Bay leaf in folk medicine. Bay leaf - your home healer

GOST 17594-81

Group C25




Dry bay leaves. Specifications

OKP 97 6231

Valid from 07/01/82
until 07/01/92*
* Validity limit removed
Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 30, 1992 N 340
(IUS No. 7, 1992). - Note "CODE"


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry Agriculture USSR


V.E. Jakeli, U.D. Urushadze, V.S. Jashi, G.P. Sarzhveladze, Ts.A. Javelidze, Ts.G. Vadachkoria

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards dated 09.30.81 N 4513

3. INSTEAD GOST 17594-72


Item number

GOST 214-83

GOST 215-73

GOST 8516-78

GOST 13511-84*

GOST 14192-77**

GOST 23932-79***

* In the territory Russian Federation GOST 13511-91 is valid. Here and further.
** GOST 14192-96 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here and further.
*** GOST 23932-90 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here and further.
**** GOST 24104-2001 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here and further. - Note "CODE".

5. Validity period extended until 07/01/92 by Decree of the USSR State Standard of 03/30/87 N 1062

6. REISSUE (October 1988) with Change No. 1, approved in May 1988 (IUS 8-88)

AMENDED Change No. 2, approved and put into effect by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated 09.12.90 N 2520 from 01.01.91

Change No. 2 was made by the legal bureau "Code" according to the text of IUS No. 12, 1990

This standard applies to those collected in autumn-spring period and dried leaves noble laurel(Laurus nobiljs L.), intended for use as a spice.



1.1. Dry bay leaf must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm


The leaves are healthy, not damaged by pests and diseases, oblong in shape, lanceolate, oval, green in color, grayish with a silvery tint.

Smell, taste

Well expressed, characteristic of bay leaves, without foreign smell or taste

Sheet length, cm, not less

Leaf humidity, %, no more

yellow leaves

2-3 leafy shoot tips, cut off at the base of the next leaf

broken leaves more than 3 cm long

leaves with traces of damage by thrips, scale insects, granary mites and other insects - pests of food products, as well as damaged by sooty fungus (niello)

leaves with pinpoint spots (brown, gray) on the underside of the leaf blade

Not standardized

mineral and organic impurities (crushed leaves passing through sieve No. 3; stems; twigs; inflorescences):

during procurement

when supplied to industrial and trade organizations


Allowed in bay leaves grown by collective farms, state farms and others government organizations during their procurement, delivery and sale, the leaves have a yellowish-brown tint on the underside of the leaf.

Allowed in bay leaves grown by collective farms, state farms and other government organizations during their procurement and delivery industrial enterprises, the presence of leaves in the batch as a percentage of the mass, not more than:

whole and broken pieces less than 3 cm long - 7.0;

reddish and brown, as well as with dried edges or tips - 2.0.

Defective leaves (whole and broken leaves less than 3 cm long, reddish, brown, with dried edges or tips) are not included in the scoring weight.


2.1. Bay leaves are taken in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of bay leaves, packaged in containers of the same type and standard size or unpacked, located in one vehicle and accompanied by one quality document and a “Certificate on the content of toxicants in crop products and compliance with regulations for the use of pesticides” in a form approved by the USSR State Agrarian Industry.

2.2. The quality document indicates:

document number and date of issue;

number of the certificate of toxicant content and date of issue;

name and address of the sending organization;

name and address of the recipient organization;

name and quality of products;

number of packaging units;

average weight of empty packaging (container);

gross and net weight, kg;

packing and shipping date;

vehicle number;

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3. To control the quality of bay leaves for compliance with the requirements of this standard from different places parties are selected:

up to 5 packaging units - all packaging units;

over 5 to 10 packaging units - five packaging units;

over 10 packaging units - additionally one packaging unit from every full or incomplete 10 packaging units.

2.3.1. At least ten spot samples are taken from an unpackaged bay leaf.

2.3.2. Control of the content of toxic elements and pesticides is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1. Amended edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.4. The results of the quality control are applied to the entire batch.


3.1. Sampling methods

3.1.1. At least two spot samples are taken from each packaging unit selected according to clause 2.3 for quality control.

3.1.2. The mass of each spot sample must be at least 100 g.

3.1.3. From each packaging unit selected according to clause 2.3, for quality control of packaged bay leaves, one package is selected from every full and incomplete 100 packages.

3.1.4. All spot samples taken according to clause 2.3.1; 3.1.1 or a bay leaf from bags, selected according to clause 3.1.3, are combined into a combined sample, the mass of which must be at least 1 kg.

3.2. Equipment, materials and reagents

3.2.1. To carry out the analysis, use:

laboratory lever scales with a weighing error of no more than 0.01 g according to GOST 24104-88;

analytical scales with a weighing error of no more than 0.0002 g;

fume hood;

electric drying cabinet with thermostat at 120-150 °C;

sieve No. 3 according to GOST 214-83;

ruler according to GOST 17435-72;

bottles according to GOST 23932-79 and GOST 25336-82;

signal clock;

crucible tongs;


desiccator according to GOST 23932-79 and GOST 25336-82;

mercury laboratory glass thermometer according to GOST 215-73;

technical calcium chloride according to GOST 450-77;

technical Vaseline.

3.3. Preparing for analysis

3.3.1. From the combined sample, an average sample weighing at least 150 g is isolated using the quartering method. To do this, the combined sample is scattered onto flat surface, mix thoroughly, level out into a square and divide diagonally into four triangles.

All leaves are removed from two opposite triangles, and leaves from the remaining two are combined together and mixed. This operation is repeated until at least 150 g of bay leaf remains in two opposite triangles.

The average sample is placed in glass jars with a ground-in lid or a heat-sealed plastic bag.

Packaged samples are accompanied by a label indicating:

product names;

the masses of the party;

number of packaging units;

vehicle numbers;

sampling dates and locations;

names of persons who took samples.

3.4. Carrying out analysis

3.4.1. The appearance of the bay leaf, smell, taste, content of yellow leaves, 2-3-leaf tips of shoots, reddish and brown, as well as with dried edges or tips, broken, leaves with pinpoint spots, with traces of damage by pests and diseases are determined organoleptically. If there are several defects on the same sheet, accounting is carried out according to one predominant defect.

3.4.2. The length of the sheet is measured with a ruler.

3.4.3. Determination of mineral and organic impurity content

The average sample selected for analysis is weighed and sifted through a No. 3 sieve.

Pass through the sieve and the mineral and organic impurities selected from the residue on the sieve are weighed.

The result of the analysis is taken to be the content of mineral and organic impurities, calculated as a percentage of the mass of the average sample.

3.4.4. Determination of the content of bay leaves that meet the requirements specified in the table; yellow leaves; 2-3 leaf tips of shoots, cut at the base of the next leaf; broken leaves more than 3 cm long; leaves damaged and affected by diseases.

A weighted average sample without mineral and organic impurities is sorted into fractions:

bay leaf meeting the requirements specified in the table;

yellow leaves;

2-3-leaf shoot tips, cut off at the base of the next leaf;

broken leaves more than 3 cm long;

leaves with traces of damage by thrips, scale insects, barn mites and other insects that are pests of food products, as well as those damaged by sooty fungus;

leaves with small dotted spots on the underside of the leaf blade;

whole and broken leaves less than 3 cm long;

the leaves are reddish and brown and have dried out edges or tips.

Each fraction is weighed separately.

The result of the analysis is taken as the content of each fraction, calculated as a percentage of the mass of the average sample without impurities.

3.4.5. Determination of bay leaf moisture content

To determine the moisture content of a bay leaf, two samples weighing 3 g each are taken from different places in the average sample into pre-weighed bottles and weighed.

The bottles with samples are placed in a drying cabinet heated to 100 °C and dried for 3 hours at a temperature of (105 ± 2) °C or for 1 hour at a temperature of (120 ± 5) °C.

After drying, the bottles with weighed portions are loosely closed with lids, placed in a desiccator with calcium chloride for 15-20 minutes to cool, then closed tightly and weighed.

Weighing is carried out on an analytical balance with an error of no more than 0.0002 g.

The moisture content of the bay leaf () as a percentage is calculated using the formula

Weight of the bottle with bay leaf after drying, g;

- mass of bay leaf sample, g.

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two determinations, the permissible discrepancy between which should not exceed 0.5%.

If the discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations exceeds 0.5%, a third determination is performed.

The final result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of the two closest determinations within the limits of acceptable discrepancies.

3.5. All calculations are performed to the second decimal place, followed by rounding to the first decimal place.

3.6. The content of toxic elements is determined according to GOST 26930-86, GOST 26932-86 and GOST 26933-86, pesticides - by methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1,).


4.1. Bay leaves are packaged in fabric bags in accordance with GOST 8516-78 with a net weight of no more than 15 kg or paper, unimpregnated NM grades in accordance with GOST 2226-88 with a net weight of no more than 7 kg, in bag fabric packaging with a net weight of no more than 25 kg or cardboard boxes N 30 according to GOST 13511-84* with a net weight of no more than 10 kg. When packing, the bay leaf should be lightly compressed. It is allowed not to pack bay leaves when delivering them to procurement points by the population, state farms, collective farms or other agricultural enterprises.

4.2. Packaged bay leaves intended for retail trade are packaged in paper bags, artistically decorated in accordance with GOST 13502-86 or cellophane in accordance with GOST 12302-83 with a capacity of 10, 20, 25 g, as well as 200 or 250 g, as agreed with the consumer for Catering or special purpose.

Deviation of the net mass of a packaging unit in grams is no more than:

0.5 - for bags packaged in 10 g;

1.0 - for bags packaged in 20 or 25 g;

2.0 - for bags packaged in 200 or 250 g.

Bay leaf bags must be well sealed.

4.3. Each package with bay leaf indicates:

sender's name;

Name of product;

net weight;


packer number;

packing date;

designation of this standard.

4.4. Packages with bay leaves are placed in fabric bags in accordance with GOST 8516-78 or unimpregnated paper bags in accordance with GOST 2226-88, or cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511-84.

4.5. Marking of transport containers is in accordance with GOST 14192-77.

A label is attached to each packaging unit, on which the following is indicated in indelible, odorless paint:

Name of product;

name of the procurer, his address and procurement area;

harvest year and packing date;

quality document number.

4.6. Bay leaves are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation.

4.7. Bay leaf by railway transported in covered vehicles wagon shipments.

4.8. Bay leaves are stored in warehouses in accordance with sanitary rules and storage conditions approved in the prescribed manner.

4.9. The shelf life of dry bay leaves in bags made of bag fabric and in boxes from the date of packaging is 9 months, in bags - 12 months.

After the expiration of the storage period, the bay leaf is subject to inspection and is allowed for sale only if its indicators comply with the requirements of this standard.

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1988

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

IN Alentina - Angel of Light - Artemchuk wrote

First aid kit

Bay leaf in folk medicine

We have always associated the bay leaf not only with cooking, but also with victory, glory and honors - after all, everyone knows that in ancient times, and much later, a laurel wreath was awarded for victory in various fields activities - be it military exploits, sports, science or art.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but the word “laureate” comes precisely from the word “laurel”.

Laurel (also called noble) is an evergreen shrub, although quite tall, so that it can also be called a tree. It grows in the subtropical zone, and its fruits and leaves have always been used as spices.

It turns out that laurel is an amazing, relict plant, and it grew on Earth tens of millions of years ago - in the Tertiary period, during the heyday of dinosaurs.

The lifespan of laurel is up to 400 years, and the Mediterranean is considered its homeland. Today it grows in Turkey and Greece, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and other countries of Southern Europe, as well as in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Latin America.

In the countries of the ancient world, laurel was a cult tree, as well as a symbol of male beauty and sexuality: it was not for nothing that the Greek god Apollo, known for his beauty and love affairs, was always depicted wearing a laurel wreath.

The Greeks decorated their houses with bay leaves, and when going to bed, they put it under the bed - it was believed that this way one could have a prophetic dream.

In many countries, bay leaves were used for a very long time in a completely different way than we do today. If we most often use it for culinary purposes, then 2000 years ago it served to flavor water for washing and washing hands before eating.

However, already in the 1st century AD, people realized that bay leaves could be successfully used as a spice. At first they prepared fruit desserts and puddings with it, and only then they began to add it to other dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, etc.

In general, bay leaves in many countries were first used in medicinal purposes, and only then discovered its culinary properties. Laurel came to the territory of our country approximately 2500 years ago - it was brought to Crimea by the Greeks. By the way, at the same time, plants that are considered local there today came to Crimea: grapes, cypresses, olives, figs.

Noble laurel is also called real or fragrant, and of course, it has many medicinal properties.

Composition of bay leaf

Very valuable components of bay leaves are organic acids, fatty oil, essential oil, tannins. You might think that bay leaves contain practically no calories - after all, it is a plant, but for a plant it is quite high in calories - 313 kcal per 100 g.

In general, the composition of bay leaves includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, alimentary fiber, saturated fatty acid; vitamins - A, C, PP, group B; macroelements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus; trace elements - iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. Maybe, mineral composition It seems not so rich, but it is represented by precisely those substances that are very important for our health, and are required by our body every day, in fairly large quantities.

Medicinal properties of bay leaf

Due to its composition and properties, bay leaf is useful not only for culinary purposes, but also for medicinal purposes: it helps restore, preserve and maintain health, and therefore beauty.

A decoction of bay leaves has beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs, improves appetite and digestion. It is used in the treatment of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, colds, paralysis, rheumatism; as an external remedy for some skin diseases.

Laurel essential oil is used in the food and perfume industries, for the production of medicinal ointments and veterinary preparations.

Bay leaf helps strengthen the immune system, as it contains the necessary elements and phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria - therefore it can also be used to combat insects in pets.

An infusion of bay leaves can be successfully used for diabetes mellitus, treatment of joints - they used to treat arthritis and gout, as well as tonic. Laurel oil is used in the treatment of runny nose, cough and sinusitis.

To strengthen the immune system and prevent colds, a decoction of bay leaves is used.

You need to take about 15 laurel leaves, add water (300 ml), bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Then pour into a thermos, leave for about 4 hours, strain and drink - 1 tbsp. l. during the day. Thus bay infusion drink for 3 days. You can repeat the procedure after 2 weeks to consolidate the result.

At increased sweating Baths with a decoction or infusion of bay leaves help. The infusion is poured into the bath, calculating so that there are 50-100 ml per 1 liter of water.

Bee and wasp stings can also be treated with fresh laurel leaves - you just need to apply them to the bite site.

Bay leaves were often used in ancient times as an antidote and disinfectant, and also as a means of increasing concentration and relieving insomnia.

There is even a simple way to help calm young children: if a child has trouble falling asleep and is capricious, you should put 2-3 bay leaves next to the crib - this usually works, and children quickly fall asleep.

As a rule, if our ears hurt, the first thing we do is instill a solution in them boric acid. If you don’t have it on hand, you can use an infusion of bay leaves - it perfectly relieves inflammation and pain. Pour 5 laurel leaves with a glass of water, bring them to a boil and leave, covered, for 2 hours. Then drip the infusion into sore ear- 3 times a day, 3-4 drops, and drink it at the same time, 3 tbsp.

You can tell us a little more about folk way cleansing joints with bay leaves. Official medicine He also does not deny it, but recommends that it be carried out under supervision.

You need to chop the bay leaf (5 g), pour boiling water (300 ml) into it, and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Pour the broth into a thermos, leave for 4 hours, then strain and drink 12 hours before, in small sips. The procedure should be carried out within 3 days.

At first glance, this treatment is almost no different from the method of strengthening the immune system described above, but there are differences. The break in taking the decoction is not 2 weeks, but 3 days, and then the procedure is repeated.

In addition, during treatment it is recommended to adhere to the strictest possible vegetarian diet, do every day cleansing enemas and take baths: with pine twigs, magnesium salts, hay dust. It is also advisable to take cold and hot shower and air baths. During a break in drinking, all water procedures must be continued.

This procedure for cleansing the joints can be carried out no more often than once every 3 months - in the first year of treatment, and then it can be repeated every year - only the liver and intestines must first be cleansed.

Bay leaf in cooking

And of course, we need to at least briefly talk about the main use of bay leaves in our time - in cooking.

As a spice, bay leaf is used in different forms: fresh, dried, in the form of powder from dried leaves; Laurel fruits are also used. Bay leaf is especially often used in canning, but it is also present in other dishes no less often, which is why it is even called a spice.

Any dish will become tastier and more aromatic if you add bay leaves to it, but this is especially noticeable in sour dishes, gravies and sauces. Bay leaf improves the taste of first courses: meat, vegetable and fish soups, borscht and cabbage soup; makes main courses original and piquant; goes well with fish, meat, legumes, carrots, cabbage.

Bay leaves are added in different ways: to the first dishes 5 minutes before readiness, and to the second - 7-10 minutes, from 1 to 4 leaves per dish. When the bay leaf is placed in the dish, the lid is closed, but from ready-made dish the bay leaf must be removed, as after a while the dish may begin to taste bitter and become too Strong smell; Moreover, it is tough, and many people tend to remove it from the plate first.

Bay leaves also go well with other spices: sage, thyme, rosemary, cloves, coriander, basil, parsley, dill, hot and fragrant pepper.

With the help of bay leaves you can improve the smell and taste of some dishes - for example, jelly. IN Food Industry this property is used very widely for flavoring sausages, cheeses, stews and pates, marinades, canned fish etc. - in whole form, in the form of powder and essential oil. Bay leaf is also included in some spicy mixtures, which only benefit from it.

IN Western Europe Sometimes bay leaves are still added to desserts, drinks, jams and sweets. There are also areas in our country - for example, Kalmykia or Kuban - where they like to use it in sweet dishes.

Dry bay leaves can be stored for about a year, so when purchasing, look carefully at when it was released. Better buy fresh leaves- now it is quite accessible.

Today, pressed or granulated bay leaves are often sold, but they may well consist of waste, debris that is formed when drying a whole bay leaf, and also makes the broth cloudy and unsightly. Its taste is also not always attractive, so it is better to buy and use a whole bay leaf.

Doctors believe that it is undesirable to use bay leaf infusion for medicinal purposes for gallstone disease, cholecystitis (although traditional medicine, on the contrary, recommends such treatment), pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

However, it is worth saying that even with these diseases it is quite possible to take this infusion, just be sure to cool down and not warm, and 10-15 minutes after eating, so traditional medicine is still not mistaken.

You should not put too much bay leaf in dishes, or drink too much infusion or decoction - this can cause poisoning.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute diseases liver and kidneys should also use it in very small quantities.

Bay leaves are rich in phytoncides and contain many useful microelements, tannins, which are so necessary for our body, as they help remove toxins from the body and increase immunity. It is especially valuable that bay leaves completely retain their healing properties when dried.

Bay leaf - good remedy from stomatitis.
For gum inflammation, it is recommended to chew the leaf.
In the treatment of diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis use laurel infusion: pour 30-40 laurel leaves into 0.5 liters of boiling water.
Drink 2 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach and during the day before meals. 3-4 times a day.
Drops help with sinusitis bay oil. You can make them yourself. To do this: grind 30 g of bay leaves, pour in a glass of vegetable oil, leave for 5 days and strain. This oil is also used as a remedy for bedsores.
The beneficial and healing properties of bay leaves are used to treat tuberculosis: bay leaves improve the body's resistance pathogenic bacteria, increases the immunity of the body as a whole, and the volatile aromatic substances of laurel suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus.
For scrofula, purulent disease of the ears and scalp, wash your hair with a decoction of bay leaves.
For sweaty feet, it is recommended to take laurel baths. Before going to bed, throw it into a basin with hot water 20-40 bay leaves and keep your feet in this infusion.
A decoction of bay leaves is also used for preventive purposes to improve immunity. Place 5 g of bay leaves (about 15 pieces) in 300 g of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, then leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours, strain and take this entire volume 1 tbsp. during the day. The course of treatment is 3 days, after 2 weeks you can repeat it.
It turns out that bay leaves can replace a baby's nanny: if a child is naughty or can't sleep, put a couple of leaves in the crib; usually children quickly calm down and fall asleep.
For ear pain, pour a glass of water into an enamel saucepan, put 5 bay leaves in it, bring to a boil and leave for 2 hours, wrap it tightly, instill 3-4 drops of the resulting decoction into the sore ear and drink 3 tablespoons of it. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.
Bay leaf also helps get rid of coughs and cleans the air in the apartment: just steam 1-2 leaves, breathe deeply, and disinfection of the lungs and the entire room is ensured.
For skin diseases, instead of string and chamomile, you can use a decoction of bay leaves: brew 10 leaves in 1 liter of boiling water in the morning. In the evening, pour the broth into a large bath. Repeat 10 times every 2-3 days.
Bay oil: for preparation, you need to chop 30 g of bay leaves, pour 1 cup sunflower oil, leave for a week at room temperature. Strain and pour into a dark glass bottle. Keep refrigerated. Used externally to treat joints, abscesses and skin rashes. For colds, sore throats and coughs - for inhalation (just a few drops in boiling water and breathe over the steam for a few minutes). Bay oil is also used for cholelithiasis. The oil is used 10 drops mixed with milk or kefir 2-3 times a day.
Bay oil is an excellent and affordable remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases and should certainly be in your home medicine cabinet in every house.

There are no special contraindications, but bay leaves have astringent properties and therefore constipation is possible. If a person is prone to them, then while he drinks the laurel tincture, he needs to eat more beets and prunes or slightly reduce the dose of the infusion.

IN Ancient Rome Laurel wreaths were placed on the heads of the winners. One of the many Greek legends says that Apollo, who was in love with the Nymph, was tormented by unrequited love for her, and when she turned into a laurel bush, he walked around in sadness wearing a laurel wreath. As Hippocrates believed, if you place bay leaves at the head of a woman in labor, the birth will be less painful. Galen advised brewing tea from bay leaves for kidney pain. Avicenna believed that bay leaves were very good for hearing and could help relieve ringing in the ears. The Arabian doctor Rades used bay leaves for nervous contractions of the face. What other beneficial properties of bay leaves does medicine know, and how can they be used?

Nowadays we use bay leaf as a spice, but not many people understand that due to its medicinal and healing properties, bay leaf is used as a medicine.

What is bay leaf rich in?
Bay leaves are rich in phytoncides, they include a lot of necessary microelements, tanning elements, which are so required by our body, as they promote the removal of toxins from the body and the growth of immunity. What is especially precious is that bay leaves completely preserve their own medicinal properties in the dried form.

Beneficial features
We all know the aroma of bay leaves from early age, almost all housewives put it in first and second courses, jellied meats, sauces and so on. Bay leaves are almost always used for canning. However, as it turned out, bay leaf is valued not only as a seasoning, it also has beneficial properties, for example, it can be used to lower blood sugar.

Bay leaf is an excellent cure for stomatitis. If your gums are inflamed, it is recommended to chew the leaf.

For diabetes mellitus, laurel extract is used. To do this, 30-40 laurel leaves need to be poured into 0.5 liters hot water. Drink 2 tablespoons in the morning before breakfast and throughout the day before meals. 3-4 times a day.

With sinusitis, bay oil comes to the rescue. The oil can be made at home. You need to: grind 30 g of bay leaves, pour in one glass of vegetable oil and leave for 5 days, then filter. This oil is also used as a medicine for bedsores.

Useful and medicinal features bay leaves are used to treat tuberculosis: bay leaves improve the body's resistance to microbes, increase the body's immunity, and the unstable aromatic qualities of bay leaves stop the formation of tuberculosis bacillus.

For scrofula, acute purulent inflammation of the ears and scalp, you need to wash your hair with laurel infusion. For severe sweating of the feet, it is recommended to take laurel baths. Before going to bed, throw it in a bowl with warm water 30-40 bay leaves and steam the feet in the infusion.

A decoction of bay leaves is also used for preventive purposes to strengthen the immune system. Throw about 5 g of bay leaves (about 15 units) into 300 g of water and boil in the liquid for 5 minutes, then leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours, filter and drink the entire amount, 1 tablespoon at a time, throughout the day. Take this decoction for 3 days, after 2 weeks you are allowed to do it again.

As it turned out, bay leaves have every chance of taking the place of a child’s nanny: if the baby is picky or can’t fall asleep, put a couple of leaves in the baby’s bed, as a rule, the children soon calm down and fall asleep, this is how the properties of the leaf influence the little ones.

If your ears hurt, you need to pour a glass of water into an enamel pan, put 5 bay leaves in it, boil and let it brew for 2 hours, wrapping it well. Drop 3-4 drops of the purchased decoction into the unhealthy ear and swallow 3 tablespoons of it. The operation is repeated 3 times a day.

And a bay leaf can also help relieve a cough and clean the air in your living space: just pour boiling water over 1-2 leaves, breathe deeply, and prevention of the lungs and the entire apartment is guaranteed.

For dermatological diseases, instead of string and chamomile, it is allowed to use a decoction of bay leaves: pour 10 leaves with a liter of boiling water in the morning. In the evening, pour the broth into a deep bath. Do this 9-10 times every 2-3 days.

Bay oil: to make it, you need to crush 30 g of bay leaves, fill with 1 glass of sunflower oil, let it brew for a week at room temperature. Filter and pour into a black glass bottle. Store in the refrigerator. Used externally to treat joints, abscesses and dermatological rashes. For colds, sore throat and cough - for inhalation (a few drops in boiling water and breathe over the steam for a couple of minutes is enough). Bay oil is also used for gallstone disease. The oil is used 10 drops along with milk or kefir 2-3 times a day.

Bay oil is a good and easily accessible recipe for the treatment and prevention of almost all diseases and must certainly be in the family medicine cabinet in any family.

If your hair grows slowly, then a decoction of bay leaves will help you. It is recommended to rub laurel oil into the hair roots with massaging movements 2-3 times a week. Bay leaves also help fight moths and cockroaches. They are afraid of this smell. Just put a couple of leaves in the closet and put a small bouquet in the kitchen, and you will forget about moths and cockroaches

For barley, it is recommended to take three large bay leaves and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Cover with something, and when it cools a little, you can drink gradually until the broth has cooled completely. The procedure should be repeated every hour, making a new decoction each time. In total you should drink 6-7 cups per day bay decoction. The barley will form overnight and will be gone by morning.

For rheumatism, use an ointment based on laurel oil. It can be made at home.

There are no special contraindications

however, bay leaf has astringent properties and therefore constipation is likely. If a person is inclined to them, then while he is drinking the bay leaf tincture, he should eat more beets and prunes, or slightly reduce the dose of the infusion.

Bay leaf is used not only as a seasoning for cooking, but also finds its place as a remedy, bay leaf is very good at inducing appetite and also promotes good digestion. It has antimicrobial and good anti-inflammatory properties.

In folk medicine, bay leaves are used to treat diseases such as arthritis and gout. Bay ointment is made from laurel oil, which is widely used in the treatment of paralysis, convulsions and rheumatism. You can make a decoction from bay leaves that promotes good appetite and digestion in general.

Contraindications for bay leaves: It is strictly forbidden to use bay leaves during pregnancy. When buying a bay leaf, I ask you to under no circumstances confuse it with cherry laurel, since cherry laurel is very poisonous to the human body.

Treating diabetes with bay leaves

In order to make such a recipe, we need to take ten laurel leaves, pour three glasses of boiling water over them and let them brew for 3 hours. Use 1/2 cup 3 times a day, then after about 10-15 days you need to take a short break for two weeks, and the course can be repeated again.

Treatment of psoriasis with bay leaf

In order to prepare this recipe, we need to take ten dry, healthy leaves of the plant and then brew the bay leaf with boiling water, preferably in a thermos, then let it brew for a couple of hours. It is recommended to drink this tincture immediately before meals, half a glass 3 times a day.

Treatment of throat cancer with bay leaf tincture

We need one glass of well-crushed bay leaf, infused in half a liter of vodka for two weeks in a warm and dark place, it is also necessary to periodically shake the bay leaf tincture, then strain through a sieve. You need to take this tincture of bay leaves one tablespoon three times a day thirty minutes before meals for throat cancer.

Bay leaf for allergies

One day, my child developed an allergy to medications prescribed by the doctor. There is one very good recipe which helped overcome allergies: for this we need to take one package of bay leaves, pour it into a pan of water and boil it in 0.5 liters of water for 2-3 minutes. After which the broth should be allowed to brew (it is best, of course, to use a thermos), and the broth should be strained. Treatment requires taking 2-3 drops into the child’s mouth 2 times a day.

Older children can be given up to 10 drops per day; there is no need to increase the dose, since this remedy very strong. You can lubricate your child’s skin with the same infusion a couple of times a day. After these procedures, the allergy went away within 3 days. This is a very good recipe for treating allergies in children, it has been tested more than once.


Bay leaf- an indispensable seasoning for many dishes, giving them a unique taste and aroma. The benefits and harms of bay leaves have long been studied by doctors. Based on research, the beneficial health properties of this plant and some contraindications have been identified.

The benefit of bay leaf lies in its ability to boost immunity. This is especially true during seasonal colds. Bay oil can be dropped into the nose or used for inhalation. Oil extracts useful for rubbing.

An infusion of bay leaf helps remove toxins from the body, increase stress resistance and relieve fatigue. Bay leaves are used in many diets and body cleansing procedures. In small quantities, an infusion of the plant can have a positive effect on the nervous system.

The benefits of bay leaves are also due to the high content of tannins. An infusion of the plant helps with bleeding, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during menstruation and menopause. Doctors recommend an infusion of bay leaves as natural remedy getting rid of kidney stones.

For joint pain, neurological diseases, scabies, and paralysis, it is useful to rub oil or infusion of bay leaves into the skin.

Many microelements and beneficial substances contained in bay leaves help speed up metabolism and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. This spice also improves appetite.

Due to the high content of essential oils and aromatic substances, the benefit of bay leaf lies in its ability to suppress the development of tuberculosis. The spicy aroma of this plant will also help get rid of moths.

Bay leaves are also used in the treatment of cancer, psoriasis, and diabetes.

Bay leaves are popular in perfumes and in the production of various liqueurs.

The harm of bay leaves primarily lies in its allergenicity. Therefore, people prone to allergies should be careful when using it as a spice or medicine. You should not overuse bay leaves when breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, the harm of bay leaf lies in its ability to increase the activity of the uterus. This may lead to miscarriage.

Due to its strong effects, the harm of bay leaves has been proven in exacerbation of kidney diseases, as well as liver and heart diseases.

At renal failure or a protein metabolism disorder, you should completely abandon this spice.

The benefits and harms of bay leaves are medical confirmation. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of doctors and not to use the infusion or essential oils of this spice if there are contraindications.

Use of bay leaf in medicine

IN medical purposes Leaves, fruits and bay oil are used. Due to the high content of essential oils, tannins, bitterness, and organic acids, laurel leaves are widely used in folk medicine to increase appetite, improve digestion, treat liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, treatment of joints and as a diuretic. High content fintocides allows the use of laurel to increase immunity and in the prevention of tuberculosis. Oil extracts are used externally to treat rheumatism, paralysis and colds.

For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to use only high-quality raw materials; the leaves should be olive-colored with a strong aroma. Before use, the leaves must be sorted and washed in cold water. Bay leaves cannot be stored for more than a year; they lose their aroma and become bitter.

The use of bay leaves in folk medicine

Widely applied bay leaf in folk medicine, for a number of diseases. Below are bay leaf recipes:

Arthritis and joint pain, for cleaning joints, removing salts and toxins. Pour 5 grams of leaves (half a pack of bay leaves) into an enamel pan and boil over low heat in 300 milliliters of water for 5 minutes. Wrap it well or pour it into a thermos and leave for 3-5 hours. Strain the resulting liquid and drink in small sips throughout the day. Prepare fresh decoction and you need to drink it for 3 days, repeat the procedure in a week. In the first year, the course is conducted once a quarter, then once a year. On the days of the procedures, you must consume only vegetarian foods and avoid alcohol. When taken, a temporary exacerbation of pain is possible. Is this decoction suitable and how? prophylactic, improving general state body.

Joint cleansing

Before cleaning the joints, it is very important to cleanse the intestines. There are many methods.

And now about the joints.
We are preparing a decoction.
Bay leaf - 5 grams
Boiling water - 300 milliliters

Boil for about 5 minutes on low heat!

Then pour the decoction along with laurel leaves into a thermos (directly from the heat) and leave for at least 4 hours. The infusion is filtered and drunk in small sips. Three hundred grams of this infusion should be drunk within 12 hours. Repeat this procedure for three days in a row.
During all days of using a decoction of bay leaves, a contrast test should be carried out daily. water shower and air baths. It will probably be more logical to do this in the summer.

After 3 days, take a break for 1 week. Then repeat the procedure again within 3 days. Water treatments must be carried out without interruption.
This procedure is quite long.
The first year you need to clean your joints only once every 3 months. Well, then - once a year, immediately after cleansing the liver and intestines.

Before using this recipe, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Almost every housewife has a bay leaf in her kitchen - a spicy spice that has a lot of useful properties. In cooking, in cosmetology, as well as in folk medicine, bay leaves are often used. The medicinal properties of this plant can cure a sick person from various diseases.

To use this spice for health purposes, traditional healers recommend preparing healing decoctions and tinctures at home. In the leaves bay plant contains a complex of beneficial microelements, organic acids, vitamin complex, carbohydrates, proteins, healthy oils and tannins.

The leaves of the bay plant have a beneficial effect on the human body. It actively eliminates germs and removes inflammatory process. In addition, a decoction of this spice can be used as a sedative, analgesic, antiviral and antimicrobial agent.

To prepare a medicinal drink, you can use not only fresh, but also dried leaves Lavra It is not difficult to purchase them; such spices are always available in grocery stores.

Before starting treatment with laurel decoction, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of this plant and carefully study the contraindications so that the wellness course according to traditional medicine recipes does not lead to unpleasant consequences.

A decoction of bay leaves has healing properties, which is characterized by a rich composition of useful elements. You can use a remedy prepared from this plant at home for various diseases.

Tincture and decoction of bay leaves is used to treat:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • effective in the treatment of sinusitis;
  • for hypertension;
  • for the treatment of otitis media;
  • for allergies;
  • treatment of purulent wounds;
  • used as additional treatment with cholecystitis.

Bay tincture is indicated for people with low immunity, this product fills the body useful elements, which helps in the fight against various ailments. Bay leaf improves appetite, removes harmful and toxic elements from the body, relieves painful symptoms, cleanses digestive organs from slagging, so it is often used for the purpose of losing weight. Decoctions of laurel leaves can be used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds in young children.

Throat diseases, stomatitis, purulent lesions on skin, hemorrhoids and many other unpleasant diseases can be cured by an ordinary bay leaf. Medicinal decoctions recommended for use for prevention and health purposes. Some cooking recipes can be studied in our article.

Treatment of various diseases with a decoction of bay leaves

The use of this spicy plant is quite varied; the main thing is to follow the recommended dosages when preparing a healing decoction and take the composition in accordance with the specified standards.

Recipe No. 1

Pour 15 bay leaves into 1.5 liters cold water, put on fire, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, pour the broth into a thermos, leave to brew for 3-4 hours, then strain. Take the prepared decoction 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. This treatment is recommended for colds and with the flu.

Recipe No. 2

You can cure sinusitis with a laurel decoction prepared according to this recipe: grind 30 g of laurel leaves, add 300 ml of water, and boil. Before going to bed, soak a gauze swab in a warm broth and apply it to the bridge of the nose and forehead. You need to repeat this procedure for several days until the symptoms of sinusitis disappear.

Recipe No. 3

Put 10 laurel leaves in a regular thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, close tightly and leave to steep for 3-4 hours. Afterwards, strain, pour the finished broth into a thermos again. It is recommended to take a medicinal product to increase immune system, 50 ml, 3 times a day after meals. Full course treatment – ​​7 days.

Recipe No. 4

At home, you can prepare an effective remedy for treating allergies in children and adults. For 300 ml of water, you will need 5 grams of crushed laurel leaves. The tincture is prepared in a thermos, the medicinal plant is brewed with boiling water, then infused for 3 hours. This tincture is recommended for lubricating allergic rashes.

The use of medicinal products from bay leaves is quite diverse. If the tincture is used for the health of young children, you should carefully study the recommended dosages.


A decoction of laurel leaves is often used to treat many diseases at home. Many people, ignoring visits to their doctor, prescribe treatment for themselves based on useful tips traditional medicine. Often, such a health program gives successful results, however, there are also cases when treatment according to the recipes of traditional healers ends in complications. Why is this happening? The answer is simple! Before being treated with certain components, you need to carefully study possible side effects and contraindications. This precaution will only do you good!

Tincture and decoction of laurel leaves has some contraindications for use:

  • should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women;
  • for gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and pancreatitis;
  • at increased acidity stomach;
  • with advanced kidney disease in acute form;
  • for severe cardiac diseases;
  • in case of insufficient liver function;
  • if a person has a predisposition to internal bleeding;
  • with frequent constipation;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to substances contained in bay leaves.

Hi all!

A neighbor told me a story about how a decoction of bay leaves helped her cope with diathesis in her baby. It was a revelation for me.

There is laurel in every home, but I realized that all my deep knowledge about it ends with the fact that it is a seasoning and wreaths were once made from it.

Yes, and the laureate is the one crowned with laurels.

What other properties does this inconspicuous fragrant leaf have? Interesting? Let's figure out together why this seasoning is so wonderful, which we all use, but don’t know everything about it.

From this article you will learn:

Bay leaf decoction - beneficial properties and recipes for use

Laurel is an evergreen tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean.

Now it is grown throughout the subtropics; in Russia it is found in the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus.

It has dark green leaves, small yellowish flowers and dark blue fruits - drupes.

Leaves for seasoning begin to be collected from a tree that has reached four years of age.

Then they make the best quality seasoning. Fresh branches with leaves are found on sale, but more often the leaves are dried.

Composition of bay leaf

All parts of the tree are saturated with essential oil, tannins and resins, giving that very specific aroma and taste.

Bay oil contains camphor, pinene, cineole, limonene, organic acids and other components.

Beneficial properties of bay leaf

Let's look at the main beneficial properties of bay leaves:

  1. Bay leaf has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antimicrobial effect.
  2. It is able to support and restore immunity, improve appetite and joint function.
  3. It is also used to treat liver diseases
  4. Bay leaf is effective means for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
  5. In medicine, fruits, oil, decoctions and infusions from leaves are used to prepare medicines.
  6. Oil extracts help with colds or help.

What are the benefits of bay leaf decoction?

I will share several recipes on how to make tinctures and decoctions of bay leaves at home, what problems can be dealt with with their help, and how to use them correctly.

That's not all, of course. possible ways using the miracle seasoning. I chose the most relevant and common, and safe.

If you have a specific problem, it is quite possible that bay leaf can help with that too.

How to prepare a decoction of bay leaves?

A decoction of bay leaf is prepared depending on its purpose; for external use it is made more concentrated than for internal use. The technology is simple: the required dosage of bay leaf is poured into 1.5 glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the broth is infused in a warm place for 4 hours and filtered.

Bay leaf decoction for face

Bay leaf, in addition to all its other advantages, has first-class cosmetic properties.

It moisturizes the skin, removes toxins and has a rejuvenating effect due to its antioxidant abilities.

Bay oil increases blood flow to the face and gives the skin a healthy color.

  • Cosmetic ice

Pour 5 leaves with 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for a day.

Then strain the resulting broth and freeze. Rubbing your face with this removes redness and peeling from the face.

Bay leaf decoction for acne

Boil a glass of water and add half a pack of bay leaves.

Boil the broth for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. To get rid of pimples and blackheads, you need to wash your face with this decoction 2 times a day.

It perfectly cleanses the skin, treats acne and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Help with allergies

To cope with allergies, boil half a liter of water, add a pack of bay leaves and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Cool the broth and strain.

How to drink this remedy? Its doses must be carefully observed.

For allergies, children under three years old are given 2-3 drops of heated decoction, children from 3 to 14 years old are given 15 drops, adults take 30 drops per day.

If an allergic reaction manifests itself on the skin, the sore spots can be lubricated with the same infusion.

Bay leaf for hair

  • For dandruff

Brew in 1 liter boiled water 30 bay leaves, pour the prepared broth into a thermos and leave for 3 hours, then strain.

So you will get wonderful remedy for rinsing, after a month of use it will disappear, and the hair will become smooth, shiny and healthy.

  • For hair growth

Grind 20 bay leaves, soak them in a glass of vegetable oil and let it brew for a week in a cool, dark place.

Rub the resulting ointment into the scalp 2 hours before washing, wrap in cellophane and cover with a towel. The product stimulates blood flow to the scalp, which accelerates hair growth.

Bay leaf for immunity

During periods of epidemics or if the body is weakened after an illness, it is recommended to drink bay leaf to lift and improve overall well-being.

To do this, boil 1.5 cups of water, add 15 bay leaves to it and cook for 5 minutes. Pour the broth into a thermos, let it brew for 4 hours and strain. For one month, take the tincture one tablespoon 3 times a day.

What are the benefits of bay leaf - video

Contraindications to the use of bay leaves

Laurel has strong medicinal properties and has some contraindications for use.

Bay leaf products should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are contraindications for renal failure and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Bay leaf can cause allergies if you are intolerant to it.

To avoid harm to your health, if you have the slightest doubt, consult a doctor for advice.
We have such an amazing and universal remedy on our kitchen shelf.

I hope you were as interested in learning about the amazing properties of bay leaves as I was and that you gained useful information.

Alena Yasneva was with you, See you again!

Bay leaf is the real “king” of spices in the kitchen. There is hardly a person who is not familiar with its specific taste and aroma. For its amazing properties and ability to add an exquisite taste to any dish, laurel is loved by chefs all over the world.

At the same time, few people thought that the bay leaf is a real medicinal plant, which has been used since time immemorial to treat a variety of diseases. Surprised? In our article you will find a wide variety folk recipes with this plant. But first let's talk about it healing composition.

Composition of bay leaf

If you look at chemical composition bay leaf, it is surprising to note that this aromatic greenery has something to boast about in terms of the content of useful substances. Take a look for yourself: laurel is a source of vitamins A, C, B and PP, contains selenium and manganese, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper and many other minerals.

In addition, laurel leaves contain tannins and dietary fiber, organic acids and essential oils. This laurel oil is also rich in aromatic components such as linalool and cineole, camphor and limonene.

Valuable properties of "laurel"

Looking at this composition, is it any wonder that bay leaf has the most beneficial influence on the body? Here is a list of useful properties of this wonderful plant, which will show all its value:

  • is a powerful antiseptic that perfectly disinfects the body;
  • is famous for its expectorant effect, helping to get rid of cough;
  • has an antifungal effect on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • increases immunity, has general strengthening properties;
  • supplies the body with vitamins, preventing vitamin deficiency;
  • eliminates pain in joints and muscles, relieves cramps and tremors of the limbs;
  • cleanses the body, removing toxins, waste and heavy metal salts from the blood;
  • dilates blood vessels, has an antihypertensive effect;
  • has astringent properties, which means it has a hemostatic and healing effect on the body;
  • It is famous for its diuretic effect and prevents the appearance of edema;
  • improves digestion of food and eliminates problems with stool;
  • improves appetite and improves mood;
  • promotes sleep and acts as a sedative;
  • has an antitumor effect on the body, which means it helps prevent cancer.

Bay leaf contraindications

Despite all the benefits of this extremely healthy spice, not everyone can use it. For example, doctors do not recommend laurel for diseases such as:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer);
  • extensive liver damage and renal failure;
  • pancreatitis and acute cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • protein metabolism disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • chronic constipation (in this condition it is not recommended to use tincture with bay leaf);
  • tendency to bleeding (since laurel thins the blood);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity to bay leaf components (the plant is a powerful allergen);
  • alcohol abuse.

Medicine recipes with bay leaf

Now let’s talk about how laurel can help our body.

1. Relieves tension and fatigue

To relax, calm down, relieve tension and calm your nerves, just set fire to a bay leaf in the room and inhale its aroma for 15–20 minutes. Thanks to those present essential oils, bay leaf provides the necessary relaxing and calming effect without causing drowsiness, which is what most sedatives are famous for.

2. Removes mucus from the lungs

"Lavrushka" has amazing property remove pathogenic mucus from the lungs when wet cough. To do this, you need to inhale the aroma of the burnt leaf (as in the recipe above). By the way, the beneficial effects of this aroma help people with chronic bronchitis and asthma. This category of people benefits from regular rubbing of the chest with laurel oil.

3. Improves digestion

For people with poor digestion of foods, every meal becomes a real challenge. In response to the products entering the body, dyspepsia and flatulence develop, stomach colic torments and stool disturbances occur. You can fight this condition with medications, but is it worth “poisoning” your body if you can always find a bay leaf in the kitchen? By adding this product to your food, you will soon notice it beneficial effect, enhancing production digestive enzymes. The pain and bloating will go away, and the stool will return to normal.

4. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels

The foliage of the bay tree is extremely rich useful compound– caffeic acid, which can cleanse the walls of blood vessels from the adhesion of cholesterol plaques and strengthen blood vessels, preventing loss of tone. Thanks to this amazing feature of laurel, you can protect yourself from hypertension and the development of atherosclerosis. It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, where laurel actively grows, are famous for their low mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases. To help your heart and strengthen blood vessels, eat dishes made with bay leaves at least once a day.

5. Fights joint inflammation

Research by Dutch scientists suggests that laurel has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that have a similar effect to morphine (albeit not as pronounced). If your joints are inflamed due to arthritis or arthrosis, simply apply laurel oil to the painful areas and the pain will subside in just 15-20 minutes. This remedy is especially useful for people with chronic pain in the joints. They can replace non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with this remedy.

6. Treats pathologies urinary tract

If a urinary tract infection occurs, do not immediately reach for antibiotics. Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes that can cope with the problem that has arisen. One of them involves using a bay leaf. Just add 1 tsp to a glass of milk. crushed bay leaf powder, stir and drink in one go. Take this remedy 3 times a day, and in just a few days the infection will leave your body.

7. Kidney failure

In case of kidney disease, grind the bay leaf in a coffee grinder, and then 1 tsp. Add this raw material to 2 cups of water and boil over high heat for 10 minutes. After letting the product brew for two hours, you can take it 2 times a day, 1 tbsp.

8. Treats psoriasis

To get rid of emerging psoriasis, take 10 leaves of this wonderful bush, load it into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water on top. After closing the thermos, leave the product to infuse for two hours, after which you can take the infusion 3 times a day before each meal, half a glass.

9. Eliminates styes

To cope with such a nuisance as barley, pour three bay leaves into a glass of boiling water, let the mixture cool slightly, and take it as tea while it is warm. Drink this tea every hour, brewing new laurel leaves. You need to drink 7-8 cups of the drink per day. In this case, over the next night the barley will ripen and completely disappear.

10. Struggling with diabetes mellitus

According to recent research by scientists, bay leaf can reduce blood glucose levels (due to galenic substances), which means that with the help of bay leaf infusion you can fight diabetes. To do this, take 10 laurel leaves and fill them with 3 glasses of warm boiled water. Having brought the product to a boil, immediately remove it from the stove and let it brew for three to four hours. This infusion should be taken 0.5 cups (100 ml), 3 times a day for a week. Repeated courses of treatment must be agreed with your doctor. It is also useful to add laurel to your favorite dishes and enjoy their aroma while simultaneously receiving health benefits.

11. Treats sinusitis

To cope with sinusitis, take 10 laurel leaves and pour 1 liter of water into this raw material. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and breathe in the hot vapors, throwing a towel over your head. Carry out the procedures twice a day, and you will notice how after each inhalation pus will come out of your sinuses.

12. Eliminates toothache

Do you have a toothache? No problem! Simply grind the bay leaf in a coffee grinder, and then 2 tsp. Pour the powder into a glass of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Let the resulting decoction cool slightly and you can rinse your mouth with it every 15 minutes until the pain subsides.

13. Treats bites

Bay leaf copes well with the bites of horse flies, gadflies, bees and wasps. You just need to take fresh bay greens, chew it and, applying it to the bite site, bandage it. After an hour, the problem will stop bothering you.

14. Treats stomatitis

When stomatitis develops, some doctors advise using “grandmother’s” recipe, namely, chewing a bay leaf in the morning and evening. True, only raw “laurel” is suitable for these purposes.

15. Gets rid of dandruff

To clear your head of dandruff and prevent its subsequent occurrence, combine bay tree oil with the same amount of warmed jojoba oil. Having applied ready mixture on the scalp, wrap it in a terry towel and leave for 40–60 minutes. In addition, you can add a piece of bay oil to your favorite shampoo, and in just a couple of weeks there will be no trace of dandruff left.

16. Relieves purulent inflammation in the ear

Purulent inflammations in the ear must be treated under the strict supervision of doctors, because the infection can easily reach the meninges. However, if your doctor allows it, you can combat this problem with the following prescription. Take 10 laurel leaves, fill them with 200 ml of hot water and leave in a thermos for 5 hours. The cooled broth can be instilled into the sore ear, 2-3 drops 3 times a day, or apply compresses with this remedy.

17. Gets rid of foot fungus

If you suffer from foot fungus, take 10 laurel leaves, put them in a bath and pour 500 ml of boiling water on top. Let the water cool slightly, and then put your feet in the bath and hold for about 20 minutes. Carry out such procedures 3-4 times a week and after 15 days the fungus will completely disappear.

Bay leaf is a wonderful spice that has the potential to truly medicinal herb. Use these recipes for the benefit of your health, because they are in no way inferior to expensive medications that have side effects.
Good health to you!

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