What does blood 1 mean? Determination of blood groups using standard isohemagglutinating sera. Diet and proper nutrition


Hi all! Let's talk today on this page of the women's website about such a mysterious liquid in our body as blood. After all, we live and don’t think about what it is? And it flows inside us and that’s it!

Blood is the main carrier vital energy person. It is not for nothing that in ancient times various religious rituals and ceremonies associated in one way or another with the use of blood were given great mysticism and sacredness.

It is enough to recall its analogy with the blood of Christ in Christianity or various gods in paganism, as the source of truth, power, immortality. But even today, the perception of blood remains a controversial issue for many peoples.

What does blood type mean and what is its role?

Despite the apparent similarity in the composition of human blood and the presence of the same basic elements in it, it contains a unique set of special protein substances (agglutinogens and agglutinins) and antigens (Rh factor) that are responsible for the immune system’s reactions to foreign blood agents.

These antigens, the set and combinations of which different people are not the same, and determine the blood type.

A person’s blood group, which has the individual antigenic characteristics of red blood cells, is a determinant that remains unchanged until the end of his life.

Essentially, this is a kind of human profile/portrait, the same as a drawing of the retina or fingerprints.

Blood type determines the functioning of the entire immune system of the body and the course of certain biochemical processes in it: control of the influence of viruses, infections, bacteria, stress and other unfavorable external factors.

In addition, the difference in blood groups directly affects the predisposition to certain diseases, food preferences, temperament and even appearance.

Such properties of blood are a consequence of the evolution of the human body and its adaptation to changing natural conditions. Today, blood group types mainly depend on genetic code(information) of the closest ancestors, that is, parents.

Historical reference

The discovery of blood groups was made at the beginning of the 20th century by the Austrian doctor, the famous immunologist Karl Landsteiner, who, as a result of numerous blood studies, was able to identify three main types and establish which blood types compatible and which are not.

This discovery was a real scientific breakthrough in the field of blood transfusion and helped eliminate a number of negative consequences, including death, after such medical procedures.

Somewhat later (in 1906), another, no less famous, Czech scientist Jan Jansky supplemented the list of blood groups with another IV and gave the existing definitions that are successfully used to this day.

Moreover, these data made it possible to classify blood into two systems that are most important for medicine and humans - AB0 and. And today, with the help of these immunological discoveries, it is possible not only to determine compatibility, but also relatedness by blood group.

Main blood groups

Based on the difference in the composition of high-molecular compounds in the blood, it is divided into 4 types based on antigens (O, A, B and AB) and 2 based on the presence of the Rh factor (+ or -).

And yet, how many blood groups are there? Taking into account the last indicator, there are as many as eight blood groups: 0 Rh+, 0Rh-, A Rh+, A Rh-, B Rh+, B Rh-, AB Rh+, AB Rh-.

It is noteworthy that the presence or absence of the Rh factor does not depend on belonging to the group or external reasons and is congenital (hereditary).

This is important to consider, especially with blood transfusions. Since people do not have the Rh factor (negative), the entry of Rh plus into the blood provokes an immunological reaction of gluing and destruction of red blood cells with very disastrous consequences for the recipient.

That is why at birth, before transfusion or surgery, an analysis of the group and Rh factor is required. Group Definition Methods blood, mainly laboratory tests using monoclonal antibodies and isotonic solution.

So, there are 4 basic blood types - O (1), A (2), B (3) and AB (4) - each of which has unique qualities. The table below will show the main properties of a person’s blood group.

Groupblood Characteristic Compatibility
  • O(I)
The most ancient blood type (40,000 years old). Strong immune and digestive system. Poor adaptability. Tendency to allergies. Meat eaters.Universal donors (exclusively suitable for all groups).
  • A (II)
15,000−25,000 years The most common group. Good adaptive properties to changes in habitat and diet. Delicate digestive tract. Weak immunity. Susceptibility to infections. Vegetarians.II or IV blood group
  • B (III)
10,000−15,000 years Strong immunity. High adaptability. Stable nervous system. Absence of congenital diseases. Immune diseases. Susceptibility to rare viruses.

Good digestibility of dairy products.

III or IV blood group
  • AB (IV)
The youngest blood group (10,000−12,000 years old). The rarest blood type (5%). Flexible and sensitive immunity. A combination of many qualities of types A and B. Delicate digestive tract. Protection from autoimmune (arthritis, allergies) and bacterial diseases. Instability to microbial infections.

Tendency to cancer.

only people with IV blood group

Thus, knowledge of what types of blood there are and their typical compatibility, at least in general educational terms, can not only broaden one’s horizons, but also help save a human life in emergency situations.

As you know, there are four blood groups, including the first. In addition, there may be a positive or negative Rh factor. All this can leave a special imprint on the human body. It should be noted that these signs also affect a person’s character, his state of health, and the compatibility of spouses. The Rh factor and what blood type are easy to determine during a polyclinic examination.

The first blood group with a negative Rh factor exists in approximately 15% of people of the European race. About 7% of Africans have these characteristics. In India, negative blood group 1 is almost never found. Thus, its uniqueness directly depends on the climatic conditions of certain continents. For example, in Europe, the fourth negative blood group is rarer.

How is blood type 1 negative obtained?

What features does the 1st negative blood group contain, what are its characteristics and with whom is compatibility possible? As you know, every child has genes received from their parents. Blood group is obtained as a result of a combination of antigens. Therefore, it is influenced by a hereditary factor.

What is the probability of a child having type 1 blood? It is formed in the fetus in the following cases:

  • if it is present in both parents (100% probability);
  • when the father or mother has it, and the other parent has a second or third.

Rhesus acts as an additional erythrocyte antigen. It is formed with the following probability:

  • the newborn does not have it if the parents do not have it;
  • if the mother or father has it, the child has a 50% chance of getting Rh negative.

Blood transfusion

People who have the rare negative blood type are the safest donors. This is due to the fact that in this case No antigenic properties. Thus, if there are no donors of the same group, it is possible to transfuse it in various life situations to people with different characteristics. In this case, the Rh factor has absolutely no significance. It only affects the compatibility of a man and a woman when trying to conceive a child. It is worth noting that such transfusions are not planned.


Some theories claim that the owners of this group are strong-willed. They, as a rule, try to take leadership positions and achieve their assigned goals. The character of such people is characterized by high emotionality and a developed sense of self-preservation. A person with these signs will not put their own health at risk. He will always calculate the result of his actions in advance. This is a brief description of people who have a rare first blood group.


As noted above, when a patient who has the rare 1st negative blood group needs a donor, only people with similar characteristics will be suitable for him. Thus, medical workers It is recommended to first find out the group from relatives.

TO typical diseases and signs from the presented group include:

  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • being overweight;
  • hemophilia in men;
  • damage to the respiratory system;
  • allergies.

A character that contains strong-willed qualities can develop narcissism, lead to violent reactions to various criticisms, and jealousy. Such people have low endurance and lack of ability to adapt to changing living conditions. For representatives of the fairer sex, negative groups negatively affect compatibility with men who have Rh positive blood.

Pregnancy problems

I would like to immediately note that for a woman with a negative Rh factor, it does not matter what type of blood she has. As a rule, gynecologists prescribe both spouses for examination to determine their compatibility. If it is absent, problems with pregnancy may occur, in particular, constant miscarriages occur. The body of a woman with a negative Rh factor can recognize the fetus as a foreign body, rejecting it. Thus, the course of pregnancy can be complicated by Rh conflict. This happens if the spouses are not compatible and the fetus has positive genes inherited from the father.

It is worth noting that the first pregnancy is considered the most favorable, since the immune system women reject the fetus at the last term. As a result, the child exhibits signs of jaundice, anemia, and impaired liver function. If we take the baby's condition under medical control and appropriate treatment, he can become completely healthy with age.

If it comes repeat pregnancy, a woman’s body already has ready-made antibodies that begin to affect the fetus starting from the first weeks. Thus, miscarriages occur, and the formation of internal organs. And the reason for this is incorrect compatibility. Since the likelihood of fetal rejection is high, pregnant women are forced to remain in confinement for the first months. In addition, patients who are not compatible with their own child are advised to take care of themselves and lead a calm lifestyle. After all, anything can be a reason for a miscarriage. It is also worth noting that toxicosis in women with a Rh minus sign is much stronger than in pregnant women with positive blood groups.

Fortunately, modern medicine I found a way out of this situation. As a way to combat this problem, anti-Rus globulin is used, which is injected into the blood. It is able to bind and neutralize the effects of maternal antibodies. Thus, women who have a negative Rh factor and are not compatible with a man should especially carefully monitor their own health, as well as that of their children.

In the last century, the theory that each group corresponds to a certain diet was quite popular. It turns out that there are foods that are beneficial and, conversely, undesirable for people with certain blood types. As it became known, some food can pollute the human body, which leads to various diseases.

The origin of people who have the first blood group is genetically associated with the appearance of anthropoid individuals who eat exclusively meat food obtained by hunting. As a result of drastic changes that have occurred in the environment, people need other products besides meat. This allows us to provide normal functioning the whole body, receiving the required amount of nutrients of various categories.

Thus, modern nutritionists have developed special food that must be observed by people of certain categories. Since the topic of the article is the first blood group, we will now talk about it.

It should be noted that people of this type prone to obesity. Therefore, they need to create a diet that includes restrictions on sweets and flour products. Therefore, it is recommended to eat the following foods:

  • fish, beef or lamb dishes low-fat varieties, seafood;
  • porridges made from whole grains;
  • broccoli, pumpkin, parsley, onion;
  • green tea, herbal infusions.

If a person has the first blood group, then it is undesirable for milk and dairy products to be compatible on the same day. meat products. This is especially true for dishes made from pork. Also, do not overuse smoked meats and sausages. It is recommended to avoid fatty meat and eggs. Products undesirable for consumption include hard cheeses, sour berries and fruits, citrus, butter, ice cream, oatmeal porridge. It is necessary to limit dishes from potatoes, cabbage, and legumes in the diet. Among the drinks, it is not recommended to choose coffee and black tea.

This diet involves periodic relaxation. In other words, sometimes you can afford foods that are not recommended for consumption. True, in limited quantities. Some experts are of the opinion that this approach is the only solution, which makes it possible to control your own body weight and maintain health. It is worth noting that modern medicine is against excesses in nutrition. However, it does not support strict vegetarianism either. The diet should be designed so that it includes everything necessary ingredients so as not to upset the balance of substances in the body.

So the blood various groups affects not only personal qualities, his health, but also diet. This is worth paying attention to to maintain your health.

According to scientists, this is the main blood group from which all the others were formed. It does not contain antigens A and B. Since ancient times, doctors have believed that this group is ideal for transfusions because it does not contain antigens that provoke an immune response. But research has refuted it perfect compatibility. Still, the immune response is quite rare, so it is taken if they cannot find blood from other groups for transfusion.

The most universal blood– This is the first group with negative Rh. Positive often causes rejection, but is suitable for owners of other groups with a positive Rh factor.

A person with the first blood group cannot be transfused with other blood groups, because they contain one or two antigens that provoke an immune response.

According to scientists, the first blood group belonged to hunters and its representatives have strong character, high level immune protection. Such people should eat more protein found in meat. This will be a good prevention for diseases characteristic of carriers of this group. They are often susceptible to disease gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, colitis, ulcer).

People in this group are sociable and energetic. IN eastern countries When selecting personnel or choosing a couple, they are often guided by the selection of a person by blood type in order to avoid conflicts in the long term.

Blood type is inherited or occurs as a result of mixing the blood of parents. She doesn't change throughout life path. The only case of blood type change occurred in Australia during a liver transplant. The Rh factor has changed there.

The first blood group with a negative Rh factor is considered the second rarest in the world. Therefore, transfusion stations often store this type of blood in reserve in refrigerators for emergency transfusions.

Rh compatibility problems.

There is a special erythrocyte gene in human blood. It is present in the blood substance with a positive Rh factor or absent with a negative Rh factor.

When parents with a negative first blood group incest, the baby becomes Rh negative. If the mother or father has a negative Rh factor, and the second parent is the owner of a positive Rh factor, then the child can receive both negative and Rh positive-factor. The probability of the first and second cases is 50/50.

The Rh factor is important for a good pregnancy and the health of the baby. This is also important in cases of blood transfusion for a patient with this blood type.

Implications for pregnancy

For carrying a baby and the health of the child, compatibility with the Rh factor of the fetus is important. This is due to the father's genetics. If the mother is Rh positive, then the Rh factor of the fetus is unimportant.

If the mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive, this often causes Negative consequences, conflict between the fetus and the mother’s body.

The mother's body will try to eliminate foreign protein with the help of the immune response, both during the first pregnancy and during the rest.

This may result in miscarriage with placenta rejection. If this does not happen, the child may become severely anemic, be infected with jaundice, or be born with liver pathology.
To avoid this, pregnant women are recommended to undergo a blood test for Rh and blood groups. In case of conflict between the fetus and the mother, globulin is administered, which neutralizes the effect of maternal antibodies and allows the baby to develop without problems. Pregnancy after treatment with globulin, as a rule, is carried to term without problems.

Character traits

People with the first blood group are assertive and purposeful. They have a developed instinct of self-preservation. If protein levels drop in the blood, this negatively affects the functioning of the body and the immune system deteriorates.

Such a person is characterized by increased determination and rational decision-making.

The character is quite sharp, not prone to mental disorders resistant to neuroses and stressful situations. Such a person quickly regains strength.

Along with the advantages, a person with the first blood group has a number of disadvantages:

  • Overambitiousness
  • Jealousy
  • Not accepting criticism

In society, such a person is a loyal comrade and reliable business partner. He is very responsive to praise and loves admiration. Compatibility is achieved by almost any person, regardless of blood type.

IN love relationships It is important for a man that a woman can bow before him and submit. And for women in this group, a partner with a stronger character is important. It is important that her man is physically strong and has passion and charisma.

What should you be wary of?

Representatives of this blood group are predisposed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often this inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines, ulcers. There may also be inflammatory joint diseases, such as arthritis.

Infants often develop purulent-septic infections. They are often accompanied by thyroid dysfunction and allergies. People may experience bleeding disorders.

Nutritional Features

The best food for representatives of this group of people is protein, because these people love grueling sports. To confirm their active position in life, they need a balanced diet. Otherwise, they begin to get sick, they develop inflammatory processes and begin to have problems with metabolism. They're dialing fast excess weight with poor nutrition.

For these people, it is very important to eat properly, in accordance with their blood type. Although such people quickly adapt to any diet, it is worth remembering that their body does not digest carbohydrates well. With excessive consumption of carbohydrates, this threatens diabetes, tissue edema, and provokes heart and vascular diseases. A decrease in metabolism contributes to rapid weight gain. And also, due to the wrong menu, they quickly develop allergies, psychoses, and may develop alcoholism or drug addiction. Bleeding disorders associated with metabolic disorders can cause bleeding, which can lead to strokes.

Representatives of blood group 1, as a rule, high acidity stomach. They can even eat undercooked meat, but if there is a protein deficiency, then this threatens peptic ulcer and gastritis. It is important to combine proper diet with active sports that cause adrenaline surges in the blood. This could be running, wrestling, swimming, dancing, extreme sports.

Healthy foods for blood group 1

They improve the body's defenses and are quickly absorbed.

You can drink green tea or juice from the above fruits.

Negatively acting products

There are a number of foods that have a bad effect on the health of representatives of this blood group. These are dairy products. It is better to remove them from the diet altogether, sometimes allowing yourself to eat skim cheese, sour cream, kefir.

It is not recommended to eat grains and cereals. This concerns the grain of wheat, oatmeal, corn grains. You should not eat lentils, raw and dried peas, beans, beans (green and beans). Need to eat less vegetable oils, especially corn or cotton.

A person with type 1 blood should exclude from the diet all sweet baked goods, cornmeal cakes, and bread made from any grains. It is not recommended to eat pistachios. You should not eat peanuts, either fresh or fried. Do not eat poppy seeds.
Vegetables from the nightshade family are also prohibited. These are potatoes and eggplants. Avoid eating cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. The same recommendation applies to red forks, corn on the cob and avocados.

You should not eat fruits with a sour taste, such as tangerines, lemons, oranges. Eating apples and melons is not recommended. Worth giving up sweet soda, juices from oranges and apples, applesauce.

It is recommended to remove tea, caffeinated drinks, coffee and any alcohol from your diet. No need to get carried away with spicy marinades, preserves, tomato paste and ketchup. Do not add to food during cooking nutmeg, vinegar, pepper (peas, powder, allspice).

Neutral products

You can supplement the menu with neutral products that have little effect on the body, but help make the diet more varied.

The first attempts at blood transfusion were made by ancient doctors. They also concluded that people’s blood is different: in some cases, blood transfusion from one person to another actually helped to get rid of the disease, in others it led to the death of the recipient.

There are 4 blood groups in total. The first, or zero, is the most common, it is present in more than 30% of the planet's population.

Features of blood groups are determined by:

  • Agglutinogens– protein substances that are found in red blood cells;
  • Agglutinins– protein substances found in plasma.

The first blood group is characterized by the absence of agglutinogens in erythrocytes and the presence of alpha and beta agglutinins in the plasma.

Rh compatibility problems

What does 1 positive group mean? The presence of a specific Rh protein in the blood. U Rh negative people from absent. This criterion is important to consider when performing blood transfusions. If Rh is positive– this means that a person can be transfused with blood with positive and negative Rh. If negative, only Rh- blood can be transfused.

Implications for blood transfusion

Blood group compatibility is more complicated. Holders of group I (0) are universal donors: since they do not have agglutinogens, this blood can be transfused into people with any type of agglutinogen.

The first one with a negative Rh can be transfused to any donor, and the positive one can be transfused to any blood group and positive Rh factor. But the owner of the first blood group can only receive a transfusion of his type.

History of the first blood group

Scientists believe that the history of mankind began precisely with blood group I - it was this that flowed in the veins of our ancient ancestors, who were the first people. They were strong, resilient, hunted wild animals - this helped them survive.

At that time, people were not yet reasonable enough; there was no talk of any negotiations or democracy. Anyone who disagreed with the opinion of the strongest member of the tribe was destroyed. Therefore, the first man had a reputation for being cruel and authoritarian. Some features are still present in the character of modern owners of this blood group.

Japanese researchers also share this opinion. They are sure that people with the first positive group The character was purposeful, strong-willed, sometimes cruel and aggressive. These character traits are most pronounced in men. However, women are also characterized by self-confidence and authoritarianism.

Implications for pregnancy

The likelihood of having a child with blood group I is in those couples where at least one of the parents is a carrier of this group, unless the couple has a carrier of the 4th. If both parents have the first group, the baby will definitely be born with the same one.

The table shows the probability of inheritance.

Parents' blood type1 2 3 4
1 and 11 - - -
1 and 20.5 0.5 - -
1 and 30.5 - 0.5 -
1 and 4- 0.5 0.5 -

The child can inherit the blood type of the father or mother. But the Rh factor is most often transmitted maternally. If the baby inherits the father's Rh, which is different from the mother's, a Rh conflict will occur.. Complications can begin during pregnancy.

In this case, the mother needs to inject special drugs so that she can bear and give birth to a child. Also, if a couple plans to have more children, after giving birth the woman is given anti-Rhesus serum.

Character of people with blood group 1

After numerous studies, scientists have found that these people are characterized by:

  • Increased emotionality and short temper;
  • Leadership skills;
  • Instinct of self-preservation and careful assessment of one’s capabilities before making a risky decision;
  • Determination.

In the pursuit of their goal and benefit, they are reckless, ready to sacrifice moral principles, abandon small goals in favor of one, but large one.

People with the first blood type are sensitive to criticism - even to the point of breaking up with loved ones, who often point out their mistakes. At the same time, other people’s mistakes are extremely rarely forgiven. They are jealous and demanding. They often strive to occupy the leadership position. And, having achieved their goal, they become strict and often merciless bosses.

Careerism, perseverance and authoritarianism are characteristic of both sexes. Because of this, they are susceptible to stress, overwork and nervous exhaustion. Therefore, lifestyle and diet must balance such a complex nature so that you do not have to say goodbye to your health ahead of time.

These people have a slow metabolism, and this results in a tendency to gain weight quickly. The situation is aggravated by proper nutrition.

Since representatives of this blood type are descended from hunters, they are recommended to include more meat in their diet - but with some nuances.

Product groupWhat is necessary?
MeatRed meat and poultry, offal
FishFatty varieties rich in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, sturgeon, mackerel, horse mackerel, herring
VegetablesSalads, legumes, greens, broccoli, radish
fruitsAlmost anything except citrus fruits
Milk productsCottage cheese and butter, low-fat kefir if there is no intolerance
BeveragesTeas, especially herbal, unsweetened juices.

The first to be banned fatty food– it leads to problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. What foods are not recommended to eat?

It is worth limiting your consumption, or better yet, giving up altogether:

  1. Sala– due to a tendency to be overweight and have problems with blood vessels.
  2. Rice and lentils– can cause bloating.
  3. Ice cream and milk in pure form . Often these people have poor digestibility of milk protein.
  4. Coffee and too strong tea, alcohol– contributes to the accumulation of tension, stress, excess energy, leading to hypertension.
  5. Peanuts and their oils, soybeans.
  6. Salty and smoked food, excess spices.
  7. Fried food, especially with a lot of oil. The best option– boiled, stewed or baked foods.

To spend calories rationally and not gain weight, you need to exercise physical exercise. For those who hate sports, regular walking is suitable - but at least 40-60 minutes a day.

If there are no contraindications, you can and even need to exercise in gym. Outdoor sports include running, skiing, and team sports. It would be a good idea to sign up for a swimming pool to relieve excess tension from your back muscles.

Video: Nutrition according to blood type. Hunters, herbivores, Aryans

Common health problems

Depending on the blood type, there is also an innate tendency of a person to certain diseases. This does not mean that the patient will absolutely manifest a certain group of ailments: If you pay attention to your health and practice prevention, they can be avoided.

But if you leave everything to chance, do not follow the recommendations regarding nutrition and motor activitythe risk of these diseases increases significantly.

This group is also characterized by problems with thyroid gland. And in men there is an increased tendency to hemophilia.

Hair color. Your blood belongs to one of four main groups: A, B, AB or O. Which group your blood belongs to depends on what proteins are on the membrane of your red blood cells and what proteins are in your blood plasma (this is the liquid located in blood vessels, in which blood cells, including red ones, are suspended).

Proteins found in red blood cells are called agglutinogens, proteins in blood plasma are called agglutinins. Agglutinogens are of two types: A and B. Agglutinins are also of two types: a and b. Don't worry, they are indicated in small letters to avoid confusion.

Blood group classification

Here's how this system works. Let's say Emily has blood type A. This means that her red blood cells contain agglutinogen A, and her blood plasma contains agglutinin B. Lily has type B blood. This means that her red blood cells contain agglutinogen B, and her blood plasma contains agglutinin A. Jeff's blood type is AB.

: People with blood type 0 are called universal donors - they can give blood to anyone with any blood group.

This means that his red blood cells contain both agglutinogens A and B, but the plasma contains no agglutinins at all - neither a nor b. Juan has blood type O. This means that his red blood cells do not contain agglutinogens - neither A nor B, but his plasma contains agglutinins - both a and e.

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Why are some blood types incompatible?

Your body views blood agglutinogens that are different from yours as intruders. If Emily, with her blood type A, is transfused with blood of group B, then the agglutinins contained in her plasma attack the red blood cells with agglutinogens B, as a result, these cells stick together and block blood flow in the vessels of internal organs, for example the vessels of the brain, which will threaten Emily's life. And also, patients with blood group B cannot be transfused with blood of group A; patients with group O cannot be transfused with blood of either group A or group B. To avoid possible error, before each blood transfusion, the patient’s blood group is checked.

Universal donors

No blood type reacts with type O. You remember that red blood cells of this group do not contain agglutinogens that can attack agglutinins. That's why people with blood type O are called universal donors- they can give blood to anyone with any blood type. Since group AB blood has agglutinogens A and B, people with this group can be transfused with blood of any group, since AB blood does not contain the so-called agglutinins, which can attack the red blood cells of donors. People with blood type AB are universal recipients.

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Rh blood factor

Blood that does not contain the Rh factor is called Rh negative (Rh-), and only Rh blood can be transfused to people with such blood. negative blood. Otherwise, there is Rh in the blood negative person antibodies arise that reject Rhesus positive blood with repeated transfusions.

Interesting fact: Many people's red blood cells contain a protein called Rh factor, and their blood is called Rh positive (Rh+).

Blood group distribution

Blood type, like hair color, you inherit from your parents, and so do blood types from different frequency found in different nations, by blood groups one can judge where the ancestors of a person came from. All over the world, for one reason or another, people are determined by their blood type, so scientists were able to establish how blood types are distributed among different peoples on Earth.

In the United States, 41 percent of whites and only 27 percent of African Americans have blood type A. Almost all Peruvian Indians have blood type O. B Central Asia The most common blood type is B.

Why do people have different blood types? This is not entirely clear. However, scientists have found a relationship between blood groups and certain diseases.

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Relationship between blood groups and diseases

For example, people with blood type O are more likely than others to suffer from stomach ulcers; people with blood type A are more likely to suffer from stomach cancer. Very strange fact- proteins similar to human blood group agglutinogens are found on the surface of some bacteria and viruses.

If a microbe enters your body, the proteins of which are similar to the proteins of your blood cells, then the immune system may make a mistake and mistake the aggressor for one of its own and allow the infection to enter the body unhindered. Here's an example. The surface of the bacterium that causes bubonic plague is similar in protein composition to type O red blood cells. Therefore, scientists speculate that people with type O blood are especially sensitive to such bacteria and are more likely to get bubonic plague.

Interesting fact: if you have blood type 0, then your body can accept rods bubonic plague for quite friendly cells.

Bubonic plague

Scientists think the bubonic plague epidemic began in Southeast Asia and spread to the West. Having reached Europe, the plague killed a quarter of the population there in the 14th century; this epidemic in Europe was called the Black Death. In Central Asia, where plague has been common and for a very long time, the population has almost no blood type O. This shows that type O was a major disadvantage in surviving the constant threat of plague. And those who had groups A, B and AB had undoubted advantages when faced with the plague wand. Scientists hope that elucidating the connections between blood groups and the diseases to which their carriers are susceptible will one day make it possible to explain the origin and consolidation of blood groups among human populations.

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