Clotrimazole during pregnancy: recommendations and instructions for use to eliminate thrush using ointments and suppositories. Clotrimazole is a universal remedy for pregnant women at an affordable price

One of the most effective drugs One of the antifungals is Clotrimazole. Gynecologists prescribe it to combat this insidious disease like a thrush. Clotrimazole is one of the drugs approved for the treatment of this disease during pregnancy.

Can Clotrimazole be used by women during pregnancy?

The incidence of thrush during pregnancy is high. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity. In addition, it can occur after taking antibiotics, hypothermia, stress, etc. The disease is characterized by the growth of opportunistic microorganisms - fungi of the genus Candida.

The latter, it should be noted, are always present in the body, but in small quantities. When the number of beneficial lactobacilli decreases, fungi begin to multiply uncontrollably.

The disease can be provoked by wearing thong panties, sexual intercourse with an infected partner, tight-fitting synthetic underwear, diabetes, reception hormonal drugs, anal-genital and oral-genital sexual intercourse.

Thrush can be an independent disease or occur against the background of another pathology. It is accompanied by a burning sensation, itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia, pain during intercourse, cheesy white vaginal discharge and urinary disorders.

The drug is a synthetic antifungal and antibacterial action. It is highly effective in the fight against yeast and mold fungi, trichomonas, dermatophytes and various bacteria: gardnerella, bacteroides, streptococci and staphylococci.

There are two ways to use Clotrimazole: external and local. The drug is sold in several forms: ointment, cream, solution and vaginal tablets.

Principle of action: administered in small doses, it inhibits the synthesis of proteins that are necessary for the progression of thrush; large doses lead to the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide, which leads to the destruction of the cell membranes of the harmful microbe, as a result of which it dies.

The drug is able to accumulate in the stratum corneum of the skin, therefore it is most effective in the treatment of fungal diseases.

Instructions for the use of Clotrimazole suppositories and other forms of the drug during pregnancy


The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. The additional components of the suppositories include: euthanol, span, polysorbate, cestasteryl and benzyl alcohol, synthetic spermaceti, purified water. Vaginal tablets include lactose, corn starch, soda, tartaric acid, aerosil, magnesium stearate and, of course, clotrimazole itself. In addition to the main active ingredient, the solution for external use contains isopropyl myristinate and anhydrous ethanol. In ointment auxiliary components are absent, it consists entirely of clotrimazole.

Doctors prescribe this drug to their patients for a number of indications. For example, Clotrimazole vaginal tablets are indicated in the presence of genital infections caused by bacteria sensitive to clotrimazole and Candida fungi. The product in the form of a cream is often prescribed as a component of the treatment of lichen versicolor, dermatomycosis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis. The ointment has proven itself most effective in the fight against mycoses of skin folds, pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma, superficial candidiasis caused by dermatophytes, and other types of yeast and mold fungi complicated by mycoses.

The solution is most often prescribed for fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin: for mycoses of the hands/feet, smooth skin of the body, skin folds, scalp, candidiasis, erythrasma, paronychia, pityriasis versicolor.

Clotrimazole suppositories, cream and tablets: how they work during pregnancy

Doctors and those who have been treated with this drug confirm it high efficiency. This is precisely what explains the widespread use of this remedy in the fight against fungal diseases, even during pregnancy.

The result after use can be noticed in the near future: if fungal infection not started, then the product will cope with it in a matter of days. Otherwise, when the disease has spread significantly or is severe, a local drug is used in combination with other medications.

Destroying pathogenic microorganisms, the active substance does not manifest itself anywhere else, that is, it acts exclusively on harmful bacteria.

Systemic action of the drug Clotrimazole

The active substance still enters the blood, but in negligible quantities. Therefore, it does not have a significant impact. But nevertheless, it has been scientifically proven that a certain proportion of the medicine still remains in the body and, in addition, it is able to freely penetrate through the placental membrane to the fetus.

A significant danger to the baby in the womb exists only when initial stage- in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that during this period the formation of organs and tissues occurs.

The instructions state that the drug is prohibited in the first three months of gestation. Since Clotrimazole is not on the list of vital important drugs, then treatment for such is postponed to a later date, when the danger to the unborn child has significantly decreased.

Clotrimazole cream and other forms: side effects during pregnancy

If the doctor prescribed vaginal tablets, then after their use, approximately 3% of the total number active substance. And if you use ointment or cream, then this number decreases even more. Such amounts of the active substance in the blood cannot have a significant effect on the body, so its use should not cause concern.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the drug is not recommended for use in the first trimester, during breastfeeding and in the presence of liver dysfunction. In addition, contraindications, of course, include increased sensitivity to the main active substance and to any of the auxiliary components.

Therapy may cause side effects. For example, it is not excluded allergic reactions, which are manifested by itching, burning, rash, peeling and redness of the skin. Also during pregnancy, cramping pain in the lower abdomen may occur. Sexual intercourse during treatment is accompanied painful sensations caused by irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

Clotrimazole ointment and suppositories: dosage during pregnancy

  1. Vaginal suppositories and tablets, which may contain 100 – 200 – 500 mg of active substance, are inserted as deep as possible into the vaginal cavity. They are placed in the evening, just before going to bed. Typically, the course of therapy lasts 7 days, however, the dosage, as well as the duration of use, can be prescribed by the attending physician according to individually. When placing a suppository or tablet, pregnant women should use an applicator designed for this purpose. This must be done manually so as not to damage the delicate mucous membranes and cervix;
  2. Cream and ointment are used externally. They lubricate the affected areas of the skin, as well as the vulva. The layer of product should be thin, but continuous. The duration of the course of therapy is determined individually, based on the severity of the disease and a number of other parameters;
  3. The solution is used for rubbing into the skin and nail plates. As a rule, they treat the affected areas three times a day for 1 month. It can also be used to treat thrush. IN in this case it is inserted into the urethra.

Clotrimazole during pregnancy: features of therapy

In the first trimester, this remedy is highly not recommended. At this time the risk negative impact the fruit is very large. For more later, in the second and third trimester, it is prescribed only according to indications. This antifungal substance can be used only on the recommendation of the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Clotrimazole is a synthetic antifungal and antibacterial agent based on imidazole. It is considered one of the most commonly used drugs for local treatment various fungal infections. Clotrimazole is part of a group of drugs approved for use during pregnancy. The product is available in the form of lotion, ointment and solution for external use, as well as in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories.

Clotrimazole: indications for use

Candidiasis is far from the only disease that can be treated with clotrimazole. Among other indications, the following are noted:

  1. Mycoses of skin folds and feet;
  2. Fungal skin diseases;
  3. Lichens of various types;
  4. Superficial candidiasis;
  5. Candidal vulvovaginitis;
  6. Trichomoniasis;
  7. Balanitis;
  8. Erythrasma;
  9. Candidal stomatitis;
  10. Sanitation birth canal before childbirth.

Clotrimazole: suppositories during pregnancy

Clotrimazole suppositories have a powerful effect on the body antifungal effect, which is due to the peculiarities of their composition. Candles are produced in 3 various variations. There are preparations containing the active substance clotrimazole in 100, 200 or 500 ml. In addition, clotrimazole suppositories contain corn starch, lactose, soda, aerosil, tartaric acid, and magnesium stearic.

Clotrimazole will help you fight yeast, dermatophytes, molds, as well as microorganisms that provoke the development of erythrasma and lichen versicolor. It destroys staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas and some other types of microorganisms.

Suppositories cannot be used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since at this time the active formation of all organs of the embryo occurs. This means that any outside intervention can seriously harm your unborn baby, even in the case of a small dosage. More importantly, clotrimazole is completely safe for the fetus. However, it should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

It is recommended to place candles once a day before bedtime, immediately after an evening shower. The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the disease. The suppository should be installed in the vagina using the special applicator included in the package. As a rule, therapy lasts about 6-7 days. If 1 course does not give the expected results, you can repeat the treatment.

Clotrimazole: ointment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Clotrimazole ointment should be applied directly to the affected areas several times a day. The duration of the medication course depends on factors such as:

  1. Course of the disease;
  2. Location of fungal foci;
  3. The severity of the pathology;
  4. Visible effect of the actions taken.

The ointment is also prescribed for dermatomycosis, lichen versicolor, erythrasma, vulvovaginal candidiasis or balanitis. In addition, you can treat your partner with clotrimazole ointment. The course is usually 3-4 weeks.

Only a very small amount of the drug, when applied to the skin and mucous membranes, is absorbed into the systemic circulation. Therefore, it is considered safe for the developing fetus during the mother's pregnancy, starting in the 2nd trimester.

Clotrimazole during pregnancy: reviews

Alina: During pregnancy I fell ill with bronchitis, took a course of antibiotics and the thrush worsened. My gynecologist prescribed clotrimazole suppositories. I was treated for 6 days, I was pleased with the result. The disease did not manifest itself in any way until the end of pregnancy, and no complications emerged either. In addition, clotrimazole is inexpensive.

Anna: I often suffered from thrush. During pregnancy she relapsed again. Got treatment vaginal tablets clotrimazole on the advice of your doctor. The thrush went away and did not get worse. The main thing is that my baby was born healthy.

Daria: Excellent product against thrush and other types of fungus. I used clotrimazole suppositories during pregnancy. Cheap and cheerful, and most importantly effective.

Sophia: In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, thrush began. The doctor prescribed clotrimazole suppositories. I left it overnight for 5 days, although I didn’t use the applicator. For the first 2 days there was terrible itching, then everything went away. The doctor said this happens often. In general, good, effective and inexpensive remedy from candidiasis.

Tatyana: Clotrimazole caused labor for me at 36 weeks of pregnancy. After the 2nd suppository, blood began to flow, it was strong burning sensation and my lower abdomen hurt. We went to the maternity hospital; they couldn’t stop the bleeding for a long time. It's good that the child was born healthy.

Thrush - unpleasant disease problem that most women face. It, of course, can be cured, but this process causes particular difficulties during the period of bearing a child. As a rule, after making such a diagnosis, the expectant mother is recommended to use clotrimazole. This medicine has become very popular and effective for getting rid of thrush. However, it is allowed only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Pregnancy is a happy time for any woman. The 1st trimester is the time when the expectant mother is immersed in pleasant chores: what name to choose for her baby, what toys are worth buying and how to properly swaddle a newborn. And already during the 3rd trimester, her thoughts are completely immersed in the process of preparing for childbirth. But dangers await a pregnant woman everywhere, starting from 1 month of pregnancy. Experts believe that thrush is the most common type of disease that women encounter most often. It can be cured without difficulty using modern high-quality drugs. But during pregnancy you should be especially careful not to harm the unborn child. Since many medications are recommended for use only after 3 months of pregnancy. To eliminate this infection, it is imperative to seek advice from an experienced specialist. The most effective and safe drug Clotrimazole is considered to be used during pregnancy. It is usually prescribed at 3 months. It is he who will help cope with an unwanted illness in a young mother.

How dangerous is thrush for an expectant mother?

Thrush is a very unpleasant disease caused by the development of fungi of the genus Candida. It is very common among most women. But for pregnant girls, thrush is an unwelcome guest. And it can be treated starting from 3 months. This disease causes not only discomfort at expectant mother, but can also negatively affect the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you must immediately contact a specialist. Since urogenital candidiasis must be treated immediately, so that the pregnancy itself and the healthy condition of the child after childbirth are not at risk. To avoid further occurrence of thrush, doctors recommend that both expectant parents undergo treatment. Clotrimazole will help prevent symptoms of infection. But resorting to his help is allowed only 3 months after conception.

By what signs can you identify an approaching thrush:

  • This disease is characterized by a large amount of curd-like discharge from the genital tract that is white or slightly yellowish in color.
  • Irritation or swelling of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia appears.
  • There is an unpleasant burning and itching sensation.
  • Sometimes the discharge has a not very pleasant smell.
  • In some cases, it is a harbinger of the onset of menstruation.

These general symptoms characteristic of most female representatives. But don’t forget that everyone’s body is different. Each case of the disease must be considered separately. During pregnancy, you cannot self-medicate, so at the first signs you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

What is the medicine?

Clotrimazole is an antibacterial and antimicrobial drug, whose action is based on imidazole. It aims to destroy various types yeast and mold fungi and prevents further development of bacteria. The effect of the drug depends on the concentration used.

In small quantities, clotrimazole only slows down the synthesis of proteins, which have a positive effect on the development of infection during pregnancy. At a higher dosage, the drug accumulates active hydrogen peroxide and destroys microorganism cells, contributing to their complete destruction.

Clotrimazole is available in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories, creams, ointments and solutions for topical use. During pregnancy, every girl can choose the most convenient treatment option after consulting with a doctor.

For what other diseases can expectant mothers use this medicine?

Clotrimazole is a unique drug. It can be used not only to get rid of thrush, but also to treat other diseases during pregnancy. It effectively fights lichen, stomatitis in the expectant mother, and fungal infections of the skin. Clotrimazole serves as an excellent antimicrobial agent before the onset of labor.

How to take the drug correctly?

No matter how safe the medicine is, you should not self-medicate during pregnancy. You should always make an appointment with a specialist first. And only after all the tests will the doctor be able to prescribe necessary treatment. Clotrimazole during pregnancy is the most optimal solution for the problem of thrush. A woman who has just begun her 1st trimester should take this drug do not do it. In all other cases, the attending physician prescribes clotrimazole and determines its dosage depending on the stage of exacerbation.

  • Clotrimazole vaginal tablets help a woman with inflammatory processes during pregnancy. At mild stage disease, 1 tablet of 500 mg is sufficient; at medium degree manifestations of thrush, 1 tablet of 200 mg is prescribed for 3 days. If the infection has worsened, then take 1 tablet of 100 mg for 6-8 days. For achievement positive result suppositories are used at night and inserted as deep as possible into the vagina without the help of a special applicator.
  • Your partner needs treatment too. For prevention, doctors advise purchasing clotrimazole cream 1% for local use. The optimal course of treatment is about 2-3 weeks.

If the symptoms of thrush during pregnancy do not disappear after treatment, then you need to consult a doctor to prescribe a second course.

What contraindications exist when using the product?

  • The 1st trimester is the most important for your unborn baby. Therefore, a pregnant woman should absolutely not take clotrimazole. In the first months, the active formation of the organs of the future baby occurs, and any intervention can negatively affect further development fetus Therefore, the 3rd trimester is the most favorable period for the treatment of thrush.
  • Sometimes a slight burning sensation may appear, but you should not worry too much about this.
  • It is very important that when using vaginal suppositories, a woman does not use the applicator.
  • In some cases, individual intolerance to this drug is possible.
  • Rarely, irritation and redness of the mucous membranes occurs.

All these side effects can be avoided if you approach treatment wisely. The 1st trimester of the expectant mother is the most important for the development of the fetus. And during this difficult period, it is necessary to coordinate any of your actions only with the opinion of a specialist.

Most common problem For a woman (including pregnant women), candidiasis, better known as “thrush,” occurs. The disease is unpleasant causing discomfort and requiring immediate treatment.

For pregnant women, thrush is not just an itching and burning sensation, but also a real danger negative influence fungus on normal development pregnancy. It is very disappointing to lose a baby due to such a banal disease, which is very easy and quick to cure.

What prevents expectant mothers from taking care of their health immediately? The only concern is that the use of the drug may cause the fetus to suffer no less than the disease itself, and that all sprays, ointments and suppositories used to treat the urogenital tract must contain an antibiotic.

It is not recommended for pregnant women to guess the degree of danger of the composition of the drug, as well as to treat themselves. Therefore, just accept correct solution: At the first sign of candidiasis, visit your doctor.

Most likely, your gynecologist will prescribe Clotrimazole, which is well known and often used in “pre-pregnancy life”. Do not rush to be disappointed and regret that you did not buy the drug at the pharmacy yourself - during pregnancy you need to refrain from rash steps. After all, the reaction of a pregnant woman’s body to the composition of this, in general, safe medicine may turn out to be somewhat unexpected.

To avoid troubles caused by illiterate “amateur” therapy, the doctor will not just simply prescribe the drug, but will also calculate the optimal dosage for a particular patient. individual case, will monitor the body’s reaction to the components of the drug and will cancel it if something goes wrong.

Symptoms of candidiasis

Among pregnant women, there is a category of women who, before the period of gestation, did not even suspect the existence of thrush. It is not surprising that the first symptoms of the disease cause fear and panic in them; they perceive them as signs of an abnormal pregnancy and almost a miscarriage.

To prevent the negative impact of Candida fungi on the fetus, it is necessary to apply effective therapy, and to know which drug to use, you need to know the enemy by symptoms.

So, the symptoms characteristic of thrush:

  • copious curdled discharge;
  • irritation and swelling of the genital mucosa;
  • constant burning and itching of the irritated area;
  • Availability unpleasant odor discharge.

We have named only the general symptoms of the disease; it is possible that candidiasis manifests itself differently in different organisms - it all depends on the individual. In any case, a pregnant woman who notices these or similar signs should immediately consult a doctor.

If you are prescribed Clotrimazole...

After your prescription, be sure to ask your doctor which form of the drug you need to use. Clotrimazole is available in the form of spray, ointment, lotion and vaginal tablets. It is the tablets that gynecologists recommend using for thrush - but this is for ordinary patients. What about being pregnant?

After all, the first question in the case of therapy with vaginal tablets is: is it possible to place the medicine so close to the uterus?

According to doctors, treatment with vaginal tablets does not pose any danger (during a certain period of pregnancy). Much more than the form of a medicine is its dosage. Pregnant women are prescribed 1 tablet of Clotrimazole at night, and at the same time a course of treatment should be given to the woman’s sexual partner. To do this, use Clotrimazole cream or ointment.

The drug belongs to the category of effective and relatively safe, but during pregnancy it is important to feel, predict, and separate the moment of risk and the moment of benefit. Therefore, without medical intervention, it is almost impossible to get rid of thrush without harming the fetus.

Composition and pharmacokinetics of the drug

Antifungal and antimicrobial agent, whose action is based on imidazole.

The effect of the substance is aimed at destroying various types of fungi, including yeast and mold, and preventing the development of bacteria.

The principle of action of the drug is based on the ability of the active substance to destroy the bacterial cell membrane, leading to its death.

The effectiveness of the action depends on the amount of the drug used: in small doses, Clotrimazole only slows down protein synthesis; at high dosages, the drug accumulates active hydrogen peroxide, which destroys negative cells.

The use of tablets causes 30% of the active substance to enter the bloodstream; when using an ointment or cream, this percentage is significantly reduced.


Not only thrush haunts a pregnant woman. Weakened immunity causes the occurrence of diseases that a woman had no fear of occurring before pregnancy.

Clotrimazole can effectively eliminate quite dangerous and aesthetically unpleasant diseases:

  • mycosis of skin folds and feet;
  • lichen;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • superficial candida;
  • candidal vulvaginitis;
  • candidal stomatitis.

Sanitation of the birth canal just before important event In life, women also use Clotrimazole.

Applicator and pregnancy

In the process of using Clotrimazole tablets during pregnancy, there is one important feature. Usually the tablet is inserted to the maximum depth using an applicator for this purpose.

For pregnant women, there is a separate requirement - do not use the applicator.

Firstly, the plastic device is too rough an instrument and can damage the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract of a pregnant woman.

Secondly, it is still better for pregnant women to refrain from very deep injection of the drug; the effect will be noticeable even with an average depth of injection of the tablet.

Side effects

The body of a pregnant woman reacts very sensitively to unusual substances. It is possible that in the process of using Clotrimazole, a pregnant woman will have to learn all the waywardness of her own nature: treatment of thrush and other fungal diseases does not always go smoothly.

The most common side effects:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • frequent urination;
  • headache;
  • V in rare cases– cramping attacks and pain in the lower abdomen.

Clotrimazole by trimester

1st trimester

The drug is an absolute contraindication. On early stages Pimafucin is prescribed for thrush during pregnancy.

2nd trimester

It is used very carefully, the course of therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. There is an opinion that the use of Clotrimazole is undesirable in the second trimester.

3rd trimester

It is used to treat fungal diseases and as part of a set of measures to cleanse a woman’s birth canal.

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