Who gives Plantex to newborns? Plantex for newborns. Instructions for use. Active solution composition

Plantex is a medicinal effective drug, which is designed specifically for safe treatment babies without harmful influence on their health.

The medicine Plantex is designed to get rid of colic, which is normal occurrence in the first years of life, but bring discomfort and discomfort. To avoid any mistakes, you should carefully study the instructions for newborns and follow the instructions written there. In particular, attention is drawn to appearance medicines.

Form, composition, packaging

Most often, the drug is produced in the form of granules from which a special infusion is prepared for internal use.

  • acacia gum -12.6 mg;
  • anhydrous dextrose - 2500 mg;
  • lactose - 2235 mg.

IN in good condition medicinal granules have a soft Brown color with light splashes of other earth tones. It has a pronounced fennel scent.

Sold in the usual hermetically sealed packaging made of durable cardboard.

Storage period and conditions

The medicine Plantex must be stored at room temperature without direct contact sun rays, water and possible dirt. It should be located in a place where the children of the elder and younger ages they won't be able to reach him.

Always look at the date on the packaging, as the drug can only be used for two years after the date of release without the slightest delay.


The medical drug contains herbal components, which contribute to a competent solution to the problem of stomach colic.

When digestion is stimulated, the secretion of juice in the stomach increases. Due to this, the amount of gas formation is reduced and the release of gases is increased, which means that cramps caused by changes in the abdomen are relieved.


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Plantex indications for use

Is used for emergency treatment or for preventive actions when possible appearance spasmodic pain in the baby’s intestines, which manifests itself in mild indigestion.

It is also used for a smooth transition from mother's milk to another diet. You can start taking it from two weeks of age and above.


It is not allowed to use granules if you have:

  • syndromic glucose malabsorption;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • the rare disease galactosemia, which means the inability to convert regular sugar into glucose;
  • allergy to the components contained in the composition.

Plantex for newborns instructions for use

The most important thing in proper treatment- this is to adhere to all medical instructions and correctly determine the dosage for patients of a certain age.

Plantex for babies

Plantex infants take up to 10 grams per day for a maximum of 3 times.

The medicine can be given immediately after meals or in between meals.

Method of preparation: pour the granules from one bag into a convenient drinking container, pour in 100 ml of warm water and mix well until smooth.

Plantex tea for newborns

In addition to granules, Plantex tea is sometimes prescribed to infants. Starting from two weeks, it is taken one sachet per day, gradually increasing the dose with the doctor’s permission.

This tea is prepared just a few minutes before use, so the contents of one bag should be divided into 2-3 doses.

The course of treatment should not exceed thirty days, after which general state the baby will improve.

Plantex for children over one year old

If we are talking about children from 1 to 4 years old, then they take the infusion in the amount of 2-3 standard sachets, that is, 10-15 grams per day for 3 times. The cooking method in this case is no different from the previous one.

Plantex during pregnancy

There are no clinical data in such cases, so use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not advisable.

Side effects

IN in rare cases observed allergic reaction.


To date, no cases of Plantex overdose have been recorded.

Drug interactions

Data that confirms negative impact There is no use of Plantex granules with other medications.

Additional instructions

If the treatment is intended for a newborn, then in any case only a freshly brewed solution is used. When preparing it (for any age), it is prohibited to add sweeteners.

What's better?

Espumisan or Plantex, which is better?

Do not confuse analogues with drugs that help with the problem that has arisen, but have a different principle of action. These medications include Espumisan, which is a carminative (and Plantex is an antispasmodic) and differs significantly in the form of release and the components used.

Plantex or Babycalm

In the case of these drugs, there is not much difference. You can try both Plantex and Babycalm to see which helps more. Although many doctors in this situation are inclined to think that it is better to resort to “folk” decoctions.

All babies experience discomfort in the tummy, associated with an imperfect digestive system, to one degree or another. Normal appearance time intestinal colic– 3rd-4th weeks of life. But in some infants, symptoms of anxiety appear earlier - almost from the first days of life.

For such babies it is necessary to have a safe, but effective remedy which will alleviate their condition. Plantex, a product of the Slovenian pharmacological company LEK, helps many children well.

Dosage form

Plantex for newborns is available in the form of granules, from which parents can easily prepare a solution (tea). Each sachet contains 1 dose of the substance (5 grams), so you can always prepare a fresh drink for your child as needed.

Such dosage form has both its advantages and disadvantages. If the baby drinks well from a bottle, then it will not be difficult for him to take the required amount of tea. Parents of those babies who do not accept bottles and pacifiers will experience difficulties in giving their child the required amount of this liquid.

Description and composition

The drug Plantex has the form of small granules of light brown color. They should be dissolved in water until a solution is obtained that is slightly greenish or brownish in color.

The active ingredient of Plantex is the fruits of fennel (dill). This is a close relative of the familiar dill.

The raw materials for the preparation of the drug are plant umbrellas with seeds, which are collected as they ripen. Unlike regular dill, fennel has a smell more reminiscent of anise. The fruits themselves are greenish-brown, so the granules have the same color, only in a lighter shade.

The active components of Plantex are fennel extract and its essential oil. The following were used as auxiliary ones:

  • lactose;
  • anhydrous dextrose;
  • glucose;
  • galactose;
  • acacia gum.

These substances not only help give the drug a granular form, but also have a positive effect on the digestion process.

The undeniable advantage of the drug can be considered its complete natural composition, without the use of chemicals.

How much and how to give

Before using Plantex, its granules should be dissolved. To do this, take a bottle or cup, pour granules from one bag into it and add 100 ml of warm boiled water. Stir until completely dissolved.

The resulting tea is given to the child after meals or between feedings.

For a newborn baby from the age of 2 weeks, 1 sachet per day is enough. Children from three months and throughout the first year of life are given 1-2 sachets per day.

The solution obtained from the granules is divided into several doses. Pediatricians recommend using it 3 times a day, but if the child cannot drink all the liquid in 3 times, then the frequency of use can be increased. The child is given tea to drink in any way convenient for him and the parents: from a bottle, from a teaspoon.

Plantex should be given to infants in small portions throughout the day. Then gases in the intestines will not have time to form, colic will not fully manifest itself, and the baby will be calm.

When colic begins, you can also give the baby a little solution of Plantex granules. The drug usually begins to act quite quickly, within half an hour the baby ceases to feel anxious.

Plantex is given to the baby for a month. After this period has expired, the instructions recommend stopping taking it or changing the drug to another carminative.

If the baby does not accept a drinking bottle, then a good way in this case is to drink it with a teaspoon. A small part of the liquid is collected in it, in the volume in which the baby is able to swallow it.

If a child refuses to take the drug on his own, but is on breastfeeding, pediatricians recommend that nursing mothers drink Plantex tea in a dosage of 2-3 bags per day. This way, some of the substance will enter the baby’s body, which will alleviate his condition.

Action of Plantex

Fennel extract and its essential oil stimulate secretion gastric juice and improve intestinal motility. As a result, food is absorbed faster and better, the occurrence of fermentation processes in the intestines is prevented, and therefore gas formation is reduced.

Also, fennel fruits improve the process of removing accumulated gases and have an antispasmodic effect, as a result of which the baby ceases to experience painful sensations in the tummy.

Lactose, which is part of this product, promotes complete absorption nutrients, entering the baby’s body with food.

Pharmacological group

Plantex belongs to the group of herbal medicines with antispasmodic action, stimulating digestive processes and reducing gas formation in the intestines.

Indications for use

Plantex is approved for use in children starting from the age of 2 weeks. It is shown:

  • to eliminate pain in the intestines caused by spasms in mild digestive disorders;
  • when infants transition from breastfeeding to regular nutrition;
  • when changing formulas for feeding the baby during the period of his adaptation to the new one.

Plantex can be used both to eliminate symptoms that bother the baby and to prevent their occurrence.


It is contraindicated to use Plantex in children with:

  • (since the drug contains lactose);
  • impaired absorption of galactose or glucose;
  • (disruption of the chain of transformations of galactose into glucose in the body);
  • individual intolerance to any component of the composition.

Before using Plantex in children, you should consult your pediatrician.

Plantex is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but the instructions do not recommend its use, since no research has been conducted in this area.

Side effects

From side effects With Plantex, only an increased sensitivity of the body of some babies to it was observed. It was expressed in the form of allergic reactions. Parents will easily notice the red rashes that appear on the cheeks, neck, tummy or butt.

Minor digestive upsets – or, conversely, diarrhea – may also occur.

In this case, you need to stop taking Plantex and consult with your pediatrician whether the drug actually caused such a reaction. Dyspepsia may be a sign, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Interaction with other drugs

There were no negative interactions between Plantex and other medications. However, pediatricians do not recommend using Plantex in children along with another remedy for colic.

special instructions

To prepare a solution from Plantex granules, you cannot use milk, tea, or juices. Use only boiled water.

For newborns, it is better to use a freshly prepared solution at each appointment. To do this, the contents of the bag are divided into three parts, each of which is diluted in 35 ml of water. The result is a portion that is feasible for the baby to take and sufficient to provide a therapeutic effect.

Do not use any sweeteners when preparing the solution. The child should be given only granules of the drug dissolved in water.


No cases of Plantex overdose have been recorded.

Storage conditions

The sachets of the medicine can be stored at room temperature, preferably away from heating devices or exposure to sunlight.

If the granules are not completely used, the opened bag should be stored in a dry place, tightly closed.

Colic is not some kind of pathology of the body. They - natural process adaptations of the body of a recently born baby to food intake. There comes a time when his digestive system matures, and unpleasant phenomena cease to bother him.

But still, every parent strives to alleviate the condition of their baby during the period increased gas formation in the intestines and the spasms that arise against this background. Plantex can significantly help with this.

Analogues of the drug

Plantex is a drug that eliminates abdominal discomfort in children during the neonatal period. Replacing a drug prescribed by a doctor with its analogue may be advisable if the composition is poorly tolerated.

BabyCalm is not medicine, but is considered by doctors as biologically active additive, promoting normalization unstable work gastrointestinal tract of the child. The composition is well tolerated; no adverse reactions occur during its use. The product is suitable for long-term use after consultation with a pediatrician.

The drug provides quick and long-lasting relief from bloating in a newborn. The composition is well tolerated and does not provoke adverse reactions. To achieve a therapeutic result, it is recommended to use it with every feeding.

Drug price

The cost of the medicine is on average 446 rubles. Prices range from 293 to 730 rubles.

Most newborn babies suffer during the first months of life due to infant colic. Although the real reason this unpleasant phenomenon has not yet been established, parents whose hearts are breaking from the prolonged crying of their baby are looking for all sorts of ways to alleviate his condition. The pharmaceutical industry is also looking for ways to get rid of infant colic and, admittedly, today some have already been developed effective drugs.

Let's talk about how Plantex tea for newborns helps with colic, how the effect is achieved, how safe it is for small children and what analogues exist.

Whatever the cause of colic, one thing is clear: the child cramps his legs and cries from cramps in the tummy, and also suffers from increased gas formation. The situation repeats from feeding to feeding. What is it about Plantex that can help cope with such a condition?

Composition and effect of the drug

Plantex Sandoz is a herbal remedy based on fennel, produced in Slovenia. It is available in granules for preparing a solution, packaged in sealed bags of 5 grams each. The main component is an aqueous dry extract of fennel fruits, and its effect is complemented by fennel essential oil. Also includes several additional substances, promoting the dissolution of granules and their sweetening.

What do we know about fennel? This is perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family, which has a characteristic spicy aroma, the essential oils of which are extremely beneficial for digestion. Fennel fruits increase the production of gastric juice, as a result of which intestinal motility increases and food is digested faster.

Fennel also has a carminative property, that is, its active components, entering the intestines, reduce the surface tension of air bubbles in the intestines, which promotes the passage of gases during flatulence. This is exactly what is needed for a baby suffering from colic.

Fennel is considered the champion in relieving spasms and expectorant action among herbs such as anise and dill.

Fennel's closest relatives are dill and anise, and all plants in this family have the following effects to a greater or lesser extent:

  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • diaphoretic;
  • calming;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic;
  • hypotensive.

Indications for use

So, Plantex is mainly intended for infants, starting from 2 weeks of life:

  • as prevention and treatment intestinal cramps;
  • for indigestion;
  • if there is a need to transfer the child from breastfeeding to artificial or mixed nutrition.

Can a nursing mother take the drug? Absolutely yes. It is believed that fennel (dill) helps to increase lactation, however, there is no reliable, scientifically based confirmation of this fact. In any case, such tea will not harm the baby.

However, the doses of the drug were calculated for small children, and Plantex is more expensive than ordinary fennel fruits. Therefore, you can save money on yourself and prepare fennel tea by brewing the fruits of the plant purchased at the pharmacy.

Instructions for use

Preparing a solution for drinking is very easy, even easier than. Pour 100 ml of warm boiled water into the bottle. The Plantex sachet is torn, the granules are poured into the bottle, closed and shaken until completely dissolved. All! The solution is ready for use. The sequence of addition is not important, since the granules dissolve very well in warm water.

How much of this solution can be given to small children? For babies under one year old, 1-2 sachets per day is enough, with 100 ml of the prepared solution divided into 2-3 doses. Plantex is usually given to children 20-30 minutes after meals. If the baby falls asleep while suckling (this often happens), you can give the baby something to drink after waking up. In cases where the baby is not intentionally taught to use a bottle, the medicine can be given from a syringe or a teaspoon.

The effect of the product and the amount drunk may vary. First, you need to consider the time of year. If it’s a hot summer outside and the baby needs extra fluids, Plantex’s solution will be very useful, since fluid loss in summer is greater than in winter. If the temperature outside is comfortable (not hot), breastfed babies usually fill up on milk and are not always ready to drink the amount you suggest.

Supplementation with Plantex is especially effective in the hot season

There is no need to insist or force water. Think of the introduction of Plantex into your diet as not medicine, but rather how food supplement(this is how the drug is registered) to improve your baby’s condition. In addition, children react individually to various drugs from colic, and also everyone has their own pain threshold. Therefore, it is possible that the drug will have no effect. If you see that the medicine does not help, then you need to look for another remedy.

This does not mean that Plantex is ineffective, it just did not suit you. It happens that another drug with the same fennel extract turns out to be more effective.

Special instructions and contraindications

The instructions for the drug advise using only freshly prepared solution for infants and not adding any extraneous ingredients to it, such as sugar or other sweeteners.

No side effects were observed after taking the drug.

However, since the product is made on the basis of plant raw materials containing essential oils In rare cases, an allergic reaction may develop.

As for contraindications, these include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • galactosemia (a disease in which metabolism is disrupted during the process of converting galactose into glucose);
  • lactase deficiency;
  • impaired absorption of glucose, galactose.

Plantex is stored in its original packaging at room temperature. The shelf life of sealed sachets is 2 years. Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. You can use the solution with fennel for an unlimited time.

Other ways to relieve colic

If Plantex does not help, you can fight colic with regular dill water, which is sold in some pharmacies and actually contains the same fennel in a ratio of 1:1000 to water. Dill water is given for colic, a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Products based on simethicone are effective - an inert substance that, when entering the stomach and intestines, reduces the surface tension of air bubbles and promotes their release to the outside. A prominent representative is the drug Espumisan. For small children, it is available in suspension, so the bottle of liquid must be shaken thoroughly before each use, otherwise medicinal substance will remain at the bottom. Espumisan Baby in the form of drops does not need to be shaken. The drug is safe for children from 2 weeks of age and can be taken indefinitely. It is difficult to say why, but it happens that Espumisan does not give any effect, while another drug containing simethicone copes with colic.

A drug for intestinal cramps based on simethicone

Also don't forget about folk methods colic treatment: do light massage tummy, apply a warm diaper to it, wear it in a column after feedings, place it on the tummy between feedings.

Tea Plantex is natural remedy based on fennel fruit. It can be given from a very early age, which will provide mother and baby good nights. The solution has a pleasant taste and aroma, so children drink this medicine with pleasure.

A fennel drink can also be consumed by nursing women who are afraid to give the herbal remedy to their children. By influencing the baby through breast milk, Plantex simultaneously improves lactation and relieves the young mother from constipation.

Plantex tea is a finely granulated soluble powder, packaged in paper bags of 5 grams (1 dose). In each cardboard box There may be 10, 20 or 30 individual sachets. Before use, open the sachet and pour the contents into the liquid.

Composition of Plantex for newborns:

  • dry fennel seed extract obtained by water extraction;
  • fennel essential oil.

Acacia gum stabilizer, anhydrous glucose (sugar) and lactose are used as additional substances.

Herbal tea is intended to correct various digestive disorders in babies.

How do Plantex work? Fennel seeds stimulate intestinal motility, improve the secretion of gastric juice, prevent the formation of gases and facilitate their passage. Active substances herbal remedy have an analgesic and carminative effect, and perfectly relieve bloating.

Plantex is no less useful for stomach cramps. Fruit medicinal plant help relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce pain and stimulate the secretion of bile. Therefore, food begins to break down and be absorbed faster.

In addition, fennel fruits are rich in vitamin C, which perfectly treats inflammation, helps boost immunity and improves iron absorption. Thus, Plantex provides beneficial effect for the entire body of the newborn.

At what age can it be given?

Plantex for infants is approved for use starting from two weeks of life. It is not worth giving it earlier, since the manufacturer did not indicate the safety of the product until this age.

Indications and contraindications

The instructions for Plantex for newborns indicate that the drug is intended to eliminate intestinal pain not associated with infectious diseases.

Other indications for use of Plantex tea:

  • poor digestion;
  • improper feeding;
  • transferring the child to artificial feeding;
  • constipation;

Despite the organic origin of tea, there are restrictions on its consumption. Thus, Plantex is prohibited for children who are unable to convert lactose into glucose or who suffer from lactose intolerance. Herbal tea is not suitable for children with individual intolerance to fennel or other components of the drink. Plantex should not be given to an infant with intestinal obstruction.

To avoid trouble, you should consult your pediatrician before using tea for newborns.

Can pregnant women take Plantex for constipation and bloating? The instructions do not contain any direct contraindications for this case Therefore, a doctor must judge the benefits and harms of the drink.

Instructions and dosage

Plantex tea is given to the baby immediately after meals or in between meals. A newborn baby and children up to one year old can be given 1 sachet of dry powder per day. The contents of the sachet are filled with warm boiled water(100 ml) and stir until the granules are completely dissolved. For children from 12 months to 4 years, the dosage is doubled.

The prepared tea is divided into several parts. Children's doctors advise taking Plantex three times a day. If the newborn cannot cope with this volume of fluid, the frequency of use is increased. The drink is given in any convenient way - from a spoon or from a bottle.

For constipation, Plantex should be taken in small portions throughout the day. Usually in the evening or at night there is relief and the baby calms down.

When colic begins, you can immediately give some tea. As a rule, improvement occurs within 15–20 minutes. The baby stops crying and kicking his legs and quickly falls asleep.

If the child refuses to take the medicine on his own, the instructions for use recommend that the young mother take fennel tea - 2-3 bags of Plantex per day are enough. In this case useful substance enters the newborn's body during feeding. The manufacturer also suggests that the granules can be dissolved in breast milk.


There are no known cases of drug overdose. However, it should be borne in mind that Plantex is effective for constipation, so a large number of tea may cause diarrhea.

Side effects

Sometimes it happens that children's Plantex does not live up to expectations. The medicine does not improve the condition of the newborn, but only makes it worse. Anxiety and crying intensify and are added to loose stool green color, loss of appetite, there may be vomiting after eating and convulsions.

Such symptoms indicate lactose intolerance. In this case, you should stop taking Plantex and use another drug instead.

Drinking tea causes allergies in some children. The reaction occurs in the form of a red rash, itching, restlessness and regurgitation. This picture is most often observed with spontaneous and unlimited supply of Plantex. Older children usually like the taste of tea and can drink it all the time.


The price of the medicine depends on the number of individual packages in the box. So, 10 sachets of herbal remedy cost 280–300 rubles. For 30 sachets you will have to pay 530–550 rubles. This amount is enough to forget about your baby’s colic for a long time.

Analogues for newborns

If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to the drug, Plantex tea can be replaced with an analogue. The selection of such a remedy should be carried out by a therapist, but parents should also know which medications have a carminative effect and eliminate colic.

Analogues of Plantex for newborns:

  • Baby Calm. It is a concentrate of mint, anise and dill oils with the addition of glycerin. Recommended for children from the first year of life, the medicine reduces gas formation and colic. A 50 ml bottle costs 280 rubles.
  • Bebinos. The drops are close in composition to Plantex. Contains fennel, coriander and chamomile extract. Used to eliminate flatulence, intestinal pain and dyspepsia. Price for a 30 ml bottle is 270 rubles.
  • Espumisan extra. The drug, like Plantex, is in granules. Contains simethicone, an organosilicon substance. It is used as a carminative and prevents gas formation and bloating in newborns. A package of 14 individual sachets costs 290–350 rubles.
  • Bobotik. Drops are prescribed from the 28th day of the baby’s life. They have the same indications for use as Plantex - colic, flatulence, spasms. Price for a 30 ml bottle is 250 rubles.

Bloating in the baby's tummy is the most common complaint of young parents when visiting a pediatrician. Colic in newborns provokes increased anxiety in the baby and causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Pathology provoked physiological characteristics child's body.

Which colic drug should I choose? The modern pharmacological industry offers a wide range of drugs aimed at eliminating colic in newborns. One of the popular medications is Plantex. An effective medicine made from natural ingredients, safe and hypoallergenic. The drug is approved for use from the second week of life.

Causes of colic and the effect of the drug

Plantex is used to relieve colic in newborns. The problem accompanies the little man in the first three months of life in almost 90% of cases.


  • Excessive gas is completely normal physiological state due to imperfection digestive system;
  • the intestines are inhabited by few beneficial bacteria, enzymes are produced in insufficient quantities;
  • The digestive system is just forming in the first three months of life, the baby experiences unpleasant sensations;
  • the process is accompanied by bloating and excessive accumulation of gases. The baby lets you know about pain by constant crying, sleep is often disturbed, and constipation develops.

Features of the drug:

  • Plantex granulated tea contains natural ingredients;
  • active components eliminate discomfort in the intestines;
  • the drug normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, suppresses increased gas formation;
  • Pediatricians often prescribe Plantex tea to facilitate the baby’s transition to artificial feeding.

Positive properties:

  • the drug normalizes the motility of the digestive tract;
  • increases appetite;
  • eliminates the cause of colic in a newborn;
  • the components included in Plantex stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Result of regular use:

  • after taking Plantex tea breast milk or nutritional mixtures for the “artificial person” they are better absorbed;
  • poorly digested food does not accumulate in the children's stomach and intestines, which contributes to the onset of the fermentation process and increased gas formation;
  • The baby completely digests the food, abdominal pain hardly bothers the child.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Plantex is a herbal medicine based on natural ingredients. The drug is used not only for drug treatment colic Granulated tea with fennel extract is recommended for young children for preventive purposes.

Composition of the solution with active action:

  • glucose;
  • lactose;
  • fennel oil;
  • essential oils.

Active ingredient: fennel extract. The active component promotes the secretion of gastric juice, triggers intestinal motility processes, and improves digestion.

Under the influence of fennel extract, intestinal function is normalized and gases are released better. Totality useful components disinfects gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite.

Note! Some pediatricians advise taking Plantex for constipation in a newborn.

Release form


  • the herbal medicine is sold in the form of granules, packaged in a hermetically sealed bag;
  • each package contains 5 grams of medicine;
  • The daily dosage is enough to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a newborn.

Indications for use

Thanks to its active components, the herbal medicine simultaneously affects several negative manifestations:

  • copes with nausea;
  • eliminates bloating and colic;
  • improves intestinal motility, promotes rapid absorption of nutrients;
  • stimulates the normal digestion process, promotes the production of special enzymes responsible for this process;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora, suitable for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

Note! Plantex tea is recommended not only for newborns to reduce pain from colic, but also for nursing mothers. Additional penetration of the drug through breast milk increases beneficial effect several times. Recent studies have shown: regular use of Plantex improves the secretion of the mammary glands, improves the quality breast milk, its volume increases.


Any medicine has limitations, Plantex is no exception. The anti-colic drug is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to glucose, galactose (these substances are part of the medicine);
  • It is forbidden to give the baby Plantex if the baby has confirmed lactose deficiency;
  • stop using medicinal tea at hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Plantex tea is based on herbal ingredients. Sometimes a newborn has an allergic reaction ( itchy skin, rashes on the body). Don't overdo it preventive measures: It is enough to give the newborn several times a week a remedy to prevent colic.

Possible side effects

The drug against colic, flatulence, and intestinal pain is absolutely safe for a newborn: granulated tea does not contain potent components or any toxic or specific components. If in doubt, consult your local pediatrician.

Most doctors positively evaluate the effect of the drug and recommend it as a safe, effective remedy. Negative manifestations are rarely noted, only in case of non-compliance with the rules of administration, use without taking into account restrictions.


Take note:

  • to prevent unpleasant consequences do not exceed the daily dose;
  • Does the baby react inadequately to the drug? Stop taking it immediately;
  • in the absence of a clearly expressed positive effect with long-term use Plantex, it is forbidden to increase the dose on your own;
  • Each child's body is individual, early age sensitive to excess of certain components. Excess specified dose often leads to the opposite effect - increased colic.

Find out more about correction methods for younger schoolchildren.

Instructions for using Vibrocil nasal drops are described on the page.

Read on the page effective methods treatment of conjunctivitis in children.

Instructions for use

Most parents, especially when their first child is born, do not know how to use Plantex correctly. Be sure to check with your pediatrician what dosage he recommends and carefully read the instructions.

Rules of application:

  • pour the granules into a clean bottle, add warm boiled water (100 ml);
  • Shake the container well until the medication is completely dissolved;
  • One sachet of Plantex is enough for 100 ml of liquid;
  • Sometimes colic torments babies even after three months. Upon reaching the age of 5 months, the drug is allowed to be diluted with juice;
  • Before drinking tea for bloating and increased gas formation, be sure to feed the baby. Reduce the amount of food: 100 ml of tea is a fairly large portion for a newborn;
  • If the baby is not hungry before taking the medicine, then there will simply be no room left in the stomach for the medicine.

Frequency and dosage:

  • children less than a year old the use of 1–2 sachets per day is indicated;
  • divide the entire amount of medication into three doses;
  • Use only freshly prepared drink.

In most cases, babies willingly drink healthy tea: the anti-colic medicine has a neutral taste.

How long can Plantex anti-colic tea be used? Often the Plantex treatment process lasts about a month. This amount of time is enough to eliminate colic and normalize the digestion process. At long-term treatment Factors that provoke the development of dysbacteriosis disappear.

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