Lactose (milk sugar), benefits and harms, lactose in products. What is lactose? Harm and benefit

Without exaggeration, milk can be called the most important product for young children. By at least, for newborns it represents the only source of all nutrients necessary for full life. As the child develops, his diet is replenished with new components, but the basis for the body of each baby should ideally be laid by breast milk. For this very reason, cow, goat or milk from other types of livestock should also be present in the menu of an adult. One of the important components of this product is lactose. About useful and harmful properties It’s the last one we’ll find out now.

General information about the substance

Lactose is an organic compound belonging to the carbohydrate group, namely complex sugars: disaccharides. Educated this substance, as is clear from its name, consists of two components. One thing everyone knows is glucose. The second building block of the lactose molecule is called galactose. The disaccharide decomposes into the above components if it enters a suitable environment - for example, human body. This splitting is facilitated digestive enzymes gastric juice. In our case, the role of the “breaker” is played by a specific enzyme: lactase. After the disaccharide is converted into two monosaccharides, the latter are absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body.

Lactose is otherwise called milk sugar. This phrase, indicating the origin and location of an organic substance, is, in fact, contained in the name of the disaccharide: the Latin “lactis” means “milk”, and the “ose particle” is interpreted as “carbohydrate”. Chemical formula substance looks like this: C12H22O11. Historians dated the first documentary mention of lactose to the beginning of the 17th century. In 1619, Italian chemist Fabrizio Bertoletti conducted an experiment in which he evaporated milk. The result of his work was the production of a substance, which the scientist named “milk salt”. More than a century and a half passed, and another chemist, this time Swedish, named Karl Wilhelm Scheele, found out that the structure of the substance isolated by his colleague allows him to safely include it in the group of carbohydrates.

IN pure form lactose is a solid crystalline substance white. According to their own chemical properties milk sugar is close to weak acids, hence its ability to react with caustic soda and neutralize the said alkali. This is a reducing carbohydrate, and lactose can also turn into an aldehyde.

The melting and boiling points of this substance are quite high. If milk sugar is combined with dilute acid and boiled, a hydrolysis reaction will occur. Also, due to lactose, or rather with its participation, the fermentation process is carried out, which makes it possible to curdle milk and obtain delicious cheeses, tender cottage cheese and many other fermented milk delicacies.

Currently, the method of producing milk sugar remains the same as that used several centuries ago - except that this method has been slightly improved. The whey is subjected to condensation, the resulting substrate is passed through a centrifuge and dried to remove liquid - that’s all the wisdom.

The benefits and harms of lactose

The healing properties of lactose are similar to those of its sisters from the carbohydrate family. It also gives energy to a living organism, making its owner feel a surge of vigor, strength and increased ability to work. But in addition, milk sugar provides prevention of diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels, regulates the body's absorption of calcium from food, maintaining the normal metabolic process of this important macronutrient. Lactose fights dysbiosis. This happens due to the ability of the disaccharide to create favorable conditions for growth and development beneficial lactobacilli, whose task is to suppress the processes of decay in almost the very important body gastrointestinal tract. Milk sugar also helps the nervous system function smoothly.

You might be surprised, but this is where the beneficial properties of lactose end, and the dangerous ones begin. However, no one wants to scare you on purpose: milk sugar causes harm to the human body only in the case of a deficiency of lactase, which breaks down the disaccharide, observed in the latter. A lack of enzyme or its low activity for some reason prevents the normal absorption of the carbohydrate component of milk. You can recognize an existing deviation by the following signs:

  • severe diarrhea - develops as a result of water retention in the intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • intoxication;
  • skin rashes, including allergic ones;
  • nausea;
  • stomach pain;
  • runny nose, tissue swelling.

So serious illness is called hypolactasia. It is also known as “milk sugar intolerance.” Sometimes this disease is called lactose allergy. IN Lately it has become widespread throughout the world. The leading countries in cases of lactose intolerance are located on the African, American continents, and southeast Asia. The reason lies in the absence of a tradition of breeding large and small animals in the listed regions. cattle for the sake of obtaining milk.

It must be said that lactose intolerance can be congenital, that is, due to heredity, or acquired. The impetus for the emergence of the second can be:

  • chronic dysbacteriosis;
  • flu;
  • chemotherapy;
  • Whipple's disease, Crohn's;
  • enteritis;
  • ulcerative colitis.

The need for lactose is different for adults and children. The former require about 53 g of milk carbohydrate per day, the latter – half as much. Exact numbers Only a nutritionist will tell you. If there is a lack of lactose in the body, a person experiences drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy. IN to a greater extent this applies to the kids. An overdose of glucose is fraught with intestinal dysfunction and an allergic reaction.

Lactose in products

To avoid becoming a victim of either a deficiency or excess of lactose sugar, provided that you do not suffer from hypolactasia, you should eat enough foods rich in the beneficial disaccharide. The record holders in this regard are powdered milk and whey powder. Slightly less carbohydrate is contained in nougat, milk chocolate, rice milk and semolina porridge, condensed milk, and milkshake. Fermented milk drinks (yogurt, kefir, cream), as well as cottage cheese and sour cream, are approximately at the same level in terms of the amount of lactose. Hard and soft cheeses and butter contain the least amount of milk sugar, if we take into account the family of dairy products. To some extent, lactose is present in margarine, sweets, and baked goods.

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What are the benefits and harms of lactose? Increasingly, food products that are considered healthy by default are being rethought. What was included in the list of nutrients necessary for the body just a few years ago is now being massively excluded from the diet.

To what extent does this apply to lactose?

What is this substance

Lactose (from Latin lac “milk”) is a carbohydrate from the disaccharide group that is found in milk and dairy products. The unofficial name for this element is “milk sugar”. Pure lactose is a white crystalline powder that is odorless. It dissolves well in water.

The benefits and effects of lactose on the body

It is now fashionable to argue that this substance has no particular benefit, rather, on the contrary, only harm, so it is preferable to replace it with herbal analogues. This is not entirely true. You can replace it, but is it necessary?

The biological benefits of this substance can hardly be overestimated. The beneficial effects of lactose on the human body are its following properties:

  • this component normalizes calcium metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system (one of the main functions of lactose is the production of antibodies);
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • stimulates work nervous system;
  • acts as a prevention of cataracts;
  • has a healing effect;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cardiac diseases;
  • useful for diabetics, since lactose glycemic index almost twice as low as glucose;
  • stabilizes intestinal function;
  • promotes better absorption ascorbic acid.

Important! Lactose contains galactose, a component necessary for proper development infants, in particular infants.

What foods contain lactose?

The concentration of this substance is especially high in the following products:

  • cow's milk;
  • goat's milk (as opposed to cow's milk, in goat milk lactose was found in trace amounts);
  • cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • buttermilk;
  • soft cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • butter;
  • cream based on eggs and milk.

The list of products containing lactose is not limited to this. It is present not only in dairy products and milk. Disaccharides different groups often used as a sweetener in the following products:

  • margarine;
  • chips;
  • bread;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cookie;
  • marmalade;
  • mustard.

In addition, the complex disaccharide is found in many medicines, such as:

  • "Enap";
  • "Gastal";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Lopedium".

Why is lactose harmful to the human body?

The possible harm of lactose to the body is that when excessive consumption milk there is a rapid release of insulin into the blood. This, in turn, stimulates the production of sebum in sebaceous glands, which leads to the development of acne.

Lactose can also harm the health of people intolerant to this component.

Lactose intolerance

Despite the rather extensive list useful properties lactose and its wide application in medicinal and for preventive purposes, there is a category of people to whom it brings more harm than good. This is caused by lactose intolerance (or hypolactasia), the body's inability to digest lactose.

The reason for this phenomenon is a significant shortage or even complete absence in the human body the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the complex disaccharide into its constituent components. As a result: the unsplit disaccharide lactose accumulates in large quantities in the intestines, as a result of which the bacteria located there begin to consume sugar and produce hydrogen mixed with methane, which causes bloating and flatulence.

Generally intolerant sugar carbohydrate does not pose a threat to the lives of those in whom it is detected, but can cause frequent stomach upsets and cramps in the abdominal area. In addition, this feature significantly limits the diet.

Causes of lactose intolerance

There are primary and secondary lactose intolerance. In the first case, the cause of intolerance is a congenital, genetically determined deficiency of lactase - most often, a lack of this enzyme is observed in people belonging to the Asian race.

The occurrence of secondary hypolactasia may be influenced by the following factors:

  • any disease that affects cells small intestine that produce lactase, e.g. inflammatory diseases and even the flu;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • undergone chemotherapy;
  • celiac disease;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysbiosis.

Another type of hypolactasia is especially distinguished - temporary. It is observed in children born earlier due date. The cause of the pathology is in this case is that the function of producing the lactase enzyme begins only at the 34th week of pregnancy.

Symptoms and signs of lactose intolerance

The following factors may indicate hypolactasia:

  • approximately 30 minutes after eating milk or dairy products, bloating is observed;
  • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea, constipation);
  • flatulence;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Important! Symptoms of hypolactasia are similar to those of more serious illnesses Therefore, you should not try to determine lactose intolerance on your own. The diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Diet for lactose intolerance

Many find it difficult to give up milk in coffee and cereals. In this case, doctors advise including dairy products in your diet that contain fermented lactose, which does not cause unpleasant symptoms after eating. These include, first of all, hard cheeses and unpasteurized yogurt. Regular cow's milk can be replaced with soy or almond milk; their benefits are no less.

The list of products allowed for lactase deficiency includes the following:

  • eggs;
  • raw fish;
  • soy drinks;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lard;
  • all fruits and vegetables without exception;
  • nuts;
  • tea and coffee;
  • sugar and saccharin;
  • legumes;
  • bread without whey;
  • pasta without food additives.

Important! Many people with lactase deficiency switch to skimmed milk, but this does not mean that it does not contain lactose.

Allergy to lactose

There is a widespread misconception that lactase deficiency and milk allergy are the same thing. This statement is far from the truth, since an allergy is an abnormal reaction immune system for products containing specific components.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction and hypolactasia are also different. The first signs of an allergy include:

  • difficulty breathing with whistling;
  • severe rash all over the body;
  • noticeable swelling of the lips;
  • swelling of the throat;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa, runny nose;
  • eye irritation;
  • nausea, vomiting.

People who have been diagnosed with hypolactasia do not necessarily have to completely eliminate milk and dairy products from their diet. In most cases, it is enough to keep your daily intake of dairy products to a minimum. The situation is completely different with allergy sufferers - for an allergic reaction, even low dose of this substance.

Daily intake of lactose

The benefits and harms of lactose for the body are largely determined by the concentration of the substance. Its excess is just as dangerous for humans as its deficiency. That's why it's important to know daily dose consumption of this carbohydrate.

A person needs no more than 50-55 g of lactose per day. Its deficiency in children manifests itself in increased drowsiness, apathy and lethargy. In adults, a small amount of this carbohydrate in the blood is practically not visible outwardly; for this, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Excess sugar carbohydrate content is determined by the following criteria:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • intoxication;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bloating.

Lactose for weight loss: benefit or harm

Recently, dairy diets have become increasingly popular. They are based on dairy products, which are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements. Their calcium concentration is especially high. In addition, milk sugar does not activate the production of insulin, which means that consuming this carbohydrate does not provoke excess weight gain.

The lactose diet is a type of mono-diet in which the emphasis is on one product. The effectiveness of such a diet lies in the fact that foods from one group are absorbed much more efficiently, and this promotes weight loss.

Opponents of the diet claim that casomorphins contained in dairy products are a kind of “drug” addictive. This is another myth. Casomorphins are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, and addiction can only occur if the substance “reaches” the brain.

Important! A lactose-based diet is not a solution to all problems with overweight. Without physical activity Excess dairy foods can contribute to excess weight gain.


Disputes about the benefits and harms of lactose have been going on for a long time, but so far there are many more supporters that this carbohydrate is more beneficial than harmful than opponents. The beneficial properties of lactose are difficult to overestimate: it is recommended for use by both children (after consultation with a pediatrician) and elderly people, and the benefits from it are disproportionately greater than the harm. Finally, it is useful for type 1 and type 2 diabetics, acting as a kind of sugar substitute.

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Carbohydrates are a source of human energy, and milk has long been considered the healthiest product. These statements lose their relevance over time, since milk contains lactose, and its benefits and harms are the main topic of debate among doctors of different profiles. So what effect does lactose have on the human body?

What is lactose?

Lactose is important carbohydrate, consuming which a person stores energy. In food, lactose is found in dairy products and is a sugar.

This chemical compound Karl Wilhelm Scheele discovered it back in 1780. He noted that everyone milk product contains approximately 6% lactose, and in the human body this substance is susceptible to the action of enzymes and enters the blood.

What role does lactose play in the human body?

Despite the fact that there is controversy about the benefits of lactose, it still does not stop playing important role in the body and perform life-supporting functions.

Everyone knows the consequences of lactose in the body - viscous saliva. It is difficult to imagine how complicated a person’s life would be without this important substance for salivation in his body.

Moreover, thanks to lactose, the absorption of B vitamins, calcium and ascorbic acid is activated.

It should be noted that this substance affects the active reproduction of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which brings the intestinal microflora back to normal.

Properties of lactose: what benefits does it provide?

Many people, especially trying to fit in fashion trends, they claim that lactose has no benefit and can easily be replaced with plant analogues. Actually this is not true. Lactose still has a number of beneficial properties and they should be considered in more detail:

Positive effect on the intestines

Lactose has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk sugar stimulates the active proliferation of important bacteria and prevents putrefactive and inflammatory processes;

Stabilization of the nervous system

How strange it is, but lactose has positive influence even on the nervous system, thanks to its stimulating property nerve cells;

· Normalization of calcium metabolism

By consuming milk sugar, you can be sure that calcium absorption is excellent;

· Powerful charge carbohydrates

Lactose is one of the main carbohydrates, that is, the substances that underlie human energy. By consuming dairy products containing this substance, you can forget about fatigue and for a long time be in a cheerful mood;

· Improved absorption and absorption of vitamins

Lactose is an ideal conductor for B vitamins and vitamin E. By consuming the above vitamins in sufficient quantities, their absorption cannot be guaranteed, but milk sugar solves this problem;

· Prevention of heart and vascular diseases

Regular consumption of lactose prevents diseases from of cardio-vascular system;

· Increased immunity

Dairy products that contain lactose increase and maintain immunity levels, thereby preventing seasonal diseases and decreased body tone.

The harmful effects of lactose on the body

Of course, lactose has a number of beneficial properties, without which it would seem difficult for a person to live. But recently, the controversial attitude towards milk sugar has given rise to more and more new studies, which were revealed by the following harmful qualities of this substance:

1. Accumulation of lactose in the intestines

If lactose accumulates, fluid may be retained in the body. The consequences of this phenomenon are disappointing: flatulence, diarrhea, bloating.

2. Rapid absorption of lactose by the small intestine

If mucous small intestine digests lactose too quickly, this is fraught with the release of toxins, that is, breakdown products, which, by their occurrence, can cause intoxication of the body.

3. Environment for the development of bacteria

Lactose, if it is not processed by the intestines, becomes a favorable environment for reproduction various kinds bacteria, which, by no means positively, affect human health.

It should be mentioned that all these problems occur to people with reduced content in the body the enzyme lactase. A deficiency of this substance can cause many problems with lactose and even lactose intolerance.

What foods contain lactose?

Lactose is found in a huge list of products. The most obvious products containing this substance are, of course, dairy products. The milk sugar content in different products can be open or hidden. The first category includes products in which lactose is present, as a fact. The second category includes various medications and products in which the presence of milk sugar is unknown, which can cause harm to a person with lactose intolerance.

The most commonly consumed foods with obvious lactose content are:

· Ice cream

· Sour cream

· Butter

· Margarine

· Porridge (semolina, rice)

What about the hidden milk sugar content in products? These lactose carriers are:

· Medications

In many medicines, lactose is used as an improvement taste sensations, and also increases bioavailability. The most commonly used preparations containing lactose: oral contraceptives and vitamin D. Despite this, the content of milk sugar in medications reaches a minimum, so people with lactose intolerance should not worry about their health.

· Bakery

Other carriers of lactose are: crackers, cookies, bread, chips (potato), muesli, and various cereals;

Meat, especially in the form of sausages, sausages and other products, is also rich in milk sugar;

· Instant coffee, cocoa, food instant cooking

In fast food products, lactose is an ingredient that provides texture. ready-made dish, and it also saturates it with taste and prevents the appearance of lumps;

· Alcohol

Alcohol, not surprisingly, is also on the list of products containing lactose. This is especially true for milk-based liqueurs.

How to consume lactose for health benefits?

To prevent problems with lactose, it is necessary to control its consumption. According to scientific research, children school age 500 ml/g per day is enough, for adults, 2 times more. Such limits apply only to milk. By consuming dairy products containing lactose, you can safely reduce daily norm. Lactose in its pure form should be consumed with caution. Its norm for an adult is approximately 60 grams per day.

As for lactose intolerance, as described above, the reason for this is the insufficient content of the lactase enzyme in the body. This condition will lead to disappointing consequences of consuming dairy products: flatulence, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea and stomach pain. Often, lactose intolerance is a hereditary or congenital condition.

In conclusion, we can only note that any product, including lactose, can bring both benefit and harm. It is important to pay attention to recommendations for its use, as well as carefully monitor your health.

The main property of lactose is that it is a substrate for the reproduction and development of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which form the basis normal microflora intestines. Thus, it is necessary for the treatment and prevention of various dysbiosis. Lactose is a source of energy in the body and a stimulant of the nervous system. It has a positive effect on the development process of the central nervous system, normalizes calcium metabolism, promoting calcium absorption, and supports intestinal microflora. Lactose is a preventive measure cardiovascular diseases, improves the process of production of B vitamins and vitamin C, is necessary component for synthesis various substances, imparting viscosity.

What is “lactose intolerance”

Lactose can cause harm if the body does not have the ability to absorb it. This condition occurs when there is a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, it is “lactose intolerance” (hypolactasia). In this case, this carbohydrate becomes dangerous for the body. Hypolactasia can be primary or secondary – acquired. Primary intolerance is almost always hereditary genetic pathology. Acquired intolerance appears under the influence of the following factors: surgical operations on the stomach, dysbacteriosis, previous influenza, inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, Whipple's disease, chemotherapy.

Lactose intolerance is manifested by pain accompanied by bloating, in some cases leading to uncontrolled release of digestive gases. There is nausea and diarrhea that appears one to two hours after eating dairy products or food containing milk. Lactose intolerance should not be confused with a milk allergy. If you are allergic, you should not use this product at all, otherwise the person will develop characteristic symptoms: itching, skin rashes, transparent discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing, swelling and puffiness of the eyelids.

With hypolactasia, the symptoms will depend on the amount of milk-containing product that gets into the milk. With small amounts of lactose, the body will be able to break it down, in which case there will be no symptoms of intolerance. If a person suffers from hypolactasia, you should not completely exclude milk and dairy products from your diet. Average safe dose lactose is approximately 4.5 g per day, this amount is contained in 100 ml of milk, 50 g of ice cream or yogurt. For people who cannot tolerate milk sugar at all, doctors prescribe calcium in combination with.

Lactose is a natural organic compound, belonging to the group of carbohydrate saccharides. This substance received its name from the Latin lactis, a word that translated into Russian means “milk”. Indeed, this saccharide is part of milk and is found in all dairy products, so it is often called “milk sugar”.

Today we will look at the harms and benefits of lactose for the health of mom and baby, as well as what products contain it and how they can be replaced if necessary.


The biological benefits of lactose can hardly be overestimated. Once in the human body, this substance breaks down into galactose and glucose, which are very important for health. Lactose facilitates the absorption of calcium and improves metabolic functions in the body.

The benefit of milk sugar is also that this substance is an excellent nutritious product for lactobacilli, which form the basis of beneficial microflora in the intestines. The list of products containing lactose in large quantities is quite large: milk, cottage cheese, cheese and most fermented milk products.

Milk sugar has beneficial effect on the development of the central nervous system and is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The health benefits of this substance are invaluable. In particular, for children, milk sugar, which is contained in mother's milk, becomes valuable source energy for development and growth.


Milk sugar can cause harm only when there is an insufficient amount of the lactase enzyme in the body or this enzyme is present, but is inactive. In this case, when it enters the body with food, lactose is not absorbed as needed.

IN similar situation The following problems may occur:

  • lactose promotes fluid retention in the intestines, as a result of which a person suffering from hypolactasia (lactose deficiency) may develop diarrhea, which causes great harm to health;
  • milk sugar is quickly absorbed by the microflora of the small intestine, and secretion occurs harmful products decay - toxins that cause poisoning of the body. As a result, the person develops flatulence and food intolerance, which is sometimes called lactose allergy.

At food intolerance milk sugar arise atopic dermatitis and other types of rashes. In this case, lactose, which the body has not absorbed, becomes nutrient medium For putrefactive bacteria, causing harm to human health.

Hypolactasia (lactase deficiency), which causes milk intolerance, is characteristic of people in adulthood and old age, however, it often occurs in children. Typically, in newborn infants, hypolactasia is the result of a hereditary predisposition.

Lactose intolerance and milk allergy

Some people mistakenly believe that milk allergy and hypolactasia are identical concepts, but this is a misconception. If a person with lactose intolerance begins to eat dairy products, they will cause him poisoning or stomach upset without causing any particular harm to the body. If someone with a milk allergy does the same, the result will be disastrous - the person may die.

Instead of giving up milk, you should first do necessary tests to determine the content of lactose-digesting enzymes in the body. It is possible that in a particular case, dairy products are not harmful, but it is possible that you will have to switch to a lactose-free diet that excludes the presence of milk sugar in food.

Products for lactose intolerance


You should not exclude such a healthy product as milk from your diet, unless, of course, you are allergic to this product. The benefits of milk have long been proven by scientists, and if you cannot tolerate any of its components, in particular milk sugar, it is better to simply buy a lactose-free analogue.

Especially for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, scientists have developed special lactose-free milk. This product is absolutely harmless and is indicated for children and adults whose bodies are not able to digest lactose. This milk will allow you to receive the necessary microelements and vitamins; you can buy it in any modern supermarket and the benefits of taking it are obvious.

Lactose-free milk contains fermented milk sugar in the form of galactose and glucose. It is these enzymes that natural conditions Milk sugar breaks down in the intestines. Thanks to this formula, lactose-free milk will not harm your health, as it is freely absorbed by the body, bringing benefits and without causing side effects.

Cheese and cottage cheese

In addition to milk, today you can buy many other healthy products lactose-free, which will help compose complete diet and eliminate the risk allergic reactions. In particular, lactose-free cottage cheese and cheese are products whose benefits are obvious. They contain many useful substances and they allow people with lactose intolerance to indulge in their favorite foods.

Cottage cheese is suitable for light desserts and baked goods, and cheese can be used in the preparation of salads and sandwiches. Both cheese and cottage cheese, which do not contain milk sugar, are practically no different from traditional products, and they cannot harm the health of a person whose body does not digest lactose.

By the way, unlike soft cheeses, hard cheese It is well absorbed even in the body of those people who suffer from hypolactasia, since it practically does not contain milk sugar. The benefits of such products are obvious, because if you don’t receive enough milk-based food, a person is deprived of many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to health.

In general, in products with high content fat contains much more lactose than their low-fat counterparts. Cheese is divided according to its degree of ripening: the longer the cheese has ripened, the less lactose it contains. Thus, if you have problems with the digestibility of lactose, it makes sense to buy hard or semi-hard cheese, which has already lost a large percentage of this substance during production and storage.

In order not to harm your health, before buying this or that product, it is important to study its packaging and find out what set of substances it contains.

Other milk based products

As for other dairy products, today you can buy lactose-free cream, yoghurts and other desserts that will not harm a person suffering from hypolactasia. If we talk about such a drink as kefir, then fresh it contains a large percentage of lactose, but three-day kefir contains 3 times less milk sugar.

Patients with moderate hypolactasia may well include in their diet dairy products, whereas with a severe form of lactose deficiency, it is necessary to exclude all products containing lactose from the menu, as they can be harmful to health and lead to severe consequences, such as acute poisoning.

Having deprived oneself of dairy products, a person begins to receive less not only milk sugar, but also protein, which is essential for the body. Protein contains proteins and carbohydrates that actively influence the metabolic functions of the body.

A lactose-free diet will allow you to get lactose-free protein, which is perfectly digestible and does not harm your health.

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