Medicinal and cosmetic properties of red clover: rejuvenating the body in the simplest way. Red clover: medicinal properties and contraindications, composition, drugs in the pharmacy

Found on almost every lawn, red clover is widely used in folk medicine thanks to its unique healing properties. There are approximately 15 different varieties of clover. Red clover leaves are edible and can be added to a variety of soups and salads.

Now let’s take a closer look at the healing properties of this plant to understand what ailments this can help us treat. amazing plant.

The use of red clover in folk medicine

General information

Red clover is widely known for its antitoxic, bactericidal and analgesic effects. It can also strengthen immune system person and protect human body from harmful viruses.

Included in this medicinal plant contains a huge amount of proteins, fats, sugars, minerals, as well as vitamins. Red clover is distinguished by its content of vitamins B, B1, K, E, C, which are especially abundant in the flowers of the plant. But clover leaves are very rich in salicylic acid, which is very important for the human body, as well as various antifungal components.

Please note that the collected herbal mass must be used within a year, since then the red clover loses all its medicinal properties.

Clover should not be used for treatment during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. There are no other contraindications to the use of this plant.

Use of clover juice

Clover juice is widely used in folk medicine to treat the following ailments:

  • colic in young children
  • various skin rashes

Application of clover flowers

It is important to note that red clover flowers are harvested between June and September. Flowers are used primarily to reduce fever and also to stop inflammatory processes.

Use of clover leaves

It is important to know that red clover gives light laxative effect, and can also improve appetite. In addition, the mashed leaves of this plant will save you from inflammation of the eyes and ears.

Red clover leaves can also be used to treat cellulitis. If you suffer from such an illness, you can take note of the following: folk recipe:

  1. take 100 grams fresh leaves red clover
  2. grind them
  3. after that, place the raw material in a small saucepan and pour half a glass over it olive oil
  4. place the saucepan over low heat and bring the preparation to a boil
  5. then remove the broth from the heat and wait until it cools down
  6. then strain the product
  7. received medicine Damaged areas of the skin should be lubricated

Red clover tea

Red clover tea can stimulate sweating and also relieve cold symptoms. In addition, it is taken when severe attacks during and during exacerbations of asthma. You can make it yourself as follows:

  1. take one tablespoon of red clover
  2. pour a glass of boiling water over the plant
  3. wait a quarter of an hour for the tea to steep

The resulting tea should be consumed with honey, not sugar. In case of a cold, drink this tea five times a day after meals until you are cured.

Red clover tincture

Using clover as a cleanser

Red clover represents wonderful remedy from germs and viruses, in addition, it is capable of toxins. This is undoubtedly the best medicinal plant with which you can cleanse lymphatic system, good job which will protect you from edema and various other immunodeficiency diseases.

So it will be beneficial for you to drink clover tea for prevention, the recipe for which is described above. Or you can take a preventive course of treatment with clover tea, which consists of: daily use three cups of clover tea for six weeks.

Using clover to treat skin diseases

A decoction of clover saves from allergic rashes, as well as seborrhea. But the extract of the leaves and stems of the plant accelerates the healing of wounds and tightens.

If you have burns or poorly healing wounds, then the following folk recipe will certainly help you. First you should make a decoction of clover flowers, for this do next steps:

  1. take two tablespoons of raw materials
  2. pour a glass of boiling water over it
  3. after this, the resulting decoction should be infused in a water bath

The resulting decoction should be soaked into a bandage, which should then be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin.

The use of red clover in cosmetology

Red clover - excellent remedy, to . To do this, rub freshly collected seeds of this plant into the skin. medicinal plant.

The use of red clover in gynecology

Red clover is also used to get rid of:

  • inflammatory processes in the appendages
  • uterine bleeding
  • pain during menstruation

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There are more than 300 types of clover. It can have red, pink and white flowers, and varies in the shape of its leaves and inflorescences. Clover tincture: what helps, depends on the type of plant.

Pink clover (hybrid) has laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic properties. Tinctures of it are used during sore throat and bronchitis, for fever, and problems with joints.

White (creeping) clover helps with diseases of the female reproductive system, tuberculosis, gout, hernia and poisoning. White clover tincture is drunk as tonic V autumn-spring period. Creeping clover has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restorative, expectorant, wound-healing and tonic effects, and perfectly removes toxins.

Arable clover ( popular name- cats) are used for severe coughing and choking, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal disorders and colitis in children. This type of clover has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.

Medium clover helps with headaches, colds, fever, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatism and neurasthenia. Tinctures from this plant have mild laxative and diuretic effects, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifever and mild analgesic effects.

The most common type is red clover, red clover tincture with vodka often and effectively used in medicine. This plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, choleretic, antitumor, diaphoretic, expectorant and other properties.

Clover tincture with vodka - application for a variety of diseases:

1. For angina pectoris.

Tinnitus, migraines, and headaches disappear.

Recipe 1

25gr. clover pour 1 glass of vodka. It is important that the vodka is good quality. The mixture is infused for 10 days, shaken periodically. Take 20 ml. once before bed, a course of 13-15 days, after which a break of 10 days and another course is completed.

Recipe 2

Pour one glass of fresh chopped clover (flowers) into 0.5 liters. medical alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink 1 tbsp for two months. l. every 8 hours.

2. From cholesterol and to strengthen blood vessels.

Prepare the tincture according to recipe 2. Take daily, no longer than 3 months. Dilute 1 large spoon per 50 ml. boiled water and drink.

3. For oncological diseases (except for estrogen-dependent forms).

Prepare the infusion according to recipe 1. Take 3 times. before eating, one table at a time. spoon.

4. Clover tincture with vodka for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Clover for atherosclerosis

Place fresh clover flowers in a glass jar (2/3 of the container volume) and top up with vodka. Leave for three weeks and strain. Take 1 table for 2 weeks. spoon before bed.

5. To cleanse the fundus of the eye.

Clover tincture for eyes

Glass container (jar) 0.5 l. fill with clover flowers and add vodka. Add cloves (10 pcs.), leave for one week. Do not strain before use. Add to milk (1/3 cup) and drink within 25-30 minutes. before breakfast and dinner, course 10-12 days.

Contraindications: pregnancy, estrogen-dependent forms of cancer, kidney stones, blood clotting disorders, varicose veins, increased arterial pressure, severely low blood pressure, after a stroke or heart attack, age up to 3 years.

If, while taking clover tincture, blood pressure rises, diarrhea or abdominal pain occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately. Before taking the tincture, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

For some reason, clover is considered to be a forage plant. Meanwhile, it contains a wide variety useful substances, which cleanse the body, remove harmful elements and even cure diseases. A clover tincture with vodka has long been known, the use of which gives impressive results.

About the plant

Clover contains acids, saponins, carbohydrates, carotene and B healing purposes The inflorescences of the plant are mainly used. Tinctures are recommended to be used for uterine bleeding, painful periods, anemia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Medicines prepared on its basis cleanse blood vessels, heal wounds and reduce joint pain.

It blooms from May to September. However, it is best to collect in mid-summer in dry weather. In this case, only those flowers that do not have dried petals will be healing. The raw materials are left dry and dark place until completely dry.

The perennial plant belongs to the legume family. Of all its varieties, it is mainly used in the form of medicine, or, as it is also called, meadow. It has branched stems and multi-flowered heads Pink colour. Its main stem is short, with trifoliate leaves at the top and ovate at the bottom.
Clover grows throughout Russia. It is found on the edges of forests, meadows, clearings and among weedy bushes. Of course, this is an excellent feed for livestock, and it is also a wonderful honey plant. After all, bees can collect up to a hundredweight of honey from one hectare.


Clover tincture with vodka, which is so widely used, can improve appetite, remove worms, increase bile secretion and secretion of the glands of the digestive system.

The remedy has been known since ancient times. So, in China they also used clover tincture with vodka. Application has been shown for serious illnesses as a restorative agent. The fact is that the essential oil prepared from the plant contains a lot of coenzyme, carotene and ascorbic acid, which together can shorten the rehabilitation period.


The tincture can strengthen the immune system, regulate the metabolic process and restore cholesterol levels. Thanks to the content of phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and vitamin B, toxins are easily removed from the body, which normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and also improves the condition of the bile system.

A liter jar is filled with clover heads, and then filled with vodka and closed tightly with a lid. After this, the container is stored in a dark, dry place for two weeks. At the same time, the jar needs to be shaken every day. This clover tincture with vodka for vessels is taken once a day before breakfast, one spoonful.

Two tablespoons of heads are poured with 200 ml of vodka. After two weeks of infusion, take thirty drops three times a day before meals. Drops are added to a small amount of water and drunk.

Four tablespoons of clover are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. The decoction is infused for seven hours, after which it is consumed three times a day, one hundred milliliters.

Two hundred grams of clover heads are poured with one liter of water and boiled for ten minutes. After this, add boiling water to the original level and leave to cool. Next, filter the broth, add two and a half tablespoons of sugar and leave for another two hours. The entire prepared solution is distributed throughout the day, during which it is drunk between meals.

Headache, noises

The noise in the head can be caused by and also what causes such a reaction. In this case, it is advised to drink a glass of soda in the morning on the first day and lemon juice, and in the second - a decoction of oregano, linden color, clover, St. John's wort, currants and strawberries, taken in equal parts, along with rowan and viburnum jam.

The following recipe is also recommended: fill a liter jar halfway with clover, fill it to the top with vodka, cover tightly and leave for two weeks in a dark, dry place. It turns out another clover tincture with vodka. How to take it? It is recommended to drink one tablespoon at night.

You can also use other parts of the plant. To do this, choose low-growing clover, no more than fifteen centimeters in height, mow and dry. The stems and leaves are then simply added to tea. After steeping for two hours, drink it several sips throughout the day. A month after such prevention, your hearing will improve, and the noise in your head will simply disappear.

Other diseases

Clover tincture with vodka is widely used for cholesterol, lowering its value. To do this, take a glass of plant heads, place it in a liter jar and fill it to the top with vodka. After two weeks of infusion, take once a day in courses.

You should always consider for what disease the clover vodka tincture will be used. Use for shortness of breath, for example, will be different from use for vascular cleansing. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult with your doctor and an experienced herbalist before starting treatment.


Like anyone, even folk medicine, clover tincture with vodka has contraindications. So, you should not use the tincture during pregnancy and lactation, varicose veins veins, kidney stones, thrombophlebitis, heart attack and stroke.

If used incorrectly, there may be side effects in the form of skin rash, muscle and headache, nausea and vaginal bleeding.

You also need to be careful when using clover during treatment with medications, as it interacts negatively with some of them.

At the first symptoms of various diseases, many people turn to herbs and tinctures. If you consult your doctor in advance and follow the dosage, then a natural “pharmacy” can really help. Some even make some kind of reserves medicinal herbs, fortunately the season has already begun. Let's learn more about the benefits of meadow clover and what its use is in.

Chemical composition

A discreet-looking plant in its composition will give odds to many “factory” drugs.
Its leaves and stems contain many valuable elements and compounds. So, there is 25% protein alone, and the same amount of fiber. There are fewer fats and amino acids, but they are also present - 3% and 1.4%, respectively. Also includes:

  • Vitamins of groups B, C, E, K.
  • Oils (fatty, essential) and resins.
  • A large number of organic acids, among which ketoglutaric and salicylic acids take precedence.
  • Pigments.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Isoflavones and flavonols (formonetin, pratoletin, kaempferol, etc.).
  • Glycosidic compounds and sitosterol components.
The flowers contain 5–6% fatty acids. Seeds are not inferior in value to them - share fatty oils they usually exceed 11%. It is logical that with such a structure this herb has firmly taken its place in folk medicine. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what medicinal properties clover is famous for, not forgetting to mention its contraindications.

Beneficial features

Clover has many advantages. Here are just the main ones:

  • Smoothes inflammation and relieves swelling.
  • Cleanses the bloodstream and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Normalizes heart function.
  • Lowers pressure (both arterial and intracranial).
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Relieves headaches of varying intensity.
  • Regulates metabolism.
  • Acts as a tonic.
Note that the beneficial properties of this plant do not end there. meadow clover is an excellent hemostatic agent that is used to treat hemorrhoids and tuberculosis.
The abundance of phytoestrogens makes it indispensable for problems with women's health- during periodic pain, greens help dull the discomfort.

Did you know? According to Irish legend, Saint Patrick used clover to drive out all the snakes from the island. In addition, the Catholic tradition attributes to him an explanation of the dogma of the Trinity, which also could not be done without these leaves.

The herb is also suitable for prevention. The fact is that flavonoids, when consumed regularly, feed tissues with oxygen, thereby slowing down the aging of the body.

Another one distinguishing feature plants are his. The pale-looking product with a delicious taste is one of the best, as any beekeeper will confirm.

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. Therefore, it makes sense to find out how and at what time it is best to collect such useful material.

Collecting the required amount of “potion” is simple: clover grows almost everywhere in our latitudes. True, there is one nuance here - roadside grass It’s better not to take it, it’s better to take time and wander around the nearby edges and forests.
The best healing properties are manifested in flowers picked at the very end - beginning. They are removed along with the upper leaves (the so-called stipule). For greater effect, you can cut off the stem itself.

The workpiece is dried in the shade, avoiding contact with sun rays. In this case, the room should be well ventilated. Many people immediately after collection crush all the material and only then lay it out in a thin layer for drying.

Important! When drying, try to turn it at least 2-3 times a day. collected material. Ideally this should be done every 6 hours.

When the “medicine” has dried, it is placed in a closed container. This can be a fabric or paper bag, bag or box. Such reserves can be used for 1 year - as the valuable properties “age” herbal infusions are lost.
We were again convinced of the obvious benefits of clover, but if taken too actively, harm to the body can occur. To prevent this from happening, let’s familiarize ourselves with the recipe and dosage of homemade drugs.

Recipes, use in folk medicine

In medicine (even in “unofficial”) there is Golden Rule: Every disease has its own medicine. Of course, you cannot “mix” several decoctions in one sitting, and you cannot self-medicate. But it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Let's start the story about the preparation and use of “clover” remedies with the popular “general strengthening” remedy.

Strengthening the immune system

Everything is extremely simple:

  • Take 1 glass of flowers and “half a liter” (yes, exactly vodka).
  • After mixing, let it brew for at least 10 days in a closed container. The bottle is shaken periodically.
Accept ready mixture 1 time per day, a teaspoon before meals. The entire course will take a month, you can start again only after a 10-day break. There are recipes that “prescribe” 3 times a day, but it gives quite heavy load on the stomach.

Did you know? Trefoil image-it is not only a symbol of Ireland, but also the official trademark of the country.

Alcohol is not suitable for everyone, and in this case a “softer” recipe will come in handy:
  • 200 g of fresh inflorescences are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 4–5 minutes;
  • then add honey (to taste) and place the container in the refrigerator.
You can take the drink without fear - in the heat you can even replace water with it. This way you will not only quench your thirst, but also strengthen your immune system.

For headaches

  • 2 tbsp. l. dried inflorescences are poured with water (250 ml);
  • After boiling, the mixture is infused for 40 minutes, after which it is decanted.
A three-time dose is reduced to 0.5 cups at a time.

This “drug” is great for migraines. Relieves dizziness and unpleasant noises herbal mixture clover and meadowsweet, which is brewed like tea. It is usually drunk after meals.

For a cold

Everything here is familiar to those who know how to brew dried clover (unless you need more water):

  • 2 tbsp. l. pour in 2 glasses;
  • After stirring, let it sit for 5 hours.
This dose should be enough for a day. After thoroughly straining, the mixture is divided into equal portions. After taking it, it is better to wrap yourself up and sweat thoroughly - then recovery will only take a couple of days.

Important! To prepare such compositions, enamel cookware without chips on the coating is suitable. In such containers, the vitamin balance of drinks and dishes is maintained longer.

If a cold is accompanied severe cough, honey comes into play: in a glass warm water drop a teaspoon of juice and... It turns out delicious and mild remedy. This is a “children’s” dose; adults can take more.

For hypertension

“Porridge”, when used correctly, relieves blood pressure well. To bring his numbers up to normal, you need to:

  • Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of water and boil.
  • Leave for about half an hour.
  • Take according to the adjusted plan. The entire volume is divided in two, the first half is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The remainder is divided into two more equal parts - pre-lunch and evening (before dinner).
The maximum course of such treatment is 10 days. The intervals between series are long, several weeks. This is due to the fact that the slightest overdose causes the opposite effect: the pressure gauge readings “drive” down. So it doesn't hurt to be careful.

For stomach ulcers

The “weight” and ingredients remain the same: the same spoon with dry heads collected and a glass of boiling water, followed by a downtime of 30 minutes. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 3 times a day.

There is a belief that finding a leaf with “four lobes” is lucky. But rarer five-pointed processes, on the contrary, are better to be avoided.
Note that in in this case the dosage depends on the person’s weight: for those who have crossed the threshold of 80 kg, the volume is doubled.

Experienced herbalists use the herb in complex decoctions (together with, chamomile and). If we take, for example, 15 g of clover, then the other ingredients will require 5, 15 and 25 g, respectively. The recipe and regimen are the same, but sometimes individual intolerance to any element is observed.

For kidney diseases and urolithiasis

The scheme is the same:

  • 2 tbsp. l. boil flowers in water (1 cup);
  • leave for 20 minutes;
  • after cooling, filter;
3 approaches a day (a tablespoon) will clean the channels and return the liver to its previous tone. The standard course is 2 weeks, a repeat course can only be prescribed by a doctor.

For purulent wounds and boils

This is the external “hypostasis” of clover tincture and the answer to the question of what else it helps with. Before processing, take a thermos and make a preparation:

  • The inflorescences are poured with boiling water, based on the proportion already familiar to us (2 tbsp. l/1 tbsp). The volume itself depends on the area of ​​damage, for large wounds you need a larger “batch”, but stick to the original ratio.
  • Cover with a lid, leave for 1.5–2 hours and strain.
  • Wounds, ulcers and ulcers are washed with the resulting liquid.

Important! Boils should not be treated with brilliant green or other colored preparations.-it is then difficult for doctors to determine the size of the lesion. You will also have to refrain from swimming.

The same procedure is done when boils appear. But you can also fight them with the help of compresses. At the rate of one spoon per glass, keep in a thermos for at least 6 hours. The entire volume is divided into two procedures.
A similar scheme can be used for baths, if their use is convenient in a particular case.

For vessels

When planning to clean the vessels, stock up on flowers as you should - you will need a lot of them.

Despite its prevalence, this herb has unique healing properties, and clover helps in the treatment of many diseases. Clover tincture will cure everything: from cholesterol and vascular diseases to oncology. Unique properties, use of this medicine and possible contraindications you will find out from us!

Red clover is a fairly common herb. Thanks to your beneficial properties he found good use in folk medicine. This plant is known in many countries, because it can cope with a huge number of diseases. Clover tincture with vodka has many positive effects and is easy to prepare, which is why it is very popular. Below we have given a simple recipe for this medicine.


  • 1 cup fresh flowers;
  • 500 ml of good quality vodka (can be replaced with alcohol).


  1. Fill the flowers with vodka.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 14 days.
  3. The container with components must be shaken occasionally.
  4. After the expiration date, strain the tincture.


Red clover contains many various substances, such as vitamins A, B, E, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and several other trace elements. Also included in this herbaceous plant organic acids are present tannins And essential oils. This plant also contains sugar, fiber, carbohydrates and other components. And the isoflavones contained in clover flowers, which have a phytoestrogenic effect, alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause.


Clover tincture has found application in large quantities diseases, because this plant has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, astringent and disinfectant effect.

For vessels

It has long been known in folk medicine that the use of this remedy is suitable for cleansing blood vessels. For atherosclerosis, drink 20 ml of tincture before bed. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, then you need to pause for 10 days and repeat this course again. Using the medicine gives excellent results: symptoms of vascular diseases such as dizziness, tinnitus, and increased heart rate decrease or completely disappear.

For cholesterol

Red clover is great for helping with “bad” cholesterol. To remove cholesterol, drink 1 tablespoon of the product diluted in 50 ml daily clean water. Take the medicine before meals. Over time, cholesterol levels will begin to decrease. Treatment may last a long time, but no more three months, since in this case the plant can negatively affect potency in men or menstruation in women.

For angina and cancer

The tincture should also be prepared for angina pectoris. For treatment, drink 1 tablespoon of clover remedy three times a day before meals for two months. This medicine can also be used to treat oncological diseases(except for estrogen-dependent forms of cancer). To do this, take 1 teaspoon of the drink three times a day for 6 months.

Clover tincture also helps well with diseases such as:

  • poisoning;
  • diarrhea;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuroses;
  • diabetes.


Red clover, like many other plants, has certain contraindications. And before preparing medicine from it, you need to familiarize yourself with them. This plant should not be used by people while driving, pregnant women or hypertensive patients. The drug is prohibited for young children, and there are also contraindications for those who have:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • varicose veins


A healing tea that will help lower cholesterol levels, remove the symptoms of atherosclerosis and overcome many other diseases.

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