When a girl can get pregnant - cycle period, probability. High probability of pregnancy: when to conceive a child

  1. In practice, the question: when can a girl get pregnant is asked very often. In order for you to figure out for yourself whether you could get pregnant, you first need to understand how the reproductive system works.

When can a girl get pregnant?

A girl can become pregnant if she reproductive system ripe for conceiving and bearing a child. In this case, pregnancy occurs only when a follicle has emerged from her egg. This moment is called ovulation.

Normal, provided regular 28-day menstrual cycle, in which there are no deviations, Ovulation usually occurs two weeks after the start of menstrual bleeding, i.e. somewhere on the fourteenth day of the cycle.

According to scientists, an egg released from a follicle lives on average no more than 48 hours. But this is observed extremely rarely. More often she lives 24 hours.

Entered into a woman's genital tract sperm can live on average about 72 hours. In rare cases, this period increases to 11 days. Conventionally, we take 72 hours.

High probability of getting pregnant between the 8th and 20th day of the cycle

Overlapping the life spans of the egg and sperm, it can be argued that favorable days to conceive a child, i.e. the days when a girl could become pregnant - provided she has a regular menstrual cycle (clear 26-day or clear 28-day) is the midpoint of the cycle, plus or minus five to six days from this midpoint.

Based on this, we can say with confidence: if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs these days or a condom breaks while protected, then the probability of pregnancy in this situation is quite high. During this period, the girl could become pregnant and the question becomes relevant: ? Everyone must answer this for themselves.

When is the likelihood of getting pregnant through unprotected sex low?

On all other days. If sexual intercourse occurred closer to the beginning of menstruation, for example, two to three days before menstruation or towards its end - on the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day of the cycle, the lower the likelihood of pregnancy. But not 100%. Why is that? Because sometimes it happens that sperm lives longer or ovulation shifts to later or later early date. Therefore, all calculations are quite conditional.

But a certain rule still exists. It indicates the likelihood of pregnancy. Under the condition of a regular menstrual cycle, safe (closer to the end of menstruation) and dangerous days of the cycle (closer to the middle of the cycle) are distinguished.

Can a girl get pregnant during her period?

It is almost impossible to get pregnant during menstrual bleeding.

The exception is cases when ovulation for some reason occurred too early. But this happens extremely rarely. However, doctors are categorically against sex during menstruation.

This can be explained very simply - the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes in the uterus and endometriosis. To avoid harming yourself, you should abstain from sex during menstruation.

Sperm in the vagina - not 100% pregnancy

One more thing. If sperm gets into the vagina, this does not mean that pregnancy will occur one hundred percent. After all, a girl may not ovulate in every cycle.

In addition, the girl may have some additional factors that contribute to preventing pregnancy. There may also be permanent reasons infertility or infertility in a certain cycle (for example, incompletely formed corpus luteum or the follicle has not matured).

Infertility is a pressing problem

Not all men are able to fertilize if pregnancy does not occur.

It cannot be guaranteed that if on one of the dangerous days, for example the 14th, sperm gets into the vagina, the girl will definitely become pregnant. But the chance is high.

Here you need to remember that there are many infertile couples, which throughout many months can have sex regularly, and pregnancy occurs only towards the end of the year.

Women who are sexually active, but prefer not to limit intimacy with their partner with contraceptives, and at the same time do not want to have children yet, often ask the question: “ On what days can you not get pregnant??”, since you can often hear that on certain days of the menstrual cycle the possibility of conceiving a child is reduced to zero.

Protection using “safe” days

Girls who want to use for protection counting days in which pregnancy cannot occur, they must be extremely careful and attentive, since this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy, because each body is individual and various malfunctions can also occur in it. They are the ones who can become reasons for having an unplanned child.

Physiology of the female body

Before determining the day on which the probability of pregnancy is minimal, you should first understand the characteristics of female physiology.

About once a calendar month, a healthy sexually mature girl or woman experiences ovulation. On this day, the egg is ready for fertilization. That is, unprotected sexual intercourse in most cases will lead to pregnancy.

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasts several days. Based on the calculation of the time of ovulation, you can calculate possible days, suitable For unprotected sex .

How to calculate the moment of ovulation

Ovulation is moment of release of an egg from the ovary. These days, to avoid pregnancy, you must use barrier methods contraception.

To accurately avoid the birth of a child and find out about safe days, you need to accurately calculate the days of ovulation. To do this, you can use an ovulation test, undergo ultrasound diagnostics, or measure your basal temperature yourself for a month, or even several.

Table for calculating safe days

To calculate safe days using a table, you will need to be patient and spend at least a month studying your body.

To compile an ovulation table you will need a thermometer, a calendar and a notebook or notepad in which you need to record all changes basal temperature every day for a month.

On normal days, basal temperature fluctuates from 36.5 to 36.8 degrees. On the days of ovulation it rises to 37.2 degrees, after which it also decreases sharply.

Chances of getting pregnant after menstruation

The impossibility of pregnancy during sexual intercourse occurring immediately after menstruation is extremely low.

By unknown reasons girls believe that pregnancy cannot occur during this period, although gynecologists say the opposite.

The reasons for the appearance of such an incorrect sign for calculating safe days is considered to be the fact that in order to conceive during this period, a combination of the following factors is necessary:

  • the presence of active sperm in the partner that can survive long time in a woman's body;
  • unscheduled release of an egg, which occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance, experienced stress, a change of place of residence, or a shift in the moment of ovulation.

In this case, you should not rely on a method for calculating safe days.

After the days of ovulation have passed, but a few days before menstruation, the hormonal levels in a woman’s body change. The endometrium is shed and even when another egg is released from the ovary the likelihood of pregnancy is extremely low.

But there are also exceptions. For example, the body may experience hormonal disbalance or the partner’s sperm will be very tenacious.

To determine safe days, you will need a calendar of the onset and duration of menstruation at least six months in advance. In addition, when choosing this method of contraception, the menstrual cycle must be regular for a long time.

Accuracy of notes is very important, because if your period comes every time different time, calculate safe days will not work.

To determine safe days and days of ovulation, you need to calculate longest and shortest menstrual cycles. From the duration itself short cycle subtract 18. It is from the resulting day of the cycle that the days dangerous for conception begin.

For example, if the shortest cycle lasted 25 days, then dangerous days begin on the 7th day of the cycle.

To determine the end of ovulation and dangerous days for conception, from the duration of the long cycle subtract the number 11. It is on the resulting day of the cycle that ovulation ends.

For example, if a girl’s longest cycle lasted 31 days, then on the 20th day of the cycle the dangerous days end.

Ideally, you can add a few more days to the beginning and end of these days, during which it is advisable to be as careful as possible and use additional contraceptives.

The remaining days of the menstrual cycle are considered relatively safe. That is, if there are only 13 potentially dangerous days on which fertilization can occur, then the remaining 15 (based on an ideal cycle of 28 days) are days on which you cannot get pregnant.

In the current age of progress, to make women’s lives easier, special calculator programs have been developed that calculate approximate days the onset of ovulation based on the duration of the menstrual cycle.

By running such a calculator program for six months, you can quite accurately and without calculations identify safe days for sex without additional funds contraception.

This program is based on the calendar method. She calculates based on the length of the shortest and longest menstrual cycle.

Sexual intercourse without a condom

Sexual intercourse without using additional contraception is very risky. The likelihood of protection from pregnancy even on safe days cannot be fully guaranteed, so sex without a condom or other proven means of contraception can only occur if the couple cannot use other medication or barrier methods of contraception.

The reliability of this method

The reliability of the method of preventing unwanted pregnancy by calculating days safe for sex has been questioned, since the female body is individual and it is impossible to predict when it will decide that it is time to reproduce.

The method can be used for those couples who ready to have a baby and hoping for a lucky break.

If a couple is not ready to increase their family, it is worth choosing a more reliable method contraception.

The issue of “calendar contraception” worries both inexperienced girls and women who do not use chemical or by mechanical means preventing pregnancy. To figure out whether this method is reliable and who it is suitable for, you need to know and take into account certain factors.

Menstrual cycle and its phases

The menstrual or lunar cycle (regula) are changes that occur every month in a woman’s body childbearing age, as a result of which conception is possible. The cycle count starts from the first day of menstruation. On average, it lasts 28 days, with a 7-day fluctuation up or down.

The menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases:

  1. Menstrual– days when the endometrium, the layer of the uterine mucosa, is shed, and bleeding occurs (3-7 days).
  2. Follicular– lasts from the first day of menstruation, about two weeks. During this phase, a follicle is formed in the ovaries (a new egg matures in it).
  3. Ovulatory (ovulation), lasting about 3 days. It is during this phase that the question of whether a girl can get pregnant after menstruation becomes relevant, because ovulation marks the peak probability of conception. The follicle ruptures, a mature egg comes out of it and goes to fallopian tube. This is where fertilization must take place.
  4. Luteal, lasting 11-16 days - a time of increased production of hormones and thickening of the endometrium, preparing the body for possible pregnancy.
    If fertilization has taken place, the egg is fixed in the endometrium; if not, menstruation begins - the egg and the rejected endometrium come out. Then everything repeats.

Factors that increase the possibility of getting pregnant after menstruation

Gynecologists believe that with regular periods (for example, 28 days), the day of ovulation is the middle of the cycle (14th day). Therefore, theoretically, it is impossible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, since fertilization should occur approximately on the 13th -15th day. However, not everything is so simple.

Can a girl get pregnant after menstruation? This question interests many women.

The ability for a girl or woman to become pregnant after menstruation depends on whether the cyclicity of menstruation and the time of ovulation changes. These factors are unstable.

Gynecologists believe that with regular periods (for example, 28 days), the day of ovulation is the middle of the cycle (14th day).

They depend on psychological state women, health reproductive organs, the level of hormones in the blood, the influence of climatic conditions and many other reasons.

  • shifting cycle or its change (ovulation date shifts);
  • too much short period between menstruation – less than 21 days;
  • too long periods of menstrual bleeding - more than 7 days;
  • activity and vitality of the partner’s sperm;
  • early ovulation in some women;
  • spontaneous ovulation - the maturation of two eggs at different times in one cycle; It is impossible to calculate the fertile window in this case.

“Calendar” contraception, if there are exceptions, is quite risky. Any biochemical failure in the body can make safe days dangerous. If a woman is at risk, more reliable methods of protection should be used.

Can a girl get pregnant on days 1–5?

The probability of getting pregnant on days 1–5 of menstruation is almost zero, and the possibility of getting an infection with further complications is extremely high. Blood is an ideal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, including dangerous ones. Sexual intercourse during menstruation opens the door to infection.

Without the ability to freely leave the uterus (during intercourse during menstruation), blood can enter the abdominal cavity. This is fraught with inflammation and more serious women's diseases.

Be careful! Internal cavity The uterus during menstrual bleeding is an open, easily infected bloody wound, so gynecologists do not recommend having sex during menstruation.

Is it possible to get pregnant 6–9 days after menstruation?

According to doctors, up to 7-8 days from the beginning of menstruation, sex is safest. However, any changes in external and internal factors, for example, the presence active sperm or a shift in ovulation to an earlier date as a result of stress, can disrupt the usual cycle and the calculation will not be justified.

Whether a girl can get pregnant after her period on days 6–9 is impossible to say with 100% certainty. Gynecologists believe that pregnancy is unlikely because the possibility of conception ranges from 1 to 6%.

How many days after menstruation can you get pregnant?

The period when conception is possible is associated with the duration of the cycle. The shorter it is, the sooner such a day comes.. With a 28-day cycle, for example, day 14 (the middle of the cycle) will be the day of ovulation.

In this case, days 9–19 will be dangerous (taking into account the safety 5 days before and after ovulation), since the egg is viable for 2-3 days, and the sperm lives for 3-4 days, sometimes up to a week or even longer. If the cycle is shorter or longer, it is necessary to make an adjustment towards increasing or decreasing safe days.

Can a girl get pregnant after menstruation on days 6 - 9: Gynecologists believe that pregnancy is unlikely, because the possibility of conception ranges from 1 to 6%.

Note! Now there are medical methods(ultrasound folliculometry, test strips, measuring hormone levels using basal temperature), which allow you to find out whether a girl can get pregnant and on what day after her period, quite accurately. The period of ovulation is determined according to the data obtained during the examination.

When is the likelihood of getting pregnant higher: before or after menstruation?

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally, because there is always individual characteristics that have changed and/or were not taken into account. According to gynecologists, 2 days before and 2 after menstrual phase– the safest days, when the possibility of getting pregnant is practically excluded.

“Calendar” contraception is effective if menstruation occurs regularly after the same number of days. This method is also used by those for whom mechanical methods are not suitable or are not recommended. chemical methods contraception (breastfeeding mothers, for example).

But if the egg does not mature at the expected time due to external influences or biochemical changes in a girl’s body, then she can become pregnant either immediately after her period or right before it. It all depends on whether the calculation is made correctly and whether all parameters are taken into account.

It is important to know! With regular sex life, an accurate cycle and a familiar partner, this method does not often present “surprises” to women. But if a woman rarely has sexual intercourse, then the chance of becoming pregnant increases sharply, even in unfavorable days. The body seems to take advantage of the opportunity and tries to extract maximum benefit from contact.

How to correctly calculate which days you can get pregnant

The days for safe unprotected sex are calculated based on the day of ovulation plus safety days, but this does not guarantee the complete impossibility of pregnancy.

Women who, for one reason or another, use the calendar method are advised to constantly monitor the intervals between regulations (menstrual cycle) and make adjustments if necessary.

“Calendar” contraception is effective if menstruation occurs regularly after the same number of days.

Such women should keep a diary of the regularity of their periods. It will help take into account deviations, more accurately determine the fertile window (the period favorable for conception) and increase the reliability of the method.

Duration of the menstrual cycle (days) Day of ovulation (mid-cycle) Are insurance days taken into account? The period when a woman/girl can become pregnant
21 11 yes (11-5; 11 +5)6 - 16 days after menstruation
24 12 -“- (12-5; 12+5) 7 – 17-“-
26 13 -“- (13-5; 13+5) 8 — 18-“-
28 14 -“- (14-5; 14+5) 9 – 19-“-
30 15 -“- (15-5; 15+5) 10 – 20-“-
32 16 -“- (16-5; 16+5) 11 – 21-“-
34 17 -“- (17-5; 17+5) 12 – 22-“-

Most unplanned pregnancies are believed to occur due to spontaneous ovulation., which was previously considered a rare case. It turns out that it is common to many women; it is impossible to calculate it on your own. It can happen any day and you won’t notice it at all.

Therefore, in case of spontaneous ovulation, you can get pregnant even during menstruation.

If you have health problems or intolerance to modern contraceptives force a girl/woman to use calendar contraception, then she should be prepared for a joyful surprise - an unexpectedly born new life within herself.

Can a girl get pregnant after menstruation:

How to find out what day ovulation occurs after menstruation in this video:

While some couples dream of seeing two coveted lines on the test, others are trying at all costs to avoid undesirable consequences. In both the first and second cases, it is important to know that there are favorable and unfavorable days for conception. What days are these? How to calculate them? What do doctors think about this? Read our article!

On what days can you not get pregnant?

To make it easier to determine “safe” days, it is worth breaking down the menstrual cycle into several phases:

  • Before menstruation: during this period, the levels of progesterone and estrogen drop. The endometrium is preparing for detachment - the likelihood that the fertilized egg will be able to attach itself and pregnancy will occur is extremely low. Immediately before the onset of menstruation, the egg dies without being fertilized, and is then released along with menstrual blood.
  • During menstruation: The first day of the cycle is also not the most favorable time for conception. Levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen are still too low. The egg has just begun to mature and, due to its size, is not ready for fertilization.
  • Immediately after menstruation: egg It has been ripening for some time and getting ready to go out. If the cycle lasts about three weeks, then ovulation occurs already 7-10 days after the start of menstruation. If the cycle lasts longer, then ovulation occurs around the 14th day. The likelihood of conception increases significantly.

Note! Even if you only have sex on “safe” days, this will not give you a 100% guarantee that unwanted pregnancy will not come. This is just an auxiliary technique for calculating the cycle.

How to calculate safe days so as not to get pregnant?

There are three techniques for calculating days unsuitable for conception:

- by calendar/using the application

The method is based on the use of a menstrual cycle calculator. You can use it online or download it to your smartphone. This is a very convenient application for those who monitor their own health. In the program you must indicate average duration cycle, as well as the duration of menstrual bleeding. As a result of simple calculations, the program will give you the most favorable and unfavorable days for conception.

Reference! The most best apps"Flo", "Clue", "Eve", "Pink" are considered to track the menstrual cycle Pad" and "Period Tracker".

- using temperature measurements

Measuring basal temperature is most often used to detect ovulation. This is a long and painstaking process that takes three to four cycles.

To do this, you need to measure your basal body temperature every day at the same time using a rectal thermometer and record the data obtained in a special calendar. To obtain the most reliable information, adhere to the following rules:

  • Measure the temperature in morning hours, immediately after waking up - without getting out of bed.
  • Write down the data received every day, connecting the numbers with a line. This way you will get line graph with a depression (temperature drop) approximately in the center.
  • Build the next month’s schedule on top of the previous one, and so on for 3-4 cycles.

Check the data received: in each of the graphs there is a notch on day 1, and these “holes” approximately coincide with each other - this day is ovulation. That is, the most favorable day for conception.

Note! Despite the effectiveness of the method of measuring basal temperature, the data may be distorted by a current illness or taking hormonal medications.

- using the cervical method

This scientific name a technique that involves tracking vaginal mucus. Depending on the quantity and quality of discharge, you can calculate the days when the probability of conception is greatest, or, conversely, extremely low.

  • Scanty discharge: observed from the 18th day of the cycle to the first day of menstruation, provided that the girl does not have gynecological diseases.
  • Thick, stringy mucus : released between the 10th and 17th day of menstruation, and indicates the onset of ovulation.

On what days after menstruation can you not get pregnant?

If you know how many days your cycle lasts, you can calculate which days after your period are safest to have sex:

  • Cycle 21 days (3 weeks): the probability of conception is extremely low in the period from 10 to 21 days.
  • Cycle 28 days (4 weeks): most safe time- period from 18 to 28 days.
  • Cycle 35 days (5 weeks): the lowest chance of pregnancy is in the first 14 days of the cycle, as well as in the period from 25 to 35 days.


All of the above methods are effective and convenient in their own way. However, none of them gives you a guarantee of safety. These are just ways to independently track the cycle, in which misfires and miscalculations are possible. If you do not want to find out about your unwanted pregnancy, use contraceptives.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The topic presented is on what days can you get pregnant after menstruation, the table is relevant for many women and girls. For some, this is a solution to the problem of unplanned pregnancy; for others, it is a selection of days when conceiving a child is most likely. Such days are calculated different methods, characterized by the complexity of implementation and the likelihood of results. This material will examine the processes occurring in the body of women and which periods of the cycle are most favorable for conception.

Unfavorable days for conceiving a baby: what you need to know

I would like to draw the attention of those women who prefer to use a method involving the use of a calendar as contraception and refuse other common methods (various medications, condoms), that, in fact, there are simply no absolutely safe days for conception. Answering a topic that is of interest to many - on what days can you get pregnant, we can say with confidence that a woman can conceive a child on almost any day. This is explained by the fact that there are no periods with zero probability. The only clarification is that on certain days there is more or, conversely, less chance of conceiving a baby.

The safest time period with minimal chances of getting pregnant is the few days before and after your period. To calculate dangerous days, it is necessary to know exactly the duration of the cycle, and it must be stable. The highest chances of getting pregnant are on day -15 with a 28-30 day cycle. It is at this time that ovulation occurs.

However, some deviations are possible that shift the timing of ovulation and disrupt the cycle, which can be associated with many reasons:

  • physical, mental stress;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • Availability various kinds diseases;
  • use of medications.

When can you get pregnant, on what days?

Calculating the most favorable days is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Having asked the question - when can you get pregnant, on what days, first of all you should analyze the cycle for Last year/six months. It is very important to take into account that if during the mentioned period they used hormonal drugs, in this case the calculations will not be highly accurate.

Also, one should not neglect the recommendation of many gynecologists about the need to keep your own calendar, in which the necessary data will be noted. Thanks to this, you can find out about the regularity/irregularity of the cycle. Important - if the cycle is not regular, it will be quite difficult to determine the required days.

To solve this problem, you can use other methods that solve this problem. Next method will help calculate the time for conception in case of irregular menstruation.

  • Initially, you should highlight the shortest and longest cycle for the last year.
  • Subtract the number 18 from the days corresponding to the mildest cycle. The resulting number is the beginning of the most probable period to conceive a baby.

Conceiving after menstruation, what you should know

Many women are of the opinion that after menstruation (usually the first few days) the risk of pregnancy is reduced to zero. However, this is not true and even doctors warn that you can get pregnant at any time during your cycle.

This is explained by the fact that sperm that enter a woman’s genital tract can remain viable for a long time. That is, this means that if the cycle is short, and the period of blood release itself is long, then the probability of pregnancy is as high as possible.

There are several reasons for pregnancy to occur after menstruation:

  • high activity of male ejaculate;
  • such a feature female body, like the maturation of several eggs during one cycle;
  • shift in the time period for the onset of ovulation. Often this “failure” is observed in young girls due to the irregularity of the cycle. In adult women, this phenomenon is caused by hormonal imbalances.

Today there are many methods for determining the most auspicious days for conception, among them not only calendar method, but also such as conducting tests for the onset of ovulation, determining temperature (basal), folliculometry and others.

Conception before and during menstruation: is it possible?

Please note that there is no clear answer to this question. That is, you can answer both yes and no.

  • The answer is no. As many people know, the moment of ovulation is the middle of the cycle. That is, before the onset of menstruation, the egg, as a rule, dies. If ovulation occurs again or occurs after a longer period of time, the woman will not be able to get pregnant, since the adjustment will occur hormonal levels for a new cycle.
  • The answer is yes. For any healthy woman, the chance of becoming pregnant before menstruation is quite high (especially if you have irregular sex life). This is explained by the onset of ovulation outside of the plan, which can in turn be provoked by substances contained in the male ejaculate.

We also note that the possibility of conception during menstruation is also unlikely. This can be explained unfavorable environment both for sperm and for subsequent embryo implantation due to large quantity blood. That is, answering the question - on what days can you get pregnant, the answer is in this case will be negative. However, nature is less capricious and any “surprises” can be expected from it, which is confirmed although rare cases, when women conceived babies during menstruation.

What days of the cycle can you get pregnant, table

In this part, we offer information that will be interesting and relevant for many women - on which days of the cycle you can get pregnant, table.

For the most correct and correct determination of the time for conception, help female a special table appears below. To make the necessary calculation, you will first need to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle.

Please note that for an accurate calculation, it should be taken into account that the start of the cycle is the first day of menstruation, and its end is the eve of the next one, coming after the first menstruation.

After this, the days on which ovulation occurs are calculated, that is, this, in fact, is the very same favorable period to conceive a child.

Important! As mentioned above - with irregular menstrual cycle, the basis for the calculation is the shortest cycle in duration over the previous 6-12 months.

Thanks to this fairly simple but effective calendar table, you can make calculations and calculate the start days of ovulation. It also wouldn’t hurt to use these days additional techniques for more precise definition: from measuring your morning basal temperature to a banal trip to a gynecologist to conduct special tests.

On what days of the cycle can you not use protection and not get pregnant?

To calculate days that are “not dangerous” for conception, the following points should be taken into account:

  • the onset of ovulation (10-18 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle);
  • egg viability (about 24 hours);
  • sperm viability and activity.

Based on the presented points, you can determine on which days of the cycle you can not use protection and not get pregnant. To carry out the calculation, we offer the most popular and widespread method.

This method involves determining days using a calendar. Its essence is tracking the duration of menstruation over the past six months to a year. Afterwards, the shortest and longest periods are selected and calculations are made. For example, the duration of the shortest cycle is 26 days, the longest is 31. The calculation implies that you need to subtract 18 from 26, subtract 10 from 31. The result of the calculation shows that the most safe days are the first eight days from the beginning of the cycle and the remaining days after the 21st day. On other days, the risk of getting pregnant increases significantly.

Let's sum it up

We hope that the presented material, information and calculation table will help our readers learn how to correctly calculate which days you can get pregnant. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

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