Treatment of cancer with veterinary drugs. Asd cures cancer

In the middle of the last century, a talented scientist Alexey Dorogov developed an amazing Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulator (ASD), which is popularly called the elixir of life. With its help, diseases such as tuberculosis are cured, bronchial asthma, defeats nervous system, skin, oncological and cardiovascular diseases. The news of the miracle drug spread very quickly around the world and hundreds flocked to Alexey Vlasovich seriously ill people for whom official medicine could not help. Hundreds of patients recovered thanks to treatment using his methods; even the mother of Lavrentiy Beria, who was dying of cancer, was brought back to life by the drug ASD. But, despite this, medical officials greeted Dorogov’s invention with quite hostility. Such an unexpected invention did not fit into the framework of scientific research and generally accepted beliefs of the time.

Method of treating cancer ASD

Currently, the drug ASD is successfully used to treat seriously ill patients, including cancer patients. When starting a course of treatment with Dorogov Stimulant Antiseptic, you need to remember that this pharmaceutical drug, which must be stored in the refrigerator and follow all instructions. There is no need to open the bottle of medicine; you just need to take out the required amount of the medicine daily using a syringe.

There are several known regimens for taking the drug ASD:

First option most simple. 5 drops of the drug should be diluted in 50 ml drinking water, wash down with infusion of oregano. Take the drug for 25 days, 4 times a day, strictly according to the clock: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours. Then take a break for 10 days. On these days, take 1 tablet of metronidazole at a dosage of 0.25 mg 3 times a day.

Second option suitable for people with good tolerability of the drug and lack of side effects From him. ASD should be taken 4 times a day (8, 12, 16 and 20 hours), starting with 5 drops of solution, and adding another drop daily, reaching 15 drops at a time. One course lasts a month. In parallel with internal administration of the drug, it is necessary to carry out local procedures: microenemas into the rectum (12 drops of ASD-2 per 50 ml of warm boiled water) and vaginal irrigation (12 drops of ASD-2 per 10 ml of warm boiled water). It is better to carry out such procedures at night for 25 days in a row. After completing the course, blood tests must be done. tumor and metastases, stages, degrees.

Third option: take ASD-2 cancer treatment according to the 1-40-1 regimen. To do this, start taking the drug with one drop and daily increasing one drop at a time until single dose up to 40 drops. Then daily reduce the dose by one drop and go down to one drop of solution per dose. The drug should be taken with water, carrot juice or infusion of oregano.

Fourth option. The drug is taken for 3-6 months by diluting it in a glass of water or herbal infusion. You need to drink the drug according to this regimen exactly by the hour: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.

From the first to the fifth day, drink 5 drops of the solution at a time.
From the fifth to the tenth day, drink 10 drops of the solution at a time.
From the tenth to the fifteenth day, drink 15 drops of the solution at a time.
From the fifteenth to the twentieth day, drink 20 drops of the drug at a time.
From the twentieth to the twenty-fifth day, drink 25 drops of the drug at a time.

Side effects

Before you start taking ASD-2, people with stomach problems need to know that sometimes the reaction to the drug is manifested by belching, nausea, and discomfort in the stomach. To remove these discomfort It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir 10-15 minutes after taking the medicine. Kefir should be drunk slowly, in small sips. The drug should be dosed carefully, as an overdose can cause a temperature increase of more than 38 degrees. If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug for 1-2 days, and then continue, significantly reducing the dose. In patients with chronic diseases kidney at long-term use ASD may cause pain and colic. To prevent this side effect, it is recommended to drink kidney tea between courses. During treatment, you need to carefully monitor the level blood pressure, listen to the state of the body and carry out control tests urine and blood.

FSUE "Armavir Biofactory" - manufacturer of veterinary and medical supplies- informs about a change in the packaging of the drug " ASD faction 2" - antiseptic Dorogov stimulant.

Detailed information on our website The aluminum cap on the bottle is complemented by a plastic cap gray, which depicts the trademark of the FSUE "Armavir Biofactory". The standard label now contains a barcode.

The purpose of the changes is to combat counterfeiting. A large number of Counterfeits of "ASD fraction 2" produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Armavir Biofactory" are identified by consumers and distributors, noting that the color of the packaging, label and even the drug itself is noticeably different from the original.

According to the director of the FSUE "Armavir Biofactory" E.V. Sussky appearance of counterfeits in several regions Russian Federation indicates the scale and preparedness of this action. During the investigation, the company is actively interacting with Rosselkhoznadzor and the Department of Economic Security of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Please be careful when purchasing the drug "ASD fraction 2" produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Armavir Biofactory". We kindly ask anyone who finds any differences from the original packaging to report this to the product quality control service of the FSUE "Armavir Biofactory" by e-mail: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

ASD fraction 2 – for external use. The drug is not officially recognized by the Ministry of Health, but is used in traditional medicine to get rid of cancer cells. When other methods are ineffective, Dorogov's stimulator is the only effective remedy in oncology.

The faction was recognized by doctors in the 20th century, but due to the veterinary education of the developer, doctors did not accept with due respect the uniqueness of the non-medicinal product. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven folk practice. 70 years after its development, the popularity of the product has only increased.

Oncologists evaluated the drug 40 years ago, but there was no official approval for use against cancer. Instructions for the use of ASD 2 and 3 have not been developed, since non-drug methods of combating pathology are not recognized by doctors. In oncology, all drugs are good that will get rid of self-replicating cells.

ASD fraction 2 for oncology – how it is used

Fraction ASD 2 is designed for external use. The drug is popular in oncology for different types skin tumors (melanoma, nevi, warts). At correct observance Treatment regimens make it possible to achieve the disappearance of the formation within a month.

Fraction ASD 3 is characterized by toxicity, therefore it is prescribed in low doses (for use in humans, instructions from Dorogov).

For oncology, the drug is used in the Russian Federation. When studying foreign sources, there is not even any mention of the possibility of using Dorogov’s antiseptic against malignant cells. Scientific world is not going to openly discuss the topic of the possibility of using non-medicinal means for humans. Let them show in practice high efficiency. Without adequate justification, one cannot prescribe medicine patients.

Only in cases of hopelessness did oncologists advise patients to use the Dorogov fraction. Amazing discoveries were made in such cases. Modern literature takes a more judicious approach to describing the properties of the ASD 2 or 3 fraction.

Check out global medical forums. You won’t find any mention of Asd anywhere. Most positive feedback among Russian citizens. Foreign sources either hide the drug from the public or are categorically against its use.

The saying about the forgotten old justifies itself in the treatment of lung tumors. The use of ASD 2 in lung cancer, as well as in the treatment of other serious illnesses gives a positive therapeutic result.

ASD fraction 2 – what is it?

The drug ASD is successfully used today in oncology; it is an antiseptic stimulant invented in the post-war years by scientist A.V. Dorogov. On instructions from the government, the drug was developed as a means of protection against radiation.

The raw materials were frogs and meat and bone meal, and as a result of the scientist’s work, ASD of fractions 2 and 3 appeared, suitable as medicines for people and animals.

Effective use of the drug in oncology - precancerous forms, cancer processes various organs. In addition, ASD 2 helped patients recover from:

    Cystic diseases of the kidneys and liver;

    Nodular goiter;

    Uterine fibroids;

    Polyposis of the intestines and stomach;

    Leukemia and many other diseases.

Treatment of lung cancer ASD 2 fractions

When starting treatment for lung cancer with the drug, first consult with an oncologist.

It is advisable to take ASD in parallel with medications traditional medicine, which are selected for each individual.

The use of ADS is contraindicated simultaneously with a course of radiation or chemotherapy.

The drug has the ability to lose quality when in contact with air. Therefore, they are used orally or as injections, taking appropriate precautions. Cancer treatment lung ASD 2 implies giving up alcoholic beverages.

Application of ASD 2 for the treatment of lung cancer

The following methods of using the drug have earned good reviews from patients:

    For the first 2-3 days, add 1-2 drops of ASD to herbal tincture, milk, tea. Take orally 30-40 minutes after eating. By adding 1-2 drops daily, the dosage is increased to 40 drops. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months.

    Another way application of ASD consists of increasing the dosage to 40 drops, but after that the dose is reduced by 1-2 drops daily. The medicine should be taken 3 times a day. Short breaks are taken between courses of treatment.

    The following recipe also treats cancer: 4 times a day the patient takes 5 drops of 2 fractions of ASD, diluted in 50 ml of water. The medicine is taken every 4 hours for one month. After taking the drug, it is washed down with oregano tincture.

Gennady asks:

How to take ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant) for stomach cancer?

If you have stomach cancer, you should take ASD-2. It is best to take the drug with milk. For the treatment of stomach cancer, Dorogov himself suggested taking the drug 4 times a day - at 8-00, 12-00, 16-00 and 20-00, 5 drops each, for 5 days. Then they take a break for 2 - 3 days and again repeat the five-day intake of the drug 4 times a day, but 10 drops at a time. After this, they again want a break of 2–3 days. Such five-day courses of administration and 2-3-day breaks must be continued, bringing the dosage of the drug to 50 drops per dose. Moreover, each five-day cycle of administration should increase the dosage by 5 drops. Taking a dosage of 50 drops at a time should be continued until recovery. Drops of ASD-2 solution can be dissolved in a glass of water or milk.

If such a strict regimen for taking ASD-2, proposed by A. Dorogov, is not suitable for a person, then the drug can be used according to Tishchenko’s method. On the first day, at 8-00 o’clock, take 1 drop of ASD-2 in 100 ml of water. Then increase the dosage every day by just one drop for 25 days. During these 25 days, you should take the drug only once a day at 8-00 am. Then, on the 26th day, having increased the dosage of the drug to 25 drops at a time, you should start taking the solution 4 times a day - at 8-00, 12-00, 16-00 and at 20-00. After five days, you should reduce the dosage to 20 drops at a time, maintaining a four-time dose for another 5 days. After which the dosage is again increased to 25 drops per dose, maintaining it for 5 days. Then increase the dosage to 30 drops per dose, keeping it that way until recovery.

Practical experience in treating cancer with ASD-2, gained over recent years, has shown that it is better to reduce the frequency of use of the drug to 2 times a day. ASD-2 should be taken 40 minutes before breakfast and dinner, after sucking in the mouth vegetable oil. The drug is diluted in 100 - 150 ml of water or milk. In this case, the dosage is determined by the person’s body weight:

  • Less than 60 kg – 4 drops per dose;

  • 60 – 70 kg – 5 drops per dose;

  • Over 70 kg – 6 drops per dose.
The above dosages are valid for use in morning hours. In the evening, ASD-2 should be taken 1-3 drops (also depending on weight). Every day the dosage is increased by 1 drop, bringing the number of drops to 25 per morning and evening dose. After this, the drug is no longer taken orally, and ASD-2 is administered as an enema for two weeks. For an enema, 15 drops of the solution are diluted in 100 water and injected into the rectum after defecation. Thus, alternate oral administration ASD-2 and its introduction into the rectum should be before full recovery.
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The most terrible diseases- oncological, they have been known to people since time immemorial. And if our ancestors could not fight these diseases, then modern medicine, both traditional and folk, made a breakthrough in this matter. ASD fraction 2 against oncology There are legends about this wonderful drug, although ASD fraction 2 is allowed exclusively in veterinary medicine. The world is overwhelmed with news of effective application, especially after the use of ASD, reviews in oncology indicate positive results in the treatment of people. This topic is discussed quite often in the press and online publications. Behind last years Interest in this drug has grown greatly. Official medicine does not recognize the use of the ASD fraction for the treatment of diseases, it follows that when deciding to treat with this drug, you yourself are responsible for your life.

It is claimed that the drug can significantly increase a person’s immunity, which means that in the fight against cancer, the patient has a good chance of winning by using the fraction for treatment. The product has a number of positive impacts on human body: renders antibacterial effect; is the strongest adaptogen, due to its structure similar to living cells; has no side effects; does not negatively affect the fetus in the womb; provides normal hormonal background; fixes everything metabolic processes in organism; is a modulator immune system body. As a result, the ASD 2 fraction in oncology does not affect a specific cell, microbe or virus, but the entire human body as a whole, which independently destroys the “pest” enriched with material and forces due to the influence of the drug. Anticancer therapy Precancerous forms, oncology ASD 2 fraction patient reviews say that the therapy has positive results treatment of diseases. It is also used for treatment general scheme and dosage of the drug, compresses must be applied to external tumors. Of primary importance in such diseases is the age of the patient, the location and nature of the cancerous lesions.

Application of ASD 2 in initial stages oncological diseases provides rapid pain relief and stops the progression of the disease. If the cancer is in an advanced state, you should not be treated according to the standard regimen, but take up to five milliliters of the drug with water twice a day. All Taken measures should be discussed with your doctor and under his strict supervision. Reading information: ASD fraction 2, what a person should drink when sick

Impact treatment method for oncology

from the 1st to the 5th day - take 5 drops of ASD fraction 2

from 6th to 10th - 10 drops each

from 11th to 15th - 15 drops each

from 16th to 20th - 20 drops each

from 21st to 25th - 25 drops each

from the 26th to the 30th - 30 drops each

from 31st to 35th - 35 drops each

from 36th to 40th - 40 drops each

from 41 to 45 - 45 drops each

from the 46th to full recovery - 50 drops of the drug at a time.

Gentle treatment regimen for oncology

When taking the second fraction of ASD for oncology, patient reviews indicate that it was easier for them to take the drug using a more gentle treatment method. On Monday, take three drops of ASD 2, dissolved in 30-40 milliliters of strong tea. On Tuesday, take five drops of the drug. On Wednesday take 7 drops. On Thursday take 9 drops. On Friday take 11 drops. On Saturday take 13 drops. Sunday is a break. In the second, third and fourth weeks of treatment, ASD 2 is taken according to the same regimen. Then a seven-day break, and from Monday they drink a fraction according to a similar scheme with 5 five drops, and add 2 drops in the following days. The course of treatment is four weeks, with a break of seven days. If you feel worse, you must stop taking the drug. Useful link: Treatment folk remedies uterine cancer Complex treatment oncology Anticancer therapy to achieve effective result should be comprehensive, so the second ASD fraction for oncology is used simultaneously with herbal medicines from 15-20 medicinal herbs in the form of infusions of water and alcohol (40%) tinctures. It would be appropriate to take antitumor herbs - aconite, hemlock, etc. In each case, the herbs are selected individually in order to provide a multifaceted effect. therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

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