Bisha's lumps - removal surgery with before and after photos. How to remove fatty lumps of Bisha without surgery. What are bisha lumps

Bisha's lumps - what are they? On a baby's face, chubby cheeks look touching. But not on every adult face are they as attractive.

To achieve clear facial contours, many women follow strict diets and strive to lose extra pounds, but this does not change the shape of their cheeks. Why do they stay round? The culprit is Bish's lumps.

What are Bisha's lumps and where do they come from?

Bisha's lumps are body fat, surrounded by a capsule shell. They are located deep in the dermis under the facial muscles, in the space between the lower jaw and cheekbones. They were first described by the anatomist Bichat from France, and they were named after his surname.

There are two such lumps on a person’s face, one on each cheek. They consist of three lobes concentrated around the duct of the parotid gland, which secretes saliva. Visually they round bottom part oval face.

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

The operation to cut out Bisha's lumps is of questionable effectiveness, since often there is no particular difference in the before and after photos. I think that such an intervention could be a complement to some more complex plastic surgery. In addition, I advise you to pay attention to cosmetic procedures which will help reduce these lumps. These are myostimulation of facial muscles, mesotherapy, RF lifting. It is also worth reconsidering your diet, you can use endermological massage.

Alison Pontius

plastic surgeon

These lumps add swelling to the face. Eliminating them adds elegance and makes the cheekbones more pronounced. Often, girls aged 20-25 years come to us with a desire to remove Bisha lumps. For women over 40, this operation is only an addition to a general facelift. The fact is that tone decreases with age, so it becomes dangerous to carry out such an intervention. Otherwise, the woman will look exhausted.

Bisha's lumps are formed from compacted fatty tissue of the face, enclosed in a shell of connective tissue(fascia). These anatomical formations Every person has it.

Despite the similar characteristics, the shapes and sizes of fat bodies are individual. For some people, they cause the formation of a massive lower part of the face and dissatisfaction with their appearance.

The trend towards aristocratic face shapes with sunken cheeks and pronounced cheekbones has led to the massive removal of Bisha's lumps surgical method. However, a relatively simple procedure of resection (removal) has clear recommendations and contraindications, often has no reasonable basis and can lead to serious consequences.

For the first time, the French anatomist Marie François Xavier Bichat drew attention to the fatty bodies in the cheek area. He studied and described the morphological characteristics and physiological properties, enclosed in a capsule of lumps of fat. In the future they received his name.

Bisha's lumps are located between the masticatory and superficial facial muscles and consist of three parts tightly connected to each other. They occupy almost the entire surface of the cheeks from the temporal region to the lower jaw.

In childhood adipose tissue perform a number of functions:

As the facial skeleton strengthens and develops muscle tissue the need for these functions disappears. Bish's lumps are formed only up to 7 years of age. Therefore, after increasing the facial skeleton, they visually decrease.

Laser or surgical resection?

Aesthetic medicine clinics offer resection of Bisha's lumps, performed with a scalpel or laser knife. Both methods achieve the desired results: visual reduction of the cheeks, narrowing of the lower part of the face and emphasizing the cheekbones.


Laser resection has a number of advantages over surgery performed with a scalpel. This method involves minimal trauma to surrounding tissues and a lower risk of complications in the postoperative period.

Using a laser beam, ultra-precise cuts are made that are impossible with a scalpel.

The laser beam has antiseptic and regenerating properties. This prevents infections and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The coagulating effect of the laser on blood vessels prevents bleeding.

This reduces tissue pain after surgery and shortens the duration rehabilitation period. The disadvantages of the laser resection method are the relative high cost of the procedure and the lack of equipment in some clinics.

Is it possible to remove Bish's lumps with a scalpel?

The traditional method of resection of Bisha's lumps is scalpel. This procedure is cheaper, but is much inferior to laser resection.

There is a high risk with scalpel resection inflammatory complications, blood loss and injury to surrounding tissues are possible. The recovery period after surgery is characterized by duration and severe pain.

However, with any instrument the most important criterion the quality of the operation remains the qualifications and skills of the doctor, proper planning and performing the procedure only in recommended cases.

Indications for removal of Bisha's lumps

The main reason for removing facial fat is the patient’s desire. However, according to surgeons, only 20% of patients have complete justified reasons to remove lumps of Bisha.

Resection of Bisha's lumps is not a physiological necessity. Fat lumps do not cause physiological discomfort and do not threaten health, regardless of shape and size. Therefore, the word “testimony” in this case is not correct.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure when the fat bodies are hypertrophied or due to age-related changes.

  • a certain structure of the facial skeleton (Asian face type);
  • age-related prolapse of soft tissues (with the participation of fatty bodies);
  • discrepancy between the size of fat lumps and the face;
  • in combination with facelift procedures.

It is possible to move fat bodies to the cheekbone area. This procedure is part of volumetric facial modeling, in which excess fat in one part compensates for the deficiency in another. This option is the most optimal, allowing you not to remove fatty tissue, the lack of which leads to the early appearance of wrinkles.


Despite its relative simplicity, resection of Bisha's lumps is a surgical intervention in the body, which also involves anesthesia. Therefore, for certain pathologies or individual characteristics of the patient’s body, it is not performed.


  • diabetes;
  • deviation of body mass index by 25% in any direction;
  • malignant pathologies;
  • infectious diseases;
  • low levels of hemoglobin and blood clotting;
  • facial connective tissue defects;
  • foci of inflammation in the body.

Often, young girls under 25 years old come to clinics to remove fatty lumps. The procedure is not recommended before this age. This is justified by the growth of the facial skeleton up to 25 years and the corresponding structural changes in the structure of the face.

The need for surgery can be fully assessed only after reaching this age. In the vast majority of cases, girls’ desire to remove fat pads goes away after 25 years.

You can find out the doctor’s opinion about the removal of Bisha’s lumps, whether it is worth removing them, and how the operation to remove fatty deposits on the cheeks is performed by watching the video.

Stages of surgery to correct fat deposits

To perform resection of Bisha's lumps, contact clinics that have qualified and well-established plastic surgeons on staff.

Achieving maximum results in correction and preventing possible consequences requires a serious approach to the procedure. This is a detailed examination of the patient’s body and collection of anamnesis, the preparatory period, high-quality operation and recovery period.

Preparation period

During the interview, the doctor finds out information about previous operations, chronic pathologies, the presence of hypersensitivity of the body to medications. The examination is carried out in standing and lying positions using palpation. In this case, the thickness, location and size of Bisha's lumps are assessed.

Some clinics offer computer modeling to patients. This makes it possible to evaluate appearance face after removal of fatty bodies and make a final conclusion about the need for the procedure.

Laboratory and instrumental examinations:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for levels of coagulation, hemoglobin;
  • tests for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography.

Before surgery, you should not drink alcohol, smoke or take medications. On the day of the procedure, the use of any cosmetics is excluded.

Surgery to remove Bisha's lumps

It is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is most often used. This is justified by the short duration of the operation, minimal tissue trauma and relatively low level side effects.

Application decision general anesthesia taken for complex and lengthy complex operations or severe psychological discomfort of the patient. General anesthesia is characterized by difficult recovery after surgery, the need for long stay in the clinic and high risk side effects.

Depending on the location of access to Bichat's lumps, resection is carried out in two ways.

Internal access

Incisions are made on the inside of the cheek. The tissues are dissected to a length of 1-1.5 cm, the muscle is dissected, and the fat bodies are removed from the capsule. After this, a cosmetic suture is applied and an antiseptic pad is placed. WITH outside The cheeks are tightened with an elastic band.

Resection using an internal approach is a relatively simple operation that is well tolerated by patients and leads to better results. The advantages of the method are the absence of visible scars and fast healing under the bactericidal influence of saliva.

On average, the operation lasts 30-40 minutes. Resection of fat bodies does not affect vital important organs, so long-term medical supervision is not required. Patients go home immediately after the procedure.

External access

Bisha's lumps are removed through incisions in the parotid area. This method is used only in combination with SMAS-MACS-lifting and other types of facelift. Inclusion various manipulations in one complex allows you to manage with minimal tissue trauma.

Rules of care and lifestyle during the recovery period

The rehabilitation period begins from the moment the anesthesia ends. The patient must adhere to certain restrictions for 2-3 weeks.

Healing of the buccal mucosa occurs after 3-5 days, during which time the patient’s ability to work is restored. Nagging pain and swelling are observed for 2 weeks.

Recovery period rules:

  • exclusion of thermal water procedures(bath, hot shower);
  • restriction of facial expressions (laughter, screaming, grimaces);
  • gentle teeth cleaning;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking tobacco.

You need to sleep on your back and keep your head higher than your feet. This promotes rapid drainage of fluid from injured tissues, swelling will be less pronounced.

In the first 3 days, eat only liquid and pureed food. You should not eat too cold or hot foods. Solid foods, high and low temperatures lead to additional injury to wounds. After every meal oral cavity rinse with antiseptic solutions.

The patient is prescribed decongestant and regenerating drugs, and for certain indications anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs medicines. Complete recovery of the body after resection of Bisha's lumps occurs after 2 months.

Possible complications and consequences

Every patient who decides to get rid of Bisha's lumps should be aware of the possible complications and consequences. Their main reasons are the operation without recommendations, violations during the procedure and during the recovery period.

A possible complication during the recovery period is the addition of a secondary infection. This often happens when the recommended disinfection of the oral cavity is not followed or additional trauma to the mucous membrane occurs. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and obtain indications for treatment.

Delayed complications are more dangerous, some of them are irreversible or difficult to correct.

Damage may occur during surgery nerve fibers. In these cases, the innervation of this area of ​​the face with the central nervous system is disrupted. In this case, facial asymmetry and restrictions in facial movements may develop.

Removing Bisha's lumps early age without recommendations leads to premature aging. After 35 years, the volume of fatty tissue that provides turgor gradually decreases. As a result, in place of Bisha's lumps, sunken, senile cheeks and deep wrinkles are formed.

How to get rid of the problem without surgery?

Resection of Bisha's lumps has quite a lot of opponents, including among doctors plastic surgery who consider it an unjustified interference in the body. In addition, there are often cases when surgery is contraindicated due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

In these cases, the aesthetic problem can be solved with a harmless and fairly effective method of correcting the appearance of the face. These are complexes of massage and face building.


Mechanical and reflex effects on subcutaneous fat tissue improve oxygen access to each cell, blood circulation, microcirculation and metabolism,

This helps remove excess fluid from the problem area, eliminates sagging and sagging. The cheek area is tightened, and due to the removal of fluid, Bisha's lumps are visually reduced.

For greater effectiveness, cosmetologists advise contacting a specialist. Massage technique requires professional knowledge, skills and individual approach in every case. In the future, after training, you can do massage at home.

Facebook building

This is a system of step-by-step training of facial muscles with the aim of strengthening them and building an oval shape. Performing specially designed exercises involves the superficial and deep muscles of the face.

A visible reduction in Bisha's lumps can only be achieved with long-term and regular exercise. However, the results of Facebook building are worth it.

Targeted muscle work reduces the volume of the cheeks and the severity of nasolabial folds, eliminates facial wrinkles.

Facebuilding combines sets of exercises for each area of ​​the face. Specialists in this field develop individual complexes for each case, combining qualitative and quantitative effects on different zones. This approach leads to quick results.

To correct Bisha's lumps using this method, you need to contact a face-building instructor who will develop a set of exercises and teach the technique.

Beauty knows no limits, and women, in turn, always desire perfection. Some people believe that to have perfect cheekbones you need the right makeup. And others are sure that you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on cosmetics every day. Today we'll talk about Bisha's lumps, their true purpose and how you can permanently make your cheekbones more defined.

The main thing in the article

What are Bisha's lumps: functions and anatomy

Removing Bisha's lumps - a step towards perfect cheekbones

  • In childhood, everyone probably went through a stage when adults came up to you and pulled your cheeks. At the same time, the process was accompanied by the remark - “Oh, how cute, how sweet.” Cheeks like a child's are very cute, but only if we are talking about a child's face. In adulthood, for some women, chubby cheeks make them look more attractive and take several years off their appearance. But fashion is such a thing: one did it, and the rest want it too. Same thing with cheekbones.
  • The volume of lumps is different for each person. Therefore, with age, some children's swelling disappears. But this does not mean that they do not have fat formations, they just have less volume. And some people have cheeks like those of a child. In old age, due to loss of elasticity and less collagen production, lumps sag and subsequently form shaved.
  • The operation to remove fatty deposits is of an aesthetic nature, since in the process it does not change the contour of the face, but simply removes lumps. As a result, the cheekbones stand out better and the cheeks look a little sunken.

Who is recommended to remove Bisha's lumps?

It is possible to carry out aesthetic surgery to remove formations provided that:

  • Age-related sagging of the skin in the cheek area and the formation of folds;
  • Lumps too large;
  • Additional procedure for liposuction or facial skin tightening;
  • Inconsistency between facial features and fat deposits;
  • Round face.

There is a procedure that does not remove the lumps, but moves them above the cheekbones to give them a more pronounced appearance.

Contraindications for removing Bisha's lumps

The road to surgery is not open to everyone. Forms cannot be removed by persons:

  • up to 25 years of age, since before this age the facial skeleton grows, so there is a possibility that the formations will be less pronounced;
  • with a deficiency of fat on the face;
  • with excess or underweight of more than 25% of the normal height-to-weight ratio.
  • undergoing planned drying or weight gain;
  • with inflammation in the cheek area and nearby locations: neck, mouth, face, ears.

When performing an operation, the patient undergoes tests and undergoes a consultation with a specialist who gives general recommendations. The doctor determines the indications for surgery not only by external signs, but also by test results.

Operation to remove Bisha's bags: technology with photos

Lumps are removed in two ways:

Internal method- carried out in the oral cavity.

  • The surgeon makes an incision inside the cheek no larger than 2 cm.
  • Then it separates the muscles and, using a special tool, tightens the capsule of the fat formation and separates it from the adjacent tissues.
  • After this, the doctor removes the lump along with its membrane.
  • Then he puts sutures, which dissolve on their own.
  • After performing surgery on one cheek, the surgeon performs the same actions on the other cheek.

External method- carried out only when combined with plastic surgery, for example, a facelift or the introduction of zygomatic implants.

It should be noted that complete removal of lumps is not carried out, as this worsens the patient’s appearance. In addition, the absence of a layer leads to rapid aging of the face.

Several types of instruments are used for the operation:

  • Scalpel- the most common option for performing the operation.
  • Endoscope— the use of this equipment does not distinguish the operation from that performed with a scalpel. But the use of an endoscope causes less trauma to the tissue, which reduces the number of stitches to one.
  • Laser- the use of a laser is more effective, since it has an antiseptic effect, which prevents any infection of the wound. Pain is minimal, and the precision-tuned equipment allows you to achieve a symmetrical facial contour. The incision using this equipment has a minimal size.

The operation is performed in 30 minutes using local anesthesia. General intravenous anesthesia It is rarely used and is performed at the request of the client or in case of increased excitability.

The effectiveness of surgery to remove Bisha's bags

  • For the first time after the procedure, the cheeks will look even plumper than before the surgeons intervened. But after a couple of days the swelling will subside and the cheeks will decrease in size.
  • After a few weeks, if all recommendations for recovery after surgery are followed, the client may observe a more pronounced contour of the face and cheekbones.
  • And after complete healing, which on average varies up to six months, the patient can enjoy the clear outlines of his newfangled face.

Removing Bisha's lumps: before and after photos

For a better visual representation of what patients look like before and after surgery, we present to you photographs of women who have had their fat formations.

The fashion for removing Bisha's lumps has not bypassed the stars of Hollywood and the domestic firmament, but judge for yourself what suits them best - with or without cute chubby cheeks:

Removal of Bisha's lumps: reviews of the operation

Reviews from patients who have undergone surgery to give their face a clear contour are both positive and negative. Some were not satisfied with the result, others were not fully informed, and still others were fine.

Choose your surgeon carefully before seeking help. Pay attention not only to the reviews of his patients, but also to his qualifications. Remember that your appearance depends on his hands.

How much does it cost to remove Bisha's lumps?

The average price range varies from 25000 before 50000 rubles Depending on the region, the qualifications and experience of the specialist, as well as the status of the clinic, the price may change, mainly upward.

It is also important to note that with such a simple operation it is not worth saving on it. The fact is that the intervention is carried out near the facial nerves. And the doctor’s inexperience may affect during the operation, and then the consequences will be significant.

Removing Bisha's lumps: possible complications

After the operation there may be complications:

  • If the procedure was carried out at Balzac's age, then the cheeks may be so sunken that it will visually age the woman.
  • Against the backdrop of large hollows in the cheeks, the jaw may look larger and more massive, which is undesirable for a feminine face.
  • After removing Bisha's lumps, surgery to install cheekbone implants will become impossible, since there will be nothing to attach them to.

Rehabilitation after removal of Bisha's lumps

  • After removal of the lesions, the client is sent home on the same day without being monitored. The recovery period lasts on average for a month.
  • Immediately after the operation, the face swells, but this does not last long; literally after a few days the swelling disappears.
  • Special sutures are applied that do not require removal; they dissolve on their own within a week.
  • IN for preventive purposes The client is prescribed a course of antibiotics, which lasts as recommended by the doctor. Laser surgery does not require the use of antibiotics.

Upon completion of the operation, the doctor gives the patient recommendations for a quick recovery:

  • first days and the next few weeks it is necessary to eat only liquid food so as not to strain the masticatory muscles;
  • The temperature of the food should be acceptable, neither hot nor cold;
  • It is not recommended to eat hard and tough foods until complete healing;
  • After each meal, be sure to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth;
  • Until complete healing, you cannot strain your facial muscles: grimace, laugh, talk for a long time, scream, cry;
  • you need to sleep and rest only on your back and on a high pillow until all the stitches have healed;
  • visiting water and hot places is strictly prohibited, these include: bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, swimming in the sea, pond and other bodies of water. You need to wash in the shower.
  • Until complete healing, it is strongly recommended to reduce or eliminate physical activity as much as possible.

Is it possible to remove Bish's lumps without surgery?

  • Up to 25 years The facial skeleton is in a growing stage, so it is likely that baby cheeks will be less noticeable on an adult face.
  • ,"O" And "A" for stretching, as well as puffing out the cheeks.
  • Mesotherapy may provide an alternative effect to surgery to remove formations.
  • Strobing facial treatment will help you gain clear facial features without surgery.
  • Contouring It will also help highlight the cheekbones using the play of shadows on the face.

Losing weight will not lead to the disappearance of lumps, since these fat formations have nothing to do with fat deposits.

Video: operation to remove Bish's lumps

All people are individual; nature has endowed some with clear contours and facial lines, others with “childish” chubby cheeks. It is worth appreciating and enjoying natural beauty, as fashion will pass, but your face will remain with you forever. And our article will help you make the right choice.

Removing Bish's lumps allows you to make facial features more expressive. Many women are willing to undergo procedures of varying complexity in order to achieve the desired refined facial features and thin cheekbones. You can evaluate the results using reviews with photos before and after using various techniques.

Bisha's lumps are deposits of fat reserves in the form of lumps inside the cheeks, consisting of 3 lobes: anterior, posterior, middle. The formations are localized between the parotid salivary gland, the infraorbital groove and the upper edge of the lower jaw.

These fat accumulations visually enlarge the lower part of the face, which is especially noticeable in young children. It is thanks to such swellings that babies have such plump cheeks. He discovered and substantiated his theory about the fatty tissues of the cheeks, their characteristics and functional significance scientist Marie Bisha, in honor of his name the name Bisha's lumps appeared.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of fat pads in the lower part of the face is caused by for the following reasons:

  • Lumps of fatty tissue perform important shock-absorbing functions for the child's developing jaw muscles.
  • Helps develop sucking and chewing skills in infancy.
  • Perform a protective function against possible external damage.

Over time, the need for fat reserves in this area decreases, and the lumps decrease in size.

Reasons for removal

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after various procedures will be presented below) of any size and shape are not a sign of pathology , removal occurs solely for aesthetic reasons. The specificity of lumps lies in the special density of adipose tissue, even after general weight loss lumps do not decrease in size.

Common indications for surgery:

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after removal):


Possible danger of removing Bisha's lumps

Most dangerous outcome removal of Bisha's lumps is associated with possible consequences general anesthesia. Among them are additional stress on the heart, the emergence of susceptibility to weather changes, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Risk of receiving postoperative complications is not always justified, since there is a possibility complete absence correction effect.

With age, changes in the structure of the skin occur; the lack of fat reserves can make the face look tired and unhealthy.

Surgery to remove Bisha's lumps

Preparing for surgery

At the stage when a clinic and a doctor have already been selected, it is necessary to undergo preparatory preoperative measures:

Stages of surgery on the inside of the cheeks

One of the ways to carry out the operation is to remove inner surface cheeks, is considered the safest due to the close proximity of the lumps to the inside of the cheek wall.

Correction stages:

Total time procedures no more than 30 minutes. approximate cost: 25000-50000 rub. . Such a wide range of prices is due to the popularity of the clinic and the reputation of the doctor.

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after surgery, what lumps look like):

Operation through incisions on the face

This technique is used in addition to any other surgical correction that involves cutting the skin on the face. A more complex and traumatic method requires special surgical skill, since nerve endings and salivary glands.

Sequence of actions during the operation:

  1. Choice of anesthesia.
  2. The surgical site is delimited by surgical material.
  3. Treatment of the operating area antiseptics.
  4. An incision is made in the cheek through which fatty lumps are removed and cut off.
  5. In case of damage, small vessels are cauterized.
  6. The incisions are sewn together with a special cosmetic suture.
  7. At first, the mark from the suture will be noticeable, but upon completion of rehabilitation it will become invisible.

Approximate price: 30000-60000 rub.

Rehabilitation and recovery

After completion of the operation and complete recovery from anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic. The duration of rehabilitation is approximately 2-3 weeks.

Basic principles of the rehabilitation period:

Consequences and possible complications after surgery

Negative consequences are rare.

Sometimes a surgeon’s mistake or failure to follow the rules for preparing for surgery can lead to the following consequences:

  • Allergic manifestations in the form of a rash, breathing problems or heart function. Also common signs include pressure changes and bouts of vomiting.
  • Due to the carelessness of the surgeon, the integrity of the tissues located next to the operated area (muscles, glands, nerves) may be compromised.
  • Expressed pain syndrome. On average, the pain subsides completely within one week.

Possible complications:

  • The development of inflammation on the inside of the cheek as a result of injury to soft tissues by hard food or accidentally during sleep, can also be caused by the presence of foci of replenishment in the body before surgery.
  • Facial asymmetry.
  • Infection of incisions.

You should not save on your own health by choosing a dubious clinic or agreeing to the experiments of an inexperienced surgeon.

It is important to monitor weight gain and return extra pounds is fraught with the resumption of fatty deposits in the cheeks .

Using a laser

Removal of fatty tissue from the cheeks with a laser beam is called bishectomy. Main feature is minimal trauma, significantly reducing the risk of complications. Laser exposure promotes rapid tissue regeneration, shortening the recovery period. The coagulative properties of the rays ensure instant sealing of blood vessels.

Main stages:

  1. With the start of action local anesthetic An incision is made into the inner part of the mucous surface of the cheek with a laser.
  2. The fat body is separated and removed.
  3. Self-absorbing sutures are applied.
  4. You need to wear an elastic bandage on your face for some time.

Average price of the procedure: 45,000 rubles.

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after removal using a laser beam):

Methods for removing fatty lumps at home


Known various techniques, allowing you to remove fatty lumps without surgery.

For home use, you can use a set of exercises:

After training, you should perform stretching and muscle relaxation exercises. Gently tilt your head from side to side to stretch the muscles of your neck and face to the maximum possible amplitude.

The first noticeable results of using facial fitness will be noticeable after a month of regular exercise.

But don't expect big changes. Without integrated approach in combination with nutrition, massages and hardware techniques, it is difficult to achieve obvious success.

Oil and masks

Good effect can be achieved by performing facial massage using various oils. Oils have wide list beneficial properties, thanks to which the skin becomes elastic, tightened and fresh. Massage improves blood circulation in problem areas, fills cells with oxygen and starts accelerated exchange substances.

Using improvised means at home is economical and affordable way care

Sunflower or olive oil are better for normal skin, St. John's wort oil, jojoba - for oily skin, almond oil has a pronounced tightening effect.

Examples of recipes for preparing oils:

  • Add a little honey to the almond oil and massage your face in a circular motion for about 5 minutes. This composition ensures smoothing out unevenness and fine wrinkles.
  • IN sunflower oil add lemon, bergamot and cypress oil.
  • Rose, jasmine and cedar oils are mixed with a base of almond oil.

Prepared mixtures should be stored in the refrigerator, but before use it is better to take it out and leave it to stand for a while to reach room temperature. It is recommended to massage with oil in courses, if necessary, repeat 1-2 times a week to maintain skin tone. In addition to oils, the use of masks in various variations is common.

Several recipes for masks used in combination with other techniques to reduce the volume of curvy faces:

  • 1 tbsp. yeast dissolves in a small amount of milk. The resulting solution must be evenly distributed over the surface of the face in several layers. You need to wait until one layer dries, then start applying the next one. The mask is suitable for daily use.
  • Mix a couple of spoons of oatmeal with natural yogurt and leave for 20 minutes until the flakes become voluminous enough. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer over the entire face, rinse thoroughly after 30 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every other day.
  • Stir blue clay with water until you obtain a consistency similar to sour cream. Apply to face and let dry, which will take about 15 minutes. It is recommended to use twice a week.
  • How to use suppositories to treat hemorrhoids emergency method in the fight against puffiness on the face. This drug Known for its fast-acting calming properties. To prepare the mask, you need to melt a candle and apply it to the skin of your cheeks at night. This method not intended for regular use. Only one-time application is allowed for special occasions.

Treatment without surgery

Lymphatic drainage massage

The essence of the procedure is to stimulate lymph outflow (excess liquid, containing decay products and other substances from the intercellular space). Carrying out a massage once a week will help you gain a pronounced oval face, get clearer cheekbones and smooth out wrinkles in the lip area.

There are many techniques for lymphatic drainage massage; it is possible to perform it yourself or in a salon.

Description of the basics of the technique:

  1. You need to cleanse the skin; peeling from fruits or honey mask.
  2. Preparing the skin with a warming massage.
  3. Strengthening the forehead - the palms located at the temples should be brought to the middle of the forehead and moved back, repeat three times. Important point– It is the muscles that should be massaged, not the skin.
  4. Puffiness of the eyes is relieved by moving your finger from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer. It is necessary to perform 5 repetitions and change the direction of the massage.
  5. Smooth out wrinkles near the lips - find the middle of the chin and press on this point with your fingers. With this pressure, move your fingers to the middle of the nasolabial fold, the number of repetitions is 5 times.
  6. To lift your cheeks, open your mouth and relax your muscles. Raise with two hands lower jaw to the top about 3 times. Next, from the point in the corners of the lips, draw a line to outer corner eyes with moderate pressure, then to the earlobe and back to the lips. As you reach each point, you need to stop for a couple of seconds. and keep moving. The number of repetitions is approximately 5 times on each side.
  7. The cheeks are taken with your fingers and using force, but at the same time gently, the skin is pulled in different directions. Perform several repetitions.
  8. Folded hands, palm to palm, are placed towards the nose. Then the face is smoothed out under pressure.
  9. With three fingers, grab your cheeks and stretch the skin; at the end point you need to twist the skin and release. Repeat three times.

In a salon setting, lymphatic drainage equipment is supplemented with special equipment (lpg), cupping massage or exposure to cosmetic electrodes.

In the presence of inflammation, after plastic reconstructions, with nearby vessels, this technique is not recommended.

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after a course of lymphatic drainage massage):

RF lifting

RF lifting (the second name of the thermolifting procedure) is an electromagnetic effect on skin and subcutaneous fat. Provides fat burning and skin tightening.

Description of stages radiofrequency method:

The first results of lifting are noticeable immediately, the tightening effect gradually increases over about 2 months after the procedure.


It is one of the methods of injection correction. Special solutions are injected under the skin into problem areas. The basis of meso cocktails is always hyaluronic acid– the main source of elastin and collagen production, stimulates metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on fat burning. Other components include amino acids, vitamins, enzymes.

Step by step description techniques:

  1. Preliminary consultation with a doctor and collection of information about the patient, possible contraindications, the presence of allergic manifestations.
  2. Cleansing procedures for facial skin.
  3. The drug is administered either manually or by machine.
  4. A soothing mask is applied.
  5. You should follow your doctor’s recommendations for about a week, do not touch your face with your hands, and treat your skin with antiseptic agents.
  6. The redness disappears after a few days.

The effectiveness of mesotherapy depends on the patient’s initial data (age, tissue condition, individual characteristics), the level of professionalism of the cosmetologist and the correctly selected composition of the substances administered. Noticeable changes appear after the second procedure.

The average course number is 7 procedures with an interval of one week. It is recommended to repeat the course every six months.

Bisha's lumps with an example of the result after a course of mesotherapy (photos before and after):

Surgeons' opinions on the effectiveness of the operation

Many surgeons agree that changes in facial contour operative method is appropriate. The main reason for this opinion is that removing Bish's lumps helps achieve correct proportions faces.

The fact remains undeniable that surgery is the most effective method getting rid of excess fat in the cheeks. Other techniques can only partially reduce tissue. This adjustment in combination with a facelift gives the maximum effect in the fight against age-related changes.

Unlike other correction methods, the results after surgery last a lifetime.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that surgery is not the only option, or rather, last resort. After all, there is a large selection of less radical manipulations to visually reduce chubby cheeks (injections, cosmetic threads, fillers). A competent surgeon will always offer an alternative surgical intervention, if possible.

Modern cosmetology provides a wide range of techniques for combating Bish’s lumps. It’s not difficult to get acquainted and decide on an acceptable option. All necessary information available with before and after photographs using any of the techniques.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Bisha's lumps

What are Bisha's lumps? Photos before and after removal:

Bisha's lumps: removal surgery, before and after photos:

The roundness of the baby's cheeks pleases young mothers. It's hard to imagine small child without round cheeks. With age, the cheeks “fall off”, this is natural process. But it seems to us that roundness does not always completely leave our face, making it too round, weak-willed, etc.

What is the reason? Is it possible to improve the situation? It turns out that it's all about Bish's lumps. You can deal with them. And there is more than one way to do this.

What are Bisha's lumps

Bisha's lumps are fatty bodies located on the face between the cheek and superficial muscles. First detailed description they were given by the French anatomist Marie François Xavier Biche, after whom they are named. Bisha's lumps are encapsulated fatty formations, i.e. such formations, the elements of which are enclosed in a capsule.

There are three lobes of lumps:

  • front,
  • back,
  • average

Bisha's lumps - is it worth removing them? The video below will tell you about this:

Reasons for appearance

IN childhood Bisha lumps are needed:

  • They participate in the sucking process at the time of feeding, giving muscle tone,
  • Reduce friction of the baby's facial muscles in the first years of life,
  • Serve as a kind of shock absorber, protecting facial muscles and nerves from mechanical damage,

Consequently, Bish’s lumps are what is inherent in a person from the very beginning; they conscientiously perform the function assigned to them. With age, this function is almost completely lost. Actually, Bisha's lumps do not grow along with other tissues, they simply go into a passive state. This is why baby cheeks are lost over time. But Bish's lumps do not disappear, they remain in their place. This is not a pathology, but a natural state. Not all young people like this state of affairs, and they try to get rid of round cheeks.

The fat bodies of Bisha's lumps have enough high density, therefore, if you are naturally endowed with round cheeks, then it will be difficult to cope with them with the help of a diet.

However, nothing is impossible; adjustments are permissible in any case: at home, in beauty salons, in the clinic.

How to get rid of them

Nutrition! This is where many problems begin and where they end. It is impossible to completely get rid of Bisha's lumps with the help of nutrition, especially if you do not have a “round” shape. If the whole body is full, then reasonable nutrition is necessary.

The important point here is to consume plenty of fluid (up to 3 liters per day). You will have to give up refined foods, large amounts of salt, etc. The main products for your diet are: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, honey, cereals, lean soups, fish. And already against the background of nutrition, you can undertake certain procedures.

Important! Do not try to lose weight quickly; this can lead to sagging skin tissue, which simply does not have time to “catch up” with you.

Removing Bish's lumps is shown in this video:

We cope at home


The first thing you need to use is special exercises. Exercises for the face have their own name - face building. They should be done daily, not for long (10 - 15 minutes), but definitely every day!

  1. Puff out your cheeks strongly and exhale as slowly as possible (6 - 8 times),
  2. We hold a pencil with our lips and draw in the air with it, you can try to “write” the alphabet,
  3. Rinse your mouth with air for 3 minutes,
  4. Place your elbows on the table and place your chin in your palms. Now we forcefully open our mouth. We repeat the exercise 10 - 15 times,
  5. Open your mouth wide and pronounce vowel sounds loudly, say them 30 times.


Massage - very effective remedy, which allows you to significantly “tighten” your cheeks. Asahi massage is very popular. It really has a great effect. It is also acceptable to use traditional massage:

  1. Cleanse the skin, apply nourishing cream,
  2. The first movement is stroking (from the middle - to the temples, ears),
  3. The second movement is pinching (we do not change the direction of movement),
  4. The third movement is clapping, gradually increasing the tempo,
  5. Fourth movement - acupressure(we strictly follow the direction of movement, the same lines - from the middle to the temples),
  6. The final movement is stroking.
  7. Relax your muscles and let them rest for a few minutes.

Facial massage is best done in the evening. It takes 10 - 15 minutes. You should not expect lightning-fast results; only after a month you will see the first “fruits”. But the fruits will be good, they will pleasantly surprise you. However, don't give up on this activity.

Oil and masks

If you intend to “fight” Bish’s lumps, facial skin care must be impeccable. The first thing that needs to be fully used is masks. They can be manufactured or purchased, that's not the point. What masks can be used in this case?

  1. Yeast mask: dilute yeast in milk (ratio 1: 1), apply 1 layer to the skin, let it dry, then apply a second, etc. You will need to apply 5 layers of the mask. Finally, wash off the mask warm water. The procedure is performed daily.
  2. Blue clay: mix clay with water in equal proportions and apply to the skin. Wait until completely dry and rinse with warm water. This mask is applied to the face 2 times a week.
  3. Kefir with rolled oats: 2 tbsp. soak spoons of rolled oats in 1 cup of kefir, let stand for 20 minutes, then apply the mask to your face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat the procedure every other day.

We use everything possible means: procedures with contrast washing, massage with a terry towel, etc. Correction of lumps is possible with the help. This procedure is already carried out in beauty salons.

Treatment without surgery

Cosmetic procedures performed in the clinic will help to effectively cope with the problem. What do cosmetologists offer to correct this phenomenon?

  • : promotes lymph outflow, activation metabolic processes, and excess fat deposits,
  • : the procedure is carried out using electromagnetic pulses that “burn” fat deposits and at the same time tighten skin tissue,
  • : injection method using meso-cocktail, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid. The method is based on “launching” metabolic processes that help burn fat in the cheek area.

Removing Bisha's lumps (scheme)

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is the most effective and radical method for removing Bisha lumps. The result is visible immediately. Most often, the operation is performed at the age of 18 - 19 years ( optimal age for colossal effect). There are no clear age restrictions. Only the lower threshold is precisely stated - surgery is not permissible before the age of 18, since it does not make sense, the fatty tissues are not fully formed. There is no age limit.

Before deciding to undergo an operation, which still has a long series of contraindications, you need to carefully analyze the situation. Not in all cases the result is positive, the reason for which is individual feature each person. Many surgeons are skeptical about the operation, considering it justified only in cases where it is combined with another plastic surgery.

There are several types of surgery:

  • Interior. This is the direct removal or relocation of Bisha's lumps: internal incisions 1 cm long are made through which the lumps are removed. If the patient's face is thin, the lumps are moved to another area. After the procedure, cosmetic sutures are applied, which later dissolve on their own. The operation lasts no more than 30 minutes.
  • Outer. Removal of Bisha's lumps is carried out in parallel with the procedure for contour plastic surgery and is only an addition to the main operation.

The rehabilitation period is short, complications occur extremely rarely. Indications for rehabilitation are similar to those that exist for all plastic surgeries.

Even more useful information on the topic is in the video below:

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