Medicines for severe headaches. Good pills for headaches

Headaches can occur quite suddenly, even in healthy person and cause a lot of trouble. Uncomfortable sensations interfere with thinking, working and relaxing, and sometimes can completely disrupt all plans. Frequent and severe pain is usually a manifestation of serious illness. Therefore, you should not take this problem too lightly.


Head pain can occur due to various reasons. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary headaches. Primary ones are caused by the presence of a problem directly in the head, and secondary ones are a manifestation of other diseases of the body.

Headache can be different.

Headache classification:

  • episodic, caused external factors,
  • tension headache,
  • post-traumatic head pain,
  • secondary headaches (with hypertension, intoxication, infections, diseases of the sinuses and teeth),
  • facial neuralgia and neuropathy,
  • migraine.

Each type of headache requires its own approach to treatment. Incorrectly chosen medications will not only not help get rid of discomfort, but can also significantly harm your health.


Pharmacies offer many various means to combat headaches. Every day, from TV screens and street banners, manufacturers persistently recommend their drug as the most effective and safe. But you need to remember what to choose effective scheme Only a doctor can treat.

Classification of tablets for the treatment of headaches:

  1. simple non-narcotic analgesics,
  2. combinations of anti-inflammatory substances,
  3. drugs for the treatment of migraines,
  4. medications to treat the underlying disease.

Treatment of episodic headaches and tension pain

To eliminate episodic, post-traumatic and tension-type headaches, it is best to use simple non-narcotic analgesics or combined anti-inflammatory drugs.

Simple analgesics for headaches:

  1. acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin, Aspeter, Upsarin Upsa, Asprovit),
  2. paracetamol (Panadol, Rafidol, Efferalgan),
  3. ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Imet, Nurofen, Ibunorm, Faspik),
  4. analgin (Metamizole).

Analgin, which we all know, is not a harmless drug at all. Doctors around the world have already stopped using of this substance, since its use is associated with a toxic effect on the body. One tablet of analgin will not cause you much harm, but you should not constantly use this drug.

Combined anti-inflammatory drugs may, in addition to an analgesic, contain caffeine, antispasmodic, antiallergic and sedative components. Caffeine relieves spasm of blood vessels in the head, helps increase blood pressure when it decreases, and tones the body. Combined preparations with caffeine are good for tension pain and headaches associated with low blood pressure due to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Painkillers in combination with antiallergic drugs ( antihistamines) substances cope well with headaches during colds, flu and hangovers.

Phenobarbital has a mild sedative effect and enhances the effect of analgesics. Combination painkillers with phenobarbital work well for tension headaches.

Combined painkillers:

  • Askofen, Copacil, Citramon, Citropak, Farmadol (acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine),
  • Fervex, Combigrip, Gripex, Amicitron, Helpex, Gripgo (paracetamol, vitamin C and antihistamines substances),
  • Tetralgin, Tempalgin, Sedalgin, Sedal, Pyatirichatka, Pentalgin, (paracetamol, analgin, caffeine and phenobarbital).

The listed medications relieve symptoms quite well headache. On pharmaceutical market they are represented by ordinary and effervescent tablets, capsules and soluble powders. Soluble tablets and powders have more quick effect actions. The capsule shell protects the stomach from negative influence active substance. Painkiller tablets in capsules are recommended for people suffering from gastritis, high stomach acidity and peptic ulcers. Regular tablets are convenient for use in any conditions.

Treatment tactics for secondary head pain

Secondary pain in the head occurs as a consequence of the development of the underlying disease and is only a symptom of it. In such cases, it will not be possible to relieve discomfort with conventional analgesics. Secondary headaches can be eliminated only by treating the underlying disease.

Very often, severe pain in the back of the head bothers a person when he rises blood pressure. Indicators that do not exceed 139/89 mmHg are considered normal. At constant increase pressure above normal can indicate that a person has hypertension. Headache due to hypertension is easily eliminated by taking pills to lower blood pressure.

Deep caries and other dental problems can cause headaches. Unpleasant sensations will bother the person until the tooth is cured. In order to temporarily relieve symptoms, you can take a regular analgesic tablet.

Often headaches can result from alcohol poisoning. In cases of strong hangover syndrome you can take acetylsalicylic acid or its combinations (Aspirin C, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Prim).

Aspirin C

Discomfort in the temporo-frontal region can be a symptom of sinus diseases - sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. An ENT doctor treats these diseases. The problem will be solved as soon as the sinus inflammation can be cured.

Tablets for the treatment of migraines

A characteristic feature of migraine is regular attacks of pain on one side of the head. A person suffers from headaches with regularity once a month or week, and is also sometimes provoked by external factors. These symptoms cannot always be eliminated by a regular pain reliever. Migraine patients are buying more and more strong remedies, they take several different pills, but the pain does not go away. In addition, constant reception large quantity potent analgesics have a very negative effect on the health of the liver and stomach.

List of drugs for the treatment of migraine:

  1. combined analgesics with caffeine (Difmetra, Citramon, Citropak, Copacil, Askofen, Farmadol),
  2. ergotamine (Nomigren),
  3. sumatriptan (Amigren, Antimigraine, Imigran, Migranol, Stopmigren, Sumamigren),
  4. zolmitriptan (Rapimig, Zolmigren),
  5. rizatriptan (Rizamigren),
  6. gabapentin (Neurontin, Neuralgin),
  7. pregabalin (Lyrica, Algerica, Gabana).

Migraine medications are also used to treat trigeminal neuralgia.

Substances for the treatment of migraine include strong tablets and are available with a prescription. It is not recommended to prescribe them yourself. To select the correct and active tablets If you have a migraine, you should definitely consult a neurologist. Timely and correct treatment will help prevent the progression of the disease and its complications.


Acetylsalicylic acid.

Doctors do not recommend using acetylsalicylic acid for pain relief and fever reduction for colds and flu. In such cases, it is better to use paracetamol or ibuprofen in combination with vitamin C and an antiallergic component.

Acetylsalicylic acid and its combinations are absolutely contraindicated in children under 14 years of age. Aspirin can cause serious irreversible liver and kidney damage in children.

People who have bleeding disorders should not take acetylsalicylic acid frequently, as it can cause severe bleeding.


Paracetamol (acetaminophen) in acceptable doses is sufficient safe drug and is approved for use even in children. But while taking paracetamol, drinking alcohol is contraindicated. Acetaminophen and ethanol processed by one liver enzyme system. Joint reception will enhance these substances toxic effects each of them onto liver cells. Based on this fact, you should not use paracetamol and its combinations to eliminate hangover headaches. In such cases, it is better to use acetylsalicylic acid or its combinations.

In many countries, analgin is prohibited for use due to the risk of developing hematopoietic disorders. You should not use this drug often, but it is better to completely replace it with a safer analgesic.

Almost all painkillers have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. It is worth limiting the use of analgesics for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer And increased acidity stomach.

Peculiarities: all drugs in this group can reduce headaches, toothache, have an antipyretic effect. There are substances that enhance the effect of analgesics, so these drugs often have a complex composition.

Most Frequent side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance, exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenum.

Important information for the patient:

Treatment for headaches should begin with drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol, as they are safer than others.

For migraines and headaches associated with high blood pressure, conventional analgesics may not help.

It is not recommended to combine painkillers with each other. Taking two or three analgesics at the same time does not enhance the analgesic effect, but sharply increases the risk of developing ulcerative lesions stomach and duodenum, as well as other side effects.

Even over-the-counter headache medications should not be used long-term. If they are required frequently, several times a week, you need to be examined by a doctor. Most painkillers should not be taken for more than 5 days without the advice of a specialist.

Painkillers containing codeine are sold from pharmacies strictly according to a prescription.

Drugs containing codeine and phenobarbital are strictly contraindicated for those who drive every day. Whenever emergency situations the presence of codeine and phenobarbital in the blood can be regarded as a state of drug intoxication. Keep in mind that phenobarbital takes more than three days to leave the body.

Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug that are important for the patient to know about
Active substance: Paracetamol

Used for pain of mild to moderate intensity. Contraindicated in case of liver dysfunction. Nausea may occur after administration. At long-term use, overdose and simultaneous administration with alcohol the likelihood of toxic effects on the liver and blood increases.
Typically used in doses ranging from 500 mg to 1 g. Maximum doses: one-time - 1 g, daily - 4 g.
Active substance: Paracetamol + diphenhydramine
Migrenol PM (Fore Ventures) Combined drug. Diphenhydramine enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol, while also having a pronounced antiallergic and hypnotic effect. Well suited for those who cannot sleep due to pain.
Cannot be used by drivers. It has many contraindications and side effects; before use, you must carefully study the instructions.
Take 2 tablets, if necessary, every 6 hours (but not more than 8 tablets per day). For insomnia caused by pain, take 2 tablets before bedtime.
Active substance: Paracetamol + caffeine
(Fore Ventures)

Solpadeine Fast
Caffeine, which is part of the preparations, gives vigor and enhances the effect of paracetamol. The drugs are well suited for the treatment of headaches associated with low blood pressure, but are undesirable for hypertensive patients. Contraindicated for insomnia and increased excitability.
“Migrenol” and “Panadol Extra” are recommended for adults to take 2 tablets 4 times a day with an interval of at least 4 hours. Maximum daily dose- 8 tablets. Duration of use - no more than 10 days.
Solpadeine Fast tablets should be dissolved in at least 100 ml (half a glass) of water before taking. Use 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, if necessary. The interval between doses is at least 4 hours. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets.
Active substance:
Paracetamol + caffeine +
propyphenazone + codeine

"Caffetin" for adults is prescribed 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. For severe pain, you can take 2 tablets at the same time. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets.
Active substance:
Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine
Solpadeine(GlaxoSmithKline) Codeine and caffeine included in the preparations enhance the effect of analgesics, while codeine also has an antitussive effect.
"Solpadeine" for adults and children over 16 years of age is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, after meals, at intervals of at least 4 hours. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets.
Active substance: Metamizole sodium

Baralgin M
They have a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect. Used for headaches, toothaches, elevated temperature bodies.
In many countries of the world it is prohibited due to a dangerous side effect: the development of leukopenia and agranulocytosis. In these conditions, the body's production is significantly reduced. bone marrow protective cells - leukocytes. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable to any infections. The likelihood of this side effect increases when metamizole sodium is used for a long time and in large doses.
Take 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 g (2 tablets of 500 mg), daily dose is 3 g (6 tablets).
Active substance:
Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine + propyphenazone + phenobarbital
Pentalgin Plus(Pharmstandard)

Active substance:
Naproxen + metamizole sodium + codeine + caffeine + phenobarbital
Piralgin (Belmedpreparaty)
They act powerfully. They are used mainly in cases of ineffectiveness of other painkillers. It is advisable to use occasionally. When taken for longer than 5 days, it is necessary to monitor the indicators of general and biochemical analysis blood. They have a number of side effects and can cause drowsiness and lethargy. Cannot be used by athletes undergoing doping tests.
"Pentalgin Plus", "Pentalgin-N", "Pentalgin-ICN" and "Piralgin" take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets.
"Sedal-M" and "Sedalgin-Neo" take 1 tablet each if necessary. If there is no effect, repeated use is possible. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the daily dose is 6 tablets.
Active substance:
Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine + metamizole sodium +
Sedalgin-Neo (Actavis)
They act powerfully. They are used mainly in cases of ineffectiveness of other painkillers. It is advisable to use occasionally. When taken for longer than 5 days, it is necessary to monitor the indicators of general and biochemical blood tests. They have a number of side effects and can cause drowsiness and lethargy. Cannot be used by athletes undergoing doping tests.
"Pentalgin Plus", "Pentalgin-N", "Pentalgin-ICN" and "Piralgin" take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets.
"Sedal-M" and "Sedalgin-Neo" take 1 tablet each if necessary. If there is no effect, repeated use is possible. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the daily dose is 6 tablets.
Active substance: Acetylsalicylic acid + paracetamol + caffeine
Coficil-Plus(Barnaul medical preparations plant)
Citramon P

Used for pain of mild to moderate intensity. They relieve headaches associated with colds and low blood pressure. They have an antipyretic effect. Reduced dosage of paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid in combination tablets reduces the likelihood of side effects of each of these components. Cannot be used for a long time.
Contraindicated for gastritis, peptic ulcers, liver diseases, as well as for children under 14 years of age.
Askofen-P is taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals, washed down with plenty of liquid (milk or alkaline mineral water).
“Citramon P”, “Citramon Ultra” and “Coficil-Plus” are recommended to be taken during or after meals, 1 tablet every 4 hours, for pain - 1-2 tablets. The average daily dose is 3-4 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets.
Active substance: Metamizole sodium + triacetonamine‑4‑toluenesulfonate
Contains a component that enhances the effect of metamizole sodium.
Side effects and contraindications are similar to those of metamizole sodium. When taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, all unwanted effects alcohol increases.
The tablets are taken without chewing, with sufficient liquid during or after meals. Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 1-3 times a day; if the effectiveness is insufficient, you can take 1 more tablet. The maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 6 tablets.
Active substance: Ibuprofen
Burana(Orion Corporation)
(Reckitt Benckiser)

(Reckitt Benckiser)

(Reckitt Benckiser)
Express Neo (Reckitt Benckiser)
Faspik (Zambon)
Painkillers and antipyretics with optimal ratio efficiency and safety. Widely used throughout the world to treat headaches.
Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract are possible, but they develop less frequently than when using acetylsalicylic acid.
The ibuprofen dosage regimen is set individually, depending on the disease and severity clinical manifestations. When taken orally or rectally for adults, the single dose is 200-800 mg, the frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day. Maximum daily dose for 1.2 to 2.4 g depending on trade name drug.
Active substance: Ibuprofen + paracetamol
(Dr. Reddy's)
Combined preparations containing two analgesic and antipyretic substances. They are more powerful than the same drugs taken separately. It is used in cases where the headache cannot be relieved by other means.
"Brustan" is recommended to take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day before meals or 2-3 hours after meals.
"Ibuklin" is taken before meals or 2-3 hours after meals, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of water. The recommended dosage for adults is 1 tablet 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets.
"Next" is taken after meals, 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets.
Active substance: Metamizole sodium + caffeine + thiamine
Sedalgin Plus(Actavis) Caffeine has a stimulating effect, and thiamine (vitamin B1) improves neuromuscular conduction. Therefore, the drug helps well with migraines, headaches due to fatigue, low blood pressure or colds. Side effects and contraindications are similar to those of metamizole sodium.
The drug is taken after meals, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, preferably in the first half of the day. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets.
Active substance:
Paracetamol +
dicycloverine hydrochloride
(Kadila Pharmaceuticals)

"Trigan-D" is recommended for adults and children over 15 years old, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose for adults is 2 tablets, the daily dose is 4 tablets.
Active substance:
Ibuprofen + pitofenone +
finpevirinium bromide
(Dr. Reddy's)
They have an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. They are most effective in cases where the headache is caused by vasospasm. Good for painful periods.
Novigan is taken 1 tablet 1 hour before or 3 hours after meals. To avoid irritating effect You can take the drug on the stomach immediately after meals or wash it down with milk. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets.
Active substance:
Metamizole sodium + pitofenone + fenpiverinium bromide
(Micro labs)

They have an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. They are most effective in cases where the headache is caused by vasospasm. Good for painful periods.
“Spazmalgon”, “Bral”, “Maksigan”, “Revalgin”, “Spazgan” should preferably be taken after meals, without chewing and with a small amount of liquid. The usual dose is 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.

Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines consult a doctor.

A headache can occur suddenly even in a completely healthy person and cause him a lot of trouble. Unpleasant sensations interfere with work, thinking and rest, and sometimes they can completely ruin all plans. Constant and strong painful sensations usually a symptom serious illnesses. Therefore, you should not take this problem too lightly.


Pain syndrome may appear in the head for various reasons. Doctors divide them into primary and secondary headaches. Primary signs can be triggered by the presence of a problem mainly in the head itself, and secondary ones are considered a manifestation of other abnormalities of the body.


  • episodic, which is caused by external pathogens;
  • voltage;
  • post-traumatic pain;
  • secondary pain occurs due to hypertension, intoxication, infections;
  • facial neuropathies;
  • migraine.

As a result, we can conclude that you should not take acetaminophen to relieve a hangover headache. In such situations, it is better to take Acetylsalicylic acid.

Ban on Analgin

In most countries of the world, Analgin is prohibited for use due to the likelihood of problems in the hematopoietic system. You should not get carried away with this medicine, but it is better to replace it with a safer analgesic.

Almost all analgesics have a negative effect on the mucous cavities of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to limit the use of painkillers for people suffering from peptic ulcers and high stomach acidity.

Instructions for use

The following most common medications should be taken according to the following scheme:

  1. Aspirin is taken orally, one gram per day. The maximum dosage should not exceed three tablets per day. It is recommended to divide the daily dosage into three doses. The duration of therapy with painkillers for headaches should be no more than fourteen days. Drug in effervescent form dissolve in 200 milliliters boiled water, and then taken three times a day after meals. During therapy, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol.
  2. “Analgin” is recommended to be consumed two to three times a day, 0.25-0.5 grams after meals. The maximum daily dosage is three grams, single dosage is one gram. Children need to take five to ten milligrams per kilogram of weight three to four times a day.
  3. Paracetamol should be taken 0.35-0.5 grams four times a day after meals with water. The maximum single dosage is one and a half grams, daily dosage is from three to four grams. For children aged nine to twelve years, the maximum daily dose is two grams. For children from three to six years old, the maximum daily dosage is from one to two grams in several doses at the rate of sixty milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

Ways to take pills for headaches

"Citramon" is recommended to be taken three times a day, one tablet. One dose is enough to eliminate headaches. The drug should not be used before surgery because active substance weakens blood clotting.

"Pentalgin" should be taken one to three times a day, one tablet. The maximum dosage is four capsules. It is used as an analgesic for no longer than five days, and as an antipyretic - no more than three days. The drug can be used for a longer period of time only with the permission of the treating doctor. During therapy it is necessary to abstain from alcoholic beverages.

Solpadeine is a strong pain reliever. For headaches, adolescents over sixteen years of age and adults can take one tablet three times a day. The interval between doses should be at least four hours. The maximum daily dosage is eight tablets, one-time dosage is two capsules. Teenagers are recommended to take one tablet three times a day. The highest dosage, compared to adults, is halved: the daily dose is equal to four tablets. It is important to take the drug after meals.

It is not difficult to relieve the headache symptom. As a rule, taking one tablet of analgesic medication is sufficient. Constant pain indicates a serious problem within the body. If they are identified, it is important to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and choose optimal therapy.

Headache is one of the most common diseases today. Headache is a symptom of more than 40 diseases and there are a huge number of causes.

Feeling this unpleasant symptom, people tend to accept painkillers. However, you should not recklessly take medications without establishing the cause of severe headaches.

Among the main reasons it is worth noting:

  • Osteochondrosis and various cervical diseases.
  • Physical and mental stress.
  • Sedentary work.
  • Infectious inflammations.
  • Stress and depression.
  • Arrhythmia and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with blood and intracranial pressure.
  • Migraine.

The nature of the pain will also help determine reason its occurrence. Pain in the head can be: dull, stabbing, throbbing. It can be constant or occur in attacks. Also important is its location (back of the head, temples, frontal lobe etc.).

Having passed full examination and in consultation with specialist can be picked up medications, which will get rid of severe pain and eliminate the very reason for their appearance.

What are the strongest pills for headaches?

There are many various tablets, helping, cope with headache. The most effective drugs, in addition to those made on the basis of ibuprofen, are analgesics. They contain codeine, which is narcotic substance and long-term use causes addiction.

Exactly because of this reason similar drugs only released by doctor's prescription. They are ideal for a single dose for severe and unbearable pain. They act almost instantly and effectively.

Also effective option There will be combination drugs. They contain components such as: ibuprofen, ibuclin, brustan, litofen, codeine. Their use helps to quickly get rid of headaches.

Among strong drugs we can note those familiar to us analgin, acetylsalicylic acid and voltaren. Their use in combination with sedatives is very effective, but is only suitable in extreme cases.

Long-term use of these tablets may have harmful influence on digestive system. It should also be taken into account that they have big list side effects.

Ask your doctor about your situation

Popular pills for severe headaches

Among the most popular headache pills it is worth noting:

  • Citramon. This combination drug, which contains: acetylsalicylic acid, lemon acid, caffeine, phenacetin and cocoa powder. Thanks to the combined component of these drugs, they effectively cope with their task, eliminating severe headaches. Find out here.
  • Analgin. This synthetic drug, which has a clear anesthetic property with antipyretic and antiphlogistic effects. It is also used for muscle and joint pain.
  • Pentalgin. Is complex preparation, which contains codeine, analgin, caffeine, amidopyrine. It not only helps to overcome headache outbreaks, but also normalizes sleep.
  • Tempalgin. It is a synthetic compound drug and is listed as an analogue of analgin. Widely used for headaches, muscle spasms, toothaches, as well as intestinal and kidney colic.
  • Solpadeine. One of modern drugs, which contains paracetamol. It is used not only for severe headaches, but also for inflammatory and viral infections.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid, popularly called aspirin, is universal remedy from a severe headache.

It has a wide spectrum of action and is used in the following cases:

  • Migraine. Aspirin successfully helps overcome headaches caused by decreased blood vessels and dysfunction circulatory system generally.
  • As a means to eliminate hangover syndrome. The drug helps with pain and discomfort caused by alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
  • Acute inflammatory processes, which can be caused by viral infections.

Methods of taking the drug

  • Adults and children over 4 years old are required to take aspirin no more than 3 times a day, 1 gram.
  • Children from 2 to 4 years old should take no more than 0.8 g at a time.
  • Children under 2 years old application this drug undesirable. But in case of urgent need, it is permissible to use aspirin up to 50 milligrams 3 times a day.

Aspirin has a wide range of limitations and side effects.


It is prohibited to use when:

  • First and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • While breastfeeding.
  • Bleeding.
  • Individual intolerance to the medication.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Liver failure.
  • Gout.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Acute stomach diseases.

This medication may cause the following side effects:

  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Problems with appetite.
  • Heartburn.
  • Dizziness.
  • Allergic reaction.

Please note that aspirin is powerful tool from headaches and its excessive use can cause great harm body.

Analgin and its analogues

Analgin is one of the most popular painkillers.

It is used in cases such as:

  • Headache.
  • Toothache.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Burns.
  • High body temperature.

Due to the good absorption of the drug, it begins to have an effect after 30 minutes after reception.

Indications for use:

  • Severe pain.
  • Biliary or renal colic.
  • Nervous state...

Directions for use and dosage

The dosage of the drug depends on the intensity of the pain:

  • For adults It is recommended to use the drug 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
  • For children the drug is prescribed 5-10 milligrams 3-4 times a day. Find out here.

Side effects:

  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Allergic reaction. Skin rashes, swelling
  • Anaphalic shock.
  • Leukopenia.


This drug is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Impaired kidney and liver function.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Aspirin asthma.

Analogues of analgin are:

  • Analgin Bufus;
  • Analgin-Ultra;
  • Analgin-Rusfar;
  • Analgin quinine;
  • Baralgin;
  • Optalgin;
  • Spazdolzin.

This drug is more harmless in comparison with aspirin and analgin. He is effective means for elimination pain symptoms, as well as febrile conditions.

Indications for use:

  • Severe and moderate pain.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Toothache.
  • Pain from injuries.
  • Burns.
  • Fever.
  • Feverish condition.

Read about it or not here.

Methods of application

  • For adults You should take 1-2 tablets with a dosage of no more than 500 mg every 4 hours.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old You can take the drug 1 tablet with a dosage of 200 mg 3 every 4 hours.
  • Children under 6 years old the use of paracetamol is allowed only in extreme cases.

Side effects:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Renal colic.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Thrombocytopenia.
  • Leukopenia.


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Liver failure.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.

Despite the effectiveness of the above drugs, it is not recommended to get carried away with them. Self-medication can cause much bigger problems. Therefore, before you start using any drug, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination to identify the disease.

Problems with the head often disrupt all plans for the day, preventing you from focusing on work and simply feeling fulfilled. People with high threshold pain sensitivity literally groan from migraines, cannot even perform normal homework. There is no need to endure pain. Pharmacy chains offer consumers a lot of high-quality and effective medicines for such cases. And if you are a supporter alternative medicine, then there are many rescue options in her arsenal. Let's get acquainted with them in detail.

How to choose pills for headaches

No matter how expensive or effective medications may be to eliminate the problem, we should not forget that these are still chemicals. They have many limitations in use, adverse reactions. Therefore, they should be selected wisely, and better than a doctor no one will do this. If it is not possible to contact him, it is worth considering the nature of the pain. So, focusing on it, we select tablets:

  • Tension pain. These are so-called migraines that begin suddenly, without cause, at any time of the day. They are characterized by unilateral pain syndrome, affecting the temple area and forehead. Often the precursors to a migraine include numbness in the hands, coughing, and a feeling unpleasant odors near. If this is your case, then you should choose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Those made with ibuprofen are suitable. Among these, for example, are Brufen and Imet, Ibuprom. Their advantage is the minimum number of side effects and long-term relief from pain.
  • Vascular. Such pain in the head is the result of expansion or, conversely, narrowing of brain vessels. That is, it accompanies hypotension and hypertension. The best way To confirm this is to measure blood pressure. Next you need to take, respectively, decreasing or increasing blood pressure medicines. IN the latter case Guaranine, Theobromine and Caffeine-sodium benzoate can also normalize the condition. You can reduce blood pressure and relieve pain with Verapamil and Losartan, Artezin and Captopril.
  • Liquorodynamic. This pain is a consequence of changes in pressure in the fluid spinal cord. Characterized by fullness in the head, sensations strong pressure brain to skull. When sneezing or coughing, CSF pain always intensifies. If you feel such symptoms, you can take analgesics (, Bral). However, you need to take into account that the above nature of pain can also signal tumors and meningitis. With such diagnoses, the use of painkiller pills alone is not very effective.
  • Psychogenic. We are talking about pain in the head as a consequence of stress, emotional experiences, and phobias. Both people with unstable psyches and workaholics suffer from psychogenic pain. In this case, the best pill is to solve problems and relax, change the environment and calm. They will help sedatives Tenoten, Valocordin, Persen, Novo-passit, Notta. They need to be taken in a course. Single dose will not solve the problem.
  • Pain in pregnant women. They often complain about their head. This category of patients needs to be especially careful when choosing medications for headaches. In the first 12 weeks of gestation, it is better to give preference to products plant based(Fitosedan, Persen) or take Citramon, . Taboos - drugs Amigren, Tryptamine, Aspirin, Propranolol.

Having chosen your own suitable painkiller, you should definitely read the list of its contraindications in the instructions. Without doing this, you can eliminate the pain in your head and create other problems for yourself.

Relieve pain, normalize working condition Tablet medications will help. Each of them has its own characteristics, purpose, mechanism of action. Here are just a few:

  1. Captopril. Usually recommended for hypertensive crisis. It stops an attack quickly, but is not suitable for systematic use. Prohibited for those suffering from atherosclerosis. The medication can be taken with strict blood pressure control.
  2. Aspirin. Its analgesic effect occurs together with the antipyretic. Available drug good for colds with headaches, infectious diseases. Prohibited for breastfeeding women, pregnant women and those suffering from ulcers. Aspirin should not be taken for more than 7 days.
  3. Losartan. Prevents vasoconstriction, stabilizes blood pressure. Suitable for hypertensive patients. Good as a means for systematic therapy.
  4. . It is considered a highly effective medicine for eliminating headaches, and it is also safe. Suitable for combating pain of various etiologies. It should not be taken for a long time; its combination with alcohol and overdose are dangerous.
  5. . An affordable antispasmodic is allowed even for expectant mothers for safety reasons. Acts quickly. The good thing is that it causes almost no side effects and is not expensive.
  6. . Belongs to the category of strong analgesics of non-narcotic origin. It is used in oncology, but requires strict adherence to dosages. The medication has many side effects. Ketanov should not be used for a long time.
  7. Nurofen. The ibuprofen-based medication is convenient because it is available in different forms. In addition to analgesic, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Nurofen is safe with strict dosing and use for 3 days. Suitable for hypertensive patients.
  8. Took. Copes with mild pain And medium degree gravity. Acts as an antispasmodic, relieves inflammation. But it has a considerable list of “side effects”.
  9. Tramal. A powerful prescription analgesic. Relatively safe. His side effects appear rarely, mainly with increasing recommended doses.

There is a category of people who categorically do not accept pills as an option for eliminating headaches. So you can try other ways to improve your well-being - affordable and safe. Some people are helped by tightly bandaging the frontal part of the head with a woolen scarf, others go to Fresh air and actively ventilate the lungs for 3-5 minutes (breathe deeply), while others normalize the condition by washing your hair hot water. You can use a product with a strong smell for this.


Even with high blood pressure it is allowed to normalize it with a tablespoon of cognac. Aromatherapy using lavender, rosemary, and pine esters can also be a salvation option for aching pain in my head. Psychologists say that the so-called second dominant helps to calm it down - switching attention to something exciting, fascinating, intriguing. Embroidery will help some, and a new game will help gambling people.


There are several types of such local manipulations. For example, cold compresses prevent blood flow. Ice from the refrigerator is used as a coolant. Just be sure to wrap it in natural fabric. Frozen vegetables, in the absence of special ice cubes, can also be applied to the forehead area. Hot, but not too hot, compresses dilate blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. They do not have to be placed on the forehead. You can go to your feet lower limbs apply a hot heating pad.

For migraines, alternating a cold compress with a hot one can help.

But saline is good for headaches that accompany respiratory ailments. Vinegar will help with troubling pain of moderate severity that occurs during emotional experiences, fatigue, and lack of sleep. You can mix 9% vinegar with rose oil, moisten a cotton towel and apply to your forehead.

(Video: “How to get rid of headaches. A towel instead of a pill”)

A slightly beaten one will also work as a compress. cabbage leaf. Some juice should come out of it. The sheet is wrapped on top with a scarf, towel, handkerchief. When the cabbage becomes warm under the influence, it needs to be replaced. Vegetable compress eliminates vascular spasm. An alternative to cabbage can be burdock leaf, only young.

Acupressure has also proven effective in relieving headaches. It's simple active points related to the brain. The first is yintang or the so-called third eye point. Located between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose. The second - he-gu is located in the recess between thumb and index. The third - ju-liao is located at a distance of 2 cm from the bottom of the nostrils, in line with the pupils. These points need to be massaged for 50-60 seconds with increasing pressure. Acupressure, as a type of reflexology, helps cope with moderate pain. They disappear 8-10 minutes after the end of the manipulation.

(Video: "Live healthy! We treat headaches without drugs”)

Neck massage eliminates head pain if it is caused by osteochondrosis. You need to relax the neck muscles with your fingers (stroking, rubbing, tapping), and activate blood circulation in the area. You can enhance your actions by using a warming ointment.

The first thing that traditional healers recommend doing is to remove hats, clips, hairpins, and comb your hair. Then you need to drink a glass warm water to thin the blood, lie down in a dark room, completely relax. If the condition does not improve after 30-40 minutes, you can try the following:

  • Propolis. Its tincture helps to cope with headaches. You need to take it 30-35 drops.
  • Coins. It is believed that copper ones absorb pain. You need to apply a few to the temples and forehead. The pain should decrease within 15-25 minutes.
  • Lavender oil. A few drops are rubbed into the temples. The Vietnamese “Star” works in a similar way.
  • Lemon pulp. It acts as a tonic and relieves pain. Citrus slices should be applied to the temporal area and take a horizontal position.
  • Red beetroot. In the fresh vegetable juice moisten the tampons, wring them out, and apply them to the ears.
  • Vinegar inhalation. You need to breathe in steam from a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar, taken in equal shares.
  • Herbal infusion. You can make it from valerian and lemon balm roots, taken a pinch at a time. The drink helps relieve pain of psychogenic origin.
  • Cinnamon. Mix half a teaspoon of spice in hot water and drink slowly.
  • Foot bath. This is an option for improving well-being for hypertensive patients. IN hot water You can add a little mustard to stimulate blood flow.
  • Hematite. Wearing jewelry made from this stone is recommended for hypotensive patients suffering from VSD. It is better to use the product as a preventative.

Options to relieve pain varying degrees a lot of heaviness. However, first objectively analyze its reasons. Perhaps you need to start with lifestyle correction and then the question of treatment will disappear for a long time.

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