does not restrict the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid, but the rigidity of fixation of the injured area is lost.

One of the most significant advantages of tapes is the possibility of long-term use. Traditional elastic bandages are completely inferior in this regard, since they must be removed immediately after the end of the activity. Otherwise, allergic reactions may develop. skin reactions, which is unacceptable in the process of preparing for sports competitions.

So, kinesio tapes are a priority choice for people leading active image life. Regarding therapy serious injuries for which sufficient fixation is needed, it is better to turn to traditional bandages.

Also, tapes are not suitable for people involved in speed-strength sports, such as weightlifting and powerlifting. In this case, the knees and wrists are fixed exclusively with bandages.

Remember! In case of severe injuries to the musculoskeletal system (for example, a spinal fracture), it is necessary to use specialized corsets. If such injuries occur, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

Contraindications for use

Diabetes mellitus is the most common contraindication to the use of taping

Despite the simplicity of the design and wide range therapeutic activity, taping is not always beneficial. Situations in which the use of physio tapes is prohibited are:

  • the presence of allergic skin pathologies;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • diabetes;
  • acute form of thrombosis;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • intolerance to acrylic;
  • pregnancy (first trimester).

It is also undesirable to use the kinesio tape patch in old age. However, if necessary, wearing these products is possible under the supervision of a doctor.

Important! Kinesio tapes cannot fully provide a therapeutic process in the treatment of sports injuries. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to use the products in combination with the use of medications and exercise therapy procedures.

Principles of applying tape

Correct overlay tapes depends on skills and experience. The main requirement is knowledge of anatomy - the principles of attachment of muscle fibers and ligaments, the structural features of joints. Only an experienced specialist should be trusted to apply the tapes.

An important aspect is the localization of the product gluing. Depending on which muscle or joint is being taped, the application of the tapes will vary slightly.

Let's look at the gluing rules.

  1. Decide on the application location. When correcting posture in children, tapes are glued along spinal column. The same applies to the prevention of flat feet, where the tape is glued along the foot. For pain in joints and muscles, it is necessary to apply tapes along the entire perimeter of the problem area.
  2. Shave the excess hairline at the place of application.
  3. Degrease this area. Ethyl alcohol is best.
  4. Apply tape. Make sure that the tape is applied exclusively along the muscle fibers.
  5. Rub the tape on the skin as necessary to create sufficient temperature to activate the glue.
  6. Do not make active movements for 15-20 minutes until the tape is completely bonded to the skin.
  7. Wear the tape for no more than 7 days.

Price and acquisition

You can purchase kinesio tapes both in specialized orthopedic salons and in stores that sell sports equipment. Such products are rarely found in pharmacies.


Application of kinesio tapes – effective method prevention of a wide range of minor injuries both in sports and in everyday life. However, for the treatment of more serious injuries, the use of traditional elastic bandages and bandages.

Kinesio taping is an innovative method. Developed in Japan in the 70s of the last century. Tape is a special three-layer tape made of 100% cotton and coated with a special wavy layer of hypoallergenic acrylic-based glue, which is instantly activated after applying the tape to the problem area. Additionally, it contains polyester inclusions for maximum possible tape stretch and strength.

The elasticity of the tape is as close as possible to the elasticity of human skin. Its properties are such that a person almost does not feel the tape, and freedom of movement is completely unlimited. It can be used 24 hours a day during the week.

Tapes are used to relieve pain from bruises, dislocations, swelling, sprains, as well as to treat arthritis and osteochondrosis. The kinesio taping method has gained recognition in sports medicine, traumatology, manual therapy, rheumatology, pediatrics and cosmetology.

Types of tapes

  1. Non-elastic tape. This is a classic option. Usually white or cream in color. Designed for wrists and ankles.
  2. Elastic tape. The elasticity of the patch allows you to increase the coverage area and the degree of fixation.
  3. Kinesio tape. Endowed with a special shape and intended for specific parts of the body.

The most highly effective and innovative type of strengthening patches is considered to be kinesio tape. This is the most popular option for tapes.


Kinesio tape is capable of:

  • reduce pain;
  • improve lymph and blood circulation;
  • correct movements;
  • unload muscles;
  • massage the skin while moving.

When using tape, the muscles do not remain in a tense state; they relax in a timely manner. Fluid does not stagnate in the muscles and circulates normally. They are always maintained in working order.

How does tape work?

Pain reliever and medicinal effects, are achieved as a result of improved lymph movement and blood circulation in the area of ​​injury. The tape lifts the skin, facilitating blood circulation and reducing pressure. As a result, the muscles relax easily.

In addition, the tape stretches the skin in combination with natural movements body and massages her. This improves lymph flow, which significantly reduces muscle pain.

Rules for applying tape

To apply the tape, the skin must be prepared. It must be clean and dry. The tape is applied to the problem area. The muscles should be in a stretched state.

Instructions for use:

  1. Cut the tape to the required length and shape.
  2. Remove the protective film.
  3. Round the edges of the tape (for better fixation).
  4. Slightly stretching the skin, apply the patch along its entire length.
  5. Distribute the first 5 cm of tape and the last over the skin without stretching.
  6. After applying the tape, its surface should be rubbed with your hand to activate the adhesive layer.

Tape removal rules

The patch should not be wet before removal. This will cause redness skin, and particles of the adhesive layer will remain on the skin.

It is necessary to saturate the surface of the tape along the entire length with a spray or special liquid to remove tapes. Wait a few minutes and carefully remove the tape without sudden movements. These products perfectly deactivate the adhesive layer, prevent irritation and moisturize the skin.

If there are no means to remove the tape, then it should be removed in the direction of hair growth at a slight angle. After removing the tape, the skin must be moisturized.

Indications for use

Tapes have a fairly wide range of applications:

  • sprains and bruises;
  • tears and dislocations;
  • inflammation of joints, muscles and tendons;
  • swelling and hematomas;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • injuries, poor posture, scoliosis;
  • spinal hernia, infantile torticollis;
  • osteocondritis of the spine, ;
  • cicatricial changes in the skin;
  • menstrual and headache;
  • at complex treatment musculoskeletal system.


Contraindications for using tape are:

  • body allergy to acrylic;
  • individual intolerance;
  • any skin diseases incl. oncological;
  • trophic ulcers and open wounds;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • old age, weak and sensitive skin;
  • deep vein thrombosis of the legs;
  • tendency to form bruises, microtraumas, blisters, bruises.

How to determine the quality of kinesio tape?

When purchasing a tape, you need to pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. The roll should unwind smoothly until the very end. There is no need to do any pulling or jerking.
  2. Part of the tape should come off the roll easily.
  3. It sticks to the skin immediately and very easily. When moving, no air folds are formed.
  4. Does not peel off when exposed to moisture.

Errors when applying tape

If the tape is applied very tightly, blood circulation is disrupted, nerve sensitivity weakens, and discomfort. The bandage becomes unusable and should be replaced if some sections are applied loosely and others tightly. If the muscles are tense when applying the patch, the tension of the tape will be weak.

  1. Kinesio tape is water resistant. It will not peel off when swimming or showering. But for those who engage in water sports and during intense training loads, it is advisable to use kinesio tapes with a reinforced layer of adhesive.
  2. After water training and showering, the tape should be lightly blotted with a dry cloth, but not rubbed.
  3. If the ends begin to peel off, then they need to be cut off or another applique applied.
  4. Before training, the tape is applied at least 30 minutes before training.

If kinesio tape is applied for the first time, it is advisable to involve a specialist for this.

Using the Kinesio Tape patch is unique technique, which was developed by scientists from Japan in the distant 70s of the last century. For the elastic application, kinesiological material was selected, which up to this point had been used only for the treatment and rehabilitation of professional athletes. Today, the kinesio tape patch is recognized not only by doctors treating professional athletes. It is widely used in his practice chiropractor, orthopedist, traumatologist, etc.

Kinesiology is not a simple science, so use medicinal patch Kinesio tape can only be performed by a knowledgeable and understanding doctor who knows a lot about taping. The cost of kinesio tape patches is quite high, and depends both on the manufacturer and on the modification of the product itself. Next, we will talk about how the adhesive plaster works, how to properly stick it to the body, and how much it will cost to buy the product at the pharmacy.

Product characteristics

Elastic muscle patch is a product consisting of three layers that helps to lay out the application. To make the base, 100% cotton is used, and polyester is used as an additional component, which allows the patch to stretch as much as possible without deforming and increases its strength. Hypoallergenic adhesive is applied over the entire surface of the patch, which is activated upon contact with the skin.

If you notice any other composition of the product, do not buy the patch, it is a low-quality fake.

This sports patch is very elastic. According to their own physical properties it is somewhat similar to human skin. Thanks to this feature, as customer reviews say, the patch is absolutely not felt, does not hinder movements and does not interfere with performance. physical exercise. Also, there is an opinion that the patch can be used for several days, which will not interfere with receiving the full therapeutic course.

The patch for muscle pain and sprains allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Improve blood flow and lymph outflow.
  • Achieve relaxation of the injured muscle.
  • Lift the skin and reduce excessive pressure on the injured muscles and the heart muscle area.
  • Relax your joints, remove muscle tone etc.

Injuries to athletes during competitions and training are an inevitable problem. Previously, having even received slight bruise or sprain, the athlete was kicked out of the team and passed long-term treatment and recovery, because no compress could immediately raise him to his feet. Today, the kinesio patch helps you quickly restore strength and physical fitness, and continue your usual workouts.

According to many who have experienced the miracle of the patch, the product has proven itself well in everyday life, because it helps to avoid injury, even while doing housework.

How to use the patch?

Now you can purchase absolutely any tape, which is presented by manufacturers in various price categories.

Today, Bio Balance is considered the leader among sports patches. This product is manufactured in South Korea in compliance with all necessary norms and standards, starting from 1998.

There are a lot of kinesio products on the market, but do you know how to buy or order kinesio tape, and not a sports patch?

A brief description of the differences between the products is as follows:

  • The sports patch can only be used for tight fixation. Such a glued fixing element is necessary for sports injuries, when it is necessary to significantly limit the mobility of the damaged part of the body. When sports taping, a long tape is applied, like a bandage, which prevents re-injury.
  • Kinesio patch tape instructions says to attach it to the skin to achieve muscle toning, followed by relaxation. The application of the patch is not too strong, which does not hinder a person’s usual actions.

No less popular is the pharmaceutical patch Fiten, which is famous for its analgesic effect. Gluing such a product does not require any additional knowledge or skills, and its cost is affordable for the average person with a not-so-thick wallet. But it is worth noting that this patch can only be applied to minor injuries or sprains.

Kinesiology tape "X" shape

Also, we hasten to draw your attention to the fact that not a single type of taping in case of anatomical change in the integrity of a bone, muscle or ligament will help the patient avoid bed rest and, most likely, treatment in a hospital setting.

Taping with a patch can be used for:

  • Hip joint.
  • Cardiac muscle to reduce the load on the heart in heart failure.
  • Muscle cervical region spine (no less effective for fixing the occipital region).
  • Hernia treatment.

Also, with the help of tape you can make a compress, use it as a groin fixator for sprains, and it also has a positive effect on weight loss.

Tips for using the product look like this:

Despite the fact that tapes are almost harmless, there are situations when their use is not permissible, namely:

  • At allergic reactions on acrylic
  • In case of individual intolerance to the material from which the product is made.
  • For skin diseases.
  • People suffering from cancer.
  • For vein thrombosis in the lower extremities.
  • If the skin is prone to rapid education pimples and blisters.

It’s sad, but despite the ease of use of the product, the “stick it and go” principle does not work with it. The patch must be applied using a special technique, and this should only be done by a specialist.

An approximate table showing possible price on tapes, is given below.

As a rule, those who have experienced kinesio taping treatment are satisfied. This is obvious, because the cost is affordable, and the performance is amazing. Tape is not only good for people who devote themselves to sports, but also helps to correct childhood scoliosis, relieve heart patients from hypertonicity of the heart muscle, and also minimize the consequences of various injuries.

In conclusion, I would like to add that even though the product was developed by a Japanese, the tape has become very popular all over the world. Despite their popularity, tapes can be seen very rarely in pharmacies. And since this product is not intended for the entire population, and is not in great demand in the pharmacy chain, its cost is often inflated. In order not to overpay, today it is very easy to order a patch via the Internet, and even delivery to your home can be provided.

Taping is the procedure of applying special fixing tapes to the surface of the body.

Thanks to the use of carefully selected materials for tape and adherence to the rules of fixation for various parts of the body, it is possible to achieve impressive results in the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Mechanism of action of the procedure

The skin is directly related to the musculoskeletal system: certain muscle groups are attached to it through connective tissue.

The controlled tension of the skin created when applying tapes “lifts” its surface and, accordingly, the underlying muscles. This provides several effects:

  • unloading of muscle fibers;
  • elimination of pain caused by muscle pressure on nerve fibers;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the taping area;
  • normalization of lymphatic drainage and relief of swelling caused by joint injuries;
  • reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process by improving blood flow in the pathological area;
  • correction of the position of articular structures, which is especially important in the recovery period after injuries;
  • correction of posture due to mechanical tension of the skin, which allows you to normalize the position of the spine with the initial degree of scoliosis, especially in children;
  • reflexogenic effect, including pain relief, improvement of metabolic processes, etc., due to the micromassage effect.

The use of tape refers to unique methods auxiliary treatment. Unlike other methods of fixing damaged or diseased joints, tape allows you to reduce motor movements as much as the condition of the joint requires, without allowing it to become completely immobile.

Thanks to this, the procedure has become widespread in the treatment of diseases that require simultaneously reducing the load on the pathological area and at the same time maintaining activity in it.

Types of taping

The following types of taping are used in modern medical practice:

  • Functional. It is used mainly in professional sports to preserve and maintain the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Tapes are applied before training or competition and removed at the end. This allows you to warn a large number of sports injuries, including the most common - meniscal tears and knee dislocations.
  • Medicinal. Used to limit the range of motion in a joint when it needs rest. A striking example- or rupture of its ligaments and high risk development of arthrosis with prolonged immobility of the shoulder. In this case, the application of tapes allows you to simultaneously maintain and limit mobility shoulder joint.
  • Rehabilitation. Recommended as one of the stages recovery period after injuries or operations on the joints, which require gradual entry into the usual mode of physical activity.

Tape: what is it?

Tape tape (tape) is a strip of cotton fabric made using special technology.

The material contains strong elastic fibers that determine the degree of elasticity of the tape: its ability to stretch during body movements and return to its original state at rest.

The elasticity of the tape is identical to the skin, which makes the procedure a natural process for the human body.

The reverse side of the tape is covered with an adhesive composition, which ensures a tight fit of the material to the skin and fixation of the tape.

Thanks to the technologies used to make the tapes, they can remain on the skin relatively for a long time- up to several days, while maintaining its characteristics. This means that after applying the tapes, a person does not have to give up his usual activities (of course, within the limits of an injury or joint disease), and after taking a shower, visiting the pool, etc., the tape continues to perform its functions.

Indications for the procedure

Almost any disease of the musculoskeletal system or injury is a direct indication for taping. Depending on the specifics of the situation, this procedure may be recommended in the acute period and carried out simultaneously with other treatment methods (mass
even by taking medications, physiotherapy, etc.), or prescribed as an auxiliary method during the rehabilitation period after surgical intervention, treatment of dislocations and fractures.

Indications for the use of tape can be in various circumstances, depending on the area in which the pathology is detected and its nature (inflammatory, traumatic, etc.):

Shoulder joint taping

Shoulder joint taping and scapular region necessary in the following cases:

  • preventive application of tapes before playing tennis, golf or other activities not related to sports, but involving excessive and uneven loads on one of the shoulders;
  • recovery period after bursitis, dislocation, subluxation of the shoulder joint;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases in the soft tissues of the shoulder joint, which requires restriction of its mobility for treatment;
  • elimination of pain syndrome of traumatic or inflammatory origin.

Ankle procedure

The ankle joint, as one of the most “loaded” and vulnerable, requires fixation with tape under the following circumstances:

Tape for the knee joint

Taping of the knee joint is performed in several cases:

  • for professional athletes, in particular, for football players, track and field and weightlifters, the application of tapes is recommended before training, as well as after them, if the physical activity was especially heavy (application of tapes is carried out in order to relieve the ligamentous apparatus of the knee);
  • going through a late recovery period after finishing wearing rigid immobilizing structures;
  • reduction of pain and swelling in knee joint injuries.

Applying tapes to the spine

Taping for diseases of the spine is indicated:

Important: in each individual case, the attending physician decides on the need to use tape based on the characteristics of the situation and weighing the risks and benefits. Therefore, an "official" indication for this procedure does not mean that it will be recommended in your case.

Contraindications to the procedure

The main contraindication to applying tape is to carry out the procedure independently and without a doctor’s prescription. In addition, the use of tape is not recommended in the following cases:

  • incomplete examination to identify the causes of the disease (for a number of conditions that occur latently, the application of tapes can cause their exacerbation);
  • increased coagulability blood and the risk of blood clots (in this case, tapes are not applied to areas of the body with veins close to the skin);
  • any damage to the integrity of the skin in the area where the tape is applied, including scratches, abrasions, acne, burns, etc.;
  • malignant processes on the skin in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • pregnancy (tapes are not applied to the lumbar and pelvic area to exclude reflex stimulation of uterine tone);
  • swelling of the extremities of unknown origin;
  • severe heart disease and/or renal failure, in which there is a high risk of disruption and complete cessation of blood circulation in the skin;
  • elevated temperature bodies and sharp viral diseases;
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy or radiation for cancer.

Joints and ligaments injured in sports or everyday life require support. It can be obtained using Kinesio tape patches. Kinesio tape - a patch for injured areas of the body

Kinesio tape – what is it?

Kinesio tape is an elastic kinesiology tape (plaster) or an adhesive cotton bandage. The main task of such a device is to fix and support damaged tendons, muscles or ligaments.

The medicinal patch can be different types and coloring books. It holds injured areas well, following all the curves of the human body. This property allows it to be used both in sports and in the medical field, as well as in everyday life.

Using a sports patch to eliminate negative deviations in musculoskeletal system called kinesiology tape. This new way non-drug treatment of injuries to the spine, knee and elbow joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons.

Kinesio tape is an elastic patch that does not hinder movement.

Tapes have a number of advantages:

  • do not hinder movement;
  • do not cause inconvenience or discomfort;
  • do not prevent sufficient air from entering the skin;
  • do not provoke allergic reactions;
  • thanks to elasticity, they repeat all movements of the human body;
  • support muscles throughout the week 24 hours a day.

Kinesiological tapes are waterproof, which makes it possible to use them when swimming.

Composition of the patch

The adhesive plaster for kinesiology taping consists of:

  • 90% high quality cotton;
  • 10% spandex;
  • adhesive gel (acrylic glue).

The Kinesio patch is based on cotton.

The combination of two components creates an elastic base to support damaged areas without pinching or any discomfort during active movements.

The composition of the patch is hypoallergenic. The material is highly breathable and pleasant to the body.

Where to buy and price

The medical device can be purchased online through the manufacturer’s official website or in an online pharmacy.

The cost of the tape depends on its purpose:

  • on the neck (injury to the ligaments of the cervical spine) – from 300 rubles;
  • on the shoulder (bruise or sprain of the shoulder joint) - from 240 rubles;
  • for hands - elbow injuries, sprains in the hands (wrist) - from 290 rubles;
  • on the knee (on the knee joint, for the purpose of fixing damaged ligaments or muscles) – from 420 rubles;
  • for legs – ankle injury – from 410 rubles;
  • for complaints of pain in the foot - with a heel spur - from 370 rubles;
  • on the thigh – muscle strain, ligament rupture, bruise hip joints– on average 560 rub.

There are tapes for the back as well. Their cost starts from 285 rubles.

Kinesio tape for injured ligaments of the cervical spine

Types of tape

Plastic tapes may vary in color, material and primary application. Some types are more suitable for muscles, others for joints. There are special patches for athletes, and there are tapes with a wide range of indications and can be used in sports, medicine and everyday life.

Main types of kinesiology tapes:

  1. Kinesio tapes in rolls are the most economical option. Adhesive bandages are used widely in medicine and in everyday life.
  2. Frame strips. The advantage is their ease of use and the ability to be used for fixation on any part of the body. Thin tapes are glued both together and separately.
  3. Therapeutic plasters for sensitive skin. They do not cause irritation and are available in rolls and individual strips of different thicknesses. The only difference from conventional tapes is less structural support for joints and muscles.

Kinesio tape in roll

Another type of adhesive tape for kinesiology taping is kinesio tapes for individual parts body:

  • on the elbow;
  • on the knee;
  • on the lower back;
  • on fingers;
  • on the stomach, back.

To choose the right tape, you need to consult a specialist. Therapeutic or sports patches are always selected individually.

Kinesio tape – which one is better?

All kinesiological tapes are similar to each other in their main action - they fix and support injured areas.

Among the most effective and reliable tapes are the following brands:

  1. BBtape - sports and medical tapes from this company have high quality material that allows you to reliably support damaged areas of the body;
  2. Rocktape – high-endurance sports patches, which are widely used in sports and everyday life, have great endurance during physical activity and resistance to wear;
  3. Kinesio tape sfm – pain-relieving and fixing tapes, they help well with sprains, have high adhesive ability (allows you to do without the additional application of special glue);
  4. Kinexib pro – an effective tape with wide range applications, easy to use and affordable.

BBtape patches are of high quality

The doctor determines which kinesiology patch is best. Only after identifying the nature and severity of the injury can you select the right tape and achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

Indications for taping

Kinesio tapes are used both for the treatment of injuries and for the prevention of injury to certain areas of the body.

Kinesiological taping is relevant in the following situations:

  • for osteochondrosis - the patch helps to alleviate the patient’s condition with a hernia of the spine, protrusions, vertebral displacements and severe complications of the disease (lumbago, sciatica);
  • for varicose veins – helps reduce the load on weakened vascular walls, stimulating their tone;
  • periarthrosis of the humeroscapula - muscle strain, rupture of ligaments and tendons;
  • paralysis and paresis associated with disorders in the central or peripheral nervous system;
  • inflammation of the periosteum;
  • with a heel spur.

Kinesio tapes are suitable for treating muscle strains

In addition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, elastic tape is effective for headaches, painful periods, lower back discomfort and chest during pregnancy.

In addition, a medicinal adhesive plaster an indispensable tool for mechanical damage:

  • sprain;
  • hematomas, soft tissue bruises;
  • swelling;
  • subluxations, fingers, shoulder or ankle.
The product is used as support for athletes who are often injured (when playing volleyball, football, basketball, swimming, tennis).

How Kinesio Tape works

Therapeutic plaster is used to fix a sore spot that has been injured as a result of playing sports or at home. The main effect of the elastic device is to support a vulnerable area of ​​the body without limiting the patient’s usual body movements.

How kinesiology tape works:

  • lifts the skin above the sore spot, which improves blood circulation in bruised areas and improves lymph flow;
  • tightly holds weak areas, providing reliable fixation of joints, ligaments and tendons;
  • reduces inflammatory process and relieves pain discomfort;
  • relieves swelling in soft tissues.

The principle of operation of the Kinesio tape patch

Thanks to their elasticity and strength, tapes prevent muscle overload and promote rapid recovery affected areas.

Instructions for use Kinesio tape

The effect produced depends on the correct application of the medical (sports) tape. Therefore, it is important to know how to prepare for taping, how to apply the patch correctly and how long it can be used. Before using this treatment method, experts recommend training.

Preparatory stage

Applying tape requires certain preparation of the injured areas.

  1. Shave hair in areas to be taped.
  2. Cleanse the skin of oiliness and moisture. To do this, wipe the desired areas with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or a special solution.
Only on a dry and clean surface, the kinesiology taping patch tightly fixes weakened areas.

General tips for applying tapes:

  1. Removing the paper backing. The tape should be held with the cotton side facing you to make it easier to remove the paper layer.
  2. The end of the tape that should fix the device should be glued without tension.
  3. To improve the effectiveness of the adhesive tape, the fixing ends should be rounded. This will increase the service life of the patch.
  4. It is important to avoid creases when applying kinesio tape, otherwise a rash may appear. In addition, a loose fit of the patch reduces the effectiveness of such therapy.
  5. The tape adheres better to the skin if it is heated. It is important to use heat sources carefully so as not to dry out the epidermis.
  6. All tapes are glued only along the length. When a thin strip is required, it can be cut, but also to length.

The patch must be glued along the length of the muscle

Typically, medical or sports patches are easy to apply. To ensure strong adhesion of the skin to the tape, it is enough to rub the fixed bandage well. This will help warm up the glue and securely attach the adhesive plaster to the injured surface.

Any tape is suitable for fixing damaged areas of the body. Only the method of applying the plastic tape can differ.

To eliminate joint asymmetry or correct the position of the hand using a patch, you need to:

  • choose a ribbon 45–55 cm long;
  • move your hand to the side as much as possible and turn your palm up;
  • stick the tape at the level of the wrist strictly in the middle;
  • the tension is carried out in the form of a spiral towards the shoulder joint.

The manipulation is difficult to carry out on your own, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Kinesio tape helps with wrist dislocations

Applying tape for dislocation of the elbow joint

Dislocation of the elbow joint is treated as follows:

  • you will need 2 tapes of 15–20 cm each;
  • bend your arm at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • fix the middle of the first patch at the base of the elbow joint (proximal part of the elbow and radius), and fasten the ends without tension to the medial and lateral sides of the distal zone humerus;
  • attach the middle of 2 strips to the distal part of the humerus under the elbow joint, and fix the ends (without tension) to the lateral and medial sides of the proximal part of the radius and ulna.
In this way, you can treat a bruise or hematoma of soft tissues in the elbow area.
Kinesio tape helps with elbow dislocations

Taping for headaches and hand numbness

With the help of kinesio tape, you can eliminate weakness and numbness in the hand and fingers, reduce painful manifestations for migraines.

How to apply:

  • you will need a Y-shaped tape;
  • secure the base under the elbow and guide the tape along the arm to the area of ​​the shoulder blade;
  • The upper end of the tape is attached along the trapezius muscle, and the lower end – across.

The ends of the patch are applied without tension, and the base of the device is attached with slight tension.

Kinesio tape helps relieve numbness in the hand

Taping for varicose veins

At varicose veins For veins, a tape 5 cm wide and 2 m long is suitable. The strip must be cut according to the markings into 4 identical strips, leaving the common base intact. You need to apply the bandage while lying down. Secure the base to the inner thigh, and wrap the legs in strips (alternately).

Kinesio tape is suitable for the treatment of varicose veins

Applying tape to feet with heel spurs

There are several ways to treat heel spurs with tape:

  1. Use of narrow patches. With their help, thin strips are applied crosswise to painful areas, forming an asterisk.
  2. Use of wide stripes. They need to be glued in the form of a cross. One tape covers the heel and stretches to the toes (in this area you can cut it into 4 strips). The second one is fixed in the middle of the foot and is brought out to the outer part of the foot.

Taping heel spurs helps reduce inflammation and pain at the site of injury.

To treat a spur, you need to glue a patch in the shape of a cross on the heel

Spine taping

For osteochondrosis of the spine, 2 straight tapes and one Y-shaped tape are used.

Application technique:

  • strips are applied along the sides of the spine;
  • the tension when attaching the tape to the body should be maximum.
Taping helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

For a herniated disc in the lumbar region, the tape relieves muscle tension and reduces pain. For manipulation you will need 4 patches 18–25 cm long.

Spinal taping reduces muscle pain and tension

How to apply:

  • the patient needs to lean forward as much as possible (from a standing position);
  • the specialist sticks the first piece of bandage longitudinally to the muscle that takes part in straightening the spine, and the center of the tape is attached exactly to the hernia;
  • the second patch is applied horizontally (you should get a cross);
  • Tapes 3 and 4 are glued diagonally.

The strips should fit tightly to the patient's body. If, after straightening to the original position, the tape becomes covered with folds, it means the skin ( connective tissues) has risen and the tape has been applied correctly.

Applying tape to the knee

For knee pain caused by:

  • wear and tear of the joint due to age;
  • surgery to remove the meniscus;
  • household bruises and injuries during training.

For the fixation to be effective, you need to cut 2 patches to form the letters Y. Attach the base of the tape over the kneecap, and glue the bandage around the kneecap. The knee is bent. The second tape is fixed similarly to the first, but the base is attached under the kneecap.

For a clear example, all methods of applying kinesiology tapes are shown in the photo.

Taping will quickly relieve knee pain


It is important to understand that to achieve a high therapeutic effect, taping must be carried out by a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of incorrect application of the patch, which can impair blood circulation and cause serious complications.

How much to wear?

All tapes can be worn for no more than 5 days. The tapes are waterproof, so you can shower and swim in them. This does not affect the main operation of the device. The duration of treatment with medical or sports patches depends on the injury or disease, and on average can range from 3 to 8 weeks. In this case, the tape should be changed to a new one every 3–5 days. Reuse used tapes are useless.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may experience lower back pain and severe swelling lower extremities.

Kinesio tape can provide relief in situations such as:

  • swelling in the feet and ankles;
  • painful discomfort in the back.

Kinesio tape can be used during pregnancy

The tapes not only provide treatment, but also provide good support for the growing belly. The main thing is to use kinesiotherapy after consultation with your doctor.

How to remove the tape

The therapeutic application can be removed painlessly and safely after several days of wearing. The main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations of experts.

  1. You need to soak the tape with a special liquid for removing tapes. After 5–10 minutes, slowly detach the base of the patch and slowly roll it into a roll, without jerking.
  2. The tape must be removed slowly at a slight angle, following the hair growth. If a special solution is not used, after removing the patch, the skin should be treated with a nourishing cream.
Use a special spray to remove patches.

Tapes should not be wetted in order to remove them. This may cause skin irritation. In addition, the glue is difficult to wash off, which can further complicate the process of getting rid of the adhesive gel.

Kinesio tapes are widely used in medicine and sports. The product helps with osteochondrosis of the spine (hernia, protrusion, displacement of the vertebrae), injuries to the shoulder, knee and elbow joints, and various types of sprains. Correct application of such tapes helps improve blood circulation, reduce pain and speed up recovery process in injured areas.

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