Intestinal flu in adults: symptoms and treatment of the disease. Stomach flu: symptoms, modes of transmission and protection against the virus

In the cold season, except for colds and respiratory diseases, viral gastroenterocolitis, colloquially called intestinal flu, is also quite common, sometimes it is also called abdominal or stomach flu. These diseases received this name because patients simultaneously exhibit signs of influenza and gastrointestinal disorders.

Pathogens of this disease are viruses, the vast majority of which are of the rotavirus type, but in some cases other types of viruses are also found, therefore intestinal flu is classified as an acute infectious disease.

Since rotaviruses are very resistant to external environment, can withstand temperature changes and even some disinfectants, then this disease spreads very quickly and often turns into an epidemic. In addition, rotavirus infections have more than one route of infection.

Routes of transmission of intestinal flu

  • Airborne, just like during other respiratory infections, in a sick person when breathing in environment a huge number of viruses are released.
  • Nutritional or fecal-oral. In this way, the infection often spreads in families and children's groups. Infected through shared utensils, general subjects everyday life, toys, when caring for the sick, in close contact.

Symptoms and course of the disease

Stomach flu in adults and children it is equally difficult. The disease begins with general malaise, nausea, aches, and muscle pain. Almost always, signs of a respiratory infection appear - runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, dry cough. In most patients, the temperature rises to 38 degrees. At the same time, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea occur, while the stool is very frequent, liquid, light and foamy.

The acute period lasts from two to five days, then the patient's condition gradually improves. If severe symptoms last more than seven days, then this indicates either complications or an incorrect diagnosis; such a patient definitely needs hospitalization.

It should also be noted that intestinal flu in children has its own characteristics. The fact is that children's body loses fluid more easily and quickly than an adult, so with intestinal infections, dehydration in children occurs much faster, especially in children under three years of age and at high temperatures. And parents should remember this and not give up inpatient treatment, if suggested by a doctor.

Treatment and prevention of disease

Treatment mainly consists of alleviating the patient’s condition and replenishing the body’s losses. The main medicines for this disease are adsorbents, which absorb not only toxins, but also the viruses themselves, and can shorten the illness time by several times. Such drugs include: Activated carbon, polyphepan, enterosgel, smecta, capect, microcel.

After taking adsorbents, it is necessary to restore the water-electrolyte balance in the body. For this purpose, drugs such as rehydron, acesol, hydrovit, reosolan, citroglucosolan, as well as mineral water without gas. Both medications and liquids should be taken frequently, but the portions should be small so as not to cause vomiting.

Except basic treatment, with intestinal flu, you can also take immunomodulators, but they help only at the very beginning of the disease. Symptomatic treatment can be used in the peak stage only if necessary: ​​for severe spasms and pain, use antispasmodics and analgesics, you can add them antihistamines and multivitamins.

It is also recommended to use folk remedies for flu

  • decoctions and infusions of herbs such as sage, chamomile, oak bark, eucalyptus, thyme, rose hips have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and strengthening properties.
  • honey in pure form and solutions is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and restorative agent.
  • fruit decoctions not only replenish the loss of fluid and vitamins, but also microelements, and help normalize electrolyte balance.
  • natural antiseptics-phytoncides, such as onions, garlic, radishes, horseradish, pine oils, are very effective in the form of inhalations indoors, but during intestinal flu these substances cannot be used internally due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Since there is no etiotropic treatment for this disease, great importance has the prevention of intestinal flu. Preventive measures include the entire complex used for intestinal infections: regular hand washing, cleaning premises with disinfectants and antiseptic solutions, handling dishes and food, isolating the sick from the healthy as much as possible. If these rules are followed, the spread of the disease can be stopped.

Recently, European scientists have created vaccines to prevent intestinal flu, but they have not yet reached mass use.
Interferon preparations and other immunomodulators taken for preliminary prevention of viral infections remain effective. Finally, it should be noted that many folk remedies are also excellent for the flu prophylactic agents from many infections at any time of the year.

Stomach flu is a collective term for symptoms viral infection stomach and intestines. Called by a whole series viral organisms: rotaviruses, adenoviruses, noroviruses, etc.

Moreover, even the same strain of the pathogen in some people gives a predominant clinical picture of a respiratory viral disease, accompanied, for example, by diarrhea, while in others only “intestinal” symptoms appear, without a runny nose and cough. Actually, any respiratory influences the intestines, since secreted into the lumen gastrointestinal tract toxins are absorbed back, which causes intestinal flu symptoms.

Intestinal flu, based on the above, occurs simultaneously with respiratory epidemics in the winter. This makes it possible to distinguish intestinal flu from, say, an outbreak of dysentery, since bacterial intestinal infections prefer the hot season.

Most often, children suffer from intestinal forms of respiratory diseases due to contacts during school hours. The route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

After penetration into tissues, the virus affects, among other things, the cells of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Some viruses prefer these tissues (rotaviruses, noroviruses), for this reason they are called “stomach flu”.

Viruses may not manifest themselves for up to two days after infection - this is the so-called incubation period. The acute phase of the disease develops on the third day and lasts 3 or 6 days.

3 days – virus reproduction cycle. Sometimes the body does not have time to cope with the pathogen in one cycle. In this case, the acute phase is extended by another 3 days until the virus is suppressed.

Stomach flu

The virus, as usual, causes a local inflammatory process. As a result, small mucosal structures (intestinal villi) lose their ability to adequately break down and absorb the food substrate. The body reacts to this increased secretion water into the intestinal lumen, which causes diarrhea. In this period typical symptom is lactase deficiency in children (dairy intolerance).

Stool with intestinal flu is liquid (the more liquid the stool, the more more inflammation), foamy, yellow or greenish in color. The more often the urge occurs, the more aggressive the process.

In addition, there are signs of general intoxication: weakness (up to fainting states, stupor), irritability, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, rumbling in the stomach. If you try to palpate the abdomen, then in the peri-umbilical area there is pain when pressing (the intensity of the pain depends on the severity inflammatory process). Heat not typical for intestinal flu. As a rule, it is within the range of 37-39 0 C. In severe cases, the disease manifests itself with nausea and vomiting.

Intestinal flu is often accompanied by ARVI symptoms

All this is quite often accompanied by the usual symptoms of ARVI - cough, sore throat, runny nose. Redness of the palatine arches, tongue, and pharynx may be observed.

The recovery stage lasts 3-4 days. The clinic gradually subsides: stool returns to normal, intoxication decreases, respiratory symptoms also disappear.

The main complication of intestinal flu is considered to be exacerbation of chronic diseases digestive system, as well as, which is the main cause of death in elderly people who have had intestinal flu (children's mortality due to this pathology practically does not occur).

After an episode of intestinal flu, partial immunity is formed, which prevents you from getting sick again. It is necessary to understand that there are dozens of intestinal flu pathogens (only known ones), and immunity is developed to only one of them.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

Quite a difficult task that doesn’t make much sense. It matters more differential diagnosis with dangerous intestinal infections. If the symptoms of the disease become too intense, fluid loss increases, and the temperature rises (above 39 0 C), contact an infectious disease specialist.

Polymerase chain reaction allows you to diagnose rotavirus, adenovirus or norovirus infection. If you are worried about whether it is a bacterial infection, you can resort to this method. The mere discovery of, say, rotavirus in the human body will not affect anything, since the main methods of treating intestinal flu are symptomatic, i.e. not affecting the pathogen itself.

A general blood test will show the presence of an inflammatory process: an increase in the number of leukocytes (moderate leukocytosis), an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Signs of protein and single red blood cells may be observed in the urine. Intestinal flu (especially severe forms) can provoke exacerbations of pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In this case, urine readings will reflect the onset of exacerbation.

If on the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract"sat down" pathogenic bacterium, That clinical course The disease can be complicated by sore throat and pneumonia.

Prevention of intestinal flu

Complication in the elderly – cardiovascular failure

Doesn't make sense given the existing technical base. As you know, there is a long tradition of vaccinating children against influenza. The idea itself is quite controversial, since vaccination against one strain does not provide protection against another, and the number of pathogenic viruses of the respiratory group has long been in the hundreds (if not thousands).

As for intestinal forms of viruses, there are simply no commercially available vaccines for them (impractical).

It is important to follow standard anti-epidemic measures indicated for the prevention of standard forms of influenza and ARVI, since the route of transmission and the nature of the pathogen are almost the same.

Features of intestinal flu in children

Most often, the disease affects children under 4 years of age. This is due to a certain imperfection (immaturity) of the digestive tract and characteristics children's immunity, characteristic of this age group. Lactose intolerance is reversible and goes away within a few days after the acute phase of intestinal flu resolves.

Intestinal flu, popularly called stomach flu, is an acute contagious disease, which is characterized by a combination of intestinal disorders and respiratory syndrome.

The causative agent of stomach flu is rota viral infection– viruses belonging to the family Reoviridae.

Rotavirus was first identified in 1973. It was found in the intestinal lining of a child who was suffering from abdominal pain and diarrhea. Rotavirus is similar to a wheel with a wide center and short spokes, as well as a double protein shell.

Important! A sick person and a healthy carrier are the main sources of rotavirus. The peak infectiousness of a patient occurs 3-5 days after the first signs of intestinal flu appear.

Intestinal flu is rightly called the “disease of unwashed hands,” since the main route of infection with the virus occurs through the fecal-oral route through dirty hands, food, and water.

The second route of transmission of the disease is airborne, when rotavirus with an aerosol of saliva enters the external environment when coughing and sneezing.

Sometimes the virus can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through household objects.

Stomach flu affects children more often than adults.

Rotavirus is quite stable in the external environment. Not all disinfectants can kill it.

It retains its activity perfectly at low temperatures and can withstand heating up to +60°C.

Interesting! The only remedy, which can neutralize the virus - disinfectant based on chlorine.

Rotavirus flu often occurs in the autumn-winter season, from approximately November to March, and sometimes April inclusive.

What happens in the human body when infected with rotavirus infection?

The gateway to rotavirus infection is the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, mainly the small intestine. The pathogen damages the epithelium of the intestinal villi, which are involved in the production of intestinal juice.

As a result, the processes of food breakdown are disrupted. Diarrhea and dehydration of the body are explained by the fact that the intestines accumulate a large number of disaccharides that attract water and electrolytes.

Intestinal flu goes through the following stages of the infectious process:

  1. The incubation period lasts on average 24-48 hours. Stomach flu does not appear during this period.
  2. The pronormal period is not always present. For 2 days the patient feels general weakness, headaches, increased fatigue, weakness, poor appetite, rumbling and discomfort in the stomach, runny nose, pain or sore throat, mild dry cough.
  3. The peak period of the disease. In the absence of the second stage, symptoms of rotavirus infection appear acutely and persist from 3 to 7 days. The following syndromes are characteristic of this stage of the disease:

  • Intoxication syndrome – increased fatigue, general weakness, headache, increased body temperature to 38-39°C, especially in children. In adults, the temperature rarely rises. Chills may occur due to normal temperature bodies. IN severe cases patients complain of dizziness and loss of consciousness.
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction syndrome - rumbling in the abdomen, pain in upper sections abdomen, and sometimes over the entire surface, nausea, vomiting. The main symptom is diarrhea. The stool becomes watery, foamy, and yellowish or greenish in color. The severity of dehydration is determined by the number of bowel movements.
  • Catarrhal syndrome – runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, hyperemia back wall pharynx, palatine arches and uvula.
  • Lactase deficiency syndrome. It occurs secondarily and is manifested by intolerance to milk and dairy products.
  1. The period of convalescence.

How dangerous is intestinal flu?

About 3% of cases of rotavirus infection result in the death of the patient. This is basically severe forms which led to cardiovascular failure.

Important! The risk group for complications includes people with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases, young children.

After recovery, relative immunity is formed in the human body.

Stomach flu may have a vague clinical picture, therefore it is often confused with influenza, acute respiratory infections, gastritis, gastroenteritis, dysbacteriosis or food poisoning.

Examination of a patient with suspected stomach flu should include the following methods:

  • Questioning the patient. Important role The combination of respiratory disorders and intoxication with intestinal disorders plays a role in diagnosis. It is necessary to clarify whether there was any contact with a patient with intestinal flu.
  • When examining the patient, you can see a coated tongue, redness of the throat, and bloating. Increased intestinal motility and rumbling in the abdomen are also heard. On auscultation of the lungs it is noted hard breathing, there may be isolated dry wheezing.
  • In the general blood test, an increase in the number of whites is observed blood cells, shift leukocyte formula to the left, acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation.
  • In a general urine test, protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes, and hyaline casts are determined.
  • Stomach flu can be identified using polymerase chain reaction, reaction passive hemagglutination, complement fixation reactions, enzyme immunoassay and other modern methods.
  • A little long, but no less accurate virological method. Its essence is in sowing material on cell culture or chicken embryo.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to develop a specific drug against rotavirus infection.

In the fight against intestinal flu, pathogenetic and symptomatic methods treatment. Consider the algorithm for treating a patient with stomach flu:

  • Isolation of the patient from healthy persons is mandatory;
  • Bed rest, limitation of physical activity;
  • Replenishing fluid and electrolytes lost through diarrhea. Oral rehydration involves giving an adult or child small portions (50 ml every 30 minutes) of saline or electrolyte solutions (Rehydron, Saline, Humana).
  • Antipyretic therapy (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin for adults only). The temperature should be lowered if it rises to 38.5°C or higher, because hyperthermia produces interferons that fight rotavirus. If a sick child or adult does not tolerate fever well, then it is better to take one of the antipyretic drugs.
  • Enzyme preparations to improve digestion (Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin).
  • To normalize stool, adsorbents and astringents are used (Activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta).
  • Correction of intestinal biocenosis by taking lacto-containing bacterial preparations (Acilact, Lactobacterin, Linex).

Note! If you experience abdominal pain, do not take painkillers on your own, but consult a doctor immediately.

Dietary nutrition for rotavirus infection

To cure intestinal flu you should adhere to following principles in nutrition:

  • eat in small portions;
  • nutrition should be balanced with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • exclude milk and dairy products, including fermented milk;
  • It is better to eat liquid broths and soups, rice;
  • limit the amount in your daily diet simple carbohydrates(sweets, potatoes, white bread, baked goods, sugar);

During rotavirus outbreaks, pregnant women should avoid crowded places. During pregnancy, intestinal flu is often disguised as toxicosis and other conditions.

Important! If the above symptoms appear, you should seek help from your obstetrician-gynecologist, general practitioner or infectious disease specialist to rule out more dangerous diseases, which may be hiding under the guise of stomach flu.

Treatment is carried out according to the principles described above. When rehydrating the body, you need to monitor edema, since women in this condition are prone to fluid retention in the tissues.

Prevention of intestinal flu

Specific prevention of stomach flu is carried out by vaccination. Today, two vaccines against rotavirus infection are used, but, unfortunately, they are registered only in Europe and America.

Nonspecific prevention consists of the following measures:

  • isolation of patients for intestinal flu;
  • frequent hand washing with soap and running water, especially before eating;
  • prepare dishes only from fresh and quality products with sufficient heat treatment;
  • drink only high-quality water, preferably boiled;
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly;
  • in an unfavorable situation, it is recommended to soak all products for 10 minutes in a 3% solution of acetic acid, then rinse with running water;
  • Sanitary control must be carried out by employees of the sanitary-epidemiological station over the condition of establishments Catering and products in stores and markets.

Every day a person has to deal with different types microbes and viruses. They live in the air, on surfaces, and are transmitted through direct contact with other people. Such contact cannot be avoided. TO strong immunity is the guarantee that you will be stronger than these uninvited guests in your body. Statistics show that the most frequent colds are ARVI. Less often it has intestinal manifestations. Intestinal flu appears in so-called outbreaks. It is most often diagnosed in winter, when the likelihood of colds increases, and immune defense becomes less strong. Every person needs to know how long the intestinal flu lasts and how you can get it.

Sometimes manifestations of ARVI have an intestinal form

Acute onset of the disease and moderate or severe symptoms, as well as a combination of intestinal and catarrhal manifestations- this is what characterizes intestinal flu. Caused by a viral infection. In the process of development, it can get a bacterial complication. Comprehensive, timely, correctly selected therapy will lead to the disease receding within a few days.

Duration of illness: mild, moderate and severe

How long the intestinal flu lasts depends on its course. An important role is played by the fact whether a similar disease was previously suffered. Rotavirus infection in humans promotes the development of immunity. It cannot be called persistent, but still its presence is an important plus.

At mild flow the illness lasts about one week

In mild cases, the disease lasts about one week. Moderate course involves the presence of symptoms for a period of 7 to 14 days. A severe form of intestinal flu is treated in a hospital setting. Subject to medical recommendations and proper therapy, the patient is discharged after about two weeks. If a severe infection is treated incorrectly, the disease is delayed, complicated, and can leave an imprint on a person’s health for life or even lead to fatal outcome. Statistics show that 3-4 people out of a hundred people who get sick end up badly.

Incubation period

How many days does stomach flu last without any symptoms?? The incubation period of the disease can last from several hours to 5 days. At that time, the person is already sick, but does not yet know about it. The infected person does not even suspect what awaits him very soon. At strong immunity a viral infection can take hold in the human body long time. If the protective functions are reduced, then after 12-16 hours you will feel the first signs of rotavirus.

Statistics show that the average incubation period is from 2 to 3 days.

Onset of the disease

The first stage of the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as sore throat, pain when swallowing, nasal congestion, mild runny nose and sneezing. All these catarrhal symptoms resemble a cold. Therefore, a patient may well confuse rotavirus with a banal ARVI. This pattern lasts no more than one day. After this, the infected person undergoes initial symptoms, and comes acute period.

The disease begins with a mild runny nose and sneezing

The height of the infection

How long does intestinal flu last in children during the acute stage? The peak of symptoms occurs on days 3-7 of the disease. The children's well-being is deteriorating right before our eyes. In a person who has not previously had an intestinal infection, the signs of pathology are also clearly expressed. The patient no longer notices pain, sore throat and a feeling of nasal congestion. These symptoms are replaced by diarrhea - this is the most significant sign intestinal flu. Other symptoms may be present partially or completely, but this infection never occurs without diarrhea.

  • Severe diarrhea due to rotavirus. The stool is liquid with some foam and may have a light color (as in liver diseases). The urge to defecate is frequent (from 10 times per day). Diarrhea lasts on average 3-5 days. At severe course illness – up to 10 days.
  • Vomiting and nausea do not always occur. Sometimes patients complain of heartburn and stomach discomfort, but they do not vomit. As well as being absent, vomiting can be very pronounced (from 5 times a day). This symptom is present for approximately three days.
  • Heat. Almost all children who become sick with intestinal flu for the first time have a fever. Body temperature can reach 38-39 degrees. The febrile period lasts from 3 to 5 days.

Recovery period

How long intestinal flu lasts in adults and children also depends on treatment. Properly prescribed therapy allows you to get better within 3-7 days. The entire recovery period is 4-5 days. At this time, the patient's condition improves every hour. First the temperature drops to normal values. After this, abdominal discomfort and nausea disappear. Next, diarrhea ends. It is not surprising that you may experience constipation for a day or two afterwards. Don't worry, your stool will return to normal in the future.

Secondary infection

Many people wonder: Is it possible to get stomach flu again?? How did you find out? Scientific research, infection cannot be ruled out. Practice shows that a person who has had a disease develops immunity. But this protection is not so strong as to completely protect yourself from rotavirus. Despite this, the secondary acquired disease is easier to tolerate. Not anymore severe symptoms illness, no vomiting and nausea. Children experience indigestion for 2-4 days, after which the condition returns to normal.

Children may develop indigestion

The situation is different for adults. Their immunity is stronger. Gastric juice in adults has increased acidity. Therefore, they can cope with the disease faster. If a patient suffered from rotavirus in childhood, then, as an adult, he may not notice a new infection at all. Such people experience 1-2 days of bowel dysfunction without much discomfort. At the same time, they are getting better, even without following a diet. Such infected people can easily transmit intestinal flu to another person, whose symptoms will be more severe.

How many days is a sick person contagious?

If intestinal flu is detected in a group, how many people are contagious and dangerous to others? From the appearance of the very first signs, the sick person must be isolated for a period of at least 10 days. If complications arise or the infection is severe, the patient is protected from communication with healthy people for more time. If the sick person does not have pronounced symptoms or does not suspect the infection at all, then you can still get infected from him.

How contagious is stomach flu? This infectious disease is very sticky. Viruses survive well at sub-zero temperatures, so you should not assume that the risk of infection decreases in winter. The pathogen can be eliminated from household items, dishes, and clothing only by boiling, disinfection, or treatment with ethanol. The virus can live in feces for up to one year.

Don't forget to wash your hands after going outside!

In large companies, people usually fall ill one at a time with a break of 1-3 days. Quarantine must be introduced from the fifth day after the last infection for up to 10 days. Required condition processing of furniture and household items is considered. It is believed that intestinal flu is transmitted by airborne droplets. But this version remains unreliable today. To protect yourself from infection, practice good personal hygiene:

  1. wash your hands after going outside;
  2. do not drink water from unknown sources or dirty dishes;
  3. refuse food in in public places, especially street eateries;
  4. during epidemics, avoid crowded places, markets, buses;
  5. use hand sanitizers in the form of gels and sprays;
  6. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor, and protect everyone at home from your contact.

Short conclusion

What is important to know about a disease such as intestinal flu: is it possible to become infected again, how long does it take for the first symptoms to appear, how long does the disease last. Naturally, every person wants to recover from this illness as quickly as possible.

Don't be lazy to see a doctor at the first signs of stomach flu

To shorten the period of illness as much as possible, it is necessary to consult a doctor at its first manifestations and get recommendations.

Follow the prescription, take the prescribed medications in accordance with the instructions, follow the regimen and diet. If possible, limit all contacts, and within a week you will feel much better.

Rotavirus, or intestinal flu, is a disease infectious nature, in which the intestinal mucosa is affected (diarrhea occurs), both children and adults are susceptible to it (more often occurs in mild form). For children, the main and insidious symptom flu - frequent and watery stools. The disease is contagious. Find out about the causes of its appearance, how to treat and prevent it.

What is stomach flu

Intestinal or stomach flu is an infectious disease caused by rotaviruses. The disease manifests itself as intestinal and respiratory syndromes. Intestinal pathogens are viruses of the Reoviridae family, which are similar in antigenic structure. When viewed under a microscope, they resemble wheels, with a clear rim and short spokes. This viral pathology began to be studied in the early 70s of the last century, then they were discovered in the mucous membrane small intestine sick children.

The source of infection is a sick person or carrier. IN younger age the source of a child is the mother, and in an older child - the surrounding children, an epidemic in kindergartens, outbreaks of an intestinal virus in schools, clubs, etc. In the first days, symptoms of intestinal flu appear, and the patient is dangerous to others, because during this period the content of virus colonies in feces reaches colossal numbers. Animals do not transmit this virus.

How is it transmitted?

The main mechanism of transmission of rotavirus infections is the fecal-oral route (the virus enters through the mouth). It is popularly called “the disease of dirty hands” (like any poisoning). The virus lives in food and any water, so it can be massively transmitted through it. The contact and household route of transmission occurred only sporadically. Infections rotavirus infection occurs through dairy products: this is due to life cycle virus and the processing features of milk products. The pathogen feels great in the cold and can survive like this for a long time.

Once in the body, the virus, as a rule, penetrates the intestinal mucosa (usually affecting the small intestine) and starts the process of destruction of intestinal villi. Digestive tract enzymes are synthesized that help break down food. As a result, incoming food cannot be digested normally, and disaccharides accumulate in the intestinal lumen, which attract water and salts. This entire mixture is excreted by the body through severe diarrhea, the body gradually becomes dehydrated and weakens.

Incubation period

The so-called incubation period is the time period from the moment the virus enters the body biological object before the first symptoms of inflammation appear. Sometimes it is called latent. Influenza has a short incubation period: the disease lasts from 15 hours to three days, followed by an acute period of 3-7 days, and a recovery period of 4 to 5 days.


Symptoms of intestinal infection are varied. In many children, the infection is severe and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39°C or higher. If the disease is in adults, children with strong immunity It is mild, no significant fever is observed. Nuances:

  1. Patients complain about painful sensations in the stomach frequent nausea and severe vomiting. Sometimes upon examination a slight redness of the throat and an increase in lymph nodes on the neck.
  2. Characterized by the appearance of abundant loose stool with pronounced sharp sour smell, without blood and mucus. If blood or mucus is added, this indicates the presence concomitant disease. Inflammation of the stomach and small intestine foodborne infections are called gastroenteritis.
  3. Children have frequent vomiting. In adults frequent vomiting may not exist or occurs once.
  4. There are signs of damage to the upper respiratory tract (nasal congestion, difficulty swallowing).
  5. Possible manifestations of ARVI with intestinal syndrome in adults.


The bowel movements are frequent, watery, sharp foul odor, green or cloudy white. Intestinal form flu accompanied loud rumbling in the abdomen, the urge to defecate is frequent and productive. If there are bloody streaks in the stool or loss of mucous lumps, you should think about the addition of other respiratory infections, serious illnesses, bacterial infections, such as shigellosis, escherichiosis. On the background frequent diarrhea dehydration develops different degrees. In adults intestinal infection without diarrhea is not uncommon.


Another dangerous one characteristic symptom, which is caused by an intestinal virus, quickly leads to dehydration. Manifestation clinical symptom in adults, as a rule, it occurs once, and in children it is combined with diarrhea. Interestingly, the manifestation of acute diarrhea occurs immediately after vomiting or simultaneously. Vomiting due to rotavirus can persist for up to 3-5 days, which leads to loss of vitality in the child’s body.

Symptoms in children

In children, due to weak childhood immunity, the disease is more complex and more severe. The intoxication of the body is severe, vomiting is frequent and watery, diarrhea appears, which can reach 10 times a day, sometimes more. Flu with diarrhea and fever leads to dehydration, which develops in 75-85% of examined children, and often provokes the development renal failure and hemodynamic disorders.

The amount of urine excreted by the child is significantly reduced, and albuminuria (albumin in the excreted urine) may be observed. Often the appearance of leukocytes, red blood cells in the urine increases residual nitrogen in blood serum. The onset of the disease is accompanied by leukocytosis (an increase in white blood cells), after a period of height - leukopenia (a decrease in the number of blood white blood cells).


The disease often occurs when eating unwashed fruits and becomes infected intestinal virus with insufficient processing of meat and dairy products, through dirty hands and water. Bacterial causes infections:

  • coli;
  • Shigella;
  • salmonella.

Viral causes:

  • caliciviruses;
  • noroviruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • astroviruses.

Stomach flu during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is difficult to detect influenza in time. Symptoms can be confused with toxicosis of pregnant women early stages, with gestosis - in the later stages. The virus does not pose a serious threat to the fetus, but for a woman the condition is dangerous due to dehydration and weakening of the body. The main prevention during pregnancy is careful attention to food and lifestyle.


The symptoms are similar to the manifestations of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (common flu, gastritis, viral gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.). Diagnosis is not easy. A definitive diagnosis can be made once the virus is detected using laboratory methods– polymerase chain reaction (PCR), passive hemagglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction (CFR), ELISA methods, etc. All changes in blood and urine are normalized after the patient recovers.

Available Methods diagnostics:

  • general analysis blood ( increased amount leukocytes, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • general urinalysis (appearance of protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes, and sometimes hyaline casts).

Treatment of intestinal flu

All treatment comes down to symptomatic therapy (elimination of symptoms) and prevention of dehydration. Apply:

It is recommended to take adsorbent or astringent medications (for intestinal disorders) if your stomach hurts badly - painkillers and antispasmodics help. Mild or one-time vomiting or diarrhea does not require treatment. It is recommended to take antibiotics in case of respiratory infections (cough), infectious diseases to avoid the spread of infection, dangerous complications, the main one is intoxication, which is difficult to treat.


For desoldering use effective solution rehydron (capable of normalizing water-salt metabolism). Additional funds:

  1. The drug paracetamol can be prescribed as an antipyretic.
  2. Enzyme preparations: mezim, festal.
  3. Adsorbents and astringents: activated carbon, polysorb, smecta.
  4. Lactic-containing bacterial preparations: acylact, lactobacterin, linex (to restore intestinal microflora).
  5. Antispasmodics or painkillers: spasmolgon, no-shpa, citramon, analgin.


It is necessary to follow a diet: give up any dairy products, fermented milk products. If the person is feeling hungry, you can give a small amount of liquid chicken broth or rice porridge on water without oil. Food is taken in small portions with frequent breaks. At first, it is necessary to limit or eliminate foods rich in carbohydrates.

Treatment in children

It is necessary to isolate the child from other children. Against dehydration of the body it is necessary to use special saline solutions. Approved adsorbents for children and lactose-containing preparations are used to restore microflora. At prolonged diarrhea, persistent vomiting may develop signs of underlying complications. It is recommended to call a doctor; hospitalization is possible.

  • physical methods: wiping with water;
  • chemical: taking drugs by mouth or as rectal antipyretic suppositories (which is more acceptable in childhood).

Prevention of intestinal flu

In Europe and the USA they conduct specific prevention with the help of vaccines. We do not have such vaccines. There is a standard set of preventive procedures that are aimed at preventing viruses from entering the body:

  • isolation of patients;
  • hand hygiene, washing vegetables, fruits;
  • eating only fresh dairy products and fermented milk products;
  • sanitary control of public catering places, food products, markets and shops with dairy products.


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