Contact mollusk. Traditional methods of treating molluscum contagiosum. Molluscum contagiosum and its origin

Children's imperfect immunity is sometimes unable to fight simple viruses and bacteria, most adults are almost immune to certain diseases. One of these diseases is molluscum contagiosum, the vast majority of patients are children under five years of age.

The disease is attributed to viral diseases skin, characterized by the formation of special pimples, they rise above the surface of the skin. In order to protect a child from infection, it is necessary to know the routes of infection, effective treatment methods, and preventive measures.

general information

Molluscum contagiosum represents viral disease, the only characteristic symptom is the appearance of tiny, peculiar pimples on the body. Formations can affect any area of ​​the skin, sometimes mucous membranes.

The rash is usually physical or Pink colour, sometimes depressions and small white suppurations appear in the center of them. The size of the mollusks depends on the form of the disease and the body’s defenses. In case of serious problems with the immune system, the rashes are so huge that doctors call them a giant clam.

The rash develops over 3–6 weeks, the pathology manifests itself in small foci of rashes, over time they grow and cause some discomfort. The child does not experience an increase in temperature, lethargy, deterioration in health, or loss of appetite. IN in rare cases the papules are a little itchy, and threaten to cause scratching and secondary infections.

Typical pimples affect the arms, neck, face, and almost never appear on the feet and palms. Explain to your child that pimples should not be scratched, chewed, or squeezed. Any manipulations will aggravate the situation and negatively affect the baby’s well-being.

Routes of transmission and infection

You can become infected with molluscum contagiosum through personal contact. The causative agent of the disease is a virus that belongs to the smallpox group. It is transmitted exclusively from person to person; animals cannot become infected.

There are four types of the virus that can cause the disease: MCV-1,2,3,4. The first two forms are rarely found in children, the most reliable way identify a specific pathogen - take fluid from papules for analysis, it is stored there a large number of virus.

The causative agent of molluscum contagiosum gets along well in various places, even in house dust. Clean your apartment thoroughly and treat household items, especially if one of the family members has an illness.

Children get infected easily; frequent games with other children, sharing toys, and visiting swimming pools increase the risk of infection many times over. There are entire epidemics in a particular kindergarten group, because towels and toys are shared. Sometimes the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, contributing to the infection of family members and others around them.

The danger of the disease is long incubation period. Child, his parents for a long time They have no idea about the course of the disease, lead their usual lifestyle, and do not engage in treatment. Only after the appearance of papules do the parents take the baby to an appointment with the doctor, who prescribes the necessary course of therapy.

The main causes of molluscum contagiosum lie in predisposition to the disease and additional risk factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • presence of HIV infection;
  • course of infectious diseases;
  • cuts, abrasions, microcracks on the skin that were not disinfected in time;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules (little children often drag all objects that come to hand into their mouths).

Note to parents! The disease is very contagious; if you notice the first obvious signs, limit your child’s contact with other people and protect yourself.


The incubation period of molluscum contagiosum lasts from several weeks to a month; after the required amount of time, the problem makes itself felt with the following characteristic symptoms:

  • In general, the surface of the skin remains unchanged. Solitary papules or clusters of flesh-colored or pinkish nodules rise on it;
  • localization areas: limbs, neck, face, abdomen, inner part thighs, buttocks, in adolescents, formations may appear on the genitals (the disease is also sexually transmitted);
  • Over time, the nodules acquire round shape, become soft to the touch;
  • gradually individual formations merge into one affected area of ​​the epidermis;
  • papules may turn orange, with depressions forming in the middle;
  • no discomfort is felt when pressing on the nodules;
  • upon palpation, a white plug stands out from the formations;
  • the size of the formations ranges from 1 mm to 1 cm;
  • in rare cases, itching occurs.

Sometimes the formations have an uncharacteristic size and shape, most often the pathology indicates the presence of cancer or the course of AIDS.

Stages of development

Doctors classified molluscum contagiosum based on the characteristic signs and course of the disease:

  • classic shape. Single hemispherical nodules appear on the skin; there are always depressions inside. The child’s condition is stable, no changes are observed;
  • giant shape. The formations are excessively large in size, sometimes the mollusks merge into one continuous plaque;
  • generalized form. The rashes are large, localized in separate groups of 10 nodules;
  • pedicular form. The nodules necessarily merge into plaques, the peculiarity is pedunculated papules, the maximum number of formations is 10 pieces;
  • mylar form. Rashes appear all over the body, but the nodules are very small.

Any form of the disease is contagious, in most cases, the prognosis after treatment is positive. Sometimes complications are observed in the form of the growth of nodules throughout the body, itching, and the addition of a secondary infection in areas of scratching. Timely, correct treatment prevents the occurrence of any complications.


If you detect the first signs of pathology, immediately take your child to a dermatologist. It is difficult to diagnose the disease on your own; the symptoms are similar to other serious problems: cancer, papillomas, warts. Sometimes parents confuse rashes with signs of smallpox. In any case, visiting a specialist is the right decision.

A dermatologist almost always identifies molluscum contagiosum by external signs, places of localization of rashes. A simple method helps make a final diagnosis: if you lightly press on the papule, a characteristic grainy mass will emerge from the center. In difficult situations, the contents of the nodules are taken for analysis and special study, the diagnosis is refuted or confirmed.

Treatment options

Only the initial stages of the disease can be dealt with general strengthening body, observing the rules of personal hygiene. Modern medicine offers to treat advanced cases in several ways. Methods for removing molluscum contagiosum:

  • mechanical removal. The method is not always used on children and may cause discomfort. Using a special spoon in a disinfected room, the contents of the nodules are scraped out, the wounds are treated with iodine or another antiseptic;
  • cryodestruction. Skin lesions are treated with liquid nitrogen and dry lye. After manipulation, no traces remain on the epidermis;
  • diathermocoagulation. A small discharge of current or laser is sent through the skin. Under the influence of unusual methods, the nodules are painlessly removed;
  • drug treatment. It is used in advanced cases when other methods have not given the desired results. Includes the use of external creams, ointments, and sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Approximate drug treatment regimen:

  • antiviral ointments, solutions. The products are used for no more than one month; the affected areas of the epidermis are regularly treated with them. They have proven themselves to be excellent: Tazorac, Fukortsin, Retin-A;
  • antiviral pills. It is allowed to use only children's medications: Pranobex, Anaferon for children;
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system: Cycloferon, Interferon;
  • antibiotics. Contraindicated in children under ten years of age, used in extreme cases (Tetracycline, Oletetrin, Metacycline and others).

Folk remedies and recipes

Almost all drugs are excellent for treating schoolchildren; use for younger children is not always the right decision. Consult your doctor before use.

Effective recipes:

  • garlic. Cut one head of vegetable, let the juice come out, wipe the affected areas with the “fragrant” product skin up to 4 times a day. Within a month there will be no trace left of the papules, do not miss a single nodule, otherwise the positive effect will not appear;
  • decoction of string. Actively used to relieve inflammation. Take a tablespoon of raw material for a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, strain, and cool the product. Wipe the papules with the prepared decoction twice a day, the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks;
  • alcohol tincture of eucalyptus or calendula. Purchase it at any pharmacy chain and lubricate the nodules on your baby’s skin twice a day. If you have an allergic reaction to alcohol, refuse treatment in this way.

How to prevent re-infection:

  • treat all toys, pacifiers, and other objects touched by the baby with antiseptics;
  • throw away underwear, boil or thoroughly wash bed linen and soft toys;
  • take care of quarantine: be sure to report the problem to the head of the kindergarten or school.

To avoid infection, teach your baby to adhere to the following useful rules:

  • do not come into close contact with other children, especially if there are skin rashes;
  • It is prohibited to share towels, toys, and other household items;
  • Before going to a public pool, protect your baby: put on rubber slippers, a cap, and do not let other children use the circle, arm guards, or fins.

Compliance simple rules will protect the baby, if infection occurs, follow the useful recommendations, use effective methods treatment. Do not panic when you see papules, the disease is not life-threatening, doctors almost always predict a positive outcome of treatment for molluscum contagiosum.

Video about the treatment of molluscum contagiosum:

The number and size of bubbles filled with a paste-like mass vary for various reasons. A dangerous dermatological disease requires timely and serious treatment.

Characteristics of the disease


  • a virus containing DNA enters human body after contact with an infected person;
  • the infection belongs to the group of smallpox viruses. The shape of the virus is rectangular or oval, reproduction occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell;
  • animals are excluded as carriers of infection;
  • with timely initiation of treatment, symptoms can be eliminated and the impact of the virus can be weakened within a short period;
  • the risk of relapse persists for up to nine months;
  • It is impossible to completely get rid of the virus. In a “preserved” form, the viral infection remains in the body. Provoking factors activate the virus.


Scientists associate the increase in the number of people with contagious dermatosis with several provoking factors. The main causes of molluscum contagiosum:

  • deterioration of the environmental situation. Decreased immunity opens the way to viral infections;
  • The AIDS epidemic is contributing to an increase in the number of patients. Many patients diagnosed with HIV suffer from contagious dermatosis;
  • high population density is one of the factors for transmission of the virus through contact and household contact;
  • promiscuity in sexual relations, an increase in the number of sexual partners.

Routes of infection

The virus is transmitted in several ways:

  • Contact. Most often - during sexual intercourse. In most countries, the infection is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease. The penetration of the virus occurs through close contact of the skin of the partners. Location: lower abdomen, inner surface hips, groin.
  • Domestic. The virus is transmitted through contact with objects touched by the sick person. The rash appears on the face and hands.
  • In children's groups. Close contacts, crowding of children in schools and preschool institutions often leads to epidemics.

Symptoms and signs

The incubation period lasts from a couple of weeks to two months. Once a rash is detected, it is difficult to determine the source of infection.

The stages of development and symptoms of molluscum contagiosum on the skin are characterized by different quantities rashes and the patient's condition.

First stage:

  • single bubbles the size of millet grains appear. Shape – spherical;
  • self-infection begins, the number of dense bubbles increases, the formations reach the size of a pea;
  • the disease progresses, the blisters merge, papules appear on the skin with a small depression in the center;
  • these formations are main feature contagious dermatosis;
  • the localization of papules indicates the route of infection.

What papules look like:

  • flesh-colored, with a dense shell;
  • shape - hemisphere;
  • contents – curdled, white mass;
  • formations itch;
  • gradually the papules soften.

Second phase:

  • self-infection through hands;
  • spread of bubbles throughout the body;
  • sometimes the number of papules reaches several hundred;
  • when a bacterial infection enters the body, itching appears;
  • when combing, the bubbles are damaged;
  • the infection spreads to new areas;
  • when pressing on the middle of the formation, lymphocytes and keratinized cells are released, reminiscent of mollusk bodies.

Note! The profuse form of the pathology is observed in children with atopic dermatitis, leukemia, and AIDS. The atypical form is characterized by the small size of the formations. The bubbles do not have a concave middle.

Read all the details about dermatitis at the address.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first symptoms, consult a dermatologist. The doctor makes a diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum based on clinical picture pathology and data laboratory research. The contents of the papules are analyzed.

When examining a patient, it is necessary to exclude suspicion of the following diseases:

  • pustular syphilis;
  • chicken pox;
  • hydrocystoma;
  • syringoma.

Features of treatment

How to treat molluscum contagiosum in adults and children? There is no specific therapy. After six months, the body should cope with the viral infection. The task of the doctor and the patient is to increase immunity and alleviate the course of the disease.


  • identifying the source of infection;
  • limiting the patient’s contact with healthy people;
  • reception vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system;
  • adherence to a dairy-vegetable diet, limiting the consumption of salt, sweets and fatty foods;
  • strict adherence to personal hygiene rules;
  • taking antibiotics when pathogenic microflora is detected.

The recovery process will be faster if you use effective therapy methods:

  • Diathermocoagulation or cauterization.
  • Treatment of affected areas with antiviral ointment - Acyclovir.
  • Squeezing out the contents of the nodules by the doctor, thoroughly treating them with iodine after the procedure.
  • Laser cauterization (for rare rashes).
  • Cryotherapy (for single nodules).

Home treatment for molluscum contagiosum without consulting a doctor is unacceptable. Causes:

  • Identified blisters sometimes indicate dangerous skin diseases. You can skip the early stages of malignant tumors.
  • Some forms of contagious dermatosis are an AIDS-associated infection. Such patients require specific treatment.

Molluscum contagiosum in children

IN children's team the infection spreads at lightning speed. Children come into close contact with each other during games, joint activities, etc. It is difficult to force a child not to comb papules. Self-infection significantly accelerates the development of the disease.

Area of ​​localization of nodules:

  • face;
  • limbs;
  • torso.

You can become infected with molluscum contagiosum not only at school or kindergarten. Many schoolchildren attend:

  • pool;
  • sports section;
  • interest groups.

Out-of-school settings are also sites of infection. The infection is most easily transmitted in a damp environment. Children sometimes use only a washcloth, a towel, and flip-flops in the shower after swimming pool activities.

How and with what to treat children

When treating molluscum contagiosum in children, a dermatologist removes spherical nodules using surgical instruments.


  • laser therapy;
  • cauterization with liquid nitrogen;
  • scraping with a Falkman spoon.

Traditional recipes:

  • will help reduce irritation and itching at home decoction of string(1 tbsp per liter of water). Gently wipe your baby's skin. Prepare the decoction every day;
  • Another effective method is treating rashes tincture of calendula. The drug dries and disinfects the skin.

Important! Do not squeeze the contents of the blisters - it can easily cause infection. Regularly examine your child’s body – you will notice any changes and rashes on the skin in time.

Preventive measures

Eliminate provoking factors:

  • maintain personal hygiene, keep your home clean;
  • when caring for a sick person, disinfect your hands, change bed and underwear daily;
  • Examine your child's skin more often. Any rash is a reason to contact a dermatologist;
  • be selective when choosing sexual partners;
  • after visiting pools and baths, check your skin for pustules, rashes, and neoplasms;
  • strengthen your immune system, spend enough time on fresh air;
  • teach your child the rules of personal hygiene;
  • teach from an early age not to give personal belongings or hygiene products to anyone.

Skin diseases identified on early stage, easier to treat. This rule applies to viral dermatological disease- Molluscum contagiosum. Attention to the condition of the skin will allow you to detect the first signs of a dangerous chronic disease in time.

The following video contains an excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy” on the topic “Mollus contagiosum”:

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease in the form of multiple round rashes with a depression in the center. Mostly children are affected. Most often does not require treatment. It goes away on its own.
ICD 10 code: B08.1 - Molluscum contagiosum

Synonyms: epithelial molluscum, smallpox-like acne of Bazin, contagious epithelioma of Neisser, warty molluscum, candida molluscum (erroneous name), sebaceous mollusc of Hebra.

Treatment: see a dermatologist.

Cause and mechanism of infection

The cause of molluscum contagiosum is a virus from the smallpox group, from the poxvirus family. In the international taxonomy of viruses it is called Molluscum contagiosum virus: link.

  • Only a person is sick. Animals don't get sick!
  • Scientists have discovered several types of molluscum contagiosum virus.
  • The source of the virus is the patient’s skin lesions.
  • The virus is resistant to external environment.
  • The virus is transmitted by contact from a sick person (which is common in children's groups). Infection can also occur when using hygiene items or clothing of a sick person, in a pool, in a bathhouse, on the beach, etc.
  • The incubation period (the period from infection to the appearance of symptoms on the skin) is from 2 weeks to 6 months.
  • Predisposing factor to the disease: decreased general and/or local immunity in the skin. In HIV patients, molluscum contagiosum occurs very often (up to 15% of patients with HIV infection).
  • Through microtraumas of the skin and scratching, the virus penetrates the surface cells of the skin epithelium (epidermal cells), integrates into them and begins to multiply. At the same time, the activity of immune cells in human skin is suppressed for a certain time, which also leads to the rapid development of the virus.
  • Mostly children and adolescents are affected.
  • In adults, when a mollusk appears on the body, one should look for the cause of a decrease in local or general immunity. This could be diabetes mellitus or atopic dermatitis. This could be chemotherapy for blood cancer (leukemia) or HIV infection. This may include aggressive antibiotic therapy or the use of corticosteroid ointments.
  • After treatment, the virus is no longer in the human body. Immunity to it is unstable. Therefore, after a few years a person can become infected again.

Why “contagious” and why “mollusc”?

Because under a microscope, the contents squeezed out of the skin formation look like a mollusk.
And “contagious” means contagious.

Symptoms and clinic

1) The main symptom of molluscum contagiosum: the appearance of many round formations on the skin.
These formations (papules) range from 1 to 5 mm in size, spherical in shape with a depressed center. Also called umbilical (from the word navel) or crater-shaped depression. Small formations in the initial stage do not yet have a depressed center and look like ordinary ulcers (see photo).

In the photo: this is what molluscum contagiosum looks like

2) Itching almost never occurs. There is no pain either.

3) Localization - the whole body: facial skin, neck, torso, limbs. During the sexual route of infection - around the genitals, on the pubis, on the thighs. Never occurs on the skin of the palms and soles of the feet.

4) The number of papules – from several pieces to several hundred.

5) When you press on the papule, a thick liquid and a cheesy mass in the center are released.

Attention: there shouldn't be any general reaction- no fever, no headache, no weakness.

6) Atypical types of mollusks often appear, that is, unlike the classical form of formation:


In the classic form, the diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is easy to make. Taken into account: childhood, the presence of children with molluscum in the team, multiple spherical formations on the skin with an umbilical depression.

Difficulties in diagnosis rarely arise when atypical forms. But even with atypical appearances, dermatoscopy clearly shows umbilical depressions in the center of the molluscan papules.

This is what a mollusk looks like under dermatoscopy

In difficult cases, the doctor resorts to squeezing the papule with tweezers. If crumbly masses are squeezed out of the papule, with a 99% probability it is molluscum contagiosum.

In even rarer cases, they resort to diagnosis under a microscope. To do this, the crumb-like masses are sent to the laboratory, where a picture corresponding to the given disease is determined under a microscope. In this case, eosinophilic inclusions are found in the cytoplasm of the cells.

Differential diagnosis Molluscum contagiosum is carried out with diseases:

  • pyoderma (ulcers on the skin),
  • chickenpox (chickenpox),
  • filamentous papillomas (),
  • vulgar warts (),
  • genital warts on the genitals (),
  • milia.

Molluscum contagiosum in adults - features

1) Both women and men get sick equally often.

2) It is imperative to find out the predisposing factor to its appearance in adults. Why did he appear?

3) In adults, the most common location of molluscum contagiosum is the genitals and groin area.
In women: on the pubis and labia. In men - on the penis and pubis. In this case it resembles both initial stage genital warts, and with pustular diseases in the genital area. This arrangement is due to sexual transmission.

4) In treatment, it is necessary to correct the general disease, which led to a decrease in immunity and activation of the virus:

  • treatment diabetes mellitus,
  • correction of dysbacteriosis,
  • correction of drugs that suppress the immune system (cytostatics, corticosteroids, including locally in the form of ointments)
    treatment of HIV infection.

5) It is quite possible that a child caught a mollusk in kindergarten, and then the adults got sick. All family members must be examined at once.

6) Treatment of pregnant women with molluscum contagiosum differs from other women: you should stop using antiviral and immune drugs, and do not use cauterizing agents such as supercelandine. The only treatment method for pregnant women is removal of molluscum papules.

Molluscum contagiosum in children

Children under 10 years of age are most often affected. During this period there is active interaction the child interacts with the outside world, and the immune system becomes familiar with a variety of bacteria and viruses. During this same period, warts first appear in children; during this period, children suffer from childhood infections.

Is it necessary to treat molluscum contagiosum in children and how?

Only with explicit cosmetic defect and for complications. Treatment methods are described below.
Formations on the face should be removed with an instrument with extreme caution so as not to subsequently lead to the formation of scars.

Treatment in children and adults

In children and most adults, without treatment, the symptoms of molluscum contagiosum go away on their own as soon as antiviral immunity is formed. Term - in 4-6 months, sometimes 1-2 years.

Molluscs on the body can only be treated by medical indications: trauma, inflammation. Cosmetic indications are solely at the request of the patient.

Directions for treatment of molluscum contagiosum:

1) Removal of formations

2) Local treatment

3) General treatment

4) Treatment of complications (inflammation, allergies, skin ulcerations)

Removal of cutaneous molluscum

According to reviews of most dermatologists, removal skin rashes is so far the most effective method treatment of cutaneous molluscum.

1) Removal with tweezers or a surgical spoon (curette)

  • First, the doctor performs local anesthesia of the skin with Emla cream or another surface anesthetic.
  • The doctor squeezes the jaws of the tweezers and squeezes out the contents of the papule (as in the video below). If necessary, the resulting small cavity can also be scraped out with tweezers or peeled out with a curette (a sharp Volkmann spoon).
    If the papules are small, then no curettage will be needed.
  • After this, the doctor carefully removes the curdled masses and cauterizes the resulting wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide and tincture of iodine.
  • Some patients at home perform an independent opening of the molluscum papules with a needle, as in this video.
    We remind you: it is not recommended to do this yourself. By wiping the skin with a napkin, thereby spreading and rubbing viruses into neighboring areas of the skin, you only spread the infection even further.
  • After removing the mollusk, the wound should be treated with iodine or brilliant green once a day for another 3 days.
  • With proper removal of the elements of molluscum contagiosum, no scars remain on the skin.

2) Electrocoagulation

The doctor cauterizes the papule with an electrocoagulator (electric knife). Subsequently, after such treatment, scars may remain.

3) Liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) -

The doctor burns the papule with liquid nitrogen. Cells with the virus freeze and die. When cryodestruction is carried out correctly, there are no scars left on the skin. But the procedure can be painful.

4) Laser -

The doctor evaporates the mollusk papule with a laser beam. There are also no scars left.

Local treatment

Antiviral creams and ointments are used:

  • Viferon-ointment,
  • 3% oxolinic ointment,
  • 1% gel viru-merz serol,
  • Infagel,
  • Acyclovir ointment,
  • Virolex ointment,
  • Gripferon spray.

General treatment

Stimulation of general immunity and antiviral drugs.

  • isoprinosine tablets ()
  • Viferon in candles,
  • polyoxidonium in candles,
  • anaferon for children in tablets,
  • other interferon drugs.

Treatment of complications

A complex of medications is used to relieve complications:

  • antibiotic ointments - to treat bacterial inflammation,
  • antihistamines to reduce allergic reaction skin.

Traditional methods at home

Folk remedies against molluscum contagiosum are ineffective. Therefore, they cannot be recommended by a dermatologist for treatment of this disease neither in children nor in adults.

Remember: The cause of molluscum is a virus, the predisposing factor is decreased immunity.
Therefore, among traditional methods, you should use general immunity-strengthening techniques and antiviral agents.

1) Increasing immunity using natural methods.

2) Antiviral plants.

  • Garlic.
    Crush a clove of garlic in a garlic press and place on the papules for a few minutes. There will be a slight burning sensation.
    Apply 3-4 times a day also during the entire period of the rash.
    You don’t have to apply it, but simply lubricate the skin.
  • Lubricating papules with a solution of potassium permanganate, fucorcin, an alcohol solution of iodine or brilliant green.
    This is an ineffective method, since such antiseptics have practically no effect on the molluscum contagiosum virus. The only use of such solutions is to lubricate wounds at home after removing mollusks with tweezers or a curette.
  • Celandine. Celandine juice is poisonous and has antiviral and antitumor effects.
    Clams are lubricated with celandine juice 3-4 times a day throughout the entire period of skin rashes.
  • Lubricating papules with juice from bird cherry leaves, infusion of string, calendula - these folk remedies have a very weak effect.
  • Super celandine, molustin and molutrex.
    A lotion called Molyustin is sold in Russia. The drug is not medicine. This is a mixture of plant extracts + potassium lye. Causes a chemical burn to the skin, as a result of which the mollusk papules die. The effectiveness against molluscum contagiosum is low.

    MOLUTREX is a French analogue of molustin. In fact, MOLUTREX is pure potassium hydroxide, without additives, that is, caustic alkali, the French analogue of Supercleaner. Causes chemical burns to the skin. Does not work on viruses.

    Super celandine is a completely different drug than the herb celandine. This is a set of alkalis. Leads to chemical burn skin, as a result of which the molluscum papules die off.

    When treating at home with supercelandine, molutrex and molustin, you should be extremely careful not to cause deep skin burns and subsequent scar formation. You cannot use cauterizing drugs to remove molluscs on the face, labia in women and penis in men.

  • Prevention

    The main thing that should be applied constantly is the prevention of molluscum contagiosum.

    • strengthening immune system natural methods,
    • You can’t take a hot bath - you can only shower,
    • You can’t rub your body with a washcloth - only soap yourself with your hands,
    • You can’t rub your body with a towel - just blot it,
    • You should not open skin papules yourself, so as not to spread the infection to other areas of the skin,
    • a patient with molluscs on the body should be provided with separate personal hygiene items and bedding. Wash his clothes separately. Steam the laundry thoroughly with an iron,
    • Always use only personal hygiene items!

    Attention: If the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.

Viral skin disease molluscum belongs to the ospenegenic group of viruses. The virus has 4 types, of which the 2 most common are MCV1 and MCV2, which are most often transmitted sexually in the adult population. The virus is also found in children.

The skin disease molluscum, as we noted above, is sexually transmitted in adults. Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot yet completely cope with the virus and completely rid the infected person of the disease.

It is only possible to create conditions under which the virus will not create relapses and cause discomfort, deterioration general condition health.

If you have promiscuous sex life, you can very quickly catch the causative agent of the disease, because The virus is contagious and dangerous.

If the body has a very low level of immunity, this causes the activation of a harmful microorganism and a relapse of the disease occurs.

Its localization on the surface of the skin of the body will depend on how the virus was infected.

Since adults most often become infected during sexual intercourse, the site of infection will of course be concentrated on intimate place- external genitalia, in the pubic area, can also appear on the lower abdomen and inner thighs.

In the case of the childhood form of the disease, it can concentrate on any area of ​​the skin, because infection occurs most often by everyday means. Children can become infected in the pool if they use hygiene items from an infected person.

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Activation of the virus and its further development, occurs due to an unsatisfactory level of immunity, which was severely weakened due to another viral or infectious disease. The skin disease molluscum can also occur against the background of HIV infection.

When the virus penetrates the deep layers of the skin, it begins to introduce its elementary bodies into the cells of the epidermis, which manifests itself on the surface of the skin in the form of small round or oval-shaped formations. A skin disease such as molluscum has a tendency to grow and develop, and formations that initially appear under the skin, during the development of the virus, gradually come to the surface of the epidermis.

Outside, you can see nodular formations, which can be single or group in nature. Such a nodule can grow, be a single formation or group.

Human infection occurs through sexual or domestic contact when you used personal hygiene items of an infected person. Often, the disease is transmitted to in public places- swimming pools, baths in medical treatment rooms.

A long period of time may pass from the moment of infection before the first symptoms of the disease appear - from a couple of weeks to several months, when you begin to notice a rash on the skin.

A viral skin disease, molluscum manifests itself as a nodular formation on the skin, which is flesh-colored, in some cases colored in pearlescent tones. Such formations are somewhat painful in nature and may be different sizes, down to the size of a pea.

When such a nodule is opened, you can see a white, granular mass inside, which is the spreader of the infection.

When such a virus is joined by another viral or infection, this can lead to inflammation of the mollusk.

Today medicine distinguishes three main stages of virus development in the body:

  • Typical development when they show themselves characteristic symptoms diseases - the appearance of nodular formations with characteristic contents or viral bodies;
  • Generalized development, in which the number of formations increases and they begin to affect different areas of the skin, which can be located at a considerable distance from the site of infection;
  • Complicated development It is dangerous because the body already contains pathogenic microorganisms that accompany the underlying disease. At this stage of the development of the disease, the formations may become red and inflamed, and discharge in the form of pus appears from the nodules, which causes discomfort and anxiety in the patient.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you should clinical examinations, which will show the exact picture. If the examination results are unsatisfactory, then biological material is taken - the contents of the nodule - and an accurate diagnosis is made.

Molluscum contagiosum in adults and its treatment

Molluscum contagiosum in adults is not completely eliminated from the body; the doctor can simply create favorable conditions so that the virus does not recur and does not bother the infected person.

In the case when the nodular formations do not cause discomfort or pain, do not become inflamed, and in a word do not bother you in any way, the treatment will consist of the fact that the infected person should take medications to improve the level of immunity, follow a nutritious diet, to enrich the body useful substances. When health returns to normal, the body itself will cope with the virus and will not allow it to show its symptoms.

Molluscum contagiosum in children and adults, which enters a healthy body, will never show its symptoms until health deteriorates. And in this case, it will be possible to see the affected face, groin, stomach, inner thighs.

But when the incubation period ends, symptoms and pain appear, therapy with immunostimulants is not enough. In this case, complex therapy is used, consisting of antiviral drugs local use (for treating affected areas of the skin), immunostimulants, antibacterial agents. Much attention should be paid to personal hygiene and the household sphere, so as not to become infected from a carrier of the infection.

Using tweezers, the viral contents of the nodular formations are mechanically removed so that they do not open themselves and their pathogenic mass of bodies does not further infect the skin. The wound that remains after squeezing out the contents is treated with antiseptic solutions and iodine. Disinfecting the wound must be carried out to prevent another infection from getting into it, which can lead to various complications.

Mechanical removal of the pathogenic mass from the formation is painful Therefore, before the procedure, the site of infection is treated with a local anesthetic.

After the wound heals, a small mark remains on the skin, which completely resolves over time.

Today, molluscum contagiosum in adults is removed using a laser, which actively affects viral formation and, in 1 or several procedures, completely relieves the patient from the symptoms of the disease. After using the laser, the skin is treated with antiviral agents.

With the help of folk remedies, you can get rid of formations on the skin and increase the level of immunity of the body. Garlic is applied to the affected area for several days and thanks to biological active substances, the nodule will dry out and fall off. To treat children, crushed garlic into a pulp is mixed with butter so as not to create a burn on the skin.

Fresh celandine juice or herbal tincture in alcohol helps effectively. Lubricate the nodules daily and after a few days they will dry out and fall off. Alcohol tincture of calendula has the same effective properties.

Treatment of children consists of removing the formations different methods, antiviral drugs.

Molluscum contagiosum: how to treat to completely remove manifestations

Many people wonder, having suspected they have molluscum contagiosum, how to treat this disease quickly and effectively. The main method used today to treat this disease is not drug therapy, but removal of the affected areas.

It should be noted that the removal method is the most effective, and it helps to avoid further dissemination infections on the skin of the whole body. Usually, this procedure carried out after consultation with a dermatologist.

If you want to treat molluscum contagiosum with traditional medicine, you should first consult a specialist.

Removal of formations using mechanical squeezing out the contents and further cauterization of the wound antiviral ointments, potassium permanganate or iodine is also recommended after consultation and with the permission of the attending physician.

In addition, to eliminate this problem it is widely used laser removal nodules and nitrogen treatment. All removal methods are effective in combating the virus and its symptoms.

Molluscum contagiosum is a common disease, so preventive measures should be taken so as not to worry about how to treat the disease and prevent complications from occurring in the future.

The most important condition for preventing disease is healthy image life, normal sex life with one partner in whom you are completely confident. You should also not use public places without special protection, that is, it is recommended to use your own bath accessories in the sauna and bathhouse, and wear thick swimsuits when going to a public pool. Your clothes should be clean and ironed; these measures are especially important for children.

Complications of the virus result in additional infections that enter the nodules and cause inflammatory processes, in which pus is formed that can spread over the skin. You should not comb or remove nodules yourself without subsequent treatment with antiseptic and antiviral agents.

Molluscum contagiosum is a fairly common skin disease in the world. It can affect both adults and children, and the latter much more often. Young patients with atopic (allergic) dermatitis and weak immunity who systematically receive glucocorticosteroid drugs are especially susceptible to this disease. Contribute to infection with molluscum contagiosum by lack of proper hygiene care looking after the child in preschool institutions and living in countries with a hot, humid climate.

What is molluscum contagiosum: definition of pathology

Molluscum contagiosum is one of the chronic infectious diseases of the skin. It is of viral origin and is not highly contagious. The disease manifests itself as a rash consisting of dense papules with a typical depression in the center in the form of a navel . The main patient population is kindergarten children (2–6 years old). Schoolchildren become infected mainly during contact sports (for example, wrestling) or when visiting swimming pools. Infants get sick extremely rarely, which is apparently due to the immunity received from the mother and the long incubation period.

Molluscum contagiosum papules have a characteristic umbilical depression in the center

IN medical literature You can find other names for molluscum contagiosum: molluscum verrucosa, molluscum epithelium, Hebra sebaceous acne, contagious epithelioma of Neisser.

The causative agent of the disease: characteristics and routes of transmission

The filterable virus that causes molluscum contagiosum is similar to the virus that causes chickenpox. It belongs to the family of so-called poxviruses and affects exclusively the skin. This microorganism is not characterized by high contagiousness; however, science knows cases of epidemic outbreaks of the disease in kindergartens and schools.

Molluscum contagiosum virus only affects humans

Infection occurs through direct physical contact of a healthy child with a sick child, during joint games or through shared objects (bed linen, towels, toys, dishes). From the moment the virus penetrates the skin until the first visible rashes appear, it can take from 14 days to 4 months - this is the incubation period for this disease. After the initial infection, the virus multiplies and spreads throughout the skin on its own, infecting more and more areas with molluscum contagiosum.

Infection often occurs through skin-to-skin contact when children play together.

There are 2 types of molluscum contagiosum virus that are pathogenic to humans. To date, scientists have not yet been able to cultivate the causative agent of the disease artificially.

Children who are in an immunodeficient state have weakened body defenses, so they cannot fully resist the attacking virus. And the increased susceptibility of children with atopic dermatitis to molluscum contagiosum is explained by a violation of the barrier function of their diseased skin.

Atopic dermatitis in children is represented by erythematous spots of irregular shape with scales and crusts

Main clinical symptoms of the disease: description and localization of lesions

Rashes occur at the sites of virus penetration and are located in children mainly on the following parts of the body:

  • on the face (mainly on the forehead and eyelids);
  • on the chest;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the neck;
  • on the back of the hands.

They never appear on the palms and soles - this is their difference from papillomas. Dense shiny papules of irregular shape rise above the unchanged skin, not different in color from healthy skin, yellowish or pinkish. In the center of each nodule there is a visible depression in the form of a navel with a small hole, from which, when pressed, a whitish mass is released, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese. Rash blisters can be isolated or grouped, multiple or few (5–10 pieces per patient).

Inside each papule there is a curdled content that comes out when pressed.

The elements of the rash are non-inflammatory and translucent; their diameter usually varies from 1 to 8 mm. But in patients with immunodeficiency, a giant form of molluscum contagiosum can form, in which papules reach a size of 1.5–2.5 cm or more. They merge with each other, forming large tumor-like formations. In addition, some patients also have atypical clinical variants of rashes:

  • single;
  • keratinizing - covered with a dense layer of skin;
  • ulcerated-cystic - large papules formed by the fusion of several small ones that ulcerate or cysts form on them;
  • reticular (Molluscum contagiosum pediculatum) - with this type of rash, the papules have a thin stalk, resembling a mushroom;
  • miliary (Molluscum contagiosum miliare) - when the vesicles are located in small scattering throughout the body.

Often nodules do not cause any subjective sensations in a sick child and are more of a cosmetic defect than a disease. However, in children suffering from allergic dermatitis, the rash may be accompanied by unbearable itching. Sometimes there is irritation on the skin, as a result of which erythema appears - its abnormal redness.

The color of molluscum contagiosum papules can vary from flesh-colored to red with a pearlescent tint

The course of this pathology is unpredictable. Spontaneous remission of the disease often occurs after 2–6 months. But this period of time is enough for the molluscum contagiosum virus to penetrate the skin in other parts of the body and also be transmitted to other people. Children with atopic dermatitis and immunodeficiency are not prone to spontaneous recovery, so they need urgent treatment. Otherwise there may be serious complications:

  • the occurrence of lesions in large numbers;
  • cellulite around rashes;
  • development various types dermatitis in combination with each other;
  • damage to the orbits with visual impairment.

Such children should be carefully examined to identify the causes of the immunodeficiency state.

Diagnosis and difference from other diseases

The diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is usually easily made based on external examination and microscopic appearance. Usually the doctor has enough characteristic clinical sign- discharge of a curdled secretion from papules when they are squeezed.

A typical molluscum contagiosum usually does not cause difficulties for a dermatologist in making a diagnosis

Table: how do other skin pathologies differ from molluscum contagiosum

Disease Features
Flat warts The surface of warts is flat; they are usually located on the face and are smaller in size than molluscum contagiosum papules
Dermatofibroma Usually it is a single papule of dense consistency and brownish-red color, sitting on a stalk
Verrucous lichen planus When glycerin or water is applied to the surface of papules, a characteristic mesh is visible in their depths
Sandbox dermatitis, or juvenile papular dermatitis Rashes are observed only on the elbows and knees; the disease is a type of atopic dermatitis with small papules without an umbilical depression in the center
Seborrheic adenoma Multiple reddish-yellow papules on the face
Soft fibroma Papules are pedunculated and most often localized on the back of the head and armpits

Histological examination

If there is doubt about the diagnosis, a biopsy is performed and microscopic examination papule tissue sample. The histological picture of molluscum contagiosum is quite typical. The epidermis grows in the form of numerous pear-shaped elements, in the cells of which special inclusions are found - mollusk bodies. Inflammatory infiltrates are microscopically detected in the skin. In the center of the affected area, crater-like depressions filled with mollusc bodies are visible.

Histological examination under a microscope reveals characteristic mollusc bodies

Polymerase method chain reaction used to identify diseases transmitted through sexual contact, which often accompany molluscum contagiosum obtained in the same way in adults. Since children naturally become infected through other means, PCR analysis is not performed on them.

Treatment methods for children: imitation and more

Despite the fact that the percentage of cases of spontaneous self-healing of molluscum contagiosum is quite high, no one can predict what the course of the disease will be in each individual child. Often there is really nothing worth doing, and children's body copes with this illness on her own. However, in some cases, doctors develop a treatment plan that simulates treatment based on the placebo effect. Such events include:

  • treating papules with colorless nail polish;
  • irradiating them with ordinary light;
  • sealing the lesions with polyethylene tapes;
  • simulation of radiation exposure;
  • lubrication of bubbles with aniline dyes.

But with large areas of damage, reduced immunity, atopic dermatitis and severe cases of the disease cannot be avoided without real treatment. To get rid of molluscum contagiosum they can be used as medications, so surgical removal pathological nodules.

Conservative drug therapy

As antiviral agents local action The following creams and ointments are used:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Ifagel;
  • Tebrofen;
  • Retin-A;
  • Viferon.

Exposure to these medications destroys the structure of the molluscan virus and reduces the possibility of its spreading to healthy skin. Ointments are applied to the rash areas several times a day; The break between treatments of the affected areas should not be longer than 12 hours.

For the treatment of papules on the eyelids and around the eyes oxolinic ointment. In addition, they can be cauterized with a medical lapis pencil containing silver nitrate. The tip of the device is wetted cold water and apply the product precisely to the bubbles. You can use it on your face 1-2 times a day.

Lapis pencil has a cauterizing and bactericidal effect

Papules on the body can be lubricated with a 20% alcohol solution of Podophyllin, which is antitumor drug plant origin with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Another antiviral agent local application- cosmetic gel Allomedin. For molluscum contagiosum, it is applied to the rash twice a day for 7–14 days. Or it is applied after mechanical or chemical destruction of elements.

Allomedin cosmetic gel is a preparation for topical use, which is intended for antiviral protection of the skin and mucous membranes

Weakened children are prescribed the drug Isoprinosine (analogous to Inosine pranobex) for internal use, which has both immunostimulating activity and an antiviral effect. If the body's resistance to diseases is reduced, interferon-based medications are recommended. They lubricate rashes, use them in the form rectal suppositories or instilled into the nose.

The drug Isoprinosine, prescribed to weakened children, has a dual effect: antiviral and immunostimulating

Surgical removal of blisters

The traditional method of removing papules for a long time was curettage - mechanical scraping of the vesicles with a special sharp Volkmann spoon or a small curette. And while adults can still somehow endure this procedure without anesthesia, children definitely require local anesthesia. It uses Swedish-made EMLA cream, consisting of a mixture of anesthetics lidocaine and prilocaine. The product is applied to the affected skin 1–1.5 hours before the procedure.

EMLA cream is used for superficial skin anesthesia.

After removing the mollusc bodies, the wounds are treated with iodine or another antiseptic. In addition to pain, the disadvantage of this method is the formation of scars in place of the former papules.

Young children can more easily tolerate curettage in a specially equipped operating room. The room for this unpleasant procedure should be attractive and cozy; the child’s attention should be distracted with cartoons or toys.

Tight skin tension during the procedure and a sharp instrument contribute to less painful intervention. However, if a child suffers from multiple molluscum rashes in particularly sensitive areas (genitals or skin around the mouth or eyes), and is also very nervous and afraid of surgery due to previous experience of unsuccessful curettage, then it would be more humane for him to use general short-term anesthesia .

Curettage of molluscum contagiosum papules was traditionally performed with a Volkmann spoon

Sometimes the central horny plug of a non-inflamed molluscan lesion is simply squeezed out with curved thin tweezers. After this procedure, scars almost never form, but, unfortunately, not all types of papules can be gotten rid of using this method.

Video: removing molluscum contagiosum using tweezers

other methods

Currently, gentle instrumental methods destruction of mollusk rashes. They are much more effective and cause less pain to the patient. These include:

  • Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of papules with electric current followed by rejection of necrotic scab.
  • Cryotherapy - freezing elements of the rash with liquid nitrogen. This method can also destroy mollusk bodies, but the method has many disadvantages. It is painful and not suitable for multiple rashes and multiple interventions. They often remain on the skin after cryotherapy. dark spots. In addition, frozen papules become necrotic and fall off only after a few days. All this time they can be sick and bother the child. Often the first procedure does not bring results and a series of repeated freezing is required.
  • Destruction using a pulsed laser on carbon dioxide or on paints. This is the most painless and easily tolerated instrumental method for removing blisters by children. During the procedure, each papule is destroyed individually. Usually one session is enough to completely remove the entire rash. But if after laser exposure the mollusk does not dry out or fall off, a repeat procedure is required.
  • Chemical destruction of mollusk bodies. A special patch with salicylic or trichloroacetic acid is applied to the papules. Or they are treated with a 5-10% KOH solution. As a result, inflammation begins, leading to the disappearance of the rash. A bandage with the product is applied daily for a month.

Modern methods of treating molluscum contagiosum are less painful and traumatic than traditional curettage

Folk remedies: self-treatment of molluscum contagiosum at home

As an alternative traditional treatment You can try to get rid of rashes using folk remedies. Many are skeptical about them, but these methods also have a right to exist, since they are safe and painless for small child. As a rule, children not only do not object to traditional treatment, but often actively participate in it themselves.

Pharmacy antiseptics

Since it is impossible for the youngest children to conduct surgical intervention due to its pain, such patients undergo spot cauterization of papules daily with a solution of fucorcin, brilliant green or iodine. It is necessary to ensure that the antiseptic does not come into contact with healthy skin, otherwise the child may receive a severe burn. Such products can be applied to rashes no more than 4 times a day.


Celandine juice is used to remove shellfish rash mainly in adults. In children, this remedy can be used with great caution, because everyone knows that this plant is highly toxic. And the younger the child, the more careful and thoughtful the treatment with celandine should be. Can be used for small children Fresh Juice plants, and a pharmaceutical cream-balm made on its basis. The product is applied once a day with three to four strokes with an interval of 3 minutes between them. Celandine is not suitable for cauterizing large papules (more than 1 cm in diameter), but is suitable for treating small individual elements of the rash.

Folk healers and traditional doctors recommend wiping the mollusk papules three times a day with an alcohol tincture of calendula flowers. Then they will not itch, they will soon dry out and fall off. Calendula is an excellent effective folk remedy for molluscum contagiosum.

The succession herb also has the same antipruritic and drying properties.

Speaking about folk remedies for molluscum contagiosum, it is worth mentioning tar, which is often used to treat many skin diseases. But this is not for small children the best choice, because, firstly, the black mass has an unpleasant, pungent odor, and secondly, after using it, too much dirt remains on clothes and the body. Finally, antiviral effect tar is in the very last place after all the means discussed above. But when nothing else is available, applying it to the rash will help relieve the child's itching.

Photo gallery: home remedies for molluscum contagiosum

Iodine is perhaps the most popular antiseptic that can be found in any home medicine cabinet
Fukortsin, like iodine, is more convenient to use in the form of a pencil for spot application. Celandine in the form of a balm has a soft and gentle effect on delicate skin of a small child Fresh celandine juice, released from a broken plant stem, is applied to the papules
Calendula flower tincture - harmless and effective for children antiseptic Tar can help in case of severe itching when more effective means are not available

Preventing infection and spread of disease

To prevent primary infection, it is necessary to avoid physical contact between a healthy child and a sick child. In preschool institutions, it is necessary to regularly conduct preventive examinations in order to identify cases of molluscum contagiosum. Children who have papules on their skin should be isolated from the group until complete recovery.

To prevent a sick child from infecting himself a second time, he must be early age teach to observe the rules of personal hygiene. To prevent scratching of the rash and the transfer of the molluscum contagiosum virus to other parts of the body, the papules should be lubricated with antipruritic agents, and the attention of children should be diverted interesting games and activities.

From the first years of life, parents should teach their child to keep their hands clean.

The toys of a child who has recovered from illness should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. Clothes and bed linen should be washed and ironed on both sides with a hot iron. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the room in which small children live.

Great importance for prevention repeated illness has a strengthened immune system. The child must eat properly and nutritiously, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and sleep enough and soundly.

Video: is it worth removing pimples with molluscum contagiosum - the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Since the causative agent of molluscum contagiosum infects only human skin, no matter how the rash is destroyed, the virus dies off along with the last papule. A child who has recovered from the disease acquires immunity to this pathology, but not forever. At the first physical contact with an infected friend, he can get the mollusk virus again. This is especially likely when the body’s defenses are weakened due to a recent history of general disease. No one is safe from infection with molluscum contagiosum. However, the treatment for this skin disease for children - a completely solvable task for any parent.

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